HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-5, Page 7There is u much difference be-
tween Sunlight Soap and its
imitators a then ie between twilight sad
sndiem' light. Why ? Absolute purity
with superior eleemisj powers -amore real
mosey -you get them is Saaagist Soap.
Chanes W. Moog, of Bryon, Ohio, is
buying hay in this county in company
with Sam. Cudmore. of Kippen.
Miss Clark. of St. Helens, and Miss
Hazel Lowry. of Brussels. are the teach- N fryj} -}Jesse/ Quickly
err in charge of the Walton school for the f IYWI 11 Q! I IhlJJ
present Wim. Relieved This Chronic Trouble
Rev. William Gauld and Mrs. Gauld,
missionaries to Formosa. have arrived in.
Canada and are expected soon at Kippen
in this county.
The steam threshing outfit of Duke
Jordan, Sth line of Monis, baa been said
to a syndicate of East Wasanosh farmers.
who are operating it.
The death occurred at bee home in Os-
borne on August 22nd of Louise
Ballantyne, wife of Richard Johns, at the
age of thirty -ax years. -
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Doxey,
St. Thomas. on Wednesday, August 14th,
their youngest daughter. Alice Irene, was
married to Hugh Cunningham, of Ethel.
During a recent electncal stonn the
barn belonging to John Anderson, of Hol -
ten, was struck by lightning and the
building and its contents were totally
A pretty wedding took place on August
1st at the home of Mr. and MN. George
H. Scott. Rush Centre. when Rev. H. D.
Robertson united in marriage Albert D.
Eaton. of Rush Centre, and Gertrude 13.
Speitran. of Oyen. daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Geo. E. Speiran. 12th concession of
On Wedne.day, August 28th, Gordon
• E. Walsh and Mite Margaret Mae. young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mr. Allan Spetr,
all of Mons township. were united in
marriage at Melville church manse.
Brusals. by Rev. A. J. Mann. s On their
return from the wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Walsh will reside on the groom's fine
farm near Belgrave.,
John Lowe. a well-known farmer on the
9th concession of Grey township. died on
Saturday . August 24th. after an illness of
several months. He was tifty-two years
of age. Mr. Lowe Bas the owner of 200
acres of land. and his only son has recent-
ly been called to the colors. though he is
home at present on a sixty-day leave.
Mrs. Lowe survives her husband.
A ser:ous accident befell John Wall. of
Culross, one day last week. He was
drawing an unusually large load of grain
into the barn and the wagon struck the
door -jamb. causing the load to bounce up,
and Mr. Wall struck•his head with such
force that the scalp was completely torn
from his head. A doctor was called and
sewed it on again and the patient is do-
ing as well as could be expected under
the circumstances.
Ii- -""`;s•'-
•rni7ASDAY, SBRT. 6. 1918 7
More Farm Laborers
Tuesday, September 10th, 1918
$12.00 to Winnipeg
(Half cent per mile 'beyond
Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent
Coat Ship 'VW-ABDUL- -'•QTY 01 Flt' - -CITY OF BUFFALO
BUFFALO May,lst is Nov. 13411 -CLEVELAND
Law law.° ,. n •tIU P.M. U.S. Karim 1,'Cua$,, r. 4. CIA Cameral 1 a.
Ani.. Consume 7.so A.M. U.S. Creta'r.. i•. rwa.e ilLWALO 7041 AY. U.s. flat■ T.ar
C..s..hn.a at fir C. Peet e.t.a. -ted, 0 u ft artsear rwa. 111•111•21.2slbr
r.vt.na Mtw.r aeraJ ant t'I.tslasd ea.e e•far,rvprt+t,+e w ..r .rear.. A.. rear
t ..t r Mamma Elan. Mat far ,eb
tt...a i'. • a •LawL. arr. Tawst Astos..i.
