HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-8, Page 44 TillUMSDAT, AUG. 8, 1918 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO mocconocitizincidamoseillonocx-- CLEARING SALE SUMMER GOODS ALL STRAW HATS (excepting pauamas) AT "HALF PRICE Palm:Beach Suits, regular $12.50, for $9.75. White Silk Sox, regular .10c, for 35c, or three pairs for $1.00. Silk Front Shirts, regular $1.75, for $1.29 WALTER C. PRIDHAM,,, 20th Century and Art Clothing li 'Phone 57 hif'fcflrflofkAlttrlflafOoela C AUBURN. BC.SHINGLES FOR v W T. RIDDELL. Auburn. VOR SALE.—THE HARNESS SHOP 1 in the volaggee of Auburn. property of Private A. Rollrnaon For further particulars apply to J ARTHUR. Auburn. 00.11 WEDNESDAY. July 31. Miss Robertson. of G.derich. visited Miss Blair last week.) Mfr. and Mrs. Harnngton and the SPECIALS at McEWEM'S Fine Line of Drinks for Warns - Weather.' Ors e, Len ade. Raspberry \'i Lime Juice, Grape Juice. Len uunade Powder, Wines, EG'. (sod assortment of Pickles and l'ateup. Something to sharpen the appetite. A nice large tin of Apple- Hitter for '2c. Pure Maple Syrirpfeoes the Fasters T.,wnshipe ; geatxneeed pore. We have a quantity of Soap an hand. bought before Live rise. Especial in 50c and $l.(101"M. Ammonia at the old price -5c line worth 10e, IOr line worth 15e. Something to stake your floor ehine. Runok Floor Wax (Ni.. 1 goods) in 2.5c, 3 -1.5c and 511' size+. We have on hand some Red Rose and Lipton's Teas. both black and mixed, bought before the advance and duty. Selling at 56e, now worth il1c; we save you 15e a pound. J. J. McEWEN 'Phone 41 - - C.n.d. Food ao..d License Ns.1 MU Misses Ross. from sited the ladies brother. Rev. R. J. Rpee on Friday. Mr. Joseph Carter 6f Sault Ste, Marie. Mich.. spent a fety�ays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ph Carter. Ptes. R. P lips and Walter Wagner were home rom London for the week- end leave isiting their parents. Mrs. rank Hibbert, of Port Francis, is vis' ng her p,renta. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hy ill. he members of •the Young People's ety were entertained on Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raithby. The Knox Helpers Class were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mogndge last Friday evening. WEDNESDAY, Aug 7. , Dr. B. C. Weir is enjoying a visit with his sisters from Strathroy this week. Miss Young, nurse. of Cochrane, is visiting her cousin. Mrs. ,Dr.) Weir. Mr. E. Helwig and mother visited Lucknow friends on Wednesday. Ptes. Elmer Robertson and Robert Phillipe came up from London Saturday by motorcycle to visit their parents. Mr. and M s. John Houston and chil- dren and Miss Ohne Young visited with their uncle at Kipper' on Sunday. County E tgineer D. Patterson and Mr. George Yungblut attended the funeral of Peter Lamont at Zurich on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs E. Lawson were at Sea- fortb visiting the ,latter'a father. who is very ill. Mr. Geo.- 1, enplhut , shipped a ca nf oats last week and a car of hogs Wed- nesday. Mr. Jots Medd shipped a car of cattle to Torontd on Saturday. BAYFIELD. TuesDAY, Aug. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Mannie and family. of London. are ocgrpying Mr. Jennings' cottage for the month of August. Mrs. Stott, of Detroit. and Mrs. Riley. of Grosse Point. motored to Bayfield last week and are^ registered at the Commer- cial. They were accompanied by Mrs. Bong. o(sto indsor, who is a guest of Mrs. J FThee Misses Knapp. of Detroit. are guests at the Commercial. Mr. J. Donaldwsn. of the 'Son," is visit- ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donald - Miss Jessie Mctenzie is visiting at I-iLLI SAVE WESTERN CROP 20.000 Farm Laborers Wanted $12 t o Winnipeg l' .a half a •:.nl per mils beyond. Returning. hair • cent per mile to Wlnnlpme. plus IIS 0" Comfortable Through 'Mins. Iwtnrh riervke at moderate pdoes, itpedal Aotomowrdatioa for Women sad a Sneak: Ruuw ay C N.H.. Excursion Deets. from GODERICH. August 22nd and 2hh. Oltenia' Train itervl.