The Signal, 1918-11-14, Page 1t .rt sT-- saYglrrYr1asTYICAR-lwtea GODBRICE ONTARIOURSDAY. NOV. 1.1 1918 THE SIGNAL PRIN11NGCO..LIMITED. PValrsata TW(ORE DS T5i7IYCT R Y 0 BONDS a/ yyC y:i"6 1r,4'. n",te, •.4±La'f:xr• The Signai to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 25c. To United States addresses. 35 cents. 4, Victory Loan Every cent you have saved, every cent you can save is needed to clinch the Victory. FOR SALR OR RENT. FARM STOCK AND FARM FOR Seveasen sheep. 9 well-bred Leicester ewes, ill Pang; 6 sprung lambs, 2 wether 1andr. l fat we, 1 tat oow, 5 years: 1 speiag calf, I yyoowruKig rear, silk{ag, 3 years' 1 track horse, good driver, n et afraid of autos. sound and without a fault. eresrld make a goud third horse on a tee m; l cut - Sodas good as new. Ts,. tars also r for sale beteg mew aid west sewing. Thermion fur this sale is tiN we west Y get away for three or four i.outh& q3l RR R. JOHNSTON.ANEW.6 Goderich. h. FARMS FOR SALE. A SPLENDID ,OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A GOOD FARM. 109 aces of choice land wubin a mile and a -hull d .oar re the hest villages in Huron. on line of C. P. R. Good churches, school and market. The tea te s pruper condition; gond budd4 p. lances and rate; in lace this n a real lam. The patent owner his made mousey on it. and is re- tries. Baring no help Price Melte; reasonable IN aver oath good buildsnp, Un acres splendid tai. balance pasture and timber. 1 have not been es this fare. but 1 am told it is good in every ray r within two Nis d racket and depot, W L deed /o ala as Neer's ser are over. ase. Price woe, on satisfactory teres. IAN new bat M land and buildings• within tone miles ofGo 11 Nh. Has Wra s been a p�ae�ga,table lam. reason for tell Price NAMTHOS. GUNDRY. Goderich. ...-.tA. #ENT. -SMALL COII�iORT- ABLE COTTAGE in easing locality Hank, Ap- b MR. F. WOOLLCOMBI , Union ABLE h. 1bt1 rRENT.-OFFICE AND FiVE- ROOM dwelling in connection therewith. ytoW.E.KELLY. EOLR SALE. -RED BRiCK HOUSE, with all conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS Trafa ar reset. ' k 16A b FOR SALE. STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE. PUBLIC DOTICR. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Waling is hereby given that polar shorting or otherwise ter •id N owe ngl arty as be AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK the undenigaed auctioneer bis received ice- rraced,. frOfa MR. R. J. MaGEE Xi sell ley nubile auction. at lot 31. commerce 1 EaM Wa eanata (Mem Auburn,, commeISCnI5 at 1 p. M. on MONDAY. NOVEMBER loth. 16111 the following. that 'seely HoaaMs.-One general purpose gelding. rising 3 years old. CAtTu.-One cow, 7 years old, wppoted to be with c041. due November 1; 1 cow, a years ofd supposed to be with calf. dee November 3. 1 cow. S yeah old. supposed to be with calf. due December 31; -1 purebred Durham cow. 3 years old. with pedigree, supposed to be with call, due November 4; 1 spur. 7 years old, supposed tp be with calf. due April 6; 1 cow, 6 years old supposed to be sub cafe, dot April 21. )l cow.• years old, supposed to be with call, doe1Apnl :7; I cow. 3 year. old. with call at loot, 8 months old: 1 heifer. 3 years old. due to calm leatary 15; 1 Anter. rising 3 years old. 2 steers, rising 3 yeah old; I steer. rising 2years old. 1 he.(er. rising 2 years old 1 purebred caU. 11 months old. ehgible for p.*ligrese 4 prang calves. SUMP-Fourteenrngaweft-bred Leicester ewes, 6 Leicester ewe lambs.: Leveret& ram. These sheep are all young. - • SWINI4 --One sow,'due to otter February 10, 1519; 1n young pigs, 7 weeks old at time of sate. Sande. One stack of straw. about 1.5 tons. .Tears. --All purchases of $10 and under, cash; over that amount. 