HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-10-24, Page 3THE
The Kaiser as
I Knew Him
For Fourteen
- Years ..
Pal H, specialist to wumen'a and children'
diseases. acute. chronic and nervous diseases, eye
e ar nue and 'Arcot. partial deafness, lumbago
▪ rheumatic cond,ttons. Adenods removed
without the knife. Office at residence, corner
Niue and Si. Andrew's stress. At home office
Thursdays and Satudays. any evening
Graduals Toronto Uneveralty. Graduate
al College of Dental Surgeons.
to the late Maur Sale. (Med corner
etwte ►r.G Nut ,C.ouuh.
Coati, Godericb. All matt -yeti+ by mail 0
loft at &gnalGa.ce will be prompd wended to
Raalymce telephone lir. \.
Office- Sterltng_Hank( Iskck, Hamilton fit+
Godarich. Telephone
Rani Estate, Loans and loauranae.
()axe on the !toughie, tccond,door Itcm Hao.,!
too Street, (irderech.
Private funds to loan at lowest ratea.t
W. Paax:o►our, K. C.. J. L.IKit&oi t,
H.J. D. Copse.
• TER, solicitor. notary pubis Offices
lktaadton Street. Goderech, thud door from
Sqwwire. At (-baton 1 hwsuay o1 each week, in
office up Albert Street occupied by Mt. Hooper.
Office hours r a. in to b p re.
/ 5151 kK, attorney, solicitor. etc , Goderuh.
loaned at lowest rates
ICITOR, outlay. public and conveyancer
Oakco-Court Mouse, Gnat ruh. cry- 1'tm
ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town prop-
erty Officers -Jas. Connolly. Pres., Godertch P. 0 ;
Evans, Ven -Pres., beechwood P. 0.. Thomas
R. Hem Set. -Tread, Sealorth P O.
Defectors- U. F. i,tcGregor, R. R. No. 1, Sea-
arth,ohn G. Greeve, No. 4. Walton; Williamree
Ran, 14. R. No. 2, Sesluth; John Heanewter.
brvdhagen, G. McCartney,. R. No. 1, Sea -
aril. Robert Ferris Harlock; Malcolm Mc -
Riven, Clinton; James Brans, Beechwood; James
Connolly. Coderech.
A•rat. J. W. Yeo, Godaich; Alex. Leitch,
R.R No 1. Clinton. Wfilum Chesney. Sedortb,
E Hindley, Sealoeth. Policy -holders can pay all
payments and ret their cards rece pled •1 R. J.
kaorrsh's Clothing Store, Clinton, k. B. Cutt e
Grocery, Km`0ton street, Goderech, or J. 11.
Reed's General Store, Bayaed.
Vl/ LOAN. Apply to M. G. CAM-
RON' Barrister. Hamilton street. Godertch.
a. Vooce, Piano and Organ. Pupils preppaered for
Conservatory ruminations Apply at MR. P. W.
CURRIES, Britannia road.
Brophe3 Bros.
Inc Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day.
The Saults Coal Co.
Suoceasors to Mcilonman a. Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OPPIcg PHONIC - - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Sanity Residence 202
(Cs yrtght. „II by th. Meeker, Newspa-
per aynaleata)
AKI?Mt N. DAVIS, D. D. 8.
(Continued from last week)
"That, of course, wUl depend, your
excellency," I answered, "upon devel-
opmento. I don't believe my country
Is anxious to fight, but I'm quite sure
that nothing In the world will keep us
out of It if our rights u a neutral
nation are not respected."
We certainly don't like the wry
Hughes has been talking 00 the
stump," declared the relchskauakr,
"Did you hear any of his speeches or
any of Wllson'sr
I aid I had bad ao opportunity to
bear any of the campaign speeches,
but that 1 had followed them In the
"Well, did you gather from what
you read that the American people
want to we peace in Europe or do
they want the war to go oa so they
can continue to make fortunes out
of It r
Agate I replied that I was certain
our country would never be influenced
by such sordid considerations as were
Implied In the relchakansler'a question,
but that 1f the right kind of peace
could be brought shout the whole
country would eagerly embrace It.
