The Signal, 1918-7-18, Page 8"lir -lir-
Certificate I us:got
hi cardboard and leather.
Dainty little case that twolds
certificate and folds t;p to fit
in a small -size pt',rse, price
E&c. heather cn ;e full size of
certificate 25p, 30c, gee and
50c. Cardboard cases fic
Active Service Pins
25C and 9oc
Active Service Flags
Candidates in Both of the
In the high school entrance examin-
ation Miss Maude Howell stood highest
of the Goderich pupils at - Central
school and Mira Isabel Johnston was
highest at Victoria school. The tamer
has won the Robert Park Memorial gold 1
medal and the latter the Robert Pant
Memorial *liver medal.
The folios ng candidates lar jlLnior
high school entrance certificates in Tim
Huron have been passed by the baud of
examiners and approved by the Deaart-
ment of Education. In August tYaCer-
tifcatea for each school will be Bent the
teacher or to the secretary of the at>Aaot
The marks obtained in each at a't
will be sent to each unsucaisful c r.
The standing required to pass is�►e r
cent. in each subject and a total of 190
marks. For honors a total of 487 asarta
is necessary.
Most of the (allures were in gramma'
and geography. especially the latter.
The highest standing in each subject
was as fellows:
Reading -Alia Mustard. 47 marks.
Writing -Madeline MacKay. 45.
Spelling -Ethel Jowett. Maude Hoppe.
Marie Mclr:tosh, J. tlsterhout, John al -
lace, Earl wesairook, Doris Wooi&omhe,
Alice Mustard. Edith Zettel, Theodore
Wagner, perfect. .
Ceder.* - Gibe fear-
homes Six Feminine Film Stars-
Ptiotaplay etahtisrasts have much to
thank Mabel Normand for. After an
exteeded absence hum the screen ehe
moths:ton, a tea fect blend of drama and
comedy sailed -Dodging A Million."
Now she is announced in an equally in-
terectins euccestor with the catchy title
of "The Floor Below," which comes to
the Model ilwatte Monday and Tuesday
neat. It is not only foe Miss Normand
head( that the public has to thank her,
% nor X. it for the spiendid production made
by Goldwyn. It is for the promise of
tw ea for some time to come.
Fu st Mr. Moore was engaged to euppoit
Mae Marsh in "The Cinderella Man."
lbs cliai vigor and capital restraint
wef e clearly evidenced lin this produc-
tion that he was promptly demanded by
George Loane Tucker for his next produc-
tion, • laodging a Million." Scarcely had
thi• vebicle been completed than Mr.
Moore, without the tepee of a day. was
put under contract for the next Mabel
Normand feature, "The Floor Bekm."
The young leading man's success isnot
diffeult to understand. He repraiented
the beau ideal of sympathetic heroes when
no one elie did. His noteworthy en-
deavars with !Celan. playing opposite
Alice Josce. attracted the notice of film
fans, directors and exhibitors alike. Now
that the vcreen has drafted many of the
stage's best-known leading men. Tom
Moose continues to mato the same
place in pictures that he did when there
was pi actically no competition. His ease
of manna, unaffected manliness and
ezcelkad discretion in whatever role he
undeitakes a today as valuable an aseet
mit was when he began.
Mhbb Normand, hermit a film favorite
since it was imixereible for all 'he Golds
rear s 10 'play oppoeite Toni doore-•
sisce they all declared he in st be t
leading man- -it eould be c .1.1 to I ce
hun under contract in order t rat the s rs
might lie sure of hawing him. .hen promise
. Moore to eaoh for so many pictures.
Since the astute Goldwyn heads had
pr_actreallY decided to bind themselves to
Mi. Moss e. a was a simple matter to
accept the feet part of the suggestion,
and to promise fulfihnent of the latter.
j tut how Tom Moore will be "distributed"
in the fleet few months is a burning ques-
tion anioag the Goldwyn stars of whom
their are idx, all feminine.
The neau who admits ths• he doesn't
lve* at least has the adv lei the
othee ielkow %who has to gr through the
school of experience to fine oUt that he
d brined
Arithmetic-Verda Vale, 100.
Grammar -Maude 'Lowell. 97.
Composition -Leona Webster. 86.
Geography -Stuart Stanbury, 87.
The highest tstal-Stuart Stanbury
Maude Howell having two marks less.
Pupils obtaining certificaeisosrttel tam
about August 23rd. when a certificates
from their empioyers must be in the pos-
session of the public school inspector.
cosmos. scisocic.
