HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-8-1, Page 1The Sipes, to any address in Canada or Great Britain hat the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 cents. O Jnr Odtcoal ^n41, Y&vaNTY4!lRST YEAR -No 1TRi OF CANAD SAVE, Because -- It is system depositing a little each week -that builds up your safeguard for the future. "Anna. TEACHER WANTED.- FOR S. S. NO. Colborne. Protestant. second-class prules- akawei. S.1ary magi Duties to ageneses alter eewmar Wotan A to U. P. SCHW ANL. n Seea tary. R. R. N't-Caston. THE VIRE CI HW�TTTING CO Y to -ti WANTED. RASPBERRIES GARDEN BEANS AND BEETS at the Canning Factory. Hymn Canning & Evaporating Co. LOST OR POUND. OST.-St.NDAI' MORNING, JULY no. on Montreal o waterloo Street. add each. Valued as a keepsake. karidly leave at Tit& SIGNAL OFFICE. CARD OF THAMES. WE NSISNG1ertEtOF- PIoura:•i neigh- bors and (needs for then kinderw and sympathy wi our 1 tee of Sere bereavement. ALLAN AND JAMES BUCHANAN. L PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice to Water -takers. 80DRRICHa ONTARii THURSDAY. AUG. 1 1918 ADMIRAL BLUflTT'S SWORD. Memento of Heroic Deeds Will Be o0 Exhibition Tbls Week. The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 cents. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LiMiTED. Puau*aaaa• 'fHE LADS IN KHAKI TO --- ADVERTISERS NTSD cuRREs- THIS maws sIONAL. DUNGANNON'S FIELD DAY. c The full-page Oilautauqu• ad. on the Good Program 1 Sports Run Off- I \Ytilurwlny of serf. week will be envie back pivot The liqpiat this %seek Daces- Ptoceeds ever ;too°. Mrs. Catherine Reditrn received d holiday. and the printers will 'have a aitatea a rear'rantitasat. of other ad- I Dungannon's civic holiday was duly , on Saturday that her hus e• Off - Through the courtesy of Mrs. Walter Robert Redfsrn. was reported admitted on C. Flab mild Mier Bluett, there will be veeWMemeute. TIS eanouncemente of Celebrated yesterday afternaw, when a to the seventh casualty clearing station exhibition t- u. Porter's h ..kar,r.,J. o n,.iw ..0 mlHtiri Porter and J. A. bit Red Crus tie day w'as heki. A large on July 20 with a gunshot wound in the Shirt week • rare and valuable sword (aptpbe11wUlel)} presented to Admiral Sir Sterling Elect, t their rrandteMLer, fur drrigg beroil.tn flit& b. during a conflict at sea, in which, owing i W. Acheson a to the Intricacy of navigation. it took . received too woe three days of intense labor to bring out the enemy. The English had only nue wounded, including Lieut. Bluets. The. Patriotic society presented thin sword, and the Admiralty awarded a Command- er.* coolie hellion. The day this intelli- gence reached England this gallant officeryoung or wan pint twenty yeast of age. Knighthood was conferred upon him in MIX, sod be retired as Admiral In 11440. Xchniral Bluett bad three sons, Lieut. Harold Bluetit. R.N., Lieut.Waltet• ylttett, nnrgeon, 11. N., and Captain Fredric Bluett, R.N., father of Mrs. t isib & P Mins Bluett, to whom fur unusual aaliaasry Queen Vitoria presented a massive sliver medal. A second modal was conferred upon blur for daringj. bravery. Later on Capt. Bluett with two brother officers r'sdgned tronr the navy ant travelled the world over, finally landing in New York. where for one year they remained. Wishing to Incase permanently in Canada. Captain ltlnett came to London. Ontario, but finding it inland remained only a short Goderich oderich with her wonderful basiny and poled biliMee ltired bite Uo purchase land on the banks of Lake Huron. He revelled in the trout stream'. and will wends. and in silent watches wrote verse of unusual charm. Captaininpowwow!Bluett wee of wide culture and powwow! • great human heart -one felt hetter for )laving known him. He died in 1x71. Mrs. Filth, whose home is at }(oche*, ter. N.Y., and her daughter, Hew .of bilis, of Detroit, are present rnt tnjoyiog a Visit in taws. Next Sunday will be the fourth ar.ni- versary of Britain's participation in the war. and it is suggested that a suitable manner of observing the day would be for all to attend the churcheervtces and take part in the worship of the Greet Arbiter of war.ss The Red Crosewer! t ill meet in the industrial school nem at the pirt.lic library on Tuesday and ,Fnday afternoons. Iron 3 to 6 o'clock. Ary new sever will he welcomed. Water-takere will please take notice that the use of water nn leans. sprinkles and fountains after sunset or heforf sun- rise is strictly prohibited. and at all tines in lase of an alarm of fire. No hose is to be used aithout a nozzle. Any person violating any of a above regulations will be prosecut water shut raft. WATER & LiGHT COMMISSION. 22t Per J. B. KELLY. Engineer. 1)R. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Yak Ophthalmic amid Aural Hospital assistant at Moorefeld's Rye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital Eng. etLondon.waterloo St S.. Stratford. Tekpbo ne .'in. r FOS SALE of SENT. M QIARFOR SALE.. --200 ACRES 1N rwe+t Wawaaoalt near Dpn{llnn.n. &esewty acmes under cattrvation, retnartder is bunt and pasture Budg1din• ,n good corrd,tiow. Price and terms reasonable Tb, wood on she place 11 ta sold would meet r purctase girlie of ler farm r III•beeltk of owner ream to selling Fur lurcher paetieulars apply to THE SIGNAL. (soderi, h. !(.t. jj OR SALE. -A TW(.STORY BRICK 1 howae contemn,' seven risen. beside* keit hen pantry.be/Aattx and basement:electrir lights and furnace. Near seware and Collegiate Institute. Lot take in abuat quarter...or land. with -gar- den. fruit trees. lawn. etc. Fur quick sale, idler the whole far !Bass- part ca.h. haianoe. terms to writ `purchaser. Owner ,mess's leaving town, which es the meawn for low Mice liked. MRS. J. 11 WILLIAMS. Mark, street. t7-tf ad this week ou crowd assembled i the village and helped left shoulder. Pte. Redfern went over- ' to make the event a successuccess,.leas with the 161st Battal on. ehange 01 ad. was I The proceedings opened with * parade I e - this week. They to the agricu.tural ..rounds consisting, Mrs. Inkster has recelvedbe save torr trove her eon, Corp.Chan. lnkater, anrlwvnce several *tractive npeclals, lint. of the Henderson Kiltir Lads and Kine& he wait taken p ' by tb (Gun ner e - the headliner helm a navy blue serge, Lasses of 1.ondon next of decorated cars.manv rbr Inter was n-4tteu flay 17th 82.80 value at *1 .80 a y'ud• I and then a number of ether automobiles. l and was received s few days ago. i{e IZOR SALE. -THE TEN ROOMED r COTTAGE oa Barlett, road, formerly the property of for Tale M . Gibson. Two herr lots:• &table. town wrter Api.l! 1•, MRs JAS. w'ILSct1 est( Read every pane or The signal every On arriving at the grounds a short musical retorts his wound prpgreesing well. week, but particularly this week. l program was given by the Kilties and } then the judging of the cars took place DEPARTMENTAL NEXT WEEK'S BIG EVENT. and prizes were awarded as follows: EXAMINATIONS. 1st. Rev. T. A. Stedman (Canada). (Godench's CYeatRgra Ofiten a Uurq.. 2nd, H. Myers (Telephone exhibit). -- bangs ascii to the level ut than mixt. i 3rd. Fred Ross ("Here Comes the Names of Successful Candidates at :,ode- I Parhamenu in which high school boy's Opportunity in Hiskedsiss Entertatnnent. Brdt- u. nth tied [nom Elsewhere to Huron. and gull train themselves in public speak - On the back pegs of this issue will be The 'best baseball game was betwernl The following G. C. 1. student= o,•re ' ung. that the found a lull -place MtnounCement concern- Behest and Lochalsh. This was very in successful at the departmental examine -1f Proudfoot had proposed ung the big Chautauqua week which opens westing, but as the Lochalsh team have tints of 1011+ the results of which haveOntariu Legislature should not meet till\ on Inc Hotel Sunset krounds on Monday. had very tittle practice they were natur- been announced: ; the end of the war. it would have the ( ! 