The Signal, 1918-9-12, Page 7The Pandora
Brings Relief
You won't know the
relief in store for you,
and the new pleasure
in fife too, until you
have a Pandora range
set up in your kitchen
-daylight oven, ther-
mometer on the oven
door that banishes the
guess from your bak-
tng - -a hundred con-
veniences in cooking
and kitchen work all
combined in one range
-the Pandora.
For sate by FRED HUNT
Paid ora
eaden Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver
atL JO .N.H. lianulwa Calgary Edmoutoa Saskat ou
Let us have OFFICE ur next order or
The Signal Printing Co.,
Migl Flora Hess, t Zurich. has been
appointed principal ofthe Centralia pub
lie{c hoot
line. Stanley, has sold tub 50 -acre farm , sinew sh• Trial ..RtJrr.AerevEs'
to Herbert Smith.
Norman Stephensan, of the Goshen
Tim Fasamae resod Ideraciers
Ed. nucharme. of the Broneon line,
Stanley, has sold his teventY-•cre farm to I
Paul Masse. of Hay township.
The fifty -acre farm in Lisburne belong
ing to James Montieth was sold at auc-
uon to Andrew Campbell, of Exeter, for
Dr. Mary Johnston, who was visiting ,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John-
ston. at Ktppen. for the last three montes 1.
has gone to Hamilton, where she
practttx to the City hospital.
The other day James B. McLean de-
livered at Mofatt's grain storehouse,
Kippen, the largest load of a. tsMoffatt
there during the dirty Years load
has had the storehouse. The
tained 158 bushels.
At the Seaforth manse. on Tuesday, 3rd
inst., the marriage was solemutzed of Miss
Gladys Luella Carter. daughter of Mr.
and. Mrs. John Carter. Mullett, to John
A. Ferguson. of Constan Rev. De
Larkin otitctated. The young frm west
will reside on the grooms
of Constance.
Mrs. Kelly. widow of Pte. Jas. Kelly,
who was reported killed in the war over
a year ago, died on the 3rd Inst. at the
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David
Cooke, 6th concession of East W awarlosh.
Mrs. Kelly had been ailing ever since her
husband's death. She was thirty-eight
years of age. and leaves two young chil-
TaolluBkt, dart. 12, Alit; 7
xxx, xxxX xxx
real W INGHAM.
John Holloway, a well-knownaesilent o1,
Lower WIngham, died'Mt%tday, 2nd inst.,-
in his eighty-fourth year. He was a shue-
makeT by trade.
The death occurred at Camppbbeelllord on
Sunday. September 1st. of Mrs. S. Ma -1
quire, who was a resident d Witgham for ,
a number of years while her husband was
foreman of the Times office. Mrs. Maguire
was in her forty-seventb year. in the
A Minter W ingham young lady,
person of Ethel M. Davidson, wife of
t Donald McMurchk• died at her home at
Collingwuud on the lst inst.. in her thirty-
first year. The remains were brought to
the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Davidson, in this town, and were
interred in the Wrotham cemetery on
Thursday last.
There have been a number of change's
estate at Londesboro' during the well ever slues."
few weeks. ar
R. Shaddick has p- :
last Miss ANNIE WARD.
chased J Lasham's house. having disposed l
Fruit -a -ties' is fresh fruit juices,
of his farm to Mr. Benson of 'Constance. concentrated and [ncreased la
NU. Braithwaite has sold his farm to
Chas Watson a P -
miss amass WARD
112 Hazen St-. $t. John, N.B.
"It is with pleasure that 1 write to
tell you of the great benefit I received
from the use of your medicine,
'Fru iia -dives'. Isms a great sufferer
for many years from Nervous /lead.
dikesand Cowsdipahoa. I tried
everything, consulted doctors 'tsbut
nothing seemed to P
I tried 'Fruit -a tives'.
After I had takes e.eena] boxes, 1
was completely relieved of these
troubles and have been unusually
The LaborDay celebration
the auspices the of
ary was a lite success- The proceeds
the day were about $335.
nes has purchased the late re agth,combinedwith finest tosies,
l hl mountain has
n. Riley's house. D.
chased T- s house and Harvey and rs a positive and reliable remedy
nati tion.
