The Signal, 1918-8-8, Page 1wired.Ames - t, ..- , tllljs, - As:Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. 9 The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the ' Ipnainder of 1918 for To United States addNNI1, 80 cents. 60c. To United States addresses. 8 cents. BSY1tNTY-FIRST YEAR -No a777 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUG. 8 1918 aI FARMER FOUND KlLLBD. . h`�° TfDrder AeriTHESTERLIN6BANKIfed Him Under Baader Field. Blyth, Aug. 5 5..-A fatal accident „„r /� pend to John McElroy, a tanner tieing �F CANADA in etovmstup of Morris, about three ,mew from here, this morning. He war, alone at the time. but as far as can be learned he was leading a team of horses THE TOWN COUNCIL. THE SIGNAL PRINT iNG CO. LIMITED. Mealiest pipe, and that 1110 feet of 6 -in. tile out Victoria -sl.. sewer be '.old to Mr. flan niaterat 10e. per toot. These reports were both adopted. Councillor Davis laid there was esu complaint about Lown of short weigh and he proposed that the police ha power to weigh or measure anytbin sold by weight or measure whenev they see lit to elo so -potatoes, coal groceries, meat, gasoline, bread or an thing else. There was a long dlecue"ion upo this, and it speared to be generally Mat at the adoption of the proposal ld woube a good thing to protect t honest merchant, as well as the g name of the town; bot when C-ouncill Davi" made the notion there was SAVE, Because - The money you earn is one of your beat friends -so keep your friends. attached to a binder out of his barn, when the horses took fright. became unmanage- able and knocked him down, and dragged the body under the binder about forty rods. When he was found life was extinct, death beiighpposed to have been instantan- eous, neck war broken and his body badly mangled. Keep ford Heights on thW�nd� party at Salt. under the auspices of the Saltferd 14th. Cross. MAYOR PROPOSES Mite UISo T RIRVTIr DEPOT Hospital Matters Discussed -Council- lor Davis Faille to Get a Seconder for His Motion to Check Short Weights -War Anniversary Neso- Iubon. WANTED. WA N T E D. -IMMEDIATELY. A I T .wean or amort girlto cart m tsbirw eork. TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS. M the hour preferred, Mn family of two adults. -- modern coneeruemes Apply THE SIGNAL , Take notice that 1 bays �r.d OFFICE. +� It for rale for arrears of tris,. That a hat of lands may be had in m, dile. told Ihat �s thereof ii d The br- ing published in e ro a. Gazette Int to WineWine in August. 1t2a. ore Pon 'Lux Os UaT. TINDtiRS WANITD. TENDERS FOR CUTTING WOOD. rilEACHER,1WANTED.-S. S. NO. 17. A.baeld oars to commence alter sum- er. Iondays. Apph� satins aid tenon - erre Jif any) to W.- J BLACK. R R. Nos 1. S$eppsrdton. 27-11 1TEACHER WANTED.- FGR S S NO. 7, Colborne. Protestant. second -clam prefer vassal. eSalary film. Duties to commence after rimer holiday& A2�to U F SCHWAN2. Secretary, R. R. No. (Aston 3411 IIIRLS WANTED. -APPLY THE ' GODERICH KNITTING CO. IaU WANTED ! DUCHESS APPLES for shipment about August Ibth. Highest market price. 'Phone Itir7, tioderich Rural. WANTED. RASPBERRIES GARDEN BEANS AND BENTS at the Canning Factory W. LANE. DTreats Co. of Huron, Dated at Gude tic$ August 11. Ida 27 -it RM[ FOR SALE. -FIFTY ACRES. U Mhea d but how. lane huge basement s, barn. Good orc %Ngo basement creek; rural trail and ua�.pt400.s. Put particulars rr pnrg •pply to MRS MARGARET FARRItiH, Gone - Luck ncb, or KENNETH F•ARRb,H, k. R. No. 7, now, On[: Y! -;it VARM FOR SALE. -900 ACRES IN `' west wawaeur, wear acresrodeo relevance. ip'hem Andd posture Buildings to good condition Price and tars r.a.oniabis The wood see the pieced sold would meet the purchase once of tie tarn 111•health of owner lesson kW selling. For further particulars apply to THE SIGNAL, Godorsch. /Lst. V' acres, In Cold. se township. seven miles (TOM Goderich An telest pint, to live. To be sold on easy_terpo. Amy to Tiled GONDRV. Ink tronrec, Gofroch 22.1.1 VOIR SALE -A NEW BRICK HOUSE k• with one -hall acre of Oa. oat mated os Ram roma. Goderob This m a genuine. barrens Some secant mu can re hounht arlwratng this Moped y mmiser tilos therewith E TOWN 'OF GODER1CH. -Tendert addrcmedtto the undersigned. be received to the Town of (.oderrch up to and in- cluding Wednesday. Aucu++i 1111, 151s, tar the felting. cutting. splitting and piling 01 the aloe .acree more or kr ofbtish w+ lot 12contemnI, Godench toernehipp.