HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-5, Page 5FAST STREET GARAGE
e The place that ulwuy carries
East Street Garage
GODERICH • • - WARM Arthur M. Glover
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
I,How many of your f+iedds
hove given y'ou pltotogtaphs
of themselves and received
none of you in return ? Why
Inot discharge these obligations
Portraits are our specialty,
the kind that breathe your
own personality—the kited
your friends will appreciate
and you will be proud to give.
Returning Officer Chosen,
Mr..Geo. W. Walker, of Gerrie. has
been Waited as the returning orlicer for
the Mfdnlg Provincial bye -election in
F North Huron.
C. U, F. Decoration Day.
Cpurt Goderich, No. 32. C. O. F.. will
hold its annual decoration service on Sun-
day. September !0th. !sterilisers will meet
at the hall at 1.30 o'clock and march to
Maitland cemetery, where they will deco-
rate the graves of brother -Foresters.
*Ube a public meeting ift the basement
Oer die pub tc library on Monday next.
Sepelelear l9th. at 3 p. in.. when a dem-
onstration on canning fruit and
vegetables will be given by Miss M.
Foote, of Drayton. This will be an op-
poxtunitylfor those starting in housekeep-
ing as well as the oder ones to
receive some new ideas in this
line of conservation of food.
A cordial invitation is extended to every
woman in town or country who can make
it convenient to attend.
C. A. S. Meeting.
The regular m'xithly meeting of the
Children s Aid Society will be resumed
this month and the September meeting
will be held next Tuesday, 'eptember
I Come to Goderich C.P.R. Day lOth, at 4.15 p. m.. in the cou:t house.
s Sept. 12th. ' Arrangement,. for the new shelter will be
Thursday, , p . r attendance is de-
Idiscusetd aad a large
1 aired.
����.��� Do It Now.
An early morning wedding took place
at St. George's church on Wednesday of
this week, at 5 o'clock, when the rector.
Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, performed the cere-
mony uniting Mr. William Richard
Glazier and Mite Cora Mt -Gaffey. The
;too m is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs.
William Glazier, East street. and is em-
plo}'ed with the C. P. R., and the bode,
wild has been the etlicfent operator et the
C P. R. atatiou here. is Rite daughter of sorWw, and the evening air rang ut echo -
NU. and Mts. William McGa(fey. of ung response to merry quip and airy
Bothwell. Ont. The wedding was a very persiflage.
quiet one. Miss Helen Griffith was It was the Knight of the Scissors and
bridesmaid and the groom was attended Paste Pot who hrst directed our atten-
by his brother, Mr. Thomas Glazier. The tion to the panorama that was silently
bride was married in her travelling scut of being unfolded before us. Athwart the
brown. with hat to match. The young waters lay a gleaming. glowing, glinting,
couple k(t on the 51.0 train on their wed- glistening pathway of radiant silver.
ding trip, and on their return they will dazzling in its effulgence and blinding us
commence housekeeping on Wellington with its intolerable magnificence in our
street. • vain visual endeavor to follow its course
McLaughlin—McIntosh. into the very heart of old King Sol. And
as his Plattry Highness sank lower and
On 14ednesdal morning. at 5 o c oxk, lower in the western dome of the heavens,
Mise Theresa M. McIntosh. daughter of the potency of his magic wand began
Mrs. John Mclotosh. West street. and more and more to manifest itself upon
Mr. Edward McLaughlin. of town. were the face of the waters. The myriad blues
united in marriage at St. Peter's church, became more sharply defined: orange and
Rev. D. A. Mance officiating. Owing to red and green and mauve and gold crept
the recent death of the groom's father, in and settled in endless alternating bands
the wedding was a very quiet one. only arranged with mathematical precision --a
immediate relatives being present. The glorious. pulsing tapestry woven in throb -
in -law. Mr. Hamblin Martin, of Ottawa
bride, who was given away by her brother- bing iridescent hues which changed and
tailored suit and velvet taupe again with inconceivable rapid -
was handsomely attired in a` cubed icythe
bride, was the bridesmaid, and wore a bsenses-
ewdderutg the eye and uittyxtratmg
carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss
Madeline MLower and still lower in stately majesty
Martin, of Ottawa. niece of the declined the god of light until finally en -
bide suit and black velvet hat. Her veloped in the royallpurple of a courtier
cloud awaiting him just above the horn -
bouquet was of pink sweet peas The "sat, he veiled himself from our be-
gs omsmawas Mr. Jus. McLaughlin, wildered gaze. For a moment the purple
of Lucas brother
rother of the groom. Imrriedi- was sharply defined against a rampant
___ _-__-- You are intending to help G. M. El-
liott in the Free Pres* automobile contest.
