HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-26, Page 81
a Tm,Laniv, tare. 26, 1916
Wall Papering
14•s1 Urn• 1.0 (10 wall Iwls'riug
o. the (all,' when the [tepee
hangers are lad, Mr heat'. Our
Murk is very ooNnplete, and
prierii most reasonable. (Ordin-
ary Iwlx•r* Ilk• and 111x• per roll.
Iligher .gnule ampere elle,
alai.• runt tills per well.
Soldiers' Comfort Boxes
10 10/Ye.. 1l1•', lir cemd tar,
N'atarn.ro.'s Ideal Fountain
Pens, 112 50 up, and atony anti
navy Ink Pellets ready CO lw-
.hssllvtd in water, specially
suibade for l.lN• boys overseas,
y„o.p,•r INN'katjl',
FALL. FAIRS_ 1918.
SEPTEMBER '*25r, 20, 27
... September 26. 27
September 2ti, '7
.Septernber 21. 27
October 1. 2
October I. 2
October 3, 4
.October 3, 4
October 5
.(ktober lilt
Har r i ace r.
Milvc+tar ,
Tee.water .
:.Bayfield . >
Fordo tell
Autumn Meeting Held at Chnbo-Mut-
soonery Campeau Nlanned.
The financial meeting ut t he Goderich
district of the Methodist church was
held in Ontario street churcth. Clinton,
on Wednesday of last week. 7irere was
a goad attendance. &ImolI every circuit
having one or more representatives.
The morning session was given up to
the transaction of routine business, sur
as comes before this autumn meeting. the
business not being completed until after 1
One item of interest was the adoption
by thedistrict of the enactment b) the
Conference of the Conference fund for
the paying of delegates' .expenses to
Conference. In this way delegates re-
siding at a distaner from the place chos-
en for the annual Conference will be
placed upon an equal footing with those
near at hand. as all expenses will be pro
v ded for (not a Contemner fund.
Rev. W. E. &Elison of Listowel. who
has recently been called to work in the
department of social service and reform.
addressed the meetin= with regard to the
work and Rev. Capt. Caswell of Victoria
College spoke in the interests of educa-
tional sod..
la the afternoon a missionary and
spiritual conference was held which was
addressed by Mr. J. A. Irwin of Clinton.
Rev. I). N. McCamus of Blenheim. ((inn-
erly president of the London Conference.
(Rev. J. E. Holmes being unaule to
come). and Rev. J. L. Stewart, returned
missionary from China. who told some-
thing of the work in the Celestial Empire.
Rev.. A. Es Jones at the conclusion of
this conference preserded a business
propxosition from the missionary commit-
tee endorsing the objective of the general
board of missions to increase the mission-
ary giviogs for the,Methodist church of
Canada taenty -live per cot. over last
year. which'would mean ,the raising of
one million'dollars for missions. and
arranging details •for carrying on the
campaign. This will mean the raising
of 1144.000 in the London Conference
and 810.000 in Goderich district.
November 24th is to be missionary
field day m thitldistrict. when there will
be a genelal exchange of pulpits. and ren
December 1st there will be the final
appeal and windup of the campaign.
Use It—Then Decide
We Will Lend You
'7RUIT-A-TlvES" Cooywrd
Dgggsin awl *motored Hi. Heal&
Little Bras d'Or, C. B.
"I was a terrible sufferer from
Dvsrrpsia surd ( lours/rjalioa for years.
1 had pain after eating, belching gaa,
constant headaches, and diel not sleep
well at night. 1 lost so much weight
- going from 185 pounds to 148
pounds-tlwt I became alarmed and
saw several doctors who, however,
(lid me no good. Finally, a friend
told nut to try 'Frail -a -fires',
loo a reek, /here we.t insjrov wsesl.
Tire constipation was corrected ; and
,soon 1 was free of pain, headaches
and that miserable feasting that
accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued
to take thisndi le 'd fruit medicine
and nfir I am well, strong and
vigorous". ItOBEItT NEWTON.
50c. a boo, 8 -for $2.50, trial alas 25o.
At all dealers or Aleut postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit•a-tires
'limited, Ottawa. .
An AutoStrop Razor as adver-
tised in the Saturday Evening Post.
for a full thirty day trial. If you
then decide to keep it. pay us
out further obligation.
You Pay Nothing to Try
This Razor
You are given the opportunity
of trying this wonderful Razor.
without any kind of risk. For a
rnonth your shaving will cost you
nothing- then you may return the
razor if you can get along with-
out it.
/Icicle telt watt Iwo for: subecropttons.
promos! alleoleoll. Telephone (Goderich
Rural, /35
W'ATSON.-The death of Edward R.
