The Signal, 1918-10-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL - GOD / RICH. ONTARIO
'THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1918 i
Sick Women
To do your duty during these trying
times your health should be your first
consideration. These two women
tell how they found health.
Hellam. Pa. -"I took Lydia E. Ptnkham's Veg-
etable Compound for female troubles and a dis-
placement. I felt all rundown and was very weak.
1 had been treated by a physician witbout results,
so decided to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound
a trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house
date last April outdoing all my housework, where before
I was unable to d• soy work. Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vege-
table Compound is certainly the best medicines woman can
take whoa In this condition. I give you permission to publish
this letter."-Yrs.l3- R. CRUkLf IG, B. No. 1, Hallam, Pa.
Iwwell. 11[loh.-•'I suffered from cramps and dragging
down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and
displaoemont_ I began to take Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege-
table Compomd which gave me relief at canoe and restored
my health- I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's
remedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi-
lar way." -Yrs. Ewe Mafia, R.,No. 6, Box tm,L.owell,Yicd,
Why Not Try
la u
-IN -
The new footwear for fall i.
here. Beautiful Shoe% in. the
finest materials, introducing
the newest designs and shade:.
The prices are most reason-
able. '
For Exhibition week we will
put on sale a number of extra
special values in footwear.
See our windows for these
RUBBERS are now in stock.
Geo. MacVicar
North side Square. Godericb
The Bathroom
What a luxus is .t nice
bathroom in your :erne' The
cost is repaid many- times
over by the added comfort
'and convenience. Let us give
you prices on fitting up a
bathroom in your residence.
Harn,lton str..t Phon. 135
PI bine
Fetest t' g1timg
Metal St-ork
Have you received this
We have a copy for you. A
postcard with your address
will bring it by return mail.
Write today t
Oliver Anderson, of Hallett. has pur-
chased the fifty -ase farm belonging to
the estate of the late W. G. Hart hr the
sum of
Barbara l sheds. daughter of Mrs.
James G.• Chesney, Tuckersmith, was
married at Kippen on September 2•iah to
James A. Thomson.
The Zurich fall fair was well attended
in spite of unfavorable weather and the
gate receipts were not far behind three
of last year. The exhibits in nearly all
lines sere better than usual.
Several cases of black leg among cattle
are reported from Stephen and Hay
townsh ipe.e Five animas have died from
the disease. Many of th- farmers are
having their animals vaccinated.
Edward Blake. son of Mrs. R. Blake
of Hulkt . was on a vesse! recently sunk
off the coast 'i France,. but was rescued.
He is on a business trip to France
in the emaioy -o- the United States
While Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Reynolds,
of Hay township. sere driving a mot*
car one evening recently Mr. Reynolds
, loft control in some way and the car
went into the ditch and overturned.
Mrs. Reynolds was pinned beneath the
car and was rather severely injured.
Mr. Reynolds and the car escaped serious
j The concert held in Industry Ha:I as a
conclusion of the tall fair was one of the
best ever held here. The program was
by Harvey McGee. comedian, R. R.
Redmond. violinist. and Miss Florence
Young, elocutionist. The hall %as tilled
to capacity..
An interesting event took place at the
Blyth manse on Saturday. September
21st, when Miss Rose H. Patterson. of
East Wawanosh, became the bride of
Wm. J. Russell. postmaster of Exeter.
Rev. George Telford performed the cere-
mony. The happy couple left on a trip
to Toronto. Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Rev. George Telford. Presbyterian
minister of Blyth. was given a reception
by the congregation on his return after
spending the summer on a mission field in
the Nest. The gathering, which was or-
ganized by the ladies of the congregation,
was held in the basement of the church
and an interesting program %as carried
out. The chair was taken by P. Gardiner.
who on behalf of the congregation pre-
-ented Mr. Telford wi'h an address of
welcome. In his reply Mr. Telford gave
: a short account of his summer's work.
The weather man favored the Blyth
fair on Tuesday of last week and there
vias a large attendance of spectators.
The exhibits were not up to the mark
' of past years. except in a few lines. Two
horse races sere well contested and re•
suited as follows:
Free -(or -ail trot or pace
Bud Kyle P. Rutledge 2 1 1 1
Kathleen T. Coulter 1 2 2 2
Mac Doyle W. Naylor 3 3 3 3
Three-minute trot or pace
Barney Wilkes J. McGee 1 1 1
Anna Mac M. Gaynor 2 2 2
Starlight W. Mason 3
Irwin Armstrong has purchased the
fifty -acre (arm of C. H. Horney in Us,
borne township.
