HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-10-24, Page 1• The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 25c. To United States addresses, 35 cents. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR -No 1788 () eAltte� I ' 1918 TAXES. WARNING. 1g `. Council bas extended the time for 'Ns, 4. 1adiscount on191Staxes. ,TOWN OF GODF'RICJt 1 oto per cent. oil if paid on o before October lath. -- - 80DERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCT. 24 1918 ioral The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 25c. To United States addresses. 35 cents. THE SIGNAL PRINT INC CO.. LIMITED, PcatI.iars THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA One per cent. off if paid on or before Any person spitting on the sidewa November 15th. street, or in any public place will Call and pay and ,ave the discount. !Prosecuted uuder the torn bylaw. WM. CAMPBELL, Collector. SAVE, Because -- Childhood's lessons last - -your children will follow your example. • FOR SALE OR RENT. FARMS FOR SALE. A/ SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A GOOD FARM. INO acres of choice land within • mile and a -half oat one of the beat village .n Huron. 011 lone of C. P. R. Good churches school and market. The tarn is et proper condltron. good bwWttms, 4ers and water. in fact. this is a real feral. The present owner ha. made money on it, and is re - Wog. having nu help. Price 84.Me9; remittable Sens. t{1 acro solo good buildings; 100 acres splendid aid; balance pasture and timber. 1 have not been ell this fares, but I am told it re good rn every mark ea within two miles of market and depot. W re oared for sale es overset', sons are over- sea Price 115,050, on satisfactory terms. NB acres, nest of land and buildings. within Ogee miles of Godrrch. Has always been a aseatable (arm. Good reason Ir sells Price ar tot THOS. GUNDRY Goderich. Loon SALE OR RENT. -TWO-STORY 1 FRAME HOUSE on Bruce Street; seven reams in *edit owl to bathroom and pantry. Good. large lot. For terms apply to MRS W. T. MOO[E. 114-1f SALE.—TWO-STORY FRAME 114°11-110USE on Bruce street; seven :rooms in addition to bathroom and pantry. Good Targe lot. For terms apply to MRS W. T. MOORE. Se -u RENT. -SMALL, HOUSE ON Sunley street. Apply M17- A. D. Mc - AN, Eton avenue. \ rpo RENT.- cOMFORTANLE, UP - it TO -DATE 5pwt.tents over E. R. Wr le's 4eg_atre. Apply to MRS. JAMES WILSON. ftiarortthh street. 114-11 E, OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- Two-story bowls home on Trafal attest. modern cones electric +ale.ato WM. RL*RL. a1 R RENT. -SMALL COMFORT. ABLE COTTAGE in central locality orale I1►►t� to MR. F. WOOLLCOMBE, Umon Ich. Met FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES IN West Wawanosh. near Dungannon. Seventy Wes under cultivation, remainder in bush and pasture Buildings in good condition. Price ..d terms reasonable The wood on the place it add would meet the purchase pre of the farm. I1114ealtb of owner resarn for selling. For further prtrulars apply to THE SIGNAL, Goderich. 'LMt. RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE- Rt:X)M dwelling in connection therewith. y 10 W. g. KELLY. R SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE, with W oonvesiisnw. Apply W. A. CHIS - M, Trafalgr street. 03-tf To Keep the Home Fires Burning Let the children play with matches ; Start the fire with coal oil ; Burn trash in the hack yard on a windy day; Let must accumulate in the chim- ney; Het the uttrve ten) clone to the woodwork ; Be careless about electric light wiring. A thoughtless neighbor /say en- danger your property. Protect yourself by taking out a Fire insurance policy with Robertson & Woods INSURANCE AGENTS Fire, Life, Accident and Health laauraace. PUBLIC NOTICE. