HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-11, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE
The place that RENDERS as well as advertises SERVICE
of the right kind.
We advertise only what we can deliver.
East Street Garage "Owned sad Operated by a
Practical Man'
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
For'Good Reliable Slot
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 East Scree. Oppowc Knox Church
Gine Us a Trial
Hair Ornaments
We have everything in plain and
fancy Back Combs. Front Combs.
Barrettes, Side Combs, Bone Hair
Pins in Shell. Amber and Grey.
Hair Nets in all shades.
A good line of pearl. jet and colored
Beads, Brooches, Earrings and Beauty
Come in and see for yourself.
Smith's Art Store
East street \ 'Phone 10t3
/utoria'School Examinations.
The following reputes were omitted from
the report of \'ictata school promotions
published last week:
From Sr. 111. to Jr. IV. -Tom Gundry,
Norval Wilson.
seen in the West."
At the Harbor.
The Goderich Elevator Co. has received
two ar nee this. week -the Granville A.
Rich�rdsun, 125.000 bushels of wheat and
oats,' Ind the John Owen, 110,000 bush
els of wheat.
The yacht Sinbad was in pat tot tau
or three days on her way from Detroit to
the Georgian Bay with a pkamre party.
Owing to lack of wheat. the Big/ Mill
has closed down until the new crop is
North Huron Literal Convention.
The Liberal convention to name a
candidate to contest the North Huron
Provincial seat will be held in the town
hall, Wingham, on Thursday, July 25th.
commencing at 2.30 o'clock p. m. All
Liberals. ladies or gentlemen, whether
regular delegates or not, will be heartily
welcomed to tbe meeting.
Tag Day Results.
The gratifying sum of 8325 for Alex-
andra Marine and General hospital was
the result of the 1st of July tag day. The
Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. E., which or-
ganized the effort, wishes to thank all
who contributed or assisted in any way,
particularly the captains and their assist-
ants, and Messrs. Strickland and Bell for
'their courtesy in counting the money.
H. 0. 8. Picnic.
I The Huron
on Old Boys' Association of
Toronto has issued an announcement of
its excursion to be run on Wednesday,
July 24th. to Niagara Falls and Queens -
ton Height* via Canada Steamship Co.
, and International Railway. The annual
picnic and games will be held at Queens -
ton Heights, near Brock's monument,
where also addresses of patriotic nature
will be delivered during the afternoon. _
Maple Creek District in bad Shape.
Our former townsman Mr. A. B. Davi-
son, of Maple Creek. Sask., writing to re-
new his subscription to The Signal says:
"The Maple Creek district is in very bed
shape from drought and high winds. The
crops (with the exception of a little green
feed, will be a total failure. There has not
been so much high wind during the past
ten years as there has been this last spring.
It has blown almost every day for four
months. June 10th was the worst I have
The Good
Old Summer Time
This is holiday time.
Vou wit` need a new suit
for your vacation trip,
and you cannot do better
than come right here for
it. We have new goods
for suits and light over-
coats that we should like
to show you, and we
guarantee satisfaction in
cut and Workmanship.
R. J. A rmstrong
Smith Side Square, (ioderich.
on tete Huron road. An ap 'r
spoon u( the scythe would be in or .
Dr. Forster, eye, ear. nose and throat
list, will be at the Bedford House,
Drowned at Hanna, Alta.
Mr. S G. Harrington, manager of the
Sterling Bank, has been bereaved by the
death of his brother. Mr. J. N. Harring-
ton, who was drowned on the 1st of July
whale swimming at Handhills Lake, at
Hanna, Alberta, The body was brought
to his parental home a( Ancaster, Ont-,
where the funeral took place on Tuesday
of this week. Mr. S G. Hamngten. went
to the old horse at Ancaster on learning of
his brother's death and also was present
at the funeral. The deceased young man,
who was unmarried, was engaged with the
Continental Life insurance Company.0•+�
Gift and Good Wishes.
On Wednesday evening of last week the
members of St. Peter's church choir
called at the residence of Mrs. W. H.