Brownlee, Isabel (hon.).
Edwards. Mabel iborotii..).
Hunter, Beatrice holl.)•
MacKay. 4adeline (bon.).
Hays, Ca ierine.
Webster. emu.
Fidler, F.
Hern, Lei a.
Cooper. I weld.
Vi'estbroi Earl
Baker. Morrison (hon.).
Barker. Percy.
B lack, Worthy.
Hoare, George.
Carter. Clyde.
How rie. Helen.
Johnston, Clarence.
Johnston. Isabel (hon.).
Lymbunier, Marguerite.
MacDonald. Norma.
Prowifoot. Robert (hon.).
Ross. George M.
Wallace, John.
Wallis. Lillian.
lA'aitons Fred
lbaueioav. July 4.
l'ese. per lauds. Ma to iblo
elver, female, perewt 3.416 to 5.75
Hese. per ten 54.40 to 36.61)
12 ie to 12.00
Abort,. per tee
LW to 9.40
6.00 to 0.00
44 to .47
tia butobere wiedlemper cert 11.00 to 11.00
Hem lye per owl. 17.00 to 17 04
Tellow, reoderea, per lb -12 to It
Week sawasii•d. iier ib ' .60 to .47
Hey, per tom
Pt" w, 140er. per ton
1)41ry Aut ler, per lb
Creamer) Settee
Baechler, Edwin.
Lynn, Jean.
Lynn, Cecil.
Marl ntosh , Mane.
Ryan, James.
Ryan. Mary.
Walbank, Hilda.
Woollcombe, Rita.
Woollownbe, Doris. (bon.) (10 years).
Brown, Elizabeth (hon.).
Creech. Grace.
Davits Caroline.
Elworthy, Mary.
Harness, Philippa.
Norry, Mildred.
Rowe, Mildred.
Stanbury, Stuart (hon.)
Seldon. Harry.
Shortt, Fern.
Vale, Verda.
Fxwin. Frank.
Ganinhardt, Ethel.
Howard, May.
Harrison, Reta.
Jowett. Ethel (hon.).
Woods, Jean.
Haucto Martha (hon.).
Hodgins. Trellis.
Kuhn. Lyla.
Sims. Garnet.
Wolfe, Gladys.
?mold. Venni.
Graupner, Louisa.
Guenther, Rose.
Brown. iia.
Hamilton. Genevieve.
Pentland, Laverne.
Savage. Laura.
Canteton. Ferris (hon.).
Cook. Oa.
Geminate, Jai.
Rennie. Samuel.
States. t.dQre.
Stars, Wd n.
Whiteside. Violet.
Wood. Anna.
Martin, Bert.
Martin. Monica.
O'Reilly. Victor.
O'Connor. Agat, ia.
O'Connor. Monica (hon.).
Correll. May.
Fritzky, Fred.
Fowler, Howard (hon.).
Morris. Mary (hon.).
Aikenhead. Janet.
Mustard. Alice (hon.).
MCcoawan, Edna.
Reid. Ada.
Rogers. Dudley.
CampbeU. Dorothy.
Kaltgleish. Ivan.
Wagner. Theodore.
Zettel. Edna.
Colclough, Roxie.
McConnell. Margaret
Ortwein. William.
Dietrich. Gertrude.
Fischer, Mane.
Ryan. Evelyn.
No. I -Mitchell, Stanley; Pepper, Net-
tie; Pepper. Grace; Pepper. John.
No. 1 -Dickson. Minnie. Green Hazel:
Hoy. Viola.
No. 3 -Collinson. Harold.
No. 10 -Ferguson. Harold.
Nu. 12-Ftoss. Mary I.
No. 15 -Grant. Bessie.
No. 4 -Mugford. Nellie M.
No. 5 -Morris. Agnes.
No. 8-Allin, Vida.
U. No. 1 -Hetherington. Amelia.
No. 1-Laithwaite. Dolores.
No. 10- Hutchings. %Sofa.
No. a--fddworth. Eddie. Case, Peter;
No. 3 -Forrest. Mary C.
jit_10-Eacrett, Sybil.
(lurch. Wilhelmina Chesney. of No. 5.
Tuckenmith, obtained the highest 5tH.
