HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-26, Page 3THE SIGNAL - GODERICHL ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT, 28, 1319 31 THE Ot16IN,1 IN SERBS CUT RAILROAD IND ONLY URINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IIN/RD'S • LINI1ENT SalOnica Offensive Grows Into Great Victory. Sulaar Retreat Hae Become w Hoist wad king Ferd1a.nd'e Twe fain Annie. Rave Hees separated Hl the Advancing AHiew — Entente Cavalry Reath Borders of LONDON, Sept. 24 —!'stents cav- alry are within three miles of thk Bulgarian frostier in the region of Strumnitaa. Tbe 1111i German divi- sion waw reported to have been cut oft from the MUIR Bulgarian army and to be retreating in uiaurder. The first Bulgarian army in the re- gion of Monastir and Prllep has been cut off from communication with the 2nd army in tbe Dairen sector by the cutting of the Important railway line. from Cskub to Satonica and from Grsdsko to Prllep. The Franco- Serbian rancoSerbian troops art pursuuag the Bui- garian army, which as in full retreat. The Entente Allies now eommaad the ► mountain sone from which they will be able to debouch in the plains. German and Bulgarian reinforce- ments, throw■ In to check the Serb- ian erbian advance toward Uskub, bavv been forced to iota in the retreat of their comrades by the Impetuous Serbs, wbo now have advanced 40 miles since Sept. 15. Prisoners cap- tured from the enemy are being add- ed to as the progress northward con- tinues and the quantity of war ma- terial also L increasing. The salient driven isto theBu1- (�R H. G. MACLONELL.-HONOR garlan lines at Sokol bas been widen - Graduate Toronto Lraeeruty. (.tadua:e ed until now the Allies are advancing el College of Dental Surgeons. on a front of nearly 60 miles. stretch- beaceemor to the late Mayr Sala. Offices (eats, you 1.1i.Mastsua,t,Gaui:a0. Int; from east of Mowestir to the Var- dar When they reached the Vardar MEDICAL. DR GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO - PAT H. specialist In women s and children dtaemea. acute, chronic sad nervous diseases, rye sae ^use and thrust. parual dearness. Iuwbeao eco& rheumatic sondatwos. Adenoids removed mahout the Mute Unice at residence. cornet akbon and St. Andrew • streets. At home Unice Mendaye. Thursday. and Satudays, Dry svtruna air appointment. DENTISTRY. 11M=.01� AOCTIOUER. ss THOMAS GUNDRN'AUcTitEER. • bee R, Godersch. All imtrucai1,r.• t y ma.1 0 MR at h,saaltrete will to pita poly au* fasts: to /mldpce teteptudie fly. LEDAL-. __ E. C. HAYS, RAKKISIEI#, SOLICITOR. NOTARY: PLBLic. ETC. Qfa—Sttrhrg:Hankf block. Hamilton Street. Gadraeh. 1 ere phone M. Rawl Estate, Loan and Insurance. PROUDFOCJTt h ILWRAN S LOCKE, •ARRISIERS, `OLIC1701a5„ NOTARIES PUbLll , ETC• Moe es the a -gas ot, ataa.nas ,c,.or Liam list.' W Street, Guoerich. Prorate funds to loan at lowest rates.' ts. PaW W Wt, K. H. J..U. Callas. J. L.,kluwArr G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- TER; ARRISTER; soisise. twisty plash . OOKn btrett. Unclench. thud doer tram $pias At cites. Thymus, al earth west, ore siltior Allen Street uaeeba a bi las. Hoopes. (lthot • k a. mto a p. m. yVHAR R►S-Ik.k, ease kneed 1 It SEAGE V 11.11Gk, ss. vasle-LeWt Mous,. GARROW. LL. B:, BAR- tta rnay...hutur, etc.. Goat run. Swat rasa. BAkRISTLR. SOL - y. public and wnveyanaet. emit. INSURANCE. LOANS, 2TC. 'Lac/CELL OP ME; UAL RE INS12R- ANCkCO.-Fvm and mule • town prop at reluteu. ferw—Jas. Connolly. Prey., • rash P. O . J. 5,ea^a, Vice -Pres., beechwood P. Thomas Y. Mara. Sec. -Trees. Stahel's P O. DrecWee- U. P. McGregor, R. R. No. Sea - arta: Joam It.ie G. Seaforth. JohnuHen. ve. u. Waltn;a et. Geo- Mct;artneyy. K. k. No. 3. Ferns, errors, HarWck; Makotm M iwwNa, Clmtun. James Evans, Beechwood. James t'•asmouy. Godeuah. A�nls J. W. 