-s: Froin Toronto at 10.00 p.m. For In for,,, atlun a•. J W. CRAIGIE, C.N R. Agent. Goder,ch, or r•ri1. (}eri.ral Passenger tlfp5 . et King Pt. le . To-ontn, (,rd Auk M "w.rwaMs' wsc and waste•' t.sew 1,14 CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Midsummer Bargain in Newspapers The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, and The Signal Both papers until January 1st, 1919, for Si oo V 4 Present subscribers to this paper may have The gamily Herald for the same period for forty cents. • .l Order row. Blyth. The union Sunday school picnic heti on the Square last Tuesday afternoon was quite successful. in spite of very cold, Winds' weather. between two and three hundred people gathering to take tea to- gether and witness the sports. which were entered into with enthusiasm and interest. THE WAR ANNIVERSART.—The anni- versary of the beginnuig of the war was marked by a union service held on the Square on Sunday earning A very large c owd attended and the resolution re- affirnungasin belief in the justice of our cause and oaf determiwtion to continue until a victorious conclusion was unani- mously adopted. Thule. taking part in the service were Rev. A. Macfarlane. Rev. W. Ashe-Everest. Mr.Eric Anderson, Rev. W. Anderson of Lambeth. Rev. Lang- ford of Kitchener, Rev. Melvin Keys of Brigden and Rev. J. Abery of Londes- boro'. Mr. Blaine. of London. kindly ansiated in the service of praise. BENMILLIER. TUESDAY. Aug. 6. • Rev. and Mrs. P. S. Banes arrived home this evening accompanied by Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw and Mr. Banes' mother. Quarterly meeting services will be held at Benmiller church next Sunday morning at 11.:10. The evening service is with- dra an. Quite a number of people from this neighborhood are taking in the Chautau- qua at Goderich this week. The last stage of harvest will begin here tomorrow, when William Hill will commence threshing. Ptes. Jonathan Fisher and Wm. Mug- ford, of the W. 0. R.. and Pte Albert Kurscheneki, of the Canadian Engineers, were home from London on week -end leave: Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont., spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Vanatone. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gledhill arrived home from Toronto on Wednesday. They were accompanied by Pte. and Mn Wm. tfunt, Mrs. Saunders and two children, who are spending a few days in Mr. John Vanstone's house. Mr. and Mrs. Cluff. of Durecannon. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Straughan. Mrs. H. S. Fisher is spending a few days at Clinton. Mr. Jacob Elsley returned Thome from Wingham on Sunday after a week's visit there. Miss Nina Walters, of Goderich town- ship. has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke for several days Several young men from this vicinity are appearing before the medical board at Clinton today fur re-examination. Miss Irene Long has been visiting at Nile for eeveral days. COLBORNE. TUESDAY, Aug. 6 Cutting grain is now the order of the day. Misses Edith Wilson and Ruth Young were home from Stratford over Sunday. Miss Lila Howatt has been engaged as teacher for S. S. No. s to succeed Mise M. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Treble, Miss Laurel and Master Willie, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, of Dunlop. motored to Wingham on Sunday. The Carlow Presbyterian church was ed lad week by the storm. *er• wall nut be herd in it yotil repasts have bean made. is this not an omen that the Presbyterians and Methodists should unite The contest of the Young Ladies' and Young Men's Bible gasses of Zion church is now at an end. As the young men won. the girls have to get up the lunch for their picnic, which is to be held Wednesday of this week at Edward Lawebn s. James Snell and son, of Clinton. Ont.. have purchase 1 from Mr.Rohert Glen three Leicester sheep for Glimmer Glen Farms. N. t'. The sheep are for