The Signal, 1918-7-25, Page 44 THtliaDAY, Jt'l.Y 25, 1918 KEEP COOL That is a hard thing to do these hot days, but you will find real comfort in the right kind of clothing such a, we have provided. PALM BEACH SUITS, cool and splendid wearing cloth. Price - - - - - - $12.rO MESH COMBINATION UNIYLRWEAR - - $1.25 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS - $1.00 to $3.00 X HOSIERY. cotton, silk lisle and silk. 3.ic to $1.00 FOR NIGHT TIME A suit of nice cool summer PYJAMAS. Price WHITE COTTON NIGHT ROBES WALTER C. PRIDHAM Borsalino Hats 20th Century and Art Clothing 'Phone 57 diem===== r=iot 1nt'1f CREWE. MONDAY. July 22. Mrs. Chas. Agar. of the West. is visit- ing her sister. Mrs. A. McQuad. Pie. Roy Myers. of London, spent Sun- day at his home here. Miss Mary Curran and Mrs. Robert Higgins visited friends at London the past week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. H. J• Blake is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Durnin had the misfortune to fall through a hole in the barn and hurt his side. Mr. Herbert Begley. of Hamilton. is visiting his grandmother. Mrs. John Menary. LEEBURN. (Intended for las week 1 MONDAY. July 13. Mrs. George Gliddon and her two children. Lauta and Audrey. of,Harmlton. are visiting,with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giiddon. Miss Jessie Linklater is spending her vacatiift with her brother, Mr. Roy Linklater. Mrs. Robert Bogie stent the week -end with ner soo Andrew at London. Miss Hunter. of Clinton. is visiting at the home of Mr. John Hunter. The Leeburn Red Cross Society met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook with a very large attendance. Mr. Johnnie Donaldson spent Sunday in Goderich. The service in Leeburn church was The Singer Store Heiler-• G1ken fon Hemstitckisg, Accordeon Pleat- ing, E.iroidery, Scalloping and Covered Buttons. SHETLAND YARN The new mercerized cotton for fancy sweaters. Books of instruc. tions and needles. NOTIONS Slip-on Veils. Hair Nets. Bar- rettes. Hairpins, hewing Needles and Pins. MISS S. NOBLE THE SIGNAL. GODERICH, ONTARIO a DUNGANNON. r SSURRREY.goudrnew. l3 K.SRN val.D POULTRY WANTED.-HENSIAND 1 ROOSTERS Now a the tome to get 64 et male Mede and tat herr. Prices are good. CPI u,up J. K. M.:NABB. WEDNEHMY, July 24. The hay is catching it these days. and so are the raspberries. Mrs. Fred Treleaven and sons are up from Toronto. visiting at the hone of Mrs. Robe. Tre'eaven. Mr. and Mrs Strath, of Brice county. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myers last Sunday. Mr. Ellis Stokers. of Toronto. spent the week end at the home of lus parents, Mr. and Mrx Thur. Stothers. Jack Soothers returned to his home at Toronto on Monday after spending a busy hotidas with nus grandparents Thos Stothers. T. G. Allen and J. J. Hunter. auctioneer. of Kuscardtne. had three busy days last week disposing of ties and other material tit the Rest Shore road. tho betergn� the last of the material to be d)at)o• of. Misr Pearl Mc enne returned home last week for her holidays. Miss McKen- zie teaches at Toronto and since the close of school had been assisting on a fruit farm in the Niagara district. Misses Joe and Bert Wilkinson. of Tor- onto. are the guests of Mita Pearl McKen- Zir Mr. Grigg. of London. was up last wee!' instathng a new switchboard fur the Telephone Company. Messrs. Hinkley and Patterson. of W ingham. were in the burg on Monday in connection with Bell telephone busi- ness. ' Mrs. S. M. Wickens and betty re- turned to their hone at Sebringville on Sunday. - Miss Laura Savage returned home last conducted on Sunday hit Rev. R. C. Mc- Friday after spending a week with her Dermid. of Knox church. Godench. cousin. Miss Myra McNevin. Goderich. Mr. Will Donaldson spent Sunday with We are sorry to repeat that Mr. his mother, Mrs. L. Donaldson. of Gode-Wm. Stothers is among the indisposed. rich. I Mrs. Cartwright and daughter. of Pres - Mise Beatrice Chisholm is %pending her cote are holidaying at the home of vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm. Andrew Stewart. 