12 mgnths' credit on purclrsers furnishing_ approved pint notes. Three per cent, straight M1 for cash on credit amounts R. J. MtGEE, T. GUNDRY. opnetor. AuCtsoneer. blmall We Osntiwue R.d Cron i THE LADS IN KHAKI 'Lance -Corporal R. Redfern,: Dear Mrs. Redfern, -1 ata writing to Collections . . I France, Oct. 14, 1918. In the midst of the rejoicing at the --- turd the expetted peace. we ate apt tow relax sam- e and to ve vers and sailors and to provide lar 'the sick and the wounded. Already borne have asked whether re intend tntinle our ward collections for Red s work. To these say y emphatically, 'Yes." Many cf the wounded will h to be tared for for months and there age always sambas of sick requiring roWill atteM . The Rite Cross Society will also figd a new - of activity i the str•icken and ute peptllotions d the invaded lands led by the Germans. We there ore continue the monthly collections while the need remains and we nuke an earnest appeal to all our citizens to keep up their cont{tbutions to this work till the boys ccme home. Geo. Porter. 13eao9ery Treasurer. A. M. Rcben,en, Treasurer of ward a c'Bert lone. cessation of conduiion of a to thuik that we what In We efforts for the support of • THE VALVE OF SURPLUS VITALJ�T7'YY Health 1• measured b l vitality. There- fore we should all strive for a surplus of this vital force. Dr. 'frown's Syrup of Hypophosphrtes is a reliable builder of panent 'nig ea dew. Sanford Heights. new nervous energy and revitalized blood. AUCTION SALE OF FARM • , FARM It strengthen the weal and fortifies the STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.system I, diseases. A reliable tonic fir anybody fits enamors, but tally valuable for The idainiletratnz of the estate of John Gadd those who are aIIQ from v UR: F. J. R. FORSTER EYE. EAR, NOSE. T L Away Surgeon NowY t e H_ aspjtr� sed £V Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Gode- rich township. received word o Saturday last that their eldest son, Corp. Wilfred Hicks. was killed an action November 2nd. Corp. Hicks enlisted Gtdench jn November. 1915, with the 71st Battaljon and trained the following winter at Galt. going overseas in the early spring of 1916. He went into th trenches the same fall and the first day he was in was wounded in the head •tnd shoul der. After a couple of months in the hos pital. he returned to the !Icing Zine and was again wounded at the Somme. this time in the knee. He was sent to a hospital in England. when he remained fur over year. Last summer he once more returned to the (runt, and saw some o the hercest fighting in the great Allied advances. and at last, just a few day before the cessation of hostilities, he received a gunshot wound in the abdome which was fatal. Corp. Hicks wa twenty-four years of age and was liked by all his asso.'iaties for his carefree jolly manner. He was among the nest o the township boys to enlist. His brother Joe is In the Western Ontario Regiment The family have the-ympathy of the whole community' in the loss of their brave son and brother. . assure you of the sincere sympathy of our whole battalion with you in the death of your husband, L. -Cpl. R. Redfern, who was killed in action September 28th. !That morning our battalion attacked a m ;German trench -system near the village of I Raillencourt and while leading hip section LCpI. Redfern was hit it the head by a machine-gun bullet and instantly killed. e 1 Later his body was removed from where I he had fallen and buried in the British - military cemetery. Raillencourt, where many other (.