HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-29, Page 5THE SIGNAL - GODEItICH ONTARIO EAST STREET GARAGE The place that alway carries A FULL UNE OF SUPPLIES East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover "Owaed and Operated by Practical Maa" • 11 a man is really in love with a girl her I 'freckles are invisible. !I Hern's Grocery ! Owing to the high price, of package Tea and war tax. our BULK TEAS are especially good values at :elle. 60c, S.ic and 11.00 per Ib. We have a large tock of PURE CLOVER HONEY Neal's Aloafa Bread conies in fresh every day. TRY IT. W. HERN The Square Phone 43 LOCAL TOPICS !Mr. Jaa P. Thomson's store. where Min Craig has kindly undertaken to give than • out fur the Ahmetk Chapter. 1. 0. D. E.. to those who are willing to make these articles for the men on naval service. A Young Boy in Peril. Bert !.each, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leach, bad an experience yes- terday afternoon which he will not want to repeat. While playing with another boy near his home on 'Toronto street he climbed a telephone pole and when he got to the height of the electric Tight line he reached over to one of the wires to steady himself. The result was an elec- tric shock. and he found he could not II his hand away. His cries quickly brought a crowd of neighbors and passers- by. and. Mr. Harry Black climbed the telephone pole. but could not rescue the boy until word was sent to the powerhouse P. U. Hours on Labor Oa by telephone and the current was shut off. Day. A doctor was summoned, but the boy was The po:toffice will be open on Labor Lound to have suffered very little. It will Day for general delivery from 9 to 10 be some time, however. before he again o'clock in the morning and from 2 to 3 allows himself to be tied up in an aerial o'clock in the afternoon. perch. The Boys and Girls Are Helping. Mr. and Mrs. Leach were both down The Fun Club have handed Mr. George town at the tune. They would like to B thank those who tried to assist their son Porter $2.70 for the Red Cross, proceeds in his precarious position. of a children's concert given Wednesday evening. Master Thomas Cutt is press- Goderich Wins Again. dent of the Club and Mus Edna Cutt is The local baseball team is keeping up a good treasurer. gat and on Wednesday eveningde- School Reopens Tuesday. Bated Clinton on the Agricultural ark The public schools will reopen on Tues- diamond by the score of 12 -ti. There was a good crowd present. especially consider- ing the threatening weather. A feature of the game was the effective work of Jim Wiggins m the pitcher's box. He went In after the third innings and Clinton scored only twice for the rest of the game. The teams were: Clinton --Carrick. 1 1: McNeil. 3b; Murphy. as: Hawkins. c; Elliott. 2b; Hall. lb: Wiggins, c 1: Hall. r f; Cooper, p. Godench-W. Doyle. c: W. Lumby, p and 3b: J. Doyle. lb: J. Wiggins. 3b and p; J. Hume. c 1; B. Townsend. 2b: W. Babb, as; H. Aitchison, 1 1: T. Johnston. r 1. Score by innings: Goderich..2 2- 0 1 1 1 0 5 x-12 Clinton 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0- 6 Umpire -L. Seigman. The team goes to Stratford on Monday next for a game. Entitled to Legae:y- day and pupils should be in attendance on the opening day. The teaching staff has been completed by the engagement of Miss E. Bole, of N est Lorne, to teach junior primary and kindergarten work in Victoria school. Labor Day at Lucknow. Lucknow is having a big Labor Day celebration unties the management of tie fire brigade. the proceeds to be devoted to Red Cross work. An announcement of the program appears in another column. Many Goderich citizens will doubtless make the top to Lucknow to take in the doings next Monday: - Sailors' Week. The Navy League is the Red Cross of the Sea. There will be a public meeting in the Court house on Tuesday. Septem- ber ad, at ' p. m.. in connection with the work of the Navy Lm and the forth- coming campaign for su 'ptions. Rev. Dr. Conn. of London, Ont., will give an address on "How the Navy League•Helps the Sailor." Help Our Boys in the Navy. E. Hu3ahaural. Benmltter. The Society wishes to thank all those who so gener- ously helped to make the affair a success, particularly the ladies of Knox church. Mr. Pinder. Mrs. Saunders. Miss Colborne, Mwa Hume. Mr. Macgregor and Mr. Bert Cutt. Any who have plates teem at the tng to he Society will kindly lea store in Saittord. The following is a statement of proceeds and expenses: Gate receipts Contribution& . Salt of quilt . ... . Jitney service Sale of sausage. etc... Sale of ice cream, etc Total receipts E X1'el S. The following is from the Osgoode Hall notes of the past week: The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of Hamilton v. Walsh. -M. G. Cameron. K.C.. for plaintiffs. W. Proudfoot. K. C.. for defendants. Action for construction of will Timothy Tracey and for declara- All wishing to do so will find yarn for tion that plaintiffs, as residuary legatees. socks and caps, also cut-out pyjamas, at are entitled to the sum of $2.208.75 and interest. Judgment: There will be judge s0acs��as�ec5eCssMs REDUCTION SALE 1 l)F Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, Yearling Hens Over two-thirds o: thi, high-class breeding '.tock has been sold. THIS IS THE LAST CALL H. KEITH REVELL RID(>:CREST FARM Two pip - P • Orchestra.. _....... Butt K. J.er Walter. Cabbage Soft drinks. $318 00 15 2.5 30 25 19 35 19 60 124 55 $527 00 $ 81 96 430 10 00 , . 473 38 55 2 00 11 00 Teta! expenea, 1152 54 Tests of Milk and Water. Dr. Hunter, medical officer of health, re- ports results of an exam nation of milk from dairies distributing milk in the town of Goderich as issued by the Institute of Public Health at London. as follows: Bis - home at Calgary. Miss Leckie returned thea week to her home at St. Thomas after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Leckie. Mn. Leckie and Mrs_ Carrie accompatued her, the trip being made by auto. Rev. Dr. Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge left on Tuesday for a visit at South Bend, Indiana, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Shillingtose and her three children, who had been visiting here. Mr. Hilhary Horton, ofrtton, has sold his farm to Ms..0 John ndley. and las purchawtd Mr. John Duff s prop- erty on the Huron road. Mr. and Mrs. Horton will move to their new home in town this tall. Miss Johnston. Masters Gordon. Ken- neth and hubby and Mies May Ford kit for their home at Ottawa last Friday after spending the summer to town. They were accompanied as far as Toronto by Mies Jessie Ford. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Peckham, of Listo- wel. and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Carkitf. of Toronto, motored to town on Wednesday of last week and spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott. Miss Ethel Nairn and Miss Mary Clark left yesterday for Port Arthur, where they will take positions on the public school teaching staff of the city. They are making the trip by boat from Sarnia. Mr. E. G. Hugarth, of Windsor, arrived on Saturday to loin his wife and baby set Bros., butter fat 4 per cent.; John- Bernice, who heel boon visiting here ston Broa.,butter fat 3.90 per cent.: James for several weeks, and all left on You - butter fat 3.65 pet cent. On day ou the homeward Journey. the morning the samples were taken it was impossible to secure a sample from John Beattie, so there is no report for him on this occasion. The previous re- s on this dairy showed a presence of butter fat considerably over the Govern- ment and local municipal requirement. All these samples showed an absence of any preservative. It is interesting to add that a sample submitted from a single cow owned and fed by a private citizen showed aof only 2.80 per cent. of butter at. An analysts of the town report showing absence of waterreturns any harmful bacteria. Word has recently been received in town of the death of V. Norman Ann - sarong. eldest son of Mr. and Mr. S. T. Armstrong. of Neaten. Alberta. who was killed while riding a pony on June 25th. The lad was only ten years and, six -months of age. Mrs. Armstrong was 'formerly Miss Laura Brydges of Goderieh and the news of her bereave- ment will be received with regret by many friends here. went that plaintiffs are entitled to these moneys and to a lien on this money in the bank. less the part payable to the other legatees, about $30. and the court and bank interest it has earned. and'dir- ecting that the money on deposit in the bank and the interest thereon be paid in- to court to the credit of this action. The taxed costs of plaintiffs' solicitor will be paid out of this fund. \ sufficient sum to pay the legatees other than the three absent legatees in fwl in the terms of the will wit be paid out to Mr. Proudfoot for distribution if he will accept it and under- take to distribute; if not. it will remain in court. subject to further order. 