1 Miss McKay. of Boston. Mass , is vis- Say. have you secured your tickets for iting her cousin. Mr. John D. Farrish. the pig yet:' are bre A very unfortunate accident befell Mr. I Quite a number of pigpe g 1 in the village to take care of the Henry Horton while ub anhay on pigs to of on Dungannon's Saturday. He lost his balance and fall- pigs to be disposed ling backwards off the load broke his arm. big day July 31st. also receiving some very severe cuts and Miss C: Augustine. of the teaching bruises. We hope that he may soon be staff of Port Arthur. is spending her vaca- around again. tion here. . MONDAY. Jul' 22. Messrs. Bain McDonald acid John Mc - A b' time iiexpected at the Farmers' Donald and Miss Anrue Mr.MSam.mald. of big Kintall, were guests at Pent - Club picnic to be held at ' Lorneside" on land's last Sunday. August Iso. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Crawford and Mrs Misses Laura and Lilian Lautensla ser Alex. Pentland. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lett today to resume their duutiestiesaas sten- Anderson. of Lucknow. motored to Gode- ographers at Toronto. rich one day this week. Pte. Andrew Bogie, of London. spent The busiest horse in town is Dy Case's. the week -end at his home' here. His but, sad to say. he is now under the Doc - many friends were glad to see him look toe's care from the effect of a nail run in ing fa fine after his tedious work at to his amt. camp. The Colborne Farmers' Club an - Another new arrival in the burg -but nouncee a bi; picnic to be held at Mr. this time It happens to be a Red Cross E. V. Lawson's, on the Lake Shore road nurse. who arrived on Sunday at the near Dunlop. on Thursday of next week. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Horton. Everybole ited. Mrs. James Hoxton. of Goderich. is My andyd Mninv. Roy Harris. of Stratford, visiting mends in the neighborhoodi visited at the home 01 Mr. - and Mrs. Miss ss Jean Clutton is spending a week's T G. Allen over Sunday. vacation at various points out east. Mn. Jack McKay and daughter Mart. Mr. Roy Linklater has a very broad of Goderich, are visiting Mrs. McKay s emit these dabs. It's all b�era • young mother. Mrs. Pierce. son that has arrived to lank after the Bic DAY NEzt Ween. -Every road new farm that his father has purchased i will lead to Dungannon on July atst. for him at Shat. By being present to swell the number Mr. Will Chisholm spent Saturday and and give your little. you will be suppo et - Sunday at Stratford. ing a cause than which there is none greater. Be on time to take in the pec KINTAIL cession and r^alithumpian parade. None The monthly meeting os tbetitute wwintail will go hungry. All will enjoy the sports. branch of the Women's Institute be For the concert in the • evening reserved held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Mac- seats may be obtained at the postoffice. Donald on Thursday.' August lst. where the plan 01 hall will be on view. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. I The Hendersons. of London, who have I been engaged. put on a very attractive WEDNESDAY. July 24. I program. including a Kiltie band. a lady Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and ' comedian. and other gaol features. Don t COULD NOT STOP THEHEAOACHES Until She Tried "fmlta-tires" -Made Fro Fruit Juices 112 1 strums ST., Sr. Jogs, N.B. "I feel 1 must tell you of the great bsneelt I have received from your wonderful medians, 'Fruit -a -twee'. I have been a sufferer for many years from V'iolewf I/,r'ddc/es, and .Dull get no permanent relief. A mend advised me to take 'Fruit- a-tives' and I did so with great wooers ; and sow I am entirely free of Headaches, thanks to your splendid medicine". MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW. 500. a hoz, 6 for $^.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent on receipt of pries, postpaid, by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. last week. ■////>•///1K///1t/t>r)r/1�!/1K//!