HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-15, Page 5EAST STREET CiARAaE
The place U , .i. ur carries
that alwae carries
"Oed sal gratana by .
East Street Garage wtaPractical M"
GODERICH - - - ONT Arthur M. Clam
"Neva put off till tomorrow what
you can do today.". admonished the
((tester. "Did the same chap invent that
proverb who told us that all things come
to those who wait'" asked the indolent
Tammy-"Pop.what is a counter
irritant'" Tommy's Pop -"A counter
irritant. my son. ie --er - Oh, ask your
mother. She does all the shopping for
the family."
Hern's Grocery !
Owing to the high prices of
package Tea and war tax, our
are especially good values at 50c,
60c, M.5c and 81.00 per lb.
We have a large stock of
Neal's Aloafa Bread
comes in fresh entry
The Square Phone 43
Help for the Harvest.
As announced Last week Mr. G. E.
Colborne has the list of those in Goderich
who registered 1x1 June 22nd as willing to
help at farm work, and farmers wishing
assistance in harvesting should appy to
Mr. Colborne, who will endeavor W se-
cure su itabie help for them.
The Fancy Gress Dance.
An interesting tune is expected at Hotel
Sunset Friday night of this weds. when a
fancy dress dance will be hew under the
auspices of the Prisoners of War Society.
The admission fee is 50c for dancers and
2.,c tor spectators, and judging from the
interest displayed there is likely to be a
large attendance. Dancing commences
at 9 o'clock.
The Salad Tea.
There was a large attendance at the
salad tea held on Friday evening last on
the frounds of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Saun-
ders residence, "Blairgowrie." under the
auspices of General Brough Chapter
I. 0. D. E.. and a substantial
sum was raised for the patriotic
work carried on by the Chapter. The
members of the Chapter wish to thank
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders for the use of
their grounds and all others who helped
to stake the affair a success.
father, Mr. James Carter, Albert street,
of Miss Maudelean May Carter and Mr.
Melvdlielotin Martin, of Goderich. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. E. 0.
Furde, pastor of the Baptist (church, and
was witnessed only by immediate friends.
Mr. and Mrs Martin will make their
hone at Stratford. The bride's friends
in Clinton and vicinity join in good wishes
for a happy and prosperous married dile.
The Town's Honor Roll.
An honor roll fix the town of Goderich,
to compose the names of all who. claim
ing Goderich as their home town. have
enlisted linos the beginning of the war for
military service. is being prepared under
the direction of tbe town council, and it
1s desired that no names should be omit-
ted that should be Included in the roll.
All persons having relatives who have en-
listed or who know ref anyone who shod
be on the roil are earnestly requested to
consult the het at the town hall before
the end of this morels and give their seas-
tance in making the record as nearly
complete as possible.
The Farmers' Daily.
Weekly Sun: At a meeting of the pub-
lications committee of the U. F. 0. on
Monday of this week. plans were laid for
a farmers' daily, to be published in Tor-
onto. Steps to incorporation are already
under way. provisional directors have
been appointed and stock is being offered
to boa fide farmers. The company will
be incorporated for 8.300.000. and as
soon as sufficient of this has been sub-
scribed a plant will be installed and pub-
lication commenced. J. N. Kernighan
will conduct the stock -selling cam-
paign from the ofhces of the U. F. 0..
and will be tor the present permanently
located at Toronto for this purpose.
Warning to Men Absent Without Leave.
• By proclamation which has been pub-
lished in the newspapers throughout the
country. conditional amnesty has been
otiered to men belonging to class 1 under
the Military Service Act who have failed
to report for duty. or have deserted. or
have absented themselves without leave
from their military duties. If these men
report for duty on or before August 24th i
.the penalties of the law will not be m-
pol;ed on them. Warning is given that if
such men persist in their failure to report
they will be dealt with rigorously. and
any persons who harbor such men or as-
sist them in their disobedience also will be
proceeded against.
Married at Clinton.