'leo, Gldericb; Aka. Leitch. R R. Ivo. 1. Clinton. N dham Chesney. S erlone It. Hinchkr. Stalorth. Policy -holden can pay all siaysiants and get then cards rece+pted at R. J. arerraib's Clothing more, Clinton, R. H. Cutts Grocery. Kmpton street. Godtrich. or J. 14. R.ad's General Store. baybetd. HE COULD RK FOR FOUR kr sewing: I ner, 2 pairs each; Mesdames Wm. Carey. 3 Mrs. M. M ford. Miss Mabel Good, Atellwain W. Echlin, G. Pentland. John NT WO MONTHS. Trench shirts -Mrs J. W. Gledhill, 6• Henry Caesar, R. Nixon. John Helm, • Bennett (v), Martha Gardiner, Topp. Jas. Ritchie. W. H. Pepper. Henry Johnston, G. Twamley, Thos. McDonald, Eby, S. Sherwood. Wm. Twamley, Alassea Marie Hawkins, M. Cunningham, Ida Seib, Winona Stephenson, Ida Hawkins, Tillie Sherwood. Florence McWhtnnry, Eva Sherwood. 1 pair each. Hughes Able to Pet in Fail Time Since Taking Tarlac Galas Thirteen Hounds. "There may be other medicines as good as Tanlac for troubles like 1 had, but I have never been sbk to find them. and I have paid out hundreds of dollars trying to get relief," declared C. D. Hughes, a millwright, living at 241 Halock street. Portland. Oregon, recently. "1 have suffered from stomach trouble for fifteen yearn" continued Mr. Hughes, "and had fallen off from 163 to 121 - toeing forty-two pounds. For the past eight months. that Is until I began taking Tanlac, my stomach had been in such a bad fix that 1 couldn't eat anything but what would make me miserable. Starttnq in the pit of my stomach the pain would run clean through to my back and I got to where 1 was actually afraid to eat, it the Serbians were able to cut the rail- way running south toward 13alonica, and the only eou.n+untcation line of the Bulgarians in the region of Lake Doiran. On the western Mink the Serbs have pushed to the Melted; point of the mountain region in the upper part o1 the Cerna bend and cut the railway from (*.racisko, south- east of Uskub, to Pnlep, 'he beet of `NI PRIVATE FUNDS TO e lir'Banister,amilt Hamilton Goderorch. MUSIC. the German army operat og nort and northeast of Monasur. • Hy cutting the railway linen the Serbs have placed two large enemy forces la great peril. The Bulgarians around Doaren are retreating In dis- order, having evacuated their wbole line from lyutran to. the west of the Vardar. The *army has set lire to all towns and ammunition depots. aad his troops and transport sir crowding along the road northward In en attempt to reach the mountains before Dyeing cut off. The retreatiug b each; Miss U. Grigg. 4; Mrs. John Mc- Clure, 2; Mrs. E.^Vanstone. 1. Pyjama wits -Mrs. Wm. Oka 744; Mrs. E. H. Walters. 7; Mrs. William Straughan, 3; Mrs. John Feagan, 3; Miss M. Good, 2; Mrs. F. Mugford, tt: Mrs. P. S. Banes, Mrs. E. Mitchell, halLsuit each; Mrs. C. Alta 1. Mss. J. W, GLEUHIU., Sec. Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Girds. The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle sin- cerely thanks the follow ng ladies for sew- ing: Mn Henry Gardiner, 4 held shirts; ' anAssistce in Furnishing the Home Will hlrs- R. Nixon. 3 field shirts; Mrs- Wm.Be Welcomed by the Society. Finlay, Miss M. Alton, Mesdames John Mullin, Roy Alton. Rd. Gardiner, Jchn QuaidD. McElwain, Chas. Ritchie. Alex. The last regular meeting of the Child- i �IVooda Wnt. Carey. Miss Ethel McWhin- ren's Aid Society for the county of Huron, neY, 2 tiekd shirts; Mesdames Jas. Hayden, held in the court house. Goderich. on T. Dougherty. Jas. Ritchie, D Stroud, Tuesday, September 10, was specially Ernest Ga+diner, Rd. McWhinney, R. interesting because of the consideration intw Nevins. Wm• Soothers, Dwyer, 1 held sheftrrnpurctgiasedd boccthe tvunty council caused me so much trouble. 