•>r)<!ix)•l[)t>[Yx)A)�)K)�a / x11111( D.M1LLAR&SON /////////t//II■1•■/■■/iIA ■/■/1[■K■//11f1111t.M110111 / ■ / 1 Miss C. Rutherford. of Ktnlough, i. / making an extended visit with friends / here. JJ Miss Viola Baker is spenAlag a trw weeks with her aunt. Mrs. M. Reid. et . Dungannon. daughter Dell. of Toronto, are visiting miss seeing and hearing them' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patton. Pte. Wm Elliott. of the Canadian ST. HELENS. Engineers stationed at St. Johns. Que..• TUtoaDat, July 23. spent the week -end at his home on the Bayfie:d road. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark retlirned to Pte. Art Patton, who has been station- their house at Belleville on Monday atter ed at St. John's camp. Quebec. has been spending a couple of weeks at Mr. in the hospital for a short time with an (dark's old home here. injured foot. Miss Myrtle Little and Miss Ethel Miss Ila Moore, of Mitchell. spent a McPherson are visiting Mrs. A. Barhular few days last week with her grandparents. at Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. of the Mr. Smith and son. of Emhrn, spent tit concession. the week -end with his father, kir. Jos - Miss Blanche Elliott, of Toronto, is eph smith. home for her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Guest Collins and fatu- ities; Brest:D.-Mr. John McGuire, sly and Mrs. Collins. er.. of Bervie, vis - et the sth concession of Goderich town- lied friends here on Sunday. ship, had his bans and its contents de- Miss Della Cranston. of Wingharn strayed by ore en Monday- forenoon. Business College. was home over Sun - The fire was caused by the heating of l days hay in one of the mws. The barnsur. John Reld and son. Misfires Mon- tortnnsgly is tnsur'ed in the McKlllof,l.leith. Rothwell. Hess and Dempsey mO- Mwtusl. and Mr. Janies Connolly. press- tared from Bayfield on Saturday and dent of the loaspaey, settled the Ictus 0111 visited Me. Reid's sister. Mrs. R. J. the name day. Wads. over Sunday. Mr. and Mee. John Wehster and fam- ily- motored to London on Monday and spent the day with their son Elwell at Carl ing' s Heights. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor spent the week -end at Clinton. Miss Jennct McDonald wens a vteitor with Lncknow friends for a few days AUBURN. 1 ijJ`OR SALE. -THE HARNESS SHOP `. .a the e( Auburn. property of Private A Roth/eon. For further particulars apply to 1 ARTHUR. Auburn. 00-1( WEDNESDAY. July 24. Dr. and Mrs. Weir and Miss Josephine motored to Strathroy on Saturday. A number of the citizens attended the picnic of S. S. No. 9 on Wednesday after- noon on Mr. G. H. Ball's .farm. All re- port a good time. Auburn's civic holiday will be held on Wednesday, July 31st. when the places of business will be closed. A good repre- sentation will go to Dungannon to take in the sports of our sister burg's freed day. Mrs. Rice. of Detroit. is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marsh. Mr. Marvin Durnln. of Goderich. spent Sunday in Auburn. Ptes Elmer Robertson and Walter Wagner were home for the week end. Mr. Jacob Wagner. of Tavistock, is visiting Mrs. John Wagner. Mr. Harold Sprung is the latest to pur- chase a new Chevrolet auto. DROWNING AT LUcKNow.--A sad drown- ing accident occurred at Lucknow on Tuesday evening. Mr. Ephraim Snell. SW of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell. 3rd con- cession of East Wawariosh. lost his life while bathing 'with other boys in the / mill dam. We all sympathize with the parents and family us thetr sorrow at the loss of their bright young sum. BENM I LLER. WE.DNESDAY, July 24. Mrs. H. G. McKie and little daugh- ter. of Toronto. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Straughan. Pte. Jonathan Fisher. of the W. O. R.. London, was home for the weekend. Miss Jennie Cluff. of Dungannon. is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Straughan. SPECIALS at McEWEN'S Fine Line of Drinks for Warm Weather. Orangeade, Lemonade. Raspherry Vinegar. Lime Juice. Gram- .; nice. i..' tele Powder. Winer.. Fhe. asw,rtinent of Piekles and ('stoup. Something to sharpen tate appetite. A niee largo- coin of Apple Butter for 2 -ie. Pure Maple Syrup from the Pastern Townships ; goarenteed pure. We here a quantity of Scrap on hand. bought herons the rise. Special in Fdk• and $1.00 lose. Am is at the old price --fie