The Signal, 1918-8-15, Page 6w • «rreirat tli,./ w 11111111Milligissio.—. e.. MOW* 41114140100100011110 •r4 y... 'ra -la . O•lt., . . ,..awe w .. s e «. .," ra w . ►. ratC . a: 4 ter«----,�..,.-,.--._ ,r,, ...,-• •– 1 TaUTtsiAv, Auc. 15,1918 Clearing in men's and boys' Sport Shorts Mefr's regular 31.211 quality pus white, stripes and plain colors 95c , for $2,75. or ns regular $1.00, to clear, 8& or 11.66. ' Wa.,L Ties, regular 25c, 2 for 'Yx:. Meu'.s gray wool Socks, to clear at 8:3c, 2 for 65c.. Men's book -on Ties, in black *sly, regular 25c, to clear 2 for 25c. M. ROBINS sf= i11of1af1rsf1rsf1saf1ifl prlorltX The Signal for your Job Printing. STOW E'S THE RED BARN, SOUTH STREET FOR 'BUS, LIVERY AND HACKER' l u:(S n.ttt all Iraia' . Fa. gens called for in any part of town for outgoing trains G. T: R. or C. P. R. 1) 511 Prompt attention to all orders or telephone calls. Sood horses FiInst-eau rip ti R. STOWE T l ph ,ne 'd 'ucr ewer to T. M. Mavis NOTICE Owing to the scarcity - Coal, and the fact tl sales have, of necessity be made in very sr. quantities, we have for it absolutely necessar: make a rule that ALL COAL BE P' FOR ON DELIVE MacEwan Estate L. B. TAPE The Sieger Sewing Machine Agent, has taken over the agcu:y of the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and w111 listen( hell, lines Farm Machinery and Si ger,Sewing; Machines A fair share of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. "THE RATTLE OF ROUEN." Wijl Bitielt Tells of a Coosa Shave He Had is the Preach City. The London Free Press one day last week published the following letter from Sergt. W. E. Elliott. formerly on the staff of that paper, and son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott of town. When common soldiers curie out of the mud and vermin of the well-known but alightly unpopular "(onward arra" and are pernutted a fleeting fortnight among the sights and sound of a city un- spoiled by the Hun. they do not npeld much time"doing" cathedrals or admiring statues. This if by way of explann in case my impressions of Routs frivolous. Since kavuig England, where double - decked street cars flourish, 1 had not seen a trolley. The first thing I did it Rouen was to board one—the wrong one, of course, but that was the fault of the M. P. at the station. Rouen had a 'ovulation before the war of about 120,000. Nobody knows what it is now. bat. anyway, the street car system is about the sire of that in London, Ontario. The cars are small. and platforms tiny. but so is the fare —two or three cents, and no transfer. The speed is not terrific. 1 generally walk. At many points the track is tat close to the sidewalk that the motor Indy has to ring the bell to warn narm to get out 0! the way. Nobody laughed when an indignant soldier, who was nearly run into by a car, exclaimed, "I fey. where are you going!" You would easily have time to get a light from Ow cigarette of a pabaengei leaning out. The crews are mostly women, in a uniform dress of Mack, and bright. busi- ness -like people they are. Just as in Lon- don. Ontario. drivers of heavy Toads like to keep their slow-moving wagons on the rads as long as possible. and the exchange of language between motorman and driver almost made me homesick. WOMEN IN WALK. I Speaking of cal -women in black re- minds one that the widow's veil as a very, very common sight here. The thousands of woolen in black, throughout France. Yet Rouen is normally cheerful. 1 shonild say. To a barbarian from the land of ruined villages, it seemed even gay. But then it is something to sleep between white sheets. unclothed in uniform: to wash as often as desired; eat at a table and talk to neat. kindly mo urn once again. 1t is true that madame. at the billlet. cannot "comprez" my French, and I don't get one word in ten of hers, but the way she looks after our comfort is more eloquent of her hospitality than words. And mon- sieur shakes hands every tint we cane in and : miles, 1 think. behind his dense black whiskers. 1 have discovered why so many Freoce mein wear all this thick foliage around their faces. It is a terrible thing to be shaved by a French barber. One soon finds that out. and I never expected to undergo the operation again. 