HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-22, Page 1ohalleaniffiewhOWWISMAMneweireetseeMaseesen The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 cents. ail/$tlyY-FIRST YEAR -No Ind The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 cents. 'ODK$ICR. ONTLRIt THURSDAY. AUG. 22 1918 A LETTkR FROM THE QUEam. THE STERLING BAN4K u OF CAN. SAVE, Because - Economy makes happy homes and a sound nation. TINDERS WANTED. WANTED. -A GIRD SIIIDENT TO room and board in 'poet. well situated )res. APO), at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. TVANTED.-A GIRL TO\ LEARN typesetting One who has atteaded Col tumorInstitute preferred. Apply at THE SIGNAL. TEACHER WANTED. -S. S. NO. 17. 11 Aahheld. Duties to commence atter sum- ma huodays. Andy statin` salary and aspens rany) to W Jrm. BLACK, R. R. No. 1, pardta. 27-t I (IIRLS WANTED. -APPLY THE GODERICH KNITTING CO. la.tt WANTED AT THF. GODERICH ORGAN COMPANY, LTD. A foreman for shippingdepart- ment. Boys to learn organ action making and case trimming. Apprentices for finishing room and cabinet makers. WANTED. RASPBERRIES ,- GARDEN BEANS • AND BEETS at the Canning Factory. Hann Canning & Evaporating Co. CARD OF THANES. MRS. HERBERT POTTS WISHES totxpreu her der gratitude to her neigh - bora, the members of Huron Lode, No. e22, 1. 0. O. F. the members of the Godench ba .bail dub. the employees of the Goderich Elevator Company and others who IS kindly sent flowers and extended kindness and sympathy in her be- reavement by the death of her beloved husband. FOE SALE. BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE. )Never in the history of the Swine Breeding In- dustry has the outlook for the future been is cheerful as it is at the Resent time. The best obtainable statistics show a steady falling rill of the pork supply since 1910. This condition is shown by :he increased prices for hogs. both for Herders and packers It is going to take. long time to ret+tahlish stability to the swine world, owing to the falling oe in supply. the growing demand, and the conse- quent general high pricer. The improvement on the Chester White and the creation of the distinct 0. 1. C type wai accomplished by crossing on the Chester White another breed of hog which was about what is now known in England as the Mammoth Whitt. This cross was made by Mr. L. B. Silver, of Salem. thio, in .tat[. Mr. Silver thereby became the originator of the O. 1. C. Hog. Since that day Mr. L. B Silver .nd his successors have worked continuously to improve the 0. 1. C. Hopi by artentifk Heeding and development. producing ■ sat of -super Heed" of the white hog. while other Heerlens have sought to improve their Chester White stock by introducing 0. 1. C. blood. and have succeeded to a greater or ler extent. _�- We have some choice Boars and Sows of this breed for sale. GODERiCH POULTRY FARM G. M. KIDD. Prop. 'Phone 44. Goderich, Ont. Think, but Act! Many people. when asked to in- sure, say :-"I want to think itover." A writer pointedly replies: -171 give you something else to think over. If the tail man with the big scythe and the long beard happens to tap on your window pane some night soon, will you sit up in bed and lay to him: - ••1 want to think this over. I've got a life insurance deal on that i want to pat through. ('ro away until I make op my mind." But he will not go away. Now you think that over. -Prom The Bulletin. Robertson (r Woods AM F1'ITS The Mahal Life Marasco Co. of Canaria• MAIL ONTRA CT. SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Pat• master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday. the thirteenth day of September, 1114 for the conveyance o1 Hr Majestys Mare on a proposed Contract for lour years, ata times per week. OVER AUBURN/NO. 1 RURAL ROC TE, Iron. the tat day ol January. 1)411. Pnntad Deuces containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank form. of Tender may be obtaraed at tier Post Offices of Auburn Blyth and Gode- rich, and at the edict a the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS E H. FISHER, Pot Office Inspector. POSTOFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. London..