HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-9-5, Page 1We. the undersigned bakers oLthe town tribuUon boxes seldom get full. of Goderich, beg to inform our customers that on and after September 16th next all bread, cakes pastry and buns will be sold only for cash. The condition of the times makes it necessary for us to do a CASH Bl'SINESS We therefore ask our many friends and patrons to consid-r the con- ditions from a business punt of view and give us their assisttt IIeece in carrying out this business pnnciple. J. W. SMITH & SON D. J. CURRY T. WARRENER Canada Food Board Bakery License No. 5- 350 No. 5- 731 No. 5-1715 1)R. F. J. R. FORSTER. l/ EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, amwt nt at Moorefield's aye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Ho - p5.5 sn°S London, Eng. St. S•• Stratford. Telephone 287. TOWN OF GODERiCH. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. Tie town of Coder," dnuraua d completing` the Hone Roll 01 thaw who. claiming Goderich for theu hone town, .01.14ed in the Canadian army and went to verve King and enuntr List. M nee* who err shady netted are in the Town Hsu with the Clerk. L. L. Knew. Esq_ who will take additional name.. also J Ad.. Fowler, up to the hat day of August. 1114 DR. W. F. CLARK. Chairman of Special Commttee - - - - Open for engagements for lawn socials, previous to his going to Grace garden parries, dances, etc. For terms New York. where he was soprano soloist apply to C. V. Henry, 'Phone 19• till the change of voice. He is now ranked as one of Toronto's most talented 1f quality counts, use Bbricne's de- young baritones and his singing was a helms ice cream in bulk orr backs for all very .pleasing addition to the musical ckM occasions. Phone 240. part of the services on Sunday. Messrs. Cook and Branton also sang at Victoria street church in the evening. Mr. and :Mrs. J. M. Proudfoot have re- the very things that you wee displayed ceivecl word that their wound on Jack has err- in your favorite magazine and agrieul- rived safely overseas. and also their sore- tura) pmfwrs. You know that ruses., in-law. Dr. J. E. overseas.. of Jefferson, on rush goods are uniform the try S. C. "Billy." the younger son, is now at over, and that our price,' ate just the litwllfax, N. S. . saute as t.hnsa• I•bargetl by soiree ' located to large t it.iew. But on a'• - t del be-iug a home dealer, we area This .n.Wal Thursday ; evrntitK Mrs. Mary Ina reit to tender you better serf Hamilton, Walnut atreehus vedant fticial yicei11 every way. Quids ran be de. rneasage Hamilton.10 stating that her sly 111 d,F'te.Cxcd livered quicker, utiatakes inn be reeli- Hamiltn. was dangerously ill in hospital tied more promptly. Then, oda,, we pry at p3. L'tnr, with a gunshot wound in tree taxes that help keep the country roads head. Pte. Hamilton enlisted at Toronto ire runditiuu and help maintain the with the '20Sth Battalion. Ile has' been eehtsds, chnrvhen and i,th.•r public en. in France since February of this year. t,rpr•lser which -enhance the value of sation Mrs. John Wilson, of Nile. received ' and, liana tare makefor family. het us word this week that her son. Pte. Robert supply all your drugstore nest. E. R. Wilson had been admitted to hospital %V igk•, druggist. at Epsom England on August 30th, with , --- a gunshot wound in the right foot. Pte , The warm days bring to mind the de - Wilson enlisted in the West and went , light of Edwards' ice cream, overseas in the fall of 1914 as one of the glorious "Princess fats." GUNDRY'S SALE I SWSTER. Mr. R. Y. Cox, of Goderich township„ SATURDAY. Sept. Aucuffn wk of M,u+ehold received official notification today that 11•rniture std lurnishmis at the prrmd+ra, East his son, Hiram Cox, was wounded in the arm. Mice. Jaron Hornet'. propretress right arm on Attest :l est and was sent to , Tos9pai. Sept. In. -Auction sale of household Cardiff