HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-11, Page 6B Tenntsuea,tJIn.v 11, IMS
For This Week
Ken's One-piece Bathing Suit
Navy Blue, button on ,boulder.
To clear at 69c
Men's- lOtaki S.1
To clear al 25c.
Boyd Balbriggan Utderwear
Bile) 26 to 32, to clear at 3:k.
Men's Wailing Straw Hats
To clear at 20c.
leis' Striped Omer•••
Bina 3:to 10 years. 25c.
Cane t. G.derich .oJuly Id'
lees Lj-lost War Cannot C•eue
Disaster to Allies.
LONDON, July 0.— Lord Sores
ford, caning attention to the danger
Dr. Manning Started Campaign from uuluterned ;Weir. and express-
ing the belief that many ships have
Against Comparisons- beer torpedoed through laturuiatlon
_ furnished by spies. said that •
'met CAUSti BAD FEELING moth ago the British, allied wad neo
DO ICIC tlrn
1%M Wigs fries& of Leading Men Ln
the United Safes Sherr 1.tmwrt
• ktply ljlpeens la Oa ads
Who i» Not want te4Oseats
Jealousy Between Armies.
THE habit of /wmparlag tt►e
letting ability of the W-
freest nattoaaltltes amspS
the Allies is an extresary
bad oae, and many persona receg-
alae that it may lead 10 Jealousy Med
bad teeliss. In the United states. a
campaign has been started egoista
that sort of thing, and thoughtful
men here in Canada see the wisdom
of trowaing o0 odious comparWgia.
Rev. Dr. Maaaing, the rector sl
Trlsity Church, New York, the
wealthiest and moat intweedial
okureb In the Vatted States, rece.tlY
made the matter the text of a ser -
era that has been quoted far and
Manning gave a most dire -
(Te warm days bring to mind the de-
light of Edwards' ice cream.
Buses meet all trains. Passen-
gers called for in any part of the
townfor ^"•"^i^^
trains on
d. i. R.oCSP•roR.
Prompt attention to all orders01
telephone calls.
Seed horses Fird.clau tits
ti. R. STOWE
oral tu.aage sunk amounted approxi-
mately to 13.100 tons daily.
A fortnight ago, It was 1,400'100x
daily, and last week 3,000 tons dally.
These, he declared, were satisfac-
tory Mures, and the spier would be
completely beaten when the British
and Americans got their large Seel■
of de.troYe rs on the water.
The ,g rent body of the EngUsh na-
tion faits to realise how near Mus-
tard came to Irretrievable downer
because of the German U-boats, said
Frederick George Kellaway, secre-
tary to the Minister of Munitions,
speaking at Midlands. In discussing
the submarine peril Mr. KellawaY
"The U-boat is still one of the
greatest perils against which the
Allies have to fight. Those who sup-
pose we shall ever be able to abolish
these risks are living 1n a fool's pars-
dise. But, thanks to the aavy, our
losses are beteg brought to within
limits which the Allies can bear with-
out flinching. Recent returns show
the leu of munition ships from sub-
marine warfare are only about a
Quarter of what they were when the
ly warning when he told his making
U-boat campaign was at its hetes .
tines v beware either of itbout There have been weeks recently
[hemsefv'ss, or of allowing, wlthou/ I wben the Germans failed to sink a
single ton of munitions."
Telephone 51 Successor to T. M. Davis
It Has Proved a Revelatien
—To Millions of Tea Drinkers
Rich in Flavor -- Absolute in Pturity.
Sealed Packets Only . e 1 TRY `-.I T !
al ck Gr li► or Mixed 1 .4106
Mrs- W. Young, Mrs. J. McLeod. Miss A• 1
Shirrsy, Mies C. Shtrrsy, Mrs. Danceys
Miss Annie Andrews. 4 pairs each: Mrs.
J. McMath, Miss Matheson, Miss White. I
1 , Miss P. Fraser. Mn. Bishop, Mts.'