-:anadians are lying. The British cemetery is situated beside the old French curleau one with shade trees to sh: Iter it and a large crucifix looking A down as if in blessing upon the graves of ' our men. I am sending you the personal f 'effects of your husband, which I myself removed from his body. We have lost 9 many Goderich men who joined us from the 181st Battalion. but none was more n i respected by his comrades than your bus- s I hand as a brave soldier and a faithful friend. May the knowledge of his eelf- • sacrifice help you to bear your loss and 11 Almighty God In His merry comfort and ! sustain you. 1 remain, Very faithfully yours. A. H. PRIEST. Chaplain. against the attacks of dangerous The casualty list contains the name of thank,M nervous a la e d the township of Nutlet. farmer. deceased. debility. Price, $1.00. Sold by E. R. Kce- will melt by public auction. un the premises. on .1 Wigle, druggist. Goderlth. 55 Waterloo St. S.. serst5.t Teiesepeee fW. At Bedford Hotel, Godbya. Wello aaay. No. vada 311, from 7 p. m„ to warevay. Novembee Hat. at a P. m. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. MUNICIPALITY OF `�ODERICH COUNTY Or HURON. Notice is hereby ONO titan 1 bay. trensahted oe delivered to the plplais d the Ontario Voters' List Act �raynn red by said stetson to Mew transmitted a dimmed of the Lst,.otad ,unNmt to mid Ace of ell per- sons appearing bis Estroll o1 the said musski Mgr W!>a el in the said munici Meier* � the Legel�jellaat7tive Amanbii�y mid at s Municipal elec- my ffic• 01 Nov t le esd V/sric remains�rs ~lat; n in- spection. T odsaartee, t her eat lynw cep �}iem tt`[dm IpNee Taatdd a t At 3at-ar a mi0rsa. LSL. ICNOX. 41.21 Clerk of the Town of Godench. T OWN OF GODERICH. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. --r The town d Goderich is desirous of completin`` the Honor Roll or those who, claiming Goderich for their Mme town. enlisted in the Canadian army and went to serve King and country. Lists of those who are already noted are in the Town Hall with the Clerk. L. L. Knoz. Esq., who will take additional names. also J. Ades Fowler, up to the Int day d Autos*, 1918. Get our price Int ,hose`` cost of windows Chairman of Special Cosmietee. eglaarel complete. any size. IIALLIDAY COM. ANY.IBOX 61. Hamilton, 8a -at NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE NATTER or TNM a•TAT506 IsAagu.a MAN- NAN RMSNMTT. LAM 06 TNM 40411 Da Goos- arcN. IN r15 calmer or Neon. os*Na,aa OUC*ASID. Notice le hereby given that {{11 meditate and others having any claims or deme nds against the estate o/ the late Isabella Hannah Reynett, who died on or about time 24th day of June, 1916, at the town d Goderich. in the county of Huron. are re- quired, one before the bol day of December, 19111, W send by past. prepaid or deliver to Charles Seeger, of the town of Goderich, solicitor for The Camara Trust Company. the executors and trus- ter of the last will and testament d the said deceased, their Chrerian and surnames. ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars d their claier and the statement of their -recounts. Aro rv,Tt*M TARS No -n* that alter such last- mertiwrd ate thaasid executors ad trustees .IR 0ro[sed to distribute the saes of the said decadaad among the partes entitled ther,to, Ildeine refire enty to the claims of which they wee t have had notice. a, d that the said exe- crators sod trait The Camila Trust Company, win not be Ilabie the sad stets, or any part tbareof to any or waren of whose claims tsetimeltel not have been received by theme( the d aacbldirribution. lee is given purawM to The Misdeed at.tw of Osten*. 1914. hapter•PYl. Dated the Nth day d October. A. D. 1QIs. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. Sy their Solicitor. Special rates for children. C. SEALER, Goderich. Ont. . writ Telephone 212. 