hospital. Pte. Cox enlisted at furniture and lurmshmp at the premises. Li{At- house street. Mn. Peter Wylie, proprietress. Hamilton with the Mounted Rifles. _ TaatcoAr. !Sept 17. -Sale of harm stuck by 1 Charles and 1' ter]Fisher at pot 6, concession 2, Mrs. W. R. Pinder of town has been I Colborne. at 4u'clork. This sale is made +have bereaved by the death of a brother. killed noterr by oorimem her. .a the prrrpi In action in France. The Arthur (Ont.) Enterprise makes the following reference to the sad news:• . Word was received here on Tuesday that another gallant Canadian soldier who :tanned Arthur as his home had been killed in action. Pte. Sandy Graham fell in the great fight. somewhere in France. on August Sth. Pte. Graham enlisted in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -shpt. 6. the 53rd Battalion at Saskatoon m the Pus, (all of 1915 and spent that winter in Win- • AuctionSalic-Charlo and Peter Petite_ .... 1 nipeg, going overseas in the spring of Auction sale George Rd House for Sale or to Rent -Wm. Blake 1 1916. He was a splendid soldier and was I 1 popular with his comrades. Ile was horn Land err Sale --F. Gilden 1 in Arthur and went West when a young i We writ Pay You -International Bible Press.., g man. Ile leaves many old friends here. Farm Land Agenty-J. W. Armstrong )l who will learn with sincere regret of his. Springbsnk Farm tot sok -William and G P. Gould VIIINTY.FIRST YEAR -No $73t r liIE STERLI4 3BANO OF CANADA SAVE, Becau Your best security against condition will be a bank act TOS SALE OE RENT. FOR SALE. AUCTIO: --FUnNI THE FARM LAND AGENCY. x. will sell by p weber of very awe farms lot sale, many of street. Goder mievemeet to Godencb and nearby villages. SAT1 vary special bargains offered and sa ty comserrmg icor quick ..le. Fur particulars see J. N. sal the boot MSTRONG. Boa W, God.n h. Office at ren- Two +rung, corner Cambria road and Brock street. 4ard heater. 1 organ. 1 lair RTY •SIX ACRES OF GOOD ROL hoards la,l; "' LJNG LANI) for sale. None bluer. En- kitchen 4 F. GILDER,, R. R No. 5, Gaderrcb. It epi, stand. OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - sewing Tworatory brrkgbwue on Trafalgar street. other artnk+ ranventerres, electric( lights, etc. Terms cash 3 IS WIN- BLAKE. it -11 No reserve - AIRS. AME RINGBANK FARM FOR SALE.- mown. Lwa 1111,111114 Maitland cunceseson. Goddch roup road, containing about 170 etLEARI` Good baildtng % and fences. well undo• AJ HO1'SE 13 acres hardwood bush. lour acres or- INGK. ETL cratered by wells sad never failing spin Apply on premises WILLIAM and (.. P. D. 31-11 house to rent lex winter. Good furnace, bghts etc. T. GUNDRY will sell by Lighthouse ■: TUE: commencing of the house. R SALE AT A BARGAIN. --FRAME lex eels at ,dee board, it rah°-roohouse o,se with quarter rt-scre n r«t %dont parior able. coal heater. quanuty of tants pit tuts SALE. -TWENTY -FIVE -ACRE No ,.snit, FARM Good arm hots. g°ood barn: K cash ostripe Will be sold on easy terms. pptytoeCdHAS.NOBBS.ShrppsrdtxnPO. MRS PETE I PreoTE tn avenue. eithu seven-mmutes walk P depot e wellilw. .salw price ssvlos lorgacck k UNDRY.. R RENT. -SMALL COMFORT - AKA coTTAGE OMFORT-A AcoTTAGE an rostra! 1«ahty A - MR. F. WOOL1.1.2O.4BE. e., Bink. fh RM'FOR SALE. -2011 ACRES IN wast wawanosh. Dear Dw, snnsn. Seventy under Sams an cultivation, remainder in bush and re. Buikhn ► in 1twad condition Price ,srearmost The wood on the place if would meet the purchase price of the fares. alth of owner reason for selling For farther Dears apply to THE SIGNAL. Gude.. k. RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE. ROOM dwelling in connection therewith. to W. E. KELLY. R SALE. -RED BRiCK HOUSE, with all conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS- OLM. Trafalgar street. 