HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-1, Page 3TILY4 SIGNAL - GOPER1CH, ONTARIO
THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 13318 3
PATH, specialist to women's and children'
de rarer. acute, chronic and nervous Manses. eye
er, rime and throat, partial deafness. lumbago
soda rheumatic conditions. Adrnod• removed
enthwt the knife. Office et residence. corner
tBel.rt and St. Andrew's streets At home ufhce
ttordaya. Thursdays and Satudays, any evetung
by appoint Meat.
Graduate Toronto Uaiver.ty. Graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Sutxxor,r to the late Major Sale. Mice. corner
pbane at.0 Nut street, Grdertch.
Pox e6. Gudericb. All tnstructions 1,y mad 0
telt at Sµnal (Awe situ be pimply am -oiled to
Re,drrae telephone Ile.
rL ltLIc. ETC.
Deice- Sterknngg..Baakf Block, Hamilton Street.
(e.drnch. Telepbune e.
Kral h.tate. Loan and Ineuraace.
Ogee on the Square. second tdoor h{ m HaF-i1
Ian Street. Goderich.
Private lids to loan et lowest weal
W. Peitx:awt, K. C . J. L.IILILt*RAN
H. J. D. Coosa.
.V1. ThR, eoltciter. notary webO&c
ham (.
ultoo Street, oderich, third (MUM
At Charm'Ibar.oay of each week. in
eAQ m Albert Street occupied by Mr. Hooper.
Ghee beam Patuss.os.
lust ER. attornay, *Marto', etc . Gotknch.
y Moaned et lowest rates.
ICITOR, noterys pubbc and conveyancer.
t4ce--Cewt House. Gooertrh.: uY-Dent
Situation in Great Britain Shows
Government 1. Making Arrangement.
That Are lfblpe*.d W liatlnf)
Mnaltlea M... Bat Strikers Who
Retase to Do Duty May B. Called
to the Colors et Once.
LONDON, anti 31.-Tbe Maskers
of Munitions afanotroced Ssoday that
reports received from all parts of the
country indicate that the strike sit-
uation la the munitions Industry
"has distinctly Improved mad that •
majority ot the strikers to all proba-
bility will return to work at once.'
As a result of mass meetings I.
Blrmingbam and West Bromwteb
Sunday it was decided by the district
committees of the strikers' organisa-
tions that the men should return tc
work to -day. A majority of the men
at the Birmingham oeetlag favored
a continuation of the strike but -. s
ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town prop-
erty mature.
(Miters --Jas. Connery. Pres.. Goderich P. O ;
Jae, Ennis. Vies-PresBeechwood P.O.; Thome.
E. Hays, Sec. -Trey. Vice -Pres, P.O.
Directors -D. F. McGregor, R. R. No.w3..11Stee-
Orth; John G. Grieve. No. 4, Walton;
Kenn, R. R. No. X Seaford'. John Bennewtes,
Hrodha n; Geo McCaartneyy. R. R. No. 1. Sea-
orth; Robert Ferris, Hedrick. Malcolm Mc-
Ewen. Chntan, James Evans, Beechwood; James
Ceenolly, (iodertch.
Agents J. W. YeoGoderich. Alex. Leitch.
R. R No. 1, Clinton. William Chesney Seatorth,
E. F4,nchley. Seatorth Policy -holders can ley all
payments and get their credo recetpted at R
Mornsh's Clothing Store. Clanton; R. H. Cett�s
Grocery, Knigeton street. Goderich, or J. H.
Red's General Store. Baybed.
LOAN. Apply to M. G. CAM-
-RON, Barrister. Hamilton street. Goderich.
That Is Exactly the Way Tindall Says
His Rheumatism Acted.
"1 had never taken a dose of Tanlac in
my Ute till some siie weeks aaa but I have
received more benefit from the three bottles ��
I have just finished than from all the other
HF: Berlin Vussische 'Lettung
now blurts out the fact
that Germany is about to
Germans Are Plunderers
And This Greedy Policy
Shapes Latest Demands
medicines I have taken put together,
said George R. Tindall, of 000'2 18th
avenue South, Seattle. the other day.
