The Signal, 1918-10-3, Page 44 THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1918
Pridham's Good Clothes
They fit-- fit the neck,
fit the shoulders,
fit everywhere.
See our new
Fall Suits
They are decidedly
20th Century and Art Clothing
FOR -- --
Borsalino lits
That lad of yours, over seas
All that is humanly possible is being
done to see to it that he is well fed. well
clothed and efficiently equipped. Or-
ganizations like the Y. M. C. A. are
looking to his physical comfort, healthful
recreation and clean fun. If he is sick
or wounded the Red Cross will provide
for him with tender. loving care.
Yet there is one thing that will bring
a smile to his face and a joy to his heart ,
that none of these can give. that only.
you can give ----
your photograph.
Seeing is
The glass oven
door and the oven
thermometer on the
Pandora Range
make baking an ex-
act, absblutely con-
trolled operation.
You can see pre- the oven is working -how fast or slow.
For sale by FRED HUNT
London Toronto Montreal
St. John, N 13. Hamilton Calgary
Winnipeg Vancouver
Edmonton Saskatoon
BUFFALO - Daily. May1.t to Now. 15th -CLEVELAND
1.tb5 at;pleAt.n 9 71 P.e.1. t' ,. Iaer, Time two-. Ce.n•ae.awD 1,00 P.M. U.S. errant Trmm
Arrive Ctsva4an 7,0J A.N. I'.S. sorer) Ter Arirs ae'.ratll 7,10 A.M. U.S. ii..wn, T.
CrMMan at C1,,,d for Cedar Point, Put-In•Mr, DMrnit and other paint.. Railroad tie►.b
moor booma J. and CI.•.lawd ars deed ter traagnrtatbw ea our stemma . A. r.Ur
ik4at Wall .r Araora u• F.Spr.00 treat for tie•tW •.• e. a It. 1. r,., N. Tr/orateAwto-.M1.
)tat.--r:.S, Rona., frI , .�• h t slim v
,.tw Boit, for ears net .newtons 117 iw, whe.aa... .
I •,Itafaltr Alan. k /,. 11131..1 •mr�i rn.l. elart of Tho Groot Rti!p "NE4:ANnAEE" soot eon rennet of
e peso Fr.e,riwl .,M A..,',lnrh. I.nk1M rr. .
The Cleveland i4 Basle
Traarh Compeer
1 ... I.Irlp
as A11PDEC'-
-.I. lora.. wader* eerily
=..+•�edrr ••••••,•••• -, iwiama
ofeh. .e.el I l..pima
eon.., en. 1 ow) •. weon.
-- FARE f
W. T. RIDDELL. Auhrun
Rev. M. P. Craig. of Dungannon,
(reached in Kn. x cburch Sunday morn
Ing, Rev. R. J. Ross taking special ser
vices at Dungannon.
Rev. O. Elliott. of Clinton. preached in
the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Robert Stacker left on Fnday morn-
ing for Peterborough to assist Mr. Hugh
Hill to install machinery in his sawmill
Mr. Geo. R.tithby, Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Andrews, Mrs. W. Pfeffer. Mis, Mabel
Erratt, Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Rev.
R. J. and Mrs. Russ attended the Sab-
bath school konventio u in Knox church,
Goderich. on Tuesda> .
Mr. Simeon Gravestein is spending a
few days with relatives here before re-
suming his training .in the Engineers
branch of the army at Brockville.
George Yungblut shipped a car of cattle
to Buffalo market last Saturday.
Word has been received that Miss Mary
Fingland is to sail from San Francisco
December loth on the steamship Siberia.
Japanese line, for Korea, to engage in her
work as a missionary.
TUESDAY, Oct. 1.
Mrs. and Mi -s E. Nelson. of St. Thomas,
vuu ted with the former's sister. Mrs. H.
Hai den, of the village.
There will he harvest home services in
the Anglican 'church. Port Albert. at 11
a. m. and 7 p. in. (dew time) next Sun-
Capt. W. Y. Hayden. of the C.A.D.C.,
London. spent the week -end with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden.