'tftl TENDERS WANTED. MA I L CONTRACT. SRAI.ED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- er GenevaL will be received at Ottawa until ori Friday, the berth day o1 October. -, l« the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails a proposed Contact for lour years, ilia timeee week. VTR CODER ICH NU. 2 RURAL. ROUTE. the Ll day of January. 111). Printed notices containing further udormation to condition. of proposed Contract may be land blank forms ol Tender may be tabard at the Post Offices of Goderich. Hoiree- llr and Shrppardtrn, and at the office of the Office Inspector. London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post Office Inript+ppcctor. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. London, gird August. 1913. 10.31 WANTED.. RASPBERRIES GARDEN BEANS AND BF.ETS at the Canning Factory. jorsaCanning & Evaporating Co. Aug!: FL'RN will gull by p tit rs SATs' RU One leg, dimes -room several roe k. wanner C ThHuonuglll i a *primp h" 1 stretcher.anr steam ROBERT t Proprr AUCTi( AND. ' Mr. 'Thor the sanders,[ Pan line, town.htp. r MO' at 1 °'clod Honus - and 0 years old: 1 gene,. ins' mare. 5 hors. 4 yea. ng mare. Templeton; filly. 1 I -yes euctinryg colt Earl O'Clay. CAMS. - bred bull. 1s months old. cows 4 ye: old: ,• 2-y, 1 -year -0l• t calves. 1 • ewes. 4 lam H A RRI.e. harness. 4. top buggy. coal heater. coal oil sten Positively oversell. TtaM,. - that amour furnishing 4 per cent o GEORGE: Proprio Thinks but Act! Many people, when asked to in - sere, say: -•'1 want to think it over." A writer pointedly replies: -111 give you something else to tbink over. If the tall moo with the big scythe and the long beard happens to tap on your window pane Rome night Hoon, will Ton sit up in bed and say to him:-- is over. I've iI want to think tIIC insurance dealon that 1 want to plat through. Go away until i make sip my .rind." But he will not go away. Now you think that over. -Prost The Bulletin. Robertson -Woods At/ENT:4 The Motu' life Agawam, Co. of Canada. AUCTI MESSRS. will Stu by Colborne u on TL com mea One hes' wall; 1 drat land. 1 M King 1 ie old Jl rr Du am n0 mike wow old iteego,: spring erly' Lemming t Taunt - that. sales ion 1 untied, of 4 per em amounts. 1 Everothi ante the 4 CHARI.F.t Al u' 1 will sell by bons street Till co One um coal AI N flock. 2 1 b ch .tr. I • i eh r, 2 large rug warage wiadawtoileb It mach bnr set. R«ryih• meal be d houllakeeP Twins c. se - after -the -War :ount. e0D&fitU& ONTARIO. THURSDAY. SEPT. 5 1918 t *1 C. P.' R. DA YIN GODERICH The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 4 Oc. To United States addresses, 55 cents. THs SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Pt•atI NsrL JACTIWI SALE. tl SALE OF • HOUSEHOLD TORE AND FUR NISHINGS. RH. JAMES HORNEY auction, at her residence. Ea.t re on 1 AY. *1 TEMBER 7th, at 2 o'cloa sharp. all the contents to Wlt,rng 1n part 01 (h- sa r stove 1 targe ge. 1 0 1 s glass cupboard, .4 +mailer cor- neae table, b dinntngroom chairs 1 ee. 1 lalling -leaf table. 1 lounge. ss t wooden beds -trade. 1 set of M blindts number of pictures. i. lendrum. dishes, +eakrs. fruit. 1 aa. I lawn moeset. garden tools and , 110 numeruntto rnev. tion. Everything must he disposed of. O. 3ROMNEY. TAuctttonrelIG AUCTN SALE OF Y• How FURNITURE. FURNISH- inks PETER WYLIE _ public swoon. at her residence, rant. G•de.ch. on DAY. SEPTEMBER 10th. all 2 o.ewdt p m.. all • he contents *naps{ to port of: Campkte far- o other parlor turns; dLe • kik 2 kitchen table,. 1 c•,ea tithe, 2 bburrrr oil stove, I ,veil table. 1 Lc suns. 1 pa' 1n, ret{. s DAL dishes.' Ord.' feels car- 1 4 g!f d numerous other a"Kles. Ili Mrs. W yhe is [iv:, it up beuse- R WYLIE. T GUNDRY. Wass. ` A ..at d • SA OF H01.ViFOLD POR PRISONERS OF WAR. Acknowledgment of Amounts (mut• buted to the Fund from Goderich. The following letter. received by .Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson. explains itself: The Prisoriers of War Society, Toronto. Aug. 20th. 191e. Dear Mrs. Hutchinson, -1 have re- ceived your letter of the 19th enclosing cheque for $435.110. being proceeds of sale and fancy dress dance held in Goderich lately. This cheque in addition to the previous one for 1100. which was raised at the charity bridge held'rit'cently at ^Hotel he Sunset. 1 have placed to the a - Prisoners of War Society Inc., to be used _ for the relief of the. prisoners in GernwnY- Theere was a lame attendance at Vic - Oe ow g tofo the Society., 1 wish to toria street Methodist church cin Tuesday tnbuto,tau how grateful we are to all the con_ evening, when a social entertainment was in foe I ¢ warding s who so sant. Isfo oared given by the Epworth Leaguese. An excel - Thursday, September 12th EVERYBODY COME! THE LADS IN KHAKI •`over the Top" With Sergt, Em- CMUR(;M NOTES. 1 Thursday September 12th is to be C. P. R. Day in Goderich, to mark the s I The Presbytery t3( Huron will meet at anniversary of the opening of the Guelph ---- Egmondville on Tuesdayy, next. 10th int., and Goderich line. Sir George Bury, and thePresbyterial W M S also will th C P R Company'' day. September• 19th. at Victoria street occasion, and the Board of Trade is a lace, vice•pres rat of e meet the same day at the same P has been invited to visit the town on this i A musical evening will be given Thurs- m• k Methodist church, under the auspices of Ing arrangements to entertain tum and the Epworth League. Look for further other visitors. announcement. During the there will a Rev, J. H. Osterhout, the pastor, will public ceche afternoon on the Square, be a have charge of the nerved rooming and evening in Victoria street speeches by representatives of the town S evening a banquet will be held at Hotel es next Sunday Methodist church• unday school and and the adjourning country. and in the Bible class at 3 o'clock. Epworth League Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All wel- 1 LOSERT COLLINSON til c aird.' n at he reams /, West oppoWe the pose or:n,, on y7j5EPTFMBERt4th,at 2r m "aeatertsien tahle, ' fall -Teal . able, irs. bedroom and km hent bans. tg chain. 1 -ouch. 1 swing machine also an rece'lent walrut resat (ire.). s' ',tuitional, tattle. 1 Happy large sir No. v. bedroom sets h set, washstands and oressrrs 1 they articles too nuttier ..s• to Men - w-azdin; this amount. 1 forwarded you a nt program was rendered and those list of the contributions received from had a profitable and enjoyab le Goderich recently. which 1 trust you have Present pr received. Goderich people have been ea- time. pedally generous in their contnbutions. Services at St. George's church, Septem- W itb many thanks, ber to Holy communion, Si a. m.; morning Yours sincerely, prayer. 11 a. m.; evensong. 7 p. m.; Sun - Hugh hletcher, day school -infants' school, 10 a. m.; Trees. wain school, 3 p. in. Kindly note that to LINStiN. T GUN DRY. Auctioneer .n-21 SALE OF FARM STOCK HER ARTICLES. Following is t o from Goderich, tfling nearly Maple Leaf Cha 1. O. D. General Brough C ter,1.0. and Wonien's Institute......... 10 45I Knox Presbyterian Church .. ......42 20 R. G. Reynolds . _.- .......... .......300 A. M. Robertson __. 10 (b Charity bridge, Hotel Sunset 100100 Maple Leal Chapter. I. O. D. E. .25 00 Si . S,qCe s Church..._ Rev yEth. Ford cs0.op)le • Il :'.50 00 ac Tea and sale of work 349 ()0 i vices at North street Methodist church Fancy dress dance • • ' a) I ,oext Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, m vacation. Morn - The regular Meeting of the W. C. T. L. Ing subject: ' ComplementaryForces and nnext Their Results" Eve Ong '•W'hat is r. tions .00 the times of service have been revise° Mr. Robert James Harmer, 'Huron road, received the sad intelligence on Sat- urday that his son, Pte. Alfred Ray Harmer, had been killed in action August 19th. Pte. Harmer enlisted in the West and belonged to a mounted corps. This is the second son of Mr. Harmer whose lite has been given for the great cause. Mrs. Fred Stokes. East street. received word on Monday that her son. Pte. George Wilfred Stokes. had been admitted to hospital at Etaples, France, on August Sunset. 