The Signal, 1918-9-5, Page 3THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO SOLDIERS HONOR FIGHTING POET • !BELIEVES IT HAS SAVED HE* monANOmR GIRT SMASH; "FE ,ND Th• boort-Qt "Switch" I ONLY OENOINE THE IMITA- TION8 SOLD ON 1,R MERITS Ok 1 1 MEDICAL. 1)R. GEO. HEiLEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, specialist in women's and children' diseases. acute. chronic and nervous diseases, eye ase noand thrust, partial deafness. lumbago any rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed without the knife. (Mice at residence. corner Iiekon and St. Andrew's streets At home once 9/o.days. Thursdays and Sat udays, any evening *appointment. DENTISTRY. 4.2: G• otont UNELL.-HONOR ate Toronto University. Graduate ge of Dental Surgeons. to the late Maim Sale. Offices caner g aane 1.1.0 atilt went. Goders i. a AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. Box 67. Gederich. All instructions by mail o Wt at Signal Lice will be grumpily encoded to Ra,dence telephone lis. LEGAL. R. HAYS. . BARk1sT 'R sOLIC1TOR.;NOTARY: PC$WC. ETC. Mice- Bank) Block, Hamilton Street, Gsderich. 7 ek:Awn, N• Real Estate. Loans and insurance. Superintendent's Wife Gama 'nutty -cot rounds by Tokio" Tamar. The (oilowin stateent mate recently by 'fish. by Mrs. Annie �1ca mS7 Engrams avenue, fliede bOtee H e• a Outflank- ed atbe Road4esdhes to tete Allletlpr Are Lividly Jammed With um Num- berby Victor*. LON pt. 3., The British bare a the ourt-Queant line 1 ha which has been r gl siace will pr ba prove t most et of t disc Iisb tri point v n about oralt a re the• n- 1sour stomach and •Hdlg began stressed to and sluggish all the time. No one will is not only Interesting. but alto - PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Ol moa tbe Square. second vicar Item Nand fes Street. t.oderKb. J Private funds to leenat Iowan rates.' humorousK. C. J. LtlGauwi) H. j.b. Comm G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- l�1�`" VWR. solicitor. notary pubis Offices aia.11nos\ Street. Guderich, thud door 111111UO2- ru reIto Ckaton 7 hursoay 01 each sink. in of Albert Street Eulogised by Mt. Hoosier. een a as to a p. fa j Iasi GARROW, LL. B., DAM Lk. situur�tui.y. soliuuur. etc., Godericb. loaned at to rate. I SUAGER. BARRISTER. 901. s It.17OR. tawny public and conveyance. (dee- Cow t House. Gooetec h INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 1,icKILUOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO.-Fatre and notated town prop - arty insured. ORicers--Jas. Connolly. Pres., GoderKb P. 0. ii2agrans. cV.-KTer-ePer.eBhhwwO.PU.; Thomas Dwectws-D. F. McGregor, it, R. No. S. arta, John G. Grieve. No. 4, Walton; Wills L an,, (t R. No. 2,Sealortb.. John Dennewles. ortk. RooberrtFerrt�s.a Harkrckk. Ma olo. m Sea- Mc- Rwen, Clinton. James Evans. Beechwood, James Connolly. Godench. Agents: J. W. Yeo. Goderich. Alex. Latch, R R. No. 1, Clinton; wiusm Chesney. Sealortb. R. HrnhkY• Sealort h. Policy -Adders can pay all payments and get their cards receipted at k. J. aserrish's Clotting ,Store, Clinton: R. H. Cutt's Grocery, Rawl m street. GodenCS. or J. H. Red's General Store. Bayfield. I\It . ll LOAN. Apply o M G CAM - TO N Barrister, Hm aden street, Goderxh. were Th al ce int way flea Ing�V put `ser rusbll up Tilden of prtso septal), tof the road rear , literally jam The has been fie Durypblch has been Britt and Mount D Oe held to great stow The British kfllIrtenormous auto emy.the Germans die as eibtbere. Cagnico Gagthurt have been Boise Bouche, to the repold also" to have Tke has been heat Buie northeast of Q larg$umbers of prison opted, and similar beeraade against the of ttQueant-Drocourt 1 d latte. A during the nigh ver)feavy lighting arou fah positions, which )awed up against tbe g defte system. Piles u mai was one of the res oneltemy ettack a Berg maj killed 10 G trill fetter remarkahle: 1 have not only gained thirty-one pounds by taking Tenter, but 1 firmly be- lieve it saved my life, and all who knew oI my dreadful condition are astonished at my wonderful recovery . ' i Mrs. Pasco's husband s su Mntendent of the J. R. Booth Paper Pulp ! • 1 had bawl bothered with stomach I whkh , trouble on and off for about three ding IX of the i she continued, "but it was only the peat year that my condition became so ars GttaT }serious. I fast noticed my appetite