HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-5, Page 81
$ Taoasnsv, SttrT. 5, 1915
C.P.R. Day in Godaich
Thursday, Sept. I2
Everybody come
(:rest .ale of
during the alcove day only.
);very -roll of Wati Paper In
this store, *rill be sold at a
discount of 20 per cent. No
exchanges alad no returns; be
prepared and conte with the
Cort ect sires of your rooms.
.ng out the field day prooggrram, and partic-
i day• to those who tturiialied automobiles.
dance on Thursday evening, w ith music BACHELORS VANQUISHED A(:AIN. v,
by the Blackstone orchestra of Goderich. Quite an interesting game of baseball was
Agqpd tow is reported. played on the Agricultural Pack grounds
Teases were busy drawing back last uo Thursday evening last, between the
week hum McGaw for Mr. Alien's new married men and the bachelon. This was
buiNtng• . a return game. the hubbies having de- .
Miss Cli(lool'has returned from Streets- feted the angle sten at the Point Farm ;
vile to take charge again of Mr. Chas. on the 12th of July. The bachelors felt
Elliott's millinery department. this defeat keenly, and with the Idea of
The Dungannon µomen's institute in- "getting even" practiced hard for az and
tends visiting the St. Augustine branch seven weeks and came back last Thursday
neU W y. --only to receive a similar dose to the =
The ladies will hold their eeairlg bee' tune of 1'l to 1. The te',ims were: =
week at the home of Mrs. Pierce Marred mat --Harvey and Cecil Tre-
• The Ladies' PatrnoticClub gave another ularly
MW N. F. WHY'ARD is the
seem lac THE SI( IAI, at I)unpa•M..
Orden. tilt wdh haat In wlwcnatwpa
adve. ta.enruts w tub pnnt,aa win receive
proeupt allent.00. Telephone (C idrrM'h
Riot) •ao.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Commissioner for Affidavits. etc.,
rid Conveyance/
w•u.. tadi. M ore» ersnres') •" •
C ,,t lI, ..ac,,,pi am; .Sete t.4-
phod la Monsoon.
r,.t. w.ad and L,le Insurance. .n the cast
Ca„pan.e. *Mr
WEDNEsOAY, Sept. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crawford and
family, who have been visiting here, re-
turned to tbeir home at Hamilton on Sat-
Mr. Robt. Bailey, of the Sterling Bank.
motored to Stratford on Saturday to
spend Labor Day.
Pte. Jarvis Anderson. who is horse on
leave, was doing a rushing business in the
tonsorial parlor on Saturday. as three
billy goat whiskers were corning in again
and needed trimming.
Messrs. Sandy and Grant, the contrac-
tors. are gettung along poly with the
h.4eiae and are now ready for the;udt.
Mins Olive Glynn has returned home leaven, battery; B. J. Crawford. Bat =
fromDilatala ts. ITreieavef• Rev. T. A. Steadman.' Will
Mrs. Lybrock and daughter, of Beams- Crawford, "Pilch" Anritry4fh K• Myers, =
ville, and Mr. Frank Myers, of Hamilton. ; Geo. Smith.
have been here for several days visiting thele i Singe men -Bert and Parky Wiggins.
brother. Mr. Hayes Myers. battery: W. Stewart, Ralph Disher, Len =1
Mrs. Reynolds and daughter. of Gode- Anderson, Wes. Monk .Fred Fowler. Elmer ,
ooh, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
flirt Moore. Mr. Reynolds went over-
seas with the 161st Battalion and he and
Bob Moore have been together in France.
Me. and Mrs. Wes. Hill 4nd daughter,
of Lucknow. elided et tbe'taxt*e of Mr.
god Mrs. est. Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradford and
family'. of Godench, visited at Mr. John
Ryan's on Sunday.
The rain this week has been very eel
come. as the pastures were burnt up.
Now everything looks fine again.
