HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-18, Page 3./011/.,,,,...14r.-`711 - *17:- • THE SIGNAL - GODERICII, ONTARIO THE 01111NAL IND ONLY GENUINE BEW•RE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THB MERITS Ok LINHIENT MEDICAL. DR. GEO. HE1LEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, specialist in women's and children' diereses. acute. chronic and nervous diseases, eye .erzi anducthrtiet,arertial;tafness.. rhietabm without tIw knife. Office at residence. corner Nebo.. and St. Andrew's streets. At home other Mondays. Thuradmys and Satudays, any evening by appointment. DENTISTRY. H. G. MAcDONELL.-HONOR Graduate Toronto University. Graduate al College ol Dental Surgeons &KCMG( to the late ?Jam Sale Offices corner 11.1a11. I o girt street. iucrwitzat. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER oz 1.7, Gcdeticti. All instructions I n o left at sun.lCifece soil be pren.pily dt..1 to amodence telephone liv. LEGAL. RC HAYS. Le. BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY; PUALIC. LTC. OlEte- Stetlieg Dank, lett Ir. Hamilton Street. Gociencti. Telepheas ae. Real Estate. Loons and Insurance. PROUDFGOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, BA It KIST &RS. SOL1C 17 G RS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Ogee on the Square, later d .dcot Irt ni elm Sclera. Goderich. Frsrate funds to loan at lesest rattly ritlit'DMMT. K. C. J. 1-4K1ussas H. J. D. Coma. s -Ali G. CdAikoN. , sokomia. mom.. 14/SMIlun Street. Giodench. third door 140111 . At Lisetoe 1 hursoay ce cocks week. in \ Mt on Albeit Street ts cursed by Me Hopei �. hours V a. m. toe p m. 4tIIARLESGARROVI. LL.B.. BAR - i snit. •4404916•11. •011€444g, Galt nth y leaned at lowest rates. iiSEAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- ICiToSt,, liOntfp public and conveyancer. te-Count Hows.Goderich. tree= mle INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. 1 bILKILI OP MUTL'AL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO.- Fenn and isolated town prop- erty inuired Ofticers-Jas. Connolly. Pres. Goderich P. 0 Jan, Kraal, Vice-Prea, Beachwood P0.; Timone. E. Hays. Sec.-Treas., Seeforth P 0. [levelers -D. F. McGregor. It, R. No. It. Sea- orth. John G. Gsieve, No 4. Walton, William Rion. R. R. No. 2, Sealorth. John Bennewies. Brodhagen; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 3, Sea- urth. Robert Ferris, Barka . Malcolm Mc- Ewen, chrome James Evans. Beechwood; Janbc4 COD wily, Godersch. Agents J• W Yeo, Goderich, Ake. Leitch. ge. g No 1, Clinton. illiam Chesney. Seaforth, E. floe hley. Sestort h. Policy -holders can pity all p.ym..rI. and pt their cards recopied at .14. 4. Muer ish s Clothing Store. Clinton: R. H. Ceti s Grocery, Kingston Brett. Godench, ar Jr. H. Reel ..4.eneral Store. Baytieid. 20 000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Apply to M. G. CAM- RON f , Barrister, Hamilton street. Goderich. MUSIC. 1SABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHER OF Voice, Piste:land Organ. Pupils prepared for C:onservatory examination" Apply at MR, P. W. • CURRIES. Britannia road. elleageemeneesimeeenFeetienearMaFt".11031.41%11110 1 Orders carefully attended to at, all hours, night or day. Brophe3 Bros GODERICH lie Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers • aogimnampoweasheletenselerenFerwere•••••0•° GERMAN BLOW FAILED Allies Defeated First Effort In New Oftengive. Poe Rurti Was Held at Almost Ever, Point and Soldier* 1.1 klagniaceut Counter-attack Cap- tured One Thousand PH:toners-- Teuton GahmS01a11 Coespared With Exertions. LONDON, July 16. --The expected renewal of the German offensive in France has begun. Fierce battles are In progress on both sides of the fatu- ous cathedral city of Rheims, which since the last offensive along the Marne has stood the apex of a sharp salient Into the German line. West of Rheims the Germans un- der the pressure of large numbers of troops. the unleashing of which was preceded by a veritable hall of high explosive and gas shells, have been enabled to cross the Marne at several places. of the city, however, they have been held for the smallest of gains by the tenacious resistance of the Franco -Italian defenders of the line. Altogether, the