The enbject of the U-boat eampalgo
Was never mentioned and 1t was not
until several moatha later when the
submarine warfare was started again
on • greater scale than ever that 1
realized that the whole purpose of
this Interview was to ascertain if they
eld, without telling Inc their Inten-
tions, who was the caadtdate, Hughes
or Wilton. who would be least den -
greeds to them if more Americas Ter
•els were sunk to the ruthless sub -
marina campaign they were then con-
The election was drawing close; It
was necessary to notify Von Berne -
tort of Potdam's preference; the kai-
ser believed that perhaps be held the
deciding ballet In his hand 1n the
shape of the German -American vote
and he didn't know how to cast it.
Hence the eagerness with which they
Interrogated Ise upon my return from
the "front"
The Interview with relchakanzler
and the fact that It w •• Instigated by
the kaiser Indicated to Me that Amer-
ica occupied a most Irolaortant place
in the kaiser's plass. Vibes, • few
months later, we declared akar agalost
Germany, however, all the*, taker's
planning and plotting of years col-
lapsed. The edifies he had bees so
confidently erecting came crumbles to
the ground beeanae It was built upon
• false foundation. How elementary
was his expectation that his efforts to
win the friendship of the (Jolted
States In time of peace could avail
him anything In the face of hie bar-
arbaric methods of making wart
The Kaiser Defends German War
The kaiser was always very careful
about everything which might affect
his health, and even after the war
Canadian women are right behind the
Canadian troops in the trenches. Women
nurses are now installed in hospitals Smiles
in the rear of the actual fighting line.
Many of our Canadian women are un-
able to take up the duties of nursing at
the front, but they should know how to
take care of their own ,at home and for
this purpose no better book was ever
printed than the Medical Adviser --a book
containing 1,008 pare. and bound in cloth,
with chapters on First Aid, Bandaging
and care of Fractures, Taking care of the
Sick, Physiology, Hygiene, Mother and
Babe, which can be had at most drug
stores, or send SO cents to Dr. Pierce,
Cow-twright St., Bridgeburg, Ont.
The women at home who are worn
out should take that reliable temperance,
heal tonic, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre-
Wnd..eh, Ont.—
"For womanly ail-
ments I have found Dr
Pieree's Favorite Pr.-
.rdplion to be esa.l-
lent. It strengthened
and built me up .sisal
years ago when 1 w
suffering with • chronic
troublo and et also
premed to b. a ..pkedid
Ionia dialog expect-
ancy. 1 sit. great
in raroom.ad-
e Ptern'. Favo r -
it. Prescription to sa
nalferm from wemas'.
*,-Yrs. Iasi* . 'Whoa. 71 Arthur at
started, Rhee natu-
rally occupied by many pressing prob-
lems, be did nut neglect kis teeth. but
came is sae as regularly as be had ale
ways done.
Of this 1 was very glad, because It
gave me an uppurtuulty to draw the
kaiser oat on many of the interesting
questions which the war suggested
aad which 1 found him always ready
to discuss. Perhaps the tact (kat I
was an American led the kaiser to
greater lengths In bis JustlScaUoa se
German war methods and measured,
than he might otherwise have Megabit
The Snit time 1 saw the kaiser after
the war started was about Angint 10,
19111 Between 'elev.n- and twelve
o'clock the night before, d bad Raub
&Milled by telepheae that 'the kaiser
would like me to attend hire at the
Berlin palace the following morutsj
at nine o'clock. He was about to make
him ant visit to the frout and wanted
his teeth examined before M went.
The work I had 10 do ler him was
nothing of a serious character and did
not occupy more than twenty minutes.
One of his valets stood by to give me
any assistance I might need, but loft
the room when 1 was through.
"Have you been reading In the pa-
pers, Davis," the kaiser asked when we
were alone, "bow our soldiers have
been treated by the Belglanar
I said I had not had a chance to
read the papers that morning."
"Well, you must certainly read them.