/..-r-la a ae Tno.w<t, 2 Asra rata. 1.4. far are a.t es. Bre i'r ta. sA.m..- • '
hat..( Jay ..i.,.4 a. cianal paatia Mart .f Ta. gest Ship .. SCE AND8C8" oat ea apt d
t.* Alse ..t Inc Ms. V'ver .l W 1rr'w'.* b aLt rrw
Th. t7.wla.a & auf/al.
The Goosi Map
',SSA rlDaaE-
Aware Ss..a.. ea ittl..d
r. r••,rte w.r1.1. si..rsng
11,h) pr..rwr`
FARE +' 03
20,000 Farm Laborers Wanted
12 to. Winnipeg
Pees bat a eget per es1N
sue re`s, kelt • tont per Mlle a pies DLI&
Comfortable 'flruu Trees. imo& gents& to moderate pries,
Sposed Amo.msd.tso. fee Homes shed a g's ens Koala oy O YJR.
gs..trsten Days Bum GODERICH, September 11.
grvlse: By regular cram to connect wadi C.N.R. tram Na.
at.«1 Tog. 1 from Toroxo at 10.00 p.m.. on above dates.
ler ta?ormatt•a sass J. W. CRAIGIE. C.N.R. Agent. Goder,ch•
or write amoral isaesas Dept • IS ring St.. ■ . Toronto. Otto 1!N
Aa t. '11e..s..r VIM NM . Warr oa.om.
The glass oven
door and the oven
thermometer on the
Pandora Range
Slake baking an ex-
act, absolu tely con-
trolled operation.
You can see pre -
cicely how the oven is working -how fast or slow.
For sale by FRED HUNT
tondos TorontoWfglsipeL Vencouvee
St. lobi,N A Thignittni tizr Rdmonloe pooltetoea
b89 Cumuli( tlraasr, Morrraitat.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
is so curative for Constipation and
Indigestion as'Fruit-a-tives'.
I was a sufferer from these com-
plaints for five years, and my
sedentary occupation, Music, brought
about a kind of lelesfiwal Paralysis ;
wilA musty HHadachrs, belching gas,
drowsiness after eating, and pain in
the back.
I was induced to try 'Fruit -a -tires'
and sow for six months 1 have bees
entirely well". A. ROSENBCRG.
60e. &box, 6 for $2.80, trial size 26e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -Lives Limited, Ottawa.
Arthur Henderson Says
Berman People Are Ready
To Sirike I or Freedom
BELIEF that Germany Is ripe
for revolution was expressed
by Arthur Henderson, de-
posed labor representative In
tbe British War Cabinet, In as inter-
view In The Weekly Dispateb Justify-
ing his attitude in favor of tbe Stock-
holm conference.
-Nothing is further from my mind."
be said, "than concurrence Ca a
Peace settlement that would sot be
anal, democratic, ago! lasting. AS
inconclusive peace would be a dis-
honorable peace, and we bare no de-
sire to parley with unrepe.taat mins
• }TxL ~ ' IiU
Cary despots. The anal peace must
be a people's peace, and one of the
terms in which there can be no com-
promise must be the anal and com-
plete abolition of irresponsible auto-
cratic government.
"I consider a democratised Ger-
many an Indispensable condition,
and the most effective way of briag-
pitai on Sunday. August 25th. of Mrs. Ing this home to the German people
Addison Tarlov, of Rhein. Sark., who would be through tbe representatives
had been visiting her raster, Mrs- John of the working -clans organisations.
Lose. in Grey township, and from there -in my opinion, a m111tpry victory
had gone to the bogptal at Fergus for an of the Allies will sot be sulkiest. It
operation She was apparently might enable the Allies to secure a
along nicely when suddenly aa changeange foo r satisfactory and honorable penes, bat
the worse came and she passed away in a
few minutes. The remains were interred
in Brussels cemetery an Tuesday after-'
noon, two hearses conveying the bodies of
Mrs. Taylor and ber brother-in-law, John
Lowe. of Grey township, whose death oc-
curred on the previous Saturday. Mrs
Taylor was fifty-six years of age. Dr.