two battle fronts aggregate between 50 and tIO mile. in length. American troops are fighting val- iantly on the sectors they have been holding, and at two points have met with notable success. At Vaux they not alone broke down a violent at- tack by the enemy, but drove him back several hundred yards and only returned to their former positions when rhe advance of the Germans southeast of Chateau Thierry. across the Marne, made the reoccupation of their trenches of strategic value. Along the Marne, between the town of Fossoy and the River Surp. maina, where the Germans crossed the Marne. the Americans in a strong counter-attack forced back the en- eniy to the right bank of the stream. Al other points alongthe river they used to the greatest advantage their machine guns against, enemy ele- ments which were crossing the river on pontoot bridges, killink or wound- ing many of them. In ihe counter- attack near Fossoy betw en 1.000 and 1,500 prisoners ,wers akea by the Aniericans. The Germans, in addition lo their tremendous expenditure of ex Icalve and gas shells, used nuinerous nks againat the lines of the defender and also opened with numerous natal guns bombardments of towns and cities far behind the battle line, dropping upon them shells from I and 12 -inch pieces. The Allies continue to hold their own, according to the latest iidvices received here, and that is the most and the best that can be expected in so early a stage of the offenetve, be- GIit:eietty.... Lore the German effort. has reached Gotterich Ip It. full development. For once, the s Germans are not favored by• the ele- WORTH MORE THAN GOLD, SHE DECLARES. Mrs. Trimble Was Nearly Helpless Before She Took Tatilac. -11 1 could talk personally nith every- body who has rheumatism I would cer- tainly tell them to take Tanlac, for I have tried it and it was worth more than gold t0. me," said Mrs. Rebecca Trimble of 53 Victoria avenue, Eastview, Ottawa, re- cently. Mrs. l'rimble has been a resident of Ottawa for the past twenty-four years and is highly esteemed by all who know her. "Only those afflicted the same Mrs. Trimble continued, -can understand the torture I have suffered for the past Iwo years with rheumatism. My hips and legs troubled me most, but sometinwe the pain would extend around to the small of my back. It was just a constant, terrible aching that seemed to go clean to the bone, and was so severe at times it would sicken me. At times my limbe wouid swsll up twice theit natural size, and the muscles would draw up until they fdt like they were tied in knots. I couldn't stoop over at all and if I dropped any- thing 1 had to get someone to pick it up for me. From last February until ISby I was so crippled up that I couldn't get out of the house and could just barely hobble around. Sometimes I suffered so I would go several nights without getting a sink of sleep. Nothing relieved me and I sometimes felt that I would never re- cover. "I had gotten to where I had little faith in anything to help me. and I didn't be- lieve much of what I read about Tanlac. but I was in so much misery I finally made up my mind to try it. Well that l'OltoNTo MARKETS. TORONTO, July 16. --The Board of Trude quotations for y csterday were as follows: paano•en wrisat (In Store, Fort William, 1Includ3ng Wile Tax). No. 1 northern. $2113: In. No. 2 northern. 81.211%. No. 3 northern. 13 17%. No. 4 wheat. 1.1.10%• maniosba oats (la Stere. Fon W4llia111). No. 1 C.W.. W%c. No. 3 C.W.. 87%e. Extra No. 1 feed. 17%. No. 1 feed. 114%c. American Corn (Track, Toronto). No. $ yellow, kiln -dried. nomlaeL . No. 4 yellow, tiln-drled. noiniiail. Ontario Oats (According to Freights Out- sidel. No. 2 will,. $4c to $fic. nominal. No. 3 white, 13c to 84e, nutninal. Ontario Wheat (basis, in Ster• Monereso. No. 3 winter, paw cat lot. 52.22. i Peas (According te Freights Outside), No. 2, nominal. B arley (According to Feeley& Outside). Idelt:ng, 11.30 to 81.33, nominal. B uckwheat (According to Freights Out. side). . Buckwheat, 510. nomin•l. lity• (According to Freights Outside). No, 3. 51.90 nomlnaL Manitoba 'tour (Toronto). War quality, $10.56. Ontario Flour (In Sags, Prompt Ship - meat). War quality. 