They've been gouging out the eyes et
our wounded and mutilating my men
horribly I They call It modern, civi-
lised warfare. That's savagery l I
hope your president is taking notice
of these atrocities."
(If course 1 was la no position to
contradict the kslser's assertions, u
I was not In possession of any of the
facts, but 1 learned afterward that
four American newspaper correspond-
ents had scoured Germany from one
end of the country to the other In all
effort to run down these reports. They
left 00 rumor unluveettgated, no mat-
ter how far they had to travel to ver-
ify it.. When they had finally exhaust-
ed every clue •nd followed every lead
they bad not found • stngle case to
Justify the charge the kaiser had made
against the Belgians and which, of
course, the Inspired German press con-
tinued to report from day to day.
The object of these lies was to jus-
tify the outrages which the Germans
were committing in their plan to ter-
rorize the Inhabitants of the countries
they were overrunning. According to
reports the activities of frane-tireurs
In the occupied territories were met
by the Germans with the most bar-
barle punishments, eroclSxlon and
similar atrocities being very common.
Undoubtedly the taller was aware of
what his soldiers were thing. and to
defend their conduct be lent a ready
ear to the unfounded charges made
against the Belgians.
"I have already framed a menage
which I Intend sending to you' presi-
dent regarding the nee of dumdum
bullets by the Belgians:end French,"
the kaiser went on. "We have ample
proof to establish this charge not only
to the character of the wounds suffered
by my moldier' but In the shape of un -
need cartridges which we found In the
captured forts."
Strangely enough, the kaiser sent
off his protest to President Wilson
•bout the same day that President
Polncare forwarded a similar protest
based upon the use of dumdum bullets
by the Germano.
Regarding the violation of Belgium's
neutrality, the kaiser was able to of-
er no reasonable argument. The fact
at he was willing to pay Belgium for
lesion to allow his armies to go
gh that country was apparently
sufil of justification In his eyes for
taking\by force what Belgium refused
to sell '
misted us!
neetlon. "
as walk thro
for everythin
hair of their h
Ilsh of Belgium to have re-
tie declared, In this con-
t they consented to let
gh we would have paid
verything I Not a
ds would have been
touched and Belgium today would be
In the same happy\finane1al condition
that Luxembourg Is..
At • subsequent lttiervtew we re-
ferred to Belgium again. and the kai-
ser alleged that Japan had violated
the neutrality of China when she sent
troops through Chimes* territory to
seize Klao-Chau.
"It Is all right for the ■lhhfi to de
these things," he commented earns -
tinily. "but when Germady does them
England renes up In righteous indig-
nation. The hypocrites! Why, On
found papers In Brussels which
showed conclusively that England and
Belgium had a secret agreement by
which in the event of war with Ger-
ermany England was to he permitted to
occupy Belgium! We've got those pa-
pers In Berlin. We could have no
more positive proof strainer them. The
Belgians were simply England's tools!"
Some of the arguments the kaiser
ranted In his discussions with me re-
garding the war were to weak and
untenable that one might well doubt
his sincerity in urging them, but 1
?thrill give them for what they are
"They refer to us as the Huns!" the
kalser observed bitterly. "If your
people could see what the Ruaslans
have don. in the HukowMa •od east-
ern Prussia they would know then
who ■re the real Huns I They de-
stroyed everything they could lay
their hands on. In one of my shoot -
Ing lodges which the (cossacks entered
they even knocked out the teeth of the
boars' heads which hung on the wallet
With knives they rut out the coven of
my chairs. They had special fin
bombs which they threw on peaceful
vlllagos. These bombs had been con-
structed In peace tiees sod wen de-
signed solely for pillage and destroc-
Tv -
THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1818 3
When will it end?
Thousands upon thousands,
endless thousands, hold their
lives cheap as the price of
Victorious Peace. f.;. ,,'•mak' ,x'y ;i
And we—as we watch from
afar their heroic efforts—
may we be able to say, that
the little we at come could
do, we have done;
—that in so far as we could
support them, lighten their
burdens, bring them com-
forts, we have done it;
—that we have striven un-
ceasingly to shorten their
stay in the Hun -made Hell;
—that freely, fervently,
unitedly, we have laid our
humble offerings alongside
their noble sacrifices on the
altar of Victory—and Peace.
