HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-18, Page 5THE SIGNAI. • GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUIN 1C 1191R 5 EAST STREET GARAGE The place that alsvay carries A FULL UNE OF SUPPLIES East Street Garage e "Owned sad Operated by a Pre/ft/al Man" GODEMKA - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover fA X 1tICOCCIClflcrfC tlf'(nf'10 CDOC 1mYloel X Board of Trade Endorses National Shipbuilding � Co. Bylaw. § You will have an opportunity of voting for this Bylaw on MONDAY, JULY 22nd Boost the Bylaw and Boost Goderich ! The following resolution was adopted at a general meeting of the Board of Trade on Monday, July 15th : "That this Board of Trade heartily endorse the National Shipbuilding Co. bylaw to be submitted to the ratepayers of the town of Goderich on the 22nd inst., and that we pledge ourselves to give itentbusi- astic support." G. E. COLBORNE, G. L. PARSONS, Secretary. President. The Singer Store Oyler' tale' n fin .Hemutitciiag, Accerdeoa Pkat- iag, Embroidery, Scalloping and Covered lutfsss• SHETLAND. YARN The new urereerized cotton for fancy sweater•. Books of inetru( Dona and noedles- NOTIONS Blip -on Veils. Hair Nets. Bar rotten, Hairpins, Hewing Needles and Pins. MISS S. NOBLE LOCAL TOPICS Wednesday Half -holiday. • The Wednesday half -holiday was ob- eervrd this week by the barbers, butchers, dentists. gents' furnishers and jewellers. An agreement to close on Wednesday afternoons was circulated among the mer- chants last week, but several objected. As a result the bakers, grocers, shoe stores, drygoods stores and some others did not close. - Card Party for Prisoners of War. Mrs. Hutchinson, one of the directors of the Prisoners of War Society. is ar- ranging a card party to be held at the Hotel Sunset on liatnrday night at 8 o'clock, at which bridge and five hundred will be played. Anyone who is Inter- ested nterested to this good cause will be welcomed and ma obtain tickets (50c. each) by applying to Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson, Britannia road, Mr. chits. Lee, Hotel Sunset, or Mr. Cleo. Porter, the Square. All the proceeds will be given to the Prisoners of War Society. North Huron M. P. to Toronto. The Brussels Post of last week had the following: This week Jas. Bowman. M. P. for North Huron. and Mrs. Bowman left Brussels forToronto, where they have pur- chased a home and intend making their residence. In the near future their daugh- ter, Miss Vinie, who is on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia in town, will also go to the Queen City. We understand the Bank will promote her to one of the city branches. While sorry to see the Bow- man family remove from this locality. where they have spent their Ives. enjoyed the respect and esteem of the community. we wish them many happy years in Tor- onto. They will be backward and forward, as they have interests here yet. Miss Bowman will be very reluctantly parted with, particularly by the young folk. Bosoo1 Lie in (clew. At six years of age Chinese boys aro supposed to •stead school aad prepare for their life-long bondage to CsotocIsa try begin -sing their dreary atragsls to master the ebaraeters sr kick take ire place of our alpbabet, maltiptied a thousandfold. They are taught to write each cbarseter sep- arately on small squares of red peaper; aid by slow degrees they learn to proaoance each, while the little fingers learn to t•ablon the ela- borate crabbed strokes. Tbough these small students are Just as elt�rmtll94. {illy °L rile .M.Sjla 9219 Madly to the slsdie■ welch they see their elders value so higher Never- tbeleas the cane is a fully -recognised Inattteethes be 'eery sebool, and 1s appliod eraps tartly, without respect or sea. Aa ooe passes outside of such a school --which Is probably held withta the peed/seta of some mer- chants' guild --ere bears the ham of many ,olein, all repeating lessons stood. and, K erre looks In, ooe sees • troup of gsai■t little shaven -head- ed ekes, with their bag black plaits aad Moe clolbee. sitting at small ersamestal tables, very different from our school desks and benches, sod suggesting a remarkable absence • of the destruelfve element in these small Cbluameo. 