Watson. which occurred suddenly on
Monday. lath inst.. whik he was engaged
in his duties as Govenunent weighmaster
at the Western Canada ekvator. removed
one a ho had been a familiar figure at Gode-
rich for a great many years. He was a
native of this town and with the extep-
tron of a few years of his boyhood spent
at Detroit t e had been a resident of the
town throughout his lifetime of slxty-eigh
years. He was a painter and decorator
by trade. but for the last twelve or fifteen
yearb held a Government appointment u
weighmaster at Goderich harbor, He
watt a member of the histone fraternity
and the A.O. U.W., an Anglican in church
relationship. and in politics a Liberal.
Years ago, when the (,oderich Gun Club
flourished, he was one of its most ardent
members, and won many contests in
marksmanship. He leaves his wife. form-
erly Miss Lowe of London. two sons -
Edward T.. of town. and Harry L., gun-
ner with the 21st Howitzers in France -
and two daughters. the Misses Edrieann
and Laura, at home. Itrothers and sisters
of the deceased surviving are William and
Charles. of Detroit, Victor. of Flint.
Mich., Mrs. Stirling. of Montana. Mrs.
Lynne and Mrs. Adams. of Detroit, Mrs.
Rente. of Buffalo. and Mrs. Rielly, of
New York City. The funeral took place
on Thursday last from the family resi-
dence. West street, to?slauland cemetery
and was conductor! with Masonic honors.
Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, rector of St.
George's church. officiated, and the pall-
bearers were Messrs. Geo. Porter, E. R.
Wilde. G. L. Parsons. F. F Lawrence, _
James fates and J. S. Pelt. Those
{resent from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs. William Watson. Mr. Charles-W'at-
son and Mrs. Harry McDonald (a niece
of the deceased). all of Detroit; Mrs.
Rente, of Buffalo, and Mr. Geo. M. _
Savage (a cousin). of Detroit.
InnnnnnuunuunnuuUlUHunnnHHHHnnuununnounuHIIIHUHHHnnHIUUIHHUUUUnUIInn ININI lllmml
Store imat THE COLBORNE STORE ""1"
Blouses of Simplicity and Charm
' One cannot fail to admire these dainty mdels, which so char gly express the prevailing style
tendencies. To choose your Blouse filen our complete and diverse selection will bee to cbexnk+ styles Pala
becoming and practical.
Georgette Blouses are leaders in style. and are demanded by every well -dreamed woman.
We are showier the largest by far of any range of Georgette Blouses that this store has etre
attempted. These Vs sista conte in all the newest colon and combinations of colored. with dainty roti.,
collars and button and bead triumiage. They range in prier from P1.15) to s11.31l each.
It is a pleasure to show this wonderful range.
MCDONALD.-The death occurred. at ra
Bayfield on Friday last of James Mc-
Donald, father of Mrs. James Buchanan E'
of town. and for ibany years a resident
of Goderich. Mr. McDonald was born
eighty-two years ago in Prince Edward
1>lard, bot spent many rears of his life in t=
Bayfield and in Goderich. He is aur- _
vived by his wife, live tons and three
daughters. The sons are Donald, of Bay- _
field; Allan. of Goderich township;
James. of Moose Jaw, Sask.; William, of =
Huntsville. Ont., and Fdtest, of Shaun =
avon. Sask. 1 he daughters are, Mrs. Wm.
C. lohnston and Mrs. James Bchanan of —
town, and Mrs. A.G. Reid. of Sarnia. A
sister of the deceased. Mrs. John Mac-
Donald, lives at Sarnia. The funeral
took dace on Monday ,from the home of
Donald ald McDonald, Bayfield, to the
Bayfield cemetery. the burial services be-
ing performed by Rev. Mr. Stewart of
London. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan.
of town. and daughter. Mrs. Stowe, were
among those present at the funeral.
The AutoStrop Razor
1. Complete in lima
11 is more than a razor -more titan •
many device.
11 is stropped. it shaves and is cleaned
without taking apart; without even e-
ssaying the blade.
"And likes perfectlystroppecl ordinary
mem. the blade improves witli use.
And it doesn't cost you a cent t
pun, all tins your own satisf.iction.
A Great Nation's Tribute
The United States Government he conscnpted-the ,entire
Put ofr our U. S. factories in order -to supply the -Yanks" with
Auto Strop Razors as part of theirtregular equipment.
This tribute is worthy of your consideration when next you send
a package over.leas your soldier's comfort is your first thought
- the Arito.-Strop. because of its automatic selluropping device,
, is the ideal razor for his use.
PRICE $5.00
994 (.1aVE 90
New Fall Footwear
Thi, aeamon we are ilk(' position to quote you last
season's prices on our new lines of fall and winter
footwear. See our new lines of Mack, grey and
sis les. high or low heels, at
1011111.0 prime.