A little son arr ved at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R J. Hoy. Its name will be
Mrs. Geo. A. Green intends going to
California to spend the winter with her
sister. Mrs. O. M. Attickson.
Rev. W. B. Hawkins and his mother•in•
law. Mre. Jones. of Blyth, visited with
his sster, Mrs. W. P. Grey. of this place.
Quite a number from around herr at-
tended the Goderich fair. and report, a
good time.
Thomas Gauley, jr., sold his valuable
driver, Minnie H., to Geo. A. Richardson.
of Goderich.
Mr. H. Schoenhals is this week unload-
ing a car of wheat.
Misses Minnie Dickson end Hazel
Green. of the Goderich Collegiate, spent
the week -end under the parental roofs
The Messrs Fellow. of Chaplin. visited
with their cousin. Mr. E. Oliver, of this
p lace.
t., Herb. Schoeahals delivered a load of
hogs to Mr. Mose in Goderich averaging
over 200 pounds apiece at five months
old. Beat that if you can Jim.
I Cross, Sickly Babies.
Sickly babies -those who are crass and
fretful: whuae'ltttle stomach and bowels
are out of order: who suffer from constipa-
tion, indigestion. colds or any other of the ;
minor ills of little ones. --can be promptly
cured by _,Baby.s Own Tablets. Concern -1
' ing them Mrs. Jean Parades, St. Bruno, ,
Que., writes: "My baby was very 111 and
vorntted all his food. He was cross and
cried night and day and nothing helped
bim till I began ttrng,Paby's Own Tablets.
They soon set him right and now be is a
fat. healthy boy." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
box from the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co.. Brockviee. Ont.
MONDAY, Sept. 30.
Friends and neighbors gathered at the
home of Mr. Baxter on Monday evening
to bid farewell to his son Lawrence before
he left for London to begin training in
the Canadian army. During the evening
the young man was presented with a
safety razor and a fountain pen.
Mr. Allan Wilson has returned home
after spending the past two weeks in
Miss Laura Treble. of Goderich Col
legiate institute. spent Sunday at home.
Mr. Wm. Clayton was at Clinton on
Saturday for re-examination under the
Military Service Act. He was changed
from category E to category A 2.
Farmers ate busy now tilling silos.
Mn. Wm. Cunningham. of Walton. is
visiting her sons. Vere and Harold, at the
old home this week.
Miss Lee. of Guelph. has been the guest
of her friend. Minerva McPhee, for the
past two weeks.
Mr. Allan Wilson has gone to Rosseau
to attend his brother's funeral.
Mr. Jas. Elliott has commenced the
cement work on Herb. Fisher's house.
Miss Jean Young left last week to take
a position in the imperial Bank at Tor-
Mr. Milton Tyndall arrived hohie Tun-
day of this week after having spent the
summer months preaching in Saskatche- I
Mr. Alex. Young met with an accident
last week while helping in the church re-
pairs. We hope to hear of his speedy re-
cover y.
Mrs Scott. who some time ago was in-
disposed, is now able to go about.
in England t hey say: "A shilling wasted
stabs a soldier in the hack."
Red Rose Tea, black and mixed,
.55c a Ib.
No. I blend Coffee, 40c,
Gold Seal Baking Powder, large
tin, at 25c.
9 bars good pure Soap for 50c.
Peppers and Spices at old prices.
Don't forget your Vinegar for
pickling. We handle the
best xxx.
Men's light weight Underwear,
bought last year, and at old
Fine line of men's Socks, three
pairs for 11.00.
Fine line of well's slimmer Socks,
two pairs for '_'.1c.
'Phone 46 - - Goderich
Canoda F,wd word L,c.n. No. 1-734:1
MONDAY, Sept. 30. I 1
. Ml's L Garvey is hoax from Detroit, 1
%her, site spent a taw weeks with her 1
daught or.
[.itis Stella Dean has gone to Winnipeg 1
to v sit her sister.