Mr. and Mrs.- David Thompson and
family, of Goderich. visited at the home
01 their uncle. Mr. Wm. Thompson. on
Miss Ida Elsley. of Mount Forest.
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
McKenzie at the beginning of the week
before resuming her duties as teacher in
the Crewe school.
Mr. Lorne McKenzie and Misses Pearl
and Amber McKenzie motored to Mount
+t/ I y It Mr Steadrttan and Forest on Sunday.
USN * * Ir R 1n )cissa iesi1lftld to Tof(Nlltl to KE the Ex- Mrs. and Miss McDowall. of Riverton,
tubi - - sister Mrs. (Rev.1 Craig.
_ New Jersey, are visiting Mrs. McDowall's
Mrs.i. Stephens Soothers and Mas. ' Abe, Sdkrsand two children. of Brus-
Willie took in the sights at the Toronto (G' aril visiting her lather, Mr. 5. E
THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 Exhibition
last ase
Mr. and Mrs. Rory McDonald. of Kin- Sams.
Case, of Petawawe will ta: me
)Umpire -Robt. Bailey.
12 to 1. S
Suggested -a sae of bachelor,. NM
Bert Treleaven says the came was a little
s1 `metre BaHe ilytsays dhe is going to make I =
a chance coon.
Ben Crawford was in fine form at the
bat and c old run not too bad if h' got a
good swipe at the balL
Harvey and Cecil Treleaven prefer the
married class and think some of the boys
should make a change and quit playing
Has Germany No God or a Tribal T
God. =
It was In 1900, when the Germans S
took part in the expeditionary force
that went to China to subdue the =
boxer uprising, that the Emperor =
Witham Instructed his troops to •'be =
as terrible as Atllla's Huns." It is =
this, doubtless, that has led the Eng -
tisk newspapers to refer ordinarily to E
the German soldiers as "Huns," and
Itis resulted recently in some lnatrue-
Pte. (iai flue books, written to tell us again =
EVERYBODY COME lough, are visiting in the village. They to a few days Ise: week, pl>tioably for fife of the terrible Attila, who =
intend to become residents of Dungannon last lime before . week for overseas. A e • the Eastern
before long, having purchased from Mrs. 6a((uTagitt<., --
Robert Treleaven the house occupied ,by before he {eft and Mrs. Pierce. They get possession Octo-
ber lst. of the Women's
The monthly meeting
O Institute was held last Thursday. eMrs.s
S W.G. Crawford, of Hamilton. and Mrs.
Alliston addressed the meeting. and Mien
number of people of the village met at his
home the evening
sented him with a wrist -watch.
Misses Edna and Laura Pentland and
Jennie Clod attended the Toronto Exhi-
bitioo last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Treleaven and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Ross and Miss Ruby Allen
took in the sports at Lucknow on Labor
Roman empire and also the milord.
Daisy Ryan. Miss Pearl McKenzie and
We b:,t exceptional aloes Miss Jeanie Stothers contra wed solos. of
some exteI) Iona v Rev. '11. R. Williams a ami
r Wyoming, are spending a week's hove
6 for >c
at Mr. Thos. Woods
4 for Tic was formerly in charge of the Anglican
Soa church here. conducted the church service
i"his is atevlutel Y Pure P on Sunday morning. His many mends glad t o roe him•
here have been pleased to see him again. Scheel r Tuesday morning.
There was no service in the Methodist with Principal )toads and.Mus Rae Stoth-
trs in charge. Inspector Tom visited the
school Tuesday forenoon.