Only six candidates at this centre wiled.
the number obtaining honors wss unusu-
ally large: Kenneth Ament (hon.). JosephAndrew, John Archibald (hon.). Mary
Huron Bell (hos.) Harvey Willow (hon.). Leslie
Bristow, Clifford Br myon. Edna Camp-
bell (hon.). Wilhelmina Chesney (hon.).
Minnie Cronin, Thelma Dale. Ethel Daley
I. Alice Daley, Edna Dolmage.
Eckert. Lucy Eckert (ton.), Grace
Marie Flannery. Hilda Gibbons
(hon-). Janet Grieve (bon.). Margaret
Grieve, Elva Habkirk (bon.), Vera bLy. Maria Hills (hoc.). Moody Hol
Mane H Wtnie James, Mary Laing
(hon.). [v�McBrien (hon.). Gertrude
McClure. McGrath. Gladys
s Mc-
Phee (hien.). Mary McQuaid. II,BeMe-
lady. Wilde Montgomery. JOseph OP Bary.
Cereal' Purcell, Marg
Frank Rankin (hon.), Cyril Reyn-
olds. Jean Scott (hon.). Hazel
Shannon (Ion.). Thomas Sm th. Gwen-
dolyn Snowden (bon.). Claire Sproat,
Oleo.). Mary Stewart (bor.), Arnold
Turnbull hon.). Jean Wallace (hon.
Margaret Weiland (hon.), Ralph Weiland,
Minnie Wheatley (hors).
The highest marks obtained at this
centre were by Jean Turnbull, who had
563 to her credit: in the village Kathleen
McLaren stood highest with 533 marks:
34 wrote, of whom 29 were successful:
Pearl Alderson Eva Balfour,elate
Brown (hon.). Thelma Burgess ).
Robert C. Cameron, Edith M. k.
James Duncan. Christie Forrest. Luella
Fulton (hon.), Russel Grant (hon.), Ed-
gar Hollinger, Harvey Johnston. Adeline
Love, MMred Maunders. Eldred Miller,
Jessie Miller (boa.). Cora McCutdneon.
willnam McDowell (hon.), Annie McFad-
zean (hon.). Myrtle McKee, Kathleen
McLaren (hon.), Rhea McLelland. Mar-
garet Nolan (hon.), Milton Oliver. Ella
Ramsay. Helen Scott. Florence Stewart
(hon.). Kathleen Thompson. Jean Turn-
bull (hon).
FROM this date on, the Colborne Store ad. will appear on the back
page of this paper. instead of in the old space ont he middle page.
' ' This change is to make it easier for people to see what this store
is advertising. So we have changed to the beat space in the
paper. the back page.
Each week this space will be filled with interesting store news
telling you about the newest merchandise at the beat prices and keeping
you posted on clearing lines of merchandise at reduced prices.
Watch each week for the Colborne Store ad. in this space and keep
posted on the newest merchandise at the lowest prices.
SPECIALS for Friday, Saturday and Monday
Several Patriotic Funds Will Benefit
from Domunou Cay Celebration.
A fev. small accounts in connection
with the Dominion Day celebration are
still to come in and allowing for these the
surplus will be approximately $300. The
statement of receipts and expenses is as
Admissions at gates and grand -
"Lass of Limerick Town" (por-
tion of receipts to celebra-
tion committee' 85 54
Bodth privileges. etc... 28 50
$1302 34
No. 4 North -Watson, Bessie I.
No. 5 -McKinley. FAinor: Pollock. MAY
No. 7 -Reid, Verna.
No. 13 -Clark. Melvin.
No. 1 -Robinson, Ruth.
No. 2 -Jones. Langford. King, William.
No. 3 -Christie. John A.
No. 4-Morlock, Carl (hon.); Morlock,
No. 8 -Hamilton, Iva; Ravelle, Ilda.
No. 12 -Ireland Her mar.; Jennison.
No. I -Wood, Harold.
No. 2 -Stewart, Gertrude.
No. 6 --Cornish. Mina: Heyw pod. Wes
No. 10 -Alexander. Edward (hon.);
No. 3 -Thompson, Rebecca.
No. 12 -Philips, Verna; Webster.
No. 14 -O'Callaghan. Margaret.
No. IS -Jefferson. Samuel.
No. 8 -Henry. Myrtle.
We are now featuring the very latest style in
. . CAPS . .
You have only to glance at our
very large variety to be convinced
that yourifavorite is among them.
Arrange to see these new arrivals
They are exquisite and there is
a n ex rept i on ally striking creation
for every Individual.
