The Signal, 1918-11-14, Page 3+•eesMar+
Hohsnzollerns Driven From the
Prussian Throne.
Man Who Plunged the World Into
War Attesms to Fly to Holland
Bat the Dutch AsthoritNd WI
Not Welooese Bleodetaitaed (Mr.
am Royal Fondly - Abdkei*In
N'am Dramatic.
Pa:uis.ia Often RMulte-Victim.
Used Without Warning, Making
Precaution Doubly Piece sarin.
uzIu1S ON
THURSDAY, Nov. 14, 1318 8
THE MARiar15
Much of the difficulty experienced by
health authorities in checking the spread
Il f of the Spanish influenza lies in the fact
that it strikes the victim without warning.
Although State and Federal authorities
I are taking every possible precaution in
their effort to stop the spread of the ep-
demic. the disease in many sections of the
Wuntry has gotten entirely beyond con-
trol and is claiming its victims by the
thousit is universally agreed by all well-
informed persons that the surest prevent-
ative is to get the system in the best
lhoMble' pbytlical aonditiowin prefer:VD
able to throw off the infection. As has
been previously stated it is possible to
perfect the powers of resistance of the
human system so that it can throw off
almost any infection, not excepting Span-
ish influenza. which is one of the most
contagious diseases known. '
Medical authorities agree that people
who are weak and rundown are (he ear-
liest victims of the influenza epidemic. If
you find yourself weak or losing flesh, or
if you are in a generally rundown condi-
tion, you are really in great danger if you
should come in contact with the influenza
As a powerful reconstructive tonic and
system -builder. Tanlac is without equal.
This is a statement of facts and is fully
supported by reco- nixed authorities. Ac
cording to all accepted reference wanks,
including the United States Dispensatory.
Encyclopedia Britannica and leading tett
books used in the schools of medicine. the
principal ingredients of Tanlac possess
the most valuable ton c properties known
to science. This statement is further
proven by the fact that millions o( per-
sons who have actually taken Tanlac have
testified to its extraordinary merit as a
Tanlac restores health and strength to
the weak and rundown system by enabl-
ing every organ of the body to perform its
proper function in nature's own way. It
creates a healthy appetite for good nour-
ishing food, and is an ideal strengthening
tonic for .persons wlp are in a rundown
condition and who are suffering from the
after-effects of ' influenza, grippe, or
branchial trouble.
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R.
Wigle, in Sea(orth by C. Aberhart, in
Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon. in
Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter
by J N. Allen. in Londesboro' by John
O. Loyndsberry, in Exeter by W. S.
Howey. in Brucefield by Peter Bowey, in
Dashwood by Tieman & Edighoffer, in
Crediton by J. W. Orme, in Clinton by
W. S. R. Holmes, in Steppardton by
J. H. Simpson. in Gorrie by H. V. Arm-
strong, and in Fordw'ich by 11. Sansom.
PA1 H, specialist u women's and children'
diaaasrs, acute. chronic and nervous diseases, eye
am,nose Had throat, pants' dram .., lumbago
4 rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed
without the knife. Oaice at readence, corner
Mokpo and St. Andrew's streets. At home udice
ys. nowadays and Satudaye, any evening
Graduate Toronto University. Graduate
al College of Dental Surgeons.
to the late Maar Sok. Offices corner
40.ble e.t.a Nut elite1. (.e/.e rah.
LesI:,Godericb. All oristrwctions by shite
M(1 at Signal (Atm will be pn.mptly •LterotoW
ReeMence letrpauw I Ie.
01540-Sterling_Bankf Bluk, Hamilton Street.
Goaench. Tekpaone M. .
Reel Eatate.l.00m sod Insurance.
Office 00 the Square. ellel.0 ,deer In in b..n .I
4ea Street. (:eller ach.
Private lands to loan at lowest rates
•.Paeetaron, K. C.. J. L.,Kuwun
H. J. D. Cuuaa.
M. lkk, aoleealOf, notary Webb.,
kaadtuo Street. Goderich, than dor orum
Square. At Charon 1buisday ot, each seek. In
rne oo Albert Street occupied by Au. huuper.
Ohre bums . a. w. to p. m.