The following teachers have returned
to their respective schools: Mines Pearl
McKenzie. Jean $(others and Ethel Case a motto, the word that tee Cm
to Toronto; Miss Laura Pentland w y"irer always .ending to hi. ewb=1(t1111111111111111111fnt111111111IllIlIIIIIIttIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliI1111111111111N1illllllllllnlnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr
Leeburn; Miss Edna Pentland :o No. 0. those of his allies. "
Ashfield • "" Latter) Pentland to
Mr. W theme, who
But the present-day Germans do not =
derive tbeir splrlt from the Huns. la- --
.lead 9f gggoting the Emperor Wil -
Plan of 1)o0, we should Quote his =
1914 proclamation to the army of =
the past early in the present war,
from which these are typical sea-
Day. teaces:
l'tt. Clarence Smiley and Pte. Harvey.
"Rememsat that you ire the chN-'.
of Calgary, but now of the Flying Corps en people, 1'tlb spirit et the Lord
at Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. has deetelhded .yon me because m =
Sff111eyita Cy;Epce s rttany friends were emperor of the @erman$. -
, the Instrument of the Almighty. I
am His sword. ills agent. Let them
perish, all the enemies of the Ger-
man people! God demands their dee ' =
e th. =
atructlon: God aka, by nal =
bide you de, - T1s w'lly.", t r ' =
r Q . aTrd with elan!" is the Ger-
lames A. Campbell
church on Sunday morning. owing to the
abs nee of the pastor. Mrs. Alhstgp, look
Merge of the evening service
Misses Olive and Crate Sanderson re-
turned to their home at Toronto on Fri
Dru$gtsf day after spending holidays with their
grandfather, Mr. S. E. Sanderson.
•\ ),)cone 411 Quite a number from here attended Jas.
1M. -. i muir•in l JohnstOn's sale in West Wawanosh this
r' ti a tttrAOfih
oder h r •
I •Hurvn,•„ GAd(.li (late Mt. ihnald 6lchevin, w
ho ,eu joist.
Ing Mr. Wm. Stewart in ...tie threehlttg.1101111( II Nil N i♦ • MI Ile N al IR turned to nus home at tiodericii do satur-
gkummnnnmmumumillm mlminmitiml umummouommming
Goderich Board of Trade
Thursday, September 17., is to be a Gala Day in Goderich.
The Board of Trade has invited, and will entertain Sir
George Bury, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way Company, to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of
the turning of the first sod for the laying of their lines into
As a part of the day's proceedings a public reception
will be held at the Court House Square during the after-
noon, when His Worship Mayor Wigle will give an address
of welcome and some prominent gentleman from the country
will speak for the farmers of the community.
The merchants of the town will offer special induce-
ments for the day.
The Civic Committee of the Board of Trade cordially
invites every citizen to co-operate by decorating his home
arid place of o make this
sty cera*. Clean business,ourdlawnst and boulevards occasion and make
tine town look beautiful. 12th. i erybcxly come.
Remember the date, Thursday, Sept.
Pre, Board of Trade. Chairman of Reception Corn.
SI're : House 'P6oae
NEARLY everything in Dry Goods that your home requires can now
be chosen with a feeling of full confidence that nothing newer or
better will be seen this season. The buyer who mattes an early
selection for her requirements will act wisely, owing to the continued
advance in prices and the scarcity of choice materials.
This is an invitation to come to this store and get first-hand information re-
garding the materials for fall requirements. In all our buying "quality" has been our
guide, for we find "quality" is what counts with buyers these days.
It is important that the correct lines should be emphasized in the Corset worn,
for no matter how perfect the dress, the effect is not what it should be unless sk for
Corset is correct in style. Our fall stock shows models of the newest types.
D. & A., every pair guaranteed.
Two shipments of Cashmere Hose this week, both in black and white, and
prices right, too.
THURSDAY, THE 12th OF SEPTEMBER, will be the fourteenth anniversary
the turning of the first sod at Goderich of the C. P. R. from Guelph here.
The Vice -President is coming, and he and others will deliver addresses
in the afternoon and evening. Everyone for miles should
come and be entertained. A very interesting
time may be expected.
D. & A.
"we ► la a -tribal Goa" +. Germans
D Miss Daisy Ryan to h highest duty
.rtnybtot>k: jolts Is that
Depot Habor.