fail-' ,kill at one , • lags everything seemed to taste'the same kilometres, to me and I 0a4 no rehab forlood of any miles, and I kind. Then I began to suffer from gas, ' meag was odious as any 1 had terrible headaches and felt weak b Britt rued their ever know how I suffered, because i can - meeting friends or eettnz ever grow- not ojescribt! it. :done of my d h three w live of the e y, who bad I neighbor) believed that 1 wtnll availabl. n and was months, e.erves a 5 rear. ( .1 had fallen oft from 170 pounds to 132 have been and got so weak 1 couldn't walk from the the British kitchen to the front door without bottling with thew. on to something. I had to spend over fi nhtbygin the 1 was afraid to be leleftime in bed. tnd alor e5 and so nervous could which the hardly sleep a wink at night. I took so engtbp was ! much medicine w thopt getting relief 1 be t on after came di' couraged and out of heart. of the en- I -Finally 1 decided to try Tanlac. as I hting here had seen it recommended so hly, and Wood and betor. I finished the first bottle I noticed a turgid and 1 decided change m my feelings. My appe- t beast, is 1 the soon got better, the nervousness and oeeupled. ;indigestion began to disappear, and 1 , I, w b t e 1 could nf to maistrengthy lost `weight. and now nr, whet n { I weigh 163 pounds -have actually gained have been 1 thirty-one pounds and haven't had a tiers has Louth of indigestion or stomach trouble ' horn end I in six months. My appetite is toe. I can i for some ( eat lust anything I want without the I ere was ! slightest discomfort afterwards and my nervousness is gone entirely. 1 am feeling, the Brit- I better and stronger than I hate in years 1 almost • and am doing all my housework. I think ' Oerntan tit is nothing but right that 1 should tell I rad Ger" ' others about this wonderful medicine " . During i Tanlac is odd in Godelech by E. R. 1 t wash a Wigte, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in'. ne gun ns who • Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in to rush Dim. Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth i as soon atter five 0'• k in the by White City Drug Store. mo Wishng `Dat floe massed irb can- by J N. Allen, m' Londesboro' by John no roke loose with a roatbat was O, Loundsberry, in Exeter by W. S. bd. for miles in a cragi:1,bttrage. Howey, in Btucefeld by Peter Bowey, in 1 T'b.whole sky seemed bialte'as ; Dashwood by Tiernan & Edighoffer, in, •b ads of British shellsd In-" Crediton by J. W. Ornie. in C•intofl by' to le utt German wire and lids. 1W. S. R. Holmes, in by 1-1. by pen the barrage raised 2ijcane- J. H. Simpson. and in Fordwich by H. Sanscm• Bronze Circlet Was Presented to d'Ant%unzia SUPPORTED TIIE ALLIES Here la a Writer and Orator 11110 Not Only Cried Mie • Peupte w Fight Bat Who Akio Took part In the Battles Himself on Behalf of Democracy. WOLVES of Tuscany, my wbofe NMI thrills It your splendid deeds," said the poet -soldier d'Annunxto at the distribution of medals for valor to • brigade of Tuscany, the solders whereof have been nicknam- ed "Wolves" atter distinguishing themselves 1n the Carso by conquer - tag what were considered inaccessible heights. What gave lbs ceremony an un- usual character was the presentation to the poet by the brigade of a bronze circlet, ornamented with gold laurel lease* in the centre whereof was the silver halberd crest of Trie*t. This circlet was of the �to nnunsio ncidentwhich h memory happened during the eoDQuest of one • MUSIC. _ • CATTLE MARKETS UNION *TOCK VA1LDa- w ,ui 47M head of rattle on the Odes Stock Yards yesterday there was a seed demand for 511 classes, with an active market. at steady prices. There was a w strong inquiry for heavy 1< teem choice butcher cattle and tweedy stock- ers and feeders. with not so very o good butcher cattle offering. and the pr,.es a shade higher. The canners and bulls sold steady, Prospects are favorable for all claims of cattle. Sheep market was steady. all caress of choice veal strong. heavy and rousts calves barely steady. The Iamb caret sold at 17c for the top or a decline al *Sc from last week's close. The hog market was 155ac ted, 11%c ole cars, and 1S%c f.o.b, BAST BUFFALO LIVTi, 0TOosl. 