) RIS1 Lk, .uw nay. oultc,tor, etc. Gootnah.
y loaned at Wrest rates.
,) IC 11
int. nulery. public and conveyancer.
Lice- Howe. Guoerab.
ANCE CO. -Earns and isolated town prop-
erty reserred.
011heers-Jas. Connelly. Pres., Goderich P. 0 ;
Jmh Evan. Vice -Pre.., beechwaod P. U., Thema.
8- Hara, Sec. -Tress. Sealath Pio.
!Newtons- D. F. Sec.-Tress.,
R. R. No. 8, Sea -
cob; John G. Grieve, Nu. 4, Walton; It ahem
Rina k R. No. 2, Sealoett, John bennewert,
Broditain, Geo. McCartney. 14. R. No. S, Str-
ewth; Mint Ferry, Harlock; Makerim Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Evan►, Beecbwoud; Jatttes
Cuorouy, Goderkh.
Ascots: J. W. Yeo, Goderich; Ahs. Leitch,
R.R. 1, Cbnton; William Cheeky, Sealant'
E. Hancbkr. Seeiorth. Policy -holders can pay all
payments and get their cards renamed at R. J.
Morneh's Clothing Store. Clinton; R. H. Cutt's
Grocery, Kingston street. Goderich, or J. H.
Reid'. General Store. l5ayheld.
241 Min
lift 1 LOAN. Apply to M. G. CAM-
RON Barrister, Hamilton street, Godertach.
Voice. Piano and Organ. Pupds prepared for
Ceaaervatory enminaeeons. Apply at MR. P. W.
CURRIES. Britannia road.
Brophe3 Bros.
Funeral Directors
��Q Embalmers
lin Leading
Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
•� w hours, carefully attended
Orden carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
The Saults Saults Coal Co.
sooeeasors to MoDettegb a 0)edhlu
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs,
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHO151 - - - 76
M. ). Sanls' Residence 275
W. W. Sanits' Resiace 202
LONDON. Nov. 12. ---Emperor W il-
f1aa� algned a letter of abdication on
Satdrtfay morning at the .German
Grand Headquarters la the presence
of Crown Prince Frederick William
and Field Marshal Hindenburg, ac-
cording to a. deapatele from Ams:er-
dam to the Exchange Telegraph Co.
The German Crown Prince signed
his renunciation to the throne short-
ly afterwards.
It Is believed that King Ludwig
of Bavaria, and King Frederick Au-
gust of Saxony also have abdicated.
The ex -Kaiser and the form?r
Crown Prince were .•:petted to tile
leave of their troops on Saturday.
Before placing his sicnat re to the
document an urgent message front
Philipp Seheidemann, who was a So-
cialist member without portfolio in
the Imperial Cabinet, was handed to
the Emperor. He read 1t with a shiv-
er. Then he signed the paper, 'styli-
styli"It may be for the good of Ger-
The Emperor was deeply moved.
He consented to sign the document
only when he got f6e news of the
latest events In the empire. .
TheHandelablad says it learns the
Dutch Government will object to the
former German Emperor -residing 1n
It in slated here on "good author-
ity" that he w111 be Interned.
Officials of the Dutch Government
and the German Minister at The
Hague have frons to Eysden, on the
Dutch frontier, 4o meet the former
German Emperor.
The former German'Crown Prinee
Is reported to have been shot. Details
are lacking. -
A special despatch received froiu
Eysden. Holland, says that when
the train of Willjam Hohenzollern
arrived . there the former German
Emperor was not aboard. meter he
arrived by motor ear. having aban-
doned the train because of shots fired
at the window of the car In which
he was riding. The ex -Emperor join-
ed his officers on the platform of this
station of -Eyneden. He was looking
haggard and broken down. Although
his nerves appeared to be at the
breaking point, he walked up and
down the platform slowly and then
entered the train.
A despatch to the London Dail
Mail from The Hague, dated Sunday.
says the former Empress of German::
will not on board the train. and that
no women were among the party.
This despatch asserts that it was the
intention of the former Emperor to
remain, ,n board the train at Eysden
thrdlighout the night. tied that he
would leave Monday morning for In-
ternment in a chateau between Ut-
recht and Arnhem. It was added t13al
his suite Would be interned at
A despatch attributed to the.Maas-
trirht, Holland, Handelsblad, says
the presence of the former German
Crown Prince with the Hohenzollern
party has not been confirmed, but
that it Is known former Prince
Joachim and Gen. von Falkenhayn
were with the former Emperor.