line worth 111•. Inn line worth 16c. Something to make your floor shine. Runok Floor Wax (No. 1 Roods) in 're, 111'te and fine• size•.. We have on hand some Red Rose and Lipton's Teas. both black and intrad. hanght before the advance and (Intl. Selling at 56e. sow worth .Ili' : we seiTe Toll Ifs• a pnond. '7J. J. McEWEN K Goderich hid w.d t N, t nu KINOSBRiDGE. Tr•ESIDAY, .Jut)' 211. Misses 111ive O'Rei 11y and Frances Griffin. eat Chicago. are visiting here., Pte Jane-. McCarthy. of London. spent the week -end at his home here. Miss Pamirs O'Reilly, of Toronto. is vtslting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Con. O'Reilly. Miss Irene Farr• of-(l'otterich. it visit - Ing her friend. Moss Pauline O'Reilly. Kingsbridge will be represented at the Farmers' Club picnic to be held at Dun- lop on Thursday. August 1st. Mrs. Jas. O'Neil has returned home after a visit to her sister. Mrs. McDonald. at St. Marys Master James O'Neil. who spent a week with his grandmother. Mrs. O'Neil. Trafalgar street, Goderich. also has returned home. Among tier Sneday vIeltors to Kingti- hridge Wel e : Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rehire and da fighter, of Kincardine: Messrs. O'Donnell and McDonald. of Parkhill: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Klein, of Beeobwood ; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart and family. of St.Columban : Mistier' Angela 11mphy and Eva King and Master (Chariot King, of Mt. Angustine. Several from here attended the danee at M. Augustine on Friday. the 19th, and report a good time. Mr. Matthew O'Connor Is the owner of a new Chevrolet car. The many Measda et lbw. Jnflo (Halton regret to hear of her illness; and hope for a speedy r'eatvery. We are ads o sorry t hear of the illness nt Mr. T. Me• y. SAt,t De HAts. - All tniltllMry reduced to make rnnm for fall styles. Wet M. R. MACVICAI. 25-21 a ■ it1 • We aim to please knowing that in in person. We ordered by telepho tomers as complet pay delivery charg this way are neo e es they receive always glad and by satisfaction on all to prompt if they orders. by the most careful attention to even the smallest details of our business and by giving at all times the beat possible service. Many of our customers do their attention if by sane, visited the send delivery had same samples. as out-of-town of and the as shopping they careful we personally by telephone, carne to the store selection of goods to cus- pre- aim the Special of Yoile waists The nattiest lot of beautiful white Voile Waists, in a great variety of designs to suit all tastes, and all specially priced. as moderate as $ 1.69. Dr. Jaeger all -wool Motor Rugs No automobile outfit is complete without one or more Automobile Rugs and these Jaeger all -wool Rugs are of special interest. Full size. Selling at last year's prices. In plain colors, with rich tartan designs or reverse side. Special $13.50 each. e live store. our We at $1.69 Another Shipment of Sweater Coats this week A large shipment of Monarch Knit Sweater Coats just to hand, for women's and children's wear, in the seasons' most approved styles, at most popular prices. Special Clearing Lines of Summer Goods Our stock of Japanese Verandah Rugs in all sizes (not a great lot left) clearing at a discount of 10 per cent. Clearing line of Summer Voiles at 49C On our tables is a showing of colored Voiles from our lines. Clearance price 49c yard. Children's Hats and Bonnets 25c each. In embroidered Cotton and Silk, in a variety of styles. Clearing Special values in women's Wash Skirts of white Repp. At $ 1.50 each. 60c and 75c ISc and The New Fall Shipments are arriving x / / •/ • 11[ $ •• i IN v ] NI x X • • 111 \• M Dominion Chautauqua Week. Goderich, August 5th to 10th, promises to be a week of all-round pleasure. Be sure and come. The leading 'phone and mail order store. mi a Harvest -time has arrived once more./////////,///Iraims a////////////1♦ir////x■ Some barley and a little wheat will pro$IN - ably be cut toN arils the end . f the seek IRI pra cally com Haying is time comm -at theeeR !t4nillar s Scotch Store A good timet Saltgford Red Wed PHONE 56 PHONE 56 )r garden party at Saltford Heights. Wed - neaday. August 14. , IEye Glass Designing Savage does more than merely make gIiisees. He designs glasses so that each pair differs in accordance with the facial re- quirements of the person wear- ing them. Savage glasses are gnat to look at -they ore be- coming. They see altm good to look through. ('ensult • PISB &Aso M►ttl 40P OPTICIAN; Atm AT bit Pant smsg. • "on _t d3 lliLPIs.Otih.