•ud August, 191a. 2a -3t. MAIL CONTRA(N. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post- master General. sill be received at Ottaytra Haul noon, on Friday, the thsteenth day of 4ptem- her 1910. for the conveyance of Ho Majesty's Mads. on a proposed Contract for four yeat., ser times per week,_ I OVER AUBURN NO. 3 RURAL ROUTE, from the let Janutigy, 1919. Printed not col *attaining farther inlor malum 11 to tum- of proposed Contract may ba seen and nk tum. ed Tended limy be obtained at the Post Oft.:es of AWfroylItyth and Ovide- rieh. and at the *ram rbc Office !neon - tor, London. CHAS R H FISHER, Post Office Inspector. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. London. Gid Austral, tti-3t M AI L CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Post - truster General. will t.e received at Ottawa until noon on Friday. the tort .nth day of September, 191a, for the conveyance of His Majesty s Mails. on a proposed Contract for lour years. six times per week ao the LUCKNOW NO.6RURAL ROUTE. horn the 1st W January nest. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office& of Lucknow, Holyrood and White- church and at the office of the Pot Office In- spector, o-spector, London. CHAS+ E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. POSTIOFF ICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, London. Ind Augu.t,1911t. rot MAIL CONTRACT. Mrs. Reynolds Receives a Mesesge of Appreciation from Her Majesty. Mra Reynolds,Godench's blind knit - ter, received today a letter from He r Majesty Queen Mary conveying an et- prestpon of appreciation of her work for the soldiers. The letter is as follows: Buckingham Palace. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the ;Post- master General will be received at Ottawa Until noon on Friday, the thirteenth day of September. 1918, for the conveyance of His Majesty s Mals. on a proposed Contract for four years, six tines per week on the LUCKNOW NO. 3',R URAL ROUTE. from the 1st of January neat. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of lender may be obtained at the Pat Offices of Lucknow. Holyrood and Whitechurch, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector. London. CHAS. E. Ir FISHER. Post Office Inspector. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, Loudon. 2nd August, 1918. 27 -at MAIL CONTRACT. gust, 191st Madam, -The Queen is interested to hear about the splendid work you have been doing in knitting such a large BUnt- ber of socks for our [oldie s, and Her Majesty heartily congratulates you on your patriotic efforts. The Queen feels sure that these gifts made by your own hands canna fail to give great satisfaction to our aoldiers. and Her Majesty trusts that, in spite of your advanced years and loss of sight, you may have strength and courage to con- t nue your useful labor's. Iam. ' Yours faithfully, . Edward Wallington. Private Secretary tp H. M. The Queen. Mrs. Reynolds Sr. From the fust of February, 1915; to the end of July this year Mrs. Reynolds knitted 738 pairs of soaks, most of which were forwarded to the soldiers through the Red Cross. She is still at 1t. SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Post- maater GeneraL will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the twentieth dayd Septemer t. 1918. Inc tits conveyance o1 His ajesty's Mails, on • proposed Contract for ,four years, six time. per week. OVER GODERICH NO. 4 RURAL ROUTE. from the tat day of January, 1919. Printed notifies containing further information as to conditions ol proposed Contract may be seen and blank form of Tender may he obtained at the Post Office. of Goderich, Hof nen- vin, and Sheppardtrm and pts he office of the rt Post Office iospeor.t.ondon. CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Pat ORSaapp POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'SOFFICE, London. etl•A*gust. 1919. 