The x, ser you pay your subscription the
make a giant feel like a midget. more otos it win count for him. Mail
To the gentleman every woman iia your subscription to tum. or pay at
book lady by nght of her sex. Porter's store. Mr. Eniott will also
be found at Porter's sure every Satur-
day -__-- da} night.
- -- e
Military Defaulters.
A young [ • who failed to re-
• 4
OM ref&
ri Alf e,%
Hern's Grocery !
Owiug to the high prices of
package Tea and war tax. our
oxen man o town
port for military duty on Saturday, Au•
gnu 20th. was arrested and taken to
London last week to await the decision of
a court-martial.
On Thursday of last week. on instruc-
tions from Hamilton. Chief P.oystele-
thwaite took into custody a }sung Irian falgar street. Both oxide and groom are
is c was'working at the harbor whowell known and popular... Mr. McLaugh-
lin chatted with being a deserter.Be was tin having been In the railway mail service
S turned ser to an eetort from f{amdton' on the G. T. R. for a number of years.
Prize Lists Ars Out. Their many lnerids extend congratulations
i The prize lists for the Godetech Indus- and best ``'tidies
trial Exhibition are out, and copies may The County Council.
be had on application to the secreta,.}', Exeter Advocate: We have just re -
Mr. J. Ades Fowler. Gtiderien The bet has ce•ved a copy of the minutes of theJune
been revised and improver„ and will repay session of Huron
a close perusal by those wile are to crested (roto the interesting t in the Exhibition.
The Goderich Board of Trade is taking
an interest an the Exhibition and was rep-
resented at the meeung of the directors
(last Saturday evening. It n- hoped that
co-operation between the Board of Trade
•and the Alrfrultiral Society will tend
That Goderick Sunset t t W
TEVettpai, Sere, 5, 11116 6
MVigilantly Guarded
11gSMORL11KK l4 OLf THAT t3'!'.
ROCKY MHOKK ON MATCH' AVINO lost two of his war
OV THE bullet,
by the assassi•M
bullet, Uncle Am is taking
UNFOLDING PANORAMA no chances with the third.
41)ue of the Party.) /' Nevei ts•fore was the occupant of the
We were an idle party, dawdling away White House so vlgllautly guarded
the closing hours of a perfect summer as Is President Wilson nowadays, Al
day. We bad done full justice to the long as be is in tbe White House he
menu provided by our genial host and ,.annul be approes:bed by a stranger;
sat, Lace westward, upon a bluff over- and when he appears in puWfdiltls
looking withHtheh'' glimmering bicho •
unostentatiously surrounded by a
held (deep content which � number of keen -eyed tees whir
health carnes as the aftermath of a good.
meal, we knew neither cark, no( care, nor watchfully scan the fares 01 Drees
who come near him. Even when be
plays gulf at the Coustry Club he 1a
under tturveIllaace, and it is said that
the secret service men regret tbat
there is not a more private 'deka for
him td play the game, a bathroom.
for Instanceor smnettling like that.
ateh' after the t'eremony Mr. and Mrs. held of reflected gold which gradually
McLaughlin drove to the G. T. R. station sank into nottungness, and once again we
and left on the 5.50 train for Buffalo to
breath ed.
take a water tripfor the honeymoon. But the end was not yet. for even as we
their return they will make their voiced our regrets that the purple pall
home 'at "Glen Fade," Tra- should have screened from us the evening
embrace of sun and waters. a rift appear-
ed in the cloud and there hung before us
a blazing burning bowl fashioned in living
fire. in lines artistic and absolutely per-
fect. Presto' The hand of the unseen
master craftsman pressed upon the base
and the bowl became an inverted canopy,
a gigantic lamp shade: the waters caught
the reflection in eflat relief
and t. a golden
he purple
lay ups'
crept apart. a pedestal was magically re -
Prom each acre of grain you sow thio year toe
beurfta see derived. First—you help the Allied
cause by producing the much-needed food.
fecund—it means a handsome profit tar you.
Brain means real money next spring. Sow while
you have the chance and reap the tit nr6ts in due
J ztensfve cultivation 'spy necessitate a little
mousy. Consult our local tsanager on questions
of buance.