exhibition pur- poses. Mr. Glen's sheep have won high records at thetleading exhibitions. Miss Florence Young has returned from Guelph, where she was taking a summer course at the U. A. C. A ganlen party will be held at the home of Mr. J. A. Young. Loyal, on August 2'ftb, by the young ladies of Smith's Hill church. the proceeds to be used for Iced Cross purposes. John McClure delivered to Frank Allen oa Friday a four-year-old gelding weigh- ing 17:10 lbs. It changed hands at a good h.lure. KINGSBRIDGE. MONDAY, Aug. 5. Mears. J. Brophy and T. Cummins, of St. Augustine. visited here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and daughter are visiting at Mr. Con. O'Reilly's. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Dalton and Mrs. O'Connor visited fnends at Fordyce on Sunday. Miss Margaret O'Connor returned to Lucan atter a few weeks' visit at her home here. Misses Annie and Lizzie Sullivan, of Detroit are visiting at their home here. Mr. Frank Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. J. Phelan and children, of Goderich. spent Sunday with Mrs. Phelan's mother, Mrs. J. E �ullrvan. A number from here took in the field day at Dungannon, and report a good time. Mr. Frank McCarthy is home from London. Mise Lizzie McCarthy has returned • to her home at Petoskey, Mich., after a week's visit here. Pte. Eldin McNamara and Ptes. Jamee and Percy McCarthy. of Carling's Heigght, were home for a few days. Mre. J. Sullivan and children. of Bran- don, are visiting at Ed. Foley's. it is a humane act to protect your stock from such pest* as flies. gnats and other insects. We have an oil that keeps flies on the move. It does not injure the hair or skin of animals. We have just a lim- ited supply (ct this aea.im. A dollar can will do the whole season. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich. Uns Rouad Only. DeWitt Chronicle—"Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crabb entertained a lot of neigh- bors last evening. hut were soon separ ated." PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY. Aug. 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tigert and on. of Hamilton. were visiting with the formr's dater. Mrs. W. B. Hawkins. of this place. The Prints CO., Limited iPte. Thorrw Nekton. of London. is home to help with the harvest fora kw Naderieh, Ont.s. • 1 alert't'lhe Hoy Scouts. who inteerfe'l carp- ing her tot a w -; s, resui-aej se t gal tb • DANGER LURKS IN EVERY ONE Of US Wei Ar. As Full of Deadly Poisons As A Germ Laboratory. AUTO- INTOXICATION OR SELF - POISONING "FRUiT-A-TiVES- A►.d■t.ly M veate This Dataa.eoss Condition. The chuff cense of jiver AwsUg is our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allowed to remain there, generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood. In other words, a person who is habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Arlo- rRtoxueliow, due to non -action of the bowels, is directly restousrble for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; that it upsets the Stomach, causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum- atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are relieved as soon as the bowels become regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eczema and other :skin Affections disappear when "Fruit-atives" are taken to correct Coustipatioa. "Frwil-a-lives" mill /Protect you against Auto -intoxication because tbia wonderful fruit medieiae acts directly oa all the eliminating organs. 50e. a box, 6 for $.50, trial size 2oc. At all dealers or seat oa receipt of price by Fruit--tivealiaitisd,Ottawa. the sarne day, on account of the sad acci- dent. Mr. and Mrs. Clove Myres and chil- dren. of Stratford, and Mrs. J. R. Myres and little grandchild Nora, are back to their summer cottage by the lake. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. of Luck - now, accompanied by his father, Mr. Jacob McGee. and brothers Albert and Reginald motored to Seaforth Monday and spent the day with relatives there. ST. AUGISTINE. TUESDAY, Aug. 6. Miss Mane McIntosh, of Godench. is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister visited Nile friends one dad last week. Mrs. Wm. J. Thompson is visiting Whitby friends. Mrs. (Rev.) Craig returned home on Saturday after a week' visit at Mr. Wm. M cAllister's. Miss Sarah 91101 leave. for the West on Wednesday. alter .pending her holi- days oledays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smyth. Miss Gladys Jefferson of Woodstock general hospital. is spending her holidays at her home here. Mrs. Ales. Stewart. and Misr Anna. of St. Helens, visited Mrs. J. Thompson last Thursday. DUNGANNON. amail mos $Xl/*X1111$X ■.XNXXXXXXXXXI $X1IXXXXX WEDNESDAY. Aug. 1. 1 Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and Miss Pearl are visiting at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Bolting and daughter, of Mount Forest, are visiting at the home of ' the lady's father. Mr. Wm. Thompson. Mr. Thos. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham, of Goderich, were visr.o rs in our village last [leek. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Case, of Hensall. visited at the home of Dr. T. E. Case last week. Mr. Will Moffatt returned last week to his old home at Pinkerton. Mrs. T. W. Little. of North Bay. visi- ted in the village Lass week. Ptes. Wesley Monk. Len Anderson and Aubrey Higgins were up from London for a few days. Messrs. Will Maize and Ralph Didier have received notice to report at London for re-examination August !nth. Mr. Geo. Begley, of Hamilton. visited his brother Thomas last week. Donald Fowler and Art Elliott are wearing those smiles. Baby girls, eh? The farmers are pretty well through with the hay and are into the barley. wheat and oats. The oats and barley are exceptionally good and some say they are as good a crop as they ever cut. The potatoes are not looking very wear, being atf cted by blight, Mrs. Courtnaht and daurhter returned to their home at Preston on Friday. Me ars. Sardy and Grant have a large gang on at the flasher bridge. When it is completed this will be one of the largest single -arch bridge- in Ontario. Mr. W. H. McClure received a car of chestnut coal at McGaw last week and one of stove mal this week. The Misses Wilkinson. who had been s Ing holidays with their friend Mise Pearl McKenzie, returned home , last week. Mr. B. J. Crawford is sporting a new McLaughlin car. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven motored to Hamil- ton and Toronto this week. It is beginning to look like business around the corner. Mr. Allen has a gang of men on this week commencing building ,iperations. PASSED BANK EXAMINATION.— From The Teller. the monthly publication is- sued by the Sterling Bank of Canada, we take the following paragraph referring to a former Dungannon banker: We are glad to hear that Mr. S. M. Wickens, manager of our Sebringville branch. has passed the associates course in the bank- ers' examiner MO, having obtained honors in commercial and foreign ex- change arithmetic and commercial and banking geography. Mr. Wickens states that he found the course highly benefi- cial to himself, and can strongly recom- mend it to any member of our staff. both junior and senior. We wish to congratu- late Me. Wickens on achieving the re- sult. F) wlas or WE FIELD DAY. Mr,John McKenzie, of Kintait and Mr. D. M I LLAR u SON 1 X X X ■X■lo*).