27-81 I/Ug1c- FIRE IN COLBORNE. Peter Fisher, of Maitland Coocesaido, Loses Baro and Season's Crop. During the violent electrical storm of Wednesdayafterncon the barn of Peter Fisher. Maitland concession of Cplborne, was struck by the lightning about 5.30 o'clock. The fire which resulted des- troyed the barn and its contents. incited- ing this season's crops. The driving shed and other buildings were saved. A new wagon was burned but practically all the implements and live stock were saved. The loss is partly covered by Insurance. 4 NNd tQUNCEMENT.-THE SISTERS zit . Joseph are re -opening their monk clams in piano sad theoretical subjects. Pupils are prepped for the examinations set bythe Toronto or the London Conservatory of atic sad an hoe to affiliate with either stand. Studeata inlay anti. et any time. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. JAS. H; JOHNSTON will sell sr pubis:Shut:ion. at lot W. H. 24, con- cession 3, West Wawaoosb, un WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER it h, at 1 p m. One heavy draft team. 4 and 5 years old; Ill. Wavy draft mare, supposed to be to foal; 1 cow. 6 year. old. supposed to calve to Apnl; 1 cow. e years old. supposed to calve in May; ii one -year- old calve.. 2 spring calves, 7', young bens, 1(01 .nag ch.ckena 1 Ideal [kering binder, 1 Deering mower. 1 nearly -weir McCormick "ha rake, �}a� drill. 1 act term harrows, 1 No. 2 rtettn Plow; I Mon9Wt. 1 Chatham omen. 1 art platterm rates. 2100 lbs 1 hay rack. 1 top buggy. 1 Watson cutting box and carriers- 1 root pulper. 1 tanning mill. 1 hay car rope lora an ,, Hing.. I sap pan, 1% Rap pails. 1 sap trough, 1 nearly -new art team harness- 1 Daisy churn. 1 Malone cream separator. 1 heating stove and quantity of pipe. 1 nearly -new It -octave Dominion organ. 2 enttnaton tables. 1 kitchen cupboard, 1 music Sandi 1 bookcase. forks, scythes chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. TIM IS All sums of 1110 and under, cash; over that amount, a months' credit given on ap- proved joint notes. or a discount at rate o1 6 per cent. per. annum will be allowed fax cash on credit amounts. Everything must be disposed. of, as Ow pro- prietor ie leaving the farm. JAS. H. JOHNSTON. THOS. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Acct ,oneer. . 21-21 LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 1'., between Anglesea Street. Goderich. and Carlow, a knitting bag Finder please return to MRS. GEO. PRiCE, Anglesey street, Goderich. FOR SALE 011 RENT. VOR RENT. -SMALL COMFORT- ABLE COTTAGE in central locality Ap- ply to MR. F. WOOLLCOMBE, Union Bank, Goderich. PA( • THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Pt•stratums. THE LADS IN KHAKI. LARM FOR SALE. -FIFTY ACRES, ' Wen` north quarter of lot 4. concession 9. W. D. Ashfield. Mick house and large basement barn Good orchard, well watered :with spring creek; rural mail and telephone. For p.nticulars appy to MRS. MARGARET FARRISH, Gode- rich, or KENNETH PARRISH, R. R. No. 7. Lucknow, Ont.: 27-31 "the recent fighting in France in which' the Canadian troops had such brilliant success has had its expected sequel in heavy casualty lista Goderich has its share in the tale of glory and sorrow, several of our gallant boys being in the list of wounded and at least two having made the supreme sacrifice. F. r the wounded the people of the old home town wish ease from pain and a happy recov- ery. To those whose lives have gone out they can only pay the tribute of gratitude and admiration for their heroic self- sacrifice and of sympathy for the bereaved families who mourn the loss of a loved sun and brother. Pte. Harvey McCluskey. Mr. and Mrs. James McCluskey, St. Andrew's street, on Monday received a telegram stating tbat their son, Pte. Harvey McCluskey, was dangerously ill at No. 5 general hospital. Rouen, having on August 14 received a gunshot wound in the abdomen. On Tuesday afternoon another message came announc- ing that he had died of his wounds. Pte. McCloskey wasaG.0 1.ex student,having finished his commercial course only a short time before enlisting in the 161st Battalion. At that time he was only seventeen years of age, and at his death he was three months short of twenty years of age. He had been .n France sant last February. FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES IN West Wawarosh, near Dungannon. Seventy acres under cultivation. remainder m bush and pasture. Buildings to good condition. Price and term reasonable The wood on the place it sold would meet the purchase price of the farm. 111 -health of owner reason for selling. For further particulars apply to THE SIGNAL, Goderch. 