Miss Annie Dalton. 01 Michigan, is 1
visiting her mother. 1
Mr. MacDonald. of Parkhill. and Miss 1
Mary Dalto '. of Detroit, visited Mrs.
•XIIC■Y1/1IYlr 111111111( 1111• <1R1t1•IK/1N1!/1K1Kixl<1//)/1=
C. Dalton on Sunda>.
Mrs, J. Hussey. of Goderich, visited
here last week. -
The monthly meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of Mrs.
John Thompson on Thursda.. October
10th. at 2.30 o'clock. Members of the
St. Helens and Dungannon branches are
expected to be at the meeting.
(latendrd fur last week.)
WEDNESDAY!' Sept. 25.
Mrs. Frank Hawkins, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heth-
Mr. and Mrs. Schwan, of Clinton,
were-vuiturs at the home of their sister.
Mrs. Geo. Rutied e.
Henry Matthews was taken ill very
suddenly Saturday even:ng. We hope for
a speedy recovery.
enry Kerr visited his sister. Mrs. H.
Ryan. at Clinton on Sunday.
The meeting of the ladies for Red
Cross work at the home of Mrs. Rut-
ledge was well hhended. A large amount
of work is being accomplished by the So-
ciety. This week boxes are being packed
to send to our boys overseas.
Who Are Shouting the Praises of Dodds
Kidney Pills.
Strong Pine, Sask.. Sept. 301 (Special.) -
"For nearly five years 1 suffered from
sore back and headache." Mr. Maxim
Capuston, of this place. says, in giving
his experience. "1 had a bad taste in my
mouth in the mornings. and 1 was always
tired. My muscles would cramp, and I
was nervous, and the least exertion would
make me perspire freely. At last diabetes
developed. 1 finally came m the con-
clusion that my kidneys were the cause of
my trouble. and decided to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I got half a dozen boxes
and before I had finished taking than I
was completely cured. I advise anyone
suffering as i did to use Dodd's Kidney
AU Mr. Capuston's troubles came from
diseased kidneys. They speedily ceased
when he commenced to use the one sure
help for diseased kidneys-Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
(Intended foe let week.)
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 23.
The RallyiDay service for the Sunday
school on Sunday last was well attended.
We are sorry to hear Mrs Baines is in-
disposed with an attack of lumbago.
The young people of the neighborhood,
to the number of about forty. enjoyed
themselves immensely at a cord -roast
held at Chas. Oke's last night.
Spr.'Le-i W. Oke. of the Royal Cana-
dian Engineers. Toronto, was home on
week -end leave with his mother, Mrs.
Wm. Oke. Since returning he has been
transferred to the Signallers and expects
to leave shortly for further training at
St John's, Quebec.
Misses Elsa Oke and Mira Waiters
spent last week with friends at Bayfield.
We are pleased to see our soldier boys
Store Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Saturdays 10 p. m. , I'
111(1♦111X11111I11(•%•1♦11♦1♦•1•11•1♦ 1♦•11X•1.11•]11111111I1♦1♦111111•
1 11:
Nemo Self -Reducing Corset, No. 135, $3.50
1 1
PHONE 56 1
Introducing the "Nemo Corsets"
We have been appointed sole agents for the celebrated "Nemo
Corsets." These Corsets require no• recommendation from
us. They are known the world over as being the best Corset
in the trade.
For average -full figures, short or average height, latest
self -reducing straps, give firm support and permanently
drive away excess flesh. Girdle top, fine white coutil.
Sizes 21 to 36.
1$3.50 pair
"Nemo" Corsets for all figures, $2.75 and up.
"Nemo Brassieres," simple, sensible and serviceable, $1.50 and $2.
Special Showing of New Velour Coats, $37.50 to $50
1 Just to hand, a shipment of the latest New York styles, in handsome Velour
Coats. Specially priced from $37.50 to $50.00.
Many new Coats being shown, from $15.00 up.