The marriage took place on Friday.
August 2nd. at the home of the bride's
Bred -to -lay BARRED ROCKS
To accomnuslate our y oung stock we will sacrifice
300 Barred Rock Yearling Hens
Our birds laid 35,000 eggs in seven months.
heus will slake good winter layers and excellent
Call, 'phone or write
has worked these gatherings for .ev- was in her hfty-eighth year and was born
oral years past, and the lade*. had inGulrni.. Her early life waspassedhere.
wade ample provision for a 1, deuton- but shortly after her wanfeete rhe went to
strating the fact that after four years Stratford to live. Since residing in that
of war Gana, .a -or at any rate this city she had been a member oa central
Part of it-ir, rtijl a land of plenty: Methodist church and was quite well
After supper theitM.ople listened to the known in the city. Betufles her husband
orchestra, eojne shy "'newt view Mrs. Teilord leaves to mourn their kes
over Lake Hun/u, - ere penveized the
five daughters: Carrie and Audrey at
booths whew Taney work and refresh- tome, Margaret of Toronto, Mrs M G.
menta were 00 esle., while cowry in- Barr and Mrs. A McL. Wallata, Toronto;
sported wiry much interest the two sisters, Mrs J. R. Rus ll•Il sores. and
TIVI*DaY, AUG, 15, 191,1
the timed Imp attendsnne which atter a brief dine* of only two works *She
I- - to - darn lavalliere plant ut Mrs. Alex. Mettler. Mt. lessens. Mich .
the Mearns Bisret. A program 01 and a brother, William Waddington,
vocal and inrteusuent*l -music war Brantford.
given, including solos by Mrs. Frans BARKER.- Al los house in Colborne
Mr. Mew wis(((e Cullxsr M Miss township on Teesdale July 30. Anthony
MaHowe, or,Bert k utt and [Ilse -- Lawrence Barker, eon of Mr. John
tionsby the and astjsus (Ji of rola:t Barker, scud away to his eternal rest
he (irxdgrlyfi Orchestra, ell His death was due to an ilhsessof over
being heard with much measure. three years' duration, which he lore with
Patriotic Fund Business. great patience. The deceased was born
The regular monthly meeting of the in Colbxne township. where he resided
is Fund branch executive was all his life. He possessed a very cheer-
held lastMdm>l
oday ing. d a conrlder- ful disposition and was a favorite of
'ablee amount of bus:rsess was transacted everyone who knewand him.He iso subrrvived
aside from ordinary routine details which by his father, ox seaters
are called for by the changes of returned They are: Mrs. George Bean, of Loyal;
and discharged soldiers. invalid cases Mrs. Fred Love. of Gudevich; Mrs. Amos
and other ttie, of
where so many rersons are concerned. Edmore. conditions Cornelius.
in France, Lola
One of the latest announcements from the and Anna. at hone. The funeral took
head executive is that hereafter the place from the family residence oss Thur's-
Departmen of Soltbers' Civil Re-estab- day. August 1st, toColbtrne cemetery and
lishment will look after all cases suffering was largely attended. The services were
from diseases and requiring hospital ties:- conducted by Rev. J. H. Oderhout, pas-
ment, and the necessary provision for tor of Victoria street Methodist church.
their families will be attended to from The pallbearers were Messrs. George Bean,
this Department, instead of from the Fred T. Love, and two schoolmates,
Patnotic Fund offices. Considerable of Hamilton Clutton and Frank Shields.
the correspondence passed upon by the The floral tributes ware [many and very
meeting arose from claims for separation beau: iful. Much sympathy is felt fax
allowance from the Militia Department the sorrowing family in the loss el their
or participation in tete Patriotic Fund by loving son and brother.
parties not entitled thereto under the • 4NSTONE.-There died at the
regulat ons, and in some of there cases home nt her daughter, 'Its. K. B. hole,
there is room for the suspicion that the rti Elizabeth street, Stratford, on
reasons put forth are not guided by cion -Thundery August Lith, Mrs. Christen*
doles of rectitude and truthfulness. For Kelterborn. ,, widow of the late Thorned
instance, the claim that the soldier is the Vanatone, in her sevenaty-eighth year.