Mrs. Dempster. who has been visiting
at Toronto. has decided to make her
home in that city. and is now here
packing her goods.
Conllratulations are being extended to
C. H. Sanders. of The Exeter Advocate.
upon the birth of a son. The new arriv-
al has he.:n named Charles Borden.
Word has been received of the acci-
dental death of Jacob Wanless. of Duluth.
a large anchor having fallen on him.
He was about fifty years of ase and was
a resident of Exeter in his early tars.
Philip McMillan is away on a trip to
North Dakota.
The death occurred in Kinlos., just
north of Lucknow. on September 22nd, of
Matilda Lockhart. window of the late
Wiliam McNeil. aged seventy-two years.
The remains were interred in Greenhill
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. trwm are moving
to Lucknow from Ashfield township.
They have been prominent in the work
of Hackett's church and will be much
missed in their old home locality.
Pte. Clarence MacDonald, who is at
No. 2 Canadian hospital with the
A. M. C.. writing to a Lucknow friend
say s that German air raiders endeavor to
bomb the hospital almost every clear
night. Women, children, nurses and
wounded men are the sort of erenlies
they like to attack.
The Lucknow Dramatic Club stored
another succees at Kincardine when
they presented the comedy "Captain
Rackety' before a crowded audience in
the opera house. The Kincardine people
were greatly pleased with the perferm-
Mr. and Mrs. John Am -bury and chil-
dren and Eli Elliott have gone to Strat-
ford, where they purpose residing in fut-
Wingham has a new dentist. in the
person of W. R. Elgie, who has been
practising at Blyth for sem? months and
prior to that was at Owen Sound.
Harry- Geddes has gone to Toronto to
tram with the Royal Air Force. The
Sunday school of St. Andrew's church. of
which he was librarian, presented him
with a safety' razor.
A. M. Crawford. auto dealer, has
purchased a hundred -acre farm in Turn -
berry and will go into power farming.
The farm, which was purchased from
Fred Lewis. is said to be one of the best
in the district.
The death occurred suddenly on Tues-
day of last week of Lawrence G. Lennex,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lennex,
Wingham Junction. He had been ill
only a few days and had bean attending
the high school up to the previous Fri-
day. He was to his sixteenth year.
Miss Beatrice Larkin is attending Mc -
G111 University, Montreal.
Clyde Rankin has returned from Mus-
koka. where he •spent the summer as
purser on one of the lake boats.
Miss Marjorie Hall. of Toronto, has
been appointed teacher of modern lan-
guages on the Collegiate Institute staff.
The Seaforth fall fair ran into the bad
%rather that was so prevalent in Septem-
ber and was not as successful as otherwise
it would have been. However, there was
a good show and a fair attendance.
The presentation of badges to Soldiers
of the Soil took place at the Carnegie
library on Friday afternoon, 20th ult..
when eighty-eight boys and girlso( "teen"
age were given the mark of recognition
for their work in food production during
the summer months. Addresses were
del vered by A. A. Naylor and F. G.
Weak Boys and Olds.
It is a mistake to think that anaemia is
only a girl's complaint. Girls probably
show the effect of weak. watery blood
mere plainly than boys. Delayed develop-
ment. pale faces. headaches. palpitation,
and a feeling of listlessness, call attention
to weak,blood in the case of girls. But
many bos in their teens grow thin and
"weedy" and have pimples on the face,
bhowing that they have not enough blood.
The anaemic boy is just as likely to be-
come a victim of consumption as the
pale. breathless girl with her headaches
ard worn-out look. Let the boy in this
condition catch cold and he will lose his
strength and becomes precari•.
To prevent serious disaster to those of
the rising generation, let both boys and
girls be given the new rich blood which
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are famous the
world over for making. When giving
these pills watch how soon the appetite
returns and how the languid girl or the
weak boy becomes full of activity and
high spirits. Remember that the boy has
to develop, too. if he is to make a strong,
hearty man. Give both the boys and
girls a fair chance to develop-trortgly
through the new. rich blood Dr. Williams;
Pink Pills actually make. You will then
see active boys and girls. instead of 'weakly
children around you.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all
medicine dealers or may be obtained by
mail at 5(k a box or six boxes for 32.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Ca,
Brockville, Ont.