1918 TAXES. The Council has extended the time for allowing a discount on 1918 taxes. Two per cent. off if paid on or before October 15th. One per cent. ole if paid on or before November 15th. Midi and bay and save the discount. WM. CAMPBELL, e Collector. MUSIC. FREDERIC 1. EGENER, MUS. BAC. senior Singing Honor Diploma, Tor- onto Univeralty, Organist and Choirmaster Knox Church. INSTRUCTION IN VOICE CULTURE. SINGING, i PIPE ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, THEORT, ETC. Pupils prepared for any examination d fir church no.itiona. 1 - VICTORY LOAN 1918 It is the duty of every cltfzen to purchase , Victory Bonds, and this Bank is prepared to assist wage earners by making loans for this purpose at 5$%, being the rate the bonds bear. Wherever possible, the bonds will be held for safekeeping, on behalf of small subscribers, for one year, * thout charge. THE . CANADIAN B n NK OF COMMERCI TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Y6: INN coattaeactng at I o'clock p. m., the following farm, I - If quality catnte ju,e leackstone's de - tam stock. implements and chattel.. vas.: . llcloue ice cream 1n bulk o r bricks for all Fear. Lot Number Nine t61. Maulaed Block ' occasions. Phone 240. ' concerson, in the township of Hulitltt, m the , county of Huron. containing one hundred acres more or leas. The farm ell in a good state of cul- . -- --- - ---Y-- uvarwn. On the than there is a good frame AUCTION! SALE. house with cellar. and a good hank barn; the _ Molding• are in good condition:. ring creek. two acres of orchar;hve acres of fall wheat sown; �('CTION SALE OF FORTI' HEAD ewer twelve acres of tall plowingdone: about ten OF CATTLE sees of good hardwood bush. The Iarm as situ - Med about lout miles nom the village of. Auburn. ' HDR.Ms. One horse. 11 years old: I mare. -12 AT AL7nam on years old, in loal, 1 Imre. years old. 1 mare. 3I SATURDAY. NOVEMBER nth. yeanold. • CATs.[. -One co. 1. years old. 1 caw 9 years , ' Five fresh cors, rich call at toot; V. two-year- old, both due to calve .n January: 1 cow $ year. ad'• 2.pimger coin. 11, yearling, old. 2 cow 7 years ohs. 1 cow a years old. I cow t All high-class Durham ewti.r ed ID goyd con* years old. ell summed to he ,in calf: 1 farrow t.anor. cow. 1 years old. a yea hug calve,., 1 spring calves. • 1 taus -Si. month.' credit on approved cunt Pun. ,Two pigs, 4 n,omtn o1.,; 1 brood sow! n.•o. and osnk .nine.: ad•lsd. IMel [wasa,--(fine '.It..cut Ma:.well birder.!IOTTk MaCI.ONALD•...i' • T GUNDRY', 1 nearly new Musser. 1 1.,.10 .I bone rake. both hop. .tor,. . Auctioneer. Massey -Harr,. make. 1 my corn cultivator and bean harvester. 1 11.110e seed drill. 1 spring tooth cultivator 1 wooden roller. 1 wet bobsleighs. 1 AL'CTION SALE TY -FI E ialki.1[ ilehiai.1 net ilii fwrrows,.1 .e( Germry�stei vgR" ri LET, - fanning E ,- • coNs seam. Iscuffle. 1 new Marey -Ilam. grinder.1 tanning milt 1 hay lurk• car and rope. 1 cutting- -- - box: 1 power emery. 1 cutter. 1 top buggy, 1 I1t1R. J. PIERCE Prawn State intubator. 1 Parries brooder. 1 root will sell by 1.ubnse auction. at the (:orterich laalper, 1 De Laysl cream trparator. 1 Dai*y C. P. R. stock yards at thin top of Ihmiop'. Hall. churn, I set of double harneto.. 1 wet finale har- e. olbornr.. on ter. PRlxticg,--+bout 1 r1a. bushels cat oat about ' . FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 72nd, I sere of turmps, about 3 acres of corn i�etouk, commencing at I.:,', o'clock sharp• ' about five tons of hay, a quantity 01 .craw. ' Filteen y.ed younrngg'I en ham grade cors. due to Mn4MLLeNgiiee.--One collie due. abnut sea calve shortly; 1 g.r,d'.iu.k Itderr l.i nod tis hes, 2, thoroughbred brown Leghorn cockerels, g toe - and a Int uI other articles coo numerous to men- ,year-oad atter•. y, [sed y,erlm``s. term. 1 This is an except ..sally heady bunch of cattle. -Terms M Sale of Lard. -The retie of (arm will he TM/Vs.