1 of ecrocamY in its Clay off. Will ativertlaere and Correa p udents kindly bear this In mind's and send in their "copy" at least a day ear thou usual. _ ANOTHER SIDE TU IT. To the Editor of Tat Signal. DEAR SIR, -Your atntnbutor •'On- looker" putt, up a plausible argument against bye elections. That is just where he and 1 elder. An Opposition that robs itself of the right to appeal to the people on each and every time an opportunity oflet s Is no Opp)atio n at all. • Parlia- ment merely becomes a mockery. and L`ARM FOR NALE.-TWENTY•FlVE ants. ,n-Celb*we tewntthrp seven lodes trots Gadartch. Ayideal place to Nye. Ti- he rid ole strew Apply to THOS GU((��V&Y. RUC uenge. DaSea'n. z1t f TO RENT..--�AyPA�RTMEN1S OVER DAME F. W1L90At1Mar i.1,.et,A ohlg m 1'OR SALE. -A NEW BRICK HOUSE with oar -half sem of land. situated on Huron road. (;ederich. This ,,a genuine Megan Some vacant tote can he bought adjoining this property. T. GUNDR Y. (:oder,eh. rpo RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE- ] ROOM dwelling n connection therewith. Apply tow. E KELLY. VOR SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE, .nh all conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS - HOLM. Trafalgar street. es -t1 "A man without means MOM alwtndon the hope of nicking the future of hi, (wittily luxuriously cumfor- tahle. All a ma can do under a sting eitruni- .tenees to eguard his fancily in to get his life insu W. H. Taft. A policy in the MUTUAL FE makes this prnvisiun at lotwest fes Robertson & Woods A(; NT' FOR SALE -SOLID BRiCK HOUSE. all modern conveniences, also good well. soft water cistern. Trutt trees. lawn.. vegetable garden. stable, etc. A leo minute: walk from tiro Square. For hull particular. addrer Hoa 35. THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Goderich Ont. 99.11 - FOR SALE. This big advertisement is but indicative ally at a disadvantage. The diamond is LOWER SCHOOL. EXAIIINATION FOR EN - of the progressive spirit shown every- very rough, so that many grounders "went • TRANCE To NORMAL ScilooLs.-Mary M. where in connection with Chautauquas. through' and ertors were numerous. The; Ganow, Grace K. Hamilton, Fern E. In fact, Mr, T. O. Huckle, advance Belfast team were never in danger and 1 Humber, Ruby Kilpatrick, Irene U. Mc- supenntendeit fon the Dominion (.'haat- were even better than the score indicates. , Clure, Alice M. L. Shepperd, Lizzie rumness who is spending a week here in The htte-up was as follows: Sowerby, Marion G. Tigert, Ethel C. connection with nett week's event, states Belfast -John McDonald. c: Gordon Washington. Haze. A. Young. that nothing in the Advertising line excels Irwin, p; Bert Wiggins, lb: Garfield Mc- I )j faun work scheme -Anna Baxter, the c oflive newspaper. Donal 'ab' Roy lrwin.3b: Elwyn Twain- Luella Johnston Ella Sowerby. Chautauquas are few in Ontario, ; Melville Reed cf TO NOR - CHURCH NOTES. The women's prayer meeting will be held in Knox church vestry during the month of Aucust. It is hoped a large number of ladies will avail themselves of these opportunities of doing good and t;etflmg good. BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE. Nevar in the history of the Swine Breeding In- t:ustr ha the outlook for the future heen so r