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalm,c and Aural Hosptal, esartant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng Al Waterloo St. S.. Stnticed. Telephone 167. TOWN OF GODERICH. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. The town d Goderich is desrow of completing the Hemet Rill of those who. clrnung Godench Ir their home town. en fisted in the Canadian army and went to serve King and country. Lets of thaw who are already noted are in the Town Hall with the Clerk, L L. Knox. Esq.. who will take additional names, also J. Ades Fowler. up to the last day d August, lath. DR. W. F.CLARK. Chairman of Special Committee. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ASSIGNEES SALE OF 1NSOLV- xi ENT'S' STOCK. The'Atrirese of the estate of McFarlane & Maur. of Dungannon. ..aunty of Huron. general merchants, will offer hr sale by public auction, on the premises at Dungannon. on SATURDAY. the .skh DAY of OCTOBER. 191r at 11 o'clock:m Use toernoon. the steck•in•Vade of the Insolvents, outs. -trig of Dry goods. ....11S17 to Groceries and miscellaneous .... . . IIYI {b Boots and shoes w5 Crockery and china 174112 7r. thugs and patent medicines re 74 Store fixtures .... ....... slot M/ 14170 $ The sopa will tee offered foe sal. en alae at a rate (to theas per Invoice pewee.At the seed ti and Nae them will also he offered for sea one team of Mertes. grocer's !'Teas brew. etc . which war r.w.V it* ossa" up milk said Mennen Trams or Sat a. - Twenty per cent. cash, tial. �tsce in thirty days, secured lo the rtideruo. of t4r Assigns Pud.ate powee.nn. art her partrulars and an esaminat ton of the Nock sheets will be lurnnhed on appl.catao et lb/rake of the undersigned. Dated at Goderich this 1115 October, lair. PROVDFOOT KILLORAN a. COOKE, • Solicitors tor Aa.gnee, THOMAS GVNDRY. Goderich. Matinee, Goderieh. S.M FOR SALE. STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE. Get our price Int showing cost of windows `laud complete, any wee. HALLIDAY COM- PANY. BOX ill. Hamilton. 3e -It (IOAL HEATER FOR SALE. -SELF - FEEDER. with splendid oven; in hrstdass condition,•pDrractically as good as new. Apply to GEO- THOMSON. Bruce street. 39-3t OR SALE. -MARE. TEN )'EARS old colt [Cherry Worthy). ix months old; EVERY, Dungannon.buggy and harness. Apply at GOVIER'S gA.gt CARD OF THANKS. T TAKE THIS MEANS -OF THANK. INC all the friends and • neighbors for their many and great kmdnesan during my tone of trouble through the illness and death of my dear son George. WILLIAM THOMPSON. CARD OF THANKS. -MRS. WM. BABB and family take this means of return- ing their sincere' thanks for the kindness and sympathy extended to them m then nose of be- reavement through the death of their son and brother. CARD OF THANKS. -MR. AND MRS. J. S. BEDFORD wish to express t heir snare thanks to their Iriends and acquaintances for their k oldness in their sad bereavement in the demo hof their little Margaret. LOST 0R FOUND. BICYCLE STOLEN. --1N GODERiCH, on Tuesday nisht. ■ man's bicycle, dark red MC12:0 0Jtf(Jtl�luik/t1�t1�/r�rtllriinsfuttutlVrX`seft=`1.X. w-w7r,A color. Reward wi8 be given for information=arir7v7r/1r1F1r1�111f1r1/tiliflrt/1si/�g1�il,�jrarjri�UfY[lf'�Itl<YLt%�nif�r>i 7r i�nrinrYlr leading' to its recovery. GODERICH KNIT- aLJt TiNG CO. KHAKI. whwas recentlyreportedwounded. He is in (Canterbury hospital, in Enplane!. AUCTION SALE. I THE LADS IN received lett from their son Walter. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FAR\I STOCK. MR. SAMUEL T. YOUNG will sell by public auction, en west hall lot :. concession 1, West W awanoah. on MONDAY. OCTOBER _ath. commencing at 1 o'clock told time •. the lolbwtng: Cows. -Owe cow. ii ears oW, der December h; 1 cow. 11 years old, supposed to be in calk cows, 4 years oil. supposed to be in call; : s 1 yesn dd, milking 1 cow a yens old 1'l t d 3 Signed) R. C. POSTELETHWAITE, M,es. Chief of Police and Sapiibry Inspector. foil The Last Call. years old; hl y 1 + y Fra dangerously dangerously ill as the result of a The London Free Press prize contest colt, t month 'old, both cared Iby Honest John Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steels, of Sheppard - ton. on Saturday received the had news that the r son, Pte. Frederick Steels. had been killed in action September 27th. The young man went overseas with the ltilst Battalion. 1 his is the second son in this family W give his life for the Em- pire and humanity's cause. s errs, . years yeses- sitars. 1 year old; heden, 1 ear old, 3 On Satlur'ay Mrs. W. F. Clank received One heavy mare, supposed to b, .n official notification that her -on, Pte. Rob - Ino; I matched team. ns.. 4 ands est F. Clark, was in hospital at Boulogne, 1 mot, '2 ioonths old Ill where an operation was performed or the removal of the bullet which had lodged behind his left ahoulderblade. He says he is getting along well. Mr. and Mrs. William Strachan have added another star to the service Rag which hangs in their window, their eldest son. Dr. Jas. B. Strachan. of Hot nits. Arkansas, having enlisted in the United States army. The entire family of three sons are now serving their country. ONTARIO ELECTION ACT,1918. 2 Whew. 2 ysus , ,. sired by Honest John; 1 hay' gunshot wound in the left arrn, n.o''rssitat- closes Saturday night, November 2nd. I sired b Bel t matey bossily.. shout 1 1-2 menta old, f in the amputation of the arm. A laterG. M. Elliott would greatly appreciate a I year's subscription from you now. 54.00 now -you may save money by having your paper paid in advance. Ne will re- s, even on quire your help if we are to secure' a prize lurmxhrng appro% ed pent onto. A dtswunt at only a tCW week H f at Dr W F tAxrnoblle rate of ler cent. per annum albred for cash on Clark, is out of town at resent on an ELLIOTT, Goderich. creditP all . deed Dy Henderson horse 't e'ee; I.year.,ld telegram from Ottawa, reporting him ce. fight yownsprg . EveryMino skeet well be sold and Bob's many friends hope that he will Torus All woos of {IO and oder h "seriously" ill, was somewhat reassunn • u Calh, over pull through. Ile had been in France that amount. 1: month.' credo Ube S. is a er, F. au Hurry up. Phone 18'2 G. M. amounts. 1 Inspection tour for the Dep,.rtrnent of • e' •r �SAMUELT.YOUNG. T GUNDRI', Agriculture. Use Cascara Bromide Quinine lets Notice of Sittings of ��� Officers,! s P"'D "tor. Atretoeeer. CLEARINSALE OF - fdruggor brakingst. up that toad. Campbelhtabthe • G AUCTION Other casualties of the week are: Pte ' FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. John Harvey Bell ( hilae Battalion), son- - ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF NORTH HURON ELECTORAL of Mrs. James Bell, Hincks street, suffer- if quality counts. use Blackstone's de HILLARY NORTON liciou£ Ice cream in bulk or bricks for all by public outwit, r lm u; Lake Shore site from gas, and shell concussion suapec• occasions. Phone 240. will tett Mted; ti gunshot D: ghlut, i west Colborne [near Sheppardtonl, on ♦ and