810.65. Montreal; 81053 Toronto. Milifeed (Car Lets, Oeilvered. Montreal Freights, saes Included.) Bran. per ton, 533. Shorts, per ton. 540. , Hay (Track, Toronto). No. 1, pa- ton. 113 to 514. GREAT PATRIOT SAVED GREECE Labors of Venizelos Covered Many Yea, s. WHAT DOES FUTURE HOLD? jl He Haa Worked -Ever Since Entering Public Life as • Voung Men for the Regeneration of His l'ountry. and Now at Last the Goal of His Ambitiou Is In tight - OW far will his star lead Venizelos! Who can say? This star is also that of Hel- lenism: for since 1887, when at twenty-three years of age he was elected liberal deputy Of Crete, all his actions have been linked with the regeneration of his country. We may be certain that he will continue to guide Greece not only toward na- tional grandeur, but toward a super- ior moral ideal. The era of Machia- velli and Bismarck is ended. It has already lasted too long. We have arbitrarily tolerated in statesmen customs and methods which in an ordinary citizen of average honesty would be judged dishonorable. No, political success does not go nee's- ,sailly with intrigue. On the con- trary, we believe that if it is to be was one of the best things I ever did. I Mixed, per ton, 311 to 51. am on my fourth bottle now and am Car lo(Straw (Track, Toronto). ts. per ton. 13 to Pt 10. _truly grateful for the way I have im- Farmers' Market. proved. The swelling is almoet gone out F:all wheat -Milling. 12.14 per bushel. of my limbs and the pain is so much lea 1,7,17..wt7V, "IT per bu:' do my housework, and was out yesterday .dHaalyi,d-Llinveorthys,111190tei1120 per ton; mie. 4887c to St Per bushel. "r uan• that 1 hardly notice it any more. My 0. appetite is much better and I don't feel Buckwheat 11.76 per bushel. . Hied out all the time. 1 am now able to Rye, •ccording to sample, nominal. working in my garden. I have never taken a medicine that can compare with Oats -Canadian weetern, No. 2, mell; Tanlac and anyone suffering as I did wi.I extra No 1 feed, 99c. do well to try It." .. Flour -'New standard grade. 511.05. , Taniac is told in Goderich by E. R. itiollned oifts-ihIlatl, 90 lbs.. $0. • Wigle, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in Haray-o3'. '2. per t.008,40ca; rarouts1,11145f);ta Wirigharn by J. Walton McKibbon. in 1115.00. liensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth Cheese -Finest eastern.. 225.0 to 23e. by White City Drug Store. in Wroxeter I IFlutter-choicest creamery. 431ec to 44e. by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John 0. x, nEgfna-to,..Sei:oe4int,40E.c.No. 1 stock, tic: Loundsberry. in Exeter by W. S. Honey, Potatoes -Per bag. car Iota- 62 65. in Brucefield by Peter Bowey, in !Josh- I Dressed hogs-Abottoir keled, in. wood by Tiernan & Edighoffer, in Crediton . Lard -Pure wood patio. 30 lbs.. net. Mis by J. %%Orme. in chnton by W. S. R. to/ 13c.v„. I. July 15. -Beer (,,,, /,,,,u, Holmes, in sheppardion by J.H. &WV' dt. mean., 370e. ',, in Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong, and in, 'Pork, prime Mids. weateen, 220.• Fordwich by ti. Sansom. , f Hams. short cut. 14 to 16 lbs.. 137e. 1 Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to. 30 15111-. I Clear belltes. 14 to 16 lbs.1604. SOUTH HURON REGISTRATION. Long clear middles. litchi•.29 10 3411m. 160e; do., heavy, 35 to 40 ihn 15es. Nearly Sixteen 1 housand Register in retoulders. square, 11 to 13 lbs., • 1"11 s. ort clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs. 157e the Riding. I Lard, prime westerlt, In tierce., MR 6d: American refined, pails. 157s; do . boxed. Following are the registration totals in 150s. South Huron: Tallow, Australian In London. 72.s. mak. Female) Turpentine spirits 136a. Rosin, common. tis 6d. 755 744 ' Petroleum. refined. Is feed. 492 492 1 Linseed oil, 62s 640 tev2 622 651 iiiiitthr irstilt niaYftekt -itifir13/6t ffr1 sedk9k4Winur.77---.. ...........--- ... Ole . portant, e %it'd is southwest. This McKillop' 380 la a vital gain for the defence, for 1 sborne. 