Ball, Mn. Holt, Miss M. Clark, Mn. C. I
Girvin, Mrs. Morrish. Mrs. S. Andrew's.
Mrs. Goldthorpe, sr., Mrs. G. C. Hill. 3
pairs each; Mrs. % . Foster (Port Albert),
Miss J. Lynn, Mrs. Macklin, Miss H.
Coolie, Mrs. A. Murray. Mrs. Ball, Mrs.
Hindu, Min A. Driver, Miss S. Dark.
Mn. A. Davidson. Mrs. 13. Saults, Mn.
P. MacEwen, u., Mrs. Bullard. Mrs. Ed.
Farr. A Friend, Mrs. W. J. McCreath,
Mies O'Rourke. Mrs. Wm. Lee, 2 pairs
each; Mrs. Carne. Mrs. R. Clark. Mss
Sharman, Mrt J. R. Craigie. Miss Tiffin.
Miss C. Dark. Mrs. Rhyras, Miss Holt.
Mrs. Jos. Griffin. A Friend. Mrs. S. E.
Hick, Mrs.. D. Marwick, Mrs. Stirling.
Miss Stirling, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Jotin
Chisholm, Mrs. H. J. A. Maawan, Mrs.
a — et Elliott, Mci McCartney.
W. J. McNevin, Mies Lawrence, Mrs.
Wm. Make, 2 pillowslips. � SwaJ. Mrs. Tancott, 1 Lawrence,
Ashfield Soldier' Aid Circle The thanks of the AshhNd Soldiers' Aid { Yarn m,y be had at Nodpeac Bros.'
The A h[kno $&les tt re Circle Circle are duce the following knitters for store m Saturday, and a nein` will be
e where 10
gratefully acknowledges the receipt of April and Mak Mrs. Isaac Andrew.lZ pat a pied in the window telling Ma of Kingsbridge:
of o �t 10 Mrs. 1 4
c1 70 from the ladies of heir socks. Mn. Henry. parrs: obtain it ter.
hanks t 147 3O Pfe Bennett. r Mrs. Wm Blake Mrs. Wm. Socks are still the most needed article
sial at Port Albert, and tot gE3t3 40. Sherwood! Miss Maine, Mrs T. Shackle- for our soldier boys. Will those having
proceeds of entertainment at Sheppard- ton. !t pairs each; ,Mrs. H. Johnston, Mn• yam kindly return the socks as soon as
tort. Wm. Johnston, 7 Onus tachy Mn Eby• possible? There n still a quantity tf
follow' ladies for 1 M D )ohneton hand for willing knitters
hlcWhtnruey, ter Mary
each; Mrs. T.
D Soothers, Mr. John Med MaY Saunders• Mrs. Jahn Saunders. tethering dialogue took Place tetwxn a
Helm Mr T Dougherty. 2 shirts each: Mrs. Wm. McKnight. Mrs. Jas. Hayden, avgeant and one of the boys called up to I
Preach Occupy Ridges and Capture
Many Prisoners.
PARIS. July 0.—In an attack
Moaday, northwest of Long Post.
French troops advanced about two-
thirds of a mile along • front of
nearly two miles, occupying impor-
tant positions and captering 347
prisoner, according to the War Of-
fice announcement last night. The
text of the statement reads:
"South of the Aisne our troops'
this morning attacked esemy posi-
tions In the outskirts of Reis Forest.
In the region northwest of Long
Post. Oa a front of about three kilo-
etres we advanced ao Detthe
occupying CbavigaY lard[
ridges north and south of that farm.
The unwounded prisoners counted up
to the present number 347, including
C.I.R. Tourist t
Cars sesw Coifed
to the Trarella
The Interior b sows 5t wore wodu,e
tf�rlla{ppdatoest th.a the s..1d
'��aa 'he�sl�law e. tea° Mortis.
rr: a ``lass MS t . nary _pleas.
repp•afaa =wrier Is s`eta`e'
we.eu--c. rote was . tp.t t•
u cork coarposittoe `.oras
sowed ..A .tocriw ..dr lon.
r err
smoking tot
runlet; water. ate. are
emend clamp rata
way also
occupy these car., and tkt Car
b stege available t, Vaasa. bow
10 p la
IU� p w. Yood.y•. wed.ead.1•
1J 10.y5 Le Maoism and pouts eat.