Pte. Ezra - un WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER nth, wound in right arm, ; Pte. Alex. hicNev- The Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. E. TO WIT: commencing at 1 o'clock sharp-. In, gunshot wound In left thi,h, would like all having Navy Lt Ile knit- Masao- -One general pu!pee marc, i� years ting Or sewing to hand it in at Mr. Thom - old. 1 general purpose Amer. 4 year. old. Lieut. A. Roy Adams, who some time son's music store by November 15. TAKE NOTICE that the lists of voters for Polling Subdivisions numbered I, .l CATTtt.--Ore bearer, 3 ye,rs old. due Novem• age was reported seriously wounded is 3. 4, .i and 6, in the !Municipality of the Township of Howick: numbered 1. in the loser 1 , 1 cow, 3 yesn chit dor Janwty ( :w; 1 y' -3. 4.cow, d years old, due Febuuary 2r; i cow, a year. now reported as having tied of his wout ds Choice marshmallows for -toasting. Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter; 1, 2, 3, 4 and a, In the Municipality of the old. due February 2s; 1 cow, 7 years dd. due on October 17th. his father. Mr. J. F. H. T. Edwards has the right kind. Town of Wingham; 1,2.3 and 4. in the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry • ' Mrch 7 a rteen, 2 years old: 1 Heiler, 2 years Adams, of Sarnia, having received word 1 and 2, in the Municipality of the Village of Blyth; 1, 'l. 3, 4 5 and r;, in thee' a stars, 1 year ; 2. heifers, 1 year bill Municipality cf the TownshipO( municipality spring calors. ' I. 10 thio effect Lieut. Adams ..r: -,ed :- ---- - _ -._... - - - —.--------•- the Township f Ashfield, 1 Morns, 1 2 3 4 S 41 and 7 in the Munici lit of \Frye ewe lamb: 1 brood tow, to utter January' the 29th pian, 3 nwnlhaold- 19grese 1 Battery ,,, ,n,a ern, aver tram- uvivvrxT'a SALE o 3, 4 and S in the Municipality of the Township of 1115 gYaNTs.-One 6-IL-rqt Deenng binder. 1 mg at Guelph went overseas 1n February, East Wawanosh; and 1, 2, 3 '4 and 5, in the Muni:ipality of the Township of West mg _Him,. mower, 1 geed drill, 1 nearly -new 1'916. Fora number of years he was a MONDAY, Oct. La -Clearing auction sale or Wawanosh, have been prepared by the Enumerators and have been delivered to the culttva .1 rake. both Deerm make; 1 Money.' Clerk of this Board by the Returning Officer, r resloent of Goderich, being organist and (arm stock, property of Mr. Samuel T. Young. on Harrold -leader, 1 set of rots 1 Nu: •:l choir director Of North street Metho- dist west hal( loo t2, concession I, Wes} Wawanosh. CorksAYlt dwis,c 1 No. 1r Fleury plow, 1 Int cal Mowuav, Nov. cess eating auction sale of Ed - AND THAT His Honor Judge E. N. Levi, has beer, a g lrrtste,ght diad s !alit 1 aagon dist church and afterwards of St. George's (arm stuck and .m lnmenu, precocity of Mr for the Uhearing P appointed Revising Officer and boa• 1 se w IS ,, 1 hey cburch. He was a musician of excep- ward Straughan. lot 31. Base Lore. Goderch purpose of complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Town- rack, 1. n � 1l few .bof andl t,r' •l ability and was one of the most tow nahip two moles from Clinton. ship of Howie and the Villa a of Wroxeter; isHHonor Judge Lewis H. Dickson has dox,blr harms,, t single homes., 1 s.i plow popular young men of the town, and the W"hiP. tAY, Nov. c. -Clearing auctton sale of been appointed Revising Officer for tlft purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as harness. a %uan'ity0f 1 -:-inch Ule, wmr cedar' news of his death is received in Gtidsrich farm y tl and im t 11,, L s property of tell! r. to the said lists for the Town of . Wingham -and the Township of Turnbern'• D pas. fork< chains • a pro, Hillary tlatun, at lot In Lakr ~niter west. Col- borne bear Skoppardton i. McDonald, Esquire. has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of ng •iter, and numerous rMr complaints and appeals as to the s id lists for the Village of Bl �ya�arrtt Evny thing mu=l lose di, _ pe Blyth and the Ttthe pup ha, veld the )arm and must Pte. James Aiac\icar left on Wednes BORN, of Morris; R. G. Reynolds, Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the our- once.�! Apose of hearing complauire, has txeints and neg sag to the said lists of the Township of tha tarnout,l 12 montT114 of hs' • credd it wi' c be g'v' n medaydical for Toronto reatmentt atd 111 therivr further O'LOOt:tober le u -Al rM Mrsrd)�B JIYLoughl�n. Seager, Esquire, appointed Revising C)fFClf for the purpose of furnshrog,appruved joint notes. discount Uavisvilk ddatsabtr. hearing complaints and appeals as to. the said lists for the Townships of East of a «-t trot. alloveerl for ugh on credo military hospital. He was accompanied h 10 the city'by his aunL•Mrs. 1. C. Mc. shovels. 1 -thole ticks. o1. Proprietor ve.pOsSess,O r at with a widespread feeling of personal loss. Wawanos and West Wawanosh. atrtounta. HASTINGS. -- At Winnrpe`,on Wedneday.Oc- HILLARY HORTON, .T. GI ND . Kenzie, who had been -visiting here. tuber' Robert Ward fuunh wit of t late • AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the £Jttings of the said Revising Officers Prepretor. ALcir'nter,, - GeodecHastings Funeral private to St. will be held as follows. Mr. and Airs. sJames lobo ernelcr Wmm a es Buchanan have y' Qeg (lLEARING AUCTION SALE OF _ IN MEMORIAM. In the Town Hall, Wroreter on Friday, the 13th dayof November, 1918, to `` C FARM,.TOK AND IMPLEMENTS. hear complaints ab w the said hats of voters tar the Polling Subdivisions in the Village , McCLUSKEY t b f P ofW t roxe er. In the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Saturday, the 11318- day ref November, 791n. to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters nor the Polling Subdivision{ in thr.Town- shlp of How is k. In the Town Hall, Wizg' on Wednesday, the 13th day 'vetrber, 1918, tenser (wtllplaints as to tlltalsatd lista of voters for the Polling) visions In the Town of Wingham. In the Township Hall. Bluevall, on Thursday, the 14th day to hear comp.aints as to the said hsts of voter for the Polling Township of Tumberry. In the Industrial Hal'. Blyth. en Wednesday, the 13th day to hear complaints as to the said Voters' lists for the Pofmg Village of Biyth. in the Township Hall, Morris, on rsday, the 14th day of November, 1918, to hear complaints as to the said voters'• lists or the Polling Subdivisions in the Town- ship of MorrL. In the Township Hall. Ashfield, oil Wednesday, the 1:3th day Of November, 1916, • of November, 1919; _Subdivisions in the of November. 1918. Subdivisions In the to hear complaints as to the said voters huts Iyc the Polling Subdivisions numbered 1, 2 and 3, in the Township of Ashfield, and in the Township Hall. Ashfield, on Thursday. the 14th day of November, 191S, to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for Polling Subdivisions numbered 4, :r, a and 7, in the Township of Ashfield. In the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 1918. to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions in the Township of East V.awanolrh, and in the Township Hall. West Wawanosh, on Thurs- day, the 14th day of November, 1918, to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions in the said Township of West Wawanush. Each sitting commencing at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that 1 isoJ sys-Ospe[ heavy ft horst, s years old, 1 tout. i r t }o{i1q,r�.el lrvisj� {ft old. •moi: aN old 1 drivingc resit 1 droving horn, lady driver, 1 years old; 1 driving mare• r jeers old. CATM.