The Signal, 1918-10-17, Page 4•
4 THURSDAY, Ocr. 17 , 191R
Boys' Overcoats
Youths' Overcoats
Men's Overcoats
Our showing for fall and winter is complete.
iiMeltons. Freizes, Cheviots, Tweeds, in all the latest
approved stiles. Others are pleased with them- so
will you. Buy early, there is nothing to lose and
everything to gain' by doing so. r
Quality governs all our clothing —value and satis-
faction being the key -note of our success.
SPECIAL—We want you to see our all -wool -Melton
Overcoats—no coat so dressy—no cloth will give
better satisfaction.'
Prices strictly based on values.
— A(.1 NT FOR —
'!Oth Century Clothing • Borsalino Hat.
McEwen's Specials
Metall, and 'newk. at dJ
Men'. heavy 1'nderwear.
Mru's heavy deme -lined 1'ndeu
Men's medium weight Cnderwear
at 73r for garment.
Men's heavy Socks. :i pairs fur $1.
Men's cotton Gloves for fall, I:s•.
3k.. 23c a pair.
Boys' fleece -lined Underwear.
B. y.' Sweaters.
Bots' heavy ribbed Stockings.
Boys' Mitts.
Boys' Brace*.
See our Flannelette Blankets be-
fore you buy, they are gond quality -
and the prices right.
Try a can of McEwen's Own Bak-
ing !'ender, large tin 'hie.
Try a lb. of S x Oleomargarine
when butter is scarce, nothing bet-
Try a Ib. of our Shortening. 7x. a
Ib. cheaper than lard.
We have a nits assortment for
putting in boxes for uveraerw.
'Phone 46 - - Goderich
Canada Food Board L,cen.e No. 1-7113
Win ham, agent Thanksgiving with M . ficatly notified of casualties. Pte. Larne
and Mrs. Chas. Robinson. ` AIIin made the supreme sacrifice on
Miss Wadduckk is visiting at Chatham. I September 21$th. 1917. and Corp. Harold
Miss Lottie Joheston, of Winghant high I Atha was wounded a few months later.
school, was home for the h diday. ra>
Mira Ella Glouaher spent a day at her
home near Bly th this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid. of Ashfield.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister
A number from this vicinity took in
Wingham fair last Wednesday.
TUESDAY. Oct. 13.
Miss May McDairmid hat been ill with
an attack of Spanish influenza.
Mr. Robert McIlwain is in poor health
at present. His many friends hope that
he will soon R ers and his friendis work.
Adams. of Owen Sound Collegiate In-
stitute. spent the holiday with friends at
Another sun. Bennie. met with an acci-
dent, which caused his death, last June.
Mr. Harold Walters. of Toronto. spent
Thanksgiving at his hoots INre.
s[Iie: jRicker Expresses Gratitude to
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
St. George de Windsor. Quebec. Oct. 14
(Specials.—Grateful for the splendid re-
sults she has obtained from the use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, Mlle. Marie Anne
Richer, a well-known resident of this
place. is telling the good news to her
"i am happy to recommend Dodd's
Nile.Kidney Pills to all the world. I was pale
'. e
Anniversary sers will be held at' and feeble, and my blood was filled with
Nile church next Sunday. in the mnrntr+g impurities. but after taking some boxes of
at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7.30. Dodd's Kidney Pills I feel that 1 am
Rev. H. Irvine. of Hamilton. is expected cured. 1 am grateful for the marvellous
Of preach at both services. 1, *shots w•d1 effects obtained from Dodd's Kidney
1f the kidneys are not doing their work
of straining the impurities out of the
blood the circulation becomes clogged.
Pte. J. Webb, of the FlyiCorps. Tor- and'sicknesswa is bound to develop. heT
ng natural way to cure such sickness
onto. returned on Monday atter spending is to cure the kidneys The cured
a few weeke at home. kidneys c.eanse the bioxxl of the impuri-
Miss Versa Woods, of Lucknow. visited ties the seeds of disease and the result is
over the week -end with Miss Gladys good circulation
Webb. the body.and good health alt over
Miss M. Durnin and Miss McLaughlin
attehded the teachers' convention, held
in Godericb.
Anniversary services were held in Beth-
el church last Sunday. Rev. M. Clys
dale. of Fordwich. was the speaker.