On the other hand. the London
Daily Mail describes the ex -Emperor
and the former Crown Prince as
walking on opposite_eo of the Eys-
den plat form, without exchanging
t' -Bon* Looses Angered Seamen.
LONDON. Nov. 11. - Th. Daily
News Parliamentary correspondent
writes . that one tact has become
known to the authorities here as :o
the origin of the Kiel revolt.
"Aerording to our information,"
he writes, "It was the return of the
U-boats, bringing with them the
terrible news of submarine losses,
hitherto craftily concealed from the
fleet and the German people, which
stirred f6e sailors to revolt. Phan-
tom U-boats which did not return
because they were at the bottom of
the sea have been reckoned as a
Meet in being. and the cynicism and
deceit of the High Command was Its
own nemesis. With the war boat, it
was a torch to a powder barrel.
"The last adventure, it may be, of
the German high seas feet in set-
ting out to sea is eonsldered at the
moment or writing to be susceptible
of more explanations than one. if
this were done at the instance of the
German Government - for the offi-
cers most be on board if the fleet Is
sailing - then the story of the
U-boats following to attack It
would Imply that the U-boats were
manned by mutineet;s."
Warshlpe at Danish Port interned.
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 12. - The
German training ship Schlesien; with
400 men on board, which fled from
Kiel when the sailors' revolt froke
out there, has arrived at Marital to
distress. The crew had been unable
to obtain water at other Danish
porta. Two Germans cruisers in con-
trol of Red forces are watching out-
side of Marstat. The commander of
the Schlesfen says that he believes
Danzig Is the only German port he
cin safely enter.
Oficial Entry Into Sedan by French.
With the French Army fn France,
Nov. 12. -The French general, Gou-
rand. made his °facial entry Into Se-
o-dan at two o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Gen. Perabing's troops captured
Stenay Sunday afternoon, ■otwish-
standing terrific opposition.
A11fes Enter Maragevn.
SAiONiKi. Nov. 11. - Allied
troops entered Sarajevo in Bosnia,
at►eording to an official statement is-
sued by the French Headquarters
here. it was at Sarajevo that Arch-
duke Frans Ferdinand of Austria
was assassinated just prior to the
outbreak of the great war. --
A Queer Sort of Fable.
She was the University man-hater.
He told her a week after he started to
rush her that some day he would kiss her.
And thirteen weeks. later he did it. .
"And was it really worth all that
effort ?'• she said lovingly.
"it was worth more than you can ever
know," he answered.
And the next day he collected 37$.9.;
from the bunch Who had 'laid it couldn't
be done.
The raw, new -rich proouct.from Ameri-
ca. positive and'vulgar, managed to get
an introduction to the head of a fine old
English family while abroad. wt,oe hobby
was the collecting of pipes from all parts of
the world. The visitor managed to let it
be known that he would .be glad to have
one of the pipes as a souvenir. Conceal-
ing his disgust of the fellow, the nobleman
smilingly informed him that the would
send him one. After the sightseer depart-
ed the Englishman' procured from his
stableman a disreputable. looking old briar,
which he boxed up and mailed. Some
weeks later he again met the American,
who in his praise of the gift said with ex -
aggeraled enthusiasm: ' It is the best pipe
I ever smoked."
Th. new' hailer shop at the Nati"nal
Shipbuilding ('o,'s plant is well raider
way. The cement work and the walls
are now Ahmed, completed and the
large travelling crane is being put in
p'ac•r. The annex to the machine
shop is finished and the machines are.
now being installed.
The patriotic
spirit and devotion
with which Cana-
dian women have
so far performed
war -service work
and made sacrifices
has never been
equalled in the
history of any
country. Mothers,
wives and sisters
support this burden
withth strength Butand
those who are al-
ready miserable
from the com-
plaints and weak
senses which are so common to women,
should -take the right temperance tonic for
the ly system.
If�man is borne down by pais
and sufferings, by nervousness or tins.