4166 it makes it difficult, if not impos- Exeter- - sible, for Ake Germans to make ex- Hensakr:. - 214 lettere nee or itsi:briNtbtot they us- Hayfield.. '133 , tally count. Cohesive action Is out Slialoclh --- -----•----- 8351 1C00 of the question when troops are taus- Clinton - 641 -- 951 The Saults Coal Co, Socomeors to Mollooegh k Gledbill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THR COAL THAT SATISPDIS We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft W Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement Just received. OPPICR PHONR - - - - 75 H. ). Swifts' Residence 275 W. W. Saults' Residence 202 507' 375 870 381 60 CArn.L.MMIKETs TORONTO, July Ig. -With 2,600 cattle on the Union Stock Market yesterday there were not very Many really good cattle on- tale, and the quality generally wati very medium. , There was a dy demand for choice butche ttle and loads of steers with weig t and quality There sled for long hours with masks. Ofl cers cannot communicate orders. i - Total 1,... -7510 >424 was a fair inquiry for butcher cows, and each mThis makes i total of 15,934. The an is thrown on his own re- and canners at about steady prices. registrations in North Huron totalled 16.- sources. As a result, weight of num- The bull trade was slow. with no 007. makitotal ng a oal for the county of bers, which is always on the side of really good to choice bulls on sale. Over 1400 registered in South Huron as The hog market held steady at ' the attacking army at the beginning, 32,001 - becomes the deciding factor. 18% c ted and watered, 17 %c f.o.b. ' lies have had in this offensive is that Another advantage which the Al - work. The names of those. along with , CHICAGO LIVE moo" . - . i having had some experience in -farm and 18%c weighed loff. , ve been handed on. Chicago. July 15.-Hoge-Recel ;11 44. market mostly lec to 15c 'higher: those in North Huron who registered as county repre- top on fancy light, 518.25; bulk of sales, t of Agricul- 147.30 to 515.10; butchers. 817.60 to.816.23; packing,- 117 to $17.75; light. 517.80 to I 318.2.3; rough, 514.40 to 116.90; pigs, 816.75 ., toctlt7t.12,5. mpaign t() beef steers. steady to strong;an others d Recelpta, 20.000: good to lower; ving re- butchers. uneven, slow to 23. r; calves mostly 25c lower: stockers and. month o(\ May. dium. 111.40 40 516.75: choice, 116.75 to $18.10: common and me - Paris, offers various subsidiary pos- in training in Canada zoa000 feeders, steady; beef cattie. good and 'abilities, all of which have value. . beef were toyed in the mo butcher stock and approximately the ssme a ount cows and heifers, 58.25 to 514.75; can - There is the prospect, first of widen- lag the pocket in the Allied line made in the month of June. by the nets) and cutters. 17.25 to $8.25; 'dock - by the May offensive; second, of up- I 'substitution of fish. In the West a era and feeders. good to choice and fancy. setting the Allies' communications to • trainloado at fish every few days from to f 11 f d f 810.30 to ita common and mediqm. 15.25 $10.50: veal calves, good and choice. the eaat and west, If the Germans the attack was expec e available lor formwork. it was delivered. It was considered to Mr. S. H. Stothers, th logical, even unavoidable, that von sentative of the Departm Galiwitz's army. the only one not yet used in this year's offensive, should tuntP be chosen to carry out these otter- More Fish Use at ions. 1 The Canada (Food Board c This area, apart from its bearing increase fish consumption is on the Gertnan primary objective. sults. In the Canadian army st get near enough to Chalons and Epernay; third, of occupying Rheims, already invested on three sides; fourth, ot suppressing the Rheims front, a oonstant menace to the Ger- man army facing west from Chateau Thierry to Seasons, and, fifth of en- veloping by an attack towards Eper- nay and Chalons the troops resisting in the forest and mountain of Rheims and to the north. How well the general dispositions and preparations were made is evi- dent from the slight results gained by the Germans. After heavy light- ing east of Rheims on the battlefield of 1916. they made no impression whatever on the Freheh. t Only on their lett aid they succeed' in cross- ing the Marne, between Fostipy and Dormans, getting a precarious foot- ing at one or two points on the south- ern bank. The greater part of their gains, however. were retaken from them by the Americans. Army of Tanks Take Part. LONDON, July 16. -An important element