Lieut. H. McCrostie. of the (ental
Corps. Toronto, spent the weekend with
his brother. Mr. W. G. McCro'ue.
be cordially we1c ihe.
TUESDAY, Oct. 13.
Al BURN. Dr. and Mrs. Mudge, of Galt, and Mrs.
W EDNESDAY, Oct. Ili. Bowles and three children. of Georgetown.
motored up to Mr, J. Webster's on Satur-
The services in all the churches were day and spent Thanksgiving Day among
cancelled on Sunday owing to the in- i friends herr.
tluenza. ere are a number of cases in Miss May Cameron. Miss Colena
the vitiate and surrounding country. I Clark, Misses Nina and Winnie. Wolds.
George Yuri:him shipped two can of 1 !Miss P. Webster and • Miss W. Ruth •r -
cattle to Toronto on Saturday. ,lord Spent Thanksgiving at their respective
Vord has been received here of the liorrrea.
death of Mr. William Wenzel in Mani -1 Cadet R. L. Falconer. of the Flying
tuba. The deceased was a former resi- I Corps. Toronto. is spending the v. -eek -end
dent td Auburn. vier ing his grandmother. Mrs. Ramage.
Mr. William J. Dobie received word HOME FROM THE WAR —Pte. R. Mc-
that his younger brother. Frank. •n Gurre. of the 160th Battalion. who had
France. had received gunshot wounds in.' been overseas for nearly three years.
1 the thigh and foot. We hope for his ; arrived in St. Helens on Friday. Bob
speedy recovery. I looks well after the experience he has
1 A SECOND SON KILLED IN ACTION.— come through, A reception was tendered
Mr. and Mrs. John McClinchy have been him in the hall on Monday evening. when
notified ui the death in France of their addresses were given by Rev. J. Little.
1 son, Pte. David McClirchy, kilted in Messrs. J. Joynt. D. Murray and others,
action. This is the second casualty in' and solo. and readings by the young
' this family within a year. Both sons ' people. [ unch was served and a sociable
enlisted in the 161st Battalion. Mdch • hour was spent.
sympathy is expressed in the loss of Such'•-- - --
' noble boys as these in the great war. I BENMILLER.
DEATH of JaIN G000.—Mr, John TLEsoAY.Oct. L;.
Good passed away on Wednesday even- ; Rev. P. S. and Mrs. Banes are attend-
ing of last week. in his forty-ninth year.. ing the Meihodsst General Conference at
after an illness of two weeks from an ab- IHamilton this Werk.
suss in the throat turning to blood -poison- , While cetera: in this district are ill.
ing. He ss survived by his partner -in— the 'flu" has not entered the village at
life. five tom- Robert, W elhinggton and time of wi icing.
Witham in France. Edward and Russell at S.143 -fitting and cider -making are the or-
home—and spree daughters at home. The der of the day here. ,-• '
funeral took place to Ball's cemetery on . Mrand stirs. -W. McLean and the
Friday and was largely attended. The
services were conducted by Rev. W. H.
Campbell. of llenmiIler. ' Tbe sympathy
of all goes out to the sorrowirigones in the
Ines of tbusbatd and father.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Cxnmisa'oner fx Affidavits, etc..
and Conveyancer
Wa.. Deeds. Mortpaes. Arreemen,• etc
Carefully esecu'ed and Money $.m-
yi,ed for Marta...
Fin. Wed and L.f. Insurance. ,n the be.,
Co. .Hers ai.l...
l>KXXXXXIIMXIII•XILNXXXI•M111It//IA111111)1/111(11111 NIX
Store Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Saturdays 10 p. m. 1
PHONB 56 r, rtwa;.frt , ►t , ., rv.{... . PHONE 56
The Leading Phone and Mail Order Store
OUR phone and mail order department is at your service to give you
the same attention as if you visited the store personally. Do not
hesitate to call us up for any information you may desire. Our
store is as near to you as your telephone. Remember we pay postage
on all orders right to your door. Our phone No. is 56.
McCall's Patterns 15c, 20C and 25c McCall's Patterns 15c, 20C and 25c
Home dressmaking is now the order of the day, and MaCall's Patterns are the
greatest boon to the home dressmaker. Their attractive and practical styles and simple
instructions make it almost impossible to go wrong. McCall Patterns once tried al-
ways used. The November patterns are now in stock.