1 here are military barbers from whom a soldier may always get a haircut in pre - scripted hours. In return one may (a) give hen a franc; (h) say "thank you" Of •••(C) walk away without doing either. All three are legitimate. Method (a) gives best results if you are to be a regu- lar customer. Military bathers do not shave eustonrers, as a rule. Having ac- quired an excellent haircut and shave myself, 1 decided to treat myself to a face massage and get the dust of Northern France out of what tts.d to be my com- plexion. In the street of the Big Clock i found a very classy tonsorial parlor, with a big :notice outside. "Berber shop is open." Monsieur. the barber, however, explained that dinner demanded his atten- tion. I walked another mile—barber shops are really war, e—and found one closed, to reopen at "1 heure." Rather than wait. 1 trudged on, and learned that the next shop was 'Er eine- till "2 heure." I saw at once that i was !proceeding in the wrong direction and doubled back to the original den. It was closed! I re- t urnod to the office. but being of an 'ob. ,,timate disposition, took up the search af- +„.• s4- - Alo- Ever.y,10:c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS A ILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN Se°WORTH OF ANY STICKY r Y CAMEO Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug- gists, Grocers and General Stones. AT YOUR SERVICE \t'IT11 :1 Full Line of Electrical Goods IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWAI'ER CUPS BEDROOM HF.ATERS VIBRATORS FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES W 1 RIZ YOUR HON R IsON-1' WAIT—PHONIC T'ANI' aiianet;him tell you what it wiN enet.. Howse Ro. T.rrMheP 'Phone Vpl N' ('lure 1183 THE nslie rniciAY W2 IC1.reria Anpptid11 of all kinds always obfhi hand. Weststreet—nett to Poet Office ..;etaeol.',rkt,.• • THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO WHO ARE itt This Woman Recommends Lydia E. Pinit3>tam's Vege- table Compound—Her Personal Experience. hIeLoan, Neb. --- " 1 want le reacts - amid Lillie iy Pinkhaa's Vegetable Compound t o a l l worries who suffer from any functional dieterhaace, as it has door me more gored tbaa all the doctor's medicine. Since taking it I have a fine healthy baby girl and have gain to health and strength. My hus- band and I hots False your med- cine to all suffering wemea.--Yrs.,1oio Korraccoatoc, R. Na. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia L. Pinkkam'a Vegetable Cent - has been restoring women of a A to health for more than forty years aad it will well pay any woman who gaffers from displacements, in- flammation, alceratioa, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness ar "the blame" to give this successful remedy • trial. For special suggestions ha reggzd is your Omelet writs Lydia R Plakbaa Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its long exence is at year service. t"'olllrjria li:l ter ti o'clock. After encountering large numbers of "Coiffure" shops "pour dames" only, I discovered a he -barber standing in his doorway. In case he was outward bound. I pushed him inside and got into the chair. 1 asked for a face massage. He said. "Me rio good for roas- sage.' and shaved nee instead. The agonies of that experience 1 will not dwell upon. lie scraped my shrinking hide against the grain till I could have shrieked at him. Af- ter every vicious swipe with that awful razor I looked in the mirror to see what features i(any, were left. Then he rubbed some devilish liquid into the smarting flesh. and enquired if 1 wanted a shampoo. 1 said, "Just brush dry." so he poured a half pant off bay rum into my hair and naked it in. (.OT THE MASS/W.F. Ifaving wreaked his will on me, mon- sieur onsieur row relentevl and decided to let me have the massage. He called from the back shop an elderly gentleman. who ap- plied to my face something frau a bowl that might have been massage cream. Then, while 1 waited for him to com- mence. he said in a tone of pride. "Voila, monsieur," and turned me loose with the stuff still .in my skin. it was all over ex- cept paying the Lady'ata desk labelled French ladies, meeting. kiss each other on both cheeks. French gentlemen. meet- ing after an absence. kiss likewise. (Those long black wh skers must tickle like the very mischief.) 