cheerful as it rat [M• present time The best obtain th statistics show a steady telling sip( the pork ...pply since 1911. Thi. condttrm IS shown by the increased price• for hogs. both for breeders and packers. It is going to take a king time to re•escahlisb stehthty to the swine world oweg to the falling off to supply. the growling demand. and the conme- quent general high prices. I The improvement on the Chester Whrte and the creation of the detinet O 1 C. type was accomplished by crossing on the Chester Whyte another treed of hag which was about what e now known in England*. the Mammoth White. This crew was made hy Mr. L. 8 Silver. ul Salem. Ohio. in las. Mr. Silver thereby became the originator of theO. I. C. Hot. Since that day Mr. L. B. Sliver and his successors have worked continuously to improve the O. 1. C. Hog by scientific breeding and development, producing a sort of s••pp••r Mead" M the white hog. white other breeder. have .ought to Improve their Chester White stock hy Introducing, O. 1. C. blood, and have succeeded to ■ greater or kr silent. claim favor at anyrate. as each meeting of the House costs in the neighborhood of a quarter of a million dollars. and what Is the use of meeting when the real Opposition consists of one man. Hartley Devout? He cannot get ai seconder to a motion if he wants to op- pose the Government. I think Sir William Hearst made a columns a . t but ley as John(,ardne if MIDOLE SCHOOL ENTRANCE anxious to grasp Lochalsh -Frank Hamilton. c; Roy . E. Baechler. Jean Bogie (with L. S. art). before the people in his own name yet, and seem vergreat mistake when he dxl not go w t nevertheless the Canadian folks. Mr. Sam Alton, rt. I MAL ScHoa.'.-Luzie Adams. Mary country this summer. He has never been Huckle states, y' I to hear some of McKenzie, p; Donald R. McKenzie. 1b; velyn Goldthorpe. J. Alex. Hume, he dors not know the feelings of the rs on the platform Roy McKay. 2b: James Cameron, 3b; ther P. Hume ,with L. S. with.). Violet people toward: him yet.Duncan Matheson of ; The pre•.ent nerd of UPhfung Russell Swett, ss: Robert Hamilton. It; Kilpatrick (honors). Gladys MacKay Parliament was elected under the prestige Duncan Finlayson, I ne McOuoid. Emma Wallace, Katie of Sir James Whitney's name and no one E. Weston (gam-) thought of Hearst as a that he By farm work -Stanley Mutch (middle no,, school and jun.�metric.). Charlet McRae The score by innings was: I (physics), M. S. and jun. maim.), joaepb farm laborers In Ontario. What ng Belfast ... .'2 2 1 4 3 3 2-17; C.,Kelly (Ce(xn.i, (jun. matne.). A. has he w be blemishing such a huge 1•ochalsh. .. . 0 3 0 0 2 3--10,Sjnclair (M S and jun matric ). amount of money before the country Durir.g the afternoon a drawing contest 1 l PPPR SCHOnL ENTRAI.CE 7O FACItLTY wittunt the mut nes f H 11 to two pigs took place. The lucky ticket,- holders icket. holders were John McKenzie. Kintail. ticket Ne. 1041, and Wm. Richardson. ticket No. 154. The fol'oa ing candidates who have ; The foot -races claimed more attention These gents would hie to have a few used the frame examinations wrote in nice friendly matings of the House last - than in other years and were very keenly • retested there being a great number of ! hon c ounty at other centres than Gode• I ing about six weeks, and nu fear of an el - tion and going home with $1,400.00 of such a tine opport the greatest eitert today. Realizing entertainment dttrl> t the summer season, thousands of townian both Canada and the 1, filed States have looked to the 4 tauqua to till this spirit back d Chautauquas will places in Ontario viscance except progressive basins_ back of the Q In Goderich but obit man is responsible for this educatie )al and