Special Values in Fall and Winter Underwear
You cannot pay too much attention to the selection of your Underwear. Now
is the time to wear warmer undergarments. We would strongly recommend any of
these well-known makes : Turnbull's, Lennard's, Peerless. Dr. Jaeger and Tiger Bra nd
for men and boys.
Women's Union Vests and Drawers, Men's natural wool Shirts and
Turnbull's make. Special $1.35 each. Drawers. Turnbull's make, unshrinkable,
all sizes.
Misses Morrish. of Goderich. visited in
the village on Sunday last .
Mr. 'Ind Mrs. Joshua Allin. of the Mait-
land concession. received a telegram on
Sunday stating that their son. Pte. Secord
Allin, had been wounded in the hand and
ST. AUGUSTINE. shell gassed. The family have the sin -
TUESDAY, Oct. 15. cere sympathy o the neighborhood. as
Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson. of this is the third time they have been of-.
The Lord of Castle Mountain
Castle Slountain in the Canadian Pacific Rockies.
THS veils fall bad nome In the' magnificent specimen of the Rocky !concealment behind a rnsk nntll hie
mountains. Hunting parties pa-, Mountain sheep, or bighorn. nibbled 1 breathing brew normal and his
trolled the valley■ still green' daintily at some tender„ lichens. A strained muscles became steady. the
and untouched by frost. The lower shadow pitted across his ever. but I bunter *Ousted bis rifle and took
slopes of the ride R ground were dark he paid do heed. for the lambs that ; preliminary eight. it was late after-
s ltb spruce. brightened hers and . were small In the spring war.- now noon and the tight was deceptive.
there with the lighter green of poplar 1 well -grown and eould take rare or i,ometliing struck the rock at the
and willow. Higher still rte ■pruce 1 tbemee'vee should some bold angle foot of the sheep,-whenwed" off into
tomato climbed In ever narrowing try in topple one off the ledges.. The• the clear air. and then from a dig.
tails up the water fed niches. chile big bu'•k no worries therefor. w nee 'ante dsho Rlorioatan eport. and
rt. The
home and there large patches a• poplar' The b"iia were down below fattening
gleaned golden yellow. for the front on be-rl H. the wolves wore In the se stood ID
nndn sp emndide pose,quiververy
was nipping things at els thousand, timber meting venni feed from among',
feet 1 the parer fir.ios rabbits and p-rhaps i to binrh and tauten to throw the
Aber. the timber lino the grey' some wot,rdett deer nr ninon... The; big body to safety as sone es the
erwae tow ereel , their highest Peak' 1precipl"e on which the sh.ep stool snurre of • danger was d!srnvered.
and plateaus shining with the virgin' dropped sl,eer for some six hundred' The hunter raised lits sights a trifle,
brightness of the first arows. In the,feet to the anow-rnve;ed robhir- of the sighted a little further 'eark, and
midst of the mountains. standing upper engem of the timber Twit. pulled the trigger. The sheep heard
alone In seeming aristocratic, exrin. stunted. w'attered trees barely eking no sound of the ride. Som"tht'ix
.ton. the colored battlements et Castle out a pre•-nriot.s extst,n-•o where the struck him and crashed through hi•
Meu•taIo rearl,.A heay.-nwnrri shove rock wane started to climb. Away holy: something that sped faster
the Umber. castle Mountain to s to the valley booms'a black dot than sound. Blindly. frantically, lee
freak ►'suture. For a hundred miles.crawlel orhr•Md It wms a Casa- leaped up and out over the chasm.
soeth there Is none lits It. To theldlas Panne freight train laboring The bunter ertsmpled mealy to the
north the range inns In the Areticiadnng from Beni to bake I,nnlse. rhfmney and said. rolled and ran to
with O. slower n,iteropptwg. East.' A man. rifle nn bark. trawled like the whale slope at the foot of the pre.