Mr Tindall is employed at the Skinner &
Eddy Shipyards 1 - ask Russia for an Indemnity
"Fur several years," he continued, "1 of $3,600,000.000. Having approprl-
tuflered terribly from muscular rheums-' seed Poland, Lithuania, Courland,
tlsm and kidney trouble. ...- •. -
my rigbt arm would draw up at the elbow Livonia, Esthonta• the Ukraine, Bee- No. 1 feed, S2c,
and feel like they were tied in a knot. 1 had sarabia, the Crimea and a large part Amestnen Corn (Track. Toronto).
no appetite and the little 1 forced down 1 of the Caucasus district. Germany No. 3 yellow, alive -dried, aea,in.L
TORONTO, July 30. -The Board
of Trade Quotations for yesterday
were aa follows:
Mantteee Wiest lin stere; Feet WHIM"
Inctudln. leyae Taal,
No. 1 aerta.ro. $2.13e.
No. $ aurtb.ro. 83.305..
N., 3 Menne r n, 43.17 5a.
Ne. 4 wbaar. 321e5e.
MsMtsOa Oita t in sure, Feet WWSN at►
No. 2 C.W.. St Sac.
No. 3 C,W.. 1lc.
Matra No. I feed. ISc,
didn t do me much if any, good My
No. 4 yellow. ktI1100111/14.1.
kidneys worried me night and day. I had wants to levy on the dismembered Coterie Oats (Aotererns to Fraught. Oat.
holt of the old eRexnanoff empires)'
an awful misery up and down my spine, No, s wnite, sec w r7c. aominaL
and my back nght cover my kidneys would w• ar tribute unparalleled in all his- Ne. 3 white, Bac to 1ec aomintal.
hurt me so bad that if 1 stooped over it tory. Alongside such ra aefty her
Ontario Wheat tsa•te in Store, Mongwel)
would almost kill Me to straighten up p N.. 2 whiter, per car lot, 32:3.
treatment of Fnaee in 1871 a ms Pons I.
o mina) to Freights OuteNeL
again. 1 couldn t rest well at night, and l No. s, .omutal.
many a time I would wake up at mid-' generous and merciful. Barley (According u Freights ouwdeL
night, and never drop another wink the I Tet German demands on broken Matas• 81.31 10 31.37, nowtnal_
balance of the night, then my back would ' SInek 140.1 (Accerelln5 te Fntahas Got.
• Impoverlahed Rusals are not nn- .1M).
start hurting so bad that 1 could hardly!
For the last forty-seven Nomlaal, 3).30.
get up out of bed•Rye (According to
Freights Outside).
[iso thirds' vote was necessary, and I guessI'have taken most every kind a y»» the (Terman Government has No 3, $1,10, ooetinol.
this was not ebtalned, the committee of medicine sold without getting a bit of been dinning In the airsof the Ger- Manitoba Four (Teronte).
advised a resumption of work. relief, and 1 was in mighty bad shape' m• an people the gospel of apollatton. War quality. its u.
Likewise at the West Bromwteb when I decided to see if Tanlac would!
It has taught them to covet the ter- Ontario FISW (Prompt Shipment).
g ritory and possessions of all their war oa.aty. 110 46' In bit.. Montreal;
meeting there was a majority 'tote help me. Well, 1 can honestly say that 1'Sesta. Ia bass, Toronto.
In favor of the men remaining out haven't had an ache or a pain since! European netghbo». That to what MIRNad (Car Lots, °silvered. Montrose
but a decision was reached that the r,htutly after 1 started on Tanlac I sleep pan -Germanism means. As many na-
Freights, bard Included).
U able must be brought
tions as pass
Voice. Plano and (ligan. Pupas prepared for
Conservatory examination. Apply st MR. P. Vi.
CURRIE'S Britannia road.
Brophe3 Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
strikers should abide by the de
eislon of the Birmingham meeting.