in the present battle will be the world of tanks. The German tanks are like fortified towers, much heavier armed than the French or British, but are practically useless when they have to leave a .road and slow up. The new French tanks can turn in their own length; the latest British tanks also have a power of mobility of uitich higher order than their forerunners. The development of tanks Is a remarkable feature of the war and, as they are ideal ma- chine gun posts, they will play a more important part than ever in the new offensive, Pvince Rupert is sold at popular pnces $16 to 316.50. under the; auspices of the Canada Food EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Board. In Toronto recently 155•0°° ; F..ast Buffalo, July 15. -cattle -Re - pounds of mackerel were sold within one celpts, 4600. flood firm, common easier: week as the result of a special campaign. prime steers, 117.25 to 317.50• shipping steers, 516.50 to WO butcher. 112 to 817: Women) Prepare• yearlings. $13 .to f17; heifers. My to ! ' 113.25; cows. 51.40 to 112; butte, $7.a0 to I 512; etockers and feeders, 57.30 to 110.50. !Fresh cows and sprineers, 865 to 1145. 'l CalveS-Receipts, 3000. Steady; 17 to Thousands of women in Canada have 118.50. ovefeoms their sufferings, and have been ' Hogs -Receipts, 6400. Plgs •trong; eared of woman 's 01s by Dr. Pierce'see " '1 tiler'. heavy, 516.25 to 510 50; mixed, ;1113.51, to $18.65; yorkers. 110.60 Favorite Prescription. This temperanes to 515.65; light yorker• and plea, 116.75 medicine, though started nearly half 1 to 519; roughs. 116.76 to $16; staas, 110 esetury ago, sells most widely to -day. to 112. be had in tablet form as , It can now well as liquid, and every woman who suffers from baekeehe, headache, nerv- ousness, should take this "Prescription" of 111'.Pierce's. It is prepared front sature's roots and herbs and does not leontaln a particle of alcohol or any inarentie. It's not a secret preseription for its ingredients are printed on wrap- per. Send 106 for trial package to Dr. V. Piero*, Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., or Bridgeburg, Ost. Hamilton' Ont.-" When I reaebed the eritical period I was a nervous erre& and suffered with hot flashes and dizzy spells. 'Favorite Preseription' reliev- ed me of all these ailments and brought I me through tbis try- ' big time eerily. For stoniest 0 f middle age there is no tank d equal to De. Pierre's Favorite Prescription, and I never hesi- tate to reemanoind it to my frieeds."- Mae Axone Somds, 4151... St. N. J E. Lawrence, paymaster of Wel- Stratford, Ont. -"I was greatly home- land Canal. has been sentenced to lied by takiag Dr. Fieree's Favorite Pre - three years' Imprisonment for deal- nariptioe; it wag before twins caws I cations extending over twenty-five had bown,•51 rop.410,/,, wan umimat..a, year*, and amounting to about very nervous and weak, and suffered with 516,001. haekee.he. Was not able to frio anything Prominent members cot the Trades for three month', when I began taking aad Labor Council and Ina Board of 'Favorite Preseription.' It soon pee Trade in Vancouver have formed a ins relief and it was not long when 1 wee eennetttee as 1 Court of Appeal and strong and healthy. 'Favorite Pressem- OonetHaties nowt le sweet strikes It tion was surely • great help to me sal posmilde. I an, glad to recommend it."-Maa. Par es J. biArcrta. 61 Kent LSO& China to Assist by Building Ships. WASHINGTON, July 16. - China has been added to the list of nations bulldlng merehant ships to help de- feat Germany. The Shipping Board ham awarded to the Chinese Govern- ment yard at Shanghai contracts fdr four cargo veseels of 10,000 tons each, and took options for the build- ing of 80,000 more tons. The entire program will involve the expenditure of perhape $30,000,- 000. Approximately 36,000 tons of steel will be shipped from this country, but the engines and other equipment will be built in Chins. Deliveries are to begin six months after the steel is received. Palaces Stripped of Copper. PREMIER VENIZELOts. irtra-araranrr-rrenvrrITeir-trres abuse of power, that which is criti- cized and condemned in private life, should not serve as a springboard for a public man if this terrible war