1641. LARM FOR SALE. -TWENTY-FIVE saes, in Colborne township. seven miles from Godench. An ideal place to live. To be add on easy terms. Apply to THOS. GUNDRY, auctioneer. Goderch. 12-tf To RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE - ROOM dwelling to connection therewith. Apply to W. E. KELLY. rOR SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE. with all conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS - LM, Trafalgar street. 03-9 PUBLIC NOTICE. OTiCE.-(F THE PARTY WHO toot the tricycle from in front of D. M. 'Brian's store. East street. on Saturday night tat does not return tame at once, the matter will be placed in the hands Of the police. DR. F. J. R. FDRSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, asshtant et Moorefield'• Eye Hospital and Golden Square Thrat Hos- pital, London. Eng. to Waterloo St. 5.. Stratford. Telephone lia7 TOWN OF GODERiCH. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. Bomb Lewis E. Robinson. Mrs. Alen. Robiaeon, East street, re- ceived word on Tuesday night that her eldest son. Bomb. Lewis E. Robinson, was killed on August 10th. No further particulars as yet have been received. Bomb. Robinson enlisted on May 28th. 1917. at Windsor with the artillery and afterwards trained at London, Guelph and Petawawa camps He went overseas in November and to France on February 13th, 1918. Another brother. Pte. W.J. Robinson. has been a prisoner in Ger- many for over two years. This is the third death in five months In the family, as the young man's father died in March and a nephew shortly afterwards. Word was received on Friday that GUNNER CLIFFORD WEaB. son of Mrs. Thos. Webb of towel. had been admitted to No. 11 stationary hospital at Rouen with a gunshot wound in his right leg. Lewis' "Cliff" went aver n 1916 with one of Lt. Cd. its keen Guelph and kid been in F a year aryl a -half. He was througlf several stiff engagements but had neva been wounded before. The town of Goderich is desirnue of completing` the Honor Roll of throe who, claiming Goderich for their home town. enlisted in the Canadian .troy and went to serve King and country List. of those who are already noted are in the Town Hall with the Clerk, L. 1. Knos, Esq, who will take additional nomas, also . Ades Fowler, up to the Iw1 day of A, oat. 1919. The Signal for your Job Printing. DR. W. F. CLARK. (:hairman of Special Commit tee. Mr. John MacDonald, Perii street, re- ceived word on Monday that his son, PTE. ALBERT HENRY MACDONALD., was admitted to No. 3 Canadian general hos- pital at Boulogne on August 13, suffering from a gunshot wound in the right but- tock and side. Pte. MacDonald enlisted at Goderich in the bugle band of the 161st Battalion. but on crossing overseas was transferred to the infantry. Another brother, Eddie, went overseas with the 71st Battalion. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Essex street, received the information on Tuesday that their son, PTE. JAMES TAY - Lop, was admited to No. 2 Canadian gen- eral hospital, Letreport, France, on Au- gust 9, with gunshot wounds and the left arm fractured. Pte. Taylor enlisted and went overseas with the 181st Battalion. seas since 1916. On August 13 he was admitted to Queen Mary's military hos- pital. Whalley, Lancaster. suffering from gunshot wounds in the right leg. PTE. THOS. KELL, 'who was reported wounded this week, is a arm of Mrs. Jane Kell, Britannia road. He has been over - Reports were received Wednesday morning of three more 161st Battalion men wounded, in the persons of Sergeant A. Herbert Jane and Ptes. William Har- old McGretten and Allen Jasper Brindley. SERGEANT JANE was admitted to No. 18 Canadian general hospital, Letreport, or August 13, with a gunshot wound In his left arm. He is a veteran of the South African war and before going