We are showing a very extensive range of popular -priced Furs in the season's
newest creations, featuring the new cape effects which are so popular in all Furs, and
we strongly recommend an early' inspection, as later purchases will not be as satis-
■ These are Fall Housecleaning Days
Our housefurnishing department is exceptionally well prepared to meet all
1 demands., The stocks never were larger and prices in many cases are under present
1 wholesale prices.
Furs of Beauty yet Moderate in Price
1 Congoleum Rugs in all sizes, for every room in the house, in beautiful art
1 designs. From $1.50 to $15.00. ii --
1 B••st quality Canadian Oilcloths in block and Ntiral designs,suitable for all rooms
1 or under heaters. Special 60c per yard.
II New Curtains, new Curtain Materials, new Cretonnes, Cotton and Eiderdown
1 Quilts. Cotton and Wool Blankets, all at keenest prices.
1 PHONE 56
M illar s Scokh -Store
1 1
111111>/1.111 aansa111[m1111/11111asax111
from London camp getting an extension committee s office. 13 Kin; street west.
of leave. Tornto.
Pte. Bob Phillips and Miss Winnie The contest closes on October 15th. '
Howson, of Auburn. visited at E. S.. Van- and awards will be announced a few days
stone's last week. later. I
We are pleased to see our old friends
Mr. and Mrs. A. Heddle returning to our
Poets, Attention:
The Dominion Press News and Feature
Committee of the Victory Loan 1911
organization announces a poem contest in
connection with the coming campaign.
Canadians with poetical talent are invited
to submit offerings not exceeding 200
words. which will be judged largely on
their effectiveness as publicity designed to
persuade Canadians to buy Victory b Inds.
A prize of a 550.00 bond of the new issue
will be awarded for the beat poem sub-
mitted. The next best twenty-four will
oe awaried special mention and *5.00
will be paid for those which (he commit-
tee decides to use in the course of the
campaign. • Professor M. W. Wallace of
Toronto University and the editor of
Victory Loan National Press News and
Feature Service will be the jut ei.
The committee offers to supply inform-
ation concerning the urgency lof the
situation necessitating the coming loan
to all contestants who may apply to the
For Sick Headache, Sour stomach.
Sluggish Liver and Bowels- i
Tat. Cascarets tonight
Farted Tongue, Bad Taste, Taldigea-
Con. oaliow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver awl
. clogged bowels, which cause your stom-
ach to banana filled with undigested
food whioh soars and ferments likekgar
bags in a awill barrel. That's the •est
step to untold misery -indigestion, foul
g'ror+ bad hraeth, yellow skin, mental
!ears, everything that is horrible and
nauseating. A (}sscaret to -night will
give your constipated bowels a thorough
cleansing and straighten you out by
morning. They work while yon sleep --
a 10-oent box from your drugg'.t wlU
(seep you feel1Lg good br taontba,
Lady graduates of last terra are
now earning as high as 1111 and
e e en 1:11) per week, while young
men are earning still better ual-
aries. We i'an not melt the demand
for trained help, Write us at once
for particulars regarding our Com-
mercial, Shorthand or 'Telegraphy
Department. Students 'nay enter
at any time.
D. A. MCLACHLAN, PrinclpaL
Pers.oaal G %re -tine Christm is Cards.
Men and wawa mesine fit uo
daily in entre tums sh eying free
S. rno ?le Sari t0 (Wend. ■:id acquaiataneea-
1A Church. Toronto
WHY SUFFER PAIN-Hirst's Gives Quick Relief!
There is no nerd to suffer the agonies of rheamattem, htmhwga, neuralgia, wetting hark and muscles, toothache, raraehe and similar 11k. Use Hints
Pain F,strrminatnr as directed in the rirostlar, in the package. Fgewlly rffrrtive for relieving swollen Joints, sprains, sore threat and other palnfol
ailments. A time-trlr<1 family remedy - known Inc fort years. ttniSTta homy sole., earl,
Buy n (forme a/hears have Jr ho H7RarS f' t roti coma ./ naw
ndy-err Asda►/ or write tr.e. saesas.iRiwware.iw. a -a. HIR,y'T RRMRi)Y COMPANY. lLtMtf.TON, CANADA