entertaining event being here, Jnd he is none other than our progressive businese man and summer resort preVrietor, Charles C. Ire, owner of the well-known Hotel Sunset. Services at St. George's church Sunday. August 4th -anniversary of the declara- tion of war: 11 a. m., special memorial service for those who have given their lives for their country; i4 p. m., shortened evensong and sermon. The Arthur Circle of Knox church held a 'salad tea" on the church grounds on the afternoon of Friday last. A large number partook of the refreshments �exvsd. so that a nice surd. whichj&bsmg devoted to migeimary purpoi was reaazed. Quarterly ccmmuriol service will be held at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday morning. Rev. J. H. Oster - bout will have charge of the service. At the evening service lets. Dr. Rutledge will preach. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. The eery -Ices 1n `forth street Menlo - diet church next Yunday will be con- ducted by the pastor in the morning and by Rev. J. H. Onterhout. B.D.. in the even supper will be held in connection with the morning service. Mens Sunday meets in the 'church i,arinr at 10 a.m. Subject fordlscusalon: "Ate fewer hours of work better for employer anal 1Club employee? Bentley school and Bible seek yce y claim at 3 p.m. ing• The eacrameDt of the Lords We have some choice Boars and Sows of this breed for sale. • i\ GODERICH POULTRY FARM G. M. KIDD, Prop. it hone 44. Goderich. Ont. ThEOF COQ I EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O_ LLD.. D.CJL. Presider C IP TAL Pao Up. $15.000,000 JOHN Aga f�l.n... H V. F. JONES. Ade Gua L Meng*► REsatvE FUND, $13„500,000 MAILS TOR THE PURCHASE OF LIVE -STOCK �s Bank is desirous of assisting farmers to r,,t�, acquire live -stock and is prepared to �►e careinl consideration to applications - _Or loans for this purpose. 11 Keep in mird the garden party at Salt - ford Heights on Wednesday. August 14th. under the auspices of the Seltlod Red Cross. long -felt need. With ern, the Dominion in seine fifty new summer. In every a number of the men and others are in securing them. rf, Umpire -MacLean Johnston, of Luck - Premier. Now we tee him anntruncink will spend $'2.(00,0110 to build • houses for o theHouse -Ake B. MacEwan, Jean M. MacEwan tie will go through Huron he will find (honors). Grace M. Pinder. scores and scores of . vacant houses for From Other Huron Centres. � anyone that will ulme,and occupy them. -leis achenw. uideed. c retries for each one. The winners in each in last - Lower School Examination for .4dmi- �a ,'r'eyI sa all honor to the men . The l hautauq are given In water- event are shown bslow: ries to dermal Schools and Faculties of proof tents cape!: of seating 2,50(1 I-krys• race, s years and under, Frank Education -W. Abera d Facul. E J. I aril wer°teft of urth Huron for the people and the ortlilor Godench will be Prctland. Sam Munro. Hugh Bennie, r. Baker. F• E. Baku, E. L. Beavers A. B.! stand thtY have taken. Ontario owe= pitched on the beautiful lawn of Hotelthem a big debt. They send Glc Buys' racy, 12 years and urndir,-Fred' Couper, W. C. Cooper. G. T. Connor. H. Sunset. As statieti in the full-page adver• Robertson, Elgin Rutledge, Calvin ?sic- Coates (honors, J. W. Cochrane. W. P.1 dtinted. but s thate return sore and gh the tisement. the Chautauqua consists of en- Intyre.porated, but when they speak through tt.r te,rtzrrttrterits. ketyres and music. some of Boys' race. 14 years and under -Ger- Doig. E. A. Dodds S. M. Draper, R. E.ballot•box they will be heard and Davis, A. M. Farnham (honusl. H. A. ahich would cost over $2 to hear the in -clot; "1'hompsosi, Iced Robertson, Maurice; Gibson, J. M. Harvey.' M. E. Hogarth.' Bah Borden and Hear±t will dividual numbers in theta cities• Iver¢. • 11; A. Hart, }, .A. Hogg. D. Hutchison, J••i have their rats nese the second ab u: ' •lel is ventg a num- Girls' ram, R years old and under- . :1�1. H otter, A. L. Lawrence, �t• your valuable spat: Mr. I. ■c e, L Kerr1lei you for ) MUA�B�� So Alberts G Edna Young. M..LThanking Y Ontario tills G k en (lV la " turn ON IKSR R rc her of io s race Sonley. _ mg (bonsai, Us .., attla•ygtiae pr Gt.t; r:.,'�i,, L:, z'P ..ref..