Neolin Soles
re aoie your hoots with Neolin Soles.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commissioner for Aff.dmots. etc..
and Conveyancer
Waist Deeds. Mtonaiers. Averment.. et:
Cerchith evec,,ted end Mawr 5%4,
WeoNasciee. Sept. 25.
From the large quantities of Wood
which are'being teamed ,to Goderich from
bete. it appears that Dungannon is doing
her share to keep "Huron s (;olden Gate'
from freezing tip mOrwinter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Whlkom returned
to their home at St. Marys on Mondlyf
The Disbar bridge is coming along well
and the men are busy filling in this week.
Dr. T. E. and Mrs. Case attended the
Myth fair on Tuesday.
A load of OW' )oung people took in the
concert at lilyth on Tuesday evening.
The women's sewing meeting this week
is at the home of Mrs. John Elliott .
Mr. Thos. Stoibers is finishing up Mr.
J. R. McNabb's garage this week.
We pre pleased to report that Mrs.
!tarry Ryan, who has been seriously ill.
is much improved.
An entertainment is to be given under
the auspices of the public library est Nov.
ember 1st
The Women's Institute has kindly don-
ated 825 in aid of the funds of the public
All roads will lead to Dungannon on
Friday.. October 4th.
Mr. Wm. Mete is getting ready for
winter and is having his house plastered.
The Women's Institute held its
monthly meeting on Tuesday.
Mrs. Arthur Elliott and dauehter are
visit ing in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jackman returned
home on Saturday after a month's visit
at Toronto.
Miss Clara Sproul is visiting in Gode-
ruch this week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Myers returned on
Sunday by motor from Beamsville. where
they had visited last week.
Mr. 0. E. Augustine left on Wednes-
day for Brantford. where he has'secured
Mr. W. If. McClure is starting a new
harness shop on the corner. William is
not afraid to atternpt any job.
Mr. Thos. Elliott is repairing an.'
papering the Preabyterian churth this
week. Services .were held in the hue-
ment Iasi Sunday and the Sunday pre -
CHURCH OPENINC.-- On Sunday. Sept-
tember 29, annivereary services will he
conducted in Erskine church. in the
morning at 10 a. m. and in the evening
of Auburn, sill be the preacher of the
day. These serviceswill mark the reopen-
ing of i be church after a course of repay-
ing and renovation. The service in the
!Methodist church is withdrawn for the
day in order that all may worship to-
gether. On Alonday evening an enter-
tainment will he Riven in the auditorium
of the church. A splendid program of
soli*. duets. readings. instrumental mu•
sic. etc.. has been arraned, and several
ministers will he present to give abort ad-
dreasea. Admission adult, 311c. ehildren
2rtc. Program to begirt at 8 o'clock.
Members of the Al meek C. apter. 1. 0
D. E.. will be at the General /trough tea
room 1 Tuesday. October 1st. to receive
cootntautions of canned fruit jam, picklea
etc., Ow the hove:0 The room will h
open all day and a generous respnrse
Moped for. 33-2t
THOMASA-An old and esteemed resi-
dent of Goderich departed 'this life on
Sunday last M the person of Henry
Charles Thomas, Elgio ave. Mr. Thomas !
had been in failing health all summer !
and two weeks before hisdeath was taken ,
with the final illness. He was born '
seventy-four years ago in Cornwall. Eng-
land, coming to Canada in infancy, and
had lived in Goderich about sixty years.
For many years he was in charge of the!
freight and baggage at the G. T. R. sta-
tion. retiriug eieht years ago. He leaves
his wife. two daughters', the Misses Tre-
menneer and Grace. and one son. Charles,
who is with the Canadian Army Medical
Corps in France. Three sisters and two ,
brothers also survive: Mrs. Lawrason. of
Detroit: Mrs. Watters. of London: Mrs.
Tomlinson, of Toronto: Joshua. of Elgin,
III.. and Ben.. in tartish Colunibia. The
funeral took place from the tamtly resi-
dence on Tuesday afternoon to Maitland
cemetery. Rev. A.L. G. Clarke officiating.
Members of Cburt Goderich. No. 32,
C. 0. F.. attended in a body and per-
formed the burial rites of the Order. The
pallbearers were Messrs. D. Sproul. D.
Stoddart, A. J. Paltridge. John Sharman.
John McDonald and Ed. Reid. Among
those present at the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. John Watters. of London: Mr. and
Mrs. Garner Stanley. of Kinlough, and
Mrs. James Thomas. of Toronto.
Ladies' heavy all -cashmere Hese, in sizes from 14 1-2 to 10, at Usk• a lair. This is Inas than wholesale
Hoot' heavy ribbed ntte.n Stockings, in all sizes. at 50e a pair.