1 do not observe that the kissing habit between the sexes is ab- namally devekaped, however, so far as public performance is concerned. Even if it were, I would not give up Canadian citizenship and aeek na'uralization in France. There are some beautiful women over here all right. but I have never felt quite the same about it since i saw one kill a fowl with a pair of domestic scissors. One never knows. does one ? Still. there was Jeanne D'Arc, to whose memory this city has erected statues and tablets and named for her its principal business street. (British soldiers mostly call that street "Roo John Dark.") Anyway, Jeannie died somie time ago. and 1 had to get my impressions from contemporaneous femimty. There are two young lady tailors on Rue D'Elhneuf. They occupy a shop about the size of a piano box and do all sorts of mending for the military- They have three chairs. The customer—there is only roan fa one at a time --sits on the iuddIe char, with anice-lookingge.t ens oo each side. While his jacket to getting chevrons put on, tie can chat pleasantly with them in French. or sit like an oyster. it is "c 'la va'nen" to them and there is really nothing to be afraid of. YAWL/RIM. TOES. Having a straight tip that Cleanliness was to run next to Godliness, 1 played the former for place acral went to the "(lain." I had heard interesting things about French baths. But 1 paid only for "I bath. simple." and nothing happened W me. epranny. A pleasant young lady filed a magnificent porcelain bath with warm sea water—and went away. There was a rather plain lady rnamnuing her tors in the roan &Toss the corridor. in the slower -bath wtag of the institution. but she closed the window. When the battalion was out fora rest a while ago, one of the humorists marching near me said: "We're gettin' so far ba:k we ought tome some Yanks doon," I'm so tar back now that I see heaps of them. (Of course, that's only fun -the "Yanks" are doing their hit in the front hne, and they haveto have troops at the base, the same as the rest of u&) But there pre a bunch of these U. S. lads boarding at the hotel where I dine, and they have not been up the hne To anyone accustomed to the bimple food of the fighting front. it is a wonderful thing to hear these lads com- ping noisily about five -course meal& Even those of the Flying Corps refused to overlook a fly in the soup From hors d'oeuvres to dessert, they find something to swear at the patient waitress about. Wonder what they will say when they get to the stage of the game where dinner consists of one course ---stew! cosMI ourAN CITY. It's a cosmopolitan cityust now, this port of Rouen. Officers of) all the Allied armies, Belgian refugees. French police with their long swords, turbaned artillery dnvers from British India, black aoldiers from the French colonies. mix in the street traffic. Motor leads of stretcher cases from the hospital trains speed by attracting no more notice than marching parties of Hun prisoners. laden with their queer -looking kits and guarded by one or two bored -looking French soldiers. Life at the base is interesting. 'Tit Battle of Rouen," the Canadians statoned here call it. Most of them have been through sterner battles. and sometimes in the offices a tong -drawn whistle will imitate cleverly the whine of a shell 'coming over," or a rattle of pencils simulate Lewis gun fire. Just remind themselves. perhaps, of the "pit whence they were dragged." There's the delightful steamer trip down river and a half-dozen attractive parks, but i've written enough about Rouen. The local "Stnallnan 8 Ihgram's" is a good store. but in this city nearly every- thing is expensive except vin rouge. beer and picture post cards. Specimens of the latter herewith. Au revoir. - W. E. E. Literal. Editor—How's the new society report- er ? I told him to cor.dense as much as possible. Assistant—Ile did. ifere's his account of yesterday aftern.sm's tea: "Mrs. Lovely poured, Mrs. Jabbler roared, Mrs. Duller bored. Mrs. Rasping gored. and Mrs. Embonpoint snored."—Detroit Tames. - Anna Dickenson was Lecturing some years ago in Chicagits her lecture she paused and queried, 'Nth. why was i born ?" Someone Bled out in the gal- lery. "It can't be helped now; go ora." WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Sciencahas shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the whole system, and snuffs and vapors do Tittle, if any good. To correct catarrh you should enrich dyoour blood with the oil -food in Scott's $rrelt�ion which is a medicinal -food and �aildiagtonic, free front any sarn� damp. Try ib—YOU 1 awe atowee. Tear. o.t Cadian Masons In England pseaw. 