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Keep your curtains new
Clean, dainty curtains add greatly to
the charm of the home. Lux adds
greatly to the charm of the curtains.
They are never quite so pretty as when
they have been washed with Lux.
Lux is an unequalled washing preparation in
the form of fine Rakes. Every particle is deli-
cate and transparently pure. Every particle
saves you labour and preserves the fabrics. Lux
gives a lather rich and creamlike.
Far curtains. Wks and all decoration+ (ilea
Owe wafer i6.Jf sew (mai( -au Las.
The Lungs of
Your Range
There is no flue sys-
tem lust like that of
the Pandora Range.
Before you buy a
range learn about the
Pandora method of
heat distribution — it
is the secret of good
baking and of every
kind of good work a
good range should do. It is the lung system of the range.
For sale by FRED HUNT
London Toronto Montreal
St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary
Winnipeg Vancouver
Edmonton Saskatoon
f �
COUNTYand DISTRICT Able to Start
Mrs. A. F. Embury• of Morris town-
ship. died August 31st In her sixty-second
The line farm of Fred Oster, at Walton.
has been sold to Mr. (Jarrett, of Londes-
boro' locality, for the sum of 111.000.
Samue Phillips. of near St. Helens,
won third prize in the spring wheat sheat
competition at the Toronto Exhibition.
The Presbyterian congregations of Ethel
and Cranbrook have extended a call to
Rev. Jas. Scobie, of McIntyre, Presbytery
of Orangeville.
After a long and tedious illness Mrs.
John Roessler passed away at her home on
tt e 8th concession of Stephen on Monday,
9th inst.. in her sixty -fust year.
The fifty -acre farm of Thomas Bird,
Lith concession of Morris has been sold,
along with the crop just harvested, to
Robert Young, of the same locality.
The marriage took place Wednesday,
11th inst.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hill. Centralia. of their eldest
daughter. Minnie. to George Kennings. of
Poplar Hill.
The annual convention of the East
Huron Teachers' Association will be held
at Brussels October 10th and 11th. J. D.
Campbell, B. A., of Stratford Normal
School. will give two addresses.
Wesley Searle. a prosperous young
farmer of the 9th line of Morris, and Miss
Emma Patterson. of Hullett township.
were united in marriage on the 4th inst
at the,Methodist parsonage, Blyth.
Duncan' McNichol, of Walton. and
Miss Olive Pearl McMurray, of Brussels,
were united in marriage at the Brussels
rectory on September 4th and will reside
on the groom s farm on the 12th conces-
sion of McKillop.
Miss Agnes Middleton, of Whitehall.
Goderich township. who has been carrying
off prizes for hand -painted china at the
Western Fair for several years past. has
been awarded first prize again this year
for her collection of china.
l.T.t us hrtve your next order for
Work Again
Trouble Was Easily Removed
Don't be discouraged if you Sud that
you have Kidney or Bladder troubles,
and don't imagine your ease is hope
leu er that you will be crippled and
suffer all the rest of your life.
Here is good news: Gin Pills hale
restored thousands of sufferers to
health and strength. What they hate
done for others they will do for you.
Head what 3&r. J. Harrop says
'•1 have bees crippled up so
completely that 1 could not stand.
N ork wal out of the question. A
few dose. of Gin Pills put Inc
right. 1 cannot praise (:in Pill&
tuo much, and every home should
have a box."
\!r. Harrop°e experience with Gin
Pills lies been the same as thousands
of others, in all parts of this tenth
Take the ease of .Mr. B. Milford,
Galetta, Ont. Mr. Milford had been
trouhlcd with backache and kidney
trouble for so long that hi wife deter-
mined to pnd a remedy fbr his afflic-
tion. Having heroine convinced that
1;in l'il(s were what he needed, she
persuaded him to rouunenee treatment
with this well fenowu remedy. Ile did
so. ani surprising results were orb•
tanned almost immediately.