1 had no shict each. appetite and the very sight of food would Thanks are alai, due for the making of a few weeks ago. 1 he H'arden's corn - gag me at times. My back and sides pyjamas suits: Mrs. Alex. Woods, 6 sults; mister had examined the premises on the pained me most all the time and my kid- Mesdames Edgar Dougherty. John Camp- previous Saturday in company with a neys bothered me constantly. I had ben. John Reid, Ernest Gardiner, Mise committee of the C. A.Society, and some ' terrible headaches, and was so nervous 'Ethel Brown. Miss Janet Hackett, 3 improvements and alterations were de - that I would walk the floor night after suits each; Mn. Ray Alton, Miss Mane tided upon, which are to be made forth - night, unable to get any rest. 1 have lost Hawkins, Mrs. John QQuauad, Mrs. G. W. y with. The committee also agreed to at least four months time from work In Lane, Mrs, Henry Mullin, Mrs. Wm. Fin- furnish some of the staple articles the past twelve and was forced to give up lay, 2 suits each; Mesdames Ralph Nixon. needed its the equipment of the house. two good jobs on account of my health. 1 iThae Ferguson, Wm. Stothers, Jas. Alton, Offers from the Women's Instiwtes of Goderich and Clinton to assist in turnish- ing the house have been received and t gratefully acknowledged, and donations; of individual articles and partial sets! have also been received frum several citizens of town. p g The Society will be grad to receive ' reeling h and am Mrs. D. McIwarn, Miss Marguerite from individuals or organizations in just liked 1brand-new man. believe 1 could rat do.; Mrs• Wrn. CareJohnston, 5 do.; y, quis. lts; Miss Ethel the n Graham. 3 county, donations oh the af blanketk. in s pillowsrt . appetite u so g every two hours and my stomach doesn't Brown, Miss Tena Myers donren a quilt inafact of anythingdishes and will be needed for hen utensils. each; Mtsa uC.g Dougherty, 9 trench caps: the comfort and oper care of children, Moa C. 4rs.y, M.ss F. Johers. , 12 and cash donations or supplies of pro - 2. each; Iklrs. Wm. Stuthers, 9; Mrs, visions will also be welcome. Write the 2. 141rs. J. IvlcKensie, I. THE CHILDREN'S SHELTER. 'ISABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHER OF i Voice, Pnrwand Organ. Pupils prepared for vitrify examinations. Apply at Mk, P. W. /BRIE'S. Hntanna road. Brophe3 Bros. OODERiCH 1 De Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. finally became despondent and worried a great deal about my condition. "1 know it's putting it pretty strong, but it's the truth, when I way of Taniac have done me more real good than all the other medicines 1 have taken pix. together. i have picked up thirteen undo of my lost weie t already John Reid, W. T. Gardiner, Jas. Johnston, Chas. Crawford. Bcrt Johnston, N ill Johnston, 1 wit each. Mrs. Roby- Henry donated 1 husk hos- pital towel and Mrs. 1). Alton 50c. Mrs. J. P. Campbell. 19 personal roperty ba is Miss Lila Mcllwatn, bother me any more. My headaches are gone. so has the pain from my back and sides, and my kidneys don't bother me at 1 simply slap like a y, have countysecretary. Mr. G. 1i. Elliott. and more energy than I have had r• and I Mit:. Nfl, !'inity hat. Jack Cook, 2 • y' d f h k really enjoy my aur faith in Tanlac to tell my friends that d ken, Misses Marys Alton and Joseph t y Alton, 3 last meetingw would have readilyrerealized they take a am; don't get results I'll pay for it myself, and i don't believe I would Ipre pillowslips and Mrs. John Quaid. 3prs. the magnitude and importance of the lose either. It certain.y is the medicine Mrs. Albert HHelm, Musa Margaret Ritchie. wayward Society's work. childcases ren the 01 neglected or for me.