Bullard. their organist and choir director,
and agreeably surprised her by presenting
her with a kindly -worded address, accom-
panied by a gift of 820. The address ex-
pressed warm appreciation of Mrs Bul-
lard's services. regret at her intended de-
parture from town, and kind wishes for
the continued happiness and prosperity of
herself, her husband and sun. After a
pleasant social evening light refreshments
were served by the choir.
The day whets vai houeht your
glasses "any oid place" is gone'
Present-day intelligence -t/on't
permit you to trifle or gamble on
good vision.
1f you need glasses you need the
knowledge and service which should
go with the best. \
Here you get just freest
want -glasses plus
on Wednesday. the 17th inst..
from 7 p. in., to Thursday, the 18th, at
1 p. tn.
The watch advertised as lost in last
week's Signal was left at this office on
Monday and was duly returned to the
owner. It pays to advertise in The
Signal. �•
Miss McIntosh, of the Chautauqua
bureau. is asking the school children to
be at Victoria school next Monday, from
3 tp 4 Ut lock with the hsr parents , for an
hour of story -pelting.
Mr. Dan. H. Martin, of Wh(techurch,
has a plan for increasing production
which should interest farmers. Photo-
graphs illustrating Mr. Martin's scheme
are on view C, C. Lee's store window.
Wasn't pansy adopted a few years
'ago ss .ch's emblematic flower?
Yet one sees very few beds of pansies
about town. There is one in front of a
house on the Huron road with a very at-
tractive assortment of bloom.
A walk through the northeast section of
the town reveals many well -kept and
thriving gardens. The people in that
part of the town are doing their share in
the greater production movement. There
are several good garden plots in the Tilt
survey, between the Huron and Bayfield
Purchased for Children's Shelter.
The committee of the county council
appointed to deal with the question of a
Children's Shelter 'for the county has
selected, from among the properties of-
fered for the purpose, the former A. Mc -
D. Allan residencepurchased fromm owner,
which is being p
Mr. P. J. Ryan. for 82.400. The county
is to secure possession October 1st. The
house is of two stories, white brick, with
good large rooms. and the property in-
cludes two lots. The place teems to be
very well fitted for the purpose for which
it is being acquired, and it will be gener-
ally agreed that the committee has made
e good purchase.
Underich Wins Again.
The girls and boys of our town are
showing an example of patriotic service
that is highly commendable. Miss Mary
Parsons. daughter of the genial president
of the Board of Trade, handed to the Red
Cross ward treasurer on Monday sixty-
six cents, the proceeds of a concertiven
by her and some girl friends. These
young Immo( Goderich propose to con-
tinue these concerts during the summer
and earn more money for patriotic pur-
poses. Well done. Mary: we wish you
Some of the boys a'so are earning and
avis money for the Red Triangle fund.
Mr. Elliott has received eight dollars
from GeQrgs Matheson and three'doltars
from Gordon and Kenneth Ford. Other
boys are saving tip but have not yet
made any payment their bonds. It
looks as if George w uld be first to get
his bond. Hurry up s, if you want
to get in ahead.
derives its name from the ci
deaux, in France. as it was in
yard district surrounding this pia
it was first found useful. Thereto
name gives no indication as to wha
gredients are present in its corn
tion. Our interest in Bordeaux mixtu
in this country is from the fact that it
has been found useful as a preventive
of the blight on potatoes. The vines
should be sprayed two or three times
during tbe season. Don't wait until the
blight appears to spray. but commence
before, as this mixture is not a cure. only a
preventive. As us about Bordeaux
mixture. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Gude-
The Goderich baseball nine went to
Clinton yesterday to play the return
game and came back w th Clinton's scalps
tied to their belts. The score was 5 to 2.
Lumby twirled for Goderich and
had the Clinton batters hypnotized all
through the game. The teams were:
Goderich-W. Babb, s s; H. Aitcheson.
r f; F. Townsend, lb; W. Doyle, a 1; B.
Townsend. 2b; J. Doyle, c; T. John;ton.
I f; W. Lumby, p: J. Hume. 3b.