For Tickets. (tesen•atlons. Idter--
ature and information. apply�sin•
J. W. Cralde, insurance. Ood
{oh. or write
1. 1. P'abroorro
O.P.A.. SS King
Thsrike are due the Ing Mrs Willson rem, ms. good yarn on
`nein&� Mr. Henry Gardner, b idoirts: 6 in each; Mrs. Wm- Soothers. Mies -- Any mss with motheaten ideal simply
Mrs John Quaid, 4 shorts; Miss Ethel Ida Hackett,Mrs. J. Ritchie. S pairs each;
Some Religion. has to bb opinions.
M M Y Alton. 3 shirts J Woods• Miss Tilly Woods. At 'ting office the other dkY the
Mrs. 1'011 McKnight. Mrs. Jar. E. Ritchie, sera A Gordon, Mrs John McKenxte, o r.r,nrt-
Mrs. D. Mcllwain, Mrs. Rd. Gardner,
r.. a Jas.�_A
Mrs Geo Hunter Mrs Albert Helm. D Anderson Miss Mary Cunningham.! .,Wier...
M . Tilos. McDonald. Miss Sar Maize. "Wlieelbarrer
D. Strours, Mrs. Jas.Culbert.
It>t'rs. Wm. Blake. Mrs. W. FwlaY• Miss Mina Hazel Gardnrr. Mrs. C. McDonagh.
Rae Stothers, Miss Isobel Nixon. Mrs. rs
M Mrs. Thos. Dougherty. 4 each; Mrs. Hemet No — fowler}' 1�'hat ant do
Nixon. Mrs. Mrs J. Bunter. Mrs. R. D. Johnston. sr., Mrs. W. r T. Gardner, (yam �kmg to'
Nixon. Mrs. Carey, Mr.. J. Hayden, Mr. Mrs. Wm. Carey. Mrs. J. P. Campbell, I ,•Wrbeelbarrer''
J. Bennett, jr., Mrs. U. McWhinney. Miss Mary Helm. Mn. J. Alton. Mrs• E. ••Well, what sort of a — religion is
Mrs Dwyer, Mots M Caird. Miss M. Gard min, Herb tlirran Mrs Wm 1 .
� Saunders, Mrs. Mary ' t .
Thanks are due also for making pyjaDw3 each: Mrs. John Saunders where.'
man: Mn. John ' to s its. Mr. Robert iggma, ,
John Mullen, is er, posted y citizen
Mrs. Roy Alton. hits. Chas. Crawford. N Cupningham. Mrs. John Helm. Mrs. of Walkerton to his son overseas in
Miss Ethel Brown. 3 suits each. Mrs John Soothers, Mr. Hy. Mullen, Mr, September, 1910. has just reached the
Bert McWhinney, Mrs. Bert lolinton• John Mullen. A Friend, Mrs. Jas. Lane• rent aftera wild goose chase all ov er 1
Miss Marie Hawkins, Mrs- John Bennett. Mrs. J. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Ben.Tackaberry, Europe for nosily two years. It blah
jr., Mrs. Flank Willis, Miss Janet Hackett. 'Z',;"'. Geo Free. Miss Alma Free. Mrs. caught up to him last month in the Medi-,
2 each; Mrs Geo.Johnston, Miss DatsY 1 Bek Mra las• Mcllwain, Mrs. t��n. The envelope bears no fewer
Johnston Miss H. Hayden. Mrs. N. Wills. Mrs. µe3 Echlin, Mr. Gilbert than ten postmarks of different coi ntrie i
Graham, Mrs. W. Finlay,Mrs• Vint, 'l pairs each; Mrs' Geo. Twamky, ' and needless to say It will c
W. G. Gardner. Mrs. John Reid, Miss M. Johnston.Mrs Jas. Clarkson, as a souvenir of war times