•• j 1 pair pillowslips each ocket being • Tanlac is sold to Goderich by E. R. I 1 hanks are alio due the knitters: Miss more thant could is yrbh considered erquect at thatoe Wigle. in Seafcxth by C. Aberhart, in . Jennie Woods. 10 poi s socks; \iesdames g• _ Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in !Chas. McDonagh, R. D. McWhinney, D. three c ased odf cru ley toinanimals ng were ore Hensel" by .4. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth j Stroud, 7 pairs each; Miss S. Dunbar, 6 from the neighborhood of Exeter which R Harr tiVm Johnston all.bah h T lxugtterty ve m years, tell him what you can o or the work. k. I have enough !mattress covers; Mase Mary Alt•.a, 2: f SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO "PREPAREDNESS' is the order of the day" YOUNG men or women who depend on so-called "luck" or "pull" for success are lost before the start. Where one person seems to attain a degree of success through chance, a thousand gain it only by being prepared. Are VOL' prepared for a successful business career ? Have for the training demanded by big business? Can Roo "fill the bill" ' If so, your future is assured. Big business will WA'.T YOU-- INILL NEED YOU—WILL DEMAND YOU. Tbe best preparation for business success is a business training in a business school where you will learn the rudiments of business. This school is "live" and modern—a school of thorough courses taught by competent instructors, who will give you a MONEY- MAKING education that you will acquire in no other way. Investigate today the advantages we offer you at this school. B. F. `WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal School opens Toilet, Seplealrer 3n1 - Phone .c1)8 had been want a chi by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter by J N. Allen. in Londesboto' by John 0. Loundsberry, in Exeter by W. S. Howey. an bruedirid by Peter Bowey, in Dasher -ad by Tiernan & Edighotter, in Creditum by J. W. 'ISrine, ins t;tinton by prs.: Mesdames y • Y• was particular{ cruel. but in which the Latta. Dougherty, Jas. Sennett. Islas Lil- Y be assay. 5 pairs each; Mesdames John defendant pleaded guilty and paid al Saunders, W. Y. Reid, M. Dwyer. W. J. stiff penalty. This, toxo, is a aork the t D. Johnston, jr., A. • (; ado n, Society prosecutes earnestly. Black, Mia Ruts ..,_arty, pair. •t I'm Blake • Nat •�uridevs,�lacb_�urran, sufficiently ready for ice early to October. H 4each Mesdames It is hoped the new shelter will he W. S. i Holmes, in Sheppardton by • J. H. Strewn. in Conte by H V. Arm- Wm. letckley, W. T. Gardiner,loe aylor, and ldE no name. 3 pla thee formai County_ council as take strung, and in Fexdwich by H. Sansom. A. prs Beach; MesdameHackett s HerryG diner, Ern- De ember, hen the Provincial super- eek In ADVT. ' e intendent. Mr. J. J. Kelso. and other est Gardiner, John Mode, Nm- Sherwood worker, are expected to he present. Miss i ,Viol, W. G. Sherwood. J $- Graham, Eliza Fraser. of Goderich. who has had' 'f R- Hi ins, Me Had the Mark. After the church parade the padre said: "1 wish to speak to those of you who have not been confirmed. Will the men divide themselves into two parties, please?? Those who have fall out on the right, and tRS§E- who -have not, on the left,'' Most fell out on the right. In the shuttle this remark was heard: 'You been c^ntimmid. Bill.'' "Bet yen life' Got the marks on me 'arm yet." Colborne Red Cross WorkersW. E. Duret i, g new, Wm. McKnight, m. several years Object,onable Feature. a -Mrs. Blank is a beauty, isn't she:'" "I don't like her nose." "Why, 1 think it's quite pretty." • ''Oh. the shape's all right. but it's in everyth ng." Dan