� as purchased contemns I, the town from Mr. Chrratoplw Johnston Aa wood. latae and small. to be cut into one -foot lengths; all blocks from ax inches up to be split, Llx) cords to be cut and read by November tat, 191. and the balance of the wort to 1. completed en or bettor Decewbert3tat, 1*19. All work to he dorm under the 'direction and to the satisfaction of the Town Council or their agents The .ntccerful tenderer will b• required to en- ter into an agreement satisfactory to the Town Council. No tender nreeseardy accepted. T WALLIS, L L•KNOX, Ch. 04 Public work. Com , + Town Clerk. Godn,ch. Goderrca. MA11, CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Pont - roaster General, will heireseived at Ottawa metal noon on Friday, the tMrt nob day en september, Itle, tor the conveyance of His Mai st y'. Maili, on a proposed Contract ler lour years all trews tiet week on the LUCKNOW NO 'RURAL ROUTE. from the lat en January opt. as to conifition. of proposed Contract reed ne zee. acid dank forms of Tender may be obtained at the rimer h and at the MK, of the Post Office In- spect., London. PosTiOFFICE INSPECTOR'S (..W Harlon Canning & Evaporating Co. VOR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE. aU modeyn conyemeaces. also good wen, soft water astern, fruit trees, lawns, vegetable grolen, stable, etc. A tee mtnutes' *ea from the uare For loll particulars addle* Bog 33. HE SIGNAL OFFICE. Godermn. Ont PUBLIC NOTICE. WEST .HURON BOARD OF AGRI- Tbe annual meeting of the Wed Huron Board of Agriculture will be held in Treleaven's ice Crean. perkir, Dungannon. on Monday, August 12th. at 2.110 m., tor the election of officers and other important business.. Interesting ad. draws are expected M BAILIE. Secretary. 1)R. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE EAR-. NOSE. THROAT. Late House swims New York Ophthalmic Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- petal London. Eng. &I Waterloo st S., Stratford Telephone N7. "A man without means twist abandon the hope of &looking the future ar All a man can do stances to ioileguard his family im get his life insured." A policy in the MI"TUA I. LIFE makes this provision at lowest rates Robertson & Woods ENTS FOR BALL BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE. MAIL coNTRAcl. SEALED TENDERS, addrespeel to the 'Poet - master General will be received at °Mown until noon en Friday, the tarteenttday of September. 191h. for the conveyance of Hie Maierity'll Mails. on a proposed Contract for Pour years. sot tonal per week at the LUCKNOW NO 3 RURAL ROUTE. from the lst a January nett - Printed moires containing farther information se to conditions of propped Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices ol Lucknow. Holyrood and Whitechurch. and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E H. FISHER. Post Office Inspector. POST OFFICE I NSPEZTOR 'S OFFICE. Leedom 2nd August, Idle 27-3t Never an tbr history of tbe Slone Breeding In- dustry ham the outlook lor the future been so cheerful NI 11 II it the premise time The best obtainable *isomers shoe. a steedY lolling off of the pork sepply once 1910 This condition is shosm by the increased price. tor hop, both for breeders and packers It is motes to take a long tone to reostabbdi stabdity an the swine world. owing to the falling on in supply. t he groyne, demand. end the COlfee- quent general high prices The improvenient un the Chester White and arcontpitAhed by croesing on the Chester White another breed of hog which wee about what is now known in England as the Mammoth White. This cross Win made by Mr L. B. Silver. of Saler. Ohio. in led. Mr. Silver thereby berarne the originator of the°. I. C. Hog. Since (het day Mr. L. B. StIver and his successor. have worked contineouely to improve the 0. I. C. Hog by scientific breveting and development. producing a sort of -.Piper breed" of the white bog. while other brees have sought to improve then Chester Whit• stock by introducing 0 I. C. blood. mid hare oucceedecl to a greater or lees We have some choice Boars and Sows of this breed for sale. ' GODER1CH POULTRY FARM\ G. M. KIDD. Prop. 'Phone 44. Goderieh. OhL • MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS. sddremed to the Pay- master GeneteL will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the twentieth day of September. 1915, for ths conveyance of His Minot y'o Mails, on a proposed 'Contract for :four years ex times per week, OVER GODERICH NO. 4 RURAL ROUTE. from the let day of January. 1919. Printed notices containing further information ao to conditione of proposed Contract may be weed land blew* forms of Tender nsay be obtsined at the Peet Offices of Goderich. Hof nes- vine and Sheppardton, and at the office of the Poet Oder Inspector, Lando.. CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post Ofhce Inspector. FtY4T OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. London. ti /919. 