overseas with the 161st Battalion carried on a draying busines in town. His wife and little daughter live on East street., Pm. HAROLD MCGRATTEN is the third son of Mrs. McGratten, Bruce street. to be wounded at the front. Two yo brothers have already returned home. He was admitted to No. 1 South general bus- pltal. Edgbaston, Birmingham Englanee, on August 16, with. a gunshot wound in the head. . PTE. JASPER BRINDLEY was sent to No. 11 stationary hospital, Rouen, on August 13 suffering from gunshot wounds in the right leg and side. He is the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. WmBrindley of town. An Ottawa despatch. dated August 19, says: "Advices received here state that Private H. B. Guest, a former member of the Ottawa Press Gallery. has been wounded in action in France. Private Guest sustained a gunshot wound in the elbow. Previous to enlisting Pte. Guest was the Ottawa representative of The Montreal Daily Mail and The Montreal Evening News. His relatives reside in Winnipeg." Pte. Guest is a former Goderich boy, a nephew oY Mrs. Sinclair, Britannia road. He gave up a good position to enlist, and although at first rejected he persisted un- til he was allowed to don the khaki Capt. H. P. Edge, reported wounded, re a non of Mrs. Edge 01 Toronto and of the lute Rev. Joseph Edge, at one time pastor of North street Methodist church. Goderich. Before enlisting ('apt. Edge was a young barrister in Toronto. Lieut. W. L. K. Williams, better known in Goderich as Commodore Wil- liams, is reported wounded for the sec- ond time. He is the younger son of Mr. R. 8. Williams. 5.5 Lonsdale roar), To- ronto. formerly manager of the Goderich branch of the Bank of Commerce. The report received is that he was wounded in the right arm and both legs on Aug - u4 Stat. In Novcruber, 1916, he was wounded in the arm. His brother, like's. Heyees Williams. la to the naval service. The relatives of Pte. Robert Redferr, recently reported wounded. have had letters from him Intimating that the wound was not a serious one. He was in hospital for a week and was then removed to a convalescent station. 1 Major (Dr.) A. Harold Taylor, of the Canadian Army Medical Corp*. arriv'ed in town on Saturday on a visit to his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor. He has been engaged the last eight months in medical work on the hospital ship Araguaya, and had an opportunity to come rap from Halifax to spend a few days at home. It is the first time he has been in Goderich for nearly five years. He was at Calgary when war broke out and went overseas with the Brat contingent. He was in the front line for over a year as a medical officer and in 1916 was awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous valor on the bat: tlefeld. His many friends here have been delighted to see hiui during his brief stay in town. Goderich Fuel Supply Cut. TO OUR CITIZENS, - The coal dealers and your local Fuel Committee have received word from the Fuel Administrator for Ontario, Mr. R. C. Harris, City Hall, Toronto, that the anthracite coal allotment for Goderich has been reduced by one thousand tons. The outlook is none too good, as the amount now assigned to tis is about what we received last season, 1917-18, and you all remember too well our experiences then. This allotment is based on the mutual understanding made by the United States Fuel Commissioner and our Canadian Fuel Controller, so there is no use saying that if the dealers or the town officials had been more energetic they could have got more hard coal. Our concern is to see that we get our full allotment, and all the pressure that is possible is being exerted on the coal companies by the, Fuel Administrator to deliver us our share. The cutting of our supply means that we shall have to snake up the deficiency with soft coal or wood. The amount of soft coal required will be 1,500 tons, with a greater amount of wood if it is used as an equivalent. It will be absolutely necessary that each household burn at least a ton of soft coal or a like amount of wood, and to this end we advise you to place your order now and accept delivery