1 R. SCOTT. TEACHER OF Vda, Piaao and Organ. Pupils Prepared for examtnatrotrs. Apply st MR. P. W. PIE'S. Britannia road. Wegeareseedetbealleararvevaerererererelaaag Brophe3 Bros. GODERiC H Inc Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. in VI'roxeter did and English swarme- to Jost behind them wes o nks of all sizes. Thep or only a minute when t1 o ed with a counter-barrtig L id to have been by far the elan put down eine the o s e began. Instant the British e'. 8 Oerrnans In many cases • 61 the trenches a%d h•I bids high above their beads. sue cases, however, the a Btlab met with a hall of ge bullets, but, notwitb of they pushed on. Quit Ilea was overcome, om all along the; line a that the Germans In e absolutely panic strick y of them were found r ijiolee and screaming watt i y 7.30 oco'clk the Brit epletely passed the Oermasupport lines. It was 11 nver- ... been h omy - •barb -- MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. ✓ ens- EAST W AVi A NOSH. rlttsb 1 Council met on August 19th. as per ad - red Mast meeting were readembers all and confirmed. esent. Minutes ped on motion of Messrs. Buchanan and Mc -1 GABRIEL D'AISTIt•N2�O. leer Gowan. The engineer's report on the to N1cCreuht dram, aftect.ng certain lands of the mountains in the Carso. Dur- a ins in East Wawanosh. Kinloss and Ttlmberry, Ing the attack an Austrian shell tell at 105- was read and provisionally' adopted, and between him and Major Remised*, at111ag the clerk was instructed to have the neces- commanding the Tuscan', wtthopt ly ,the. sary bylaw in connection therewith pre- exploding. The latter ordered the t for next meeting of ctunal. Bylaw breeze circlet surrounding the $ h1•'re- fro. 6. 191R. was read and pasted faint to' rte remov0A and ereseated WIN*. ulouts the following rates of taxation for the poet in memory of his escape.. slink .- and present year: County rate, 4 5-10 mills: soldiers of the Tuscany brigade deb - int township rate. 2 2-10 mills; Provincial bed together tothave the clrelet oraa- tl ht. ' war tax. 1 1.30 mills. and special school mented with gold laurel leave'. h had rate. 2 1-10 mills on the dollar. The col- In the next fight Randaccio fell :tont lector having declined to act in that cepa- hereially.t d'Annunzio has himself n that city this seahon. it was moved by Mr. The seconded by Mr. Currie, that been one of the most picturesque 'g_ The Saults Coal Co. East Buffalo, Sept. 3.-Catu-r-Ras. cetpts, 4701; strung; prime steers. :17.11 to Ile; shipping steers, SIT to $17.117 butchers, $12 to $H.75. yearlings, 815 tw 114.75; heifers. $10.50 to 514.25; r-iws. *b to 112: bulb, 85.50 to 112: stockers aid feeders, $7 to 511; fresh cows and sprlag- ora. K 50 to $10.50. Calves-KSeeipts, 1500; strong; $T to 531. Hogs Receipts, NOe; .aster; heavy. $25.75 to $21: mixed and )'orkers. 121 W 821.13: 'tight Yorkers. $20.50 to $20.75' pip. 825.255 to 520.5•: roughs, $17.50 .0 117.71; reap, 112 to 515. Sheep end lamem--Receipts. 4011; steady: lambs, 815 to 117.75; yearlings. 15 to $15; wether,. 113.25 to 111.75; ewes. 1e to 113; mixed sheep. $13 to :13.50. LENINE WAS SHOT. Woman Attempted to Kill Leader of Bolshevik'. LONDON, Sept. 3. -- Ntkolal Le - nine, the Bolshevik Premier. was shot twice last Friday night at Mos- cow, according to a telegram from Petragrad received by the Exchange Telegraph Co. by way of Copenhagen. The latest official news concerning the condition of Lenine comes in the form of two bulletins by Rusaipn wireless. timed 7.30 and 8.30 Satur- day evening. respectively. These bul- 1 lesion stale that his general condi-: tion is good, that immediately danger.) is passed. and that no complications have arisen. An official Russian Government despatch received by wireless con- cerning the shooting says that M. Le - nine was wounded In two places. Ono I bullet penetrated a little above the shoulder blade, entering the chests and touching the upper part of the, lung. This caused great loss of blood. The bullet stopped on the I. right side of the neck over tip shoulder bone. Another bullet penetrated the- left t motor -machine guns des e.oul • Alt $ ". t be good roads at the Germ Tar.' applications for this office be received uP urea in the war. W bent pr ,ke so managed to get !linage till Text council meeting. The following man element was still powerful in I they are working far in advence accounts were paid: The Times office, Italy, it was d'Annuazio who preach - part