Andrew Taylor is in poor health. He is
a brother of Dr. Taylor, of Goderich.
Case's tipple evaporator will be oper-
ated this fall. Mr. Case has arrived in
town from his home at Rose, N. Y.
Rev. J. A. Robinson, the Anglican rector
here. has stated his intention of leaving
Clinton in the near future. He has been
in Clinton for three years.
Fire was discovered early Wednesday
morning of last week in Morrish's cloth-
ing store. It was extinguished before a
great deal of damage had been done.
Mrs. Ellen Herman announces the
engagement of her youngest daughter,
Marguerite 5.. to George fl. Tomliil, the
marriage to take place early in October.
Henry Beacom died on Friday, Septem-
ber 20, at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Lowery, after an illness of some months.
The deceased. who was a native of Ire-
land. was for many years a resident of
Summerhill. He had reached the age of
seventy-five years.
The home of Wm. Vodden was the
scene on tl•ednesday afternoon of last
week of the wedding of his third daughter,
Mary Elva. to William E. Darr, youngest
son of Mrs. Elizabeth Deer, of East Wa-
wanosh. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. J. A. Agnew. The young couple
will commence housekeeping in East Wa-
Clinton is to have a trophy that will be
associated for all time with the heroism of
one of its citizens. Mayor Thompson a
few days ago received a letter from France
stating that a machine-gun captured by
Corp. Miner was being sent to Clinton.
The letter stated also that immediately
after captunng this gun Corp. Miner at-
tacked a second one and in so doing was
fatally wounded. The young man was a
brother of John Miner of town and both
went overseas with the 161st Battalion.
Theimarriagetook place in St. Joseph's
church on Wednesday morning, September
25th. of Ro-e. daughter of Mr. and Mn.
1. 1. McGaughey, to Charles Shanahan,,
son of Mr. and Mn. John Shanahan, of
Hullett. Rev. Father Hogan officiating.
Mess Edna McCaughey, sister of the
bride, was ht idesmaid, and Leo Flynn
was groomsman. Mn. Jas. B. Reynolds
of (:ooderich. sister of the bride, sang "(eel
is !Ave.' After the wedding ireakfast at
Itte home of the bride's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Shanahan left on a motor trip to
Toronto, Petertmere and Deoerontn. On
their return they will reside in Hullett.
Gederich industrial Exhibition
Coochded from page 3
Nlglillrrss. in while er color-- Win.
Stewart: Jar. Y'uill. ' •-
Pin eustiuu-,lair Yuill. '
Fancy workbag --•Mrs. SI. Rolm.
P111105 Mips --Mrs. •I, R. Iluwrie; Will
Cur -et ,-over-. Fetter.
Houde it .. o 1lrn. Felker; Mrs 11
Lady']. waist- Mrs. J. K. Ilossrie;.Mrs.
Child's dress.- 644.1 otade- Mrs.
Iluwrie; Mrs. SI. floss.
Lodge room pillow, city order -R. Mc
!twain; Str., V. Hose, •
Towels, initials or* monogram- Sfre.
31. Ross; Sane. sitewarl.
llandke'tclue'f-- Mrs, M. Raw; Mev- J.
S. Huttrie.
Lace stltehes--Mrs, sI. Rose; %re. J
S. -
. Collar and ruff set ---MI's. Sl. Ross;
ale.. J. v. Iluwrie.
Pillow slip -Airs. J. S. !townie; Mrs.
V. Itovs.
:lass 16--elewlsy: •
Ilan -made shirt must, original de
sign --Sirs. J. S. Hosie.
PtaiR sewing by hand, the varieties -
MI's. M. J. Fotsler.
Plain h+rmstitehibg-Mr. Filter; Mr.
I l uw rife.
Hand -Inane child's dress, made out or
0141 garment -Mrs. Si. J. Fowler; Mr.
\I: goal., ,
'rosette huttentioles, a underclothing..
I`1 dress awl $ t:uhw's-Mrs. 11. J. Futtl
.rr; IC F. Edward.
Darning, straight, biased stud three-
eornered=R. Slellwain; oSlrs. N (toes.
Darting, on cashmere, with ravel-
ling• --11n. Ni. J. ]Fowler; H. 3t•Ilwain.