This is an extraet from Mrs. Mil-
ford's letter:—
"After one (lose of Gin Pill. my
husband found them to be exactly
what be needed, sad after taking
two boxes he was completely
(rases like tbeee prove the value of
Gin fills. Try them. 50e a box at all
dealers. rr.. 171
An interesting event took place at De -
trot on August 31st. when Elva E. t Bes-
sie/. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Weston. of (erich township, was united
in marriage to Lorraine P. Vail. of De-
troit. the ceremony being perfof•med by
Rev. Mr. Cane in the Campbell M. E.
church. Mr. and Mrs. Vail will reside at
71k1 Junction avenue, Detroit.
More farm sales are reported from
Zurich. Wellington -Fee has sold her
100 -acre farm nn the Goshen line. 4 few
miles north orf Zurich. to Chris. Schrag, of
Stanley township who recently disposed
of his farm to R. Johnston. The pur-
chase puce is 810.000. Henry Clausius
has sold his sixty -acre farm on the Bron-
son line. Hay. to Aaron A. Weber. of
Elmira, for 83 900. Mr. Weber will get
posse non of the property next March.
tarry Taylor has sold his farm on the;
Sauble line to Mr. Lafrnmboise, of Essex
county. son -In-law of Reeve Laporte.
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Rose and daugh-
have come from Teeswater to reside
in Brussels.
Miss Winnifred Monis. of Petrolia, and
Miss Annie Geddes. of Belgrave. are the
nes teachers on the Brussels school staff.
On Tuesday. 3rd inst., Mrs. Hukh La-
mont passed away in her sixty-third yegr.
She as survived by her aged husband, six
sons and three daughters.
Miss Stella Gregorywho is on the
teaching staff of the Chatham Collegiate
Inst tute. is taking a rest at her home here
until Christmas. the board having granted
her leave of absence owing to ill -health.
At thiiames street parsonage. on Mon-
day. 9th inst.. Rev J. W. Baird united in
marriage Miss Fanny silaird. daughter of
John Baird. of Grand Bend. and John
Rollins Sims. of Crediton.
After a prolonged illness there passed
away at her home here on Monday. Sep-
tember 9th. Mrs. J. hn Dauncey. aged
seventy-six years. The deceased was a
native of Manchester, England, earning to
Canada in her infancy. Her husband
The Signal Printing Co., Limited/
The Gnat skis "SRANDSEIC",:- "CITY OF ME" - "'CM( OF atfFFALO'•
a1, TW, R N
BUFFALO—Daily/ May 1st to Nov. 115t1i- CLEVELA ND
Leave POMALA 9,M P.M tj S. Co-,o..Time Lowe CLRvlLANO 11,09 P.M. U.S. Coons! Titm
AM, C..RVL.A/en 7.5) A.N. 1:.5. canna'. Tree ATR ar.pALo 7:09 A.M. U.S. F,.rrn Toe
C. .,i.we M Cleeeraad hr Crdv Point. Pot -in -Flan, rietrnian�.Ntw goats. R.)5..d t on ecr earners. 5
reading boo,. Rio and 1 I...imM aro g•* nae warpn
rite wet er A.rlemn Prow.w.
Agt for ti loH
ts a ('_ a N Line. Now toorlat Aao.otbli
—i' 22 Rowwl he. Ir..h r A. s return limit. lar ears not ere+.Mng 127 M. w4aoltam.
Rm .tlr,II o e--.1 .rt„wal
coal* .hart ..1 Tan Qrsst Ah,p - S aAN0RRF." port on rw.'
1.. Al-..aA canon re -pp p•tobi .04 wIptI. MMLt tr s
Tt.. Cleve.•d &
Tr..•it Company
Ck.dMi. Uh,,
t'►. ,:...t UbIpr
- A R R A N D a r r-
the largest .aa m.w ..al.
p..e.,.+r soomove ...1.1.04
earn. of .5.....le. sr..p1.
..tw•lr.. 1100 p.mocora
Silent pnlicerrkn have been erected on
the corners on Main street to regulate the
Philip Harris has sold his residence on
Main street, at present occupied by John
Button, to Mrs. George Henderson. of
Brussels. who will take possession shortly.
