The Signal, 1918-7-25, Page 1isissahmaamassamotasesdasamastmaseammas Tieneasignal to any address in or Gat Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 tents. t$NTY FIRST YEAR -No t172e -1r- THE STERLING i OF C4NADA •-'y YHO\ e0a\.eaA JV • p W°oCARRIED BY BIG 0* ;OW. .rvwfwee �',seramattem'aassm ,ra.x-^- yr, 6I4DE ICH. ONTARIO.. THURSDAY. JULY 2:-) 1918 The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of 1918 for 60c. To United States addresses, 80 cents. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Puausergas. SAVE, Because - Small amounts saved regularly will bring you to the estop" quicker than a succession of spurts and stops. WANTED. POR BALE OR RENT. WANTED AT ONCE. -A COOK i ARM FOR SALE -200 P ,#IES IN alai waitress for lodge borne in Amherst- West Wsseaso.b, near Dungeons& Seventy lata Rids, wage. paid. Address BOX 17; acme under reinvents), `ood remainder ie bush sad unbent. Oot anted termsure Rifak =en The wood on tcondithe PyPrtu ce it pan are the 1 WA N T E U IMMEDIATELY mot aid kittc�hbeny mod at Alexandra Hoe - aim Apply to SUPERINTENDENT r3-tt •w� - CHER WANTED. -FOR S. S. NO. j A Cdbira towaa►y: second-class prole. almlal Duties topcomm emcee after summer hob. C- A. R(1EYRISt)N�R. R Nu.� eGodertetence. to 4 JLLtf nut LS WANTED. -APPLY THE IYtDERICH KNITTING CO. lett FOR SALE. r1OH SALE. -HAPPY THOUGHT matectrii rannwggµet, in �aaoild cosdnron. with reservoir. it. Apply �M SIGNAL OFFICE.ner August >DtpR SALE. -ONE GOOD BIG WORK it bar.,. ane pu,.b Yorkaage sow and one and busy. G. IA- KIeDD. It PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice to Water -takers. Water -takers will please take notice that the use of water on lawns apnnli er§ wed fountains alter saner or before W4- riae *strictly erelfiblted. and at all times in case of an alarm of girt. We YYn�,ia (0 M -vied w»twtr' a nook. Any person violating any of the above regulations will be prosecuted and the water shut off. WATER & LIGHT COMMISSION. 26-24 Per J. B. KELLY, Engineer. AVE THE UNDERSIGNED HARD- WARE wan'owls of the town of Goderrh agree to ribs, ew places of byelaw each Wed- seaday .1 1 caner dunng tM months of Jul and Auer.t commencing July 2/. 1,i.. CHAW. R J. HARPER, FRED_PITNT, ' C.0 laoo DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. 11 EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Stwgeos New York Ophthalmic mid Aural Hospital. assistant at Moorefwld'a to H . and a Goblets Square Throat Has - at W ateni m lel. S.. Stratford. Telephone 17. "A man without means t abandon the hope of staking the future of hi* family luxuriously cootfor- ' table. All a man can do under exiating cireum- stances to safeguard his family in to get his life insured.- -W. H. Taft. A policy in the MUTUAL LIFE makes this provision at lowest rates Robertson & Woods AGENTS THE Ig -heal d.worm reams for serene For lurtrhes particulars apply W THE SIGNAL, Godench 2sat sang SALE --A TWO.STORY BRICK house ceatamute seven rooms besides kr, c hen. pantry .betBatlK and hasemest,electnc light. and furnace Nou Squire and Collegiate Institute. Lot take, in about quarter -acre land, with im- am. fruit trees. lawn, etc. For quid sale, oder the whole for UAW- part carp. balance. tum to sot mashsaer. Owner intends leaving tows, which is rhe reason for. low price asked MRS, J H WILLIAMS, Market .rent. 1;41 VIOR SALE. -THE TENROOMEDr COTTAGE on BeytvW rood./nvaesly the property of .h, late Mr, Gilson. Two large w1L.sS table : tows water. Appy to MR:S atJAS. FARM FOR SALE. -TWENTY-FIVE acne. .n Colborne kawslsy, mums miles from Godench An deal 011011 to lime. To be sold an easy term. Apply to THOS. GUNDRY, aur nonce,. God/rich. 12-tf MAJORITY. THE TOWN N Nabenal Shipbuilding Co. Bylaw Haa Opposition. The National Spbbt i tung Co. bylaw passed on Monday with 8 color. 