27th, suffering from a p. Pte PERSONAL MENTION, Stokes is the eldest son of Mrs. Stokes, whose husband also is overseas. father - - and son both having been members of the Huron Battalion. wounded hi Mr. Robert Reid, of Brantford. spent the holiday with friends here. Mr. Wm. Swaftield is on a visit to his son. J.B., at Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Vera Wiggins was home from De- troit for a few days the past week. Miss Fanny Smith. of Port Hope, is visiting her friend, Miss Ivy Elliott. Mr. Frank Townsend. of past week. Vent a few days in town the pa Pte. Otto Wray Lymburner, another of the Hurons, was admitted to the same hospital on the same day. with a gunshot wound in the right leg. The official noti- fication was received on Tuesday by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lymburner. ;pity Boosted for Model Theatre. Sergeant Arthur Guy Empey, veteran of the Somme, and author of the most famous of war books. "Over the Top, is coming to town. Manager Lauder of the Model Theatre announces that he has booked the Vltagraph superfeature, "Over the Top," which was made from Empey'a book. and the sergeant will be seen as the star of the production. This is probably the most important news which has come to local motion picture fans in an age, be cause they have all heard of Empey and want to see him. According to advance information received by Mr. Lauder, Em- pey will appear on the screen with all tot the magnetism that has made him one of the most notable personalities developed by the war. Albert E. Smith, president of the Vitagraph Company'. has pro- nounced him one of the greatest natural actors he ever saw, and he also says that Empey has been permitted to reenact n the'screen the thrilling moments he ex- perienced during the eighteen months he fought the Germane in France. Mr. Lauder says he will announce with- in a few days the dates when -Over the Top" and Empey will be seen at the .Model Theatre. Still another of the Hurons, Pte. Alfred Mrs Wm. Strachan spent last week at Benj. Kittn, is listed among the casual - the _old hours.Brantford visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chf- ties. His wife, Mrs. Lena Maud Kittn, t latenotification Foote.note Jas. Fofficial Rev.today the of The inductionford. received of Thedford, as minister of Coven Presby- \iiia May Stoddart has returned from that he had been admitted to hospital at tease cast week. Exeter, Rev. R. place Werner- day of last R. C.McDermid, a visit to her sister, Mrs.D. R. Witmer, St.I Polaugl August 27th suffering from of Goder ich. moderator of the Presbytery at Detrou. - of Huron. presided. Rev. S. McLean, of Miss Calle Adams, of Detroit. Mich, Egmondvides preached, Rev. Jas. Hamil- has been the guest of her friend, :Hiss ton, of Goderich, addressed the minister May Henderson of town. and Rev. S. A. Carriers. of Grand Bend. Miss, Edith Wiggins returned on Mon- day from a holiday trip to London. De- tw►4Namilton and Toronto. Gundry has 'been i.•t-ucted by to sell by 'public auet.,•n, on the o miles south ol Varna Shanley ii.o.. urpT EMBER bi p, tri.. sharp the plodwwm[ property: pair of agricultural t•Id,ngs, 1 1 general purpose petd;••c. 4 year% tlWrpo* mare. 11 years rid; I dnv- war+old. by Ora Wilkes. 1 driving 5,41 quiet and reliable; 1 :,ted doe - 1 2 -yew -old driving cob, by Mr. '-year-old geldings. 1 2 -year-old sold filly; 1 I -year -died gelding. blood by Tod winters; 1 heasy cost, by ;Orae purebred cow. A yeses old. pure- , arnonthe old: purebred hotel calf, 3 cow. 7 years old (newly -freshened); ws old, cow. t years;old. cow. to years a old sewers s 2 -yew -old heifers. 