27-111 "That on this $h* fourth anniversary of the doclaratlon of a righteous war seconder, and the wetter dropped. this council on WWI of the citizens of A caution was passed that the assettarrr be instructed to return the roll withia a week. The hospital board is to be asked to grant permis.den for the cutting down of some trees in the grounds at Napier THE LADS IN KHAKI. cb Is. Harry Inkster, who is now a cadet in ve training with the Flying Corps at Long g Branch, was home over the week -end. er Harry is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Inkster in the mihtary ranks. y' Charlie is a prisoner of war in Germany and Leslie is ,n Frans. - eel- Mrs. John Forden, of Kansas City, Kansas, formerly of Godench, bas re - he aived the following: ee d "Deeply regret to inform you cable - or .rom abroad states that Pnvate °O goy J. Forden was killed in action be- tween June 1st and kith. Remains will be interred abroad until the end of the war. Accept my heartfelt sympathy m your great loess Your son nobly gave his life in service of his country.' Another son, Robert, wbo enlisted with the Manns at Detroit. it now in France, and a third, Will, is in training at Nia- gara, Ont. r- the town of records Its inflex- ible determine. to °omenue to a vie torious end the st e In waIotenant'e of those ideals betty and Justice street. which are +aid to be inuring the which are the . and sacred cause i roadway. of the Allies." The Mayor spoke of the danger to pe This resolati as adopted at the I NO°" going down the steps at Water] regular meeting the town council on street from engine!.on the (..T.R pas Friday eveotag in response W the i tug the toot of the steps. and it was d proclamatioaof the utenant-Governor' cutest to ask the railway people to ha of Ontario calbon a suitable °beery- engines whistle before they reach th ance of the fottrt aaaivereary of the point. x... cowao wevwent of the war. His Wor- 1 The Mayor introduced the question of ship explained that owing to a public i the price of milk. Early in June he bad woetfag bavlug hew held a abort time i obtained information as to the prices en the occasion of the national day' charged in other towns in Western 0n of yon -it was nut considered advia- i tants the information showing that to have smother at this time. (lodericb was paying • higher price than Dr. A.T. Eninearsonand Dr. A.H.Mack- I other towns. With this information be lin were a ttepataMfsn from the Collegiate had met the dairymen. asking them toe Institute board •d were heard with i reiluoe the price for the anwmer at reference to t .matter of securing I least. but they had given no definite school. Their pro- ' raPly. The laws conditions as to cost east of the present ; of living, labor. etc.. prevailed in these + Itb about 100 feet other places as in (ioderich. (Dion and Britannia 1 The prices compared as follows: The Provincial Guelph ... 27 dairywen.;...._11c a qua dors have from ' London. a0 " __1f1c. allied of the lack of lioaforth. ._. 310t. tiou in oonnectlon : Stratford....a 7 ........Ile. oo Pte. Albert Wood Dowding, No. 91n3$, formerly 37th Battalion, transferred to ve 27th of Winnipeg. beloved son of Wiliam in James and Eleanor Dowding, of Oak wore grousd portal was that school grounds, troatarte un botch readL, be high school time to time facilities for with the school the increased area , Wingbarn .... 11 ec. will afford room er tennis courts and Cltnton baskettalL The beard ham an option of I Hie Wormhip thought the time had •750 oe the let, en which there is a rived tor the establiehing of a runnier dwelling house, sail it is understood that depot for the dietribution ot milk with tbs. year'n Miy the board will be Goderich. able to tinanue thattransaction. I On motioa of Councillors Wallis an The council apptlareil to be favorable Willson the matter was referred to th to the propositio‘ and the 'special corn- specie.' committee. ruirthe was instaliceed to commit the i Another nuggestion of the Mayor wa solicitor and Isrial _in a report at the. that the route of the stieet-epriuklin In a letter to tine council Mr. Aldone, i wax that the town should 140001'0 "silen sexton of Maitland cemetery, tendered , policemen" to direct traffic on the mai bus thanks for tike inerease of eels?), 'litreets. Other towns have them. an recently voted tar tli.i. hat raised seine with the increeteing automobile train objection in the ter of