Preslassppee'Islby beadache or baekacbe, "Favorite
1ptaoa" should be taken. It ma
now be had in tablet form as well se liquid
at most drug stores. Send to Dr. Pierce's
Branch at Bridgeburg, Ont., for a loo
trial pkg. of tablets.
For fifty years Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets have been moat satisfactory in
liver and bowel troubles.
woodier, Ont. -"Dr.
Pieres'. Favorite Pim
serlpUon Stade a sew
woman et er. Foe
about ds yuan I eel -
fend with wow's
Wowbls dwrise whisk
time t w6...eme as ro-
li os. i woulsore-
d 111:3
armeebaekaehessoma is
doctored with sty heli dee-
for bet dimmlyy .o peoilmest
saadd was s0 bed that I
mould ..welly w
ammo ibo soar whoa
Musa taking Me 'haeripd o..' Shea t
token two betas, I woe meek .d sad OW
battles b owed ate, t 1... *Mordbuster health Ara 1 over did taking 1W
m.dMi.,. t is truly a wooded el alef�.I1.e fee
trea :-ar.. Maras Ydwaw, o delewl a.
TORONTO, Nov. 11. -The Board
of Trade quotations for Saturday
were as follows: -
Manitoba Wheat (In sten Fort WIIMaa.
Nat Includlne Tao).
No. 1 northern. 32.3415.
No. 3 northern, $2.2116.
No. 3 northern. $3.1716.
No. 4 wheat. $3.11'
Manitoba Oats Ion Store. Feet W(Mlata).
No. 2 C.W.,
No. 3 C.W., 71c.
Matra No. 1 feed, Ste.
No. 1 teed. 71c.
Aaterlean Cern (Track, Toreon&
NO 2 yellow, $1.07.
No. 3 yellow, 31.60.
NO. 4 yellow, $1.80.
danwele feed, 31.30.
*steel* Oats tAeeMdUN to . FrMMMs
Outside ).
No. 1 white. new eltop, 730 to 75..
No. 3 whits. new crop, 74e to Te,
Ontario Wheat (F.s.b. Shipping Pointe,
According to Frelphts).
No. 1 winter, per car lot. $2.14 to 3122,
No. 2 winter. per car lot. $2.13 to $3.18.
No. 3 winter, per tar lot. $2.07 to $2.13.
No, 1 spring, per car lot, $2.01 to 01.17.
No. 3 spring. per oar lot, 87.04 to 32.14,
No, 3 spring. per tar lot. $3 83 to $2.14.
Peas (Aoc•rdtnp to Freights Outside).
No. 2. nominal.
Marley (According to Freights Otrteido),
Malting, new crop. 31. to 11.05.
SuckwhIat (Aca.rdley to Freights 0 -
side ).
Buckwheat, SLIM.
Rye (According is Freights Outside),
No, 2, 11.70 (nominal).
Manitoba Fleur (Temente).
War Quality. 811.50.
Ontario Flour (Prompt Shlpmsnt).
War quality. 81075, in bags. Montreal:
310.78, to bags. Toronto.
MITI/Nd (Car Lets, Delivered, Montreal
Freights, Mage Included).
Bran, per ton. $17.25.
Shorts. per ten, 842.25.
Hay (Track. Tomato&
No. 1, per Rod. $22 to $33.
Mixed. per ton, 820 to 121.50.
Straw (Track. TSrsnte).
Car lots. per ton. $10 to 110.50.
Farmers' Market.
Fall wheat -No. 2. 52.13 per .bushel.
Spring wheat -No. 3, 82.11 per bushel.
Goose wheat -No 3. $2.03 per bushel.
Barley -Malting. 81.14 to 31.15 per hes`
Oats -New. 47c 'o Mc per bushel.
Hye-According to sample. $1.75.