Clinton -R. Cooper. 3b; A. Glazier, I f;
G, Tomlin, c It; T. Hawkins. c; 0. Mur-
phy 2b; C Draper s s; M. McNeil, p;
G. Pickett, r f: H. Hill, lb.
Score by innings:
Goderich .2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0-5
Clinton 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2
Aral IV!l t
i4 AND Piro"
MID At NI rose orri:t
Gi. ELPH. O•+•
- AND -
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, J1I<.T 17 and 18
Show starts 8.30 - - Admission 20c
Resorts in Ontario
HAi.A (.duskoka I.a'bes)
FRENCH RiVER (French and Pickerel Rivers)
POiNT AU BARIL (Georgian Bay R4 -sort..)
HOBCAYOEON (Kawartha takes)
SMITH'S FALIJ4 (Rideau !Alcoa)
SEVERN RiVER (Gloucester Pool)
HON ECHO (Lake Matinee-). Etc.
Sommer Tourist Fares is Elect
Partienl*re from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents
W. B. HOWARD, Dietr(ct Palseneer Agent, Toronto
i , 1
Tav>tflniv, jviv 11, 1914 l•
Arctic Explorer Makes Startling
Pelota Who Are Not Ter, Fond ed
ltleariUness N'ill Be Plewaed to
Yaow That t'ilhjalnur Melees -
eon Hods That 1t 1s Not
Eeaentlal to Good Health
-Attacks the OW He11et
to the Contrary.
IT U not essential to ose's health
that ear bathe frequently, ac-
cording to the bypothes's ex-
pounded by Vllh$almur Rtctaue-
son, the Arctic explorer, in a ph110-
sopbleal discuaeton of scurvy, In a
recent issue of the Medical Review of
Reviews. Yr. Stefaeeeon asserts
bathing is purely an esthetic prla-
clple and that the value of eloeail-
aees to health has not been estab-
lished by the medical practitioners.
Id r. Stelaneson'Ft pronouncement
will be greeted with jubilatio■ ty
Board of Trade Appointment.
The executive committee of the Board
of Trade has held several meetings for the
purpose of engaging a permanent secre-
tary. but so far an appointment his not
been made. Arrangements were made
with a London man to visit the town and
have a personal interview with the com-
mittee. but he failed to come and instead
sent a letter asking further information
and apparently indicating some doubt of
his ability to fill the requirements An
Ingersoll man has interviewed members
of the Board, and inquiries have been
wide in other directions, and it is hoped
tri snake an appointment soon so that the
work of the newly -organised Board may
be proceeded with.
At a meeting of the executive commit-
tee on Friday last a resolution was passed
instructing the secretary to convey to the
committee in charge of the Dominion
Day celebration an expression of the
hearty appreciation of the Board
of Trade for the successful manner in
which the day's program had been car-
ried out.
of Bor-
e that
in -
AP1TAL • ' LSLRVE - •,4i00.00
L Asi�T>! — 111 OO
National demands make It essential that more
cattle be raised immediately. " We must go en
or go ander " -the sweat way to go under b by
not keeping the Allied armies fed.
The profit of raising cattle 1s snoem.sw oa
account of the pike• now prevailing and pekes
will continue high even after the war.
Rafe more cattle as a duty to the nation end
your bank account. 1f financial help is requited,
consult our local manager:
F. WOOLLCOMBE, . - Manager.
A latter Flogs ire Al,.
Where on earth do you think I am?
To tell you the honest truth, I'm not
on earth at a11. I am 5,000 feet in
the air! All alone! The engine is
making such a noise that I can't hear
myself think, but it is very smooth
up here at 5,000 feet, so i can run
the bus with my left band and write
10 you with my right! 1 ass brgtn-
slog to think that 1 am some aviator
now, because I can go up and write
letters In the air.
1 just received your chocolates to-
day. They have followed sae all over
England, and finally got hen. There
le a little box on the lastruesent-
board of this plane, and it it are six
or seven chocolate gumdrop. which 1
shall eat.