of a small amount of either soft coal or wood. We shall need the hearty co-operation of every citizen with the dealers and your Committee in order that we may avoid an acute situation such as we had last winter. We are instructing the dealers that they are not to supply the full requirement of hard coal to any one customer and in supplying hard coal to insist that the customer take at least a ton of soft coal or a like amount of wood. The dealers have on hand ample serppplies of soft coal and wood, The town will have wood for sale about December 1st. Hoping that we may have the co-operation of all citizens, we are, Your FUEL COMMITTEE: J. C. LAITHWAITE (Reeve). ' R. C. Po4TLETHWAITE (Chief of Police). E. R. Wtot* (Mayor), Chairman. Goderich, August 21, 1918, IN M[MORIAM. 2nd LIEUT. F.J. FOSTER. R. F. C. In proud and loving memory of 2nd Lieut. Frank 1. Foster. R. F, C., eldest son of Mr. and Mra. A. Foster, Goderich. who made his last flight, "somewhere in France," August 23. 1917. ' Greater love hath no man than this. that a man lay down his life for his friends." -Father. Mother, Enters and Brother. Pte. Harry Symonds. of the hospital ship Araguaya, is Moue from. Halifax on a few days' leave this week. °Pte. Symonds enlisted fn the A. M. C. at London in )lay, 1917, and was Rent to England a few months later. in the spring of this year he was ordered to report at Liverpool to go ou the medical stag of the ill-fated Llandovery Castle. but before he arrived there 4110 had been sunk. He was attached to the steamer Araguaya soon alter and crossed with her for the first time a few wodts ago. Pte. Symonds expects to leave on Satur- day to rejoin his ship. � Mr. R. If. Bell. for some time account- ant of the Bank of Montreal here, has joined the colors et London and is at- tached to the W.O.R. Dominion Day Celebration. Following is a financial statement of the 1st of July celebration in Goderich: Total receipts. .... 51,393 47 Total evpenet� 1,098 99 Balance tl 296 4k A detailed statement of the above was submitted td the executive committee. The surplus of $296.48 was directed to be pard over for patriotic purposes, as fol lows: Canadian Prisoners of War ..150 00 Salvation Army but fund-........ SO 00 Godench Marine and General Ho' pital 50 00 Italian Red Cross - . - . 30 00 Canadian Red Cross.... ......... 943 48' Mt;48 Acknowledgments for these grants have been received from Hugh Fletcher, treasurer Canadian Prisoners of War. Toronto; W. Richards. cashier Salvation Army, London; C. A. Nairn. treasurer Goderich Marine and General Hospital; Dr. Ed. E. Binns. treasurer Italian Red Cross, Welland; E. Tye, assistant treas- urer M. A. C. W. LANE. E. R. W IGLE. Mayor. Treas. The fo has received ep editor of Cignal from Corp. by E. A. Jamey, fprrnerly of the Signal staff: France. July 27. DEAR MR. ROBERTSON, -1 thought per- haps you night be interested to learn of a somewhat urriaue gathering of Goderich men out here this week. Myself and Pte. Geo, Brazier were sent frpm the Bat- talion to attend a school of instruction a gdod distance behind the Tines. and one evening this week we rounded up a dozen of Godench men. They were Sgt. Wm. Dunnage. who is on the staff of the school, Ptes. F. Bates, H. Hunt, J. B. McLean. J. Weise, ;W. Peachy, E. Callow. B. !Palmer. Wm. Feagan and J. Bell. who with ' Brazier and myself made the dozen. You 1 may be sure we spent a very pleasant hour together. Ptes. Feagan and Bell had recently come from hospital and are wearing a wound stripe. Both are looking somewhat thin. All of these men with the exception of Sgt. Dunnage were originally in the 161st Battalion. The following day Corp/Geo. Fist er, also of the 161st, put in an appearance. He is in charge of some of the sanitary work at the school. Since then Pte. Peachy has been sent to hospital. sic.,. There has been a fearful lot of rain here this week and it must have been most unpleasant for the boys up in'the line. 1 had .: good taste of it the night se left the line. It was raining' in good style then and we had a fr.ur hours walk over torn - swept roads and the r.ieht war terribly dark, so that we welcomed Fritz's star shells to let us see our way occasionally. I believe our afualtiee have been Iight, although some raiding has been done. Very few papers are arriving. 