Another opportunity to lend your individual
weight to the blow that will shorten the war
comes with the offering of Victory Bot:tis
about to be made. Let not the privilege to
do your share find you unprepared.
a.,e. •t.ut1? i
c r,t^ter Tartar ; 3xaa ors.aa D»
Sneed by Canada's Variety 1..,.. C.emedtew
in erepesti.n .Sita the M.sutn of Fuseau
el flee Dominion of Canada.
"Instead of treating their soldiers
as prisoners of war we should have
strung them up b7 the sect—every
on. of them!". •
Several prominent Poles, who were
patients et mini and whose flue ea -
tattle le Poland were looted and dr
mollahed, 1016 me positively that the
and depredations were
ea -emitted entirely of (Verean troops.
The Russians had occupied the houses
when they were In posseesion of that
section of the country, but It was not
until they were driven out by the Ger-
ermans that the sets of vandallgm were
committed and they bad convincing
evidence that in every case the (Jer-
erman soldiers and not the Russians
were responsible.
Th. outrages committed by the Ger-
anae to Mott treatment of prisoners
of war p111 probably never 1. known
Ile their entirety. We do know that
they executed (captain Fryatt, the
commander of • British merchant ves-
sel, who was captured after he had
rammed a German 17 heat. I don't
know to what extent the kaiser was
directly responsible for that dastardly
crtme,'hut from what he maid regard -
lag tha capture of another British cap-
tain. the commander of the Buniong.
It was quite evident that he was la
entire sympathy with acts of that
A Germ's U-boat had sunk • Brit-
ish vessel upon which were some of
the relatives of the crew of the Barr
leag. The erew et this 0 -beat was
seMegeently (captured by the Bare-
leng, and according to report' is Aar►
many they were harshly treated. Then
It was reported that the Banton( had
bees captured and that her carafe
Tb. Little Doctor always ready
—always e• band to relieve kid-
ney sad bladder trublwt, and
help editor* purify tlta blood.
The /Milass Ora* a akwerat ow
of died► tdm.a.t. Tat.ns.. ,.r
and tb &d1/
dealt with.
"I hear we here captured the cep
tain of the Bandung." the kaiser dr
Glared to me at that time. "If we can
prove that he's the man we'll tlx Alm!"
This manner In which the taker
spoke len no doubt in my mind that
the direst punishment would be meted
eat to the unfortunate British captain.
Booty 1s undoubtedly • legitimate
incident of war, but It Is legitimate
only as as Incident. Otherwise booty
becomes loot. In any event. when in-
vading troops eons private property it
is customary to pay for It. That the
Germans were good takers but poor
payers Is revealed by two incidents
which the kaiser narrated to me, and
the teen enjoyment he derived from
Would be
them can be fully understood only by
those who know how much the kala"
appreciates getting something fog
"Roumania wanted our gold for food
products," be told me. "They demand-
ed pure gold and they set enormous
prices on their wares: bat we needed
what they had to sell and we were
ready to pay even the outrageous
print' they demanded. And then they
foolishly declared war against as and
we got It all for nothing! When 1
spoke to Hindenburg shout the cone
templated campaign stalest Roared.
nla he said, Thle will be • very lutes
eating campaign.' It was. We got al
we wanted and dlda't have to pay ri
peony for 1t."
(Continued ills 'it aerie
Riteamostlate. lemb•ge neuralgia.,sprains, lame hart. toothache, ear-
ache, wee threat, ...ranee Joints and all alas ler trochlea are quick),
relieved by flirt's Pala Rttenrinatae. 1t hare bees meld tot M Maseru,
and should be in ever, hom ehnld-Aar a hnnd red
'AM&maws or write we. HIRST RPM Ery CO.. Hamlltn , Canada.
W.or, ,r ».. -n .
• reit-