-One cow, 5 years old. supposed to be in call; 1 tow. 0 years old. supposed tribe en calf; I 1 con. Y years old. .uppoaed to be .n call; 5 steers 1 year old; a heifers, 1 year old ., calves.• ls►sg stNts, Esc. -One wagon. 1 hay and p+g rack eomb.ned, 1 set bohslet hs and platform 1 7 -It. -cot Deering binder. 1 Massey wed drill, I Massey cultivator, 1 Bingle plow. 1 double -furrow Mow, 1 set iron -harrows. 1 new hay rake, I scorner and bean hrveater:combined- 1 turnip putIe r. I turnip sower. 1 pea hervreterjand bunchar. 1 new rubber -tire buggy, 1 nearly -new cutter. 1 rubber- I I tire open buggy. 1 hay frk car. rope. slings and pulleys. 1 set 2is5� lbs. scales. 1 nearly -new .et of team harness,2 sets of wh,metreee and douhlrtrees and neckynke• 1 new De Laval cream separator. 1 wheelbarrow, 1 tuck stove, 1. heater. 15, young Rock hens, chains, forks, shovels, and other art 100 nu cows to mention. I Teems. -All sums of 110 and under, cash; over II that amount. 12 months' credit will he given yr.! furmahing approved pant niter., .A dseount t Hite of 4 per cent. allowed tor cash on credit amounts, - I Everything must b.-dtrposed of, as the prorate. for is goring up farming. EDWARD STRAUGHAN. T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer, MR. EDWARD STRAUGHAN . 11 0,11 t y public auction. at lot 31, Hare L.tne, Godench township. two miles north of Chnwii,�en MONDAY. NOVEMBER uh. commencing at 1 o'clock sharp OTiCE TO CREDITORS. n urn`` memory O rove e Joseph Arthur McClu.key, Mat Balletron, who ver killed inaction at' Passchendaele, October Lei, 1511. !NOTICE t CREDITORS. Txt nils r.ss AND BROITHaaT. a EsyAn sir Tltaomy NEW ADVERTIaEMENTS-Oct. 24. a TowNawt► eve Aa.- Pigg ' Munwr, roosts, sari 111611111811BIlea ti111s-liaq day Co.stlgk 1 IN tNt sure* Mar Mcc AaraT, LATS w Net•, M setae coca iso. WANTED the names of any persons entitled to be entered on the said hits havep been omitted 1 from the same, or that the names of persons who are not entitled tolbe voters have iRL WANTED. TO CLERK iN been entered on the lists. may, not less than five clear days before the dates fixed for 11• grocery siert.. Appry,at once to DEAN the sittings of Revising Officers, apply, Complain or appeal to have his own name or the names of any other person corrected in, entered on or removed from the lists prepared under the Ontario Election Act, 1918. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by tl,e complainant, and given or left for him at his residence or place of business, 00 or before the said date, to the Clerks of the Revising Officers, as follows Mrs. L. Walker, Gorrie, as to appeals for the Township of Howick; b. M. Mc- Tavish, Wroxeter. for the Village of 11 roxeter; J. F. Groves. Wingliam, for the Town of Wingham; Paul Powell, Wingham. for the ,Township of Turnberry; A. Elder, Blyth. for the Village of Blytb: Joseph Stothrrs, Blyth, for the Tr wnshipp o1 Morns: 1'. G. Allen. Dungannon. for the Township of AshReid; A. Porterfield, Betgrave, kr the Township of East Wawanosh; W. N halon, Lucknow P. O., for the Township 0l West Wawanosh. - • LEWIS H. DICKSON. 