%len,ling, 1 patch he •
ed -11 F. Ed-
ward; Mrs. Si. .1. Fowler.
Mending, 1 patch top -.e s»d- Mrs '.I
J. rewire,: 11. F. Edward.
Plain wbrklu, µIron, haaid-sewn-
Sir.. 31. 11e-.; It. \lclRosin.
F'•u.c) apron -Jas: Yui11; \Ira. 'town,.
(lass 17-1-arr Work. El.'.
Point lain --Mrs. SI. J. Fowler; Sirs.
SI. Rus-.
Irish crn•hot-sirs. SI. Roes; sir..
Knitted thread -tare-Mrs. Felker; R.
'ratting -H. %Ielhvain; %Irs. Iluwrie.
Drawn thread work, doilies- Slrs. M.
flows.;SIrs. Howrie.
'raw uAlt read work, .entrepieee- Mrs.
51. J. Fowler; Sirs. Howri.•,
\etting-Sirs. Iluwrie; Mrs. Al J.
(.law te-Prr.r•rses, Imires, ete.
.3s-ortmient of h))uv,-rna1M pre.e•rt's,
iunsisliug of sit 5mu14'I.1es, named, one
jar of rich, V, be chosen out of the
following;-- Pears, plums, leaches, rasp-
berries, eherriee, strawberries, pme,-
apples, grow• -berries --%Ira. Iluwrie.
Pear tier,. 1 jar -arra. Iluwrie; ':.
Wells; Mrs. W. Bolton.
Strawberries, 1 jar -.1. J. l.oldtliorpe;
Mrs,. Huwrie; Jas. S'uill.
Raspberries, 1 gar- Ymill; Airs. A.
Foster; Mrs. W. Bolton.
Plume, 1 jar -Mrs. Huwrie; Jas. 1'111II;
I:. Wells.
Pears,1 jar -Jas. las. Yuii1: A. J. Gofll-
lhorpe; Mrs. •W. Hultun.
Cherries, 1 jar --MN. Howri.•.
Citron, 1 jar -A. J. lioldthoilpe; C.
Imine', 1 jar -A. J. I.oldtteorpe; 0.
F. Edward.
.Apple -aur.•, 1 jar -A. J. l.oldthorpr';
Mr. 1, Foster; 0. F. E/Mard.
Jellies. 1 jar or ppm, 3 kinds, named -
Mrs. Tremblay: Sirs. A. Pusher. '
Mixed pickles, 1 jat-:,IN. Tremrblay;
airs. How rie,
Collection of aauree, 4 kinds, named
-tire, Wembley i 51rs. Iluwrie,
Honey in combs, 10 pounds --J. W.
ealkeld; Geo. Lsithwaite.
Jar of homey of 19t$--+:ee. Lailttwaite;
(1,•F. Edward; J. W. Salkeld:
Maple sugar, made in 11911.--enoisden
Maple syrup,' made in 191$--J. Sower-
bt • Snowden
Estate, Geo. I,ailhwait•.
Class 19 -Horne Raking, Pastry, ete
'Phren hottest star bread, made with
hop yeast -Jas. Yuji); Sir.. Trembles
A. J. Goldthorpe.
Three los see war bread, mall• with
salt yeast --Sirs. Fester.
Three loaves graham bread- Mrs.
Trembles*. Sirs. Foster; A. J. I:uld- The marriage took place at the home
thorl.e. of the bride's parents on Wednesday,
mix home-made buns -Snowden Es- ]September 18, of belie, eldest daughter
tale; Mrs. Fester; Mrs. W. Bolton. (of•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathers, How-
iix home-made rolls -Sin. W. Hul- ick, to
toAmmo Thornton, of Morris
ns A. J. Goldthorpe : 3lrs. Fester.township. The ceremony war performed
Sax laking powder biw'uits-Mrs. \1'. b Rev.
Bolton; A. J. cohlthorpe; Mrs. Feeler. ] Y G. J. Kerr of Corrie. The
Layer rake- ;ep. Aridretts: Snowden
Estate; Sirs. Fester.
'Four pies, apple, • pumpkin, lemon,
miner --Mn. Posfero..Ir-. Tremble).
Six torts -Sirs Trembley ; lieu. An-
drews: Mts. Felber.
Twelve oat rakes --Sere. Foster; .3.