printing contract. S2n, A. Hill & Co., ed fiery doctrine to his fellow-coun- the Infantry. i part payment on Patterson's bridge, trymen on behalf of the ante/. He 11 along the Arras-Cambr.i sad 61000: 1t• Mowbray, part payment on told them that Italy would have 10 British had made good DroR-ess, • same bndge, *500; W. Love. inspecting be -on the side of democracy, he Villers -lea special beltrt• worth irks concrete work on Patterson's hedge, 654; denounced the politicians who wish- °. G. Anderton, con. statute labor tax, to Darter their country's soul for a powerful trench system, writ the f12; A. Scott same, So.'0: P. Gibbons. little material advantage. After the ne of desperate fightln{. Both I max f7 50: R. Scott. same. Si- Alex declaration of war, be entered floe {onnomorn to McDonagh k Gledhill EICLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY TAR COAT, THAT SATISFIRS We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. Olrriolt PRONE - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Sauit&' Residence 202/ PURSDAV, SEPT. 5, 918 8 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTAP-`) "PREPAREDNESS' is the order of the day'' YOUNG men or women who depend on so-called "luck" or "pull" for success are lost before the start. Where one person seems to attain a degree of success���through chance, a thousand gain it only by being prepay. Are YOU prepared for a successful business career? Have you tbe training demanded by big business? Can You "fill the bill" If so, your future is assured. Big business will WANT You - WILL NEED YOU -MILL DEMAND YOU. The best preparation for business success is a business training in a business school where you will learn the rudiments of business. This school is "live" and modern -a school of thorough courses taught by competent instructors, who will give you a MONEY -MAKING education that you will acquire 113 no other way. Investigate today the advantages we offer you at this scho31. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal September 3rd. Phone 2t3.ti School open Tuohy, berg -lea CS1niendrt and Cagnlrourt acct. 6'S: W. McGill, in a Young. shovelhngggr declaration service, and took part in British hands, and the British repsinn `culvert, concession 4. 6K. For number of raids over Austrian ttrri- e carried the battle consid t8sb17 vel- • Wightman 61. W. Fothergill tory. He was severely wounded, and the east of this. ; 64.50, R. Patterson 53.90. H. S. Frt`DY the report that be is now able to take taken as t the cross r s nor i - , t shoulder blade and split the bone. _ 1 Thew shooting, according to r•.; pro6ressing• ' ports, oecurred at the close'of ars iDiz-HOw are you making out on your two women Social granted by the o Revolutionists, -to revolution to economize .' ! who came to discuss theeembargo son Rex -Flee. I've got my running es- the slowed down to a walk. -Tran-' the shipment of foodstuffs Into Mos- � apt • _ tow. One of the women, it is said, drew a revolver and opened bre on - the Premier. Lenlne's assailant has been arrested. 07 Every 10c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS) A ILL KILL MOPE FLIES THAN WORTH OF ANY ' STICKY FLY CATCHER 1 to bandit.. Sold by all Drug- gists, Genets and General Stores. A cad thea* of 6720 W Fitzpatrick 61 i0 R Shte.l pat in ceremonies may be gnlcourt, where the Arras-Crtnbraf `f1.90, H• McKay ie, Chas. Sanborn f an indication that be has fully hway crgs�ee the Villers lex Cag R Scott 64. A. Scott 19.1.60. Bylaw ;bene recovered. ort-Sandeki\oDt road, as w 1 sa iR thontnng the n 1 through this istrict. the Get ( taxes remaining unpaid Fy,caped From Tiger. re In great saeength. The ( December 1 tis was read and passed• singular s are only 9, miles from adjourned to meet on g 1 and their detekce le of th her If importance o the enemy. A PORTERFIELD Clerk 'time Reports 1robs Dury kbow that opium Ong was of a desperate na tore the Germane, who were - there and were about to dell*, a with werful assault against the Bri .sh AND ;as fast as tlons...were overcome. The men on tb V As the British progressed all al the country a youth. Many on them. e line rocket after rocket Moon because of physical de When tided through the battle sm m German positions as the 5 Doth reseed enemy first here and 11 If wish to old age coming burdens ere called for assistance