1 re- ceived one this week dated May 27th. They will probably arrive by the dozen some weeks hence. With remembrances from the boys here to yourself and the people of Goderich. Yours sincertfly, ERNEST A. WARNER. `sfli 'l:,sts.Aw.e' The tioderich Orchestra. Open for engagement. for lawn socials, garden parties, dances, etc. For terms apply to C. V. Henry. 'Phone 19. The warm 'days bring to mind the de- light of Edwards' ice aeon. G. M. Elliott a Candidate. G. M. Elliott, the Huron county secre- tary of the Children's Aid Society, has been nominated and accepted by The London Free Press as a contestant in the big auto prize contest. and will appreci- ate the support of his friends in Godo- rich and throughout the county. He is already authorized to receive subscrip- tions. A year's subscription to the paper means 32.000 votes for him. ,Sate the coupons --they count 25 votes -and . In- crease his chances of securing one of the splendid autos offered as prizes. Girls Are Wanted. • • During the past week the man- agement of (ventral Business College. Stratford, had applications from twenty- eight business nems for lady steirogra- pphers and bookkeepers; one new offering 1771 per month for good stenographers. The C. B. 1'. reopens for the tall term on September, 3, and we recommend it to Wase who wish a gooti position an well as s thorough training. (Adv.) THE PROFESSIONAL SIDE OF PHARMACY. -A professional physician writes your prescription based on the scientific knowl- edge of condlt.ons which must be met in each individual case. Don't, defeat the doctor's wishes by Craving his prescriptions filled just anywhere regardless of the druggist's fitness tor superior preemption service. lel e practise professional pharm- acy so as to protect the welfare 01 our Customers. Every prescription is tilled b. an experienced pharmacist. Iarwts of known punt) and potency are used Cur equipment is modern and our methods up-to-date. 7 he service which we render is exceptional and our prices are always reasonable. Let us compound your prescriptions. E. R. V pgle. crugglst, Goderich. The many students from this; town who are planning to attend The School of Commerce, Clinton, this (all wilt be pleased to learn that the G. T. R. is again extending the privilege to the students. of this school of riding on the way -freight leaving Goderich each morning at 8.30, arriving in Clinton about 9.00. 1f quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious o-Iicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. - D. C. Griffith's great picture p'sy, "Heart+ of the World," will be shows ing at the Allen Theatre, Toronto, during Exhibition time. There will he a jitney service from the Square. commencing at :i t) cltek. for the garden party at Loyal next Wedneilday. Save the c,rupons in your London Free Press ea2h day for G. M. Elliott. For corm venience they may be left at Porter's book st ee. 1.a::h coupon n good for 25 votes if not tied too long. 130ket. HENRY. -At Goderich. on Sunday. August IS. to Mt .-nil Mo ',Wart M. Henry trace Abe* L. Revell), awn. DIED. FR 1SElf.-At Salt ford. on Saturday. August 17, Witham Prier. in his 77th year. 1'OTTS. -In Godench. on Friday, August Id Henry Harbert Potts, aged 15 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug., 22. Page. Announcement -Sisters of St. Joseph, 1 Knit tine Bag Lost -Mrs. Geo. Price 1 Student Wanted -Apply at Signal ... 1 Card of Thanks -Mrs. Herbert Potts, 1 Remember by Giving --The Navy Lague... 8 Board of Track A Notice -D. M. O'Brien 1 Auction Sale -Jas. H. Johnston t • ,4 ESITASLISIRED OVER tee YEARS Banking for the Soldiers A Branch of this Bank is now in operation at Valcartier Camp for the convenience of our soldiers. Military Pay Cheques cashed without charge. Money Orders Issued on all points in Canada. Savings Accounts opened, and a General Banking Business transacted. eta* WICI.sras v IA4 A. W. STRICKLAND, Manager, Goderich Branch