J. 4:uldthorpe; T. R. Wallis.
`;ix oatmeal roi.kies- Mrs. Foster.
Snowden Estate; 1;. \1.•11..
sit eriokie•s, :.ny other y.iriety -.A. J.
Goldthorpe; .las. Yuill: Mrs, Tremblay.
]'.lass :.Y-Prefeeelonal 11r1 -Oil
Litmlecape, eeenery in diatriet-L. C.
O'K,'f.•: Sirs: Huwrie.
marine, lake or river- Mr.. Ilowrte.
Menial or noire, one or nwrr-L. C.
O'K"d.•; SI.^s. Ilovcrie.
43111 life, buildings. etc. -L. C.j
1o'Ke'(e; Mrs. Howrie'
Flowers or fruit -L. C. O'Keefe; Sirs.The old notion that e, z«ma is •
of the blood is refuted tie
HMetric..• : rad! mm
e again by the cure,• that are
The chilly days -remind us of v►inter's
approach. We are prepared to fit
you out with
Suits and Overcoats
for Fall and Winter
-either Semi -ready or made-to-order.
Our large stocks afford a wide range
of choice, and 'you can depend upon
getting the right thing here.
Semi-ReadySJ Tailorsailor'Phone 77 rThe Square, Codsoich
If7prl XX><lr>ti>rlrlflgrjrtr7rlttrls ,fluor
' Slonol'hrou.e, any subject eopy)-
31. E. 1i'Kerfe; Slr,. 31. J. Fowler. •
(leer ut-{:rayon, I:hitrroat and lob
.1ny subject, rel crayon lir lehalk,
original -L.' G. O'Keeic; Sirs- S. 11.
Any subject, in rharreal, urigi11.11 -_
L. I;, (I'Keefe• 51.-E. u'Keere.
.lay subject, per and 'ink .ketch,
original-J..e Fowler; Mrs. SI. J. Fow-
1ny subject, pencil drawing. original
Mrs. S. 11: tlaker: sirs., M. Has...
I:lass ►-I:Aiaa Patwtl•s--I,nteteur'
,iugle piece- Mrs. Iluwrie: Sirs., 5.
11. Raker. _
I:ulleetiun, not less `Blau .it .pier's
Mrs. Ilowri'; Sirs; -R. 11. Baker.
(lass :.i--Alialeur t holography
Uf t lorrap a'ma
'hots by amateurs. Prize, camera, by
H. R. Sallow»- .Sire. 31. Hose.
Ilorse--Jas. .Archibald; Sea forth.
laittle-Huntpterey Noel, a:intou.
olh ep-t O. Sturdy, coderirh.
P{lrs-Stephen .Andrews, L:ud••nch.
. Poultry -If -Vino Carter, Loodesburo,
Tkilry produce-tlordon Bisset, Gude-
Fruit -D. P. Ilainl.oe., Godcrich ; Dav-
id I:antelon, Clinton,
Field grains and..vegetables-J. Cox,
•Itelench tp. ; • Clients l:irttn, 1'iyalcrich.
Plow.'rs-Wm. Coates, Goderich. •
Raking, Pte. --J. W. Smith and E. C.
BelIcher, . Goderteh.
Preserves -Mrs. Walter Hick, Mrs.
Oswald Ginn. l:oderieh, •
Ladies' work -Mrs. Hutchinson,
Fill' arts -Gro. Stewart, Oo'ilerjt`h,
Photography -R. R. Sallows, uode-
Their awards w• re as follows :
young couple will reside on the groom's
farm in Morris.
Eczema Cured
A Treatment Which Has Proven
a Wonderful Healer of the
Ston -Certified Evidence
of Lasting Cure.
1:1•s. 51-Profe.alonal Llet-Nater O•i{y being eA1)
ected by .- Clare's
Colors' I t31ntrasAL
Landscape, lural, in ,district --J. 1It matters not what the cause may
Fowler; L. C. O'..•f'. - ;bsve been, It you apply Dr. Chase''
Lend'u',m e, .cenery-L, 'C. O'Keefe;,)Ql ntmeot regularly you will obtain
Sles., Iluwrico,lief and cure of eczema. liere Is
Marine, lake or rilwr--L. C. O'Keefe;,
a proef :
Mrs. Huwrie. gp Stephen (i. Thwaltee, Roe 306,
Still life. bn11tinss, cu.. -1.. t:. iord•n. Ont., writes : "MUy brother
1/'Keefe; Va. H uwr rt
e. i Dada bad case of eczema on his legs-
B'+d drawing io water cekira; any ; He wsa troubled nearly all one tan
'. ,'1'(._ J. A. Fowler, L. 1 , O'KPefP• end winter with it, and could not work
Figure or Anipial subject, 0qqe c1uor days at • time. He tried d1Rer-
niure-•J, .1. F owner; 1.. 1.. 'O KC.fp. I •n6 salves and ointments, but none
Floors.-- J. A. Fowler; L. C. O'Neete, mired him. One day he tried Dr.
