The Signal, 1918-10-10, Page 6e 1'AJO:40,4v, OCT. irt0 ste.to , Sunlight Soap Saves Them Your woodier. meta be esedest leri es lone es possible -ie• • • 'Owe duty. %obeli Sere the pili4C•4t 61,1,1 loot *I ell itleoirr soars se 'Cr the safest • 40604 - is Nit ore coo strekvil lb,,0141,••• 11,141 11,414•, it 1•11.L,4e,1,8 t. Ile the 0..h Ikon C1/4,441111,110 bwairr (owes sleeps sell Seek*, LI %WM stmerire. Toss.. tto Tao e ora.iy rae..)14,. vitro gra God *ow elms at{ Iricssicets ddw Aix' thou plotted to waste (hon STOW E'S THE RED BARN, SOU T R ST R E ET FOR 'BUS, UVERY AND HACK SERVICE '• rz'slae, 4`if, 4 ittiattli,/j. THE SIGNAL GODERICII,, ONTARIO, - • • •• ••••••• •-• • •••••••-•••••• ••-•••••••• .• •-• •-••• -4,04 ARTHUR N. DAVIS. D. D. 3. The Kaiser as I Knew Flini 1 for Fourteen Years -r By Sp, ••,lier Irs4./tio, ot s • •••• 4..0,14 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.• •-••••••-•••• Al•-•• 4,0 .• •-• • -•-•-• 4-4-44-4.-44 • o •-• ellimerkem. teea be the neeClue• Poserramsviel ie demidleate3 be sure they will yet be u • •••-••- f4 • ' Fee gorse uk..W@nreason the kaiser t "opped the use of those lettaygee boobs for the time beluii, g. Wby 'diet L. move t• gave the %tomes and ctdl- mire° os the Lesitaula? Wbeo 1 west back to Berlin in the fall of 1$15, after a visit to the Uuited States, the kaiser was very .11114)01ascertain from sno just how Aateritm telt towards the war. I told him that before the slaking of the Lnaltania opialoe Lad been divided. There bad loco many who were *treacly proally, there bad bore others who were openly pro - German and there had bens still oil- ers who maintained an absolutely oeu- teal attitude. After the Lusitania R.,eilitioed from last weekFrance and be believed that the 13- tragedy. bii,nr000. mom bad boon a •Hor wow ergo eery food a liatoo- boat, would effectively prevent ring abottaot clause Is pow,. fooling. 1 told tag to mid tolling stories will • point mad wield frequestly Write in• to tell him Amoy new WSW slot I might have heard. 80•11* Or MO stories we ea- rliesireil WWI. =WM er 141111 risque IVA weal& be est of piece la these loges, but I do est mimeos t• lotimot• that there was anytklug very UMW* 111114:45 with them. Tiro always amused lam vory moweb aad he was quick to catch tho rho katimer's sears of humor fre- quently exhibited Itself. Ho told nor of • conferrisee betwees repreireata- tires of all the powers regarding the sieloctloa tar • lilac for Albania .(ter the Reese war. 80,13* of taus* present thought the laceisheat ought to be a Ostoolle. others hoisted that 1 Greek Catkolle was essential. still others toslot•Ined that a Mohammedan would be moot legleal. It seemed quits lampooned" to come to any airecovniod as to just what re- Ilgio• lb* king of Albani• should pro- fess, anti tbe tallier had ended the dito elllt111011, he sail& with Gs euggebtion: "Well, gentlemea. if • Protetitant won't do, sad a ROitin0 CtitilOtIC W9111t do, and • Buddhist is out of the quer- t114, why not ardect a Jew sad can him Jacob the nest? He'll have his throat cue, anyway, In three months!" The powers did not select a, Jew, hot tbo prince of Wled, the kalser's norid- awe. was put on the throne, and within • month or two afterwards bad to flee far his life. la referring to Roosevelt's' patriotic offer to lead as army in Fruitier, the kaleee declared that be admired him for bit courage end seat "I beer." he odd, "that he in WOW on his way to Italy. It la too bad we did, not postpone our (Meanie. there. Per- ' hems we ['debt More captured bite. Wouldn't Teddy look Nan, lu a goo mask?" Shortly after the U-boat lemOich- innd made Its eurcesieful trip to Amer - lea, the kaiser called our me, and lor • was In a very jocular frame of mind. I tuippened to mention to him that 1 _planned to go to America the following I 'internee In conneetion with the pomp - 4. .n tooth I bail potented. "Well. It won't to niters:tatty now, Doyle." he commented. "We cite .end • IsetitliChi•rid over and bring heck • hoetbred of teeth!" 