-Silt months' credit ssdi be Ri cen on subject to a reserved Aid. Teri per cent. d the furnishing approved joint noir. A lesount at purchase money td he pard down on day it sale rate ole per cent, per artier allowed for cash. . and Inc balance within 3,• day. thereafter. J. PIERCE TG'Ni)R '. Terms of Sale of F• m Strrk. Implement. and Propnet.,r Auc nnnrer Chattels. -All sum* os,. $T., and under, ca.h. over that amount. 1s,• months' credo will fur given one (-iLE.4RI\G Al.CTION SALE OF furnishing approved • sit notes. Adiactunt ss, ' F'ARD1 STOCK ANU IMI'LEMEN TS. the rale of 4 per cent. per 'annum will Lr allowed for cash on crcd . t amounts. RFor further particulars and cond,tio s of sale SIRS. WM. R. STOTHERS I apply to Mrs. Elizabeth hl. \Good. administra• will .ell by publ,q auction, at 1r,1 13. conceited) 3. I trot. Auburn P. O.. or to the undersigned. W'.a N'awanon hitnnr mile ,nth o! Dungannon, PRODUFOOT. KILLORAN,A ctRA: E. on Elide. is h. Ontario. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER ooh. Solicitors for Admimstrstna, cnmmencing at 1 o'clock sharp. THOMAS GUNDRY, • I A tact lister, Hran.as.;One Marr. 4 ytara old; 1 man„ Y year. old; 1 hiring horse. ..years old; 1 devote mare. 12 , ---_--�--- - - years old t sucking eon.. ---- CATTLE.--e)ne cow., yrs. old,rdoe in May; 1 caw, WARTED - 1; yrs. May; tam Y Y . Y old. dor ,n DX- \ 1 (•ember; . cot, Years rad, fresh in; 1 fa•ross <uw, 1 ,• years ol..; T fat heifers. +Rood steer.. lur'Iredcrs; `VANTED AT ONCE. -A RELIABLE 8 year bn` nedert l yearbna steer, 4 .pnni calve. man to r�epprr.sent "THE ULD RELIABLE ' SN55?. Pws, Fowl - Seven gonad ewes,1 ram. 1. FONTHILL NUKSERIES" m Goderich and pigs Iso and a. so monthsluld; 40 Rom pullets. I Huron county. A splendid tunny for an • yU bn.• l enterprising salesman. Write !w full ppe�rniulars ' LMr1.RMRVT" -One Massey -Harris mower. 1 .et STONE 4 W ELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont, Ir-tt of 'barrows. 1 No. •21 Co,cki hurt plow, 1 No 21 , i Fleecy plow, 1 set or sleighs. 1 wagon and Inn. 1 lansr moll. 1 sarrey, 1 nearly -ser Md ttighlrn , (,(/ANTED TO PURCHASE. - A I hu[gy. r cone*. 1 scouter, t set t«ed douhle her- • • Irame barn. about 81..5,1, in a fav state of nese. 2 seta double harness. I repair. anywhere in Goderich or Colborne town. I One chern, I lee Laval eeparator. just new; 1 shape for removal and reerectio n. Partin, haven cook stove end pipes. 1 bedstead, T. tone o1 good same for throatiest may find a purchaser by com hay and some corn. '2', bu.heh of potatoes, and molesting with J. SOWERBY, J. P, R. R. No. many other articles too numerous to mention. 2, Goderich. _ 40.21 Everythmg must be disposed pf,as proprietor ' is leaving the lar OF" Hay' and Incl ca WANTED. -A FEW CORDS OF � TtRst< All sum ,of fro and under. Lash; over firewood. Would like to hear from tele I that amount, 7 months' credit will be Riven farmer who could arrange delivery in town. Ad. ; on furnishing apfrmrd joint notes. A discount deem H. W,. SIGNAL OFFICE: Coderich. j of 4 per cent. alloyed Irx cmh on credit GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY THE , amoana AIRS. WM: R Si0T71ER: GODERICH KNITTING CO. ln-tt Admmt•enworof hie W tit. Somber, estate I T.G1-NUR1', Auctioneer. GIRLS CAN SECURE LIGHT, CLEAN WORK -- AT GOOD WAGES PAID WHiLE LEARNING WILLIAMS, GREENE 8s,ROME Company, Limited Corner Benton and St. George streets KITCHF.NER WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Pte. Lawrence A. %•ark. a former (stele - rich boy. who is reported killed in action in October. His parents. Mr. and \irs. S. J. Wark. Ilved m Goderich for several years, his father being a locnmotvr rngi neer -n the C. P. R. Three yetis a:o the family removed to Smith's Falls, Ont. 