should have taught us only this les- son, it Would not have been in vain. ••For the new order which is to arise from it new men will be need- AMSTERDAM, July 16. -After et- propriating door handles, window latches, pots and pans and copper and brass utensils for munition pur- poses, the German military authori- ties have turned their attention to public buildings with copper roofs. Among the score! of places being stripped are the famous Bran en u g gate, Prince Albrecht's palace, a doz- en churches and synagogues and sev eral museums. Sotne of the best known hotels, restaurants, depart ment stores and private mansions ar being forced to give up their coppe roofs. ed. Nenizelos is one o yesterday the art of leading, or rath- er of fascinating, other men had de- volved upon line orators, clever men of affairs. But character should once more take the first plac.et for It is the source of noble and useful action. In speaking of Venizelos, it would be well la evoke also the great shade of Garibaldi, the insurgent patriot, Ibm soldier of humanity. The man who has known how to risk his life for his country, for humanity, has the right to demand from others great sacrifices. He who is sincere and loyal to such a point that his manner of life correseonds to his doctrine de- serves to be heard, believed, and followed. Having fashioned himself, Venise- los is in process of refashioning his people after that ideal which Anglo- Saxon democracy hais foemulated and for which sbe herself is ftgbtlng. For its dramatic and symbolic signi- ficance the life of Venizelos could from, now on he inserted among the "lives" of Plutarch or the 'Repre- sentative Men" of Emerson. Germany is reported to he claim Mg seven billion roubles indemnit from Russia. .THURSDAY, j l'Llf 18, 918 3 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO The present NATIONAL NEED demands that you serve if free to do so. Our SOLDIERS cannot fight "OVER THERE" WITHOUT TRAINING -you cannot serve effectively over here without training. A course at this School will enable you to render effective service. It is the work and the pride of the School to make its students 100 per cent. efficient, for in every walk of life the demand is for better -trained men and women. We offer the following Courses: Business Stenographic Secretarial Business Penmanship Civil Service and arrange Special Courses for Special Students. CANADA NEEDS YOUR WORK Think it over and write for particulars to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal School opens Tuesday, September 3rd. Phone 208 Cement From Beetroots. Experiments in French factories have resulted in the production of an excellent cement as a bye -product of beet -sugar rellnink. The first step In the production of sugar from beets is boiling them. It had previousIg been customary to throw 'way as valueless the scum fotmed on the cauldrons. But it was discovered that this scum contains large quantities of carbonate of lime. It is estimated that 4,0(4) tons of the carbonate can be recovered frotn 70,000 tons of beets. To this quantity of the car- bonate 1,100 10011 of clay are added, the resultant product being • good cement. The beet scum 4. pumped into large reservoirs and allowed to evaporate for a certain length of time before being mixed with the clay. It is then stirred or beaten for an hour before being fed into a rotary oven such as is toted making Portland ce- ment. A Mighty Ice -Block. The largest mass of ice in the world is probebly the one which fills up nearly the whole of the interior of Greenland. It is believed to form a block about six hundred thousand square miles in area, and average a mite and a half in thickness. Accord- ing to these statistics the lump of ice is larger in volume than the whole body of water in the Mediterranean, and there is enough of it to cover the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with a lay- er about seven miles thick. -Family Herald. Railways In Indio. India ham 85.000 miles of railway sad 80,000 milee of telegraph, com- pared with 1,600 miles of railway and 11,000 miles of telegraph hi 11161, Creative•LI.zrattffe .c •. • Although there ere so iieces we're -e.ght after ty c,11,.t.ter* of cto •atiene than -t•auadiana." :I have hilhisrto pit( I ' •Dentieli to their own literntio.e. '.1!