the request they appear to be almosit necessary airwage to him . et aboold be mere ', The public works cuzutuittee will r Or MOW el funeral's. lie said that birotion 1 There Wad some discussion about la had to week at a graw mail the me- , driving of cars on the Square, and th meat of the funeral and had no time to public worke emnodttee was aektel ehAnge him clothe* The letter con- ' attend to the matter. . Liaised: ".As for putting on a epee:Mil Councillor \Vallee repiirted that the I dress. gush as she chairman propoesed to market clerk. Mr. Leckie, had been get DOC, I moist certainly decline, as t.lie away having a leg amputated and Mr. dayie of mute's read mumeacas at funerals 8warts, who had acted in him absence, are a thing of the pest. And, again. at I was now too busy to tweed to the work a funeral 1 anl merely the gravedigger and it would be necereary to appoint a and the position of /4exion hi filled very ' snbetitnte. uicely by the undertakers." "How- '1 he Mayor proposed aecuring the co - ever," be concluded, "1 will change my operation of other towns in thin district The letter was turned over to the oil Hay tesinr reauiteemat to 'secure a lower seek cemetery and larks committee. Deputy Reeve Clark muggested baying A requeet from the neeretary of the a meeting to be addreseed by Sir Adam sthmeok Chapter, 1.0.D.E., for permis- Beck, at which the representatives of Mon to hold a tag day duriag fair week, the venom. menicipslities in the district Dr. Erumermon wam heard with refer- This., was sent to the mpecial 'commit- 1 was referred to the 'special committee. might be prewaut. . • ence to hospital matters and mubmitted tee for oonaideration. figures showing that the revenue of the councillor Robertson asked if Koine - hospital from patieette is very far from thing could not be done to secure a pas- ineeting expenees. As an inetance, the meager boat counection: but the Mayor figure.. for patients front the town duo Raid the matter had been taken tip OD ing the year 1917 were given. The eeveraf occasions and it seemed to be average cost per patient per day is'1112.86, impoissible to have anything done until and at thin rate the omit of the town after the war. If Goderich people ewned patients (478 days) was 1111,12s.08. The or bad Meek in any of the paiimenger amount received from the patients wars boat.. they 'MOO have some influence in *201.80, leaving the hospital "out" to the determining the portm of call. extent of St4711,2s. Figurets were given The council adjourned at 10.10 o'clock. almo for the patients' from outside the town, illumtrating the same conditionis Papers Acknowledged. The bearing ol the matter is that the a bundle of Old Country papers kindly unable to pay. Hutchison. Among the papers is a copy Councillor Davis, after hearing r. of The Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate and still of the opinion that the hompita ILI Emrnormon'e explemancine, !aid be w Chenton Herald, containing accounts of the Dominion Day and Fourth of July 'should doance Itself. There were morhe he ceile,hbratiohns at Folkestone. ta h street. Previously reported missing No- vember e) at Panschendaele, now pre- sumed dead. The above, from a Toronto paper of recent date. refer, to a former Godench boy. Mr. W. J. Dowdingat one time kept a harness shop dere, t the family moved from t•.wn about fifteen years ago. The late Pte. Dowding was un- reported dean some month ago. but the ofhctal announcement came only st week The deceased was about twenty-eight years 01 age and was a brother of Mrs. Arthur Carrie, of Tor- onto. re Good CHAUTAUQUA WEEK. • Crowds Attendi- ng and Everybody Well Pleased. ('hautauqua wink is passing off in ex• ar- cellent style. The big ternt opposite Motel Sunset has held large audiences e Nell H. Conwell, perhaps the greateet 1"43 tiectineurerat. on the North American con - I* ▪ every day, and the programs have been of a most tatistactory order. Those d who have attended are enthusiastic in e their praise of the splendid array of tai- . ent that has been assembled in the s' week's program. l: ' On Friday evening the Ben Greet ✓ Players will present "The Cotaedy of t Errors," and tee event le being looked n forward to with eagerness as a very d among ' treat. c For "Liget y airs program includes . Madam not. Danish prima Mauna, t William Oshorne. 