Mrs. E. Gardner, 1 each. r Mrs. Robert McKeith, Mrs. Jake Hunter,
To Mr. Albert Alton, donations i1. ,0, Mrs. W H Maize, Mrs. Alex. Woods, I —.---
Smith (Nile). 1 shut each. , Mrs. Nat. Gott`: be pushed before 1 go any
(a Obeli 6 eta Mrs H Mies Lixzte Hdm
M Ik Mrs. I Ikiugherty, 4 suits; M E Andrews. Mrs. M. Gardner, A kit ted b a prominent
and to the ladies for the towel shower: Miss Gwen Texhpkton, Mise Ida Hawk -
Mrs. Jos. Hackett, 4: Mrs. Wm. •
Blake, iris Mss Marie jiawkira Mrs. Peter
Mrs. D. K. Alton. Mrs. W' 111 Finlay, Cook Mrs. (-serge Gibourt, Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. W. T. Gardner, Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, Ritchie. Mrs Thos Hetm• Miss M. Glen, 1
Mrs. Ernest Gardner, Mrs. John Helm. Mrs. W.J. Hitll. Iso
pair each.
MrsRd Gardner Mrs. Henry Gardner,
Mrs. John Blake. Mrs. Albert Helm,
Mrs. c Stothers, Mrs. Wm. Pep- ---
Rd M W'h alley Mrs Jas. Phil-
lipe. Mrs. Mary of ors, Many thanks are due the following
per. Mn. Thos. Dougherty, Mrs John
contributors of tacks : Mr. Reynolds. 18
pairs: Miss 5. Clark, A Friend. 12 pairs
each: Mrs. W. L. Horton. 11 pairs; Mrs
Button, 10 pairs; Mrs. Woods. 7 pain:
Miss Farrow, Miss E. Footer (Port Al-
berti, Mrs. D. Ferguson, Mrs. McKim,
Burkholder, 6 pairs each; Mrs. J
tour officers "
the trench attack this week Stothers. Mrs. D. Andrew• Mrs.
instant protest, others to make, ad, southwest of Solasoes, In oae of the Ferguson. Mr. Ed. Andrew. Miss Hazel
verse comparisons between the cour- I quarry caves which ars common is Gardner. tet eta. B. Gra . Mrs.
r .Jon,
d the fighting efficiency of the this district. the Preach ca tureu •
Mrs. John McKenzie, Mrs. A. Gordon,
age sa
Dratnational mini`s that aro al- I whole battalion stat[, with a en re � Mary, Alton l towel each.
- - u ^ 4141`- m. a mrib . Win. Blake.
•+0 r Reed the Germans er NITS.
tip e purpose
German propaganda ;$ Ur fro k !G t Will Hasty, 2 Arista each: Mr sheet
purses` pt• kbps` who sten ea thenad l min n &ops, olt u
this sort of talk, and Its `feet, (01 00 tion advanetng troops, ..whereupon , Finlay. bur. 7itns. ()pugh to
it Is not Ineffectual, s to substitute ' promptly disarmed the omcer and each: Mrs. John h'lenar10 towels: MM.
i be p I Rd Gardner, 7 towels each; Mrs. Thos.
distrust for oonadence among the stgaal•d his ow
rev a He 1 la �yr
lied In the conflict with Germany aad personnel, Including the --- see -
Thanks are due also for making 'n1' `• Clark. Mrs. John Sturdy. 5 pairs each;
her vassals. o was quite
right se and telephone and ambulance sec- Zion W M. S•, 3 mattress covers. Mrs Achpairi Mn.