01 course, a con- - - I spicoous figure 1n the school 1s the shrine of the tablet bearing the name 01 Confucius. to which each scholar must do daily homage. — Family Jou real. Water and Light Commission. At the meeting of the water and light commission on Thursday night last, the engineer reported that the hydrants had been flushed out and cleaned and the standpipe and the sedimentation basin both cleaned out. There was very little dirt in the standpipe this tine. It was decided to relay the Wolfe-st. water -main at a lower level. as it is not now deep enough to escape the frosts. in order to carry out the new plans of the commission. the store on the Square formerly occupied by W. H. Harrison and owned by Mrs. Geo. Acheson has been taken, the rental being 1150 a year for two yeah and then 1200 a year for three years, the owner to pay taxes and water rates. The commission may terminate the lease at the end of any year. Who Will tie Next? Last summer the boys of the Victoria Street Pocket Testament League, under the leadership of Mr. G. M. Elliott. culti- vated several lots in St. Andrew's ward and rained potatoes and beans. From these they realized a nice seen of money and lately they have been voting grants , for patriotic and benevolent purposes.' The boys decided to give 110 to the Red Chiildren' c S ielter Rhe Silt ddratton Te- roved for that) and 110 for the 1 Red Triangle "land Give" fund. 1t was agreed that the bond for the last- naed grant should be made ow t i namedn the name of Jack Osterhout, their secretary. George Matheson has completed his payments for this fund also. and has re- ceived his bond, being the first boy in Godench to earn one alone. Congratula- tions. George. Must 4o to Work. The authorities are rounding up per- sons who are not pursuing "useful occup- ations" and dealing with them under the new law respecting such persons.. Yester- day a trio of gypsies were before Mr. C. A. Reid, J. P., and having pleaded guilty were allowed to go on their promise The Good Old Summer Time This is holiday time. You will need a new stilt for your vacation trip, and you cannot do better than come right here for it. We have new goods for suits and light over- coats that we should like to show you, , and we guarantee satisfaction in cut and workmanship. R. J. A rmstrong MERCHANT TAILOR Routh Side lequare, Goderich. IIOne of the tn,+.t danger- ous and repul.ive loins of Kidney Diarase in ROPS for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the kid- ory. are actually dammed My and the water, wi . h should be expelled in the form of urine, flown back and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puff, out the skin. Rem(+ve the filth which pine, up the dram. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine Do's KIDNEY PILLS— to find work. They are required to re- port to the authorities here at a later date. Last evening Mr. Reid had before him five men who had been brought down from Wingham on a similar charge. They have been in the picture -enlarging business and had visited several places in the county. They also were allowed to go on suspended sentence, precaution being taken to see that they carry out their promises of finding more useful em- ployment. Rebekah Lodge Officers. Rebekah Lodge No. 89 held its semi- annual installation of officers on Tuesday evening, July 16th. District deputy president:Steter McGavin and a staff of officers from Seaforth conducted the cere- mony. The new officers are: Noble Grand—Mrs. Wm. Abell. Vice N. G.—Mrs. J. J. McEwen. Past N. G.—Mrs. F. H. Woods. Chaplain—Mrs. John Robertson. Right Supports: N. G.—Mrs. C. A. Reid. Left Supporter N. G. -Mrs. H. T. Ed- wards. Right Supporter V. G,—Mrs. W. R. Pinder. Left Su porter V. G.—Mrs. Vim. Babb. InaideGuard—Mrs. Wm.IPatten. Outside " —Miss EmmaCampbelL Secretary—Miss Edith Campbell. Financial Secretary—Miss Nina Tait. Treasurer—Mies Lizzie Gibson. A party of thirteen motored up from Seaforth for the proceedings. After the installation all repaired to Edwards' res- taurant, where a light lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stirling. Mr. J. E. Tont and Dr. J. M. Field are at Guelph taking the agricultural tours, prescribed by the Department of Educa- tion for public school inspectors. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Mitchell are away on a motor trip to Detroit and may pos- sibly make the round trip by Cleveland and Buffalo. They expect to be away two weeks. Mrs. Hubert O'Mahony and children, Lawrence and Helen, have returned to Simcoe after a two weeks' visit with Mrs O'Mahony's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Young. Mise Marjorie Kelly arrived home last week from New York City toe a short visit beforeoing overseas as a curse with the United States forces. Her many friends in Goderich admire her pluck and patriotism. Ms. H. J. D. Cooke has receive( wood that his brother. Mr. Herbert Cooke, has been appointed treasures of the city of Livingstone, Montana. "Heb," as he was known, is one of the older members of the Cooke family. and it is many years since he left Goderich. Places (las Carry (]ssaoti. Germany has built giant planes tapable of carrying ea•noa, accord log to the Manchester Guardian. The German newspapers call the now airplanes "Rfesenflugsuge" or giant airplanes. After the reports of tests being made io Germany, which first. called attention to the existenee of these new machines, It became known that the Germans were using teem on the Western front for bomb -dropping. The next thing was that they appear- ed in photographs of German aero- dromes taken by British observation aviators. The Guardian says: "It appears that most of these ma- ebises are very big biplanes equipped with four engines. The engines are plated between the wings much In the same way that the engines of the Gotha biplanes are pladed, but tan- dem fashion. so (bat one engine on eaeb side drives a pother air screw behind the wings, as In the Gotha. and the other engine on each side los placed Immediately 10 front of It and drives • tractor air screw, as do the engine, of the Handley -Page, Caul- dron and Capron) machines." ONE HUNDRED POINT EFFICIENCY No man. whether employed in business or a •profession, can be "one hundred point efficient" with only fifty point eyesight. 1t your vision is impaired—it your eyes won't stand the strain of hard, constant work—your owe it to yonrselt to make rip the de- ficiency by wearing glasses. It in doubt—con/ink A E r fox r AND MrQ. Pt OPTICIAN �rlcat At tilt POS1 OFFICE ,,roe 100/1 GUELPH. Oree 'MODEL THEATRE On and after Satur- day, July 20,. there will he TWO SIIOWS every night for the remainder of the day- light-saving period. Doors open at 7.40 I st show at 8 o'clock 2nd show at 9.20 MODEL THEATRE Goldwyn t.•�..,''t' 'rtntltc• ser r'rc'rt it.cferi/. /ore (111(1 luuu.t/c'r' wino tile wide ta•OrIC tilt,wrfr 1;11r•i w th wor,lin Cul suspense •Ino' c v, ItC n,'t•t in,l 'eLect.1fO 1h.• t', �.•, ", t 11. 'ht' .•L 1 to :issue • • Ilso. and Tues., July 22-23 11.0ogoliy_ slionday--CONSTANCE TALMADGE "SCANDAL "_ -..�'-.., n.riaa,..., -,,.,a. THINGS ABOUT TOWN. Among the consequences of last win- ter's severe (rests was the killing of about half -a -dozen trees in the Court Clouse Park. The dead trees have been re moved, and although on the whole there are almost too many trees in the park there are now a few gaps that might well be filled in. If some Goderich citizen, or Goderich old boy now Living elsewhere, wishes to erect a memorial to himself in the town, he might donate one or more trees for planting in the park, preferably of some variety that is not common in the town. For instance, there is not a single oak tree in the park; in fact. there are very few in the town. 11 we remem- ber rightly, it was the late Judge Toms who,gave to the town the catalpa trees that are now flowering beautifully in the Square. One or two of them were killed last winter, and there were also several casualties among the mountain asci trees, or rowans. as the Scottish folk call them. This last rather surprised its, as we had the idea that the rowan tete, like the PITAL. a Rummell— •,.00.000 l7 / L Ai st r k— galactose°q! HOGS BRING BIG PROFITS The urgent and im rative demand for Lugs bas opened up • rsee sad profitable market for every fanner who will mere them. Hack hog you raise will bring • handsome profit quickly- the more bogs the greater yoh.r Income Iacre•se your bend sow while prices are ,high To do this you may need • loan; if so, consult our local =tanager; be will help you out. UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG. MAN. 117 GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE, - - - Manager. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. COLBORNE • The municipal council of the township of Colborne met in township hall July 9th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, on motion of McCann and Fisher. Moved by Fisher and Currey that the treasurer pay the telephone system any money that may be due them. Carried. Moved by Snyder alid Currey that the clerk wri:e the Government Fishenes Department stating that while se would recommend Robert Kay as Iish salesman,in this municipality we will not assue any responsibility. The clerk read a letter from Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke regard- ing the flooding of Charles McPhee's land. Moved by McCann and Snyder that the clerk write said solicitors and explain that we cannot possibly prevent the water from flooding said land, as `here is no out- let for .aid water. Carred Treasurer red ported having received a cheque from the county treasurer for $7ei1 for Red Cross purposes. Moved by Snyder and Mc- Cann that the amount be equally divided among the four Red Cross Societies. Carried. Moved by Snyder and McCann that we grant the Red Cross Societies 015 each per month for balance of this year. Carried. The following accounts were passed and paid: Alden Allin, teaming Scottish people themselves was hardy cement, i8+; t,. 111cNall, reinforcing stone abutment at Benmiller, 1181; G. McNeil, and not easily killed, excavating, taking down old bridge and building new abutment and wings at Benrtulkr, 1707; Thos. Wilson, drawing When the National Shipbuilding Co. cement and grading. 17.50; G.. McNall, filling at Pfrimm'r's bridge, 142.84; Na- than Walter, 171 loads of gravel, 1'2.1.65; Abner Morris, gravelling and drawing tile, *48; James Watson. tnspectng, 1112:; W. Cullison, culvert at Saltford 13.75, have exemption from taxation. The greeting tw,ingstaplesJ30c—$9.'25; R. Mit- council could not, of course, give an ab- dag. 7. oseph Thom 3l dayyss grading. 117.50; Mrs. Isaac tether - 1 olute assurance on this point, as a re- ington, cement We, 11 4; W. W. Fisher, ciente to the people is necessary for the ravelling at McGaw 1101, gravelling at R. Mitchell's cement wall at m somewhat over a year ago purchased the former Doty plant it was a part of the bargain that. SO far as the town council could assure it, the Company was to SALE of HATS.—A few hats left at I The •b law now $5.5.15, greatly reduced prices, m4A granting f exemption. m 1f 4 see 1 1 1 1 1 ___._._� BOTH - Necessary Start a savings acccorht for baby by all means That's for baby's benefit but have the baby photographed as soon as possible --- That's for yo lr Benefit. We never know what it .n more for us. and • photograph of baby es i e , today may be more ,.recn•us thin rubies lacer on. J. T. FELL gran ing o evemp rear. y .,_. eon: st me ptRnZv-rnrs . tvetsr�rtr LOCAL TOPICS IN eiRIEF. i feature of the agreement with the Com- :gravel. 117.70;' John Barker, operating jg repairing culvert ti•150 F'or4Good Reliable Shoe •t A new timetable Is in effect the pang• No person is under obligatlorr o Irvin Young, teaming cement and tile, t culvert, 11.75; hirs- on bylaw because of what the , d, leaves at vote for the i and freht on tile: E. Vanstone, C. P. R. The morruag rrur. 6.20 and the afternoon tram at 1.30. The l council agreed to do, and under certain putting In _ t 55 and 955 it ht be that the people t Young, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Hamilton and Moved by Currey and Snyder that we ad - was meet on was trues of arrival are 12. p• m. circumstances might McManus, $190.25 each -1761. m• could well withho:d their sanction; but The county convention of the % .C•T.U• the National Shipbuilding Co. has faith- Iday, the men working overtime and con- tries of equally substantial h ac p Tuesday. August 13, at has been received from the secretary, held at Blyth July 10 and 11. Are fully observed its obligations to the town 1.30 p. m. R. McILwA1N rClerk. t. is unavoidably held over until next and it is due to the Company that the week. council should be empowered to carry out its part of the bargain. As The Signal St. George's Churchwoman's Guild will on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, hold their annual garden party and bazaar 1 has before stated, the National Shipbuile- August 1st. on the rectory grounds. ing Co. is one of the best assets of the Further particulars next week. I town, and Ga+erich would be exceedingly more Tarvia was laid on the Square on Mon- fortunate if it could get a few ore indus- t ar ter on pleting the job as far as possible that Y the same treatment ural krrow, the Company is about to erect night. Square are receiving The Arthur C rolew of Knox church will , a nevi boiler -shop, necessitating the em - hold a salad tea, on the church lawn, on ployment of an increased number of work IFriday afternoon, July 26th. from 5 to 7 ers, and by passing the bylaw the citi- o'clock. Salad, bread and butter, cake yens pill encourage industrial develop- and tea will be served. Admission 15C. ' mens without the slightest increase 1 the The following ex -students of the toyrrl's obligations G. C. I. were successful m passing the final examinations at Provincial Normal 1 — Schools: Sarah 0. Armstrong, Grace J• Dyer, Eleanor Dougherty, Lila M. How- Mention was made in a recent report of alt and Rae J. Stothers. at Stratford; the town council proceedings of the Bur - Clementine A. Williams and F. Patncia eau of Municipal Research, whose ser - Sullivan at London. I a an auto vices it is proposed to secure for what is school of St. Georges church had Yesterday was picnic day. The Sunday , termed a 'survey" of the municipal busi- ride in and about town and finished up nese and public utilities of Godench. 1t the outing at Harbor Park. The primary s notmight ne well toexplain that the Bureau classes of North street Methodist church ian official body, neither is it a torn - also picnicked at Harbor Park. Knox is mercial organization seeking to make church Sunday school held its annual ���� - Mrs. P. ,__-w -. I profits for its members. It is an associa- The sale of the remaining material tion of persons of more or less prominence along the line of the abandoned electric in the Province who have taken what railway has been going on yesterday and might be called a "disinterested interest" today. The bridge at Port Albert was purchased by Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan and , in municipal affairs, and who endeavor to in many cases the farmers along the I keep in touch with improved methods for right-of-way were the purchasers of the 1 the conduct of municipal business and ties. Very fair prices have been realized. give the benefit of their knowledge and PERSONAL MENTION. experience to any persons or corpora- tions—_ I who may apply for it. if it is de - Major and Mrs. Beck, of Toronto, are ' sired to have a report upon Goderich's holidaying in town. municipal affairs, with suggestions for the Miss Clara frcverley, of Drtroit, is a adoption of improved methods, the Bur- euest at the Park House. 1 eau will send experts here for s few days to look'over the ground and make such Mr.J report, charging only the bare expetwr s. sonic Grand Lodge at Windsor. Mayor Wigle is of opinion that in thin Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe. of New Liskeard, way the town could obtain some very n spending a few days en town. valuable suggestions, and private citizens. Mrs. H. J. D. Cooke and children are it is understood. are prepared to put rip spending a month n Toronto. the money, believing that in so doing Mr. Warren McCluskey returned from they will ofor f ronsbeiOieraMr btown a enefit. the West last wee c and is around toasts The Today the roads leading to the the same term.. As readers of Th Sig - Miss Laurel Bates. of Toronto, is hoh- Baying in town. R. J. Megaw is attending the Ma- agai n Mr. and !Art. Reg. Pridham. of Cal- gary. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pridham. Miss Grace Pinder left yesterday for Toronto, where she will engage in the making of munitions during the vacation. Master Jack and Mise Jean Ofield, of Dundas, are visiting at the tine of their sunt, Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwan. Miss L. Whiting leaves this week on an extended holiday, visiting at Hsggersville, Niagara Falls. Toronto and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Wisner and family ar- rived from Brantford last week and are occupying the Mornso n house, on St. Vin- 1 cent street. for the summer. Mrs, J. S. 1)rinkwater and little daugh- xter Kathleen, of Cochrane. are visiting at the home of the fo rmer's grandparents, Repairs, try Smith 8 Ring 30 East Street. Orpos.he -r,o. C hurt IN Give Us a Tndd •* Any Way You Turn you will find WRIGLEY'S. Everybody thinks of WRIGLEY'S when chewing gum is mentioned. This is the result of years of effort to give mankind the benefits and enjoyment of this low-cost sweetmeat. WRIGLEY'S helps appetite and digestion—allays thirst—renews vigour. NAOI IN CANADA �tWORD ls wrong FOR r Mrs M their aches and pains and .char lot silence —this leads to chronic sickness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring, W your stereos are ezclteble; if you tee; lanrtvrid, wee ry or depressed, .Scott's Emulsion mei- ! I comes just sash conditions. It possesses in concentrated ferns the very elements to invigorate the ' blood; strengthen the tissue+, nourish -the serves and build up your strength. SeMt a Bo -r, Teee te. est. _ A &Mod tight Not rilet The Flavour Lasts ..After event trier