Thomas Hills. of Egmonoj,Wlle, and his
brother, George Hills, of Delaware, Ont.,
c aim to be the oldest pair of male twins
in the Empire. tTh. y are eighty-five
years old and both are still in active Rork.
J. J. Merrier. M. P.. has purchased the
woollen mills property from H. Edge and
will turn it into a flax mill. He is at
present installing machinery and will
handle his own large crop of flax this fall.
David Moore, an old resident of this
locality. died at bis home in Egmondv Ile
on the 7th inst.. at the age of eighty
years. He was a carpenter and builder by
trade. but for many years had been re-
Constipated Children.
The Townships of Huron.
Foiluwulg is anther instalment from
Thosrws McQueeies "Report un the
County of Huron," published in l$3$:
Emily, wife of Abner Corens passed
away at her home here un Tuesday of
last week, after an illness of some months,
leaving her husband and one daughter,
Wawanosh, on the east side of Ashfield,
is a large square township, containing
much excellent land dad Wane of inferior
quality. it is considerably broken by the
Maitland River. which, with many a twist
and bend, cusses the whole breadth of
the township, and in a great measure has
rendered tle eastern division inacct•stable
This banter it now being removed by the'
tunstruct the bridge at Manchester.
and as the land is god in quality and all
told, or "taken up." actual settlement and
actual improvements on a large stale inay
be 'expected. Indeed the filling up nl
Waseanosh during the last four years has
been astonishing; and though at the time
o('taking the census in 1102 the popula-
tion was put down at 722, it must now be
more than twice that number. Among
the older settlers there are some good
farmers, whose fields. homesteads and'
stocks are creditable to the county; and I
of those who have lately gone in we know
several taper sewed pract seal agricultur-
alists. In addition to the boundary lines
between it and Ashtield and between it and
Colborne. which are good passable
thoroughfares Wawanosh has already a
number of reads through the interior, anal'
a grist trill and two or three sawmills are
now in operation: In 1e30 only 4110 acres
were cultivated, and in 14,51 1,249 acres
were under cultivation, and 3,864 bushels
of wheat and 6,014 bushels of oats were I
produced. This was fully double the
quantity raised in Ashtield, although the
population was ,c considerably less. But it;
is unfair to judgge Wawanosh by the sta-
tistics given in the censutp repwbecause, •t; bause, ;
as we have already observed, the principal
settlement of the township has taken
place since that time. But from present -
appearances it may be presumed that in a
few years more Wawanosh, in regard to
population and cultivated acres. will
barely be second to any township in Huare,"
county of ron. The inhabitants are, j
Ireland and of Scotland.
THLRSDAV, Sgrr. 19, 1018 7
Andrew Taylor has purchased the
Queens hotel from Mrs. J. E Swarts, and
in transfer Mrs. Swarrs takes Mr. Tay-
lor's tine residence property on Shuter
street. It is not Mr. Taylor's intention
to conduct a hotel business in the prop-
erty at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Huntley, of Wing -
ham. announce the engagement of their
daughter, Leila Mary, to Captain Clif-
ford M. Keillor. C. A. M. C.. of London,
the marriage to take piece this month.
Miss Wenowae Evelyn Holmes. daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mra R. H. Holmes. form-
erly of W'ingham. and now of Toronto, yy
and Russell McGill. also of Toronto, were west have both been cut out to the full and ;knit. Huwtck and Grey, Turnberry
married at Burlington Beach on the :3rd width of •sixty-six feet and bridged and and Morns. Kinloss and Wawanosh, 1
inst. by Ret. Thomas Amy. They left crosswayed, by contract from the GOY- and Huron and Ashtield, to Point Clark I.
on a trip to Vancouver and California and ernment, and are already good rads, at on Lake Huro), and in time is likely to
an their return will reside at Toronto. least in winter. And, nn the southeast became a thonnuxhfare of considerable
LUCKNOW, corner, at its ]unction wt pa 1 her
for the most part. natives of the north of
The chilly days remind us of
approach. We
ycu out with
wintei s
prepared to fit
Suits and Overcoats
for Fall and Winter
---either Semi -ready or made-to-order.