'Fit my teeth well. Devitt.", he (te- etered on smother occrinion, "no Viet I can bite There are lots of people I would ilke In bite!" and he earappeill his Jewo together in a wily that would lave !Noted 111 for the victims he lord inhave thought were foreign to (441 n . •w•re of the plan to blow It up and nolo& mill eh 1.14 relMerk MOON evetnre, bis presence always had • most I sanctioned it. Thst he rould h••• denity ttttt re facetisms then victims.if he had been promptedt• I remarked( effect upon roe. va erted It Tile (toilets', and affability *kirk te do so Is clearly indicated by soother 1 have • si•iti mental ImPressillto of the knitter alinont invariably displayedhim DOW as I write. He is ntamdlac lo In hilt relatious With 111f9 111.1 not pe- Incident whieb left a very deep Ine rthe renter of my room, drawn up to bill I prosaic's% upon 1St, weft all tiarri,; called for in oily itort of the fOi outgoing tt itus ou T It or C R riourpt attention tin all ordtri Of telt:1,60're cal I, Sood horses fint•das.rigs tt R. STOWE 1 elepleone bi +tattoo' to T. M. Devi great addition to our forces abroad, If. Indeed. they ever left DOT shores. biro, practically the «bole country "At • matter of fact, however." be having become decidedly anti-Gerrnan. added. "your countrymen would be "Perkaps If the U-boat commander very willing, no doubt, to light for their had kmowo so wally wronem and chil- dren wars os besrd." oaa the kainer's country to protect it from invades. .„.si. ,....., h....tem aet ba o but I don't believe you'll ever get Essay '"'"' ----• ""- --"--' "-- -1- *eh( 01 them to leave bow, to se., abroad. forth the torpedo which seat the vessel America will really he a •ery meg to the bottom. but what he was think- frottor in the war. Davis!" In, of most. of course. was the 5,000 "Yeur majesty is underestimating' tors of ausounitioo on board which the power of America!" 1 replied. were destioed te 'daughter my peo- He turned to me Indignantly, and ill Pie!" Ms most inirwrinue manner exclaIntadi Of course the knitter knew that if "W• underestimate no earl IN the tl-boat commander's orders were kuow exactly what we are doing!" to sink th• Lneltutiia, disobedieni•e How ;seriously he was mistake& cur Upon Ms part wouttl have lett but one this reapect bre ranee been softie -testi' courser open for lorn: pulitide. lf, on 4. the other hand, the kaiser meant to No matter how gloomy the outlook Intimate that the U-boat commander proved. for Germany. the kaiser 114.1dOM show- sank the lositanla I,n his own initia- ed concern. It Is true (bat whenever Gee or without lips -cis! Instructions things were going wrong, as when the from his superiors, tile fact still re- Ruisalaos la the early part of the war maims that tbe tallier could undoutio were sweeping everythlog before thealli pity have prevented the tragedy and In their 'demure on the Carpathian; didn't. he and the rest of , the royal fanillg Bot 11 there ca. be any doubt as to kept as far in the background as pose the k•imier's direct responsibility fur slide, whereas when the German regal the sinking et the Luldtallniat certain It wax triumphant, as in the ease of this 18 that he folly approved, (speedy de- offennlve against Italy. he could net fended and even exulted in the murder make himself too conspicuous at the of W01114941 and children by Zeppelin front. raids on londra, Manchester, Liver - But evea when Germauy's adversity pool and other son -military cities and was creattort, the traitor always put on towns. a brave front. At such times I have "England ex-pecta to etre* my woolen and children to death," be de - swell him stop in the street, after leav- ing my Office, and before the hundreds (tiered to me *arty la the war -long ttef-vre we is Gertnituy had begun to of people waiting outside to greet him, ostentatiously put a cigarette Is his feel the slightest effect of the dImln- mouth and light it, that everyone might falling food supply, "but our Zeppelins notice bow steady bin b.sd was and win eye their women alai children a bow little he was worried by the tura taste or war, too. Confound them! things were taking. . They mit oo their island and try to At the same time, on one or two oe. ' al,thaurviownsar;twele..will give them a taste of corms after the war started, I noticed that he acted differently when ill th. . Thls was the man whose various ' • -••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that., sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found It absolutely necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY Mat:Ewan Estate denial chair than had been hi. custom act. of eonalderation towards me, The kaiser once h'oarded to me that ' had imression ------------------- 1404 • building was erected in Germany, upon me! How trivial and inconee- not a bridge built, not a street opened. quential they all seemed mow! Clear - not • park laid out. but what the pro)' ly, they were all a part of the role he P41 wait first submitted to hlm. Hsi had been playing for years. While he kept posted ou everything that was was eetwerdb' diePhillh, alt the ear- I going on, not only In Germany, but to marks of 2 gentle character. be was the world at large, and, as far ste he inwardly plotting to dominate the wan able. he endeavored to have hits• world. For twenty-five years be main- nger In every development at world- talned the peace of Europe, be fre- wide Importanio. 1 cahoot halve. Ilacntly boasted. He maintained peace that he was 'PIM interested la what his Just lona enough to complete his finial countrymen were tieing In connectios Prelorations for the wickedest war with the war than he was in their that was ever waged I And yet atrangely enough, even after the war had revealed the kaiser to me In him true colore and had shown him to be espable id deeds which I should wheu everything was serene. , whose talents and Veronal cbartne, achievements In time 9f peace. If he did not actually order the pink- ing of the Lurditinia. therefore, I ate convinced that be was thoroughly ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••• L. B. TAPE The Siltirsr Sesciug M +Chine Agent, 'has takes ores the agency of PiN internalionai Harvester Company on Hamilton Street str,i am bandit, ti 1, lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing Machines A I rii aliare of the pohlre pat 'visage! will Ire appreciated. vent bit. DO (4410 (1,(11,11,411 frO1111 1111,,V1, 1 lug his i„digssi ins wh„ i Lm.hpil his, 1 was informed by rine of the Ger- upon what wet' evidently .4 very wore man aviators that plans had berm point -the pert that Amence wee go- made to drop ins bombe on tondos leg It iIiny la the wee itithough he el -•which contained a deadly gas which wayou claimed to be lingertnthed tamed would penetrate the cellars of houses la which civilians wore In the habit tho American siluatioll full height. his ettoniders thrown baek, hie left hand upon the hilt of a tooled anti his right emphasising bis remarks, protesting in the meet earn- erot manner that It We* not be who Wall reeponsible for the war and all its horrors, but that It had come upon -4'../r4.4 te, • "qt.; 3114 • Wail Aikoewiedgescoti to Luke Fades, R..4. Alt ' c; 'W ':Pk.c.le";,,,'%*.c7.1".iirliZe‘':‘,7C-447.1:',,t'- • „;,f1.4,.. l Pro every home there comes a time when every thought, 1 every hope, every prayer for the future centres on the recovery of one loved one:, In that hour of anguish, every means to recovery is sought—the highest medical skill, trained nurses, costly treatment. Docs rhe price matter? " I t may be so great as to stagger a , the imagination—a sum beyond the possible.. But does anyone ask, "Can we do it?" Money or no money, they do it. And somehow they ay. It may mean doing without things they think they need. It may mean privations, sacrifices, hardships. 'They make unbeliev- abk savings, they achieve the impossible, but they get the money to pay. + 4. To -day in this critical period of our nationhood, there in impera- tive need for 1110NEY-2-visegiums of money. Only one' tray • now • remains to obtain it. The nation must save, every community, every family, every individual Canadian must save. If anyone says "I cannot save" • let him consider to what extent he t • would pinch himself to relieve the sufferings of a loved one at home; and surely he would not pinch Flessrinfceor.'97 fighting brothers in 'Without suffering actual priva- tions, nearly every family in Can- ada can reduce its standard of living, can practice reasonable thrift, can make cheerful sacrifice to enrich the life -blood