'Lawrence attended the Collegiate s Into the Peace of God. • 'D[ATH I0.w ALL/lw[D (r IN 5111044.' Take 0, nlurt. ye rho mourn a loved oma Int Upon the banleeield, Thank God for one. Mid counting not the cost. Faced death, and *mild not yield; Thank Gud,although your eye. with tears are dim And sad your hie. and grey. 'That, hone,e'er the battle went, for hint • 'Trac victory that day ' With armor buckled on, and nag unfurled. The height a of death he trod. Trar,dated from the "reared the world Institute here. and afterwards the Smith' Falls Collegiate, obtaining his matncu!a tion and Norfnal entrance with honors in 1913. He e!:hsted to the 73rd Batten' in April, 1917. and went overseas immetii. ately. and being transferred to the "Prin- cess Pat's' went to France in July of last year, remaining there until his death. He was twenty years of age. As a student in Goderich he was a general fav( rite with his classmates, seal an salve member of the Bov Scouts. and always hued up to the Boy Scout ideals. .4 younger brother, Norman. has been training as an aviator at Toronto. Mrs. A. A. Williams has received a letter from her son Rr.. of the impenal Motor Boat Patrol Service. in which he mentions seVeral'ef ter boys frrml C>rsl- b.lrne and Ashfield. and come e tracts will be interesting to reader- 4.1 The Signal. The• writer sa>s he had been up to Witley Camp and had seen Freddie IGliddnn Hugh 1Chrsho!m, and Andrew 1Bni;iei. also Dave Bean, Ices. Alton and Jack Cunningnam from Kings- bridge. Fred expected to, go to• France very sown. 1 had 'n -y thirty-six lwcrs off. so cnuldii-t stay very -long. hu' it was a change to ser s menne from Lerburn. Hugh and F. r;1 are the same a- ever, but • Andrew has crown a hit and is fat in de- face. Elmer ,Lauten•layer, is somewhere about there. but 1 didti t cit to ser him. They were able to tell me eon* nrvs, though not very much. 1 didn't knew th.t Jake ,\1.,scr; had Glazier's pace and was raising the barn, or that Jot- Mit, hell had Left Quaid's and had gone to Fu,k's. In fact, 1 had 1 rhi,tten that Fid: had Jake's aid place. 1 tt.lnk Hugh would rather be back driving his engine or on the Lake-. but he was greatly taken up with his leave i1 Edinburgh. Andrew hasn't had his !cave yet, as his hut was in quarantine. through :omrone having had the mumps. but I don't: It is out of it now. He i- going up to Liverpool 'A hen he vets on to see Bert Bogle,, who is in hospital there. 1 suppose you heard he had been wcuodec. Herb Newton, was, too.- I think. hut I don't know where he is." An iters of new' that w111.he et especial interest to hou9ekeepe F is noted by the writer! namely. that new -laid egge were quoted that day 1 tct!,l»err -et, at eight pence each In the Sheffield market - $1.92 a dozen. The death of Corp. Arthur D. McGilli- cuddy. morn of the late It McGillicuddy., formerly editor of The Signal. has already been mentioned 111 this column. Further particul ars are given In the following I paragraph from The Toronto Strr: 'Mrs. I). McGillicuddy. of Bl'aor street y - east. has 5 ..n ,ITicially rotated from Ottawa that'her youngest son. Corp.y0:110y0h0ylsfyj010g� X g Arthur Droniel McGillicuddy. died of ; wounds received on October.. Corp. ' \1d;ilhct.ddy• originally enlisted with the 201th Battalion ithe Beavers., in the fall of 1915. hut transferred to the 95th 1 Battalion and went over with that wilt In June of 19111. In August of the same year he went to France. where he was tran.ferred to the :3rd Canadian 'Machine I Guh Corps. in the spring of this year he was transferred to the 1st Canadian Ma- ' chine Gun Carps. He was present in practi- cally all nI the heavy fighting the Cana- dean were engaged in from Vimy Ridge up to the drive on Cambrat, and although in many danger zones had never been wounded until October 6th, when