Mons Mattel Orser and isahet Pr ring -
ton tit Tuesday for :Clinton, M attend
the School of Commerce there
Miss G. Augustine left lest week for
ied by
Miss Mazyneet Pentland, t Artlait. She was w~hoomintends go-
ing to scttcxrtthere.
Mr. Geo. Jackman has purchased the
tailor shop. and the dwelling connected
therewith from Mr. Temple Clark of
Word has been received by Mn. Sam-
uel Thompson. of DonnybxdDk. that her
son. Lance -Corporal Ernest Thompeun.
1- in hospital at Manchester England,
with a gunshot wound in the hand.
Word was received of the sudden death
of Mr. John Shepoard.ot Innisfail, Alta.,
he having been ac identally killed in a run-
away on August 23rd. The de hired was
well known in these parts
friends regret the sad news of his sudden
death. The remains are on the way for
burial in Dungannon.
We hear of some exceptionally Rood
threshing returns this season. Oats are
turning out ninety to ninety-five bushels
to the acre and 40 to 42 pounds to the
bushel. Mr. Roy Linklater. at Leeburn,
we understand, had a yield of tate hundred
bushels of oats to the acre This is certainly
one of the best crop years for a long time.
r IMtMunmmllulmauuou •1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11111111111111111111111111011111111•
C.P.R. Day in Goderich
Thursday, Sept. !2th
Everybody come
For the above date only we
will give a discount of 10 per
cent. off any pair of Boots,
Pumps or Slippers in the
store, regardless of style or
This will give you a chance
to secure a pair of the latest
in new fall and winter foot-
wear at a saving of 10 per
The' above discount is for
cash only.
Remetnher the date
See our windows
thlsship, and the a . ,
Chia kind ot religion aggrandizement. To destroy
of Deal agg their las ,
the neigpbors and possess {a
is the chief atm o German lllst-
eoee, accordreg % is brit of q•' ` ✓ IA" f3benghnear7• pFesidea c of the
c conception,
faith. To underatto/ `nen l tl>as•dt S 1'•c!M Ratlwa7, baa ((sued
conception, one has !sly to Toad (obs renewing circular, dated August
again the annals of the chosen pee-
-. 1 l4th'-
ple of old, as they were embarkf `Mr. Geo. M. Bosworth, V1cs
upon the tank of creatlag an empire dent of the Company, will re -
under the leadership of Joshua, tiro Sept 1st, proximo, to become
Chairman of the Casadlan Pacific
Ocean Services, Limited, and • the
On the Lookout. gp►reoters have appealed .r. William
"Are you going away for the summer'" ill yncIanes. Vtce-Preafdast, 1e sot
-No.' replied Mr. Cumox. "Somebody's east his.
ggot to stay home. A load of coal t or- -)Lr, Maclnnes will have charge of
stored three months ago might drive up to all matters connected with the Com-
V1'ashmgten Star. I Sys Traffic Department, and will
the house any da_ Y• -_
erfeem such other duties as may be
IN THE CASUALTY LISTS. ; __timed to him:'
wo Big Railroad
'Tuesday of this week the sad news {came
from Gravenhurst that Mr. David Hender-
son. who had been there for a brief time
under treatment. had suddenly palmed
away. Ile leaves a wife and three chil-
dren to mourn his early death. The re-
mains will be brought to his old home
near -here and the funeral will be held on
Saturday afternoon to Dungannon ceme-
tery and will be in charge, of the Oddfel-
FIELD 1)AY RECEIPTS. -Following is -a
statement of the receipts and disburse-
ments in connection with Dungannon's
patriotic field day. held July 31st, show-
ing the handsome surplus of $759.116.
This isa splendid result. and hearty con-
gratulations are due to those who were in
charge of the effort.
Receipts -
Sale of tickets for pip
Gate receipts.