'I hr ofganization effected by the Roved of Trade brought out the vote and the appo ration was cwi(msd to a few scattering votes in each polling subdivision. By twelve minutes after 5 o'clock the returns had all been received at the town hall. and the total vote was found to be 512 for the bylaw and 47 against. Only one refected balk)t was reported. Ilse vote by sundlviwons was as fol- lows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total For 75 744 61 91 18 77 52- 512 Against 9 6 6 12 6 4 4- 47 As only two-thirds of the vote cast was required for the pawing of the tr ly ass, there was a good margin to Were. Summer Health Suggestions. Keep cool. Eat only such foods as agree with you. Keep on band • good remedy to combat sudden attacks of diarrhoea. We recommend Dr. Brown's Extract Wild Strawberry. Use tnsecticfdeatodestroy germ -carry- ing insects, Ruch as Bean and ntos- qultoert. For this use fly swatter freely. Sprinkle Creoline around the kitchen oink. Drink cooling and satisfying bever- ages, such as grape juice or lime Jolce, or a tamblerful of hoatth salty every morning to keep the blood ono!. Hang a hammock on tame Inviting spot around the home. Don't worry about *hopping -just 'phone for the thtngs you need. E. R. Wigle, druggist. GQderich, Ont. TTO RENaTTIr..- APA RTMENTS OVER IAME!W14vo4f.Nene.tavtrAlply to MRs. w,thAsLE5,.-.njA NWsRittImCeeKd wss.t lotsar'dncI=batsmen HosOHUuStuE. /eaayr Estom. Some T GUNDRY. Gotha= l6apraprry. (j�O RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE J. Rana OO)A &made& m ueRthereon lee thereok Apply to W. A KELLY. R SALE. -BED -BRICK HOUSE, with .slt cosv uncus. May w. CRIS- 7reL'atn,j SA FOR LF -.-SOLID BRI,C1iOlLS� I ,11 ssodere cen.enhn sealin red sea. sill water crtern. but trees. law,.. vegetable stable. etc. A few minters' welt from the 1 For full particulars address Bo. 33. E SIGNAL OFFICE. Godertc► Ont. 95-41 TENDERS WANTED. T ENDERS FOR CUTTING WOOD. TOWN OF GODERICH. Tenders addressed to the undreamed will be received by the Town of GodenrS up to and in- eluding Monday. July 29th. 151*, for the foiling. cotttng. splitting std piling of the mese 1W/, more or less of tush on lot 12, commotion 1. Gods- . rich Township. as purchaeed by the tow. from Mr Christopher Johnston AU wood. lar`, and .mall, to he cut into one -loot lengths, as bfotls from so inches up to he split: 200 cords to be cut and piled by October 15th and tie balance of the work to be compkted on or before December 31st. cal. All work to he done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Town Council or their .gems. The successful tenderer will be regsired to enter into an agreement satisfactory 40 the Town Council. No tender recssanly accepted. T. R. WALLW. L L. KNOX, Ch. Public Works Com Town Clerk, Godench Godench. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH TO THANK VERY SIN- CERELY all the friends both in town and in our own community who extended their kind assistance and sympathy on the occaa.on of our recent bereavement m the death of our loved husband and father. We also wish to emend thanks for the flowers sent by friends. MRS. SAMUEL ALLiN AND FAMILY. ( IARDOF THANKS. -MR. AND MRS. JOHN ROBERTSON and family wish in , this way to thunk the neighbors of the late James Robertson lot their many tindnewa during the recent illness of their Mother and uncle. the late James Robertson. LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 21st, on Montreal or Waterloo street., gold iidy leavve at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Fantle/as a keepsake. ,11 Sgt EDMUND WM-EER GV.O.. Ll -D.. tklC L. reaskismi , 1 FL V. P. Jt?!1 Aad► Gant M.r.ape CAPITAL PAD UP. $IS.000,000 Resew, Fwro. =13.500.000 SR JOHN AMAGmgadRta.wr Careful attention is $even to the bank- ing requirements of farm's, with whom an important part of the bulsiaas of this Bank i3 transacted. F8FITIC112 may Daly upon prompt and Courteous service., st Goderich Branch- -G. W Il LIAMS, Manager. • North Huron Nomination. At their convention at Wingham today the Liberals of North Huron chose J. W. King, farmer. of Bluevale, as thdr candi- date for the vacant seat in the Legislature. A special factory demonstrator,repre- senting the White Sewing Machine Co. of Canada, will be at Thomeon's Music Store on Wednesday and Thursday of nest week, with an exhibit of, art and other work done on the White. A special hemstitch attachment given free with each machine sold during thetwo days. All owners of White machines should take advantage of this opportunity and receive free instruction on the White attachments. SALE or HATs.