from th 1 the rear. The barrage had co 1letely unnerved the Germans. riUsh thea fought their 7, 1918, au vection o • pe ant cent extra on all after 5 A ngular tiger tale conies from a The Monday. Sl then village in Java. where the tigers had September been committing havoc for some One day two contraband _ smugglers, while peeping OUR BOYS IN EUROPE 1 through the forest saw two tigers follo./tng them. They were armed HOME PROTECTION only w t knives, and so they raw they could, but the tigers, e firingline represent i *1 may be supposed, rapidly gained e pi ofouri almost overtaken they spied wererejected y. fieiency. Many tunes the kidneys were a tiger trap, a sort of bog -like affair, to blame. gladly rushed in, carrying their we preventwith them. Tbe trap shut on too Soon, or if we want to increase 'down very closely, but that pleased our chances for a long life, Dr. Pierce''them m gbtily, as tbey could hear the of the Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., tigers scratching and snarling on the says tit you should drink ppled of outside. The night passed in this way bet meals. Then pro 1 sad at dawn of day the tigers scamp - tate- ut- the re ly e Canadians In F1ghL LONDON, Sept. 3. - A message from Reiter's correspondent at Brit- ish heada'varters says that one of the features of Thursday'sghting was like clearing of Jigsawa'ood. east- ward of Moncby, by the Canadians. The Germans strongly resisted, but the Canadians swept forward in grand style, and by three In the afternoon, after beginning operations in the morning, they bad mopped up the wood. The Canadians claim to have captured sixty guns since Monday. An officer of the 214th division was taken with his arms folded and an automatic to his handand j� his men were hopeless poltroons squealed that they were not going to i face the Canadians. The Germans in many places are blowing up supplies. The British' are now within two hundred yards of the Drocourt-Queant line. Want Pay for Bombing. n e' e 7 irobgh line atter line, fightingIn water daily ween ny cases hand-to-hand. BaYon�ts ens at a drug store, Anuric (double' erect off and the smugglers essayed "An -o -vie" drives tis to do likewise, but all their efforts ere used freely. The wood north of Queant Was ound to be full of Germans with achtne-gale. The fighting there as of the very hardest nature until e British cleared the wood. Tanks In did heroic service. Where hells had failed to break through be wire, tankd rolled it out fiat d charged down into the masses of ermans. Those who did sot fall be - ore the guns were crushed, together h their machine-guns. The streets of Dury were carpeted with German dead. Here the British captured the town mayor, and among other prisoners taken nearby were several battalion commanders. Mount Duty was stormed soon afterwards, but It was only taken after a terrific struggle. British wounded returning from the aghtl$g here said that from the top of the mount they could see Germans coming up in the east 1t! masses. Also from the mount there could be seen German artillery re- tiring. It was the Canadians wbo took Dory and the Mount. etre°gth)• Tkts 1were In a uric acid out and curse backache sod were unavailing. They rheumatism. trap, sure enough. 1f we wish to keep our kidneys inW haIn a ve a i fewlooboars er te sett and rejoiced too bed condition a diet of milk and •a tables., with only little meat once a day, to see it closed, thinking a tiger had The Dominion Oo�� etseats. bar - leg fziai ieg sad rye and of wheat four sob- .tltuw made from these grains. is the most smtab3e. Think plenty of pure water, take Aaurie three times a day for a month. Seed Dr. Pierce 10e for trial pkg. As - been caught. Their joy was re- doubled, however. when the prise proved to he the unlucky smugglers with a valuable load of opium, and brie --many times more potent than labia, the unlucky fellows were mare hod or eliminates arts acid as kot water melte to jail in triumph. OW. A abort trial will convince you. n of prlrlstR. Peados, Oat.-" I an pleased to to cinema photographs purse my seperienee with Asteria I have I Parisi■ns w J shortly base the beew }t troubled with rbenrnatiom is right plsagure of .e ng a Mooma photo limb and hand for several years, sad graphic reproduction of the firths of lately in left shoulder. The osly wad French heavy guns which on May 3 i amid be was on my book. pet the last of the German super - lad great diBeslfy to ....Litt dowe cannon out of action. An official Wild mere to Rat up. tatsl7 1 had army photographer attached to the a vary lava" Pala in my besets. 