TotissaAT, ,eptea,br, S. I
Every President is carefully watched µ'haat, leer bush. 51.0Sto 55.24)
On W, y.t ►u+h W it:
K1 ,
by picked men from the moment be laar�r r.e► b,,,,h 1.10 W 1.:
aeau mea office, of course, much to ( peel: per Mh :15510
their annoyance sometimes. On ape nektreMat per boas1.0 W i.ea
occasion before the war President ew"r raiu�r. l.erewt iSU a 9...i
isle„,., patent, per ewe to,.75
Wilson Is said to haus' eluded the lase. portal ..... 31:740403 to x.1.10
vigilance 01 his warders 'and gpt as "harta per too w r' w
far as bis bank before btiat ver -
taken by them. since the w t-
gan, however, he has made no effort
to evade tbe men whose duty It 1s
to protect him.
i% hen Col. Roosevelt was Presiden.t
the warders had a dimcult task, for
the colonel, a man remarkably well
able to take care of !Omelet. used to
greatly enjoy to escape from the se-
cret service men. On many a foggy
night has he played hide and seek
with the detectives, with every po-
liceman In Washington asxlously ma
the lookout for him. 11 he were is
Washington to -day and felt Impiabiy
inclined be would' find It Impossible
to repeat his old manoeuvres. It is
almost as hard to get out of the
White House as to get In. At night
the gates, which used le be boepit-
ably open so that anyone. who cared
to do so might walk up and peek
In at the front door, are guarded by
policemen, who have orders not to
leave them in any eireamstaaces. Al
the Washington correspondent of the
New York World points out, It would
be useless for a band o1 plotters to
start a riot outside the gates in tke
hope of luring the detenders of the
citadel from their posts. They would
simply use the telephones at their
elbows to summon beep from the
guard -room -
Scattered through the grounds are
other policemen with axed posts also
equipped with telephones, and It
would require only a few secosds
for a man, or perbape atty. or eve■
a hundred armed men to concentrate
at any point. At the west side of the
Wbite House grounds one gate In left
open to admit •isitots to the execu-
tive offices, but one must either es-
te. the otneee or stay out. When he
enters he walks into the arms of two
mere policemen. who enquire as to
his business aad then convoy blot to
the proper °Metal. Tbese are the pre-
cautions In daytime, and at eight a
new force of guards comes on duty
aad a detachment of United States
regulars is thrown completely round
the White House. These men patrol
are e'Qecially good values at .,0c,
60c, " rc and $1.Oh per lb.
We have a large stock of
Neal's Aloafa Bread
none in !rt -ii every itiy
TRV 1r.
The :;quare Phone 43
county council. par
in details of the awn -
and right in the unseen back -
proceedings the book members
a splen- ground held before us a finished lighted
did picturelfoI all the mempict of the lam so fashioned as to be at once the
Council for 1'Jl�. In this , picture the dation and despair of earthly artisans.
And then the light winked out; the
cooling breeze whispered lazily through
the branches overhead. the waves kissed
the shingly beach with languorous caress,
while rapt and speechless we turned in
reverent silence from the darkened wa-
IA week ago last Saturday, on the 24th
of August. a party from St. Malys, in-
cluding Mr. J. W. Eedy, editor of The
• Marys Argos. registered at the Hotel
• set for a Met 'stay in town. With an
eye for the beautiful and a 'pen to des-
cribe it. "One of the Party" ( un-
doubtedly Mr. Eedy) made a pen picture
of the magnificent sunset of that evening,
which we republish as above from The
Argus of last week. —Ed. SIG NAL.I
' greatly to the su.:cess of the coming fair.
I An Opportunity for Housekeepers.
Under the auspices of the Goderich
branch of the Vlomen's Institute there
We have esliecially considered
your wants in the
as Bell as every ether class of
fancy work. Beautiful stamped
Night Gowns. Day Slips, Run-
ners, Centres, Cushions, etc.
Fvetytlling in Silks, Crochet
Cottons, Knitting Needles and
Crochet Books.
MCI I5ders promptly filled.
Smith's Art Store
East Street 'Phone 19
Id AND nral
.lKar W tlii roar thrift.
Maar wee GUELPH. O..r,
Where Poor Eyes and Good
Glasses Meet.
artist has to his credit an excellent piece
of art. every face being clear and distinct.
We nate also in the book a picture of
the new Children's Shelter. Trus is an
institution that every person in the
county should feel proud of and the
county council alit to be commended for
their action in procuring such a tine home
for the destitute waifs of our county It is
a work that appeals to and depends large-
ly on the grmdwill and liberality of the
people of the county, and. under the
principle of better to save the boy or girl.
than to punish the criminal. a is a splen-
did work and should receive every en-
couragement. Hitherto. on account of
having no home: the county has not been
to the forefront in the work. and we hope
the purchase of the new home will be an
incentive to greater activity along this
line of helping the neglected waifs and
others needing helpful care.