ward to tie prairies where the now ia ay tip a steep "chimney"; sweat civic.. the shale where the first new
River esaakes anon from the °est dripped from his hrow, his breath a]OW lay thlnly ne th. rubble. •+here
steer of tb. fnothillm 11 1s not duptl-' wits labored; he erept pion ty rip the stunted treat fawner• i In the rot/
catet westward. fifteen or twee- warden. rising hands and feet and air: for be knew his game woul Ise
d, Mit
ty cones. there first appear signs of sometlmee bl. chin Field al there 454r as Ma very rocks. And
thinner Mm
rattow. lasts. Mountain' had 1014,hlm the splendid hack will there he found h: its bead Wait on
is ulnen rook threat from rho bowels above and ho wanted a *hot at the the slope. • dark blotch OR the aaaw.
of the mirth by .11nm* &areal beat king of the peaks At last he .arch.I And it had a pair of berms th41 maty
aps.w of forgotten ages. throat tip tn'.d th. plateau and looked. There• sportsm!p
ta bas eat a tkousatd
'tha midst of the tamer grey of sand t flv. Miner..1 y.Ma swat op the smI dollars to obtains list ' is vale-
lateeo awed limestone formation ef there side of a canon w51,•5 It would to '• K. .
11•s'•" gra Mit at Ike Canadian R.ekt.f tats a belt de! to girt le. stand the
to tie edge et a skeet prostyle* a , pine placidly tsedlaa. Weals& la 1
MR. N. F. WHYARD is the for THE SIGNAL' at Dungannon.
orders left .wits him for Wbacriptpm.
aavertwrtnents or lob pruning wilt receive
prompt a,tentwo. TelepYoSs (Goderich
Rural) r39. '
Mr. Thos. Smylie had a telephone in-
stalled this week.
Wm. Rivers had a successful auction
sale on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. B. J. Crawford arrived home last
Thursday evening after a visit ,of two
Frame Your
Soldier Boy's
Give his picture la place of
He's fighting for you at the
A neat swing frame in actigtte
gold. walnut or mahogany will
be just the thing. We have a
splendid assortment, very reason-
ably priced.
Smith's A 't Store
East Street ' 'Piton.• inn
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Provid.nen, R. L--" I was all Iva
down iy health. was nervous, had bead -
aches, s baek
ached all the time.
I was tired and had
no ambition forany-
thing. I had takes
a number ef medi-
cines wench did me
no good. Ores day
I read about Lydia
E. Methane. Vege-
table Compound and
what it had done for
women. so I tried
it. My nervousness
and backache and
headache, disappeared. I gained in
weight and foci Ass, so 1 eau honestly
recommend 1.ydia 6. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound to as woman who i•
Norio eel was. "— Nn. ADELINE B.
. Lrsr-rt. ib Plain At.. Provideries, R. L
Backache and nervensanwms are symp-
toms or nature's warnings, which in-
dicate a functional diahnfbaisce or as
sah.altby cosdities which often arra-
tops Into a nor. serious ailment.
Woolen is tine c edition should wet
continue to drag ajnMfl without help, int
profit by Mr. i.$uek s.epsrienee, sal
try this fawtoas root and bort, remedy,
Lydia a Pinkbssn's Vegetable ('.osi-
.t-r-rd_-wad for ,palet divine write ta
W L. Mukhas 1101.0s. Loss Matt
Women's natural wool Vests and
Drawers, Turnbull's make. Special $2
Women's combinations in Turnbull's
and Dr. Jaeger's. pure wool. unshrink-
able. From $3.50 to $7.50 the suit.
$1.69 ferment.
Men's combinations, close crotch,
natural wool, Turnbull's make. $3.50
Men's fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers,
extra quality, all sizes. 95c per pair.
Dr. Denton's Sanitary Sleeping Suits for children. From $1.25 to $1.75.
New Coats, latest styles
We are showing some very handsome
latest New York Coats in velours, in
taupe, burgundy, reindeer, etc.. no two
alike. Special $35.00 to $45.00.
Furs of Distinction
We are showing some very smart and
practical sets in natural and dyed Wolf
Furs. which are splendid values. From
$22.50 to $75.00 set.
New Neckwear
New Handbags
t.crIl4S.holifmtkorT`I Remember our phone, No. 56
New Gloves
111■■111111111111111111111111USX* 11111■
1 1
1 PHONE 56 A/Ijllars SStore PHONE 56 1
1 1
months to her daughter. Mrs. R. E. Wil• GODS 1CH TOWNSHIP.