Our large stocks afford a wide range
of choice, and you can depend upon
getting the right thing here.
Semi -Ready Tailors 'Phone 77 The Square, Godelich
MORRIS. berry; and when the bridge at notches -
MORRIS'. is completed and the road gravelled
East of Wawanosh, and as the north of to that place. not mese than sixteen or
Hullett, is the township of Morris. It seventeen miles will remain Inn the enter -
was surveyed in 12149 but was sold only in prise of the `town of Gxlerich, and
1352 3. It is a pretty large township throughout this do:tans a the road is al- 1
and has Tess swamp than any other of the ready cut out and crosswayed. There i
new townships belonging to the Crown in are- comparatively few settlers in Turn -
this county. It is all sold but not very berry, but they have energy. persever-
thickly settled. The soil, in general, is awe, enterprise and some means.
good, and quite a number of experiencri i The. Woolwich anti Lake f lnron road.
farmers have taken up their abode in it. part of which has been opened up and the
and large clearings and large barns al- other part is now in the jurisdiction of
ready proclaim the destructio of the Mr. Gibson, superintendent of colonize -
forest. Two branches of the Maitland tion oxide, a ill he iii vast avarice to these
run through the northeast corner of it for new townships, in affording facilities for I
a few mites, and it is well supplied with egress and inzress. it stretches from the I
smaller creeks and line springs. The line township of Woolwich, in the county of
between it and Grey on the east and the Waterloo, in a straight line between
between it and Wawanosh on the Mar borough and Mormngton Wallace 1
Childhood constipation can quickly
banished through the use of Bab 's Own
Tablets. These Tahlets are a mild but
thorough laxative which never fail to reg-
ulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach
and in this way relieve all the minor ills
of the little ones. Concerning them Mrs.
Eugene Couture. Knox Bridge, Quebec,
writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have been
marvellous in the rase of my baby. She
was constipated and feverish but the
Tahlets soon regulated her bowels and
made her well.' The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
hox from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Brckviile, Ont.
, Zurich.
Ripley_Stp1ember aa, f-rodench; Mre^Jnhn Gotham and Mrs.
GODERIC11 - evirTEMI3ER 15.26.27 --. -
September 2n, 27
September 29, 27
.September 26, 27 Heard
O toter 1, 2 The man who
Odnbper 1 2
h Greyand Mc- importance, especially in the lum
James Campbell and his daughter An- Kdbp. Mr Knox has erected a ppN anus trade. It was opened up on the east
frame building, two storeys high, for an end. as far as the township of Grey, in
Motel, and another tram° for stables. and the summer of IAA. and the remainder
driving house. both sufficiently large 40 of it will be let ort to contractors so soon
accommodate the travellisq public of the esthete are fun'lsln the treasury,
best town in the county. This, hs waver, Aversions of the Breit,
being on the leading road not only to Mex-
ris and Grey. but also to the entre meth- Hannibal did nut use tobacco in any
ern townships, jt is quite probable that form.
the large hotel may have plenty of "call:'; Peter the Hermit never spent a cent for
GREY. plo;nograph re -o ds.
(.us(avus .4dolphu% would lot patrdn- ,
Grey is situated on the east of Mons ize the parcel post.
and north of McKillop. it is sonrtethinet Genghis Khan preferred the steps to
woideethan Morris and' contains a Yule the elevator.
over 43,000 acres. it was only srld m t)r, johnin would not put Ina foot in.
September, 12434: but having been p(rttY an automobile.
well squatted on previous to the sale lr is
Mosses had an unconquerable aver -
now well settled. On the east sick, to- since to motorcycle..
wa-tis the township of Elnia. there iq a Nero couldn't be perouadcd to buy an
considerable swamp, but as a whoa the electric fan.
land is 01 good quality, generally a clan
soil with an occasional knoll of Brava 1.
The timber, as in Morris, is crock elm,
Too Nervous
tall ars; heavy, and consists of rock elm,
beech, map e. hemlock, and in vote
places a sprinkling of pine and cedar. 1
number of sawmills are in operation and
some excellent pine lumber has been pro
duced. It is watered by two branches of
the Maitland and several other creche., be-
sides an abundance of clear, cold springs.
