HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-1, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS 1 Civic Holiday Next Week. Mayor Wigle has issued a proclamation. in accordance with the bylaw. naming Wednesday, August 7th, as the civic holi- day and calling upon citizens W observe the same. Sunday Afternoon Performance. 1 An esteemed reader of The Signal writes us : A cruel and disgusting right was witnessed Sunday afternoon on the Huron road. An auto carrying five young men and speeding towards town at a high rate was racing a dog,evidently the pr�' off one of them. And this on a y in .00 degrees heat—enough to are taken this summer and fall the trees make the ►ould dog go raving read. may be seriously injured next year. ample atbe made f nuc o h perking A man givtgg his name as Palmer waa antes- taken into custody by Chief Paatletheaite Mist Oekson l;Msigos. . . at Porter's Hill last week He had been }tiler Dickson, who for the past year wandering abut the country and actinghas held the position of teacher of com- rather hd. queerly. uLHe came (mm nenam/locales a r i ..kinK mercial work and art at the Collegiate Medford. and the aue Institute, has resigned. having accepted into his s rotcurd.l a similar position at Niagara Falls. At a Mr. L. Keunedy. of Winglsaut lever matting of the Collegiate board on Tues - land Bales. has just received his lawn day afternoon the resignation was ac - shipment of motel 90 Overland cam, cepted and arrangements were made to - which wall all Ise said at the old price. As wards filling the position. The property it is Impostdble to call on an perspective catunitteeeibmitted a report recommend - buyers. you am invited to phone. write. ing the purchase of two lots east of the school grounds for the use of the pupils in playing tennis and basketball. Conservatory of Music Examinations. The following pupils of Mr. Taylor were successful at the Conservatory of Music examinations Meld recently in Goderich: Primary piano —Miss Jean Young. firat- class ixnors, Miss Hildred McColl Intermediate piano—Miss Laura Jack - sono, honors. Margery Moore. Miss Elena Wilke's, Toronto. Auction Salo Extraordinary. The ansa interesting event of the week 'about town has been the auction sale at the residence of the late Mia Reynett, owner Victona and St. Druid's streets. This was no ordinary auction sale. The late Miss Reynett, who died on June 34th last. was worth $25,000, and although site lived all alone and had nobody to care for she was in the habit for many years of making large pur- chases of all kinds of goods at the local stores, and also sometimes at auc- tion sales. These goods were stored up in her beg house, where after. her death scores and scores of panels were found that had never been opined; in fact, the ,scums were1so full that it las difficult to rhake orae'$ way about IS the Vim - There was enough graniteware and such goads to stock a hardware store ; enough hosiery, drew goods, wo- men's, mast's and children's wear and other drygoods, with boots and shoes, furniture, etc., etc.. to start a small departmental Were in business. Tom Gundry was the auctioneer. and he had three busy days of it. The sale commenced Friday afternoon and con- tinued in the evening, and was resumed Saturday morning and continued all day and in the evening. When daylight waned the auctioneer's voice had pretty nearly gone,' tan. but he was in good shape again by Monday morning and the tale was concluded shortty before el o'clock. There were great crowds pres- ent reyent all along, bidding was brisk. and the goods were sold in rapid succession and at good prices. The sales totalled about 132.500. . r' THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO FAST STREET GARAGE The place that alway carries A FULL UNE OF SUPPLIES '•0 led ad Operated by East Street Garage M Glover wa Practical Mas" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur over LOCAL TOPICS IN BRILF. The Farmer Club picnic 14 being held this afternoon at Mr. E. V. Lawson's. Dunlop. The recut sale of the ties. timber and scrap along the ngh:-uf-way of the O. -W. J. Railway brought a total of $L.2J0. The Geerr•al Braeght hapter.l.O.L.E., has decided to chine the tea-room durlug August and instead of the Saturda ' ) at- teruc*u teas is holding a ganteu party on August 9. un Mr. Alex. Sauuders' grounds un Kelton street. The tussock moth caterpillar is doing same mischief around town. Principal Hume. eho knows the habits of the moth. sans that unieea strict precautions or call personally for demunstrattun. Many little bits make a muckle. TOMOR ROW, This Valuable nr.r Sownrir IRs sure to drop in tomorrow and bring this ad with you. Tomorrow we intend to present our patrons with a small box that coating's the secret of thousands of beautiful laces ingran S Toilet Specialties This at.uty Good 11.o11, P.ck.N .31 be N•.• Ire* s.sserr+. to .11 .M aresu tl.. .d It a. Wr s tbrocd.r.'..pair ot Lane'. Milkweed • Ct.ew; V.Ireel. a 4.. Fac• P.wtec wew l.'. Perfume. ta:. aastas...d zad.w P.wd.r I. tie Tooth At Oar Tend* Carta,Govan I$as powwow t SOLDIERS' Comfort Boxes 4 For OverMailing. Special 10c, 12c and 15c. Picnic Sets, Maplewarr Lunch .Seta, 41 pieces. Special 25c.. Drinking Cups, •`tc leer pkg. Paper Table Napkins, .5 and 10c per doz, and 35o and 5Cc pea hundred. Playing Cards; special 25c in- cluding war tax. .laugher grade Cards 33c, 50c and 75c per pkg. Ladie,i Home Journal for August now on sale, Yak. Price per year $2.011• THE HOME OF GOOD GLASSES JAS. A. CAMPBELL - - "Central Drug Store" •144:101411t e0 NORTH aT *Ng aQe/Alle. GOOt'.R4CH HURON'a GOLOLN GATIC 4 UlALAND 01 _I OP� or:;"N! ,. attar ai 11t ram o recti c "oar male *Gur :n:4)444d Where Peer Eyes and Good Glasses Meet. Vocal. intermediate=Miss Hikired Mc There were two'arcivals at the harbor Coll. horrors: Miss Katy Lyttle, horrors during the past week. The steamer Vocal. junior— se Esther Hume, ton- Ferdinand Schlesinger came in on Fri- day with 17:1.000 bushels of oats (or ore's the Elevator Co. and the steamer Bicker- Miss pnmary—Ailsa Gladys Bedford, dike brought in a cargo of stave% on MossoI1�anue Warrener. Moodaf for the Western CanaddiFkwr Mills Co. They Know Him Uown South. Mr. Claude Minn*. of Shreveport, Louisiana, Who i3 visiting in town. hands The Signal a clipping from a recent issue of The Time$. published at that place, which shows W{t the reputation of Goole nosh's veteran horseman, Polley, extends that far Southern State. The clipping reads s follows: A. M Polley. of a dertch, Ont.. Cana- da. is in all probability the oldest man actively identified with light ha -nese rac- ing. He was born m V1834 and started racing in lei -St. Since tt year scarcely a season has passed that did not start one or two horses and be now condi- tioning Walter Eddy to race this season. The bay mare Elsie Greg 2:24 1-2, by Danville, was ha beet (rater. She was �annuauuauuuuuuuin�iinuuumummnuiiunauuinnmminuieuuumnnmumuunniunmmntinnmilit ,Minerva Ohio• lit raced hero forthree House 'Phone aliens ►n Ohio and Pennsylvania 235 sea nns lvania before St"' ' TI -1E C O L B O R N E TORE I= Pooley introduced her allegedtthe Canadians g= and whileat it is two that sheaalso of made a top or two under the name of Quebec Girl as the matter was not HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES" This old adage contains exceptionally good advice For August shoppers at this store. This is the clean-up month --every day this month you will find real bargains on .tai oountera. Things you.are.ne4igg now,Qr will be needing in the near future are on sale at prices much lower than usual. Children's Hose 19c In pink and blue, lisle and cotton, in sizes from 4+1 to 7i. About 50 pairs in all. These Stockings sold at :30c and 21c, but will be cleared at 19c a pair. DAINTY NECKWEAR TO GIVE A SUMMERY AIR TO FROCK OR SUIT Dainty summer Collars in the newest designs, reduced in price for August selling. Each and every Collar will be reduced in price and certain lines will be reduced to half- price. Be sure you see these values. Black Silk G e for August Selling All sizes in stock of fine Silk Olor *ill at must be cleared at red9c. o'at.hTrey have soldbeen r dnc d very01 low for August selling. Every poi and S5c. Clearing price 69c. kriked up at the time it cannot be in- vestigated at this date. Tronas*, Arr. 1, 1R1$ 5 API TAL a ESE OWE— $ *400.000 'TbTAL AssETs — $I30000000 HOGS BRING BIG PROFITS The urgent and imperative demand for logs has opeued.up • toady and profitable mink rt fur away farmer who will raise them. Pasch hog you iaise will hying a hau,lo.nnr pioat quickly-- the marc bogs the grater you' loam e. lacrosse your nerd now while prices are high. To do this you may need a luau; if an. consult ,our Local manager, be will help you out. UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG. MAN. ars GODERICH BRANCH, Li F. WOOLLCOMBE. - Marraer. ST. AUGUSTINE. O'KEEPE-e UMMINS.— A marriage of much interest to St. Autt- ustine people stook place at St. Augus- tine parish church.' Wednes- day, July 17th, when Bridget Velem. second daughter of Mrs. Ellen Cummins, bxame the bode of Jno. Francisd Keefe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Keefe 'K fe o Norwood. The ceremony e d by Rev. Father Dean. Tire bide was given away by )let' brother, Mr. Michael Cummins. and 4Ibe looked very sweet and girlish dressed in an embrodeeed and tucked white silk crepe -de -chine gown with embroidered bridal veil and juliet cap trimmed with orange blossoms and carry- ing a large bouquet of white bridal roses. Her sister, Miss Ann e Cummins, made a charming bridesmaid dressed us pink silk crepe -de -chine. with white rralines hat. She carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. Mr. Leo O'Keefe of Norwood assisted his brother. After the ceremony the bridal party drove by auto to the home of the bodes mother, where dinner was served to the immediate friends of the bride and groom. The table was beautiful with its large white wedding bell with lovers' knots and streamers and centre decorations of Killarneyy roses and maiden hair fern. Later Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe left for a short honeymoon Trip to London and Toronto, the bride travelling in a navy blue costae ne with champagne colored georgette blouse and hat to match. The many beautiful presents from friends theand aand the bride's former pupis e esteem in which she warhead, she having taught for several years at Ayton, Mullett and Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe will carry with them the gond wishes of their many (riernde to their new home at Nrr wood. Well Case from Seaforth. �1 Judgment fisc been given by His • Humor Judge Dicktsor to the Surrogate • Court in the case of Larkin et some unusual et •al., Theich plaintiffs, Rev. ranussl fralatr'eta t'r. Larkin, Preabyte•rian minister, and 'William Somerville, of Seaforth.sought a declaration altAhe; will tat the }pale Agnes Wortley, of the came town. The defendants were the eons and daughters of the testator. After providing for the Ipayment ofdebts, funeral expeneesetc., the remainder of the estate, about was lett to the executors for their trouble in closing up the estate. The testator Ilett only one dollar to each of her chil- dren. who sought to show that she was Isubject to "delnsione" and incompetent 1 to make a proper disposition by will. It 6 trona eefdence that the rela- ap Towels for August Selling White Bath Towels 1t{ inches wide by 40 inches long. 35c each. This is an exception- ally heavy Towel, and worth more than 35c wholesale• 18 -inch by 36 -inch Hand Towel, in heavy quality', 20c each. Small Towels suitable for sending overseas, 9c each. Turkish Wash Cloths, three for 25c. Whitewear for August Selling All white Underskirts, Nightgowns and Slf each quaon lity atle reduced cmust be cleared quickly. rices. Just a few Ladies' Hosiery for August Selling Broken lines of ladies' Hosiery in white, black and colors, that will be sold this month at reduced prices. The lines are broken in sizes, but the quality is of the best. Watch for them on our counters. Hern's Grocery ! WE ARE OFFERIN(; A MG SPECIAL 1N CASTILE SOAP 1e alt Saturday and Monday Only Regular 7c cakes. for $5.50 for a box o[ 100 bars. Regglar ',i0c bats for 26c etch. We bave a large quantity of PURE CI..OVER HONEY Ett ns between the deoeaaed t o her faniily had not teen of the most oionlial nature. Jndge Nekton upheld the will, ELA doclering the execrators were entitled to probate, and relying upon their goodwill to are t¢st the bequest should be used I in a fitting manner. 'Water and L ieht Qoenns{saion. The regular meeting of the e water ersand was light conunirsiori evening last. Upon the reading of the mini)tes of the previous meeting. at which the lease of the new Hydro store had been confirmed, Mayor Wigle objected to the statement that all the members were present, as he (the Mayor) was not in et- a tendance. The minutes were amended - a accordingly. Survey Hydrographic Department Iof the, Naval Service asked and received permission to install its water level gauge at :he end of the intake at the sedi- Imentation basin. I In reply to an etaqutry the Empire Coal Co. wrote stating that they could not supply the commission with any hard coal. Several aeoli:ations for electric light service were granted. and a ontract with the Hydro Commission fora new supply of lamps was signed. the same to be sup- plied at cost as usual. A motion was passed that storage bat- • teries be charged at the plant u n an • order (roan the treasurer alter pay t of , the fee of $l. At Motel Sunset. • The following guests have registered at Hotel Sunset Rance July 21st: Mr. and a Mrs. N. C Sinclair St. Thomas; Mr. • and Mrs. R. A. Schuster, Miss M. a Schuster, Mrs P. I. Schuster, Chicago. 111.; Mr. and Mts. M. Anninsson, New • }'cels; Miss M. Miller, Totonto: B. Roberts. St. Thomas; F. Ellis. Stratford; Mrs. Clayton. WAS E. Ambery, Toronto: aJ. A. McLean. M. Van Valkenbury, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Van Valkenhury and son. =Forest; R. Martin, E. Artindale, N. Y.; Mrs. L. M. Marshall, Miss Marshall. I a. Misses Hall, Toronto; G. M. Connolly, tC Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Watt. EMiss Neff, Brantiord: Miss Marie Heber- _ ly, Miss Hilda Ingram, London; Mrs. J S. Anthers. Mrs. H.M. Conk. Kitchener; = Mrs. T. H. Rieder and four children, = Montreal; L. Black, Brussels; H. M. w— Henderinn, Palmerston; Miss Marjorie ti Hopper, Maw M. F. Hicks, Toronto; • Mrs. J. W. Jones, Mrs. G. F. Copeland, _ ▪ A. H. Whitlow. A. E. Henderson, V M. Arder4 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown. Mr. and Mra J. Hartley Brown, Cadet Ar - Mout Smith, Mise Margaret Brown, Miss M. Beattie. London; L. Phillips, Toron- to; Mr. and We 1.. A. Bal. Se Marys; Capt. and S. V Cooke. London: Mrs. C. Spooner, New Verk Mies F. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs D. G. Ramsay. Ingersoll; V. A. McKe *ie. Ctendeboyye�' Mr and Mrs. 1W: Irwin London, Mies Agates Irwin, Toronto; Miss K. wellington. Ile. and Mts. A. T Campbe t. London, Mias White Cottons For August selling we are patting on sale some lines of white Cotton. 34 -inch white Cotton, regular 20c, for 17c. 40 -inch Longcloth, regular 35c, for 29c. Commencing August 5th, and continuing until August 10th, and will be Chautauqua days in Goderich. This is a great opportunity to s'hear a very interesting and beneficial series of concerts. • During these days we are making this store very attractive special values in every department, and we invite you to inspect our numerous lines. � IQ�\ f it is impossible to come to Goderich, try our Mail Depert- rnent. v1 ieh is right up to date. \ D.&A. Corsets J. H. COLliORNE Standard Fashions iimhago is Rheumatietn e(lbe Iwcl.. The cause Is Eric Acid in the Mood. if the kid- ney. did their work there t.o.;ld he too Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the k.dneys do their work. The •ore, positive and only ' cure for Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills bouttht. as there Playour order ea: ty, is sage te• be a shot tage this year. W. HERN '41 • mss►. r rhe �yuare Phone 4.1 i BOTH Necessary cess ar y 1 Start a savinal count for baby I gs by all means. That's. herr' baby's benefit ; but have' the baby photographed ar soon as possible— ?hat''s— /pr ,your 1Nr never k what n s \ttkirore r • us. and a photopaph of baby 4,4 Ir is today may be more Maus rtldn r rubes later on. 1 1 J. T. FE 1 The Good Old Summer Time • NOTICE TO PUBLIC Cars and Carriages Paiolt 1. alts Tops Dyed and Repaired. tall end we in, {'iii t•s toustiwal.lr. JACK D. KAY K imgstoti et -est Next to. Wut.'flnthit.aonrsbla k smith ,.hop. This is holiday tiuse. You will need a new -uit for your vacation trip, and you cannot do actio than come right here fox it. We have new goats for snits anal light over- coats that we sbonkd like to show you, and we guarantee satisfaction in • cult and workmanship. R. J. Armstrong ME.RC'HANT T AALCfr •ia pith hide t.yuxiw, l,,.drrnh. • • a e Singer Store t1„1..1-.. 1.4k. n for Nssslkching, Arcordees Pkat- ing, Ersbreidcry, Scalloping and Covered Buttons. SHETLAND YARN the benefit. the pleasure. the economy, of a 5c package of WRIGLEY'S has made it the fa- vorite "sweet ration' 1 of the Allied armies. --send it to your friend et the front: it's the handiest. longest -lasting re- freshment he can carry. 'De gli•OV •or'n.'rtitil entton for fancy sw. stew Books of instant tion• and needle*. NOTIONS Klipo$ Veds, Hair NMa. Bar rotten, Hairpins, sewing Needles and Pins. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL ,ds The Flavour Lasts •earls MISS S. NOBLE V, ,, fl (t' .'JUICY' FRUIT -.?t-rf; ti.l)'e :r•=:A _r;)) . KINDS •""). HREE rr.,. .,y •