1f the amount is not agreed on i will determine it upon submission of further data. It is still possible that one or all of these leg- atees may yet be living. Subject to these payments or deductions. the money In quesuon will be paid out to the plaintiffs upon their filing in court thew undertak- ing under their corporate seal to abate by and perform such order as the court may hereafter make for repayment or ac- counting in case it should hereafter be shown that these legatees or any of them survived the testator. Stay for fifteen days. FACE TO FALT-. with one of the enlargements we make from small kodak prints or old photographs, you will be surprised at the wonderful develop' !! ments of photography. Let us have your work in this line and prove to you how well we iXr do PHOTOGRAPH ENLARGING. LOCXOCXXXXXXX3C041=X=Cj 1 J. T. FELL 111 11x1111xx■x■1011■■■■■■■R■1111■11A11$■■111■1♦■X■■S■ III MODEL THEATRE iit;r im OBITUARY. 1 Mrs. Anton Rees and son, Rev. Father C. Rees, of St. Louis, and Mrs. Alois J. Rees and daughter, of Detroit, are visit- ing Mrs. Anton Rees' mother and sisters. Mrs. and Miss W yld, Bruce street, Gode- rich, and Mrs. Henry Young, Porter's Hill, and relatives in Stanley township. Mr. Earl Elliott returned last week from Kingston. where he was taking a summer course at Queen's University. With a fellow -student, he carne as far as Brantford by auto, crossing over to the State of New York and making the trip by, way of Syracuse and Buffalo. Allan Blair, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Blair of Regina, formerly of Goderich. . made a beef visit to town last week. He had been attending a Boys' Conference at Orillia, in connection with Y. 1V1. C. A. work. fila elder brother, Wilfnd, is with the army in France. SMITH. -The late William Franklin Smith. whose death occurred at Swift Current, Sask., on T'hurwtay}'. August 22nd. was Bairn about sixty -flue years ago in Goderich and lived here nearly all his lite. He was aesdciat'd for many years with his brother Arthur in the leather business.. succeeding his father. the late W. G. Smith. in the conduct of the tannery on Waterloo street. He we* identified for over a quarter of a century with musical af- fairs in re derich and was leader of the town band, in connection with the Goderich Musical Society. for many years. Some time after the deatth of hie wife. about seven years ag went to live with - his daughter at Owift Current, c* Meg back to Gode- rich on one or tw e oecaMone to spend the winter. He had not been la the best of health for some time, but his death came suddenly and unexpectedly. He leaves one daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) Allison, of Swift Current. and one son, Charles. who is at Portland. Ore- gon: also one brother, Arthur, of town, who is now the stile survivor of a fam- ily of ave. The remains were brought to Goderich and the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the resi- dence of his brother, Arthur street, to Maitland cemetery. Rev. J. E. Ford conducted the services and the pall- bearers were Messrs. Geo. Stewart, C. A. Nairn. Chas. Black and W. H. Rob- ertson, who were associated with the deceased in past years as members of the Goderich Musical Society. Mrs. Allison accompanied the remains of her father from Swift Current and will be in town for a few days. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Hildred McColl is visiting at onto. Mr. W. T. Millar is spending a few days The Saltford Garden Party. At the Red Cross garden party held at Saltford Heights on August 14 the workers realized for their labor an approximate sum of 1375. Owing to the fact that no candy and a very small amount of fancy work were sold. the proceeds realized are slightly less than last year. The lucky ticket for the quilt was held by Mr. THE HOME OF GOOD GLASSES Vr �AtTRIs AND Meal J -'OPTICIAN) ..Ian Al' 1N[ 1031 01M% ",air rale( IG uLIPH. Where Poor Eyes and Good Glomes Meet. • TIUUDAY, Aro. 29, 1818 5 j -- AfellTAt- • iiESIC lrw-58 000 TTAfL: A14ETS - •I$C1000000 1 MONEY IN CATTLE National demands make it rowans! that tours catttegre raised im srtliutely. '• We moat go on or go lihdcr " -the sweet way to go under is by tot keepiageee Allied snake led. The profit of f leieg cattle is ewarnous cut account et the pricdi,wow prevailing amid rhea will continue high evedtk(ler the war. Raise snore cattle aa a shAr to the nation and your bank account. If 6nancia?Mlp is required, enema our local !manager. UNION BANK OF CANADA FAD OFFICE WiNN»YEG. MAN. all l GODERICH BRANCH, 1! F. WOIOLLCOMBE, MNaaagar• - llo.- Reynolds. 