****1/)t/aim ass l•I•sax Lau iomaitat ti1A)�Ir told us last week that she One of our Summer Visitors liked dealing at our store, because she always felt so much at home. She said, too, that of all the stores in town ours was the most like the city stores. It is our con- stant aim to make everyone feel at home as soon as she (or he) enters our doors. ' We are always pleased to show goods, and no one need feel under any obligation to buy. a a 111X X X X Advance I owing of Fall Coats X 11 We are fortunate in securing early delivery of our new Coats. Early buying this season is more necessary than ever to make the best selection. Owing to the great shortage of all woollen materials and the great dif- ficulty in securing labor, there will be no chance of getting anything like as good values as the season advances. Although the prices of Coats have advanced, we have no hesitation in saying that our 1918 selection is the best we have ever shown. Two Silk Specials Alexandra Silk Poplins in all new rich colorings, soft in weave and appear- ance, does not crush easily. Poplins are correct and stylish for the fall season, 36 inches wide. Special $ 1.95 yard. Special black Pailette Silk. One piece heavy quality black Pailette Silk, beaut- iful rich finish, full yard wide. $1.95 yard. $ X X Two Splendid Skirt Values a At S4.95. Women's Poplin Skirt. X black only, splendid quality. shirred X waist -band with elastic. making a very 1 smart Skirt At $4.95. At $7.95. Black Silk Poplin Skirt, X made in the full straight hanging style, yoke effect, button -trimmed. Special X $7.95 each. X The Great August Carpet and Housefurnishing Sale x is in full swing and many special values are being offered. If you contemplate doing K any housefurniahing this fall you will do well to make your selections now. X X X X XXXXXXXXXXX■XXXX■■XXXIESX11•XXXXAMIX$XX■XXII The leading phone and mail order store. X X PHONE u Millar s Scotch Store PHONE Si X 8 X X X 11 ■XXXX1K1rXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXX)A11>K1<111 XXIN Will Richardson, of Toronto. who held the lucky tickets in the drawing contest. gave hack the pigs to be resold for the Red Crows, which was done. The concert in the evening was one of the best ever held here. The Henderson Kiltie Lads and Lasses, from London, are a very talented organization.. and Miss Al ice Dunbar. who accompanied them. is a clever comedienne. The program, consisting of cornet solos. singing. High• land dancing and piping, Irish jigs and other fancy dances, comic songs and read- ings. etc.. was received so well that it is safe to say the house could be filled sever- al nights in succession if the company should return here. Sam Munro. the "Canadian Harry Lauder," is a particu- larly clever youngster and he brought down the house time and again. Dr. T. E. Case acted as chairman. After the concert a dance was started, with Mr. William Watson as floor mana- ger, and music by Messrs. Wm. McPhee. ', Jet. O'Connor. Thos. Elliott. assisted by I Misses Reid. Plunkett and McGee. Mn. Jas. Garvey and Messrs. Hogan, Lannan and Mackenzie. It was about 4.30 ,• a. m. when the dancers agreed to call it "the end of a perfect day and dispersed for home. The 'udges for the procession were Rev. IR. J.Ross and Mr. W. T. Riddell, of Auburn. and Major Joseph Beck, of Tor- onto. The substantial sum of $255 was taken in for the evening concert and at least seventy-five people were turned away from the doors. Major Young. late of the Gordon High- landers. who piped for the dancing at the grounds in the afternoon. Is a distin- guished artist with the bagpipes. He has piped four times before the King, and it was a rare treat for the Dungannonites to hear him. Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western Canada "Coit Trip west"—$11 to WINNIPEG. "Itetrre Trip East" —$1$ fres WiNNIPES- Angus! loll, Md Augers.* I L As Age/ awl ss T[latTo*ar - Nacre N (1aA/t. West .t Nash. Tina e. Nd Wirths Tame, et trek Oeerfi free. Lir s✓ IM�yset-atr.reaa. use. 'eM .taaa,r Karin t. a.rfrw Darton Irciw..- ►r.- .tast.A r err. cheat eery =re irww�a steams as �a11 Veer Mar* kw* Pram .taaa,as ea lisle Lead, asa.ey t. Free.. Iasaty... P, .Uinta. ewlatr Pomata. n Port 1seMamlerd �Onss►ReMs}*sa aniline in .in ad Seat, .l r see 1a.LYsn Isaataaw eey wldaer. not. an Orae e Wahines. Trimeser . Vera. Moroi. Gegrea \ as Marra. North to ■eleaa'ladorw. e'.ea.a T$.ugwnw ,.ears. ra;jN TOhb/rT7 roe r.tlrair. f.eA C.mMait Perm trent Aaa.ta •w a W"W \RD M4r/a',Amager APae. Ternme