Altup. r experience in the • work in I — For the month of August an4to up m lite' Isaac And 12oh of Srptsrribtt the Q16orrte Red 'Stothers.Ramsay. C'aas Ritchie. Albert taf¢r centre., has been engaged as matron I No man is truly honest gel denies that Crass Workers have knit 57 �slvs of socks Helm• N. Cunn,ngh: tn, Miss Hazel Garda- for the present. he ever made a fool of himself. i and made 4 suits of pyjamas The knit - troops are being heavily bombed ani ting was done by the following ladle,: S' machine gunned by the British air- Mrs. Thus. Hamuton. 7 parrs; Miss »hep-' men. pard. 6 pans; Mrs. Scott. Mrs. A. Young, Apparently the Germans around 5 parrs each; Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. S. B. Prilrp are in a worse position than Potter. Mrs. Jas. McBride. Mrs. Hender- the Bulgarians at Voiran. To return son, 4 pairs each: Mrs R. M. Young, northward would be to mote civet Miss Reby Young, 3 pairs each; MIss Tabb, Mrs. Geo. Clark. Mrs. W. Walters 2 pairs each: Mrs C. A. Robertson, Mrs. J. Young, Miss Mildred Young. Miss Pearl Young. Miss Ruth Potter, Mrs. E. Fisher. Mrs. Gliders. Mrs. J. Wilson, Miss Florence Young, Mics Hazel Young, t virtually cow paths toward Uskub. The beet roads lend that and west. To the east the retreat has been cut oe, while to the west the roads run toward the border of Albania. Serbian forces in Macedonia reach - each. each The sewing was dune by: Mrs. r+d the Vardah,.river last Saturdayand besides cutting the railroad nne E Fiche[, 6 sans pyjamas, Mrs. Jarvis to yalooica, there they also ero,sed "'cBr• 3 wits. 1 he Society acknowl- the Cerna river and cut the road at Deoauvtlle, Gradsko and Prllep, the principal communications with the German -Bulgarian army. "The success achieved by the AI - lid in Mattdonia is taking the char- acter of a great victory," declares the }`reach War Office report on oper- ations in Macedonia. "The French and Serbian armies are making rapid progress In the centre toward the middle Vardar Valley, and are ad- vancing nn the whole front of 150 Hometres between Monaatir and ke Dairen. The enemy is in pre - c1 tate retreat• and is being pursu- ed orousty by all the Allied con- tuse, s. '.Nor beast of Monastlr the line of Canatlarta and Kalyant has d. Further north Serb- s marching toward Prl- reacbed the Vardar o Demirtapa. Tbey The Saults Coal Co. Rdrre.ear. to MrlMnaata t (ileAhill EECLUSiVH AGENTS FOR LEHI13H VALLEY THE COAL. THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slats. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement Just received. OPTIC* PHONIC - - • - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 Mogila, been rear lan troops a lep, and ha from Gradeko have thrown so a element, across the river to the ft bank. "In the lower Va ar Valley Allied forces have passed t line of Koyn- ilko and Zuriochel, on a right bank of the river. They hay also taken Gueequell, and all of the ret enemy positions as tar as Lake Iran. -Enemy rearguards are ng re- lentlessly pursued. Upon theoads In the region of Mra ostir, Kicvo, and Prllep enemy columns are re- treating in indescribable disorder, and are bombarded witbont respite by Allied aviators. A number of vil- lages and depot are In Barnes. Prix - miters, cannon and enormous quanti- ties of material, which it Is impoa- etbic. to estimate, has fallen into our hands. We have, bra particular, cap- tured on the Vardar Valley railroad, locomotives, three complete trades and two pierce of long-range artillery mounted on trucks. 1n many plates demoralised Bulgarian unite have thrown away their arms. Our prior 'retie eontinuen over the whole front of attack " J edges the rum of 51 term Mrs. Hamilton. MRS. E. FISHER. Sec. Bennailler Red Cross Notes. The Bernyller branch of the C. R. C. S. reports the fcaowing shipment of sup- plies for August and September: 114 pairs of socks. 