7 Dees; ,t 1-yearrild heifers; 9 spring ick old: also 4 purebred Shropshire about 'e hem. s. -Set of Was mounted team t of light double harness steel -tired arly-nes Portland cutter. Star Oak Capital 'cream !separator, 3 -burner no reserve. u the proprietor is gang 11 sun. of 110 anti under, gosh. over le 12 swaths' rredrt will be even on ed iolnt notes. A discount of or cash. ETD, T. GUNPkY, r. Auetiotter-r. 31.21 will be held in the Temperance Ha Monday at 3 p. m. The citizenship edu- cational program. sent out by the Prov- vincial t pion, will be give► . A11 women interested in their new responsibilities are invited to attend and take part. SALE OF FARM STOCK. CHARLES AND PETER FP-41ER public auction at lot d. concession 2. atop tine mile east o1 Benmdttl). SDAY. SEPTEMBER 17th. mg at 2 o'clock (statutory time): ✓ drift Marc. A years old Ay Storie- goldity, rising:4 yam old, by Met - m`, rain[ 3 pearl old. by Dorno .ral purpose gelding, mons 3 years purpose gelding. rimn{'2 years old: 1 7 years old. with calf at foot; 5 stolid apposed to be in calf; 3 t.o year- yearhnt steers. 3 yearling heiler.. 4 I liter of pigs, 5 weeks old; 14 goad es II sum% of $10 and under. rash; over ir marina' credit will be given approved joint notes. A discount straight miaowed for cash off credit odvertlse.l must he deposed of. se we have not barn room ANT/PETER UFNDRYRAuctiwieer. WANTED. WETRIiLLT6AYgwOandU $2 5p TO DIS literature• 0 your owYirfl commumtf. Ea once TIONAL BIBLEIPRE. yToron o. INTEL A• L IRLS WANTED. -APPLY lT GODERiCH KNITTING CO. FOR SALE. THE tact _1 HORSE FOR .SALE. -BAY GELD- iNG. might years old; weight about 1Jd, lbs. An raceptio ally good horse. G. M. K1DD., L"OR SALE. -A RADiAw. rNT Het preOME heater. ltt RS. W G. 111 EWAI , Nation Office a to M street. STRAWBERRY PLAN3S.FOR SALE. -Good variety. Now is the time to put them in. JOHN A. CHiSHOLM. Bruce etreet. Goderich. N SALE OF HOUSEHOLD TURE, FURNISHINGS. ETC. MRS. H. H. POTTS public awction at her residence, Gib- Goderrh, on )RSDAY, SEPTEMBER llth. mewing at 2 o'clock sharp. my Oafowdr„ok stove. 1 noel Anter, 2 .e.. 1 estrmoon table. 1 eight-day ellen tables., 5 washtubs. 4 kitchen 2 quarter-ent oak rocking ,. op, -rut eek dlninpoom chairs. et new), $centre table*. 1 pair Brat, 1 bed, 1 set springs 1 dresser. 1 doses large pictures 1 lawn mower. dishes and k,tthen-ware: half -clown mad curtains 5 all MI limps, 1 em (-des window amorea. I wrong ad.*r hi frW4 prrneetand empty aRy nem. e •rid a!, as Mm. Potts is eels* ap n worldliness:' -Why and How to Avoid it." The time for the evening service is changed to 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Adult Bible class in the audit- orium of the church. Subject. "Conquer- ing Evil." Boys and girls are asked to cc,me at 10 a. m. to organize the Mission Band. On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in North street Methodist church of workers representing the different co-oper- ating bodies entering into the evangelistic campaign' under the leadership of the Johnston evangelistic party now waking in the town of Wingham. They are ex- pected to begin work here on Sunday. October 6th. Rev. J. E. Ford was ap- pointed chairman of the central commit- tee and Mr. A. M. Robertson vice-chair- man. Mr. J. A. Campbell treasurer and Mrs. J. W. McWilliam and three chil- dren. of Seaforth.were past visiting M Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quigley Miss Gladys Hoggarth has returned to Detroit, having spent a month's vacation with her parents, of the Huron road. Clinton News -Record: Miss Marie Mc- Intosh, of Goderich, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh. Councillor T. R. Wallis returned yester- day from Toronto, where he was engaged for several weeks in building operations. Rev. Lr. Allan Seager and family re- turned to their home at Toronto yester- day after a month's visit here