of the nation. You who read this, get out pencil and paper NOW. Set down the items of your living 'expense. Surely you will find "- sixte-itetns there you can do with- • • 'out. Determine to do without them. • Start TO -DAY. Save your money so that you may be in a position to lend it to your country in its time of nee4. Published under Stir authority of the Minister of }Mama of Cannata. dtr • • te- Iair raids. VICTORY MUST BE WON. — to he put Into effect the papers as- i • rirevent it. Ilia ready, well-cbesen How Allied Sold(losernerrews the Peace 1 i that time had only 30,0011 inert in Shortly before Gals hideous Idea WOO 11101111Ced that bombs of ads character words entrance me, 1 feel that this Had Headache had beea dropped by the &Was ea Radea-Baden, but that. fortunately. man must be telling me the truth add 1 ant ready to believe that before me With the British A In Prance, i they had fallen lo a clamp of woods Mantis tbe moot unjustly' judged Man Oct. $. .-Tb* soldiers of the Allied For Two Years la the caster of the towa and had fall- II/ the world' ed to explode. which had gives that i armies want peace, but no peace ex- cept a complete victorious one. • - Germans MI opportunity to take them apart and ascertain their nature. A Barrie Man Tells of Persistent s The purpose of this aanonaceinent. Headaches and Indigestion— of (-our's, was to forestall the @term of Finally Found His Way 1 condemnation which the Germs's' I knew would follow Guilt use of (be to Good Health. i bombs on I.ondon-a rum which they had Invarlably employed whomever For two lc ea yeli.111, the. writer of (bey contemplated 1110111, fresh violation this bettor was NuOject. to severe hoed- of the roles of internstional law sad the dictates of humanity. aches. The ['stymie eystoni got nue eilrein..461"•"°" t'Llieet °nil the" etaa It happened that one of my patients oontInued lora of weight. who resided In Baden-Baden ealled to The use of Dr. Chasete Nerve Food oho d all thia, and novo with emotes see nee the day •fter the bombe had of other name people Mr. Nader le been dropped on her rig, and she recommending t he usa )1 this falba told me •Il .bout It. • b d n He hod trointed oat ttiet America et Of biding dor ng a the world despite all be a And then he %hates my hand In fare- well and Is driven away, sod as 1 ease et the moot where he stood. there comes hefore my eyes the desolation of Het - glum. the tragedy of the Lualtania, the despoliation of France and Poland, the deetroction of women and children In London and Paris and $ thousand and one other atrocioult deeds which belle the kaisier's fair words, and I realize that I have been talking to the world's most finished actor and have simply been bewitched by tbe power of his personal magnetism. eon t uod best week - ("We .1. 414. boot mean'. of hult14"1""The Airplanes whir" dropped tha the echauatiel nervous erste& $od outing *boadneheo. ineigratlea end bombe bad been flying ever 1.145 (1(1 all all the enemy -mg symptoms se S nth- the morning," she Mortared. "We down condielos. thought they were our ewe machines Me Jeba Nader, IS Ponouiwir atreot. out for practice and paid no particular Harris. Oot . wrireet . "During like last attention to then. Then they dropp011 t years I hail an attach of ladigea- tion. socomipanted by sever* hood- the bombs rink they landed la tkir ache'. I suffered from loam of epee- woods. and we knew we bed been •t• Ws- sad tiir •F•t•in teectar"_,......r 'J.* tacked. What • dreadful Wag for flown I also lost 4-wielders/w us weight, I began lamina Dr Clouse.''. them to dol- lar/coat Food. and am they helped are I ' What • foolish thing for allied sir - 4.011r111•1014 ttliO4 treatment for some pitmen to do -to spend • «bolo usoro- time My condition la now greatly Ing studying the I•yoat of the tows' linproved, my headaelase are torldenil ray health In g 4 is moot, bet,er land then to drop throw deadly bombs I mu cheerfully rocommoad this use , on • clump of woods where they could of Dr Chaeses Nerve Food to Store not poisibly hurt •ayone, sad how sufflerdsd Orem rorrestseness St and carelees of th• Germans sot to molest kind."I than while they were varied In tasty 11The torsos Dr. Chorea Nerve reed 1.1 10 effective lei carve se thia igligd ta devilish work! boosters of It. stetraordlnery Mood- 1 Rot the point 1 wanted to bring sod ?trendier telleeliee BY or= so MO Orli: them gas bombs were sive, anuadaeso of rieh. red .....it seed as London! streilitt""(Ile 1.01151 of tja. ''-''' "Just as everythlas was Is readiness revimirere the exhausted nerves- ant butt*. ip the arstion In every Wag for the raid," the officer told me re- Thil apnallte es restored,13! s cretfully. "we received orders direct 4rneeevelt reu 00044" al." "... 