"sok support," where a substantial in -
Mrs Vanstone was born in Germany
come from other sources exists or the but carne to Canaria at the age of tive
years. The family settled inStr•atfont,
the father being at that time Lutheran
Minister at Sebringvale. Mra. Van -
stone was married at tlay6CW an.1
lived most of her life there and at Ben -
miller. Her husband died at Ben -
miller in 'Mend Mrs. Vanstone went.
to Stratford to live with her daughter
some seven y caro ago. She made her
home with Mrs. Hale until her death,
which cense after a gradual breaking
down of her health for the past three
veans or more. Since January she
had been confined to her.f,rd and hail
suffered nsucb, although patiently. A
member of the Methodist church. Mrs.
Vanstune unites, with Trinity church
at Stratford aria, while una' le to take
an active part in the church work
through ill -health, she was always
greatly interested in the activities of
the church and took what part she
cue d. She is survived by three daugh-
ters : Mn.. E. H. Mile, Stratton(: Mire.
Henry Storey, Loudon: Mrs. Thomas
Kiug. Bayfield; two sols, A. E. Van -
stone, Gon•ie; A. W. Vas.stone•, Re-
gina, Mask.; one brother, Aupirst Kel-
terhor•n, Wellesley; one sister, Mrs. K.
Mott, Wellesley; a half-brother. Geo.
Eberhart, Flint, Mich., and a half-sis-
ter, Mrs. Haven, Harriston, Mich. On
How Hot Was It?
Everybody knows that we have had a
week or two of excessively hot weather. but
there might be a variety of opinion as to
which particular day was the hottest.
Mr. H. K. Revell. of Ridgcrest Farm,
Goderich township, who keeps the
weather records for U Government, fur- damnation shows that the soldier was
nishes The Signal with the following tem- only an re adeno( and very indifferent readings covrririg the but spell, contributor to Use home. leads to
the figures showing the maximum terpper- action by the
lyoards that is sometimes
attire on each date: August 4. ell; condeinned as harsh and unfair, but is in
5. 89: 6, RN: 7. 94: h, 93: 9, 75; 10, reality the only course consistent with the
e911, fit: 12 t33; 13. 93. ' administration of public funds. Several
Records of temperatures of over 100 de- new applicants were placed on the Petri-
';grees are reported from several Ontario otic Fund list and in three cases announce -
points for the 13th. 1 ment of pensions ranted removed the
Sunday Evening Concert. soldiers from the list.
An excellent program was held at Hotel The New Children's Shelter .
Sunset Sunday evening by the Goderich A special meeting the Children's
Orchestra, assisted by Mrs. Frank Saun• Aid Society for the county of Huron was
dors and Mr. Macgregor. The program held in the grand jury room on Monday
Orchestra-"Luspiel Overture" 1
consisted of the following selections: lest, called for the curistderation of some
matters which needed attention before
"Night in May" the termination of the holiday season.
Mrs. Saunders -"Let Us Have Peace' iAmong these was the desirability of get -
'When My Cara_ean Has ting the new Shelter, recently purchased
I" by the county council. into proper condi-
Orchestra -"Apple Blossoms Reverie" tion for taking cart of several children
"Hungarian Dance" (Brahms) whose present surroundings are anything
Mr. Macgregor-"Thoa but conducive to theu welfare. The
Tote's ''Goodbye" I Warden of the county having expressed a
Orchestra-'Taumeri." desire to meet witb representatives of the
The program. a hitt was concluded with Society to consider what changes in the
the Natural Anthem. was heartily en- property were likely to be needed. the
joyed by those present. The guests of president, secretary and county agent
the Sunset, Mr. Lee and the orchestra and Mesdames Carrie, Coats and Young
wish to thank Mrs. Saunders and Mr were appointed as such committee, and
Macgregor for tbeir kind assistance. ' when the Warden $t in town the property
Iwill be visited acrd inspected. -
with one of the enlargements we make from small kodak prints or
old photographs, you will be surprised at the wonderful develop-
ments of photography.