The 0lpbt commander sent tae op
and said, "Fly around for aa hour•';
se here i am, with a board oa one
hoer to write on. Isn't this a novel
letter? -Atlantic.
thele Pesnywlse Naps:
Some men solemnly whittle a stick
and seem to think they ars simplag
Rev. W. A., (lpnton. a( Tomato. Will
preach at both services at - the Baptist
church on Sunday.
The Sabbath school of Knox church
5111bold its annual picnic on Wednesday
of next week at Mrs. A. P. McLean's,
Huron road.
The service at Knox church next Sab-
bath morning sill be conducted by Rev.
Jas. Hamilton. In the evening the Pas-
tor's subject will be "The Royal Life.
Rev. E. F. Armstrong. of W ingham,
preached in North street Methodist church
last Sunday and was heard with much in-
terest and pleasure. 1t was the annual
Flower Sunday. and the Sunday school
had a prominent place in the morning
Sergt.-Major Dean, ot\Teronto. will be
at the Salvation Army citadel Friday
evening of this week. Sergt.-Major Dean
was through the Boer war and has trav-
elled in many lands and has ad interest-
ing story to tell. Meeting commences at
8 p. m.
The services in North street Methodist
church will be conducted next Sunday by
the pastor. Rev. Dr. Rutledge. Morning
subject: -Strength for Weak Hands.
Evening: Running Away from God."
Men's Sunday Club meets in church par-
lor at 10 a. m.; subject for discussion,
'-What are the benefits of the class meet-
ing ?" Sunday school and Bible classes at 3
p. m. Visitors always welcome to all
Boys in Mischief at Benmiller.
Five boys were up in the Police Court
before Mr. C. A. Reid, J. P., on Friday
evening last, as the outcome of an escapade
at Benmiller the day before. The boys
were coming up from near Toronto to hoe
sugar beets at Arthur McNeil's farm in Col-
borne and when passing through Benmil-
kr their spirit of adventure led them in-
to mischief. They stayed at the village
only a little While, but mad* full use of
their time. They crawled through a win-
dow into the Orange Hall, broke open
several boxes, and abstracted some
Orange badges which they took along
with them Breaking into the school.
they picked up and carried away the
school flag. At the Temperance Hall
they contented themselves with breaking
a window ir so. but they entered the
church and broke open the door of the
library, although it is not thought any-
thing was removed.
On Friday evening, when the boys came
up in the Police Court, some of the Ben -
miller people were on hand to identify
the stolen articles. Damages and costs
amounted to 830.44, which sum was paid
by the man in charge of the boys and wiU
presumably be deducted from their
e elements which possess an In -
gr . wa dislike for hydrogen and
oxy a la proportions of two to one.
It ba been accepted as dogmatic by
the M lean pelados for years, who,
ser a re glows function, bathe only
on 8t. ahn's Day, which 1e cele-
braced early is ]lay.
"Much of what the ordinary prat- -
tltioner tells you about bathing tot -
health, is either not yet deesouig,'at- -
ed as true or else is demonstratably
untrue'," declare* lir. StefanW ser.
' The tact 1s that, according to the
point o view, cea t i 1 n)lnm' ie a mat-
ter of ..thence or rise of taboo ob-
Start a savings account for baby
Iby all means. That's for 1
baby's benefit; but have the
$baby photographed as soon as
That's for your I
1 Benefit.
We neves snow what 1 in store for
w and a pboce/raeh of baby s. he
n today may be mon preuous than
n,btei later on.
Parcels for Prisoners of War.
A notification has been received from
the British authorities to the effect that
the parcel post service for prisoners of
war in Turkey or Bulgaria i� at present
suspended. Until this serif is resumed
no parcels can be forwarded prisoners of
war in Turkey or Bulgaria, and persons
desiring to help prisoners of war in these
countries are advised to forward remit-
tances to them. These can be trent by
means of postoffice money orders. which
are issued free of commission. Particu-
New potatoes are on the market and
are selling at 90c a peck.
Tomorrow is the Twelfth of July. and
the local Orangemen will go to Hensall to
The fall term of the Clinton School of
Commerce will open Tuesday. September
A Toronto paper save that the first
nine days of July were the coldest for
this period since 1860.