21; pyjama suits, 23 trench The526.5. following ladies have to be thanked for footing socks: Mrs Vim. Oke. 17 pairs: Mrs. F. Ech•, lin, 14 pass: Miss L. Vanstone. Mrs. E. Good, 4 parrs each: Mrs. E. Grigg, 7 pairs: Mrs. John McClure, Mrs. E. H. Walters, Mrs. Wm. Vanstone, 6 pairs each; Mrs. G. Vanstone, 5 pairs; M• s, M. NO gford. Mies Elia Oke, Mrs. J. J. Moore, Mrs. P. S. Banes, Mrs. C. Fisher, 4 parrs each; Mrs. B. Cox, 3 pairs; Mrs. W. Walttrs, Mrs. M. Lawson. Mrs. E. Masked, Mrs. C. Oke, Mrs. John Fea- gan. Mrs. John Treble. Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. S. Alain, 1 pair each. The following ladies are to be thanked I C.P.R. Directors in the Wesf `l", Meta Will Be *pared. PARin. Sept. 24 ---Doth 'German and Amerlcan Ifnen smith of Meta have now been well stabliiseyd. Oe- **Ional elaehes have occurred be- tween outpost, but for the present aelther side to making any serious effort to alter Its position. There bail been no bombardment of the city of Mets, and a bombard- ment of that Iltaep le not cipected daring the present operation. The Are against the torts around Mata will be continued at varying inter- vals. Japanese Arad elates People Pond. TOKIO, Sept. 24.—The War Ore* announeement says the Japanese army has sent to Chita a large quan- tity of wheat. tea, cotton, sugar. rice, matches and tobacco from ldaschult. it la added that the people of Chita Isrtlly appreeiated the relief. R. R- Angus, Sir Edmund Osler, Many of the brave women wbo attend our .wounded heroes in thin war are women who bave used Doctor Pierce's Fasontp Prescription, or who recom- mend it. The hospital, with it work i and king hours, % poles extreme hard- ship on a woman's drength Every woman should make herself fat for war's dSl at borne or abroad. She should obtain a book called the " Medical Adviser." either at her nearest drug store or by ,ending 50 one -cent stem to Dr. Pierce, Caurtwri;ybt St., Bridge Ont., for this book which tells abou Nensing, Bandaging, Anatomy, Physiol- ogyMarriage. Tbowan& of wormer in Canada have ovprnome their sufferings and have bees cured d woman', IBS,Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preeeription. So by druggists in liquid or tablets. Send Dr. V. M. Pierre, Buffalo, N. Y., IOe for trial pkg Cheney'. Oat wan Carr dd indeed to add my rve.m...nd- .tion 10 the many ethers that have fee robot in'Fay.slt. Pty- w rlpeiesi After manta- .r►.ed 1 ...Id not Nagar/ mita,n my a .ar1 nos ..,y weak and .ervma. Si.. 1had • earelbla k. woe ever reemesMir else 1 hope toaa1 U. •Pre.neiwt.ew a.taeed a e.erked imamewwteat barer. 1 ' r kap ambled sr bens, i tpri asp yea IW sea wr esatpkatel +Cd et sr, haa .owes sod it t r ve lea • good �thy ewe P.,erles Praaeriplies is .N d tae test term ler w. sea" -Yea Ona. tial 210 wda.fy.s as. it. Sir Herbel Holt, Lord Shaughnessy, President C. P. IL W. D. Matthews, Massey -Harris Shop --FOR - B1NI)ERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS, DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAN' ANDMcLAUGULiN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FF.NCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. t I.", ti C ft Roamer Sir Anatixttis Nanton, Senator 1•'. L. Beique, E. NV, 13e ty, LTHOUGH Montreal 1. the round the world, and shire that be'Mlafog and Smeltlnp Compeey of headquarters of the C. P. R.. ��iy, the interests of the railway Its Just as much In tbe West as in the East, If not more eco. and the train whirh carries the President on his annual Inspection trip always carries