Buckwheat -Nominal,
TORONTO. Nov. 11. -The quota-
tions on the Farmers' Market on Sat-
urday were as follows:
hay and ::traw-
Hay, No. 1, per ton530 Ort to $31 4e
Hay. No 2. per ton27 00 .. 29 N
Straw, rye. per ton25 00 27 N
Straw, loose, per ton10 08- 12 N
Straw, oat. bundled. per
ton 16 00 1.101
Dairy Preduc.. Betall-
F45, new, per dos....$4l 30 to $1 N
Bulk going at 0 90
Butter, farmers' dairy. - 0 50 0 50
Spring chic -kerne. Ib ` • 40 0 43
Ducklings. Ib. 4 3$ 0 42
Bodine fowl. Ip 0 33 0 25
(Mese. Ib. 0 30 0 38
Turkeys, Ib. 1 45 0 50
'arm Produce. Wholesale.
Rutter. creamery, sollds10 32 to 30 53
Butter, dairy. 10 0 45 0 411
Oleomargarine. Ib. 0 32 0 35
Flgaa, cold -storage. dos0 52 0 55
Egg.. new -laid. dos 0 70 ....
Cheese. new. le 0 22 ....
Cheese. new, twins. Ib4 231. ---.
Honey. 5. 10 and SO -Ib
pails, per Ib 0 27 0 3$
Honey. sections, each0 30 4 40
Pum La rd -
Tierces. Ib. 50 32 to 3....
20-I0. p3fls 0 33
Pound prints „,. 0 34 ....
horteningTierces. lb. $0 20 to 1....
Ib. pails 4 37
found print. 4 inti ....
Fresh Meats. Wholeeate.
Beef, hindquarters, ewt.121 00 to 823 r0
Beef, choice side.. cwt. 20 00 2.1 00
Beef. forequarters, cwt.. 15 00 17 00
Beef, medium cwt 17 00 19 00
Beef. common. sot 25 tie 17 N
Lomb.. ■pring, Ib 0 23 0 24
Mutton, ewt 22 00 24 M
Veal, No 1. cwt 24 00 21 a
Veal, medium 20 00 23 00
Hug., 120 to 150 IM. cwt24 N 25 00
Hogs heavy. cwt 21 00 23 00
Poultry Prices Being Paid to Producer.
Live -Weight Prices--
ricerChickens. spring. Ib..,..80 25 to 80 27
Fowl. under 4 IM 0 20 ....
Fowl 4 Ins. and over0 25
I)ucklinn, Ib. 0 22 0 24
Geer.. Ib 0 20 ..,.
Turkys 0 :40 ....
Deemed -
Chickens, spring, lb*0 30 to 3....
Roosters, lh 0 25 ...
Fowl, under 4 Ib. 0.2t ....
Fowl, 4 lbs, and over, Ib. 020
Duckling., .Ib. 0 23 0 30
Geese, Ib. 0 23
Turkeys 0 35
The Bank will trust you
Perhaps you never had an acyount in a bank -maybe you've
never done business in a bank -hardly even cashed a cheque in
one. But-
- that is no reason why you cannot go to a bank and borrow
money to buy Victory Bonds,
If you are a steady,tindustrious, thrifty citizen, working and
saving a part of yourincome, you are just the kind of person
Canada's chartered banks stand ready to help to -day.
Any bank will lend you as much money as you can save
during the next twelve months, with which to buy Victory
Bonds. • -
AlI )'ou have to do is to pay ten per cent. of the amount you
want to buy andideposit the receipt for that ten per cent. in the
The bank wil lend you the 90 per cent. balance at O1 per
interest and will give you a year to repay Jt, the interest
you get on your bond being just the same as the bank charges
This is a fine opportunity for you to be gin a real .savings
account, to make a first class investment and to help yoptr
'country at the same time,
\\-hy not see a banker to -day -he will tell von all about it \
and you will be glad of the advice and help he give you.
elision in Annles.
INNSBRUCK, Austria, Nov. 11.. -
Bavarian troops have occupied the
railroad station here. Austrian troops
are returning from the former front
in swarms, flinging to the cars wher-
henever they can get a hold. Many have
been crushed or decapitated by the
trains passing through tunnels.
Bodies to the number of 273 were
picked up on a single day on the rail-
road tracks near Innsbruck.
German General Staff 1'ltid.
LONDON. Nov. 11. -The former
German Emperor's party which is be-
lieved to Include Field Marshal von
Hindenburg, arrived at Eysden, on
the Dutch frontier, at 7.30 o'clock
Sunday morning, according to Daily
Mal advices. Practically the whole
German General Staff accompanied
the former Emperor, and ten auto-
mobiles carried the party. The auta-
mobiles were bristling with rifles,
and all the fugitives were armed.