he was ' reported dangerously wounded. and (bed I on the same day at the 23rd casualty 'blearing station. Corp. Mctiillicuddy se another of a long list of former newspaper- men wh., have made the supreme sun - 1 lice. While he had peen engaged in the office of the city architect for some time • previous to enlisting for active service, he 1 had always been primarily interested in ' newspaper work, and for some years was ' a member of the editorial staff of The Calgary Daily News. of which his father. I the late Daniel McGillicuddy. was pro- prietor. I - 1 Mett. Redfern. Cambridge Rtn•et. 1 lute received 11e following letter le- i feFr•ing to the death of her husband. Nfre Smith. Vict lila street. has received a letter from the secretary of St. James hospital. Wandsworth. London, , Eng., stating that her 'bon, Pte. L. C. , Smith, is doing well and hopes to be; getting about very sown, although the nerves in the foot continue to be painful at times. REEVE TAYLOR KILLED. Sad Ending of a Day of Rejoicing at ' Blyth or Monday. marl accident occurred in centime - ti with thepeacecelebration at Illyth on M lay night by which the Reeve of the village. Mr. Nell A. Taylor, host his life. Mr. Harvey McGee, who Here near Auburn. assisted in the pageant of the ev g, and after the conclusion of the pro- ceedings Reeve Taylor took Mr. and Ales. McGee home in his car. On the way back GI Blyth, when he was alone in the ear. the accident happened. It is supposed that the sterni, g gear went wrong. for at the •'anent cu vert ,war J. C. Htolta'a the oar crashed into the railing. breaking it clean off, and turning over pinned Mr. Taylor underneath, in the little stream that peewee through the culvert. Mr. Wm, Archanlhault and Dora Scott were driving near by and hearing the crash hurried G. his aid. Assistance was sunnuonetl by telephone and when the car wan turned over it was found that Mr. Taylor was dead, his neck having been tfruken. The late Reeve Taylor was born in the townah'Ip of Morris forty.flve year,: ego and was Inc srvet•alyears on the township ei.uncil, bring Reeve. for two year',- (tight years ago 1N+ reulovett to Blyth, and the last three years he` had been a member of the village council; this year as Reeve. He was a Maw.n, a Pr'eaby- terian and a Conservative. His busier le the last few years had been that of agent for the (Dray -Dort aed 1•'rml auts bi es. He eaves e wife and one daughter. Miss Annie; also three brother++: John A., school in- spperetl.r, Kt. Thomas; Alex.. of Port Stanley. and Jamets du the Weed, and one sister; Mrs Trust. thalamus of Blyth:• 1)r. A. Taylor, of (ioderi*K, is din uncle of the deceased. The funeral takes place this (Thurs- day) afternoon. The t3oderieh Urehestre, Airs. Margaret Youngblut on Wednes- ! Open for engagements for lawn social=, day received word from the Director of garden parties. dances, etc. For terms Records that her -husband, Pte. Jacob apply to C. V. Henry., 'Phone 19. Youngblue Was officially reported ad- • milted to the lith casualty clearing' GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER.station on Novwnber tut suffering from i a hot d ' the k Pt gun. wour m neck e. Youn;btut (-Mated in the 16111 Huron ' Battalion an 1 by been . On France for t some months. 'l To the Women of tioderich, 1 There will he a special service of prayer and •thani:,giving in the Sunday school room of Knox church on Saturday I aftermerri at 4 o'clock to which e•.ery Iwoman M Goderich Is cordially invited. Iced. For the last four years.prayer and praise have been offered and now when our prayers are -answered it seems only befit - tine tea show our gratitude to (he Giver of all got d gifts that our troops have been victorious and that peace is assured. Mies. HAMILTON, Pres. Women's War :Auxiliary. E. O. CARRIE. Secretary. Wallets Heidi Latest "Stunt." \Valla.