- �l)fpn' ,......34,4; 4:. �u ), a t � ; _.Ila . . going big' hare vend some 'few' McCarthy, Etta Ib�cOuoad,'M Mer`~ \ ` elsrrt. A. R, Okt'(htm e.L. tt7• records are being established. With the Whinney. I Putter, H. 1. Ross. M. M. etv E. L. ver asi nt is a sive 'r amu rsraent lLs hn• t progressive sprit always *town in Gode- Girls' race, 14 years and under -Lillian 1 Reid, C. G. Stngdift (honors). ll. :11. never wane, in rciaepopu¢cit,. It is an exert - ; x( i - rich and rhe interest being manifested in . McCarthy Minnie Dickson, Genevieve , Staples. 1. Scoter. F. M. H. Smallacrnnbe.:lent form of eiercise. 1t you with to th°r- oughiy enjoy your plurwe. be sure that your Swimming attve is compete. Select an attractive bathing cap from our stock, one that will harmonize with your bathing suit. We have them in a rare assortment of colors. sizes and styles. Prices from 50c to $1. E. R. Wigle. drugcjst. Goderich. Free to Children. Y Alt of the children (between six and fourteen years of age) of Godench mid this section are invited to attend a free opening of the Junior Chautauqua at Hotel Sunset grounds next Monday morning. The children will congregate in a big waterproof tent which will seat 2500 people. Opening hour 9 o'clock. The warm days bring to mind the de light of Edwards' ice cream. - DUNGANNON. L'OR SALE. --A RUBBER -TIRED SURREY: good as new. J. R. McNABB. Chautauquas. 11 is expected that Gode- Hamilton. I M. Strang (honors), G. J. Scarlett. B..4. net's hest Chautauqua will be a great Buys' three -tugged race, under 14 Years Scott. C. L. Tyndall, O. G. Truener, M. success and the event be thoroughly es- -Willie Reid and Arthur Stanley. Verne C. Walker. tablisf,ed for an annual anticipation Pentland and George Twamley. Calvin I Passed conditionally -M. H. Ryan here. I McIntyre and Tom A'.len. (art). In order to make sure of securing sea- 1 Boys' wheelbarrow racy. undo 14 years 5fiddle School Examination for Ent - son tickets at the rate of only $2.00, every- -Gordon Thompson and Tom Allen, ranee into Normal Schools -H. V. Arm - one is urged to serve same as early as Maurice Ivens and Percy Elliott, Cecil I strong. L. Chesney )horrors), G. F. Coates, possible, as the price is to be advanced to Orser and Calvin McIntyre. (G. M. Crich (boners), 1. M G. 82.50 Monday afternoon, providing any Boys' blind -pig race. 14 years and under O Duncan. F. n Deem. G. A. C. Crozier. G. are left. -Percy -Elliott, Reggie Hamilton, Chris. Cook PERSONAL MENTION. Girls' chum race, 14 years and under-- • -- Mildred McWhinney and Alma Blake, Miss Winnie Gledhill, of Maple. is visit• Genevieve Hamilton and Georgie Allen. ing in town. Etta McQuoid and Lucy Thompson. Sack race- Charles McCarthy, Reggie Miss Laura Acheson. of Toronto, is the Hamilton. Percy Elilott. guest of `U s. J. M. Field.Men's 100 yards dash, open Russell Miss Marjorie Moore, of Totonto, is Bissett, Ernest Whiteman, Isaac Nickson. visiting in town and is staying at Hotel i Relay race, half-mice-ISt. Stanley Sunset. Cook. Ernest Whiteman, Fred Cook. Mica Sadie Patterson. of Brantford, is 2nd, John 17uy'Te. Edward lofmsun • Wm. W. .Anent (Pt. 1i ), W. H. Armstrong friends s in tting her grandmother • and other Doyle. ?hea tug•o(•war did not materialize, but (Pt. II.), IJ. Cartelon (Pt. 1.3. E. Church - Mise Mary Hurley has returned to Tor- , in the evening another ball game was,hill IPt. 1.), ll1). C. Douglas 1Pt 11.). onto after a holiday visit at the old tame,' played between Belfast and Goderich.vel F. Edge (Flt. •11., tensors). M. M. Ed - We hate to tell what happened in this munds (Pt .1.), J. P. S. Ferguson Pt. 11.1, St. David's street. I fixture, for moat of it happened to the H. Geddes (P1. 