•at Winnipeg
Mr. Geo. [rum
Guard the Children from
Owing to ill -health Mr. Alfred. Naffed Autumn Colds.
has purchased an Over -
has tendered his resignation as trustee of -
land car from the agent at W Ingham. S. S. No. and Mr. Walter W"albs has
Mr. Chas. Robinson. jr.. of Detroit. is been appointed to fill out the term. Mr.
, Naftel had been a trustee for over thirty
here visiting his father, Mr. Chas. Robin -
Wit years continuously and also held the posi-
Mr. 'W. H. Fraser. the Liberal Candi- tion of secretary -treasurer.
date in North Huron. was in the village 1
one day this week. an
Mr. I . McAllister. who is tax col- othGier manvingadfrimvice makingsometima es footpretenta of h m+ef(.
lector for West Wawanosh. started on his _by. not heeding it.
rounds on Tuesday. - ,
What about all the good apples that 1
, are going to waste in this country? Why Don't spend ton much time wondering
not send a few cars to the poor in the what is going to happen after th- war.
I cities or to the -soldiers in camps and What is needed now is all your - strength
hos 'tats? and energy to win the ear.
Mrs. John Glenn and Mrs. John Smith
, were called to Niagara Falls on Saturday • __
to wait on their daughters. Olive Glenn
and Hazel Monk, who are seriously ell
With the influenza. Gordon Glenn, who
is workin f in the munitions factory at
Seaforth. also is ill with the "du."
• The influenza has hit our village.
Miss Verna Hamilton. of the telephone
staff, is seriously ill, and others affected
are Mrs. Hamilton. Genevieve Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duff
and children, Ella Ryan. Rae and Edith
A number of our sports had a success-
ful day's hunting on Monday. bagging
thtee foxes. besides other small game.
Tom Stothers and Jack McNabb were
hunting also. but it was for Green Moun-
tain potatoes. and they would like to
know the name of the party who recom-
mended this variety of potato. if he is
atill in this country.
Mr. David Sproul ha: tai a letter from
his son Harold, overseas. rect nt; y reported
wounded. He is in hospital suffering
from a wound in the hip, but says it Is
not serious.
There will be no servi:'es in Erskine
church next Sunday on account of the
btethodi't anniversary eervtces.
Mrs. Pierce has moved down to her
daughter's. Mrs. Thor. Parks, this week
and will naw reside there.
Mr. Rory McDonald and family, who
have comae to Dungannon from Kinloss.
are moving into the house which Mr. Mc-
Donald recently purchased.
Mrs. Darby, who had been' visiting at
the home of rs. Robert Moore. returned
to her home at Brownsville on Tuesday.
—The anniversary of the Dungannon
Methodist church will he observed next
Sunday' and Monday. On Sunday the
servicer will be conducted by Rev. W. A.
Smith. B. A.. 11. D., of Calgary. On
Monday evening there will be an enter-
tainment in the church, the program to
he given by Miw Jean Walker, elocution-
ist. of London; Miss Lyttle. soloist, of
Godertrh. and Miss Hazel Augustine, of
Dungannon, with short addresses by
Rev. J. W. Hisey, Rev. M. P. Craig and
Rev. Mr. Smith.
The (all weather is the most severe era -
son of the year for colds -one day it
war:n. the next is wet and cold. and un-
less the mother is on her guard the little
ones are seized with colds that may hang
on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are
mother's best friend in preventing m r
banishing colds. They act as a gentle
laxative. keeping the bowels and stomach
free and sweet. An occasional dose will
' prevent cold. or if it doer come on sud-
denly the prompt use of the Tablets will
quickly cure it. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at •l., cents a
box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
• Brockville, Ont. -
DORENWEND'S of Toronto
invite row to their
display of the
newest creations in
artistic hair -goods.
if yam. 11\511 11111,
is thin, dull and un
i1.1.^11111i11g. let, us dc-
monstrite just what.
can be done to supply
'.me lack of hair•
and how perfectly it.
is accuntpliAiel.
FOR LADIES:—Switches, Tranaforsatioas, Waves, Pompadours,
Chigoots, Etc.
FOR BALD MEN: Doreawead's Toupee
will make y11u look year,. vuunger
,s,td improve your health. light
ns a feather rind indetart.ihle 1111 1111r
unitary patent structure.
This display is for 1 day only
Appointinents can he Arranged at
residence if desired.
Head Office: 103-105 Yelp St.