with it a strong contingent of direr tors. The names of the directors who accompanied Lord Shaugtweasy this year give an Indication of the ramifications of the interests which are allied to the great transportation system, for these directors are all powerful also to the world of banks, of light, heat and power, or pulp and paper, of steel. or foundries, of bridge building, of the milling industry, of textiles, of shipping and of insurance, They are representative not of Mont- real only, but comprise also tramline line citizens of Toronto. Winnipeg and Vlrtoria, B.C., and the French-Cana- dian element is admirably represent• .rl 1n Senator Beique, the President of the Banque d'Hocbelaga. The Senator was not actually a traveller en the special directors' train this year, for he was already in Vaneou. ver on a trip of his own when that strata lett ter the West. Mr. R. B. Ersis the doyen of the directors, o gaits al hie years his 11 olio of meet settee betas controlling Mho desAtaaae et the C. P. R. At the p laat s4atj-f*ur he went on a trip has been Vette across the tortlnent.:Pts I, B.C.. he Ie titularly lore The great Angus Shops at Stontreal'etsted now In m1n g development. are named atter hams and the presentSir Edmund 001er Is also a Ousels outstanding position of the Bank of of Toronto. As president of the ito- Montreal to the world's Seance is due Imtnion Bank and bead of ora of the In no small degree to his foresight 'most powerful brokerage Acme In and ability. Sir Herbert Holt was!Canada, his Ana.artal advice is of identlned with the early eon,tructlon (great 'alae to the C. F'. K. of the C. P. R., so far back as 11488. Sir Augustus Nanton rami to The Royal Bank under hie pnKddeneyWinnipeg to 1884 and remained there has made phenomenal progress, while `to become the leading SowiwIal he is the moving spirit bet ind some !authority In the West. Like stir Itlr- of tbe most Important power develop -bent Holt, be has taken a strong In. merit scheme, 1n Canada. Mr. C. R.itereet In the Canadian Patriotic • Homer began life as a U• ,'-rape? Fiend. ' operator, and at one time was man: 1 Mr. R. W. Realty, K.t'., to addition e'er of the C. I'. it. Telegra;'he. He fe being a director In also the legal still Is closely Identified with several /vice-president of the railway. telegraph and cables, companies. hut' The advent of so dietingbiis',ed a 1n 1899 extended his interests, yo that j smarty of visitors naturally rented be 1s now president of the Ogilvie great Interest at the cities It h.•rr the Flour Mills and is a direr tor of the seeds] train made a stop. The inn - Bank of Montreal, the Royal Truitt erary selected has enabled these Company, th6 Dominion Textlte Com, ?director* to see not only the •onntry pang, the tinrentlde Paper a'empanY. eratprsed by the Main 1.1n• n• the and many other surfs representative t•. P. It. but also the mere northern Canadian nndertaYlnas. areas of the three Prairie? P're%incea, Mr. W. li. Alatthewn is one of the la this way they have obtained a leading financiers of Toronto. H. rotmprehenetve idea of crop enndt• was long engaged In the grain trade. tions in Canada's *rest Wes! rondi- aad has been president of the Toronto alms which are on the whole vr.y Corn Exchange and chairman of the,satisfactory In spite of rather 'three. Eastern Orate Standard Beard. AP o[sble climatic conditions in early president of the great Consolidated!rnassaer. For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 10 East Street. Cppoute kros Church Gice L's at Trial ARE YOU PREPARED for the spring rains ? is your roof and eavetrough in good condition,? Our work in that line is always satisfactory. W. R. PINDER Ph.'nr tai Hamilton Street