Winston Spencer Churchill, Min-
ister of Munitions, announced on
Saturday immediately the munitions
stetter, resumed work a commute.
would be appointed to lnvestirate
the labor conditions which rendered
the embargo neceesery, and report
what further measures should he
baa. -.., ... taskmasters. told the boys down at the shipyard how Farmers' Market.
muchgood Tanlac has done for me. for 1: This teaching has struck tn. The Tall wheat -Muting. 82.14 per bushel,
hope that my experience will be the industrial classes as well as the milt- Gooee wheat -32.10 to 12.12 per huabel
means ot helping others who may have tare classes, the unhersitles and the Barley -Malting. 31.40 to 31.43 peg
" I libend Professions. have been Inocu- bomb I.
tfoubtls like 0.t. -33c to 14c per bushel
adopted, In view of these conditions
like a tog at night. and my wife. tens met ht
that 1 am Mable to rat us both out of I under the German yoke. stripped ;if
house and home if 1 keep on with the' liberty and the fruits of their labor
appetite Tanlac has given me. 1 feel sol and converted into hewers of wood
way that 1 have and drawers of wafer under German
Bran, par ton. 132.
Shorts. per ton. 310.
Hay (Track, Terente).
NO. 1, per ton, 014 to 117. . Mixed. per per ton. 314 10 315.
Straw (Track. Toronto).
car lots. per tun. 38 to 08 50.
Tamar i. sold in Goderich by E. R. ; laced with It. The passion for plus- guba„h„at-Nominal,
to maintain and, where nereasary, tn- Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in der 1. now In the German blood Ry. -According to to sample. nominal,
crease the output of munitions, with Wingham by J. Walton McKibborl, int in his illuminating diary Dr. WPI- Hand Ttlmm tb .DB Oleo 1192 per to- ; mi:
E Henlbhill, in Blyth helm Mullion refers again and again ed
due regard to the effective and
economical use of labor, money and
The Minister pointed out that this
step would be taken In accordance
with an agreement with the 'trades
Union Advisory Committee, as a re- .y J• • German Industrials," be saga, are
suit of which that committee advised Holmes. in Sheppardton by J.H. Simpson.
the strlters to resume work. The in Gorrte by H V. Armstrong. and to . sickening."
Investigating Committee will consinrt Fordwich by H. Sansom. i They all argued for a wholesale
of three representatives. respective- ADVT. 1 appropriation both of enemy terri-
ly of the Government. the employers' I tory and of enemy private property.
and labor, and will be presided over FOLLOW GODERICH'S EXAMPLE. The bonder of 1871 mast not be re -
by a neutral chairman. - --- , peated. Said one: "This time the
The National Senlee officials Owen Sound Has a Number of 'Idle' indemnity must go an high (In the
were buoy Saturday at Coventry Factories to Dispose of. case of France) at 812.500,000,00(1.
and Birmingham preparing forms - and most be collected. not in drafts.
calling the strikers of military age 1
Owen s., r., ��•. but In merchandise. land and mineral
to the colors should they ignore the As part of a scheme for the industrial properties. No powerful iron and
Goverpment's ultimatum and not; development of Godench. the Board of steel industry must ever be allowed to
Tradeof that naval is endeavoring to in- to develop again to France or Bet. ,
nensall by A. M•
by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter , to the predatory impulses manifest -
by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John 0. lag themselves In all strata of Ger-
Lt.undsberry, in Exeter by W. S. Howey, man society. He describes an Inti -
in Bruceheld by Peter Bowey, in Dash- mate Conference of representatives of
wood byyTietnan & Edighoter, in Crediton the steel industry of Rhentah Prue -
V& Orme, in Clinton by W. S. R. ala and Wentpballa. "These modern
The Saults Coal Co.
I1w00eaaore to MC1bn1ah k Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh can of Lime and
Cement Just received.
OPFICIt PHONE - - - - 75
B. ). ?aolts' Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
return to wort on Monday. t-test outside manufacturers in an Idle glum."