1 from the kaiser to hold oft -'-1 saw hie haos's, Nerve rood is &Arts sion.14•-• ! two.. wet nothing for co to do hilt Ina now risme sod 441144rer Is .11 every organ of the far signatore to thy, eater. Of coons*. human Iwo.. C for mon. women sod (*Whin 11.116•41 I comply, hut If wo had had the tattier .yawnta have bosom* weak aid 'VW there. I believe we would have strung cameo • to ••••••• a bor. g Mon tor $1 71. elf Voles; nr Illiesmsamos, Raton hint up by Go melt! W. still ba•• II Oa, fastener. Toros*. _ these Want*. however, a ad . 19u seal — ...._ -.. . - • '6,4.1‘.1...••IK,4•3‘..u• • •-• '441,101 El 491 YOUTH -TIME The important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood ,is while life is young and the body develop- ing. A growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health. To a developing child SCOTTS EMULSION This 'was the opinion expresited by (Akers and men alike to the Asso- ciated Press correspondent to -day. If Germany is now willing to admit bet utter defeat, then, say these men. wbo have been fighting the good fight for the liberty of the world, so much the better, but they declare, the granting of an armistice at this tinie. :mints the enemy is absolutely sin- cere, might prove extremely dan- gerous. "Victory first; then peace." This the manner In which French civilians, who have returned to their shell -wrecked homer in Northern France, expressed then:melees, when the subject of an armistice 1. dim- etre.sed. The same idea rune through the minds of all the A111041 emit*, where men have seen their comrades die and where the feeling is that they have died in vain unless victory la • Wilde. The suspension of hostilities, even for a few days, would enable the Germans to continue their prepare, tion of lines to which they might re- tire for the winter. At the moment 114.' Hindenburg aystent Ms beam smashed, and the German military leaders have every reason to believe that they may noon be lichtiag back over country in which at pretreat they have no lines. no dugouts, ng protec- tion from the advancing aimed troops. The Allied armies are in a .trona and aldnantageons position, and the general feeling here is that the dr feat of Germany may come sooner than expected elsewhere than at the front. Hy retiring unhindered the Ger- mans could materially shorten their linen and Saar 1711.0 thereby. Thus they could thicken their rank* and probably he able to hold mit until all the new 1920 clam. of about 500.000 toting men cent(' he incorporated tn the natts in the battle sone. --...... .... comes with particular help. Thousands of the strong men and women of today were in youth -time nourished and strengthened to withstand the inroads of disease by the consistent use of Scott' a liC04181 wile, Tomato. Oat PAINP EXTERMINATOR DON'T SUFFERisPAIN —BUY HIRST'S! itt=orkerri sfaiast attacks of eleimatima. lambrao.newralitia. sad aerobe. ligesier effective ier eemig swellearniatar soratnasont Wait and Ober alimesta Pas camor•rare • tall, him& Mal Illter-elormr. Imams battle Is the home. Has • area. Ardspears err wrier ea mitST itZlitritT Haseittea. - r'414 . For sale by I.RED HUNT The Pandora Brings Relief 4 You won't know the relief in store for you, and the new pleasure in life too, until you have a Pandora range set up in your kitchen —daylight oven, ther- mometer on the oven door that banishes the guess from your bak- ing —a hundred con- veniences in cooking and kitchen work all combined in one range —the Pandora. Landow Toronto St. Jobn,N 11 Hamilton AlZfl_fl e ,,,,,:t.4.i.„30,,f•rti•,,w,1!f„.1 Montell Winnipeg Celine" ltdosontod ' Saskatoon 711,111100,ipigki ama • '