Willey bought Fed Johnston's house. 1 Lor Headaches and Constipate)*
Limited f H
ifs Greet See "IUAN ' - - Y Or tom" - CITY or BUFFALO"
BUFFALO -- fly. May l to Nev. lath -CLEVELAND
Lae< b,rreZ3 9,00 P.M. U.S. Mann t.M 4+•' C.uvuY". 3 a P.M. U.S. Ceevet Tie
Arn,. t:,if euk e•..7 .w,w A .,M,r. n.,.,Ce.m' r,.. Ar"" R-rruo 7: ee OM. U.S. sworn Time
r ewOrtg Ser ll rle ire le..l.i Per
+ ' * 4 ea other 3Ur elle., fee., rte..
t *•g.I bir.MMoot ter Whin v. C a e Ler. Nw l.0i Aaee•_
treat . se Rdr Aderfilre repro.emit Trip, eats dam Min Mot, tae - sot nems err r. waeathese. • r
r+.dau, eWrrd ✓Weal ;netts .w et the great p NDBia.' sit•re■siet et
e dirt.. Ads* W ire ear • 0•4 d 'e1Mdi►.s.wo bee
T'• T V J
-saxatteslta- 1 '1
-she Weer cwreseereeat,
preree a■eatee••rc. Wood
ee ..M. _.AL chert•••
cetera.. 1 :rn
• ieb
!t • 1 >1i t.
Pte. W. Curl, who went overseas with
the 33rd Battalion and after being
wounded returned to Clinton last sprung,
has enlisted with the Canadian puce go'
ing to Siberia.
Word. has been received of the
death of Mrs. James. Castle, o1 On -1
tario, California, sister-in-law of Amos
and S. G. Castle. of town. The late Mrs.
Castle was in her forty-fifth year and is
survived by her husband and a lanuty of
rine children, two of the sons being now
overseas. She was a daughter of the late ,
John Joy, a oste-time resident of Clinton,
but went to California as a bride about 'I
twenty-four years ago.
The Canadian Mri6azine.
Besides the '•Reroiniscere`s Polito:l
and Personal." by Sir John Willison, and i
"Dahabeah Days by e leHelen M.SeEinbe,
The Canadian Magazine
contains a number ort dually attractive
articles and short The
historical. a review of the rebellion of
1837, by L. Stone,. who treats exclusively , rus y,urs ■
of events happening Other
in and around St. , XX,Xltam:tr,Atyt rr XX
F:ustache. P. Q. Other articles are: -The i rh ufr ltras n
Victoria ilaY
Bay by hotograpas.
ward, with unusually good p
and "Life, Miall and Mans Immortal- ,
ity," by La - tie Bentlty M D., and 1ltlgx were owe a )k4Is{una Meal
every pair saarasteetl,
per pair $L58.
i per pair 75c.
, Six pairs for $4.00.
to $1.f.4.
Semi -Ready Tailors 'none 77
Buy Holeproof Hos-
iery and save
The Square, Coderich
y aye
y has g t r t triers arc v•ottlent snort Rorie! by Cana-1The word "thug" has an inlenst-
Idian and British authors. 1 ins historical origin and come. to ere ,
Hugh Russell, a returned soldier who ts' 'De • 601'8 t clear d all
bYed with a farmer in TurnberrY•1 At all dealers orFruit•a-uveaLimited,
stung m ten
recovered his voice shut ow..
----`- pears ago. there was i
roe, B. A.. of Tren; Guard Baby's Health in \igbly r6asther community lin India
Roy L. Dona who lived by aaealrsisatio■ sad tats -
been unable to a
d for two years. a was
for x2.60, trial sire 25e.
int address t■
We would Iike to steer Iron India.
In a Tei'
Uoglaed, Hudyard Kipling told tier
story ugpq a Uwe, a hundred
a large and
wickedness, but there is some rosy ere hollows
that is not always dirigible.