het us have your work in this line and prove to yon how well we
S. O. S. Sedges. The I ng fist of taus needing weal
A public meeting for the presentation consideration was dyscusseed, and these not
of badges to the Soldiers of the Soil will by any means all treat are perplexing in
be helot here on September bth. The an- their conditions, and as a result the
oral committee has asked the co -opera- county agent win tale immediate and it
tion of the following in securing names of may be imperative action 10set the de -
boys from thirteen to nineteen years of sired results. Details are of course not
age who have done or will do three such as can be published.. but it anyone
months' outdoor work on a farm this thinks the work nt as a citizen expressed
summer: G. Lamb, E. V. Lawson, Ward his opinion the other day. "pretty well
Gledhill. Reeve G. Young J. H. Simpeon• cleared up in this county," he should
R. Mcllwain, H. Bellamy, F. Rosa. attend these meetings of the Society and
Reeve Dalton. Wm. Kempton, F. Munro, barn the conditions under which some chil-
l. Washington. H. K. Revell, John dren even in this prosperous county of
Schwa, Reeve Irwin. The committee Huron are situated. and then supposed to
desires that no boy should be over- grow up into useful and prosperous lives.
looked and requests that anyone inter- Removal from such surroundings and
ested in a boy entitled to a badge will wretched examples is in such cases the
see that his name is given to one of these only possible hope of improvement for
men or trent to Mr. J. H. Johnston or the children. and the new Shelter will
County Clerk G. W. Holman. of Gode- give the long -desired facilities for making
rich. Boys v irking on their home (arms
such changes Some letters from wards
have a right to a badge (whether they 'of the Society were read and reports given
have been attending school or not). u i which showed most gratifying improve-
mprovewell as those hinng out. I ment and brighten tbe often -seamy"
Big Crowd at Saltford Heights. aspects of the work. The society hopes
Saltfnrd Heights was the centre a that when the? fall season opens the meet-
attracti Wednesday evening of this Ings may be very Isrgety attended by
week, the occasion being the annual those of our citizens of both sexes and
Raeder. party ',neer the auspices a the all classes who apparently do not realize
Raltford Red CMOS Society. There the importance of the work. -
APITAL a L3 RVW-S &400000
-TOTAL AISET I! - #130000,000
Frost each acre el grain you sow this year we
brsefits ..,e derived. drat -you belp tile Allied
cease by producing tits .loch -needed food.
hecwd - it means a handsome profit for you.
Grain means real money next spring. Sow while
you have the chance and reap the lerieilb in due
P.rtenatve cultivation may necessitate a little
n,nnry, Consult our local manager on questloes
ul buaace.
F. WOOILCOMBE. - - Manager.
unto, oar b,. h ....73 to
parley per bush . ... 1.23 to 1.90
w., 1,sr bu.h I :e to 1511
Book *hood, per Hush.. _... .. . `1..'e to La
Plow, fatally, per owl, 'SAO to b15
flour. prls..1, pot est 1.13 10 4.00
WI.. Porto., 760 to 3at0'
Sauna. per ter r. 10 w IL 4U
v.W to s.is
5.40 to lite
56 to d'
4Z, to .47
.41 to: 1.41
1.50 to 1:0
1100 to LUSO
10.11010 11 o0
is i5 W 15.25
07 to .10
.lt 10 It
oto to .s7
oro re i
.as t0
Tiluaawr. August i:.
Wheat, Por hu -h is tie u. $2.12
Itay, Per tea
Naw, loofa . per ten
Llairy -Pulte,. teeth
Creamer) Hulse, Pe. Ib
Ant., fresh tor ase . .