31.31 Chairman Voters' Registration Board, County of Huron. r THE CANADIAN'B OF CO ' J. ';i SIR EDMUND WALKER D.C,L Fteaidw CAPITAL PAID UP, $i5,000, 000 SIR JOHN AIM Ciwaeal Maser. H. V. F. JONES. Aw't Coil Masser RESERVE FUND, . $13,500.000 FARMERS' BUSINESS Farmers find the service of this Bank efi'ident and sans= factory in the discounting and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes supplied free of charge,' TO Goderich Branch—G. WILLIAMS, Manager. GIRLS CAN SECURE LIGHT, CLEAN WORK AT GOOD WAGES –�-- PAID WHILE LEARNING WILLIAMS, GREENE & ROME Company, Limited Corner Benton and St. George streets KITCHENER WRITR FOR PARTiCi'f,ARS )00CXXXXXXX BROs. `,V • NTED.-A MAID OR A WIDOW ' to do general housework. Good wages! Apply in MRS. HUNTER. - t 7ANTED -YARDMAN TO MEAS • - CRE lumber and to take care of horse. Steady employment all the year round. Apply GODERICH ORGAN CO- I ' 1'IR1S WANTED. -APPLY THE GODERICH KNITTING CO. U+-tl WANTED. PEARS ANI) PLUMS at the Canning Factory, Huron Canning & EvaporatingCo. The Ontario Emergency Volunteer Health Auxiliary. Volunteers, erlpt•ciallyof women holding certifieates s Red Cross or V. A. D. nnraes,-, are requested in Goderich fit assistance in combatting the influenza epidemic. if a sufficient number of volun- teers respond, classes will 'he arranged and lecturers pro- vided. ' Volunteers are asked to communicate at once with L. I.. KNOX, Town Hall, Goderich s hereby given that all having claims or demand. ag.nnsl The late othy Mc- Carthy, rho,d.ed on or about the 2 day d July. 1111•. at the sari township el Asht , are relu.red to send by post, prepaid. or de er to Charles J. McCarthy. Dungannon P. U. R. No. L the adm.nrtntorm the properly cru (he seal late Timothy McCarthy, their names acrd addresses and lull particu'ars in witting of their claims, and %tatrments in detail 0115,-,, accounts and the nature of secuntnw. d any. held by them AND TAaa NOTlta that alter the ILIh day of November, A D. Isla, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the sweets of the said deceased among the persona entitled thereto,. havmg regard only to the claime of which he Card of Than -Mr. and Mr J. S. Bedlyd ., 1 shall then have had notice. and [hal the ward administrator will not be IiaMr hr the said assets. Girls Wanted -Williams. Greene a Rome. Kitcleser. 1 Card of Thanks -William Thompson �... 1 Ontrio Election Act -Lewis H. Dickson . . I Mere. etc, for Salt--Govier's Livery, Dungan- non - 1 Notice to Creditors -R. V. Hays. 1 Portrait of Dad -R. R. Sallow, 6 To utomoh.lr Owneu-Devi( Game 4 Grl anted-- Dean Brod.. ,I Buy Vi ory Bonds -Godeeich Manufrturen 6 Maid Wan d- Mrs. Hunter 1 Card of Thanks Mrs. Wm. Ba and Family 1 a any rt theredto r.y p•i son r.1 show clam Auction Sa'e Hill Horton ; I le .hallarxn then 0.ave received i,uttce. Auction Sale-Edward-Straughan. �1 .... Dated• at Goderich this 2'Ortl day of October, Bicycle Stolen-Goderich En.ttnlg Cor 1 A. D. nal•. .. R. C. HAYS,- Farms for Sale -Thos. Gundry( ' t 3•-9t Solicitor for the Administrator. Warning -Town of Goderich.. , .. . 1 MEN WANTED! Men who are used to building construc- tion wanted to work on erection of a new boiler shop adjoining the Wheel Riffs prop- erty in the Town of Goderich. Good men will be given an opportunity to continue wh this Company after the building is com feted. Apply to NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd. �O•CX"�Crfk BANK OFMONTREAL lSTASWS1En OVER 1111141 YEARS Safety Deposit Boxes It is unwise to keep Bonds, Securities, Insurance Papers and other valuables in a house or office. Safety Deposit Boxes in the vaults of this Bank may be rented at a moderate charge. Olean OelOCt.INONT.(AL, A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. 1 d