severely shell-shocked
and after coming to. after several days someIto was per
unconsciousness, he found that his power , town, Ont. The eeremo^y (or^xd, •elle Summer. I bogy.. They were educated t. it tress
of speech had gone. He was for by Rev. F. S. Mackenzie, assistant pastor. ---- logy. 1■hey w tbey followed it r a
protime in hospitals overseas and returned to Mier a trip through the Laurmtran ,bet r I.ta and It was also tl t re-
Canada in'Jilte of last year. Anew days Mie. Donantce will T summer months are the mfr
Mountains. Mr. and "'a/Ice is ors to children. The complaints Ilgto■. They were called Tensa-,
ago he was fakirs a horse to the Toronto . reside at Trenton, where
Nu'Dorr danger n intantum
himself employed by the British Co. of that season, whichare chole1T•ir method was to rletrgavbeeltere or `
Exhibition and it became frightened in colic and dietetic, a and d} 'enter y, caw °^ selves u pilgrims
the car. Young Russell surmised he has EXETER•mereba■u and to )oia wile parties i
by excitedly shouting •.Whoa•• land 31 t t jo quickly that Wt ae tehrttk lift is beyond pilgrims,
ilgrims lravrliers an -d uirrcbaats
realises he
mince been stile to converse On Saturday Creel inn Rev. dl The rrtottief must be on her [ sase"ag ado
in beptembe1 1916,
exn aid beton
evening. August s , a guard to about India. They got into
the Methodist par e, i
C. W. Baker united in marriage Miss pCevent these troubles, or if they do come the to■adr■rr of for Ir v home, non
Hays. son of Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs suddenly to cure them. No other out wont the, bad on them, and la ar more effective than StSold ba
William Iia. tion in Thelma Maud Skinner. daughter kine is of such aid tomttttieradunng
dee lime -atter weeks or months ofCatchers.,Aw} i1Cro<cracdte. everywhere
James Hay's. has accepted a pea
Skinner. d Exeter. and r. FrankadOwn Tablets.
one of the Toronto banks. King, of Stephen i.damship. hot weather as is Baby's bowels wquai■ta■ce - they killed them by
The Keep Watch cekbratiotn held in Mn King will reside on the grooms farm The regulate the stomach andSold by glt lag them poieooed footle- wrangling
and are absolutely at 25 cents all me•U+ ler incise- er b7
Seaforth on .741.t 5th rented the splen in Stephen.was medicine dealers or by mail(• from behind, as they eat over - did stem of $2.741.96. The receipts were George Thomas, who for fifty Y•irsthe air of as evening,
g3 td the espe^dittsres $1057 rig. n honored resident of Exeter, but who box [leo theDr. Williams Medians CoCo., folly preparedposth septs e
u wvl ora spec
to be used for e"'*—K 1ar for the last four r earl of rope Tog. t
Cordon.there LUCKNOW. corpse of valuables Pews• a natio i Corrr t1 tired went on 10
wedding m the church of The tax rate
people was sr,kmtused wall. t g • }p , }lis
St. Andrew- and St. $Paul. Montreal. on fund liaises fn Canada remains were mills.
Wednesday. August 21st. when Lilian. vide predeceased him. Miss Dean
and Mrs. seer for interment.
7!19.78, a had resided at Brockville
boa stripped the
The width m died her August 30th aha a KNOW ail 1 dies thaw It down
A edd nq of mtereet to many Seaforthatxrrt illness Hr via► lint hsa been strteck et ao well or buried
tM next deb.
(;eddes has gone to (>;"Allast Uinp nut so ha.l that
a ota h OILlM l 1st bInent of India cad to tat
daughter of the late was under brought to Ex
Stewart, of Ottawa. united in marri-
Henderson to deal w tb
-- Lake on the Pacific Slope
A Lovely .. .•
Springs to take a pewter* te*fere Lite all Goveremeats. It ere -
teacher dtpartmestr the Department
Mrs. Wm. has received add a tamen- 1
1 word that her youngest son, Pte. Tennant eog Unlike _t most Ito tbe
besi meat.,
in action. depart/treat worked well, and t.,
lien ears.
Me has been woundedtb\s depar
Mrs. Jhas received d among Imre vas- ter many years of backing down and
son, Pte. Joe McCoy. is hothankies up the steal murderers, and
theualfa baying received gunshot wounds in Iseprisoalag their spies and routed -
the Face, g crates. wbo "'clad" 511 Tsai° o1 .0-
Miatss Dunnville.
Wid Ms t Bede Rowe V', it put an end to Ore whole burl.
term at and Miss village
noir "Isis at Tbustgs•-"
has a school at
i{ I;ttitnil t lstlil1ji 111!
Mise Moe Mn from C ishome
heree she R.
Oren on
month's l superintendent
from Chicago, Ringo
is surgical supertMeeident at the Frances
Willard hospital. message last week 4 Child' 8 Head '
W m. Allin received a oreal Ilam d
Aliin, had that his son, torpor hospital suf.