McNaughton. of Brussels. is a brother.
Lee Cascadden. Aylmer. in company
with Jas. Cumiryt,secretary of Blyth Ag •
ricultural Society. inspected the oat crops
in this section entered in the field crop
competition. and awarded as follows: •
David Laidlaw, 90 points. J. and F. Laid-
law. 891; John Curring, 88..1: J. and W.
Grey, 871; R. Wightman, 86%; Duncan
McCallum, 84; Dupcan Laidlaw. 83 J.!
Barr. 82: J. Jecksoo. 74,4: Win. Mc -I
Gowan, 63.
Flax -pulling is now competed in this
section. The Blyth mill commenced op
erations two week, ago, and many of
those who were engaged in the pulling are
,now employed in spreading.
A painful accident happened a few days
ago on the 2nd concession of Stanley,
when John McMurtte fell from a high
load of grain to the barn floor, fractur-
ing his collar -bogie and three cabs. He is
recovering nicely. under medical attention.
On hearing of the accident. James Love.
of the Parr line. despatched one of his
boys to give Mr. McMurue a hand until
he is able to take up his work again.
Rectgety there died at Hensall. at the
ripe age of eighty-five years, Maria Day -
man, relict of the late James Blatchford
The deceased had made her home at
Bengali for the past four years with her
son. William Blatchford, who was the
only surviving member of a family of two
sons and three daughters. Mrs. Blatch-
ford was the last member of the family of
the late William [hyman of Usborne
Town Clerk Elder and Weighmaster
Richard Somers have been appointed a
board of commissioners to see to the
equitable distribution of all coal coming
to Blyth. -
Miss 1M+4ry Isabella, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Benj. Morritt, of Mullett, died
on Tuesday of last week after a very
brief illness.
Geo, Wightman and daughter, Mrs. ARTHUR II NDBF1$ON
Nettie Dick. who had been visiting her It could net guarantee a instill Tie man has been sent up for trial at the
Aneroid.neroiRobert where
they have left for This eau onl7 be secured by December sessions at Goderich, bail being
e, Mrs. whisk being will make t>MM slowed at $3.000.
their home, Dick engaged as the good will of all the Asset con-
cerned. 1 mut to sepptomeet mIN- In the death of William Sclater, which
The village of Bayfield has lost an es-
teemed resident in the death of Mrs.
William Evans. who passed away sud-
denly on Thursday, August 22nd. at tie
age of fifty-nine years. The deceased, in
company with Mr. Evans and their
daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Jams. Cameron of Toronto. spent
Wednesday at Hensel' with friend& and
on their return home in the evening she
was taken ill. A physician was called in.
but she was not thought to be senously
ill until Thursday forenoon. when the
took worse. passing away about 2.30 tin
the afternoon. The late Mrs. Evans,
whose maiden name was Martha A.
Neilly, was born in West Gwillimbury,
Simcoe county. in the year 1859, and in
April. 1884. she was married to Witham
Evans of the same township. In 1904
they moved up to Stanley and settled on
a farm on the Sauble lire. where they re-
mained unfit two years ago. when they
sold out and moved into Bayfield. Mrs.
Evans is survived by her husband, two
daughters and one son: Private Joeeph
Dalton Evans and Nursing Sister Frances
Evans, who are both overseas. and Mrs.
James Cameron of Toronto. A younger
son. Cadet Victor Evans. was killed in a
flying accident a few months ago.
Reeve Beavers has received word that
Exeter's allotment of cost for the coming
winter is 3,000 tons. which is seventy per
cent. of the normal consumption.
Michael Fletcher. of Exeter, has bought
from James Handford his hundred -acre
farm on the 1st concession of Osborne.
The price was $8.000.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Seldon, of
Exeter. announce the engagement of their
daughter. Bella Jean, to Mr. Frank Lam-
bert Newman. of Kingston. The marriage
will take place the Wet week in Septem-
every pair guaranteed,
,ler pair $1.50 -
'per pair 7Sc.