Fruit -Mrs. Howris. . Chase's Ointment, and It gave almost HcontinuedMonochrome, anynsub}ect -1.. 1:. !aslant relict. e continued Its use.
o i'Kecrr; Mrs. Howrie, I
(:lase 52 -Amateur Llal-Mie but had not quite finished the second
box when he was cured. It is now
LaralacapSler, scsienery In di•tric -NI. K. about eve years ,ince then, and It hair
'.. . ft. Hak't. fever returned. We certainly can re-
Slariw-, lake or riser -SI. 1:. O'Keefe; •Smn•nd Dr. Chase's Ointment, and
Sir. S. 11. Raker.are very grateful for my brother's
Minial 4.r figure, One or more -M. E.' •urs-"
O'Keefe; Mrs. M. Ross, I (Acv. 11. F. Coltman. Vineland, Ont ,
Flowers -Sire. M. ROM, Mates : "This fs he, etait that I know
Fruit- SI. E. O'Keefe; Mrs, S 111, , i ., 'ITwaatee and the h•rty to whom
Baker, st►s retells and her stalem•nts are
Inanimate Object, not AH. Brs er fruit ..need.")'
SI. IL O'Keefe; Mrs. S. H. Baker. S -»r. J. M. Jones. 138 University
Li, %prr any snhlrrt -- Sl. F..1•vense, Kingston, Ont., write*: "I had
(!'Keir: Shs. 3. H. Raker. seaema 1• my land for about Siva
MR* 53-Aleateur Llai -Water Colorsears. I tried • great many remedies,
Landscape, renery in district, ono_ but found that while some of them
nal-- Mrs. 3. H. Baker; M. E. O'Keefe. (herbed 11, none cures It permanently.
Menne-Mr,. S. H. Baker; M. E. r9Ylly I treed Dr. Char's Ointment,
O'Keefe, sad M lief weeks rrett bend was rom-
inineal or ttglire, Mie M! more- M. b•ttsr. t rWzWd art do w{thout
F:. U'Keett;-IJra ,y,_jr pnwl t • tea of Dr. Cha*•'s Ointment in the
Landeeape•-M. F (►Kerte; sirs. tt H. b^ If it teat $f a box. 1 am giving
Baker. say •ams to ibis vas se that It will
Flowers --Mrs, M. J. Towler, Mrs. e, get le 1* oe• wbe anger as 1 did."
F1. Baker, il:t. Chase's Olnrment, Ile cents •
Fruit -MM, M. J. Fowler; Mrs. 3. H. b at all dealers or Fadman•en,
Hakes. ]fade • Co.. LmIMA, Taronte t1ub
1Innr.'hreme, any subject lorIginal) MMwSs will naly ate•ppelnt yon. Is -
Mrs. S1. J. Fowler; M. G. O'Keefe. tthrt en guise what sea ask for
Far more a fretive than Sticky I•'1
Cat -hers. Clean to handle. Sold try
Drugglei-e and Groct ra (5..., whcte
Linoleums. and
Congoleum Rugs
in different saes.
Also a new stock of Page
worth seeing.
A call at the store will con-
vince intending purchasers
that Walker's ie the place to
W. Walker
Let Your light Shine
Don't stumble around in
the dark. It is cheaper in
the long run, and vastly more
pleasant, to have your home
lighted in the modern, sensible
way= -with electricity.
We should be glad to give
you an estiinate on the wiring
of your home and can akstlre
you a good job, became
We have a full line of
Electrical Goods
for lighting, co okiug, heating,
'Phon114-me ROBT. TAI
I'''''Pip tin
193 Tnle EttI ••r4R1e lANx2
W.'.t street.-aext to Poet OAk•