Papal Delegate Welcomed.
OTTAWA,Nov. 11. - Monsignor
Pietro de Medi, the newly arrived
papal delegate' to Canada, 'was for-
mally welcomed to' the Dominion at
the Basilica here last night by his
Grace Archbishop Gauthier, the Ro-
man Catholic clergy of the dioea'.,
and a large congregation, including
many prominent citizens.
Cruiser Goebel+ interned.
LONDON, Nov. 11. -The former
German cruiser Ooeben, which since
it joined the Turkish naval forego
has been known as the Sultan
Yawuz Selim, is now in Turkish con-
trol, and will be immediately intern-
ed, according to advices received by
the Central News.
Hungarian people will take a pub-
lic vote to decide the question of a
monarchy or a republic.
Twenty-seven person. were killed
and 36 others were badly injured In
an Allied aerial attack on Bonn, 14
miles southeast of Cologne.
It 1a expected the general election
will take place in Great Britain on
Dec. 7. This Information was given
out at a meeting of- whips to settle
plans for the eampalga.
Borrow and Buy Victory Bonds
Issued by (anada'•t Victory 7 o,tn Committee
in cuopera'itin with the Niinirter of 1 inence_
of, the Dominion of Canada
The Signal until
January 1, 1920.�.�o
4- -
Mind your eye!
ABUG darts at your eye. Your CYO ClO-
ses-before you think. Reflex action.
Your eye telegraphs to your brain ."Bu!;-
"fuercoming!" Your brain flashes back "Clo-e
up!" You aren't conscious Of the eXC 1an� c
o[ messages -but your- eyelids close. Ft:rcf�
of habit protects you. 1l:!hit and reflr'x action '."C
time and effort in numberless ways, :!rd 1 " p you -
brain clear for. the rgal 'problem.
Habit, forexample,set* the hour
w',; n
the cichaate dcparts:Rent of y....r 4:
gestion Cl 1 *+i::e in a supreme
nc ion to 5,;•,r yr,tr Lowe's. N „io 1
cultivates that h •Lit. 11 the/ tut +,•
regular y all you Lnow is tl:ret •,•.:t
feel wo''t.
1f the y ,;on't move regularly, :, rr
hew(' it -the habit has (.oiled.
The f.5.1 w-r-te st.:gnnles iii y1 :.r
large int,. time, decays, yenernter I
soa., wl:.clu are n!. -r 7la•,1 lute) vols
Horst fret carried ell o'.er
Your nc-.te•:.ort a-.11 be nu -e di15(-;.111.
-and s....n the but 6..1'4 of r•m.tir.:-
lion W:11 he established. Tl.e goo -,l
habit of reealarity is replacrd fly the
bad habit rf irre I(s•ity-reflex aetioa
is paralyze.', 50.1 the waste fcctutt::lit-
Don't exchange s good habit for a
had one. Nujc,l 1.nil.!a snub a strong
habit that it offers a nlaximnn, of re -
..'t i1Ce`tu the c:. 3;;;:n•• rf t'i•• 47-•
II 7 . f'Un t AN ' .1.! )..i.ft ' 5''
to :,rt,^
.. ,1 t:r=.rn'
nill.r.cec,•ua refrs..ri, tt:
tar ', clo.. Itwrri.." Ice a+ 1 •...:' , f
v•an i':'olecl,•:r:l ins') a• yen arert
cies a t i e a•:rtr' as t• • ter.
oil undo:Let . tl::.rt:. ,, ne :
and (-aloe strain., 'They int -r, -;e, tn:•-
stioation. N-•jol acts ra•ik, bar- :-
ki-ivn .tur:,.; t-. \'r i:r dr: fig ,t::❑• it
Warning :
...j,)1 1. - f,! r,. ' t. : n :, d 1
-i••y*1'r•' ; ` 1 Tads. %lark: I^ .-t
o" ::'1;^1. Vol may Sevier !rent
s'ii:nes. -
SisJjo• /•u:ra,:.:e/•',,1.,l
P. O. 1:,,' x'', `l..ntrt al
Nujol Laboratories