Six pairs for $4.00.
to ;1,40.
Buy Holeproof Hos-
iery and save
Semi -Ready Tailors
'Plow 7
7 The Square, Goderkh
Seaforth's allotment of coal for the
coming winter is announced as 4,171 tons.
The average consumption is abort 6.400 •
Miss C. Dobie left last week for Leth-
bridge, Alta., to assume her duties as
directress of the Conrervatoy of Music
is that city.
A cars that created a great deal of in-
tenst in McKillop and vicinity was tried
ui the town hall here la.t :week, when a
Dean named l}rodhagen, of Logan, was up
tefore Magistrate Greig, charged with
staling live head of steers from Mrs. W.
Andertvn, of McKillop. The steers were
pastured un the grass harm of John Gov- I
enlock, near Winthrop, and were missed'
the last of June. Though a reward was
offered, it was only a few days ago that in- I
formation was received which led to the
arrest of the ma g
ar more
n Brodha en. It is alleged Catchers. _
that he drove the cattle from the oven- Druggists an
lock farm back into Logan, where he sold
them. The cattle hgive been recovered
and will be returned to Mrs. Anderson.
READ DIRE(' 3745
ffectivc than Sticky Fly
!can to handle. Sold bg
d Grocers everywhere.
teacher in
occurred early Friday morn,ng, August
30th, Seaforth lost one of its pioneer
business men: Coning here fifty years
ago, he engaged in the manufacture
of lime for a few years. afterwards going
into the cool and wood business, in which
he continued up to the time of his death,
being ill only a short time. Mr. Sclater
came to this country from the Orkney Is-
lands when he was twenty-two years of
age, and he and his wife made a visit to
his native place the summer that war
broke out. He was an ignorable and
successful business man, and also one of
the pillars of First Presbyterian church,
was prominent in various fraternal so-
cieties, and his funeral, which took place
Sunday. was under 1. O. 0.F. auspices.
Besides his wife, members of his family
who survive are: William Sclater and
Mrs. John Staples, Regina;Mrs. L. Kruse,
Galt: Mrs. Lawson, Auburn; Mrs. John
Finlayson, and John Sclater. Seaforth.
acrinol mere.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and family, ac tary effort by a properly organised
companied by Mrs. Steinhoff and Miss and wisely directed political propa-
Eupheroa. and Miss M a r g a r e t gander.
Cowan left last week for the "Both before the war aad during
West. Mrs. Steinhoff will visit her actual hostilities the Gentian people
daughter at her home in Lyleton. Man., bare been tricked and deceived, Aad
while Miss Steinhoff will accept a position even now they are by so means eos-
in one • of the drygoods stores of that sissies of the vital feels and develop -
town Miss Cowan will engage on the nests of the liternatlonal situattos.
teaching staff of a business college at They will nsat1bue ta remain hood-
Brandpn. , wl.ked and lgserant ustll the war
CLINTON. 1 ends, unless the AIIMS and means of
placing 1■ their poseesslea a cess --
A very sad drowning accident occurred plete aid undistorted statement of
at Washago Beach, near Bracebridge. on the faeta.
Thursday, August 22nd. when Ruth "To my mind the only satisfactory
Tozer, the 8 -year-old daughter of W. J. ebasbel of commssleatles is through
Tozer, was drowned while at a picnic. she Cerates Socialists, sad parties -
Mr. Tozer is a former Clintonian. 1 tarty the Cerra" minority Seeia lets.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at I would rathek consult with tbe Ger-
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown.. mai Government repretwntati•os
Cornwall. of Saturday. August 17th, ' after the war, even though Germany
when their only daughter. Lillian Ray, has been romplctely defeated in a
became the bride of Rev. C. W. DeWitt Military sense. For It Is to the last-
Cosens, M. A., of Bryanston, son of Rev. fag credit of the German minority
T. W. and Mrs. Cohens of Cornwall. Tie Socialists that, though they formed
's father performed the ceremony. part of a nation built sip on Inanely
The groom will be remembered by many vietertes and inculcated from birth
people here, where his father was at one with a worship of militarism, tbey
time a Methodist pastor.lays In the midst of the greatest war
Mrs. James Levy, of town, has received of history stood aloof from their
from overseas the medal recently pre- own Government and denounced Is
rented to her son. Sergt. Norman V. ipeelulvoral language lis crimes avid
Levy, for distinguished conduct in the designs of conquest and domination.