-A few hats left at greatly reduced prices. Miss M. R. VICAR. ' UNCILL MANY MATTERS MUNICIPAL MOMENT RECEIV ATTENTION. • A PICNIC tinder the auspices of the Colborne Farmers Club will be held at "LORNESIDE," he home of Mr. E. V. Law- son, B.S.A. , Lake Shore Road, Dunlop, on T hursday, Aug. Pt A program of sports, music, and addresses on public ques- tions by local and outside speakers will be one of the features. The general public are cordi- ally invited, and also members of neighboring Clubs. NO ADMISSION CHARGE, but all who attend are ex- pected to supply their own lunch. GEO. A. BEAN, Chairman of Committee. G. L. LANH, President. Date of Envie Hol Weil Not Be Changed -Bert ,Donald to tie Engaged as Patrolman at the Harbor--Cemet4 Affair. Under Discussion. Hit members of we council were present at the meeting on Fri- day evening, the ab`aatees being Conn - dikes Cooke, Daviaa4i Robertson. The tax reported further ptogr'ess in roaaop arrears of taxes. T. J. Bridge. of s Head. wrote of- fering the council 150 cords of t -ft. wood at 113.25 w loaded aro the boat at Lion's Head te[tined to public works' committee. The secretary of of the Army have its civic, uat 5, the slate of AUCTION SALE. IMPORTANT EXECUTOR'S SALE -OF THE - Contents of the Residence of the late MISS ISABELLA H. REVN TT. The Canada Trust Company. Executor and Trustee of the Estate, will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION at the pretfiiues, corner Victoria and St. Davids Streets, Goderich, commencing at 1.30 o'clock p.m. on FRIDAY, JULY 26TH, 1918, and continuing until all is disposed of: An the contents of the residence, consisting in part of sets of parlor and dining -room and kitchen furniture chins, glassware, cutlery, silverware, tabk anglassware, ted linen, towelling, factory cottons, dress goods. rugscarpets, curtains, graniteware kitchen ranges, heating sloven, pictures. and , very numerous other articles. A portion of the above connate ot.very num- trove and valuable arsnrtntent o/ drygoods and other articles which are entirely mimed and had neve bins opened: and there are alert many unique and vary desirable articles of walnut par- lor and other cerMtare. TERMS. -Cash. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Eamrumr end Taunts. C. SEAGER. T. GUNDRY S late, lar the Fsecatmn Aaetieserr. idleatlorth branch that Goderich Monday, Ang- les patriotic cel- bratitm. Goderich 'll ' civic holiday it died by bylaw for tilos drat Wednesday in Aagues. After 0 diecttasion, dur- that arrange - being msate by titling the hob - ing which is was meats were sire Goderich people for ,day un Wednesday, the 7th„the council decided not to *takepay obtuse, bot to send the Seatortb err a message of sympathy with tb effort, with an ex- pression of regret that titer proposal had not been rweleivadl at so earlier elate. Deputy Reeve Clack dl$sentod from this decision and vo nay. A request from r. T. G. Coonan, C.P.R. manes agenaSior permission to erect a bunk-rovoqf ,corse to the round - bootie, was sent to the are coQtmittee. '1 he building is so lie 15 by 50 fens, of wooden cunstrnetlel, on a concrete foundation. The secretary of Sic Collegiate Insti- tnte board ootsagA the council that the levy tor Collegiaterptirposen this year would be 05,500. Referred to finance committee. A oummunteaBM from the Ontario Municipal AesnojaYan, regarding the annual mest4Rg la be bell ba Toronto Angust 2s, MI and 30, wax sent to the Sterling Bank. has gone to the West for asocial committee- sideratiop. There seemed to be an ilea Grace Kellerman, Myrtle Nett). The socret., e4 Ooderleh