011::ratoksel,, and t g b t ■an- aitlAr et tho Cana - 1 =loos, eYsrvl os, was in- stsnad W. M. of ilea Chaises I.ndge et tie Installation lammiset held re - smutty io Loudon, Dngisnd, attend- ed by the itt. Boo. Sfr Edward CtaetA 81r (11 hert Parker, larn- eral J G Rosa and many other Canadians a n d itngliah represen 9ative men Inter- e sted in Canada. The Canada lodge No 25t7 on the Register of 11,. united Grand Loden of eInglaid w aa founded in 1111, In order to provide a Ma/tonic centre for Cana - Mans resident ID TT. S. C:1Tt.',IICItAF:I,, PI M. Great Britain and Brethren from the ftorr.Inlnn visiting )he O'd reentry. The object of the founders was a1,;n to form a band of union between the Brethren of the finmlniun and rhe idrothren of the United Kingdom In the atmng hope and confidence that F'reema,:onry might so even .1111 further assist In the great work of forming t New limes ell "Indissoluble attaehmeat" which .bat! forever untie the ionrtsment parts of the British rmplre. The lodew has now 2*2 members, many of whom are nomfnlou mestbers real. font In all parte of Canasta No Lover than taro are Initiates M the lodge, lie monitors of the bode.• are on active service In 11. M. Farrel. Mr Bash Strain ('armirhsel, the nu'wlr-elerted W. M. of Canada lodge, 1s a native of Glasgow. He has leen connected with fh.rarlsatlaaltc Ili steamship trade since 141111, when he joined the staff of State Lime, valet is 1/111 was taken over by the Allan l.to. In tier,eommMcad Ma long oonse.•tlon with the Cansdlan Pular Company at (lisaynw, trans- fer/lone to its Liverpool seep In Ital. when the rnmpany, estabilehed Its traasatlantle passenger service la 19(1* he was permo'.•4 to he general paraver meat for Great Britain and EuropeSine. Ih. es•tabllehmeat, fai 1916-18, of the (7saadfan Puerile Ocean Aervl-es, Ltd. which manages the entire Spot of the C. P. R. and Allen Linea. Mr ('$rml.Inel haa srcq- pMd IM pvsltlnn of panavoger and freight manager, a:r,l Vali his head - 'milers at Waterloo lilacs, l.ondoa, England. Never known to disappoint the Most Critical Tastes 11 A Tea-pot Test is better than a page of Advertisement. a441 Black—Green or Mixed . e . Sealed Packets Only. INDUCTED AT BELMONT. Rev. J. U. Stewart. Late of Long Branch introduced to His New Charge. As already noted in The Signal, Rev. J. Ure Stewart (son of Mrs James Stew- art. South street), who had been for some time the minister of the Long Branch Presbyterian congregation. recently re- ceived a call from the congregation of Belmo't and North Yarmouth. The call was accepted and the induction took place last week, and is thus reported by The Belmont Enterprise: Tuesday, August 6th, marked an epoch in the history of Knox church. when the new pastor, Rev. J. Ure Stewart, former- ly from Long Branch. was inducted into the pastorate of Knox and St. James churches. It is almost twenty-six years since a similar service was held in Belmont, and to nearly all who were present on Tues- day the ceremony was a novel and im- pressive one. Notwithstanding the excessive heat. and the busy season among the farmers. the attendance was very large. the congre- gation of St. James being especially well represented there being about half of them present. The ministers present were Rev'ds John Cume, J. G. Stuart. W. M. Manan. G. M. Young all of Lan- don: Mr. Thortdoe, of St. Thomas; Mr. Galbraith. of Thamestord; Mr. Eastman, of Port Stanley : Mr. McDermid. of Godo rich (formerly of Fingal), and Rev. A. R. Kellam. pastor of the Belmont Methodist church. Owing to the unavoidable absence of Rev. N. H. McGillivray, of St. Thomas, the interim moderator. Rev. J. Currie. was appointed interim moderator pro tem. The Rev. Geo. M. Young. who was recent- ly inducted as pastor of Chalmers church, London, conducted the services and preached a strong sermon. taking for his text Ezekiel 47: 12. after which the Rev. Mr. Eastman. of Port Stanley. related , the facts leading up to the call. The ceremony of induction was performed by the Rev. J. Cume. who then addressed the minister, and Rev. J. G. Stuart. of London, addressed the congregation. The addresses were most appropriate and were masterpieces in their fine. After the induction services a reception of an