field. The presentation was made by ,,•I.be Germs, Soclallets are the
King George at Windsor. I strongest political party in Germany.
On August 14th, the marriage took When they learn that the people of
place, at Guelph, of Mrs. Adams, of that i Allied countries are determined that
city, and George Trowhill, of I)undas. , there shall be no compromise be -
formerly of Clinton. His okl Clinton tween autoeraey and democracy, and
friends extend congratulations to the that they will have to set their own
A happy event took place in the Pres-
byterian church here on Saturday. August
24th, when, in the presence of a large
gathering of friends. Rev. D. T. L. Mc-
Kerrol. of Toronto, united in marriage
Thomas Joseph Marks. of Kincardine,
and Miss Sarah Evelyn Spindler. of Luck -
now. After a luncheon served at the
home of the bride's mother, cm Roes
street. Mr. and Mn. Marks left for Kin-
cardine, where for the present they will
make their home.
Word has been received of the death of
Archie McDiarmid. well known in Luck -
now and vicinity. The deceased since
leaving the farm near Holyrood some
years ago had lived with his brother John,
in the township of Puslinch.
groom. I bowie In order before their covaby
Miss Jean, only daughter of Mr. and can figure in the •kiting list of the
Mn. Alex. Morris of town, was married Allies, there may be big results.
at Detroit, on July 31st, to A. M. Drum- 1 do not accept the suggestion
mond. of that sty. • that the overthrow of abeolut st
Mrs Charlotte Carter passed away at goveriment and the democratisation
her Lorne on King street, on Saturday, of the machinery of gore--•'
August 24th. after an illness of some ark after -war problem, and 1 have
weeks The deceased was born in York- I reason Co know that this also is the
shire and came to this country as a bride , view of some of the beet Socialists
when she was nineteen. She is survived or Germany.
by two sons and three daughters. also by I "we have 1t In our power to
three grandsons. children of a deceased strengthen enormously the hands of
daughter whom she reared. one at pres-
the Socialists In Germany who are
ent being overseas.(anxloua break forever the power
Fire broke out on Friday afternoon, sad sathoritot1 of the Kaiser and his
August 23rd, in the storehouse of the military ehlefs. The German, pimple
Doherty Piano Co . adjoining the G. T.R. are ripe for something. They ars
freight sheds. The alarm was given al-
undergoing Areal pi -teatime and sac -
most immediately, but a good deal of stares out of all proportion to the
damage was done before the fire was got mail military aatlsfaetion obtaisable
under control. from the fact that their armies are
t 1.
A happy event took place at the Metho-
dist parentage herr when Wm. Robertson,
Df Nanton. Alberta. formerly of Wing -
ham. and Miss Jennie Grundy, of Kinloss,
t were united in marriage by Rev. R. J.
Garbutt. Mr. and Mn Robertson will
reside in the Went -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rotmes and
daughter removed to Brantford last week,
after many years residency in Brussels.