It Is ethat only one-fifth factory building located there. Toward everyeosgoered nationGer-
of the munitio rd eition wurters of Coventry I The plan is one that might well be many intends to play the beast of ;
are usempleayed, and many of three adopted in Owen Soured. The plant was prey. That is her policy. Dr. Muh1On
are enforced Idlers who are unable advertised on the financial pages of the says further of tfa steel barons:
to work, while for skilled men de Toronto paper* and the advertisement "There was nothing b their dao-
cline to prepare their tools. Many
labor leaders have proceeded to the rncluded an illustration of the plant and a venation or to thee thourbts but
affected districts to urge the men to Ithe ton ion. and also mated that one of j force, material wealth. new territory
return to work. Among them is Joe- ,the town official* would be at a Toronto to develop, discipline and methods "t
eph Havelock Wilson, head et the ' hotel for several days and was prepared to ; exploitation. No idea which would
make an attractive offer to manufacturers justify an extension ret German rule,
ors with
Union, who took 401 ears-
ore with ham. interested. no benefits to be brJttsttred on the
The Gevrrnaieat has received
' The Sun has not learned whether the I conquered and no epprideratlon to
ole» 01 asslRance from many effort met with success. but the plan corn- late shown to them. -% iitort, nn mar-
mends itself as an excellent means oil nanimity. They waist to lie in the
Quartan, whole workers 1■ many imakin known idle plants to those who beds et other people and don't mind
dtatriet have paved resolutioail might utilise them to advantage. Defog tailed harbarfamr for wanting
condemning the strike. . 1 It is Im mane that some of the exist- 1 to do s.. They haven't tbe least am-
Newepapere here calmest on Ina , - g buildings bltion to win over other peeping Government's annnoncement mostly ' m factory buildin s in Owen Sound be by
with approval, although they receg- put m operation. There are too many of
alae that the sttuatton 1. a morel suawioa."
grave ; tomuild' And And In these days of high cost of1 Here eke inner mind of Germany
Ding materals, L there should be an op- . revealed. Site will plunder Rueela
one, and contend float St wall be portunity.of filling up Borne of the emptyto tbe last ruble She will take the
The- eountry's uneasiness is mane- make a movement worth while if they
generally endorsed by the country. factories The Board rot Trade would I last t pertx from the teem of the
Russian corpse.
TORONTO, July 30. -With fro-
eeipts of about 3400 cattle on the
local exchange yesterday, there was
a strong demand for good steers,
combining weightand Quality. and
tbie class of cattle was sold out ear-
ly at steady to strong prices.
The demand for butcher betfe»
weighing between 800 and 1000
lbs., was very weak. seting fully 50e
lower, the best butcher rows selling
at from 89.60 to 110.50 per cwt.,
and common cows at 87 :o $8, with
canners running at from 85 to $6.50
per cwt„ and holdtng steady at these
fasted by some papers which, while would inaugurate a plan kir placing these
admitting that a strike at the press- factoriesbetore the manbfacturers of the The British "Tanks."
eat time b indefensible, think that large cities, many of whom are overbur-
a settlement might have been dened with heavy rentals and other ex- Because a fellow of the Royal
reached by • discumlon and a tom- pM9e. in the cities Historical Society has unintentional -
Maclotllba Harden Does Some Tery
Pkatn Speaking.
AMSTC;DAY, July 30. - MaxI-
lana Harden devotes practleally the
whole of Satarday's Die Zukunft to
proving that' Chancellor 'von H1rt-
Itng's charge against the Allies that
they want to annihilate Germany is
untrue. Harden quotes Presideet
Wilaoa's Mount Vernon speech and
Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour's last House
of Comsnoon speech to show bow bit-
ter the Entente salient' are against
militarism, but that they are ready
to give Use german people a fair
chance. lie compares these apeechee
with those recently delivered ether
by the German Cbanellor or various
Junkers in the Prus•tan Upper
Howe. where the demand for un-
limited annexations is continually
Ile concludes b saying: "Ger- I there's a .are and Certain remedy for tis
many must begin o see clearly on ehre we4knemw, d.rmauneuts, sod
which side 1s the will to annexatlonn. ' disease+ perslier to women.I ill build
Germany must begin to fight againee styssgtben, and is �M every
this power in Its midst -a power with St down" or delimit* w.t*aa. It es-
wbtsh Germany herself long ago be- - elide the natural functions.