Prize money returned
Sale of pigs
--- (Steed) SHADGH1t1aBR,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Passmore. of Us { , President and Cbalrmas.
borne, have received notification that The sew posItlooccupied by Mr.
in -
George M. Bosworth 15 $natural re
their son. Robert H. Passmore, was killed *e
in action August 13th. He was in his suit of tee growth or bhl
poetise ye shipping
twenty-fifth year and was formerly, a recta d the comedian
member of the 161st Battalion. Allan McDonald, son of Mr. glom, which las now to fie owned and
Mrs. Daniel McDonald, Bayfield, is q I ga ia eatso operated by say
Angie corporation, a Satwhich
ported killed in action in France. Pte.
McDonald, who was not yet twenty-two ; actually greaten to -star
years of age, was a former member ot the '{ at the outbreak of the war. So great
gndeed have these •hipping lntersMS
161st Pte. James Battalion. , could no longer ►e
Lockwood. son of Frt'd blooms that way
Lockwood. Clinton. is another of the i "'swore(a aide laaue, d Mr. Boy
worth aaseunce-
"Hurlxa" who has given up his life in sccordln[
France. The sad news was received List ! sea of the Directors ofthe
C P of
week. p1111 henceforth .,evota
W. J. Nediger. of Clinton. was notified, henceforth this important
mtport . t(br breach of
on Thursday last that his son, A. C. la t traaspo winm hu
Nediger had died of wounds in France. William R McInnes.
Pte. Nediger enlisted as a signaller with
the "Hurons."
Word has been received at Clinton also
of the death of Pte. Harry Miner, brother
of Sergt. J. Miner. Pte. Miner enlisted
with the 142nd Battalion and later trans-
ferred to the 161st so as to be with his
Pte. P. W. Vanner. of McKdlop. i, re-
ported killed in action. He went over-
seas with the old 33rd Battatioo.
113 62
212 65
226 61
254 65
50 80
11 25
12 00
$ 035 77
12 00
t 85
7 55
1 10
Expenditure -
1'r1zes ......
Pigs .....
1'. L. Walton
Ham .._ -
R. McKenzie. gasoline .
Ball game• prizes
1,. Govier, teaming
N. J. Treleaven
McFarlane &
H. Bellamy
)aa. Lloyd
Somme cartage
R. Armstrong.
10 00
8 00
t,+..... 21 90
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker. of Cen-
tralia, last week received wordthat heirrs
son, Pte. William Walker, s
action August 1Ith. Pte. Walker was a
member of the 161st Battalion.
Flight -Lieut. Cecil Pickard. of the
Royal Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Pickard. of Exeter. is listed among
the missing. The young man was attend-
ing the tlrtiversity of Tdronto when he
enlisted. West Lorne,
Rev. S. W. Penrose, of
formerly of Whitechurch, has been noti-
fied that his son, Signaller J. L. Penrose.
has been killed in action. SAnother
Signaller T.W.T W Penrose, has beenwounded
in the fate. Both young men were mem-
bers of the 181st (Huron) Battalion,
Sine, Alex. Rasmussen. son pf Mn.
Samuel Rasmussen, of Wroxeter, was
killed in action in France on August 6th.
Ile enlisted in the fall of 1916 at Toronto
ani went overseas early in 1617. He was
ooty in his eighteenth year.
Smaller Frank Williams, son of Mrs.
A. Trewin. of Mullett, a hated among
the killed in action in France. He was
twenty-five years of age and went over-
seas with the Hurons.
Word has been received by Mrs.(',surge
Lott. of 13rusaele from Malta that her
son. Aviator William Lott. lost his life by
dmwning. His seaplane ran foal of a
htioy as it was about to rise and upset•
the two men being thrown Into the water.