Rebekah among the public, said His Worship, Winchelsea P. S. -Grate Barnard, I two- weeks or so to attend to business y affars of his brotber who was drowned that oast was to be procured( easily, but Iw,dge acknow with thanks the Theronew&&eel Lorena Johns, and passed recent! at Hanna, Alberta. In his ah• donation at $100 t1<rgitgh (5e council for from what he had leached this was not I,pwer School. Vera Heywood. Bruce s ttttrce r. C. L. Jackson, o)f St Ca,., Red Cross purposes. I an. I Medd- urines formerly manager of the local A circular front Dominion bowel- CHURCH NOTES. ( Crediton P. S. -Nut.. Gasser, Martha E. branch is here looking after the affairs of allop of Fin', C jtrEaaillaa *Wear tonal atit+ar►Hoo -, �+sli �5ir.>>p beach- `PUBLIC fit:HOOL GRADUATION. The question of the county's levy upon the town tar road improvement was Results of Julian and Senior Public School again up for discussion. Sorge of the Graduauoo Exammatlons. oounclllors thought that, if the county did not do some work on the roads The following candidates in West within the town limits, there should be Huron wereSsucce ful at the junior public a refusal to the town. i school graduation examination held in It was decided to have a special meet- June, 1915. Ing of the council r riday evening of 1 On account of algebra having been this week for the striking of the rate. I dropped and elementary science and art A letter addressed to Mr. George , added to the examination subjects, the Porter by the Soldiers' Aid Commission, percentage of successful candidates is and handed to the council, sngJ$ested a much smaller than in former years. better organization of the rtoldrers' Aid' To pass a candidate must make 40 per commission in Goderich, and it was de- cent. on each subject and MO marks as a ,Wed that the Mayor should call a public total. meeting for Tuesday, July 80, at which The diplomas will be sent to the teacher lett for overseas with a draft of the 7icl Mr. W. W. Shaver, inspector for the or secretary of the school when issued by Battalion. Commlaaion in 'this military district, the Department of Education. will be present to explain what is do. The highest percentages made in the Dr. Wesley Reid and Mr. Herbert Reid, of Detroit who with their families are summering at Bayfield, have been visiting their relatives in town. Toronto. has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A -C. Jackson. of town. Miss Grace Strang, of Orangeville, is spending the vacation at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. 1. Strang. Miss Grace Johnsum. of Toronto. and Miss Allie Johnston, of Barrie. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Torn. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. Welsh's sister, Mrs. T. R. Wallis. Victoria street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Robertson, of Toronto, baize been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Robertson. Mr. Gordon Noble, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Noble. West street. has sired. Deputy Reeve Clark thought an effort should be made to establish a soldiers' convalescent home in & uderich. Huron county soldiers returned from overseas DOW receive treatment at Guelph and various subjects are as follows Reading -Lillian MacKenzie, s -I. Writing -Margaret Corriere, $si. Literature -Margaret Corriere and Elizabeth Wilson. s3. Composition -Margaret Tough, 40. London. It was decided to ask the hos- Grammar -Margaret Tough. F1. pital board to renew the offer of the Spelling --Olive Zettel, 1(54. Cameron property toruhi. purpose. Canadian History -Elizabeth Wilson, At the Mayor's suggestion. the harbor 78. committee was asked to look into the Geography -Hilda Forbes, 74. matter of placing a movable set of siesta Arithmetic -Jacob Haberer, 91. from the pier to the bathing beach. Art -Meda Surerus, 51. There was a lengthy discussion of I. Elementary Science -Jacob Haberer, matters in connection with Maitland 73. cemetery. The Mayor renewed his pro- 1 Bookkeeping and Writing -Leonard poral to place a commissiou in charge of Hudson. 