Game disgusted." At some period in bet life, a woman
regrdres a special team and nervine.
patty -Two Dfvistoan ld..U*ed. If you're a tired er atflteted woman,
WASHINGTON, July 30.- A total tan to "Favoritey'' Preerriptieo," yes
.d 63 German dlvl•lons have been will ind it sever taiK to benefit. Sold t1
identified in the Alone -Marne fight- tablet or forte. Send Dr. Pieria,
Inc mid an official despatch from Pres. Inval Hotel and Starriest Testi-
Trance. This represent approximate- tate, Bottate•, N. Y., (or branch, Bridge-
t', one-(Iuarter of the total numberfart-) 10e for trial pkg. tablets.
sof German troops on the Western
ronte, Ont. -''I found 'Favore
front, tie despatch Bald, and shows Preeeription'a.plee-
the tremendous concentration the en- , din tatste for women.
time age I he -
a1.1 run-down,
nervone and
eeald not rat or
b�eeeepp Had severe
baeliaehee, pains in
my right side. I
task Favorite Pre
seription sad it rea-
pi.keiy lm' me so
�F1I- In itaahk sad re-
Ivo Count limed roe of all the
er German aura yfeg pains and seism "-M.
might justify '' Ail Otule•rmAr. 425 Frost 8L
ange TelegraphPalle,t
, O.- Darin tal
mnterdam. The age1b•gan to go dews u bode. I
tib report on hM mesad become dishy, bl.ek .pots uvula
T abs setered
hem he sail sty bac would ache emotional,. I
. Some of the idk 1 plants here are: The ' r misled the British public as to
the origin' of tete famous "tants,- Sir
William Tritton, who designed and
built them. has published the real
story of their name. says the Popular
Science Monthly. It seems that in
the early days of the war Sir William
'Milton's Oral made some tractors
for hauling heavy kowitsere. Ad-
miral Bacon. thea minoring director
of the Coventry Ordnance works, ex-
pressed regret that they would not
cross trenches. That made Sir Wil-
liam think.
He thought with such success that
he produced a tractor known as
"Little Willie." Since it was inadvis-
able to herald "Little Willie's" rea-
son for existence to the world, he
was known as the "Instructional de-
monstration unit." "Little Willie's"
ht;il was called in the shop orders a
ter earner for Mesopotamia"; no
one knew that the hall wan Intended
to be mounted on a track. Naturally,
the water carrter began to be called
a "tank." So the same came to be
used by managers and foremen of the
•hop, until now it has a place in the
army vocabulary and will probably
be so known la history for all time.
1Iinseed lid works. the canning factory, the
match factory. the Sun cement and im•
penal cement plants. If the Board could
be instrumental in putting even one of
these plants in operation it would have
performed a substantial service for the
The Goderich idea should be invest-
igated. It appears to be an economical
and practical proposition fur industrial
Success very seldom comes to the fellow
who refuses to do something for which he
is afraid the other chap will get tbe
It taken strengt and courage to Peen
the wounded. Ev woman should maks
herself It for w 's call at hens M
abroad Health and etredleth are sift
tbe reach of every woman. T►qy
brought to you by Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. Take this medicine, and
�y hail been forced to make to meet
Gee. leech's counter-attack. Tbe de-
spatch also raid that the French cap-
turwd dtty omeer., 1.800 men, four
cannon. 40 trench mortars and 300
machine Rune In the recent 1
operation north of Mont lid
t, . Pleerdy sector.
Count in Disfavor
LONDON, Jnly 30.-
Alam bas retuned to r
Lnxbwrt, en that the f
Minister to Argenti
himself. sage an
despatch front
enunt handed
mission to A
Ounce on Th
peror had i rise w.. taw incest naiserab)a when i began t.tisg
theFreQ/with A tars. -Mn Hlntsalg nous Preoriptien, but by itew
the i_' Lgn Secretary. tins arkieal le s
Ooslit in:bnrr, it Is aeldsd, has mw tir°tigb }baba
wetM%rawer from the dl,losSMS tsar- ( awl bey amditia.. It is a
0100. mallitise ha warners at this tome nia"
I -laa. W.P. Trnvr.a, 117 Bridge St
Mims to th. Porelgn apprrr before my said
rwday. After th. Ren wtiit lP1VI w gains is the owl of my head
How Sounds Carry.