Aliin. had been admitted to hrfspi
feeing from gunshot wounds in the chest, 1
tsetse and Spread
There are a number of changes in the Gausses (;teat Dia
this term. Neck and Ears -gym Was
of EvLuelyn
Williams,public 13. A.. takes theto
place Evelyn WB. 1 Speedily Effected When Right
place of Miss McLean h first assistant:
Miss Spence is in charge of the entrance, Treatment Was Reeom" place of Mtss Shternff: Miss Mac
laand Miss m Miss
ie Chas the nce had I mended.
primary ctaases
Lucktww's Labor Day celebration was Them is no „nowt of the shin mora
know about
quite a success There were 1300 people
in the Park and the receipts of what it win
obstinate than rinswo, m, and 4 the
the day.' mother who writes this tetter dose so n to `
.dance at night,amounted
including tine .",., realizing
Linoleum and
Congoleum Rugs
Ito nearly IWO In the baseball amnia -other anxious mothers to
Intent Lucknow won from Belfast, Loch -1
aleft Dr. Chases Ointment.
won from Dungannon, ttolyrond won This remarkable cure was brought
from Lochalsh, and Lucknow won . the about two years ago, and as hero has
Judges boon *0 return of the dislroes.Bg ass-
series by defeating Holyrood. Elliott,he no doubt that the
show w,re Chas.);Ilion of • ease ,there can be
1 ermanent.
for the baby 1 cure' s D
Wing- Mn. 1). Stebbins, Clunes Pena, Ont.,
Dungannon, Mis tin, ofitl i of
The etas to telt you of ml
ham, and Mrs. Martin, of Kinloss writes : " I am s
prize Inc the biggest baby was- won by •xrerlence with Ur. Ch>vi • O1nt-
Mrs. Wraith. Langside: for the tie dark-
ark wwent, fly Niels girl had sono come
by Mrs.Jas. Burns.Lucknow; ma on her head which looktus
ringworrns. They were "resin"
A. Cul. rt; and Webster: the fst an Mrs. foot, and 1 tiled home treatbut
for the reddest -haired u. i -h Loc the finest and al`. fotbinn helped her. 1 honk her to 1M
the lne,Lwas wan by Mrs aorto., and he opened some of t e
Dave Milne. Lucknow. the yoke
_ -.-------
-- Acres. which were as big as thve e to
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle. of an peg. The salve he ger
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle met put ooh wee very severe, and the poor
at the home of Mrs. Ernest Gardiner on chilli would cry
foran 1i hour
Oto r weeks
after Y all over her
Tuesday h afternoon. September eth. The 14 tontinue/I to .{
Kh Ctn- bead, and came down to her net•k and
Circle copped through the Godrr
serine committee for August the following gars. She suffered terribly. At imst
P -''sir sos• kind ladles tolA m• about aM
i . $ 57 b0 'h Ointment so 1 g
2318 fonts shirts
. Off 5500 kind
tlin 1 MIS 1< en she Inverted ie a C P. R. steamer at Penticton eel t flhanagan tas'tb : hi to .. 1
4 mattress covers. 8 4b ,tY, interne, woo ail scum
Valley 8 peopfalse1tw
conepm\. It L sow twoIso way.
wsm back, IN yenttnmind. Ten ar.ed for the
a 18fu s r 00Okanagan $salts and eecOIOi7. oraway tear the crests of the morns ire s vers. ty bags_ 0 o nit boa too mors. l ,penia ea■sw■ aro maa{e+l sees fila tow xS TwT nlel►sA lie dratla, aa a rosepdor of e ____ a sa tatewfa. P tains. A thrilling ooe■e grosta i hav isestriso 23 pi ro*laI eIakv nim Dn a •t Land Suland, with many a eye b a birdo eye Heof t detMI1 trench iciests........................... 700\Ib.
2 751 vir• nea b .re gas often about
rest iln to it oe diemate• otxsby. lts armint t -waren' siatbnot. 1 agl+slMMl■Iti, ga
Ointment, and I cannel
ul different sizes.
a new stock of Rugs
worth seeing.
A call at the store will r on-
vince intending purchasers
that Walker's is the place to
asw • of a bol.