They sold their house and lot to Philip
11. E. Rorke has resigned his position
as foreman of the'machinery department
of the Doherty Pianos, 1.imited, and one
evening recently a number of men from
his department went to his home and pre-
sent him wit an ress a a
Always Had
still lodged in foreign soil. Ganger,
death, and reverses have now taken
up a permanent lodgment with them,
and the phantom of slarvatloi &ad
disaster as already Sandell his wlnp
rd h add cad hand nverbead.
some mantel clock Mr Rorke has been . The soil is fertile Is Germany,
with the Doherty fins for twenty-two yearly for the sowing; the sower is M
Liver Wee Torpid and Bilious
Spells Brought dick Headaches
_--,Lost Much Time, But is
Now Completely Cured.
years and for fifteen has been foreman of hand. All that M tackle' is the
the machinery department. His plans seed wbftb we es. supply 1s &betad-
for the future are not fully decided.
If you can think of anything that can
be done to beautify or build up our town,
go to it. Keep your capital at hence,
patronise home Industries; help your mer-
chants so they can owtII cheaper; always
get your work done in your town if pos-
sible; snbecribe and pay few home papers,
don't steal or borrow the reading of them.
1f you follow these suggestions and your
hewn dice not improve and build up it
Arnnertt• will not be your fault. Try it.
The death occurred at tbe Fergus tire-
'So 1 am 1i favor of a eenferesee
in order that we may hand over to
the Gorman Socialists usllmlted Salt -
plies .f .sed for the revolntfest for
which i am coivlieed GNmesy is
Linoleums and
Congoleum Rugs
in different
Also a new stoc
worth seeir
A call at the stor
vince intending pi
that Walker's is the
Sere id convincing evtdenee that
however much you rimy suffer from
liver trouble and ronseguent bilious-
ness there 1e cure in the use of Dr.
Chse•'. Kidney -Liver Pills.
Overeating le the most common
emboss of sluggish liver action Tots
Ione your appetite, have dlstresiing
1111ons spell.. usually aceompanled by
beMduth• and vomiting, the boosts
teems• irregular, constipation and
leessn.ss alternating, digestion 1s up-
set and you get trrltable &ad down-
No treatment ee quickly awakens
the nation of the liver and bowels as
Dr. Chas'. Kidney -Liver P111a Tor
this reason thin medicine is wonder-
fully yeyular and hes enormous sales.
Mr. Charles R. Taft, Newtown, N B.,
w•rien : • i was nearly always troubled
with hesdaobaa and would often have
to weep work for a day or two. I lean
many a night's sleep weary swath whit
billoos stele bea4eehea •nd although
f tried dome?"' medicines. pied also
many otter patent medlydetr, 1t wag
oft hoot euerewn. tabes I had tlsses
headaches i would vomit, and could
keep nothing n my eternseh.
"I para • boa of Dr. Chow's
Kidney -Liver Ills Rom 0. Y. 1her-
weather. hug t, of l)wass3. PUB.. aha
after taking box 1 was en meal
rs1vthat tisued to tele• them
wenn1•Ied awn no rosnspIMSh cortin.
a4vleo to an • eafferl Chowsw
headstones 1. try Dr.
se L F1 awl be eoloht eLsy
orrod "
Mr. A. a J.P., oidoeese 08S
.laws m and ..y :-"T8
to certlty.4.t.t F ars y•rwr S I atm
tamfnted with ('bar)N
believe hie et mist ii every, Val to
le true and y.)tAvor Ptah Rue
car Cham•. cats a lies. ail dealses
ev a doom Nac
S 1(♦mtlad.
K 101m.n.on, Bath • Ce ,
Toronto. • IMlelltUt win ashy din
appointinane es ov tlas What Tell
sok ter. •
Power of Wireless.
Germany wireless waste have
toes utilised is light aad extinguish
gas lamps.
of Rugs
will con-
place to
W. Walk
Let Your Light Shine!
Don't stumble around in
the dark. It is cheaper in
the long run, and vastly more
pleasant, to have your hots
lighted in the modern, sensible
way -with electricity.
We should be glad to give
you an estimate on the wiring
of your home and can assure
}roil a good job, because
We have a full line of
Electrical Goods
for lighting, cooking, heating,
H.111ee.ROBT• TAIT y ee
193 lift RLRCTR1e'1 A N a
wont .treat. -next to Powt r.
• 1.