aarin7r haat to do either of these , lions down to the regimental cook. Leslie McKeith. Mrs. Chat Crawford. I Mrs. Morris. Mrs. R. J. l in-p—�4 Pat them deg`a`s re- who proved himself tp t�e�o�rtori"eq I mattress cover; i Sharman, Mrs. C. C. Lee. etre. AnstaY•
� �6Si When Mrs. Thea Ferguson,
crepe 70II 1 cii La toq� rete• • Mrs W H Mara., irs. I --
t I4 most 1nf�'oZA Ts� T�� ¢ sheet*. each; Mrv, �. Garda
n surrender In the 1 Dougherty Mrs. Thos. Ferguson. Mrs.
hereby saving many cWhinne 2 towels: Mrs. John
forces that have combined to save customary way, t Dave M Y
the world from the horrors of Teti- Wes on both sides. Dave Mce, 1 towel.
tools domination. It is to revive an. Thanks to the girls &[Cedar Valley for
.teat only
and Jealousies, and HEIGHTS WERE SEIZED. 17 property hags Miss Mary Alton, 6
It r only a new varlpnt of a Plan W
t bile worked only too tell
personal property bags: Mrs. ill Finlay,
French Strike In 5 personal property hairs, Miss C.
lase and Airs. Carey. 3
that for w
in credulous
a that charge
TIMI I Dougherty, 9 trench caps; pering to credulous ears the charge Albania. quilts. Leslie McKeith,
that the troops of one or another I LONDON. July 9. — Italian tomes i Donations: Mrs.M. hospital towels:
racial strain were systematically put •perating on the extreme left wing 3 pillowslips and 2ow li Mrs
to the most ve the liv Dtffa and of the allied line In Albania have . Mrs. Chas. Ritchie. 4 p . ps:
to ave the lives of favored {bash .Mrs. Rd.
companions in arms. That particular struck card al Austrun positions David, Andrew. 3 pit ppss
' accusation has been rarely heard of along the Voiusa (Vojutsa) river,' McV,Riney, Mrs. Alex. Woods, Mrs.
' late, and nobody took it seriously which Sows into the Adriatic about1
a ' when what probably was the last at- 20 miles north of the town of Av-
' tempt to excite dissatisfaction in Ibis lona, one of the most important
way among our negro`` promptly places In South Albania. Vienna ad Too Nervous
ended in a declaration by the color- mita that the Austrian "abeam/el
is have been withdrawn to their I
M soldier themselves that they were
honored, not wronged, when they
were trusted to hold important sec-
tors at the front.
That, of course. is the feeling lot
every real man who goes to war, and
apprectatlon ot the fact is now so
nearly general that it has been neces-
sary tor the secret propagandists to
devise a new method of creating dis-
cord among the Allies. They try to
do It by praising this or that army
at the expense of another. The an-
swei to it b obvious --Il Is verities
I on every battlefield and in all the
casualty lista. No men can do more
than tight till they die, and there b
not one race engaged In the war that Iles manning` over the mountains
has not done that again and again. � Into Macedonia might be necessary.
Ot noble rivalry there U mash among , ,roe fighting north of Avlona has
ia. opted a rIml t Ignoble e Jealousy been going on for at least three
aad brae rthere o meion at home ar pt days, which indicates that It may be
the Add them cornea nine smart
from enemies and their dupes.
In Germany's of whis-
Owing to the scarcity of
Coal, and the fact that
sales have. of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
MacEwan Estate
main positions." This report from
Austrian headquarters probably re-
fers to the action mentioned in the
Trench omcial statement on SundaY I
sight. It was said by the War Office
at Paris that French and Italian
forma had seised heights In Western
Albania aad had held them against
Although the movement is as yet
sot fully developed, it may be that
serious offensive operation has
The Singer Sewing Machine
Agent, has taken oder the
agency of the
International Harvester
an Beasihon Street
and will Oundle both lines
Falun Machinery and
Singer Sawing Machines
A fair .hare of the public pet-
ronage will he apprletiattd.
been initiated there. Italian naval
vessels would be able to co-operate
With the land forces and If the line
1s mashed back a very great din'
tease, a re -location of the enemy
Terrible Norway Among Serbs.