with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Seager. Mrs. C. M. Burton and dimity, who had been occupying their bungalow at the lake front during the summer months. left this week for their home at Detroit. Miss Dears Proudfoot. accompanied by her friends. Miss Conley of Detroit and Miss Rose of Stratford. is spending holi- days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. \1. Proudfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lobb and daugh- ter, of Saginaw, Mich:, ate visiting rel- atives in Goderich and Colborne town- ships. It is thirty-five years since Mr. Lobb left Goderich township. Mr. Ham. Martin, of Ottawa. is spend- ing holidays in town. Mrs. Martin and children. Misses Madeline and Janet and Master jack. have been here for several weeks visiting Mrs. Martin's mother, Niro committee will Methodist church NU. ANCook, of Toronto. accompanied Mr. H. R. Long secretary. This com- mittee is to be composed of three mem- bers from each of the co-operating bodies and also tthe chairmen of the different committees. Some of these chairmen were appointed as follows: Finance com- mittee. C. M. Robertson; entertainment committee, J. W. Vanatter; prayer -meet- ing committee. G. M. Elliott; publicity committee. Rev. J. H. Osterhout; mus- _ teal committee. Ca t. Fox; usher CAIID OF TIIANHS. committee. Walter ern.HThe next McIntosh.West street. meeting of the it be J. 'AIRS. OSMAN IS VERY GRATEFUL ♦ I. f« the many kind expressions of sympathy received in her bereavement by the death of her gallant husband. the late Private Alfred Osman. and desires in this way to espies% her sincere thanks for all the kindnesses the has received. PUBLIC NOTICE. I held in Victoria street o. Branton, delighted the on h Monday next. to complete the organ- cover. congregation of North street Metho- ization and to plan the work. dist church on Sunday by singing at both 7 he tioderich Orchestra. morning and evening services. Mr. Bran- ton sang here before as a boy soprano. r church, PUBLIC NOTICE In our business experience we have found that the hest way to obtain business is to be frank enough tui ark u kin for But of course in asking sur it. B t tense auMeient reason,. must he prig] vide(' to ,.how that we are entities' to it. Our stock is toady up of high- grade, nationally advertised goodie 7. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. Germans Still Retreating. The past week has seen a continuous series of Allied victories, and all along the line from Flanders to the Ves1c River the German armies are being pushed back. The great - est achievement of the week was that of the Canadians, assisted by Old Country troops, in smashing through the for- midable 1)rocourt-Qtleant line and opening the way to Cambrai. Allied troops are now within a few miles of that city. These successive defeats are seriously affecting the morale of the German forces, and military critics look for a with- drawal of the Kaiser's armies from a considerable area of French territory which they have occupied since 1914. BORN. MACMATH.-At H inside Fa -m, Goderich tows ship, on Saturday. August 24, to Mr and Mrs. s. R. Mac2lath, a daughter ,(race Douglass. ELLIOTT.-tddfirepst London. 011ptember 3rd. Lieut. and MR Euiott, a son passing, and who will cherish his memory as one of the noble Sons of the Dominion to h we so much. Mr. Archie 1 Auction sok-Mrs. Il. H. Potts .... ......... G whom they o .. RobertCollmwn. 1 Graham is a brother and Mrs Small a Card of Thanks- Mrs. Osman 1 Arthur and Mrs. W. R. Pinder of (rodeo Gard of Thanks -R. J Asquith, Auburn ..'d rich are asters. BANK OF*1ONTREAi. Farmers, who wish to receive prompt returns on shipments of Cattle, Grain, Fruit and Dairy Products, should draw on the con- signee through this bank. A Bank of Montreal Draft is presented promptly and remitted immediately on collection at lowest rates. A.W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch.