HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-1, Page 44 Tl4Ua$DAv, AUG. 1, 1918' MOCMCCXXX KEEP COOL That is a hard thing to do these hot daya, but you will find real caution in the right kind of clothing such as we have provided. PALM BEACH SUITS, cool and splendid Price - - - • - MESH COMBINATION UNDERWEAR iiNEGLIGEE SHIRTS - HOSIERY, cotton, silk lisle and silk. wearing cloth. - 110.50 - $1.'25 $1.00 to 13.00 35c to $1.00 FOR NIGHT TIME A suit of nice cool summer P1 JAMAS. Price WHITE COTTON NIGHT ROBES 11 WALTER C. PRIDHAM Borsalino Hats 20th Century and Art Clothing 'Phone 57 XrflcrflrrflrXXsf' OC uu"' SPECIALS at McEWEN'S Fine Line of Drinks for War Weather. o )rangeade, Lemonade, Raspberry Vinegar, Lime Juice, Grape Juice. Lemonade Powder, • Wines, Etc. (ow,d arsortmenC.of Pickles and Catsup. Sottiethihg to sharpers the s ppet te. .t nice large tin of Apple Butter for 25c. Pure Maple Syrup from the Eastern Townships ; guaranteed mire. We have a quantity of tap on hand, bought before the • Special in 50c and $1.1el to Ammonia at the old prier -eine worth 10e, 10c line worth 15r. something to make your Mem shin Runojt Floor \Vex (Nn. 1 goods) in 21c. 35c and stir sizes. %Ve have on hand sinus Red Reese and Lipton's Teas, both black and mixed. boughtbefore the -advance And duty. Selling at 55c. now wort h iOr : wr save you 15e a pound. J. J. McEWEN 'Phone 46 Goderich Canada Food board L,cen" No. t-7$4.. 1 AT OUR GIFT SHOP THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO 1111X*XXX■■■■■■■■/1KNAXXX■■■)K11>N■) *X*XXIIXX)fX ■ ■ . . r. BENMILLER. TUEauee, July 30. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Gledhill motored to Toronto on Saturday. • They are expected home today. The village loses two residents today in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. James White. sr., who are moving t0 the house on the Huron road. Goderich township, owned by Mr. Wm. Hick. Mr. Hugh Hill received a car of shingles last week from h:s bush near Peterbro'. Mr. J. A. Irwin. of Clinton, will preach to theMethotltst churuher on this circuli next Sunday. Rev. t'. S. and Mrs. Banes. accompan- ied by Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw of Ham- ilton, left last week by motor for Sarnia. where they took steamer fora holiday trip to Sault Ste. Maisie. St:CUEeiFUL PATtt1OTUI EFFOaT.- A bazaar and patriotic concert under the auspices of Benmlller Red Croat Society was held on the grounds of S. S. ti'o. 2 on the evening of Wednesday, Slily 24. the concert being giveu In the church. There were booths for the sale of ice cream and refreshments. tables of fancy work and a fish pond, and these all did a rushing business all through the evening. At the concert Capt. Cyril Carrie. of Goderich. spoke on Y.M.C.A. work, taking up the social and religious sides and telling of many incident* that hail happened in connection with his work iu France. During the course of his address he referred to the heroic action of Pte. Verne tiledhfll at Givenchy in July. 11.1. "Pte. Gledhill ha* put Beuwfller and Huron county on the wap. Whereas dozens of towns and cities have never been heard of outside of their own district. Benmiller is known throughput the length and breadth of the Empire as a result of his bravery,' said the speaker. Pte. Harry Bellamy. of Dungannon. gave an interesting ac- c•onat of his experiences at the front. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Colin Fing- Iande and Miss Plunkett. of Auburn. and violin selection's by Mr. Raymond Red- mond. of Westfield. Mite Winnie How- son, of Auburn. acting as accompanist. Mr. Colin Fingland gave several recite - nous. Miss Marjorie Aitken. of Gode- rich, sang, with Mrs. Benson Cox as ac- companist. Miss Maude Howell. of (ioderich gave a number of elocutionary numbers. The proceeds. which were about 1150, are being devoted to patri- otic purposes. The thanks of the So- cotety are due to all who assisted in mak- ing the event a success. you may select an inexpensive present that has artistic distinc- tion. "Something different'" - the gift that delights both fiver and recipient- s found her! in Beautiful Pictures, Statuary, candlesticks, Pottery. Hagfish ria, t±tc. + ' e invite all to come it slid 1pok around. t` . r Smith's Art Store F.a.t Street 'Phone If* DAIGER LURKS.IN. EVERY ONE Of 113 W. Are Aa Full of Deadly Poisons As A Germ Laboratory. LANES. MONDAY. July 29. Mr. and Mrs. John Moran and Mrs. Chas. O'Connor, of Detroit. and Rev. Wm. Moran, of Kinkora, visited at Robert Moran's. , `- - Mrs. Jacob $fusion is visiting at Mrs. John Johnston's. The trustees of S. S. No. 10 have en- gaged Miss Olive McMurchy. of Kintail. as teacher till Christmas. For the past two weeks this locality has been like a Donnybrook fair with the people busily harvesting hay. Midsummer Bargain in Newspapers The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montr and The Signal - Both papers until January 1st, 19x•9, for $1.00 Present subscribers to this paper may have The Family Herald for the same period for forty cents. Order now. The Signal Printing Co., Limited Goderich, tilt. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 I1 ■ ■ ■ ■ nnnnnnnnnintnnnmuni ■ E FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN White Footwear See our windows for a line of White Lace X Boots, made with rubber heels and soles. ■ Just the thing for your vacation. All sizes ■ S1.20 TO CLEAR 1R ■ Pumps in patent and kid, sold regularly up to $5.00, to clear at $2.35. We have a few White Pumps and Oxfords in odd sizes, to clear at $1.10. SEE OUR WINDOWS. SHARMAN • TfIE SH *MAJV CREWE. MosanAY. July 25. Mrs. Tate. of the West, is visiting friends and renewing old acquaintances . aroespd Crewe. AUT O - INTOXICATION OR SELF POISONING ^FRUIT-A.TIVES"' Absolutely Pew vents This Dangerous Coedities. The (lie case of poor health is our neglect of the bowels. Waste matter, instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly every day, is allowed to remain there, generating poison whioh are absorbed by the blood. In 'other words, a person who is habitually constipated, is poisoning himself. We know now that Arlo- ialozieslioir, due to non -action of the bowels, is dire,lly resfoueible for serious Kidney and Bladder Troubles; that it upsets the stomach, causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness ; that chronic. Rheum- atism, Gout, Pain In The Back, are relieved to soon as the bowels become regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, Eczema and other skin Affections disappear when "Fruit -a -trees" are taken to correct Constipation. "Fruit -s -liars" will protect' you against Auto- intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organs. 60e. a box, g for $2.50, trial size :oe. At all dealers or sent on receipt of priceby Fniit-a-tivesLimited,Ottawa- 1 Pte. Au y,Higgins spent the week -end at his home here. Miss Turner is visiting Mrs. William Crozier. Miss Maggie Shackleton. of Kintail, visited her brother Matthea one day last week. Mrs. McKinnon and family and Mrs. Thomas Parks visited at the home of John Menary one day last week. The service in the Methodist church here is to be held at S o'clock. new time. on account of the sacramental service in Dungannon. 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 1 ■ ■ ■■■ 1■■ 111 SON MIS 111111■ ■1t■ 11111)K■XXfir.NXr ■ Our mail order department our summer visitors being attracted by our way many of our specialties from their home shopping may be done with this store very town. satisfactorily • is becoming of great im- portance. Many people who were formerly residents of our town and many of of doing business continue to order Out-of-town customers will find that by mail. week Specials Chautauqua There will be thousands of people in town next week attending the Dominion Chautauqua who will combine business with pleasure, and with this in view all visit departments will have many special values to offer which will more than repay to the Scotch Store while in town. 11 Heights, London, was hone over Sunday. 1 *Miss Jean Webb has returned home ■ from Guelph after spending a couple of ■ weeks with friends. ■ Misses Pearl and Zeldia Webster are visiting their sister at Toronto. Mr. John Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid. son and daughter motored from 1 Varna and spent Sunday with Mr. John- ■ ston's sister. K -s. Robinson Woods. Mr. Hyde and faniiy motored to Car- gill on Thursday toattend the funeral of Mrs. Hyde's mother. Mrs McKenzie. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. Harper's. 11The funeral on Friday of Mr. Ephraim Snell. who was accidentally drowned 00 1111 Tuesday of last week, was very largely me attended. Much sympathy is extended x to the sorrowing friends Mr. and Mrs. Hetrick, of Cargill. ■ and Mr. McKenzie. of Regina. mo down to Mr' Hyde's on Sunda.. 1 Hyde. who had been attending to mother Burina her illness, returned with 111 them• LAURIER. Miss Isobel MacLennan, who had been home from Chicago for a few • seeks on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth F. MacLennan. left un Monday to report for service as a nurse with the United States army. A game of baseball between Ashfield and St. Helens was hayed here Monday' 101 night. The score was 13-2 in favor of ■ Ashfield. X LEEBL"RN. X MONDAY, $dy 29. 11 Miss Grace Y oungston, of Toronto, is X visiting w eh her friend Miss Jean Clut- I ■ CARLOW. WEDNESDAY, July 31. Lila Howatt. of Auburn. has been engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 3, her duties to commence after the summer vacationA During She storm on Monday afternoon the Smith's\ Hill church was struck lay lightning. The tower was partially wrecked and other damage done to the. building. 11111■111111111111111111111111■ ton. Mrs. James Rapson. of Blyth. is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Miss M. Rome. of "Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bogie. Mr. and Mrs, McC utchecm and their two children, Fred and Jackson. of Blur vale, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clutton. A good time coming -at the Red Cross garden party at Saltford Heights, Wed- nesday, August 14. PORT LBERT. %Ane DAT. July 31st. Mts. Will Hawkins. Chicago, was the guest, of Mr. and Mr's. W. Grey last week. Sergt. Otway Hay'den.of the ('.A.D.C., Lindon, spent the week -e with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. RAOMiss Berry. of Stratford. is guest .if Mrs. A. R. Sylvester. Mr. and liars. Horace Cunningham and children returned to their home et \valkerville, aocompaoted by Mrs. (\ tree ford and Mrs. M. Cunningham. af- ter a pleasant visa with Mr. and Mrs. N. Cunningham. Mrs. Fred. Topp real Master George Tripp. of Toronto, Mre. Jas. Cook anti Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Alton. of Belfast, and Mrs. ('has. Alton and Mrs. Reed. of Lanes. were all visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cunningham and daughter Betty motored from Toronto and are visiting with the gentleman's parents. Mr. and Mn. N. Cunningham. Mine Minnie Dickson spent part of her summer vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mr. Thorns' Gainey. jr.. is neuter the doctor's care at present. His many friends hope to see' him around again 50015. Masters- Emerson and Victor Elliott, of lioderich. are visiting their uncle, Mr. H. H. Hawkins. Mrs. Purest Ass returned to her home at Toronto after spendlag a new days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins. Mrs. Netitt, of Rlyth, is visiting her brother. Mr. Thomas Green. of Port At- hens. KINGSBRIDGE. TUESDAY. July :i(). home Mr. Florence McCarthy, jr.. is from Weyburn. Sask. Mrs. John Boyle. of St. Augustine, visited here on Sunday. Misees Stella Dean and Marie Sullivan visited at St. Augustine last week. Miss Minnie Dean and Master John Kelly. of St. Augustine. are visiting here. , Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton, of Gode- rich. and Mrs. O'Leary and little daugh- I ter, of Winnipeg. attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Dalton -on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Young and 11 Misses Loretta and Mabel, of L-.ryal, spent Sunday here. Mr. Frank O'Reilly, Misses Gertrude, Vi innifred and Dorothea O' Reilly. of Eden Grove. and Mrs. McMillan. of Al- berta. gent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. A. O'Connor and little daughter. of Whitby. are visiting the former's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Mogan Dalton. Pte. Stanley O'Reilly. of London. spent Sunday at his horn= here. Pte. Roy Myers has left for overseas. ST. HELENS. TUESDAY. July 30. • CrMip Toronto.Ms.ittle left on Friday' on a air. and M. Robert Tavkw, of Auburn, California, FI once aid Witham, living at 2.30 p. m. A financial report of the led oG (fiends here on Frdac. here The pallbearers were four nephews. year will be given, followed by the elec- The fa,rtes ltfilsienary Society Mid its Charles Gus, Flereiice nti Jn1Rt M ' tinct M of sec* for ys engin* rsr It iw monthly meeting at the inane on Tien - Dalton . and 7'xxna- 'Wel,vnn did been a drst ,d that all bets tris to Seises day. Dalt.n Mu<h sympathy is felt fir the ent. Slone,: received by wire+a• y: r te. Elwell Webster. oa cariing's family in their los' of a kin.l brother. Cooney council grant. 