HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-1, Page 84' 1 i S Teneasa&v. AUG. 1, 1918 DR. RUSSELL H. CONWELL Lecture: "Acres of Diamonds." DR. RUSSELL H. tieNWKLL. Greatest lecture In the world; delivered more than 6.000 limes. Dr. Conwell is President of Temple University, Philadelphia. with 4,000 *Students, a great lecturer and a great preacher, who will make tee last day kit Chautauqua Week memorable. tic BEN GREET PLAYERS :The Most Celebrated Shakespearean Players in Existence. t KEN GREET PLAYERS. Everybody loves; a Shakespearean play. and "The Comedy of Errors" 4s dehervedly among the moat popular. The Ben Greet Players will preset tile laugh -creating play the fifth evening of Chautauqua Week. Known throughout America as one of the greatest Chautauqua attrac- tions; available. Popular In the greaten( play bourses her. -and abroad, with a record of Isolable performances excelled 1)) few theatrical organizations In the world. Honored by appearances nn the White House lawn before American Presidents and international cel••brittes An organisation of outstanding merit—big In number• --bigger In arflalry--with a vehicle which has stood the teat of time—a comedy with a punch, Hhakeapeare's Immortal. tk•n Oreet's players are thoroughly capable histrionic artists who have specialized upon tibakespeanean productions. The record of success won by the organisation, not only on the Ohautauqua plat0srm, but in leading theatres of America, in the best possible assurance of their ability to please. 4 COLONEL GEO. W. BAIN • COIA)i4 ORO. W. RAIN. The subject: "if 1 Could Litre i1tV Over " Full of wit and wisdom; 'reel In ezperlence; the outgrowth of 40 years of public life by nae er iAmeries9 greatest Chautauqua Ise/seers. A member of (loner's= says: "For Over an hour be swayed his bearers as the storm king sways lie 7fsresf. The way hd played upon their weird harp of a thmuaed streams. /the Yuma. heart, was a revelation to Inc. 1 shall sways remember (fit j►sur as nue of the meal ecstatic of ear life.' . f• THE SIGN AL - GODERICH ONTARIO SIX PATRIOTIG Entertaining Days AUGUST 5th to 1 Oth, 1918 Hotel Sunset Grounds, Goderich Chautauquas are somewhat new in Ontario, but the Dominion Chautauquas, with 5o new Chautauquas in Ontario this year, backed by the representative citizens of each community, will have a household anticipation each year. The Chautauqua consists of Entertainments, Lectures and Concerts. The one for Goderich will be given in a huge tent which will seat 2.500 people. BUY SEASON TICKETS NOW And Support Your First atnotie Chautauqua of the Greatest Ye is History A Part of the Programme WELSH GLEE: QUARTET DR. T. W. DAVIDSON REV. P. J. MacCORRY ROYAL, DRAGOONS COL. GEORGE W. BAIN TSCHAIKOWSKY QUARTET BEN GREET PLAYERS Be a Booster Get Season Tickets ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN $1.00 EVERY CHILD IN OODERICH Should have a junior $1 ticket, and attend the JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA each morning at 9 o'clock, said ticket also being good for afternoon and evening Chautauqua. The JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA is both instructive and entertaining. A special junior leader will be here to teach the children refreshing games, tell them uplifting stories, or- ganize a town administration and put on a pageant, entitled "Our Allies.' "THERE'S A REASON'' Why Representative People of Goderich and this Community are Boosting the "Win -the -War Chautauqua" IT 15 PATRIOTIC IT IS SURELY CLEAN IT 15 WORTH WHILE IT 15 EDUCATIONAL IT IS ENTERTAINING IT IS PURPOSEFUL IT 1S INSPIRATIONAL Be a 'Booster Get Season Tickets ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN $140 Tickets can he secured at the Drug Stores. C. C. Lee's Hardware Store. Porter's Bookstore and at Hotel Sunset. Secure your ticket by Saturday night, August 3rd -- THE TSCHAIKOWSKY QUARTET' Chautauqua Week Attraction. THE TBCRAILOWSKY QUARTET Four disciples of Tschaikowsky (Clay-koff-ekl). one of the greatest composer* who ever lived, form this organization. Two violins. 'cello and piano make up the instrumentation—the Ideal combination fur effective presentation of great musk. Each player is an artist. a real interpreter of music. and the leader a master musician wl.o makes every program noteworthy. Mr. Leon Wellman, the director of the Tschaikowsky Quartet. grad- uated wtth highest honors from the great musical conservatory of Moscow. Ruata. and later completed a special course on composition and conductias at Petrograd. He won fame in England as a conductor and player. directing in both London and Manchester. Mr. Frederick Blair. the 'cellist. is one of the leading Amerlean 'cellists. Re eau born in Hanford, Conn.. and for some year* has been Master ot ttmamber Music and Instructor in Vtoltncello play.ng at Smith College. lir. Henry Levine is one of the most eminent Boston pianists. He is a native of that city. 'Mr. Edward Kowfnskl was born of Russian ancestry, and studied at the Conservatory of Warsaw. He played in the Warsaw Phtlharmonle Orchestra. under Hellmesberger, and was later bandmaster of the Four- teenth ourteenth Donnish Regimental Band at Bendin, Poland. Since 1505, be has been one of the first violins of the Boston Opera House Orchestra, of seventy-five players. FATHER P. J. MACCORRY. Two Great Lectures Chautauqua Week. In the afternoon of the second day of Chautauqua. Father MacCorry, with won- derful Irimh eloquence will lecture on "The Kingship or Man." In the evening he wilt give his famous Art-Mns,cal- R.eeltal on "The Story Beau- tiful." An Art - Musical - Lecture Recital on the Life and La- bors of the meek and lowly Nazarene. A big story told in a big. broad way. illuminated by reproduction in fac-elufUe colon of the world's great- est modern paintings. The paintings illuminating this lecture — more than one hundred in number — are nearly all copyrighted and for the most part unanowo in this country, and were colored ezpreesly for ' not Story Beautiful" by Mr. Joseph Hawkes of the Metropolitan Museum re Art, New York. The pictures are copied in replica direct- ly from the original canvas as they hang to -day In the great art galleries of America and Europe., They are unquestionably among the finest and most artistic specimens of coloring ever attempted on this side of the water. Accompanied by an elaborate classical setting of vocal and instrumental music. The ensemble --an earnest effort to assemble In a single evening the best things that art, laude and literature have produced on the Life and Labors of our Saviour. FATHER P. J. MACCORRY. THE ROYAL DRAGOONS THE ROYAL DRAGOONS. Obautauqua Week will bring many delightful entertainers, bit dots She the Royal Dragoons—a singing band, rich In instrumentation, strong to song. a constant surprise and Joy. DR T. W. DAVIDSON. One of the moat timely lectures of Chautauqua Week will be that of Dr. Davidson, a native of Ireland, a graduate of Belfast Vniveratty, a resident of Montreal, and a pastor of a ebureh that ham one hundred sad fatty -tiro members at the treat, while his only son Is fighting in the trench's". He would be in Fra&ee himself bet for the fact that his church telt that they needed his weekly itseasagee to carry them throw the storm and stress of the war, and refused to release him tor sarvfee Oversew. Dr. Davidson has a wonderfnl 'ob- ject: "The Cafuou0age of Kaiser- ,' and as the opening gun of Chantandaa Week he is bound to hit the areb-easany et the world sgna w- ty nils* the head—with much the same slew= as the traditional 11rtih- seaa every, Abad in sight with