-••n. 'beret", e. 4.1'1 'v.,. 1* of • , C.P.R., who honeelf is a great ri • of v.' JrilLF I.y i'anailian nuthors, an! ha• i• gateesive library. was et eetitly vskrd to pretwnt the imeicus of a library to Club • of New York. no tit-AA:11,1e. 1st notihl lie found which eoul 8 14 . eossidereft representative Of what was ereetive and original in Canadian litera ture. With the hell, of wr..11 ihfortec 1 lireiltsellcrs librarians such a •t was eompiled and the nucleus 'et qie Canadian jib, ary in New York ltis Leen formed. The list was chit/Mei! almost ex. lest% ely to fiction and poetry, as the intention was to emphasine•the creative character of canaJian literary exert's/90e- Several books which otherwise would lia.c Leen included, suf. 5 as Jerry. Snyder " fn the Woke of the Eights., ii-TweivArs" and Edith Eaton's elk Spring Fragraece.- could not he olitaireil, a they are out of print. As a guide to those -who are inn oeted in th... growth ef an origi-nal Canadiva literature, Lord ehaughatiny's Iiat 4mi:1,1 prove of great interest. Here it Author. Bell- (*ape . ., Maker W. 11 Blesett. ieau -rs7Fluei. Janey "?4.t- 1, of Pine.'' (*snuck. Joinoy "Opcn Teti le " Connor. Ralph • • 1.'..;u k heck." Conner, Ralph . "Man from Glengarry," Connor. Ralph A •'Tlie Itikv Pilot.' l'000er,4 Ralph • L Faro' of the Sun Danee" TAM." Connor. Ralph ••111ergarry Schooldays'." Counor, Ralph "The Foreignen." Conner. Ralph "The Major.' Crawford, Isabella Yalancy ',Collected Poems.'' Campbell, Wilfred • • Poems." Hummel. Norman . • . " Dr. Luke of the Labrador." Drummond, W. II. • •• Poems. ' ' Dunras. Norman ... '• The Cruiee of the Shining LigaL" "Canada in War Paint." • • oiv n Waters. Frio.er, W A " Mumma-'' .. Trechette, Louis .. "Christuias in French Canada." Garvoi„I. W. "Canadian,Poets." Hickman.. A. "cannilian Nights." llieknian. A. .•Siicrifi,e of t 1:11.11hUrtOli, Judge (Sam 1411,41 " The Clot k er. " Johnston, E..Pauline.,...,. • • Flint snit Feather." Ring. linea ' • The Iligb Heart." Nino, William '' The Holden Dog. I.raco..k. Stephen " Ar adinn A.1,entures." 19.aen,k. Stephen . • ' I .it erary Levies." heacoek. Stephen . . "Sunshine Sketehes of a 'Attie Teitra.til :cares -h. Stephen ,. . . " Literary ENPny1." 1.earock, Stephen . . . " Rebind tbe Bevood." Laid, Agnes t' "Freebooters of the Wilderama." Isampman. Arehibald Law. 1/r. Robert "The Grand Adventure." Lighthall, W ri ''Tb' False t.:: -valier.'" Logan, .1. E • ' Versos'. - .----4. "Anne of Green Gables." "Softie, Beech' in Danny.'. ''Th. N, xi of Kin.' " Kleath." "The House el Windows.'i " l'p the Ilill mad Over." "In Pastures Green." "Egotism of New Frasee.'t "Thel Wited of Illador." Montgomery, L. 2.5 Meriting, Nellie L. Meelung, Nellie Is. Marbeth, Madge Markey. Isabel Reignites* Mackay, Imbed Ecelestele McArthur, Peter Witcher, Agnes. Norwood, lobert Parker, Gilbert "Seats of the Mighty." Parker, Gilbert "The Money Master." Parker, (Albert " Pie4re and His People." Pc.tertion, Isobel "Th Shadow Riders." l'irkthall. Marjorie "The Lamp of Poor Souls." Peat, Harold "Private Peat." Richardson, Major "Wacousta..' Redpath, Beanie. • " Drawn Shutters." Rae, Herbert " Maple !leave. hil Flanders relas.A Roosignol, J, E. Le "Jean Baptiste." Roberta, C.-0. 11 " i•nernp." Roberts, C. 0. D. "The Heart of the Annent Woods." Roberts, C. (1. D. " Esrth 's Enigma." Itoberts. C. 0. 1). "t mi.lren of the Wild." .uvad, Robert J. C. " It io•bencr, and other Poems." O liven, Man "The inner Door." R d. V. "The Man at !even Lake." , $.r',41r5, Robert W. "Songs of a Sourdough." Perv . Robert W. "Movies •1 a Cheehero." 6.rv1e4, Robert W. "Rhymes of a Red Cross Msm." Perviee„Robert W "Rhymes of a Roiling Illeise." Strierr. \Arthur "The Prairie Wife." • 'Colleeted Poem& " " Lundy 's Lena '' "Forty Years in Canada. '0 Been, Frederick George Scott, Duncan Campbell Steele, Maior-Geseral Thompos, E. W "Old Man Bavaria." Trotter, Sernesel Pressma.. .•• "A thmadian Tw411g1164 "Rine Water." "The ?Mack Loeker." "Boor from 1. "Soling Mae% Lam& 1 Wallows, 11'. W. Wallace, IP. W. Woolley, Clive Phillips deoeptions . . . 1111isesym0us . " M•rinn, Sister ef Mo.,11 "A Suony Sabalters.te