While tangled up in the wreckage, before
Me. funk cmiki he assisted nut, he had
lost his life. He had saved • convoy from
attack three daps before -1 •
boon appointed vice-Preeldent of the
Canadian or Trraac, y. a ssou of the late charge
e Senator
Donald Matinees, and Mary Amelia,
daughter of Sir John Beverly Robes-
a. Bart., C.B.. and was bora is Hamilton.
lune 7th. 11117. 8en9 0f Malone.' many yea
m Director of the tanadPacific Railway. Mu-
closely tdeetllled lath Its lnoepUon and growth.
slated at private echoers and at Marlborough College.
due is the MU1'D 1te t ada to eatertbe servand.ice of the
Peelle s a clerk to oke Parchesisg
%De art/D Pae 81 Midwaythat time he was consecutively aD-
papaed; s l Bina man-
itr's oboe. eiblet sleek
general ttrail,
tailor's ofd. .1 tee. a nt, freight department.
raver, 11t7 hr Railway, a nt. Canadian Paclle
Chp.ch. Mieag II..lised age
fiMDatch• (Mileage. 111.. 1t1K to 1199: during same ported
die also repfea'suted Mlsora4olls. 13t. Paul and Sault )Rte.
Carle Railway and Deltltk. Routh Shore and Atlantic al ay; meeral freight agent lines west of
Iiu.eriar, !! 1Mt: sial On Jaamight er,j POS. be watraffic r
Ilssetwrs Mass. 1901-111011. of es, C. T. B. His
freight th
t fess. tsasagetr t Aue'4
m P,eaidese of e Cheadle*Trte/gb
[ggtaw Intwo years later. and in all matter' pa-
te trete es the Nerd Aserieen Coldest lits
NO ability baa beim widely r'rtesgased
'NSt. Jame+i .
Rs is mamba a mbof the Menet Royal,
Stream. Mowtreal Haat. )lank River Tele,
Billatreal Jockey. Madras] Waeeset. Royal Montreal
.001f, INeber, Termite (Termite. Oat). amid the Manitoba
ladof , fps) (MM. sod is aha • meatier Orf the Art
la Osteber. . tbs Bank of pvittei
of Neutral.
North /Matte
stMa •• Oserillas hav1Mr7 Oessaltene.
rex smashers,
see when MT i set 1Aaw
yhera ►
ter. M w married • 'smeary 71), 111$, its
m1 - O {ander of obs lase s1 1 ee-
1 or ttti* nowt adOae 'a 1!`
Ufatf >1(sgae
eW lemewete was bars at tea
lame elreibas 11111•41/11.
1111111, dna es wea d teen.
asivtai of the 010aallmB aid TJals
25 90
60 00
32 40
"t.... l5
$ 311.17
This leaves a surplus of 1824 80. and in
addition the nipper served by the Wo-
men's institute netof t 36,Tns making
tot>l f. beers handed over to the
Wd1 qlehseseee Institute, to he trard in patriotic
are 4 nIdto)all who assisted in carry.
are extended
ToBpp p a. a W RM. . M ea
way In 1576. beemateg General Treight Agea otthat
In 1511. in 155! he Woad the Canadian Pacific Ra
ss A(•t•tant General Freight Agit of the Ontario
Quebec Lines After various Dramatises be bermes
Freight TraJfle Manager of the entire system, and la
December, 1901. was .Opolntd 4th V1eu.rT. l t is
chew et Teat% Siam 1114 be has bees
of the Csapanr
He tete • particularly settee part in the irall/fng
of this sbtppleg interests et the *enemy. ea
fermailkes et the Oiadime Paige itereicam.
ef that dtaq esm/sq. et wbleli he
sow ap psss''r
'e lit' rleseeeth to • iltr+a
se 11% Masses Perwlesisis, the 60•111011 Dlr!'OSek Case.
pow. es& ib rave. 'hast o(mM21. Mak
M sir a m(elsr Sseglas OWL lays]
C1ab, um. llasarsd tea
TOS *v. 41. Oas111.rr Mak. nreassasom
XT. •