Camille Flammarlon, the French
astronomer, made many balloon
aneetnta in the parent of science, and
In onP of his journals gives sotne In-
teresting illustrations of the heights
at which ends from the earth arc•
hoard. m
The sbont of a man was heard dis-
tinctly at the height of 1.600 feet.
the sharp note et a mole cricket at
2.500 fret, and the croaking of frogs
Is a morass at 3,000 feet. At 8,255
feet a man's voice and the rolling
of a cart were dietingulahed; at 4,650
feet the roll of a drum and the MIMIC
of an orchestra; at 6,000 feet the
crowingof a rooster, and the sound
of a cereb bell, and sometimes the
shooting of men and women. Nine
hendred feet higher still he beard the
report of a musket and the barking
of a dog. The notice of a railway
train penetrated to a befg'bt of 8.200
feet, and the whistle of a locomotive
engine to nearly ten thousand feet.
-- Manchester Guardians.
Digestion of Dairy Cow.
The good dairy eow that has leen
handled properly has perfect diges-
tion and abe turns the larger part of
her food into mtlk
The armament of the Mastitis.
wbkh defeated the Merrim.c sew
at toed
■t•ted of two eleven -knob pima.
throwing 180 -pound shot.
Will Prosecute Beak.
LONDON, July 30.-Tbe Govern-
ment has decided to prosecute a cer-
tain famous bank, according to a de-
spatch from Manchester. The ease
will be of great interest and import-
ance, and will create a sensation. The
charge involves the purchase of
Treasury bills of Great Britain at
814 per cent. and the diapoaal of
them in America at 6 per cent- the
bank making at least 2 per cent. pro -
at on the transaction.
Such transactions are illegal un-
der orders -la -Council. for the reason
that they operate against the main-
tenance of the exchange rate with
AmeTtca. The penalty On conviction
is not more than scene years' im-
prisonment. An indictment would Ise
against the general manager eft the
bank- ,
More Small Nations.
AMSTERDAM, July 30.-A treaty
has been signed at Rostov -on -the
Don by wblab the Governments of
the Doo and the Astrakhan districts
mutually recognize their complete
autonotey and promise mutual assist-
ance in the annexation ot other dls-
tr{ets, the posseateion of which is
considered absolutely necessary,
from the economic and strategical
standpoints, according to the Kiev
news pagers.
The treaty, it is stated, declares
further for a common fight against
Bolshevism within tbeir territories
and in the northern Caucasus. The
aim of these Governments, 1t to as-
serted, is the formation of the Fed-
eral State of South Russia.
The present NATIONAL NEED demands that
you serve if free to do so. Our SOLDIERS cannot
cannot serve effectively over here without training.
A course at this School will enable you to render
effective service.
It is the work and the pride of the School to make
its students 100 per cent. efficient, for in every walk of
life tPie demand is for better -trained men and women.
We offer the following Courses :
Business Penmanship
Civil Service
arrange Special Courses for
Think it over and write for particulars to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal
M. A. SNE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
School opes(t Tus .y, September 3rd.
Phone 208
Caplan: Probe Finished.
PARIS, July 30. -The prelimtnary
fnvestiratton in the ease of former
Premier Joseph Garnett:, ehacged
with treason, is sow •virtually dem-
Meted. It is understood the ex -
Premier Is to be tried not by a court-
martial but by the Senate dating as
a high court, as In the ease of Louis
Maley, the former Minister of the
Interior. No official decision titan a8
yet been reached on this point, bow -
R00.000 Sammie* In Jnly.
WASHINGTON, July 30. - With
60,000 troops sent last week the
number of Ameriean soldiers trans-
ported overseas during July is ex-
pected to reach a record of 300,000,
Secretary of War Baker and Gen.
March, chief of staff, told members
of the Senate military committee cm
With the shipment of men last
week the total number of American
troops embarking for France was
Americans in Italy.
ROME. July 30. -American fight-
ing troops are now on the Italian
front. Tiey began arrlvtng yesterday
morning. They are being billeted
with Italians.