JAS. A. CAMPBELL - "Central
04•40440 PO
Drug Store"
e4004111-14 01 AND 004JA-1411.
" 1114,4_04f N GAVE
EAST Hu Rule .
The marks required to pass are 3 90:
487 are required for honors: the marks
obtainable are 6.50. Winnie McMath ob-
tained the highest, 560; of the country
candidates trying at Clinton. Emily
Hunter, of No. 4, Tucketsmith. obtained
the highest. 548. The following is the
complete list:
Myrtle Arnutrong. Jessie 13all, Nellie
Beacom, Asa Bolton, Eva Houck, Hylton
Butt, Barrie Combe (hon.). C.
Alice Corey. Margaret Cree. Eddie Dale,
Vera Dodds, Jean Farquhar (hon.), Glen
Ferguson. Isabel Glazier, Violet Gleddon,
Pearl Gould. Helen Grigg, Reta Hamilton.
Arnica Hill, Jean Hogg (hon.), Gladys
Holland, Emily Hunter (hon.), Clarence
'actual, Harold Lawson. Annie McFar-
lane, Winnie McMath (hon.), Malcolm
hicTeggart. Mary Man, Frank Mutcts
Muriel Potter, Helen Robertson. Nellie
RuUedge, Edith Sampson, Annie Shob-
brook, Bert ShobbrooL. Garnet Smith
(hon.), Leona Taylor, Robert Th
Prances Yeabac.
Aubrey Balaton. Laurs Beacom (bon.).
Violet Bell, Margaret B. Drown (hon.).
Mildred Brown, George Cowan, Viola
Frame (hon). Mary Healy, Frank Mc
Mills. James Neilans, Eliza Potter, liarel
, F.rnest Stevens. Ella Toll.
Mary Laing obtained the highest, 572;
a taw country candidater* trying at SPA-
illi) •f
Expenses -
Baseball . IS 80
Highland dancing 35 00
Orchestra 10 00
Baby show it • 6 00
Fire brigade 5 00
Parade. motor ears. etc " SO 00
Star. printing and advatillisla. 68 50
Gatekeepers and police 24 00
Repairs to grounds 46 00
Advertising in outside papers 12 00
Cartage.. 2 00
$1000 74
301 60
To balance.
eXttritrvc as
Thursday evening last and decided upon
the following distribution of the surpius:
Canadian Red Cross Society ...... 00
Italian Red Cross 50 00
Alexandra Hospital. .. 50 00
Salvation Army Hut Fund .. 50 00
Canadian Prisoners of War ... 50 00
The conunittee passed a resolution of
thanks to Mr. C. J. W. Taylor for his
.valued assistance in directing the chil-
dren's chorus. to Mr. P. J. Ryan for his
effort in preparing the young boys from
the separate school for their part in the
morning and afternoon processions. and to
all others who gave their assistance in
making the day a success. particularly the
members of the various sub -committees.
Summer Dress Materials
These goods are of the newest this season,
and the patterns and colorings are good, but
we have decided to clear them all out, and
they have been reduced in price to make quick
selling. Summer Voiles in the best colorings,
36 inches wide, from 25c a yard to $1.00.
Serpentine Crepe. Just a few rieces of this
wonderful Crepe cloth, which is 30 inches
wide. Regular 50c, for 40c. In plain colors
and fancy patterns.
Twenty-five yards black Union Serge. 56
inches wide, good weight and the color fast.
Regular $1.25, on sale for 99c a yard.
We are clearing a few lines of Collars at
prices that are great savings. Each Collar is
perfect in every way, but for these three days
they will be sold at just the regular price.
Ribbed Hose
Just a very few left. Regular 35c, for 29c.
These three days will clear them out.
Ladies' Silk Boot Hose
Regular 50c, for 45c. They come in all
sizes and are perfectly cut and finished. Reg-
ular 50c, for 45c a pair.
Gernarter Print
We have just put into stock about 40 pieces
of the old-fashioned Gemarter Print. This is
the best cloth on the market and can be had
in light and dark blues, light grounds with
black or blue stripes, greys and lilacs. 32 to
33 inches wide.
If it is impossible for you to get to the store to take advantage of these bargains you will
find it convenient to use our mail order department. Goods ordered in the morning can be had
on the rural mails in the afternoon. just try this once and be convinced.
All information about goods or their delivery can be secured by calling up the store
telephone, No. 86.