Poi woes, ter., per bush .
Cottle• bah bor.' rbo,re, parrot.
est tie, ►u,rhere Isbft ,u,0,r.er rut
Milo. (tee we,abt, pa. cwt.
Hhl... per lb
Tmew. ,.udrred.lose Ib •
• wa+bd. per lb. .... ...
Wo• , a..,w..,ut, per Ib
Fall Term fr.ai Septl3rd
Start a savings account for baby by all means. That's for
baby's benefit . but have the
baby photographed as soon as
71at's for your
We never (now what is .n store for
u. and a phoncKraph of baby as he
is today may be more prcc,ous than
rub.ts later on.
The call fur trained help is greater
now than ever before in the hiatory
of C'nnarla. Our graduates+ are
securing epleudid [mations.
We have 1 o,iiioer' ial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy departurenta. It
you our{s „e taking r bueineio en1.
lege 4111)I1150 during fall in: winter
mcrsthe, write now for our free
D. A. Mc LACHLAN, Principal
Tuesday morning a funeral service
ares conducted by Rev. W.H.(;rahaui,
of Central Metheslietehurch•Stratfnrd,
and the renutius were thin brought to
Goderich, the funeral taking piece
Tues dal aftemoou fhemt the resadsuee
of Mr. Dan Harrison, Nelson adept, W
the Colborne cemetery. The pallbear-
ers were Messnn, J. Kelterborn, H.
Kelterborn, G. ' Vanstone and J. W.
Gledhill, all nephews of the deceased.
A g the many friends and rela-
tives present for the cervi e, want' of
whom accompanied tbe remains from
Stratford, were: Mr. •nd Mrs. A. W.
Vanetone and two chiklrwn.of Regina,
Sask.; M. A. F. Vanstone, of (:orris;
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mtnreyy, London; Mr.
J. Storey, Thamesforel; Pte. and Mrs.
$ugene Storey, London; Mr. and M►s,
Lawrence, Loosion: Mr. and Mrs J.
Kelterborn, Milver•tem: 1r. H. Kelter-
born, Mr. August Kelterborn and
Mee. E. Mott, Welealey; Mr. and Mrs.
H. Storey, Preston; Mr. Joules 'storey,
Preston: Mr. James Storey, Thames -
ford; Mr. lies. Kelterhern, Elmira;
Mrs. W. Hunt, Toronto; Mrs. le. Fah -
lin. Beuntiller, and' Mr. Hartwell
Storey, ',onion. Hev. Nelson (ionld,
a friend of the family. tarok part in the
service at house and grave. Many
beautiful flower,. seconlpanierl t1,.•
casket, invading, besiries tlrx'se• fr.atl
the ft "ly, tributes from the Epworth
League, the S lay sr Mod, and the
ladies of Trinity Methodist chord(,
MM. Smith, M'». Frame, Messrs. J.
and \V. Kelterborn (Milverton), 401.
and Mrs. S. Pinder, Mrs. A. Matthews
((Rt. Thomism', .Nn. Sylvester and
Gladys. the Mises Roes, Mr. snit MIN.
Swanson, R. Barber, A. (1. Garner,
Chas. Love, Mrs. Ca ley, Mr•s. Van
Las,n, Aar. and Moe. Hoearl Barker,
Charlie Yen, Jirn Lee and Lee Wing.
Mr. anti Mrs. Hale wish to express
their shanks to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
noel other (isslerich friends for the
many kindnen es shown the fancily
while in liosleri.•h in the loss of their
116a1 At tit 00ai a,Vist
Sleet /OS? (GUELPH. ouv„
Where Peer Eyes and Good
Glasses Meet.
A meeting of the executive committee
of the Centre Huron Sunday School Asso-
ciation was held here on Friday to make
preparations for the annual convention.
which is to be held in Goderich Ottober
1st. The members present from out of
town were Miss H. I. Graham, of Seaforth;
Mit.X.reo. Raithby, of Auburn; Rev.