1 Mve army, charged with counter -battery ban Pr. hieres'e Golden Medical Die- work, claims that he has secured ess.yy .ev.r.l times aim tis most alit an excellent film of eight shots from fa orae rasslts, so I &1 Tb. p in Rive b ••Nirelle"- -the heroine of the Pro - Morrie Tablets a trial. Tim pain in limb vencil poet Nhtral'a muterptaee-- rad akovlder has stopped bttt.i sad "Mary Magdalene," a* Iwo of the r lot hand -- ts vey dig sadrt Rest Fr,nsh guise are ebrtatenod oy ]ask ll floe lima. T eo Mw tit ar 111 tb.tr servants. it is tmpesaible to i.,-..": pwdtiea 1 wird w•ftioet diens- say which shots were seccessful. but i 1 yew aremsded the Amnia echo feet at pals. Tablidit to two partial sad they b� ba dl had the ho of the elRDtk re Iskied prevemest serial*oil Nom to say eN trewbW with Ste kMims's; tier'* is *cabins nearby ; es good ; i tried than a6. "- O•oes• loos, eta. DIM! and Weaslee• AMSTERDAM, Sept. 3. - The chief cities and town* of the Rhine nt district lave formed a pe committed to deal with the lacrosse-. Ing menace of Allied air raids, say* the Cologne Gazette. Tbe cities 0c Cologne, Frankfort. Mayence, Stutt- gart and Mannheim have repre'nta- tives on the committee, and the com- mander of the beme aerial defence; is also a member' The committee was formed at a meeting In Frankfort on Monday, at which all the municipalities coo- owned and the omcials connected with the air defence dfacuseednd� i situation fully. They prompt legislation. giving the legal right of full compensation for dam- age from aerial attacks. The total registration in Canada showed 2,172,754 men and 2,471,2801 women, or 6,044,034 1n all, not counting some 115,000 tcards ,000hsie received or expected the post office*. Canadian and American Govern- ment representatives will meet at Lake Champlain on Sept. 4 for a fur -1 they conference on drafting uniform i fishing laws for the two countries, In International waters. AD official German crop report es- timates the yield this year at frogs 10 to 16 per eent. above that of 1917. The area planted to early potatoes was a fifth greater than in 1917. and that to late potatoes also showed an Increase. Capt. Nell Campbell, commanding the freighter W. Grant Morden, 0e the Canada Steamship Lines. and previously for many years in the an - ploy of the Pittsburg Steamship his Co., died of a paralytic ves- seal near Sottlt Ste. Marie. The Amerlean steam hip Onegal has been torpedoed night l vessel foun- dered Priday person* were saved. Twens:als� e r y >.tsslag. Many bodies om diad away when a ea.saa{e tame from embed aahnre. The captain of the elgnallieg plans that twit abets bad omits was drowned. His body boo struck the forget. been loaded. • t21.1.....NK pwab {erase -as p lisa•ss safaris{ *stisaptia-Itsp Yid -paw faillies -Is1$ pia sail media" sea iws- Sest Ise 10Iy s ashes. Oasts all sots. _ • 50c- fit- All Druggists ed Sims Of Course You Are Coming to London, for the Western Fair! V. HAVE made every preparation for your acromodation while in the city. Make this store your head- quarters. Use the free check- rofm in the Basement. where your wraps. grips and parcels will be taken care of without charge. Waiting Room Rest Room and Lavatories mei conveniently located for your special accomodatiors Autumn Fashions While the store is onerat Fashion Show on every floor. we want you to feel free to look and inspect without placing yourself under `the slightest obligation to make a single purchase. Make this your down -town headquarters while attending( the Western Fair. You'll find it helpful and convent- ent in more ways than one. LONDON. ONT. . Massey -Harris Shop - FUR BINDERS, MOWERS AND CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAY ANDMcLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Godc-ricb For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 East Street. Opposite Knox Ch rr c h Give Us a Trial 1 ARE YOU PREPARED for the spring rains ? Is your roof and eavetrough in good condition ? Our work in that line is always satisfactory. W. R. PINDER Phone 156 Hamilton Street Mee 4