Heretofore the only combatant
American troops were aviators, and
the appearance of this large body of
fighting men from the United States
at the present moment has occation-
ed the greatest satisfaction.
(Citailetional ReaideatW Sokol tor Girls)
Thorough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, high School, Business
College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training a
For terms, address: R. L Warner, M.A., D.D., President, St. Thomas, Ont.
Canadian National
1 Exhibition
00,000 Hen Prleoners.
PARIS, July 30.--Tbe number of
German prisoners captured by the
Allies Knee the bellnning of the
counter -offensive is placed at 30.000
by the Havas Agency.
The sombrero type of bat tablets
Americas sotdlers In England lrsire
dtIeay worn is to be abandoned aind
the "overseas cap" similar to Oat
wow by Its MO awtataea to to be
--.. fin •a.•. x Alii .. . ,.,
Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7
300,000 admissions sold first
day of advance sale. Come
with the crowds to the great-
est Exposition in the 40 years'
history of the C. N. E.
"The Heroes
of Britain"
A�roduction of tremen-
dous force and beauty.
with 1200 participants.
An the colorful parapher-
nalia of romance and his-
tory in the making. In-
spiring, drama lie- --a
spectacle even Canadian
should see.
A Patriotic Thr ? H in every scene
Giant livestock and agricukural display -
Government aeh.l.t.-. emenatntiotu of -iota- '
boreal training by 58 crippled hews -farming
on factory lutes: Government
exhibit, of labor.
saving devices - Government patriotic food
allow - Creston., world -famed band - Allies
exhibits .1 tine vu ---AND A WORLD OF
Price of admlallon Is
unchanged 25 cents
Consult your local agent regarding
railroad fares
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 Eau Street. Opponte Know Church
Circ Us a Trial
Highlands of Ontario
(niers you and all I for tinnily the outing of
are all hennas playgrounds.
Modern hotels afford City comfort., but
many puler to live in tent en log cabin- your
hone at reasonable cost.
...cure your panne or beeping car accea-
rmdauun in advance. ,-
Full ininrmatton from any Grand Tusk,
Ticket Agent .r C. E Horning, District PIS. \
....nevi Agent. Toronto. Ont.
Town Agents Phone 8
When you have a job of
plumbing, you want it
well, done. A poor job
is dear at any price. We
are experts in Plumbing
and can do your work the
way it ought to be done.
Hamilton Street Phone 135
Metal Work
The Groat Skil. "SEEANDBEL"-:'crrY OF ME" -"CITY OF IUPFALO"
111tTFFAL0, Daily' M.y1st to Nov. 15tb-CLIIVELA
I.eae eonAt n 9,10 P.MyU.S.Faaern Tient [save (-Lrva&AMn k-00 P.M. U.S. Central
Amer C..veLANn 7100 A.M. U.S. Ceanl Time Amee ernarn 7:10 A.M. U.S. rinern Tine
(-eenw.lai• al 1keayd far Ceder P.int. Pat-ie-IUp. Detroit and ether pelage a.ilreid tiskeb
readied between Regalia and CIwo1ud an gond for transportation ea ear .t.a.wa.
IIebrt ldwt .r A n E,pe.. Ag.nt far tvk.e .ia C. • R. ).i... New Twerion A
R.t. -t1Js *.end ?ray, w,Ih t d.rs rets. limn. ler w a....wd5.g In 1s. wb.Ykr.. •
R..etu.11y entered ee..1m.ai pi. le .#art .4 The Gnat Ship -•REr:ANnaS .." wag se roe* .i
Me meta. A ler ..k f,n our ft -page petrol and dneNptir. tweet fres
11.. Cleveland & Buffalo
Traa.it Compeer
('letetsnd, ()510
The e.r..n %I
-vatA Nns5E-
,b. Sarre* .ad moon vasty
p ----1a' na..mre ea twlaed
w.e.e. .fsae world. st»pl.5
camel.. 150(1 peoemy....
FARE # , 03
e . w ..k..•`,+Itllik"'st1Y.t4.,assa ,.