90. the cemetery. Councillor Wilson, chair- Total -Leonard Hudson. 755. man of the cemetery committee, also Bayfield P. S. --Harold Weston, 707. nought Chia might be a good thing, and Grand Bend P. S. -Margaret Corriere, a motion Was passed directing the coin- 750. ' 1 Mr. J. H. Jackson. of the Sterling Bank, ,,.tet.... t.. haven bylaw nreoaren. Reeve Winchelsea P. S. --Ernest Harris. 730:1Toronto. with lila wife and little San Jark, has been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson, of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shillirtgton and three `children. of South Bend, Indiana. are visiting Mrs. Shillington's parents. Dr. and ]firs. Rutledge. Miss Lilian Boyd, who had been visit- ing her brother, Mr. Chas. Boyd. at Am- berley, for sever.) weeks, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Brimicombe. of Detroit. are spending a few weeks with the fonner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Brimiccxnbe. Mrs. A. A.JDowning, and the .hisses Ruth and Margaret Downing. of Torouto, are visiting Mot. Downing's parents. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Platt- Laithwalte voted "nay" to the proposal. - Wilfred Turnbull. 67. Chairman Wilson said he intended to Henna P. S. -Nettie Petty 736, Laura take the members of the committee out Sararas 694. Harold Seruton 676. to the cemetery to look into the ques-' Zurich P. S. -Wm: Blackwell 716, tion of water supply and other matters. I Jacob Haberer 707. Mildred Hoffman Before the adjournment several other 731, Leonard Hudson 755, Olive Zettel subjects were up for discussion and , 701. comment, including the O. W. S. Rail- S. S. No. 3. Ashfield -Lillian MacKen- way sale, the weeds, the town's *Aver- 1 zie 6445 tiring in the local papers, and the fuel question. Deputy Reeve Clark ingnlred it the fuel comipn0issioo was going to do any- thing abubt the distribution of coal. S. S. No. 4. St>lnley-Margaret Tough 704. S.S. No. 7. Stanley -Opal Foster 664. No. 1, 'Godench and ullett-Gordon Ball 714, Hilda Forbes 660. The Mayor said he bad taken the No. 3. West Wawanosh-Elizabeth matter up with the local coal men and Wilson 703. had Interviewed lir. Harrison, of the Senior P. S. Graduation oo Entrance to Dominion noel Controller's staff. at To- ronto, and the last-named bad promised Model Scbeo:s. that Goderich would receive dne corn- Dashwood P. S. -Oscar Graupner, Mrs. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Arch. McDonald and daughter. of Teeswater. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. tuIc- Ewen for a few days this week. Rev. R. C. McDermid leaves tomorrow on a month's holiday. After a visit to relatives at London he will spend sante time in Elgin county, where he expects to "do his bit" by helping in the harvest. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H Osterhout and chil- dren returned from their v at to Chat- ham on 'Thursday. accompanied by the lady's mother. Mrs. E. C. Gammage of Chatham, who is visiting at the parson- age. Mr. S. G. Harrington. manager of the Oetireicher.. the Bank. referred - vs.., "ii. ,. B L , a i�• _Zurich P. S C tewr A. Campbells turret 27 to s0. tow* M thethe� TAoma*. will t cllttiP,, Ct eta' s F��44'Cti iaberrt' Schee--Lower- Mt. ofd Mrs. 9. G. Bell. of Stay�rarr" committee. 9Fd4� S`thooa-LTcylr Beavers, -Thelma ma Connor, are in town for a brief visit to Knox The finance committee passed on a both services on isunttay. ' Richard Day s. Maurice Harvey. Mar- church manse. Mr. Bell has been far number of accounts and made the fol- I Rev. C. J. Cameron, Baptist home caret Harkey. Margaret Strang Own.), rfiany yegrs session clerk of the coogrega- loeing recommendations: That a grant . mission secretary. of Toronto, will Ottis Tru eniner. tion at Stayner of which Mr. McDermid of IMO bo made to Mrs. Neil McDonald preach at both services at the Baptist . Goderich Collegsate-Mary Garrow, was theministerbefore corning toGoderich for her services in attending the late church next Sunday. Grace Hamilton Ruby Kilpatrick, Alice and the warm friendship thus created Capt. Alex. McLeod; that the public • Mr. C. J. W. Taylor. of Brantford. will Shepperd. Lizzie Sowerby, Marion Tigers, Still continues. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have library board be paid $I0o on its grant, be in town over Sunday and will be in Ethel Washington, Hazel Young. Fern been making a trip by motto car. hating and that the Goderich Organ Company . his old place at the organ in Knox Humber, Irene McClure. come from their home at Stayner by way be again written to, pressing for ins- , church for the day. of Toronto. Hamilton, Brantford, 1N000i- meddate payment of arrears of its bonus Rev. J. H. Osterhout will have charge MERSONAL MENTION. stock .and Stratford. Mr. Bell reports 1�, __ that the country presents a very fine ap- i of the services next Sunday morning and The special committee asked for au- , pearance evening at Victoria street Methodist thorfty to have some warning aipss' church. Short, bright services during the Mian Nellie Catling, < f Brantford, is Painted and placed near place* danger I hot weather. Sunday school and Bible visiting in town. The annual garden party of the Salt- on* to bathers, and recommended that class at :3 o'clock. The Epworth League . Mrs. C. A. Nairn and Miss Jean Nairn ford Red Cross Society will be held at the Mr. Bert McDonald be eagaged antic the service cert Tuesday night will be held are visiting at Toronto. grounds of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bisset on end of /September as a patrolman al the the lawn. 1 Miss Elsie Hume is visiting with Wednesday, August 14th. lakefront. to he on duty each /Sunday as a precaution against accident*. I At North street Methodist church friends in Toronto.on gipRN. The public works committee recom- tletvfcea will be conducted next Sunday I Miss Merle Fillmore. of Tillsonburg, is by th g visiting friends in town. MARLOTT -At Ewa, one on Saturdar duty mended progress in the construction of the sewer on Victoria street, and In the matter of the roadway al the Wolfe-st. gravel pit recommended that the gravel now required be k ten out as soon as possible and that it)t�ediately atter the roadway be put in c;i ion. The cemetery and kit committee recommended that the fees for opening graves at the cemetery be increased to d4 for adults and 52 for children ; and that an Increase of $50 per year in sal- ary be granted to the cemetery sexton. These reports were all adopted. There was a bit of a fuss over the last- mentioned report. The Mayor had not been informed of the meeting at which the increase of the sexton's salary had been decided upon, and he resented it and said No. The chairman, Councillor Wilson, said there had been no Intention of alighting the Mayor. Atter thin little breeze had subsided, Councillor Wtlaon asked the Mayor if the water and light commission had done anything about the two lights which the council bad asked to have placed at Harbor Park. His Worship replied that the matter had been passed by the commiaalon and he did not know why it had not been carried out. Councillor Story suggested that if there should be a little tarvia left over it be placed on the sample piece of road near the Dominion Road Machine Co..' factory. The public work. committee was empowered to attend to this. The street;' inspector wan iustructad to have a look at the new track the C.P.R. is building at the harbor, to see if it does not encroach upon the bathing a e pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Morn - Ing subject: "The Enlargement of Life.'' Evening: "A Man of Fire and Frost.' Meds Sunday Club meets in church parlor at 10 a.m. Subject for discussion: What qualitica has a young woman a right to expect in the man she marries?'' Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 p.m. Visitors always welcome to all services. The Presbytery of Huron held a special meeting on Tuesday, July 23rd, at Hensel]. Dr. Fletcher presented a call from the con- gregation of Coven church, Exeter, in favor of Rev. Jas. Foote, of Thedfcrd. signed by ninety members and eight adherents and promising a stipend of [1,200 per annum, with four weeks' annual holiday. Messrs. Strang. Stanbury, Hastings, Grieve and Senior. commissioners from the congregation. were heard on behalf of the call, and all spoke of the unanimity and harmony of the congregation in the matter. The call was sustained and it is expected that it will be accepted and an early settlement obtained. The Uoderich Iirchestra. Open for engagements for lawn socials, garden parties, dances, etc. For terms apply to C. V. Henry. 'Phone 19. i( quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. The warm days bring to mind the de- light of Edwards' ice cream. Shake Penslar Tread Easy in your shoes. it's great for tired. ach ng feet. Campbell. druggist. REPORTS OF GREAT SUCCESS London Hears that Crown Prince's Army Is Sur- rounded by Allies. LONDON, July 2b.- The Pall Mall Gazette says that rumors are current that British troops have made a great advance in the direction of Phones, about midway between Rheims and Sois.sons. It is also reported that French forces have advanced on another part of the Aisne -Marne salient, and that the armies of the German Crown Prince have been placed in a position ont of which extrication seems to be impossible. A. to Mr. and Mrs. R. ti. Mellott, a dauth- 1 Miss Jean Tom, 01 Toronto. is spending ter. dMrs. Marlon was formerly snot itwo weeks at her home here. Elizabeth J. Clark. of Goderich 1 Mirk Mamie Down. of Toronto, is visit- DIED, ing at the parental home. BUCH AN AN. -At Alexandra hospital, Goderich tiergt. It -g. Platt. of LOaolnp, was on Monday. July 2:, David GAM Buchanan, younger son of Mr. Allan Buchanan. aged 4) home for the week-cnl. years and 5 months. Mrs- W. L. Horton and Miss Ball are IN MEMORIAM. spending the holidays at Minnicog. Ont. MEDD --In sad but loving memory of our deaf Mrs. Fred Shephard and children, of woe and mother, who died July s, 1917' Preston, are visiting their relatives in One year has passed away town. Since we laid dear mother away, NOV in bolted and lonely pave Mrs. Chas. J. Shephard and daughter, L.,,. one w,n tried so hard to save. Margaret. of Paris, are visiting their rel- God called her home. in was Hi!, will, atives in town. But ,n out --cart, she liveth still. Her memory n as dear today Mr. W. J. Pasmore, of Chicago, is re- newing old acquaintances in town and is A. i'. the hour she peeped away. a very welcome visitor. -Robs. Medd, Sr., and Family Miss Leckie and her niece, Miss Mc - Ivor, of St. Thomas. are visiting at the home of Mr. T. Leckie. Misses McDonald and Martin, of Tee. - water, are visiting at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEwen. Mrs. Archibald Campbell, of Mounts - burg, has been visiting her son, Mr. J. A. Campbell. the past two weeks. Miss Jean Taylor, of Toronto. is holi- daying at the homeofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Elgin avenue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -July 25. Page. Open for Engagement.--GoderichOrchestra .. 1 Can] of Thanks --Mr.. Saml. Alun and Family I Notice re Closing -Hardware Merchants ... . 1 Reader -Thomann's Music Store.......... ... I Brooch Lost -Leave at Signal Office 1 Notes- to Water -takers -Water and Light Commission 1 Chautauqua week -Cha.. C. Lee ......... 5 Picnic -Colborne Farmers' Club 1 Card of Thanks -Mr. and -Mrs. John Robertson Miss Lottie Jackson, of the city hall. and Family P ..•I BANK OFMONTREAL ESTAaUSED ,veal fes ?ILIUM SECURITY Deeds, Insurance Policies, Securities and other valu- ables should be kept safe from fire and theft. Safety De • , ' Boxes in the wads o t Bank may be ruled at a moderato a; V 5 4 atAIt A. W. STRiCKLAND, Manager, Goderich Branch n'aaa.srMrr ..wirs.ps) w.a..r.. 14, +se.•maar.s.-.:.ase.- 11kr...,. 2 s -n. r!n_ .�.a»,.. t a vk!'1161trrw.