20 pairs; Miss Ball, 12 pain; Mrs. McMath. 10 pairs; Mrs. W. L. Hor- ton. 9 parrs: Mrs. Bishop. 8 pairs; Ura Ball. 7 pairs; Mrs. C. C. Lee. as Matheson, 6 pairs each; Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. C. Girvin, Mrs. Rhynes, Mrs. Mc- Kinnon, Mrs. Hillier. Mrs. W. C. Prid- ham, 5 pairs each; Mrs. Garrew. Mrs. R. J. Acheson, Miss G. Sault& Miss Far- row, Mrs. McKim. Mrs. Weller. Mrs. Button, Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. G. E. Hill. 4 pairs each; Mrs. Howell, sr., Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Mts. Sinclair, Mrs. Felker, Miss Whitely, Miss Dickson,.. Mrs. Graeme Cameron, Mrs. P. Fraser, Mrs. MacEwan, sr.. Mrs. John Sturdy. Mics Elder. :3 pairs each; Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Leitch, Mrs. Woods, Miss E. Draper, Mrs. A. Murray. sr., Miss S. Clark, Mrs. Bullard. Mrs. H. Morris. Mrs. Sedgewick, Miss G. Porter. Mrs. Goldthorpe. sr., Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwan, Mrs. Dickson. Mrs. J. Lynn, Mrs. W. Green, Miss M. Ait- ken, Mrs. S. Andrews. Mrs. Morrish. Miss C. Dark. Mrs. 8. Hoggarth. Miss B. Porter. Mrs. Hincks, Mrs. Coats, Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Mrs. J. Clark. 2 pairs each; Miss R. Stothers, Miss 0. Golei- thorpe. Mrs. W. Lee. Mrs. Woolkombe, Mist Woollcombe, Miss S. Dark, Mrs. Jack Chisholm, Mrs. MacDougall, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Jno. J. Graham. Mrs. Swaffield, Mrs. Horton, sr.. Mrs. Thos. Bell, 1 pair each. i Since January, 1918. 2034 pairs of socks have been hand -knitted and sent in to our Red Cross ro .ms and forwarded to London. last month's shipment was quite small, only 130 pairs bang sent. This was no doubt due to the excessive heat. The committee is very anxious to make a big shipment next month and hopes for the hearty co-operation of our atting ladies. Mr. Alf. Cook, of Toronto, will he in town over Sunday and is expected to sing in North street: Methodist church. Mr. Cook is so well known in Goderich, having spent several years here teaching music, that no doubt his many friends will be glad to hear him again. Master Geo. Branton, the boy singer of Toronto. wilt accompany Mr. Cook and will likely sing at one of the services. Mrs. W. W. Milton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitton and daughter, of Rrdgetown, and Rev. W. C. McNevin and Mrs. Me(Vevin, of Edmonton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Yates for a few days the past week. Mr. McNevin, who is pastor of Grace church, Fdmonton, occupied the pulpit of North street Methodist church Sunday evening, preaching very accept- ably. ■ ■ GOLDWYN X PRESENTS MAE MARSH ]N IN- ■ ■ BY IRVIN S. COBB 1/ A fast-moving drama of thrills and suspense -The story of the girl who knew things detectives couldn't even guess at "The Face in the Dark', Monday and Tuesday Sept. 2, 3 111 ADMISSION 20c CHILDREN isc Itx•■■■r■/■■1K■■■■■■1R■1[11)ri1i1K■■/111■■■lA■■10NIN■1N RED CROSS NOTES. The monthly meeting of the Red Cries Society was held in the jury room of the court bouse on August 26th. with Mrs. Colborne in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A letter regarding prisoners of war was read and the matter discussed. It was moved by Mr. Robertson and seconded by Mr. Porter that expenditures to the fol- lowing amounts be authorized: Yarn committee, $450; sewing committee, $150; head office, Toronto. $100. • The financial report was as follows: Receipts: Mrs. Chamberlain. Toronto. 11.00; Women's War Association, refund from county, $180; W. J. Pasrnore, 125; Christ church, Port Albert, $15, waif, collections. 1227.54 tat. George's $52.:.(i. St. David's $46.11, St. Andrew's 142.73. St. Patrick's 186.15), making total re- ceipts 1448.34. Balance from last month. 1602.5.5. Expenditures for August, $199.45; balance available for next month, $851.64. Report of sewing cununittee Shipment for August - 23 dressing gowns 31 suits pyjamas . 12 stretcher caps 17 day shirts 180 pre. socks I knitted helmet Tor - ;4 f A Fall Term frost:Se$t34 CENTRAL 8T NAT ION D. ONT.s'. Thr call for l.raiuwl h dip is gneater now than ever before in the hi t.ry of Canada. Our graduate+ arse ..ecuring splendid pr sltioas. We have 1'4) ...... Pr( ial, sitiorthansl and, Telegraph departments. 11 you purpose taking A hlwine•r.' col- lege rrours, during fall or wintee ntantha, _write now for cue fres, eaWogue. D. A. Mi;r.Ai:H1.AN, Prim ipal. It is said that distance lends enchant- ment to the view, but the theory falls down when applied to pay day. THE GODERICH MARKETS. TNuaso*Tr Ayala n. Wheat. Per burp 'I* ri g 1 le Oats, per bu* .311 21Q1 B erlet'. per burn t Ila( M see`{ P0/404.11011. bo.h fa 105 B uckwheat, per tush.. ...... . L Flour, family. !