1heat enils. Herbert et ' td of or f rraa%NVItt lee, M 1 THE HOSPITAL BOARD. Resolution of Appeciation of Mr. H. E. Hedgers' Serwoes as Secretary. At a meeting of the board of Alexan- dra hospital, held on Wednesday, July 31st. Mr. H. E. Hodgens tendered his resignation as a member and as secretary of the board. It was moved be Mr. C. A. Nairn seconded by Mr. C. Seeger, and carried: "That the resignation be accepted and that this board hereby ex- presses its deep regret at his loss as a member and secretary of the board and as a most useful and pregressive citizen. and also our great apereciation of his valued services as secretary of this board for many years." The vacant secretaryship was filled by the appointment of Rev. Canon Hill. In response to a request from the town council, a committee was adopted by the board, consisting of Dr. Taylor. Mayor Wigle and Dr. Emmerson, to formulate a plan for delivery of lectures on child wel- 1 The treasurer. dr. C. A. Nairn, pre- ' tented a financial sthtement showing 1S5M.50 of outstanding accounts arW bank balance nil. Dr. Emmerson brought in a list of town patients for 1917 who were treated in the public ward and the amounts paid by the same in fees. The cost of these patients to the hospital exceeded the amount paid by them, plus the grant from the town council, by more than poor wen hardly able to pay their own . wilharns, . . imps and they should not be asked to of Dunlop, we have enjoyed elp pay the bills of ahem. , looking over the illustrated story of the The master was referred to the special famous raid upen Zeebrugge and Ostend as given in The Sphere in a series of con- A requemt for the usual two weeks' .1 eecutive pictures. The brilliant exploit holiday.' for the polictinen was granted, the intrepid Bntish seamen is vivicey , portrayed in these pictures, and it makes the ehairtn" the'"Pe'ild emetuktee it seem even more real to know that our to make provieion for substitute's. young friend Reg. A. Williams. Mrs. The water and light commission /Piked Williams' son, had a part in the raiding permimsion to remove the smaller breeches from Panne of the treee on the • expedition. etreetm to avoid contact with the power Make sure that yourztravelling bag is with the power wirers well stored with toilet supplies. remedies, Mayor Wigle MAO neither the electric etc., that you will need while away on light people nor the Bell telephone peo- 'your vacation trip. Make out. a list and ple ghoul(' 1* allowed hntcher the bring it to us to t* filled. We have a nice trees, and the Street inmpector ahmildi week -end package that we would like to make* more rigorous inspection to ob- (Mow you. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Gode- viate thin. I rich. The matter was left with the chsirmen Don't forget to attend the salad tea to of the parkm load public works commit.. be given on the grounds of Mr. Alex. teem and the street inmpeetor, with power to act. Saunders, on Friday, August 9th, from 5 to 7 o'clock, under the auspices of the In the matter or the National Ship- General lirough Chapter, 1. Cl. D. E. the town aa mecurity, the council insisted ' The eloderich Orchestra. that the mortgage clause abonld be in- sereed. the eubject, holing bronght nis by n for engagements for lawn socials, gan parties, dances, etc. For terms a letter from the town molicitor. The finance e.ommittee mussed a num- I ber of Ammoniate and recommended that the mind" snake a mix-montbm contract for a five -inch epaoe in both local pa- Pore - The peddle works committee reported aside at least one bottle of each kind for that oely otie tender had hews received tor cutting wood road it coneidered h°41:at2l. The Ahmeek Chapter. I. 0. toonert. &ad the 00w2131,14,e meow. D. E., will have a shower later and all two fresh tends", w, askm. contributions will be gratefully received. another oar ot 14 -be. ',ewer pipe be or C. C. Lee received a car of National dered at once. to lacInde Nome 8-fisch Portland cement tin* week. THE OF C SIR EDMUND WALSER. LL.D. D.C.L. Peadihae Pt V. P. JONES. ARA Gni Neregse Ilt JOHN AIM. OnewalPierimpor CAPITAL PAm Ur. $16.1100110 Mem MUD. • )13.14111.1100 SAFETY FOR SAVINGS its Few people are moillelently alive tio tory for their savings. 'This Dank pro- vides a sada plaoe lor you. es Goderich Bnuich- -G. WILLIAMS, Manager. Winston Churchill's great story of the Civil War ham been made into a gigantic moving picture spec. - tack by the Selig Co.. Inc. Many character!' appear whoese names are enehrineri in the hearts of all, among them the titanic figure of Uncoils, the great eman- The entire National Guard et the State of Mimed's& ppi wee employed at Vickmburg io the filming of the bent° scenes described in the It would be bard to conoelve of a more oomprehenidve or elaborate picture of the great etrnggie be- tween the North and the Routh then is 'Mown by this prodnction, the fatereet of which can Futrell), he exaggerated. "The Crisis" is the big film offer- ing at the Model Theatre on Mon- day aad Tuesday next. Read the Read, Housewives. Everyone is interested in our hospital. It takes money to keep it going. When doing your preserving and canning put DROWNING AT PORT ALBERT. 1s Va TM a Teraina Boy Who Was Holidaying at Blyth. (By our Port Albert Correspondent.) Port Albert, Aug. 7.-A sad event took plate here Monday afternoon, when Mel- vin 0 Neil. of Terceto. lost his life by drowning. A party of Boy Scouts from Blyth, tinder the guidance of Rev. W. B. Hawkins and Messrs, Banton and Fraser, had lust arrived for a week's outing by the lakie, and the Toronto boy, who was visiting at Blyth, accompanied them. Al- ter the tent kgs placed and things ar- ranged sortie of the party went into the water for a swam Three of the boys be- came detached from the rest and presurn ably young O'Neil was seized with a cramp. When his companions noticed he was m trouble they immediately en deavured to bring ham to shore. but their efforts were in vain. Mr. Hoy secured the body shortly afterwards and Dr. Simpson was called, but due was extinct. The body was ten back to Blyth in the evening to await directions trom the rela- tives at Toronto. The sad event cast a gloom over the party and they all returned to their Mites 2t Blyth In company with the re- mains. Provincial tlye-electtois. A paragraph in the Toronto papers an- nounces that the Government will likely bring on lour bye -elections for seats in the Legh lature this tall. The vacancies are North Huron. Lennox. North Oxford and Manitouun. Writs will be issued shortly, it is said, for the holding of elections in these ridings about the end of October or early. in November. Fancy Dress Vance. On Friday night of next week, the Idth inst., a fancy dress dance will be held at Hotel Sunset under the auspices of the Prisoners of War Society. Pnzes will be awarded for the beet costumes, ladies' and gentlemen's. Adrnissnort 50c. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. - The annual meeting of the West Huron Board of Agriculture will be held at Tre- leaven's store, Dunrannon, Monthly quahty counts:, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. I Miss King, tbe superintendent. Wail granted a month's holiday. , The secretary was instructed to write to the town council asking that a larger pipe be laid from the water -main to the hospi- tal. ttie superintendent having com- plained of the inadequate trupply of water. HARVEsT HELP. According to registration returns of June 2'2nd, there are over 2.5W men la the county ol Huron elic hers- had farm experience or are willing to assist in ta.' saving ol the harvest The Orgaruzation These carck are in t ur office and legs have been prepared for each town aed village in the county. The lists are in the hands of the local Organization of Re - It is hoped that in this way those who require help will apply to thoee in charge of the list and that those who are asked to assist in harvesting will make an ef- fort to comply with the request. A little co-operation between urban arid rural dwellers will aid a great deal at this The list for Goderich is in the hands of E. Colborne. who will do all in his power to assist you. Department of Agriculture. WALTERS.- At Ben miller. on Wednesday. July 31. to Mr. rind Mrs. Clatence J. Walters a WILLIAMS.--At Dayton, Ohio, on ith inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. G. Montague .1 DIED. day, Auguet Janata Aylmer Harrison. youngest eon of Mr. Albert Harmon, aged 1 year and months. Codetich. on Wednesday. su- gust fr, Robert Williams, in his doth year. IN MEMORIAM. THOM PSON. -.Drowned at Fort William. Ont., August 10, 191s. William Thompson, ...tor NEW VEFt TISEMENTS-Aug. 8. Teacher Named -S S. No 17. Ashfield.... Tender. 1. Cutting Wood -Town of Gcder ch I Fractionation -Military Service Coenvil filiiTvoit Help -S.M. Stothero. Clinton. .. Treaeurer's hale of Lands -W. Lane • Woman Wanted- ApplY at -Steed Office. ' t Farm Laborer. Wanted -C. P. R 1 Sale of Yearldm Ilene -H Penh Revell Annual Meet ing -Wed Huron Board lid Agri- 4 The warm days bring to mind the de- cukure light of Edwards' ice cream. Farm for Sale -Mrs. Margaret Farrish . 1 InVER Ian TZARS Victory Bonds Victory Bonds, other secu- rities and important papers should be kept safe from fire and burglary. Safety Qepoeit Doges in the wanks of this Bank may be seated at a small charge. A. W. STRICKLAND. Manager, Goderich Branch