(' 11 NI SOMMERSAI.E(1FMluilt Y.-Allhata �11�JNxNIII////////IN////////111�1�/100///11///11 twit.. i A few pretty styles left. Miss M. MAcVICAR. 25-2t LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Hydro store on the Square is being fitted up for an early opening. Raspberries are retailing at 2,8c a box. and dealers say the price will not likely be any lower this season. The Ahmeek Chapter. 1. O. D. E., wishes to thank all who contributed to the linen shower for the hospital. Keep in mind the garden party at Salt - ford Heights on Wednesday'. August leth, under the auspices of the Saltford RW Cross. The Goderich Orchestra of five pieces is now under the leadership of Mr. C. V. Henry and is open for engagement's for social events. . Miss Laura Jackson. pupil of Mr. C. J. W. Taylor. has passed with honors the intermediate piano examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Garrison. Af town. has been en- gaged by the puhlic school beard to teach the primary room at Victoria school. suc- ceeding Miss Ethel Nairn. who is going to Port Arthur. St. George', smnmer festival witllhn held on the aftArnoon and evening of Thursday, August 1st. on the rectory grounds. Ice cream and light retresh- nreatr' will he served. There will be is fancywork table, and other attractions and a good program during the evening. Admission to the.grousds 10c. Refre.h menu' extra. Speaking to Tota SI week, a former resident visiting the town 'Mier or ten years remarked out at Maitland cemetery with the great i,p acee. pearance of the 1a. much room for went on to remark; but a\larger staff of Mens pend(ture of money. Daylight 11; • goal one day this of Goderich re - the lapse of nine that he had been and was pleated ement in the ap- There was still improvement, he this would require and a greater es e Trips. Many vacationists are now planning lake trip. and. as usual, fake Erre, with Rs great ship "Seeandbee" and other magnificent steamers, is by far the rntxtt popular. The Saturday daylight trips between Cleveland and Buffalo are again proving very attractive to many travellers. From Cleveland. C. & B. Line's steamer "City of Buffalo" leaves New Pier. foot of East 9th street, every Saturday dung the summer season at 8.30 a. m., arriving at Buffalo 6.30 evening of same div. From Buffalo. Ili' great ship 'Seeand tee" leaves wharves at South Michigan Street Bridge every Saturday at 8.30 a.m.. reaching Clevelar.0 A 630 p. m. The night .en ire of the C. & B. is the same asbd'etotoce, namely: Steamers leave ring December 31st, 1918. 1919. 1920, ForiGoed Reliable Shoe II Reposers, try Smith a Ring ifs East Street. Oppowte Kno. Church Give Us a Trial 1921. 1922 and 1923. for use of C. S. S. No. 4, were sold fa $4846.25 to Kenneth R. McKenzie with the consent of the trustees. on motion of Hackett and John- ston. Moved by Hackett and Johnston !that the Reeve be authorized to attend ' the sale of the Ontario West Shore R. R. to buy the tile 12 in. to 24 in. The fol- lowing accounts were duly passed and t ordered paid. viz.: L. Govier--grayelling -- -- S. R.M&7E. 575.98: Bert Johnston--inspec- both cities daily at is p. m.. reachirg ting the above. $8.00; A. Stewart -cedar destination the following morning at 6.3U f for budge S. R. 6& 7 E.. $82.00: S. Sher - a. m. (All U. S. Central Time.) wood -cedar for bridge S. R. 6 & 7 E. Low -fare excursions from Clevelan2 and $9.00: T. Richardson --sawing cedar. Buffalo are given every Saturday, good cedar. Shackle on Maize -teaming returning Sunday. $ l r. $8 50; W. McKnight -grading S. R. 9 & Ideal Log Cabin L,fe. 10 E. s9; F. Willis -cleaning ditches The log cabin camp hotels built by the Grand Trunk Railway in picturesque spots in