Near the centre of the township, and rxn
one of the large streams, a town plot has
been reserved and has not yet been of
fered for sale, but it is squatted on. and :i
postoftice, store and one or two taverl.9
are kept on it; and on the same stream, 1.
where it crosses the town line into Morris,
an attempt has been made to raise :a vil- Mueh sympathy was fell In this city
lage; and two or three stores, a tavern for fan Dorsey, who met with • die -
and a postoffnce have been established. treeeing accident when\ his foot wan
emaehed In an elevator
nie left last week for the West. where
they intend to reside an future.
In George street Methodist church,
Peterboro', on August 77th, Emelia.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Howey of
Lucknow, was united in marriage to Gor-
don William Gardner. son of Mr. and
Mri. R. Gardner of Norwood, Ont. The
young couple will, reside at Norwood.
Sixty-two boys and three girls received
S. O. S. badges at the public presentation
recently held in the Lucknow town hall.
About one-third-nf the lads and the three
girls were from the village; the rest were
country lads. Addresses were given by
Mr. R. C. Sndeniuo. of the Y. M. C. A.
National Council. and Prof. Dean, of the
O. A. C.
Mrs. Chas. Tyner, of the base line, Hul-
lett, died Monday of last week after a
brief illness. She was the eldest daughter
of Mr. gild Mrs. George Holland of the
Bayfield road and was in her thirtieth
year. She leaves her husband and a babe
only a few days old.
A quiet wedding took place at Wesley
church parsonage on September 3th, when
Miss 'Mary Irene Biggins and William
J. R. Pinning. of Clinton, were united in
marriage by Rev. A. E. Jones.
The funeral tock place here on Sunday.
Sth inst.. of Mrs. George Doherty, form-
erly of Clinton. The deceased and her
daughter. Miss Daisy, had recently taken
up their abode at Windsor, going from
Stratford. where they had lived since leav-
ing Clinton some years ago. Mrs.
Doherty's death was quite unex ted,
To Sleep
Nerves Wrecked by Accident
Was Afraid to Go in a Crowd
or to Stay Alone—Tells
Of His Cure.
pec The ma]nnty of Ibe settlers in Grey are The shock to the nervous syete,n
she having been ill but a couple of days.experienced bushman and have ntnytd in was so great that Mr. Dorsey was In
She is survived by one son, L. E. Doherty from old settlements in other parts of the w pitiable condi for a long time.
of Stratford, and one daughter, already province; utntly they know their Ile was oke a child In that he re
mentis who is a teacher on the \\ roil- work, and as many of them were pushes q,dred his mother n care nearly all
sir Colli 'ate Institute Rlaff. The fun- of wane means they are making great the oma. ele feared a crowd, could
eral services were conducted by Rev. A. E.
S. H. Gilley is recovering from a critical
Dr. F. R. Guest hal returned to.Blyth
after a five weeks' post graduate course at
Toronto general hospital.
John McMillan has closed his flour and
feed business here and has accepted a
good position with a produce company at
Frank Grigg. late of Lucan, has taken a
position as bookkeeper with the Blyth
Milling Co. and he and his family have
moved to town.
The death occurred nn Thursday, 5th
inst., of Adana Glatsher, after an illness
of some months. The deceased was in
his sixty-ninth year and in his early years
ran a stage between Exeter and Clinton. -
before the railway was built. Then he
moved to the vicinity of Auburn and
later to Blyth, where he had since resided
with the exception of six or seven years
headway, and clearings of thirty and forty not etay alone and could not sleep
acres may already in Many instances be because of the weakened and excited
mel with; while a nice clear bush asst a condition of his nerves.
rich abundance of herbage enables them Detroit doeton did what they could
to keep a fair portion of very creditable foe him, but he could not get hack his
stock. strength and vigor until he fortunate -
stock. of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
HOWICK. It le no mere accident that Dr.