'The photo of the county council which
was reproduced in the minutes was the
work of Mr. J. T. Fell, photographer.
and is an exceptionally good picture.'
The Singer Store 1
4 4:.1.•1 -• t tk.•n f .!
Hemstitching, Accordeon Pleat-
ing, Embroidery, Scallopi ng
and Covered Buttons.
The new mercerized cotton for
fancy sweaters. Books of instruc-
tions and needles..
Blip -on Veils. hale Neta. Bar-
rettes, Hairpins, Sewing
Needles and Pins.
k. -
Xaaa IIaaa>lrassa onmaiimanums sus
X('GEORGE K. SPOOR presents ' a
x —IN — *
) " Men of the Desert"IN
a A romantic story of the West X
• X et plains, where hearts are
X big and life throbs- with ad 1115
X venture. x
� �'�� FrliFridaSaturday,6 and 7 a
,�1 Saturday, Sept.:. ■
lntaI less* arab aaa ■ alaaa[a as ■ ammo
Hey. per tee lo.ta to 12.40
' t,e M. 200..0. per toil 3.201 to 3220
Dairy Rutter. per10 .40 ta .43
I'Haniery Button per Ib 4r, to .17
Rent-. tre-h. par dee .Nr to .4b
Pinatas., new, per bee* 1 2h to ll.
4'antlo, butcher.. oheloe. pet cwt12 le 142 ILA*
(Settle butcher, ,nedhim,per ewe 22.00 to 11.110
Ulw•.. lire weight. pe. owe 111 .L, CO I,,. 7'
1-awbe.. ..... . . 15 W to 1'0e
Hidos, per Ib .tri la .10
Yellow, rendered, per lb 12 be .15
etiee teklue. INS to 330
Woof, wuwa.het. tee lb....�.:.os' to' .e7
we ww.h.d. r Ib .sr la .ire
Wm. Corey delivered the first bad of
wheat at McGaw elevator from the
Robert Huston farm, Nile. He sowed
four bushels of Marquis spring wheat and
threshed 142 bushels. Who can beat this?
Mise Elsie Bean is visiting in Michigan.
Mr. Ben Munnings lost a valuable horse
last week. It broke its leg while on the
way to Goderich.
Mr. M. Robins will be at Toronto for a
few days and his store will be closest from
Friday afternoon to Monday noon.
A special meeting of Ahmeek Chapter,
1. O. D. E., will be held in the jury room
of the court house on Monday, Sep-
tember eth. at 4 p. m. A large attend-
ance is requested,as business of importance
will be discussed.
Miss McKinnon has eeturned to Miss
Cameron's store after spending some time
in the city studying the fall styles.
Miss Eva Somerville, who has been
principal of the Creetnore continuation
school. left last week for Owen Sound to
take up her duties as art specialist in the
Collegiate Institute there. which is under
the principalship of Mr. R. N. Mernt', a
former member of the G. C. I. staff.
Those churches which held their even-
ing service at S o'clock during the sum-
mer have now reverted to the old hour,
7 o'clock. ,
The serviees at Knox church will be
conducted by the pastor on Sunday.
Morning theme: "The Travail of a New
Day:'i evening: "Seedtime and Harvest."
Evening service at 7 o'clock.
TUESDAY, Sept. :1.
won and sorts.
tngbank, motored
They returned
Mr. and Mrs. S.
Ben. and Lorne. of
to John Cox's Sat
hone Monday. Mrs.
Miss Rose Potter, of 11i
mg at O. W. Potter's.
Mr. and Mrs. Searson a
Kincardine, speat Sunday at Vander -
Harvey Potterand two fist Pearl
and Ruby, returned home Friday after a motor days' trip to W .. .tock.
Ilagersville and Port Dover. Lili • re.
turned Horne with them, having spen six
weeks at Woodstock.
Mrs. Martin and daughter, of Londe
are visiting at Geo. Vanderburgh's
Mr. and Mrs. S. McPhail andMrs,
Orisons spent Sunday at Kipper.
Miss Jean Barnby, who has been (arm
erecting at S. McPhail's. retunted to her
home at Lucatl on Thursday last.
ksen, is visitIt
children, of
Fall Term froas:Sept.rrd
The ran fur tn':.inedhelp iegirater
now than ever befor,• in the history
of Canada. Our gra.tuaten ase
..ecuring splendidpoeitione.