Algonquin Park have been very popular with those who desire quiet. rest tut, exclusive accommodation for a sum- mer holiday. These log cabin hotels have a lute central lodge or meeting place, and in close proximity are the log cabins. built of cedar logs with the hark on. The dottrel lodg�nnd cabins are comfortably furnished a have modern conveniences D L.. $5: J. Quaid --gravelling D. L., $69.35; N. Graham -inspecting the above. $7; W". Richardson -gravelling con. 2, $46.02: A. Gordon-in-pecting the above. $4; G. Pentland -covering bridge S. R. 6 & 7 E.. 82; C. Stewart -plank. $4.3.36: J. Cathcart- 2 days team on grader. $10; L. McLennan -2 days team on grader. $10; A. Johnston -2 days team on grader, $10: B. McDonald -1-2 day team plowing. 52.50; N. G. McKen- with baths and hot and cold water. zie-teaming tile and building culvert con. Camp Minnesing. on Island Lake. ten 12, $43: R. Hibben -inspecting gravel - miles frooi the Highland tan. Algonquin ling con. 12. 54: T.Bueglass gravelling Park St ion, is situated in a delightful con. 12 $92.50: J. K. McDonald-410 spot tha leases the heart of titre lover of yards gravel, $9; John Bradley -5C1 hrs. the out -of -doom. Limited acconuttdation work on roads. $15; J. Walker -20 hrs. is available and full particulars can be had on appticat'to any Grand Trunk agent Or toipn Horning. District Passenger Agent, neon Station. Toronto ITHE CODER- CH MARKETS. r TNUase.r. July A. Wheel. pm. bu.h...... $ 5.10 to $ 2.12 0,1., per 11,141 ......... .... .70 03 .72 Ent'loy. per bnah „. 1.2.1 to 1.30 Deo., per bash 3.2i to 13§0 Hnnkwh.At, per truth. . ... 1.0) to 1.M 5lour, boldly. per not. i• 5.11.5 to 5.73 Flour, pots. t. per cwt syt to Ann B, an, per ton .... %ID to M10 Rhmte, per inn ... .. 11 01 to ft.40 Hey. per ton5 ..n to 2.10 Ptrswloam, , los, per tai.. .... ),en to a.01 Heirs Mutter, per lb ..... ..-010 .M ('n.nn,rr) glitter .. N 5.0 .45 Egg, fresh. ser dos 5' io 40 louts., new. per bush 2.00 W 2 m (',111.. $,,tenon. erlesce. per ewe11.01 a 12 rn (lath., %wiener: mwlinm.per cwt 10.000 11 f', Hy., live weight, per ewe 175* to HMO Hides. par lb - ... .r2 to 12 Tallow, rendered. pee Ib .. bee'.lilmt. 2.•., to s.fw W Ml, unwashed. per Ib.... .00 to .57 " * per 10. .Ili to MUNICIPAL. COUNCILS. .# ASHFIELD. The council were all present at the regular meeting July 16th. The minute* of .lun1' 241h. being read. were approved ea motion by Richartbnn and Janliewsl. The six debentu es ul 591(.13 each matur-1 work on county road. 16: G. Jamieson - 20 hrs.' work grading road L. R.. 610. W. J. Stewart -202.5 ft. plank. 678.75; L. Wallace -teaming tile and putting in. $8; F. Murphy -repairing bodge, con. 10, $9; A. Johnston -ditch and tiling D. L.. $9; J. Kilpatrick --repairing culvert con. 8.815; Fred Johnston -teaming plank and re- pairing bridge and road D. L . $9: W. Qui ley -iron Inc bridge con. 6 E. St43.30- C. W. Alton -spike. 2: trustees U. S. S. No. 4 --proceeds of debentures, $4848.25: Joe. McAdam -hal. O'Reilly award ditch contract. 1711.15; Thos. Strong - team grading in Hackett's divinoxn. $M; J. Gardner -9 hrs. team grading. $4.50; E. Gardner- 8 hrs. team grading. $4- A. Stein -8 hrs. team grading. and 30 yds. gravel. 819; P. Gilmore -8 hrs. team grading. $4: Jas. Lane -gravel. $4; L. McKeith-repairing washout con. 12. 50c: M. O'Connor -repairing culvert S R. e & 7 W., $15.70: grading S. R. 3 & 4 W. 110.00; K. Farrish -inspecting cement bridge S. R. 3 & 4 W.. 122.50: (;ode iett Star -payment on 1918 contract. $222.26; J. Kilpatrick-paym nt nn gravelling con. 6. 533. Total payments -$.1091.10. On motion by Hackett and Jamieson the council adjourned to September 9th at 1 p. m. THOS. G. ALLEN. Clerk of Ashfield. 1 1f you waut the best kind of pictures. lo us do your developing and printing. Moderate prices and quick service. Campbell, druggist. Midsummer Bargain in Newspapers T e Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, and The Signal Both papers until January 1st, 19'9, for $t.00 Present subscribers to this paper may have Family Herald for the same period for forty cents. Order now. The The Signal Printing Co., Limited (iloxderloh, Ont.