North of Grey isHowick, atlarge square C1ase's Nerve rood proves to be ex -
township, with a large population. it actly what 1s needed 1n so many rases
of exhausted nerves. It Ie ron,poNed
contains much good land and much of the Ingredients which nature oe-
gwamp, is well watered by the main quires; to form new Mood and create
branch and somte ether branches of the new nerve force. For this (maven It
Maitland. has plenty of pine and several cannot tail and for this ren..an t suc-
millsalready in operation. it was sold .meds when ordinal y mr.lkclu.e fat.
at the same time as Grey and was well Mr. Laurence D. Dorsey, 39 Stanley
Peopled beforehand. But it is making street, London, Ont., writes : "About
considerable progress, and a good parties) three years ago I gat my foot smashed
of it having got into the hands of men In an elevator In Detroit, which coin -
who have both capital and intelligence to pletely ored with Ased my dortors thvre. but does
take advantage of its superior water ttoil not seem tod be able to help h e.
power, It cannot fail tb move onward in My nerves were In Ruch A state that 1
improvements. could not go down town alone or go
TL'RNBERRY. I any Place where there was a crowd.
Rometlmes my m ther would have to
Turnberry is a small spoiled triangle nn , alt and watch emit me at night, and
in farming. He leaves, besides his the west side of Howick, and stretching wmetlmes I could not get any sleep
wife, two daughgters and one son: Mrs along a portion of the north of Grey, the at alt But one day last winter I rote-
whole width of Morris and part of nenced tieing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
September 18, 19 Geo Routledge, Listowel; Mn. Adam Wawatash. These two townships ' and before I has completely used the
September 18, 19 Stott Toronto ars( John, at home. There Turnberry and Howick• spoil the shape aret box I could ere • difference in
yepensber 19, 20 Ore Oleo two brothers and five fosters of the county of }tonin, and in rn far as nal condition. I continued using three
September 19, 20 John rich: r, of Hullett' Geo. Glousher, form is concerned about d holing In the, ray for some time. The result we.
of Zurich: Mrs. John e, Mrs. H. tendte. 1 feet en much better, '.0
September 23, 24 county of Bcele. Turl bterry has a O
Bobcats, East Wawanosh; Mrs. A. Gulf: quantity of excellent land and a large I deep well at night, can go out on the
eireet and attend gathrringe like the
quantity of swamp and Deaver meaand a , asst of people. 1 •n1 .0 pleaeed to be
it has an abundance of Rad pante and a �, to telt yew what Dr. Chew'• Nerve
still greater abundance of water pnaer. I *� hu done for mr, •nil to rorcem-
feom Aga in. Several mills, gest and saw, are naw int Fwd 11 is ether people."
course of ccnstr ction, and there can he no 1 Or. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 rents a
declared that he could re ` f
50 1
e Every .10>`.�N.
Packet .of
Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug-
gists, Grocers and Geot.rat Slot
Ford wich
Windham .
October S 4 net everything but temptation has come
Ocu>,her 5 wouldn't mind obstacles if they didn't get
...October 3 4 Out wit a new saying, viz., that he
comber �y in his way.
doubt that in a few yearsthe principal sup- yea. w full treatment of • bowie or
ply a lumb•r for the who e (-minty of Haw- 01.71. at all dealers or Pldmansrn.
on will be obtained from this source All I inateo • Ce , Limited. Toronto Do
that is wanting is a good gravel road wet be talked Int• •re.Rtlna • substl-
from Godernch to the town plot of Turn- tens Imitations only dlappolat.
AT -
Linoleums and
dein itugs
in different sizes.
Also a new stock of Rags
worth seeing.
A call at the store will con-
vince intending purcho era
that Walker's is the place to
W. Walker
Let Your Light Shine!
Don't stumble around in
the dark. it is cheaper iu
the long run, and vastly sent••
pleasant, to have your hr,,i'
lighted in the modern, sew it 11
way with electricity.
We ohoitld be glad oto gate
you an estimate on the wiling
of your home and can aseurc
yon a goon) job, because
We have a full line of
Electrical Goods
for lighting, corking, heating,
Phouun R46T. AUT °Pleme
193 TNR F:I.pe'1'Ri5't (9 N2
\Vest street -next to Poet. Office