Girls' Princess rib and iners•erized Stockings, in all sites, at 50; a pair.
Boys' heavy ribbed all -wool Stockings, in all sizer, moderately priced.
Children's all-caabwere Little Darling Huai, in all color; and sirxr, fn.m IQ' a pair nl•
Serge* are pular for many reasons. Tlrev wear well. keep 'their color, and always look well.
Today they are wit out a doubt the IN•st w.sd cloths on the market. We are showing a Aloe range in
blue's, blacks,'geeys. • owns, greens and burgundies. They range in price 'mat 11.30 to 114.00 a yard.
These clothriare suita • for suits, diereses or seIwrat.• skirts,
Monarch Shetland Flo ., in colors, at 30c a *krill.
Saxony, in colors and b . ck and white, elle a skein of two •inners.
Andalusian, in white and 'aek,.at dlk• a two -ounce skein.
Factory and Fingering Ya + at moderate prices.
AN'e are .hnw•ing a range of Perri 's ('h 'sett; Gloves, in white. black and ,+,lot -s, in all sizes, at.
111.2.1 a pair. The best winter Glove on t • e market.
Cottons of all descriptions have taken a ig iulvanc; in price and it will save money for your to, buy
whatever Cottons will be needed in the next fe months, W. as to save the additional cost when we again
have to putr-hase these goods. Rokfast and Sia do d .'hir•ting, while they last, 31.• a yard. Flannelettes
and l'iauuels at very low prices.
Linoleums and Oilclot, s at very low prices
= D. & A.
minium urn num loin! In mum Ei
Don't miss the Dungannon fair next
week. Friday is the big day.
Thuday and Friday
October 3 and 4, 1918
The Last and Best Holiday Outing of the Year
Rally Day will be observed next Sun-
day afternoon in North street Methodist
Sunday school. A program entitled "His
Wonderful Name" will be presented.
Rev. R. C. Mclaermid was at Toronto
on Tuesday and Wednesday attending a
meeting of one of the committees of the
Forward Movement in the Presbyterian
.Rev. J. H. Osterhout. the pastor. will
have charge of the services next Sunday
morning and evening in Victoria street
Metheidist church. Sunday school and
Bible class at 3 o'clock. Epworth League
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
A women's and girls' prayer service. In
preparation for the coming evangelistic
.campaign. will be held in the Baptist
church Sunday school room at 4.15 o'clock
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. R. C. McDermid will conduct Mb*
lee anniversary services in the Presbyterian
church. Milverton, next Sabbath. Rev.
C. N. Paddon, of Milverton, will have
charge of the services in Knox church.
On Sabbath, October fith. in the even-
ing. Rev. R. C. McDermid will conduct
a special memorial service in Knox
chur -11 for Pte. Sunbury and other re-
cently fallei heroes.
Frederic Tristram Egener, Mus. Bac.,
will preside at Knox church organ at
morning and evening service; on Sunday.
A short organ recital will be given after
the evening service at which Guilmant's
Funeral March and Chant Seraphique
wilt be played in memory of the many
brave soldiers who have fallen in the great
The program for the Centre Huron
Sunday school convention is noes issued.
It calls for two aessions in Knox church
on Tuesday. October 1st, at 1.30 p. m.
and at 8 p. m., with a luncheon at 8
o'clock. to he followed by short speeches
on selected topics. On the program there
are. In addition t the reports of the As-
s creation office's. addresses by Rev. T. A.
Halnenny. Provincial secretary. by Rev.
Graham. of Seaforth. A new song.
"Keep the School Fires Burning," is printed
on the program and will he sung at the
convent] b. A collection will he taken at
the evening meeting. It is hoped that
our citisens will attend the evening tees-
sion in large numbere and give a "Greater
Goderich" welcome to the Sabbsth School
Association. s
Hear Will J. Spence at ihe Dungannon
fair concert. October 4th.
Special Attractions
Open to All—Trot or Pace
2.40 Trot or Pace
Friday Afternoon at 3 dc
The famous Luckeiew Pipe Band
Purse $65.00
Purse $65.00
Take a guess at the weight of the Beef Animal and help the Red Cross
funds. Prizes, $3.00, $2 00 and $1.00, for nearest guesses. I5c a
guess—two for 25c. Twenty-five per cent. of the proceeds go to the
Red Cross.
Friday evening, October 4 RAYMOND REDMOND
WILL J. SPENCE Violinist. of Westfield
The well-knovvn Entertainer
of Toronto and other talent
Solotst. of Goderich Admission to Concert - 50c
Everybody come to Dungannon and have a good time.
Good meals served by the Women's Institute.
President. Vice -President