1}., honors . N. A. Slew. Jos. Orr, of Brantford, Is visiting Goderich team. Lumby was hit regularly Graces tet. 11 1, C. F. Johnston (P1. 11.). at the home of her brother in-law, Mr. and was adorded very 'r support. Ht L. E. Johnston 1P1. 1.. saran). B. J. POULTRY WANTED -HENS AND 1 ROOSTERS. Now is the nee to get rid of male birds and fat hens. Prices are good. Cal us up- J. R. McNABB. Goderich HURON LODGE, NO. 62, I. O. O. F. CoP Huron Lodge will hold a PICNIC AT MENESETUNG PARK WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 7th (Civic Holiday) Conveyances will leave Oddfellows' Hall at 1 and 2 p. m. Members are requested to come with their baskets and bring their friends. Baskets left at Hall by 2 o'clock will he conveyed to the Park. Visiting brethren are cordially in- vited to join in the outing. Dance in the evening Committee: W. T. Moore, C. A. Reid, L. L. Knox. N. G., J. W. New- combe. Thomas ' Walla, George Branch G. WILT -TAMS, Manager. I. Symonds. H. M. Godkin ( h. noes). M. G. Harvey, M. A. Hays (honors): M. M. Harrison. C. M. Jervis.,G. E. Kaercher,, D. E. Kuntz. E. S. ivermore ( honors ), A. H. ildacQuarrie. O. M.Gill, J. McMillan. G. E. Pocock, D. E. Ross (honors), M. T. Ross (with L S. art). G. G. Ross, J. F. Rae (with L. S. grog.). H. M. Stewart (with i.. S. art), C. I. Sheely, V.J. Snyder. V. Stewart. E. M. Waghorn (honors), F. J. Walker. Upper School Examinations for En• trance•into the Faculties of Education - The toioderich Orcyhestra. Open toLen7.agements for lawn socials, garden parties. dances. Pet hone For tennis apply to C. V. Henry. If quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious lee seam in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. For these tired, aching feet use Tread Easy. Campbell's Drug Store. BONN. ACHESON, -In Osler ch, on We'lneeday. Jul. 31. to Mr.'ard M•s. R. J. Ache..m, a daugh- ter ' DIED. hi ColMnne township. on Tuesday. July *I1, isabella Mc W hintry• beloved wile of David C. Bogie.. weed a year• rnoptlw McCARTHY.-At Kingsbridrr, on Wednrle'ay. and Y, days. July M.T•motty MICanha PUTTOCNh-- \t eheireniton.wmThuraday July P. \rronica 1. . Pvttock. beloved wife of David Putta.k. -iced 73 years. • O. W. Holman. was replaced in the btth innings by W. Larkin (Pt. II.), C. E. McKinley (Pt. 11.. DALTON.- At K :ab.idtt. on Friday, Jely Rev. A. E ) ups ). Jones and wife. of Clinton, •le. honors E. C. Mille (Pt. I.. honors), story laahon. at -4 tr yet*. were visitors at the Victoria street par- TM Belfast team had the same, line-up L A MacKay (Pt IL, hontyrt), Ruth P. 13AFUSER In C. "Tine lgamnip on Tatd■r. soilage on Tuesday. as before, while the Goderich Mrs. J. H. Shaw. of Chatham. visited her niece, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Osterhout.for a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Rothwell and the Mimes Barry motored from Toronto last week and are visiting in town. Mr. end Mrs. II. Phillips and son. of Applegate, Mich., have been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. J. Cox. of Chatham, is vis - were as follows: John Doyle, c; W. Lumby, p; Bert Townsend, lb; Chester Johnston. 2b: James Hume, 3b; fed Johnston. If; W. Doyle, cf; H. Aitche- son, rt. Umpire -MacLean Johnston. The score by innings : Belfast ..S 3 4 0 7 2-24 Godench 2 4 3 0 1 2-12 We mutt not forget to mention t players McMath Pt. 1.1, A. •Nicholson (Pt. 11.). A. O. Rankin ( II.). E. P. Scott (Pt. 1L, honors`, E. W. Turnbull (Pt. 11., With Pt. I. Eng. lit.), M. E. Turnbull (Pt. II., honors), J. R. 1M (Pt. I, honors). M. D. Ullman (Pt. ), R. C. Weiler Pt.(I.). . Nasal Scheel Entrants. July an I.. wrens" Basket, sen of Johnliarktr. acid N W AOVERTiEEMENTS-Aug. 1. Page. Canadian NaticnalEthRnlitm T Ceti ul Thanks -Allan end James Buchanan1 Teacher Wanted -S. s No. 7, Colborne... . 1 Shinglas for Shoe -W. T. Riddell .. The Normal Schools will open on Tues- saseherries, Etc . Wanted -Huron Canning l day. September 17, at 9 a. m. Those Es•alwral,ne co its who wish to attend at the coming term win of Land. kir Tates --Wm. Lone Mrs JOS. F. Joyce. art advised that their application fir ad- I f 01 1 -Proems', m War society vis- iting the home of her parents. ons and good supper served by the Dungannon maission must be made to the Deputy header - P. Kennedy. Sole Mrs. John Lacey. Hayfield road•\'ones s institute, in the ba9ement of Mian Margaret Strang. of Toronto, is the hall. ( Minister of Education not later shad Breeding Stock sot Salt- Gorierice Au August ;Kl. Farm .... spending holidays at the home of her The refreshment booths on the grounds Qu patents. Dr. and Mrs. H. 1. Strang. and in the basement of the hall did a � Mrs. Oliver °field and son Keith, of Dundas, are visiting at the home of the former's sister. Mrs. H.J. A. MacEwan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones and daugh- ter, of Toronto, are visiting' at the home of Mrs. Jones' father. County Clerk Holman. Mr. Maitland Pridham, of Toronto, hes been spending holidays in' town and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pridham. Mrs. E. C. Gammage, of Chatham. left on Wednesday for Muskoka after a visit with her daughter. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Osterhout, at the Victoria street parson- age. Mrs Chas. Lane and children, of De- troit, -are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lane, Dr. Lane came up with them on Saturday and remained over Sunday. Mr. George Ellerd, of Sioux City. Iowa, was visiting in town last week. it is thirty five years since Mr. Ellerd left Goderich and he found many changes on his return. The second helping is getting to be bad form. rushing business. several people were hit by the baseball and two were rather painfully injured. During the first game a little boy was hit and had two ribs cracked. in the second game, a lady was struck in the face. In the evening there was a crowded house for the entertainment in the hall. The proceeds of the day nested about $1050. The Blackstone Buckley orchestra has arranged a series of eulramer dances -e very Wedneld•y -- • n d Saturday evening at J ow et is pavilion, Bayfield, and every Fri- day evening at Hotel Sunset, Goderich. I. or the Bayfield dances there will be a jitney service from the garages and from Blackatone'e restaurant, at 51 for the round tip. On 'civic holiday, August 7th, there will he • gale of fancy and needle work, undet the auspices of the Primmer/lot War Society. at the Junes -Bateman house, from 3.110 to 6.30 p.m. Admiration bbd., tncluding tea. There will be lee cream and other booths, and s ash -pond tor the children. Proceeds for the pris- oners of war. BANK OF MONT INT U$DWD OVER aN YEARS Safety Deposit Boxes It is unwise to keep Bonds, Securities, Insurance Papers and other valuables in a house our office. Safety Deposit morales in the vaults a -this Balt may be railed at a moderate chairs. ,r V e St Aei ., mom) ea AL- A. W STRICKLAND, Manager, Goderich Branch