W.• have Co...... Tial, Shoreham
and Telegraphy departments. 111
[Hartman.you portmataking w business col-
{pge course during fall or winter
niontbs, write now for ear free
D. A. Mt'r,A.'l11.AN, PranotJlal
it is .h said that distance iroen( haat-
mete to the view, but the thcuiy fats
down when applied to pay day.
FOUNT) DEAD IN Bl}n.—Mrs. D. Mur-
cheson, who lived alone at Paramount
was found dead in be nn Tuesday of
last week. Her son.. Samuel. had visited
her the day before. when she appeared to
be in her usual ' health: and she evidently
Passed away during the night. The de-
ceased had been a resident of Paramount
for many years. Her husband died two
years ago.
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most in-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slight est disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease in
tbe reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women enter:ng upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
Potato Speeuleters Warned -
Dealers and others who Amy be ambi-
tious in regard to this year's crop of po-
tatoes and apples have been warned by
the Canada Food Board against specu-
lation. "In negotiations for the pur-
chase or ask of apples. potatoes or other
roots• dueconsiderahon should he given
to the possibility of some action toeing
taken by this Board." declares its recent
Relying on North America.
Under the plane of,the Allied food con
trlllers, at least 70 per cent. of the defici-
ency in / seaitial Maddens of the Allied
countries m Europe. must be sopglied
1rgm North America became of the abort
octan Mho as compered with that from
other available food markets.
51 cr11
with loaded rifles and axed bayonets.
asd so close are they that a eat could
bardly pass without begees. The
system they employ works
that they are advancing upon every-
one who appreac'hes the line, end 1t
he Is not personally known he can-
not pass.
Not long ago an attache of the
White House. who did not happen le
be personally known to the soldiers
whom he encountered as he tried to
enter the grounds, attempted to pro-
ceed despite the soldier's warning.
The result was that a bayonet was
inserted in his leg. Inside the White
House the precautions to ons eve tbe
alarm should any
ac -
ter contrive to enter the place are
most elaborate and consist of electrl-
cal devices and telephones, which
the censorship would not permit asy
good American to describe if he hap-
pened to be tamiliar with them. Tbis
system is backed by the wbole police
force of Washington, besides the
regular and special guards
would the
soldier We suppoire it
Net as harrd to gain an audience with
the Czar of Russia in the good old
days as to secure an audience with
the democratic President of the.Cnit-
ed States in war time. This applimi
as well to the dangerous visitors as
to the more numerous time -wasters
and cranks.
The number of cranks who Jour-
ney to Washington for the purpose
of telling the President how the war
ought to be won bas been greatly in-
creased in the pant year. Many Amer-
icans have become mentally unbal-
anced as a result of brooding on the
war. Most of them have some sort
of invention which they imagine will
bring about peace In a few days, and
when they are turned down by the
technical experts of •arions Covers -
meat departments they are convinced
that they are the victims of red tape.
Naturally they seek 10 gain the ear
of the President or the Secretary of
the Navy or Army It the President
appears to be busy. The protectloq
against them Is ample. cloveramest
omcials whom they are permitted to
est.r•lew, have all electrical burners
under their desks. "nut buttons" they
are called, and am soon as the visitor
1s diagnosed iv a crank an ower
enters aot.Nessly and the guest 1s
takes In charge. Thu; the popnlatlea
et Washington a.ylnm is swelled and
the time of the busy officials eon -
Rosana rood Throng* Wblak*rs.
All whales develop rudimentary
teeth before birth. 1f the teeth cosi-
thins to grow, the whale is put la
Ow toothed elan"; 1f the teeth are
displaced by • largo number of plat -
tweed plates of bon* or Wee., frisk-
ed at the edges, the whale 1s pat Is
the whale belie slaw. Baleen farms
a Move through whlck the whale
strafee all food calleeted from the
w•tor.— Papular 0eieeee Meat .
A Matter
of Taste
Tastes differ in regard to
RInwst everything, awl'
especially with ie (0
clot es. We endeavor to
recognize the Plasmic,'
and shit the taste of each
one of our crnAwucrs,
knowing that only in this
way can we give com-
plete Satisfaction.
Will you come in and see ciir
selection of goods for
men's wear foe the cc re
ing Fall?
R. J.Armstrong
1—Steadies nerves
2—Allays thirst
3—Aids appetite
4—Helps digestion
5—Keeps teeth clean
6—it's economical
fleet) the soldiers and
sailors supplied!
Chew it after every meal
The Flavour Lasts