W. B. Moulton. Rev. J. A. Robinson and
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton.
HAY. -The death occurred at Detroit
recently of Miss Amelia Florence (Flossie)
Hay, a daughter of the late Capt. David
H;y. The family fnrtfierly resided in
Goderich and many will remember the
deceased lady.
_ _ MURCHISON.-The remains of John
' -- - -XICOCXXXIMCX Murchlxnn, a fancier resdent,n( Ashhrld.
'ft Jac y c yrytifl Ylr i>firlaclrrflrsflrllrsArsht Ari tAtrArtrh whole death took place at Boulder, Col -
Se:spher ing a Sweetheart
is the latest step in the advance-
ment of romance.
"Efficiency Edgar's
V.'ins a wife because of his accom-
plishment as a sasaphonist-or in
spite of it -it is hers to say which.
A convulr*g five -act photo
comedy at the Model Theatre.
Friday and Saturday
'Al(' Wo1.1d's most be.auliftl1 ht1t 1.y t'.
'u' star who tortured the notion
.1('il'V U1 Melodramatic Darin
iicxado, were interred at Kingsbridge on
took place nem the
Mon., Tues., August 19, 2S
Wednesdal ,.1 last week. The funeral
residence of Mr. Con.
O'Reilly brother-in-law of the deceased.
and the pallbearers were John Gnffin,
Michael Bomier, Wm. McCarthy. Mor-
gan Dalton. Jas. Dineen and John Court-
McGILLiCI'DDY. - After a pro -
I onged illness the death of Miss Eleanor
Carlisle McGillicuddy o1 72 Bartlett ave-
nue. Toronto, tpok place Saturday morn-
ing. Miss McGillicuddy was born atCarlisle
Castle. England, and came nut with her
parents when her father. Daniel McGilli-
cuddy. was stationed with the Bntish
garrison at Halifax. The family shortly
afterwards came to Ontario. living for a
number of years in Huron county twent y -
five years of which were spent in Gode-
rich. Latterly Miss McGillicuddy had
been living in Toronto with her brother,
Mr. Thomas McGillicur dy. of the De-
partment of igricultureShe wag a ate -
ter of the late Daniel McGillicuddy. edi-
tor of The Signal, and is survival by rine
sister. MAO Katharine A. McGillicuddy.
and one hrotber, Thomas McGillicuddy.
She is remembered by many in Goderich,
and the announcement of her death is
received with sincere regret.
TELFORD.--Mrtt Robert Telford, 216
Albert street, Stratford, died Friday night,
Can and Carriages Painted, also
UI Tops Dyed and Repaired.
(1st! at •t -..
Prices, reass,t,:,i.t'•.
K ingstco street
Next to Wes- Th o'•uo'n' bleek-
swith ..hop.
A Matter
of Taste
ffer in regard to
erything, and
especially ith regard to
clothes. endeavor to
t nd ment
and snit the taste of each
one of our customers,
knowing that on to this
way can we gi coin-
plete satisfaction. \
Will you come in and see 1lr
selection of goods r
teen's wear foi the ccist
ing Fall?
R. J.Armstrong
South Side Square. (:,+perii h
is Uric Acid in the bend.
Unhealthykidneys are the
cause ofthea..d being
there. if the kidneys stied
ns they should they would
strain the Uric Acid oto
of the system ant rheuma-
tism woukln4 nig cur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney pis.
ease. f1isl.1's Kidney Pins
have made a great part of
their repittation curing
Rheumatism. So get at
the passe of those feared
shooting pains and stiff,
aching joint A. There it
but one sure way-
mind as the longest -
lasting confection YOU
can buy. Send It to
the boys at the front.
War Time Economy
in Sweetmeats
a 5 -cent package of WRIGLEY'S will
give you several days' enloyment:
it's an investment in benefit as well
as pleasure. for it helps teeth. breath.
appetite. digestion.
The Flavour Lasts
Sealed tight -Kept right