We pay the postage On any parcel sent by mail.
reeident of Colborne township. died this a
(Thursday) morning at the home ot his d"•••
Watch this spice each week for good snappy drygoods news from the Colborne Store.
J. H. COLBORNE' Congoleum
daughter, etre. Sonley "'"n• aged 4111111111111111U1111111111111111111111N11111111111111111111111111111111MNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM1111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:
sixty-four years. His death was an ire •
direct result of an accident which befell
him hut winter. when he was run over
by a handcar on the C. P. R. He recov-
ered apparently at the time, but recently
an Mamma developed, resulting fatally.
He is survived by his wife, one son, AI
den, of Ciolborne township, and two
daughters: Hrs. Sonley. of Goderich. and ,
Mrs. Geo. Currie, of Nile. There are
also three/brothers and two sisters: John.
WiVm and Joshua Arlin, of Colborne,
and rs. John Stevemeand Mrs. William
Walters, town. The funeral will take
place on Saturday afternoon to Colborne
CLARIL-The death occurred in Gode
rioh on Thursday, July 11, of WSW Mar-
garet Clark, after a long iliness. The
decessied was born in Ireland and came
to this section when a child. her parents
settling in Goderich townehip. Twelve
years ago she moved to Goderich and
ranee that time she had resided with her
brother, Mr. David Clark, Britannia
road. The funeral to Maitland ceme-
tery was held on Satairday afternoon,
the services being conducted by Rev. J.
E. Ford. panbearere were Messrs.
David Clark, Wm. Brownlee, Wm.
Clark, Alex. Welsh. Robert Weird) and
Nixon Welsh. One sinter, Kim Heasn,
Lad two brothers, David and Alexander,
all of town. survive. Among the friendri
from a distance present at the
funeral were Mrs. 1.awrence. ot
Sault Ste Marie. Mich.; Mrs. Cald-
well and Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh,
of Toronto ; Mr. David Clark. of Kincar-
dine. and Mr. and Hrs. Alex. Welsh, Kr.
Robert Wraith. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkine and
Mrs. Burnett and daughter, of Clinton
Preeb) ter lam H eve an Enjoyable Outinw
The annual picnic of the Sabbath school
of Knox church was held yesterday at the
home of Mrs A. P. McLean on the
Huron mad There was a good attend-
ance and the occasion was much enjoyed.
1111The program of the dray incluied a
baseball match between the married and
the single men. The two ministers, Mr. Mc-
Dermid and Mr. Hamilton, both played
on the married men's team, but in spite
of this handrcap the bachelors kept the
score down to a tie.
A series of races caused a great deal of
fun, the winners being as follows:
Primary boys -Henry Senate Nelson
Girls (6 to 7) -Beatrice Forden. Har-
riet Sexsmith.
Boys (7 to 10) -Norman McDiarmid,
Billy Webster.
Girls (7 to 9) -Irene Johnston, Vera
Girls (10) -Thelma McAllister, Jean
Boys (10 to 12) -Donald Martin. Doug-
las Nairn.
Girls (10 to 12) -Isobel Murray. Annie
Boys (12 and over) -Alex. Fowlie, Har-
old Murray.
Girls (12 and over) -Isobel Murray. An-
nie Newell.
Boot race (boys) -Merrill Baker. El-
wood Thompson.
Primary boys and girb- Billy Saunders,
Dolena McCreath.
Blind -folded race (girls) -Jean chap -
man. Violet Thompson.
Obstacle race (boys) -Harold Murray,
Douglas Nairn.
Boot race (girls) -Adeline Nivents Edna
Hunt .
Married ladies -Mrs. Leckie and Mrs.
Semmith, tie.
Three legged race Igirls)-Mary Mc-
Lean and Violet Thompson. Lucy Mc-
Gregor and Lillie McGregor.
Broad jump- Nairn. E. Thompson
Hop. step and jump- D. Nairn. G.
The picnic lunch was, of course, a prom-
inent feature of the proceedings -et any
rate for the hoys-and was apparently
enjoyed by everybody.
The school appreciates; very much Mrs.
McLean's courtesy in throwing open her
beautiful rounds for this occasion.
Get your Wedding Stationery at The Signal
Summer Footwear Reductions 1
See our windows for
cut prices on white can-
vas, kid and patent
leather Pumps, includ-
ing high -cut white
Boots and white outing
Oxfords. Lines that
sold regularly at from
sale st 11.10, 11.35,
Look them over while
we have your size.
111.0.1111111111111111111 II ICI