8137.76; Mrs. A Superb STYLISH WAISTS of Silk and Crepe de Chine The newest creations in Waists, showing all the latest style fea- tures, in Silks, Crepe de Chine and Georgettes, in white and colors. From $2.95 to $8.75 each. Showing of Silks Our showing of Silks is exceptionally large and includes all popular weaves in every color. Dress Satins in all the new fall Special $1.95 yard. Pailette Silks are well known for Full yard wide. $1.95 yard. Beautiful Charmeuse Silk inches rwide. $3.50 yard. • Silk Poplins $1.95 yard. Taffeta Silks, super quality. $2.25 and $2.50 yard. Habutai Silks. Fuji Silks. Sport Silks. Crepe de Chines and Georgette Crepes in all colors. shades, rich lustrous finish, full yard wide. their wearing qualities. We have all shades. in rich colors of midnight blue and burgundy. 40 SWEATER COATS OF SILK AND WOOL No woman's wardrobe is complete without one or more of these stylish Sweater Coats, either in silk or in the new soft wool or brush knit. The styles are most attractive and the prices very reasonable. We have a style and a color to suit all tastes. Prices range from $5.00 to $20.00 III I[1 $ Our first showing of advance styles of Fall Coats 1 x NI 1111111[11111■ 111■1111X1t1111R11011■1[X1l1■■18111 1. PHONE 56 Millar s ScotchStore PHONE 56l 1 x ■•11I111K1•/111■111/K11.<11/)N11R1K1•1111•111•K1N1t111<1•)•r■ ANOTHEa RESIDENT . DEPARTS.- The funeral oft late Mrs. John Dalton was held here Monday morning and was very largely attended. Rev. Father McCormack ofl'icirltel, and Rev. Father Dean. of St. Augustine. was present in the sanctuary. The de:eased is survived by her aged husband, three daughters and six sons. The pallbearers were six nephews: J. C. Dalton, Maurice Dalton, Louis Dalton. Charles Dalton. James Dalton and Cole. O'Keefe. Mrs. Dalton was highly respected and beloved by all her friends and neighbors. and the bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of everyone in the bas of kind and devoted wife and 7th. DEATH OF T. McCART1IY. -The rietes mother. A meeting of the C,nderich Township of Timothy McCarthy's death came as a shock to his many friends on Wednesday. July 24th. Mr. McCarthy had not been feeling well for a few weeks,. but his death was totally unexpected. He is survived by three suite's. Mary and Bridget. at home, and Lizzie, of Pttneekey, Mich.. and three brothers: Pairick. of AUBURN. SHINGLES FOR SALE.-' GIVING HIM A SEND -OFF. -On Monday Cw T RIDDELL Auburn. night a number of neighbors and friends FOR SALE. -THE HARNESSf SHOP ,n the village of Auburn. property JFor f rther particulars apply to . ARTHUR. Highly recommended as a substitute for castor oil. "Eau Purgative Riga." Dnee. half -a -teaspoonful at bedtime. Sold at 2.1c a bottle by E. R. Wigle. druggist. Goderich. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, July 31. Rev. P. Sinclair, of Toronto will oc- cupy the pulpit of Union church on Sun- day next. Mr. David Elliott, of the Bayfield road, met with rather a serious accident on Saturday when be fell from his buggy and cut his head. Several stitches were put in. Mrs. Smythe. of Stratford, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Newton. The Taylor's Corner Patriotic Society will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. \\m. Wilson on Wednesday, August Farmers' Chzb will be held on Wednesday. August 7th. Important business is to be discussed and a large attendance is de- sired. ANNUAL MEETING. 1'. P. S. -The AO nual meeting of the United Patriotic So- ciety will be held at the home of Mn. Thomas Cox on Wednesday. August 7tt1, met at the home of Mr Chns. Johnston. Bayfield road. in honor of Lance -Corporal Robert Sowerby, son of Mr. John Sower - by, trhe was home from London camp on week -end leave. During the evening a west -watch was presented to the young soldir. ` Mr. H. K. Revell addressing a few remarks to him on behalf of the gathering and Miss Minnie Johnston making the presentation. Afterwards a pleasant social time was spent. Fish may not be twain food, but brainy men are eating mare fish. MODEL THEATRE dOHE Business of War is a grim, hard task, that all must share. But there must be periods of relaxation to cheer the mind and renew strength and courage. Clean, wholesome drama anti. comedy -drama. we believe, is what the public wants and needs. The MODEL THEATRE presents you with just this sort of entertainment. 1