Neuter's Agency has received from
the erriblean aloaner ■ustainedurce figures bythe
Serbian population of Somata.
1a the three year, 1016, 1816 and
1017, there were 160,814 drubs, of
which 66,042 were those of ebildren
under ten years of age. Of time
.111.867 were Infants under a year
old, 31,018 from one to Ove yeas,
10,111 from five to tan.
Whereas before the war there
were from 36,000 to 10.000 birds
.ensiderae bllbirth-rats
tthau been
there were 4,641 more deaths than
births. In 1116 the excess a deaths
amountedover births
La e Ont haltof 1017 toy
Use 7,104.
more than a were local action.
Want Pirates Released.
Norm Wrecked by Aocident
Was. Afraid to Go in a Crowd
or to Stay Alone—Tells
Of His Curs.
:after Measles
Whooping Cough
or Scarlet Fever
the extreme weakness often results in
impaired hearing. weakened eyesight.
bronchitis and other troubles. but if
Scott's Es•w/sion is given promptly.
it carries strength to the organs
and creates rich blood to build
up the depleted forcesI
Chadrm 11.1., os. Scott's ! 144s0.
Pres how Harstul Dress
k i
City Renders riictia- m
T Is sot otter that
the residents of a
clt7 kayo as peer.
Twits of •.•tag tarm-
operatloaa es a
seats earned oa
t at their own
. Eves 1■ West-
ern ("Asada. where
Modred, of thouiaads
of acres of virgin land
ore beteg turned over
bad cultivated 1a or -
Per to raise Increased
icreps of wheat and
they teed grains to
pply the needs of '
Allies, the epec-
seaml ud y tae
llamas of (bwry
1►erta, recently was
unusual one. Not
— teem the centre of
Eeltahem t • mile
mess tielty haft to
rtes., exact—two
uatred acres of va-
t Isad were to be
tinder the plow.
• use sf the land
hoes granted to
• rity of Calgary
through the courtesy
of the Canedtaa Pa-
,cf& Railway Com-
pany. the owners.
Hut how was such a
tract of land to be
plowed when all avail-
able machinery was
b.tng used to the ut-
most capacity In the
country; when the de-
mand for all kinds of
asaohlnsry Is 80 great
that It cannot be de-
livered to the farmers
Slut bneugh. Tbat was
the wrestles asked by
many of the city fath-
ers. The Im►tsmeat
sem ?sales came to
the resa.4 A day was
rot wine the work
Iboodd be began. Tele -
'and telegraph
were put late operation. And
P8' the tale est seventeen tractors and
tbs requisite plows and other Halite.
Emote ware t together. One large
erector roll sixty miles over the
*sentry In order to partielpatP In the
' event
N&.dont has `nth an array of farm
eacktsary hose conc•ntested on an
area of two hundred scree. Never.
perkapa. ham such an area been brok.
is and cultivated in shorter time
Although tier wee no competlttsa
oil engaged were animated by the
mond they were doing in tap thuse of
greater peodw•tl n Furthermere, the
machinery was wasted in the coca.
try. and It must not tarry In the city.
Uafortneatele rain prevented the
work being eompl.ted 1. ass day, an
aehlevenseet whleb, if it had been
accomplished. would se donbt have
esnatttutact • record not easily one -
A erep of oatspotatoes aad Oar Is
mew grown ors the Inti lad It It
. • imbed- hoped Hist tbM will sa4 cesdderehly
Opel M tet NMtNINs Hew M earnestly desir.d. The 111.stratlaaa
Much sympathy was tilt in this city
for Mr. Dorsey, who met with • ills -
tromping accident when his toot was
smashed In an elevator.
eras so great that nervous e
Mr.Dor.sY wasn
e pitiable condition for a long time.
He was Into a child in that he re-
quired his mother's oars nearly all
the time. Me feared • crowd. could
not stay alone and could not ■Jeep
Decade. of the weakened and excited
condition of his nerves.
Detroit doctors did what they could
LONDON. July 0.—It Is rumored I for him, but he could not get bac
in well -Informed circles that one ot ' strength and vigor until he fortunate -
the hitches in the negotiations for 11 hoard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
the exchange of prisoners at The It le no mere accident that Dr.
Hague in Germany's insistence to ob- 1 Chas.'s Nerve Food proves to be ex-
tant the release of three of her ablest licitly what L needed 1n so inane cases
■ubo.arloe commanders. This with of exhuaumed nerves. lst»diemsh It 1t composed
the Idea that these officers will be toterm new blood and create emquires t clent In attacking transports new nerve Lemon. For this macre 1t
tarrying American troops. Tes In- cannot tail and for fhb reason It suc-
fonnation is sent to the Times by an reals when ordinary nodtctnawtanl.v
anonymous correspondent.
Neighborly Borrowers.
All good neighbors like to borrow
seearionally from each other. bet
what oar oae do with the drabber
who mates a practice of getting bey
supplies from you and never makes
any return? "I once laugh & lirSo want-
edneighbor," she says,
ed to wear my new kat to town be-
fore L bad worn It myself, that 1
would Tend her anything bet my
otetkes.'• This borrower took her
god -sutured victim at her word, and
among the list of things she soon
borrowed were entree, reseal. louwhlch
vinegar, soap and pent
last were regar Ind aa too small ever
to bother about briefing hack, while
most of the other cats(* were "tor -
gotten "
Domtnlon Tar was quietly cele- j
brated in Toronto.
Another draft of Polish troops.
wbering 303, left Niagara Camp.
Doi. C. Starr tells of an Italian t.-
veotion to make artificial limbs work
Like real ones.
waslomas fatally bu
rned em, of Blen-
ed whlle ile-
tag gasoline fee cleaning. sutt.rtng
Injuries' for aux hours.
Submarines attacked • transport
which /tarried the disabled **Idlers
011ie relished home euaday.
The list of those who sailed on the
LAandovers Castle was yeoeved from
overseas by the Militia'Deportee/mt.
The finest postal futilities In Can-
ada will be established is the new
Ireton Station. Toronto. postmaster
W. B. Lemon annousoed se the esti-
Tertian of postal clerks.
Might members of the Royal Air
Porto aro ander arrest charged with
theft and no(t•a*the7. together110tamped
►y tieing
eliding out of aa upper wisdom'.
Mr. Laurence B. Dorsey. es About
street. London, Ont., writes
three years ago I get
In an elevator In Detroit. which
c I om-
pbtely wrecked my
toed with the doctors there, but they
did not eesm to be able to help me.
My nerves were In such a state that I
l piece whed not go re
the se was aa• crowd
motherSometimes my
sit and watch over me at night. and
sometimes I could not got ens' sleep
at all. tut one day last winter 1 com-
=lineal using Dr. Chase's Nerve Flied.
ed hes I cid �pae41R•uarothe
my condition. 1 continued using them
pills for some time. Th• rerun was
splendid. I feel so nn t out better, fah
sleep well at night, tion the
street and attend gatherll tied to he
rent of people. I am es p
able to tell you what Dr. Cha•.'• Nerve
food has done for me. see to reams -
mend It t• other people."
• Nerve !o• 1, I0 c/t.Is
� • If ..-4matmayit Of t betel telt
at all dMNrs or ildmanaos.
Utile • Ce . Lima84.Temente Da
net be talked Into f
tube. tints/Wee' se
W I111Full line of Electrical
and let hint tell you what it will
Phone gaea/g • TAIT Ph
193 THE ELEtTRI('IA' !tl
Electric Supplies of all kinds
always ou hand.
Nest •tient—next to Post Off0('e
nater Proiaefia
skew the
wert•rs ea Use /and.