*- Reid. the ever 56,Pnlar 1'ara- uu,uul "tar mho will Is• awn at the Morsel Theatre on Monday and Thew day i11 "Tire Hostage." ham a•cohth- 14.hed n*-arly-every'thirig ix..MililyIn the Iioe of "stunts." tight., etc., except 1. -;ii tortured by fire. and thin in what is .lone to limo til ' The Iln•.taSr." 9'111• Mt•t•111•4 Viers. taken the day atter .1r. Reed ha" been meyerely nunlnrned and. arcnrding to 111s awn statement, no great mill Nem his artistic ability to depict the Pain Cyan tieceaslir.', for every noHort'l wan the rcalcst wort 4)1 -tortures-. )' 1I'e• -' From Niches to Poverty. N1o.t of its have 0-1siuns of going front '.Tarty to riche lout Sera Crowe, the ilero.ine of France. Hodgson fturnett s well-known hook, "The L'ttle Princes",' was tinfortnnate in having the order of things reverged. 1n the .%rtcraft (line auction, 1'h.' Little •1't•inlesm," F61I1ly Pickford depicts the trials and tribula- tions of little Sara In a way that will bring both smiles and icor% to yunr eyes. Having meet' it1•Ie•c1:a of Sunuy- brook Fano you will undoubtedly not want to alarm this re(v t'1 effort of Aluer•ica's sweetheart. it will he shown for two IIAys commencing %A'Wltle'.ada V. \uy VIII bel' 20. At the Model Theatre. )ra.par. Nov 1'.. -Sale of stock and implements, die proper( of Mrs. Joseph Jones. lot 3, conces- sion 14. Colborne sownshnp tutee fade from Nde), ,assriaaarchsaa t$5teeltlNt. .. I Fkioan, Nov: 3x, -Sok of 'l4 Iced of well brad cow., he.tera and rases• property of Mr. John Piero at the Godstale erich C. P. R. ste yards (at the lop of Dunlop's hill. Colborne). TUESDAY, Nov. 16.-S e M term, Iarm stock and implements, at the premiees et John Goode. late o! the town,h cep of !toilet. Tr -go ,Y, Iles. 3 -Clearing auction sale of farm stack and implements. the property of Mrs. William Buchan. Bayfield rood. Goderich town- ship. commencing at 1 o'clock. No reserve. as the lam ha. (leen sold. - J BORN. • T11051 AS. InGoderich. on Monday. November 1, to Mr. and Mrs..J. V. Thomas. • daughter. WATM)N In (indeed, rm. Tuesday: Nevem- ' ler 12 to Mr. gad Mr*. E. T. Warren. a daughter. DIED. SHAW - In Colborne town*hip, on Thursday, No* ember 7, Margaret Ann Patton. wile os Edward Shaw, in hes :.71h year. C A R ROLL. In Garrick ich, om Thursday. Novea- ler 11, George F. Carroll, aged 31 years, BUR ROWS. -Ins Goderich. an Tuesday, No- vember 12, Thorne, Edward Burrows, aged 44 years. Ml'NNINGS.-In Gorier ich, on Monoay. No. vember 11, Maria Mummags, aged 91 years. FIELD -At Guelph. on M'eday, November 11 ' n Nina May M-' -, wife of Amosw'. Field, aged 25 years. , I IN MEMORIAM. ,BARKER. - In .ad and Irving memmy•0Ri-Mna-s John 11. Harem, who departed this life No. vemler 12, 1917 I She suffered OMI cantly soothing. ' 11e, hope was fright, her faith was strong. The pea., of Jr.u, tilled her breast. And in Ills arms she sank to rest. When a mother hide her last farewell The stroke i. more than tongue can tel'. HI'.MANO AND DAt6.HTIMS. NEW ADVER T ISEMErTS-Nov. 14 P Reader The Weekly Sun. 2 Auction Sale- Estate of John Good Auc lion 5ele- Mrs Wm. R. Sloths 1 Auction Sale -J Pibrce . .. Reliable 'Man Wanted- Stone & ellrngton, Toronto.. .... / ....... . 1 1 Voters' List Notice -L. L• Knox 1 Notice to Tre.pas•ers- 1/19/011. 1 SANK OFNIONTREA EfTABLI*BED OVER IN YEARS BUY VICTORY BONDS It is the duty of every Cana. dian to buy Victory Bonds to the extent of his or her ability. Those who intend to invest can obtain full information with regard to the denominations of bonds, terms of payment, etc., at any branch of The Bank of Montreal. �1 item) orrIGL.monresAL. A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. -, a is tie if a, 2