•crew[ Ste75 • r.05 near, patent, per ewe Bran, gorilla 354 .45 U MN 3horta per ton .......... t ..... 12* to 0.0 to tl. H ay. per lar 111.00 ' (raw. loo.e. per ten 5.4)0 tl.00 s.se Dalry Butter. per lb .... 3. a ..42 42 rYaanrer, Butter per Ib 40 to .46 N ov, (nab. per dos Potatoes. new . per bush 1 2, to 1.26 ('sole. buteben.' °holes, ••r cwt 11 40 to 12.05 Vettla, butchers' wadiuo,per cwt 10.44) to 11.1111 Owes the wei0At, per ewe 15.0 he 1a.N Bider. per lb r Tinier/. rendered, per Ib.tl to.1a 'SAMprkin°. to to 1657 Wool. uoo to uwe.b'd. per lb .a3 to .67 washed. per Ib. . at Toronto. Dr. Mabee spent the week -end with friends at Port Stanley. Mr. L. L. Knox is spending a few days at Toronto. Mrs. G. E. Colborne is visiting her parents at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toole have returned from atrip to Toronto and Niagara. Rev. W. A. Shannon, of Tennessee, is in town on his annual holiday visit. Miss Cameron has returned from a holiday trip on the lakes. Miss Helen Webb is visiting her sister. Mrs. Seigner, at Stretford for a few days. Pte. Scott McNally. C. A. M. C., is home from Petawawa Camp for a few days. Miss Bruce. of Calgary. was the ^nest of her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Colborne, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Runciman, of Stratford, are visiting in town and vicinity. Mrs. Matthew Farrish and children, of Ypsilanti. Mich., are visiting Mee. John Farrish, of town. Misses Donna and Norma Stevens. fo Clinton, spent the past week with their cousin, Miss Lilian Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Leckie have re- turned from a motor trip to Kincardine, Port Elgin and other northern towns. Mrs. R. C. Poatelethwaite and Miss is- ms Thompson are taking in the sights of the Exhibition at Toronto. Mrs. W. L Horton and Miss Ball have returned from a holiday trip to Minnicng and Port Colborne. Mr. Rnbt. Johnston. of the Bayfield road. was at Toronto this week nn busi- ness. and also attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs: F. G. Eagle and sorra, of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Eagle's father, Mr. William Camp- bell. Mrs. James Yates has gone to Kings- ville to attend the wedding of her niece, Mise Jean i.enentine, which takes place next Monday. Mrs. 11. P. Clearihue and children, Mies Kathleen and Master Winfred. are spend- ing a week at Toronto. They will be In (;odench again before returning to their $ Total Britannia Branch - 12 Turkish towels, value, $5.40. it was moved by Mr. Robertson and seconded by Mr. Porter that a life -mem- bership pin and certificate he presented to Mr. Pritchard. it was decided to send a representative to the Huron County Red Cross and War Contingent Association,- meeting to be held in Clinton on Friday . August ;30th. A vote of thanks was passed to all those who kindly contributed to this month's funds. The meeting then adjourned. The Society thankfully acknowledges the following contributions of socks, all hand -knitted: A Friend. 28 pairs; Mrs. was: 172..'10 77.50 6.00 5100 225.00 1.00 $533.00 leartigit is R helmet ion of the face. Uric: Aced left in the blood by disordered kidney+ lodge, along the nerve which brats hes from lite eye over the forehead, and across the cheek 10 the side of the now. The CA(TC is the same as in ail Rhcnmatism--- ilieoniervd K.dney,k. The cure is like. weep tho same-- Dodd's Kidney PillS A Matter of Taste Tastes differ in regard to almost everything, Ari especially with regard to clothes. We endeavor to recognize the jndgnleat and snit the taste of each one of our cua:toorets, knowing that only in this way can we give 4 (lol- plcte satisfaction. Will you come in and sire cur selection of goods for men's wear lot the . e in ing Fall ? R. J.Armstrong MLi4CflANT TAILOR (truth `•ide Square. ai.stv'reh i 4 Following the sun with WRIGLEik Vision, for a moment, those far off ports beyond the trackless seas - From Arctic ice. to the torrid lands beneath the Southern Cross - From towns tucked in the mountains. to the busy river's mouth - WRIGLEY'S is there! There. because men find comfort and refreshment In Its continued use. Because of its benefits and because MADE IN CANADA SEALED TIGHT - KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts! "After Every MAI" a