Five cups of Salads cont only one cent •
The economyis obvious when compared
with the yield from low-priced, ordinary
A number of Goderich sports attended
the races at Mitchell yesterday. R. Mc-
Lean'. horse. Royal Dundee. won the 2.30
pace in three straight heats.
The regular monthly meeting of
Ahmeek Chapter. I. 0. D. E. will be held
in the jury room of the court house on
Monday. July 15. at 4.15 p m.
The Seaford branch of the Red Cross
Society intends holding its annual gard"n
party on Wednesday, August 14. Further
particulars will be announced later.
The weed inspector -if we have one in
Goderich---could find some magnificent
��jj sant
ni40 ty.
The Singer Store
/hr1,•," tatken 1,
Hemstitching, Accerdeoa Pleat-
ing, Embroidery, Scalloping
and Covered Betties.
The new mercerized cotton for
fancy sweaters. Booksotinstruct
Urine and needles.
Sllp-.e Veil's, Hair Nets, Par-
Ill rees, Hairpins, Sewing
Na!4ks ..d Pips.
rvance rather than of health. 'L
The explorer makes an apology in 4.1..m.• ...mmip
..m. j .........................ii
the article for his attack en medleal
orthodoxy by declaring he has been
divorced from medical books and
Journals for more than ten years.
Mr. Stetaneson wrote the treatise
while in the Arctic region In 1011.
On April 26 last he was reported as
dangerously 111 from typhoid fever on
Herschel !Oland.
Wrapping Oranges.
The orange -packing plants of the
Pacific coast have long employed
Caere, weighers, brushes, nail -ma-
chines, etc.. alt of which work auto-
matically, but until recently wrap-
ping was done by hand. A machine
has now appeared, however, which
automatically cuts and prints the
wrapping paper and wraps the
orange. Each machine wraps one
hundred oranges a minute, without
waste of paper or Injury to the frust.
and with perfect preeiuloo. Mechani-
c}1 hands pick up the fruit without
bruising the skin and plsee It on
conveyer belts. The wrappers already
cut and printed by the machine are
automatically fed on to the belt and
receive the fruit front the mechani-
cal bands. Then the machine -fold's
the wrappers around the oranges and
crimps them over the stem end es
tightly that the fruit can beirofled
over a rough Boor without u doing
ft. -Fancily Herald.
are simply kidney disorder.. The kidneys
filter the blood of all that shouldn't be
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes. If the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that lime. Therefore if your
blood is nut of order voile kidneys have
failed in their work. they are in need of
stimulation strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine will do all tbree, the fit,e.t
and mod imitated blood medicine there
Fruit -Jar Rlagn.
Rubber rings of inferior quality
and of improper sizes are held re-
sponsible for much of the spoilage
of canned goods the past year. B -
cause of a good deal of complaint the
Department of Agriculture carefully
investigated the 'pestle* and found
that many of the rings were not snf-
ficiently durable to be used la the
cold -pack method. Net only must
the rubber rings be able to with-
stand hot water and steam, bot they
must not enlarge very much when
heated. Rings for standard jars
should have an inside diameter of
234 In. and the width of the circular
band should be from % le % in.
Government investigators have
drawn wup a hich shave specifications
d tby
the manufacturer..
Ocean Salt.
The oceans oecupy three-fourths of
the surface of the earth. A mile
down in the tea the water has a pres-
sure of a ton to every square tech.
If a box .Ix feet deep was tilled with
sea water, which was then allowed to
evaporate., there would be two Indigo
of salt left in tbe bottom of the box.
Taking the avenge depth of the
wean to be three miles. there would
be a layer of salt four hundred and
forty feel thick eovertng the bottom.'
In ease all the water should evapor-
ate. in many places. especially In
the tar north, the water
frePurt from
the bottom upwar
t —Steadies nerves
2—Allays thirst
3—Aids appetite t
4—Helps digestion
5—Keeps teeth clean
6—It's economical
Keep the soldiers and
sailors supplied!
Chew It, atter every meal
The Flavour Lasts!