• was re -
th• second done
t{eved of pate. and Peters we
parva ft la Ttie inin» patste is nt regent, .gyp tllrre flea la M the' tendselM 1 I
Hest }seat+ it oa to• mass i)•a►s every so astas artng vatwra teat troubled to
b 8waaisav Brltfso OwfwrnW: deo dna raj or r 7*I st^a fr■me the may, er r* ^o raaPMw to carpet • a ever oars.
iron Simmons.picl ilea mat; $ are bordered by `,alai e a Pia is tarsier or per ill■rh wirier of Mp+mr c oDr RtC
Rallwl: , r b■M boom esa■d■ Its back -
for test weed,) q tense Dais state
=la garbed
_ wt riaarh Wilmot t liberty rgue Vet-
he steamer
Ittw; iemeltom > Penticton. Oa deb teisi t ter Week Mode nuts 0.nlaseataahr that r 11 tame iuse vireo, res frDORS at es Weare oft moo
kooi ryw gams
saes }isle shmt home alt Massimo' ro ►aetd. ITN tab err 1 that erf11 teed awe! 'soothe wont is
■iaa. as
WWII ■ sail visa a tied:sat home, ler tom great
tarok 111 eta to d estimate for UM tl•sd•n
dWaea li/ tlin tales ere s `o Wit\ toasts d thdf as sa, s &pew a■/ ow gripes
Lire basdteds et eget w,
t10 ifs socks ............................... -
1Qs a er7'su
taking -s a diver t o sa toe slob Total ................. 11215 00
t7* .as lays f t here o. - H TOWNS1iW.
else vetoes. c ' - .
grows/ •t sten.
or target. noisy W , 3*1 AY, Sept. 4.
gnats tr/ad a Miss weals" Liarimg Mid RIM', her
r t\• wide Mises et walrr acrd Mice Norma Ginn is home
rrw holidays at Toronto. 1st
■t bailer rem~lam Miss Willa Cox list for tier set
1.11"11.1t real! dial■ !>w e
illbri Bancroft last week.
*I M sa tlalall T Miss Eva Cox started to business col-
r11y, the . vier este■ tireeeen Uit. at Clinton this week. T ire, of
ter/ma to the lower t.. tenni. trees Use
$Banff ?SY T t
sus eraser to t •atlday' t Chicago, a 1 r's•""g deer t7►Othtt. Ar-
w ns se dose Iia days Werk, N bre, of the 8th ra0nus•o^• _ _
d mor ea are .wahelttag up the beset* s m■ to esio but it doesn't
Nie werld .t valor and tee's sad Your ger Y
marriWa, aid time 1,aka of tl.Okasle get sway from the man who titali' out
doll NM alt rater,. . *r mem the bill.
W. Walker
Oamaai N a take et me estirr.
impow. fa* seas et no tooth a
ortt ldagrl■ eg each
_ Premien sear lb* Mg sae
r/p/1sg ,eared, itM it Ore Mersey
m t n deo- f des
iron' *ween Lynn toe steed NOMern. ma
hires Imam* warms t tree et tkle favored frostiest, esiostry
1►*+IfsAiba 1r) se arm Stalls he toe r.eety et die
gate erne ares trhrry elarsalloa liars Me dmsk d
bra sad es tree
via det awl aortae a *maw tlat wise
genie [raid
• eis•t+r
wide via tram and etas
rts\ird Mare of a Mf
lho4ia et t reader. syl3rt j
pss titres
wens ma
rant et tai.
ledie sem
t liar. via , lIp1 1.wmar . t IIs vim
7 teemed apes i •
dVetrf et fall
WC telt tile ewe vapor Use. dell -
ItIt t M suffer -
of ethers who may
g to a similar manner."
yi leepplt Brenner. 1 F , en 1 onsite
Yfy that
ret as tette personalty •repainted
tQw1 that T . P 1H a Aend.
coy -
Ills Mro. D. !le\binm et (trap
at.. and believe her statement
Ointment an
aereeee to Dr. C*
true ens M end. e• mato •
' TAwtaneen. Pala to
an IISii. a e►
r e.t est,.•t Trlemnl^ Se wase Ili
tbee T t irk• tries 4e talk Tem
to a s "'tt a subeertute,
Let Your Light Shine!
Don't stumble amend in
the dark. It is cheaper in
the long run, and vastly more
plca'4ant, to have your horse
lighted in the modern, tensible
way- _with clectticity.
We should be glad to give
you an estimate on the wiring
of your home and can assiire
you a good job, became
We have a tell line of
, ,,,.,,.,,,,y w,beiM„r,bilAm,rw.,ary,a is.est..:rri». r..., rw.-.,r .-:,..du.....:.w..- -
vtaeLL4 E .J[f--. . IR:.Yrac. :. _.... .4 L4mesioedreeets, i,A....3..a .....r.-J.. . • 5. . ,..'.L..r.
Electrical Goods
for lighting, cooking, heisting,
Flnti«e . DOBTj' ihup
J hone Yg All■ 'Plicae
193 Tun F.I.Itt'tRI"1ANK3
West st set -reit to Poet OMie