informal nature was held, when Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were introduced to the majority of those present, and a cordial welcome was accorded the reverend gentle- man and his (artily. Refreshments were served in the basement to the members of session of both churches, as well as other officers. This event brought forth some splendid after-dinner spee. hes, prominent among which were addresses of welcome by Messrs William Campbell and William A. Brown. also greetings from the Rev. A. R. Kellam, of the Methodist church. who referred to the genial re- lations existing between the two congrega- tions in the past. and hoped they would always continue the same. Mr. Stewart replieel to these in a happy manner and thanked all for the cordial and encourag.ng manner in which he had been welcomed. On motion of the Rev. Mr. McDerm id. seconded by the Rev. Mr. Galbraith. a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the ladies for the substantial repast supplied. In the course of his remarks Rev. Mr. McDermid, who ib now pastor of Mr. Stewart's home church at Godencn, re- ferred to his previous charge at Fingal. and the pleasure it gave him to meet with the members of the London Presby tery again. It was nearly 7 o'clock before the last of the people dispersed, but all felt that a pleasant and profitable afternoon had been spent, and hoped that it presages the happy conditions which will attend Mr. Stewart's term as pastor of Knox and St. James churches. Milk Necessary for tail World's Walfare In these times of national street and high cost of living. when mothers are confronted with the children's welfare and the keening down of coats of their family's food, the University of Wisconsin. in Bulletin 191 recently issued says: "It is of great importance that at this time the ; known facts be generally understood in Iorder that the people, and particularly young children and growing boys and girls, may not sutler from improper selec- tion of foods" The oullelin. which dada with the necessity of milk for the aa- tion's welfare, brings to light the follow- ing. facts: Te increasrd price of milk leads people into making the mistake of buying leas milk. Milt is the one food which nothing else can replace. Only those people who are guided by kxig experience or religious rites will maintain the quantity formerly purehaaed. Milk is a oecessaty in the diet of grow- ing children. In the absence 01 milk eggs are theonly comparable substitute. The public must learn w appreciate, even with advancing prices, the importance of the dairy industry to the nation's welfare. Milk is a perfect food. It contains all the factors of nutrit on in adequate pro- portions and is an indispensable supple- ment to other food rnatenale during growth. Milk supplies adequate mineral mater- ial for rapid growth. Grains when used aerie produce nutritive failure, but ,are changed to valuable products when sup- plemented with milk. Milk furniahes the very best of proteins. Proteinsare not all alike in promoting growth. Those of the grains are poor in quality, but when supplemented with milk or whey become very efficient. Help Badly Needed • for Western 11 t. • it When travelling to Western harvest fields go:by Canadian Northern Railway and give loyal support to the People s Line. Purchase trough tickets and ask for routing via the Grand Tiunk to Toronto, thence Canadian Northern. Information of value to harvest hands is given in a leaflet entitled "Harvest- ers' Work and Wages," to be had from any C. N. R. agent. 2i( -2t Utilizing all the Heat Any furnace will burn fuel, extract the heat from T. -But only a properly built and installed furnace will utilize all the heat to warm your oma. McCiary's Sunshine Furnace installed the McClary way is guaranteed to warm your home --every room in it. For sale by W. R. PINDER McClarys Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Calgary Hamilton &Imomtnn S,askat000 —1 THiNK OF THIS: Ths` <ut automobile tire made in Canada 'rem virtually an enlargement of the Dunlop Patented Bicycle Tire. And during all those years that the automobile tire has been striving to reach its present standard. the bicycle tire that served as a model has gone right on pleasing the bicycle owners. Years of doing it well—that and nothing Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited