The Signal, 1918-7-11, Page 44 Tnolltt.DAY, JULY 11, 1918 ><1alCtartrilln/Ss Men's Warm Weather Clothing and Furnishings SALE OF SPORT SHIRTS On Saturday we put on sale the balance of our "Sport Shirts." These Shirts are just the kind for the warm weather. They look well and are so comfortable. Regular $1.75 values, for - $1.00 Men's and boys' Bathing Suits at $I.00, $ I.50, $1.75 and $3.50. Men's Balbriggan combination Underwear, at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50: Hokproof Silk Hosiery in gunmetal. Palm Beach and white ; a guarantee with each pair. Price 85c. Panama Hats, regular $4.00 and $5.00, on Satur- day $3.50. Palm Beach Suits. --The weave is porous and san- itary ; the garment is washable, durable, smart and shapely. Special price $12:50. WALTER C. PRIDHAM Borsalino Hats 20th Century and Art Clothing 'Phone 57 bins hack. Talk about ham in front of bis it's wrong to talk about a man behind DUNGANNQN. hack. ' $ For years vehicles of all descriptions have been plowing each other un the mot to and limn Clinton, but one night la t week an auto had to take to the ditch as the road was not wide enough to let another auto pass. 'fortunately there was no one hurt. When You Motor to London AT THIS store motor parties will find every accommodation and convenience for their comfort while in the city. A free Checkroom in the Basement. where you may have your wraps and luggage taken care of: Ladies' Rest Room and Lavatories on the second floor; Restaurant on the fourth Aoor, where you will find continuous service throughout the day. Breakfast -8.311 to 11.30 Coarse Dinner --11.30 to 2.30 Short Laaches at the Soda Fountain on the Main Floor. Make this store your head- quarters; its many conveni- ence, are for the free accom- modation of the traveilina pr - mialif/mo LONDON. ONT. SPECIALS • at McEWEN'S Fine Line of Drinks for Warm Weather. o Rang.•srfe, Lemonade. Raspberry Vinegar, Lime Juice, Grape Juice. lemonade Powder, Wines, Rte. (4...1 assortment of Pickles and S isisup. fio niethingg to sharpen the •ppetite. A nits. large tin of Apple Butter, 2' for c. 11u•.• Maple Ryrup from the Eaatern Townships ; guaranteed ppurl, Wo a We have a quantity of Mp 011 hand, bought before the rise. Speetal in 50e and $1.00 Iota. Ammonia at the old prices --tan line worth 111x, Pk line worth ilio, Something to crake your floor shine. Rnnok Floor Wax (No. 1 goads) Slo In e, )lee and 611c irises.We v. on hand some Red Rose an Lipton's Teas, both Mack and mixed, bought before the advance and dutyy, Selling at Mc, now worth 7/A.; we save you i5e a pound. J. J. McEWEN Tissue 40 - - Coderich CawCowed./s.A S...d t.ruw„ No 1 7143 R SALE.- A RUBBER -TIRED SURREY; good as new. J. R. McNABB. POULTRY WANTED. -HENS AND ROOSTERS. Now is the time to get IA of male birds and (at hens. Pnces are good. Cal SI up. .1. R. McNABB. THURSDAY, July 11. Remember August 1st - Dungannon'i great patriotic field day. Rev. M. P. Craig, minister of Erskine church, is taking four weeks' vacation af- ter next Sunday. He leaves on Tuesday next for Philadelphia and other United States centres. Rev. T. A. Steadman last Sunday preached his first sermon in his new charges at Dungannon and Crewe. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Steadman to our village. Mr. Wm. Thompson 6th concession, has bought a new Chevrolet car, The Dungannon Orange Lodge and Sunday schools are holding a union pic- nic at Point Farm on Friday. July 12th. Mr. John Savage is erecting a magnifi- cent hen pen. No doubt the egg produc- tion will be large in this commodious pen during the coming winter. Debs Disher spent Sunday on the 6th. Mr. Wes. Treleaven, of Toronto. and little daughter are spending a few dare visiting - friends in the village. A new switchboard is being erected this week in the telflphone central. It is hoped the public will bear with any in- convenience due to the change. We are having a splendid service. Mrs. B. J. Crawford is visiting friends at Goderich (or a few days this week. Mise Clifton, our popular milliner, left last week for her home at Streetsville. Mrs. Chas. Agar, from the West, is visiting her father, Mr. Jas. Mallough, and other frietids. Mrs. Jas. Medd and Mrs. Patterson, of Auburn, were the guests of Air. H. M. Duff last Tuesday. Miss Hazel Augustine returned on Tues- day from her visit to Toronto. Black- stock and other points. We are sorry to report Mr.- j, R. _Mc- Nabb confined to bed the greater part of the week through illness. CONFIRMATION. -Confirmation service was conducted in the Anglican church on Monday morning. by Bishop Williams of London. He was accompanied by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, of Guderich. The fol- lowing were confirmed: Verna and Grace Hamilton, Miss Free, Mrs. J. B. young and Mr. Schoenals. A New BRIDGE. -Thos. Sandy and R. Grant have secured thecontraci of erect- ing an 80 -ft. cement arch bridge across the river on the 4th concession of Ash- field. known as Disher's bridge. Know- ing the skill of the contractors we shall look forward to seeing a magnificent structure reared in the near future. DEATH of HUGH POI.LF.Y.-')till[ sad news has been received here of the sud- den death of Mr. Hugh Polley at Toron- to. Mr. Polley was well known here, and was the guest of friends here two weeks ago. He had not been in good health for some time. but the end came with surprising suddenness. AN EARLY CALL. -Thele passed a'way- on Tuesday morning at Alexandra hospi- tal. Godertch,a most amiable charac ter in the person of Agnes Caldwell. aged thir- teen years and =months. About a month ago she was taken suddenly ill with ap- pendicitis and went under an operation at the hospital. but gradually became worse until relieved by death. She was a very noble and promising young girl. diligent and apt in her studies. kited and affection- ate in her ways. and a special favorite of all who knew her. She was preparing for the senior graduation examination when taken ill. and had been most successful in all her previous examinations. She was a very active member of church and Sun- day school. The remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery this I Thursday) afternoon, Rev. M. P. Craig preaching the funeral service. The floral tributes by public school, Sunday school and Mission Band were evidences of respect and love. PRESENTATION TO Mia BAILIE. --On the occasion of Miss Mabel Bailie's resignation of the her in school section No. i7, position of West Wa a a goodly number of people. representing the school sectio, assembled on Satur- day last at her home. where Mia Marie Sproul presented her with a handsome china cabinet. The following address was read by Stanley Rivers: DEAR TRACHFR,-it is with deep re- gret that we learn of your resignation as teacher of school section No. 1.. We as students and ex -students hive always ap- preciated your services, both within and out of whore. asd in the future years we wilt recall witkefespesre and gratitude the many *mantling useful days we spent tinder your instruction. As a teacher your specidlwlifications and characteris- tic devotion hsve attained is high record, which w evidenced hy the sweep of your THE 'SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO students at the exauninatiuns. Out at school you have always shown a bright and cheerful attitude towards your puptis by engaging in their sports and aiding them materially in whatever manner pos- sible and taking a decided interest in their moral welfare. As a small token of our esteem we ask you to accept this cabinet. The well -wishes of the school section as a whole are with you in your future endeavors in whatever direction you may choose. Signed on b. hake ERNEST DUFF JAMES SPROUL ALBERT RiveRs !11iss Bailie trade a suitable reply in which she thanked her friends for their kindness and loyalty to her. Afterwards a very enjoyable evening was participated in by everyone. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, July 10. Mr. Bert Sharman motored from Chic- ago and is spending two weeks at the home of his uncle, Mr. Walter F. Hick. Quite a number of the young people of this vicinity have motored to London to see our brave soldier boys. Mr. B. H. Wilhngs, of Toronto, has returned after a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr: R. A. Thompson. Miss Jean Hudie and Mise Maude Thompson have returned horn.' after a three weeks' visit at Kiacardine and Riley. On Friday. June 28. the cloning day of school. Miss B. Nichols, who has resigned her position as teacher of S. S. No. 2. was presented by her pupils with an ivory tray and picture and an address express- ing appreciation of her services and good wishes for the future. PATRIOTIC SOCIETY NOTES -Owing to a condemned bridge. the meeting of the United Patriotic Society will be held at the home of Mrs. G. W. Andrews. in place of at Mrs. Thos. Cox's. on Wednes- day, July 17th. As censoring day is Tues- day. July 16th, all finished socks and pyjama suits are wanted as soon as pos- sible. The treasurer begs to acknowl- edge the receipt of money for December subecriptton list from Mr. Chris. John- ston, Mr. Roes, Mr. Revell. Mr. B. Orr. Mr. R. Davidson, Mrs. Thos. Cox and Mr. E. Anderson. PRESENTATION. -Mrs. Snyder- who has been teacher of the Summerhill school. has res gned the position. That she holds a high place in the esteem and respect of both school and section was 'shown by the presentation of a beautiful silver cakedish from her graduation class and the follow- ing letter from the trustee board: Dear Mrs. Snyder. -We as a school board desire' to express in a few words our appreciation to you for valuable services rendered during the time which you have taught in our school. We have found you to be punctual. energetic and pro- ficient in school work. and it is through your untiring efforts and thorough methods in teaching that the pupils have made such rapid progress. We hope that the influence of your life upon the minds of the pupils may continue to b'ossom and that your life in future may be marked with happiness and prosperity. WM. NORMAN BALL. Chairman. OLtvsa J. JERVIS. Sec.-Treas. RUSSELL G. NEAL. Clinton, June 27, 19(8. • Mrs. Snyder. who has always put a great deal o(. herself into tier work. can• not but hel gratifiedby these expressions of appreciation. BENMWLLER. FRIDAY. July 5. SCHOOL PROMOTION. -The following pupils of S. S. No. 2. Colborne. are pro- moted, having passed the examinations held last week. The names are in order of •merit: To Jr. IV. -Mary Good. Wel- lington Mew, Grace Jewell. Mildred Van - stone, Gladys Vanstone, Cepha Haskell. To Sr. 111. -Keith Gardner. To Jr. III. -Winnie Vanstone, Arthur Masketl. To Sr. H. -Eric Gardner, Eunice Long. Courtland Kerr, Clifford Vanstone, Har- old Gooi. To Jr. 11 -Bessie McCabe, Shirley Vanstone, Ralph Jewell. To Sr. I. -Hazel Good. Cenetta Jewell -M190 EDITH DYER. Teacher. - WEDNESDAY. July 10, Mr. Jacob Elsley,returned home from Rochester. Minn., last week. We hope that his health will be much improved as a result of the trip. Mr. Fletcher Fisher had the misfortune to have two of his fingers badly crushed on Monday while putting a rack on a wagon. At the evening church service on Sun- day several solos and duets were very acceptably rendered hy Miss Marjorie Aitken and L.•Corp. Mosslfrom Goderich. Dr. Bagshaw and a party of friends motored up from Hamilton on Wednes- day and spent several days with Rev. and Mrs. P. S. Banes. Mrs. C. W. Oke and family returned to Toronto on Friday. A letter received from Pte. Elwyn Long states he is in good health and is still at the front. He hears a rumor that the people in Canada are going to prepare a reception for the boys when they return about 1924. A patriotic con,:ert and Red Cross bazaar will be held at the church on Wednesday evening. July 14th. The monthly meeting of the Colborne Farmers' Club wall be held on Thursday evening, July tsth. in the Temperance Hall, Benmiller. This will probably he the last meeting until after harvest. and a large attendance is requested. LEEBURN. MONDAY, Jttty s. Mrs. Wilson, of Nile. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. L. Cook. Mr. J. Linklater. Mies Jessie Linklater and Mrs. H. Williams, of Grderich, were or visits at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater last week. Misses Lily and Laura Lautenslayer, of Toronto, are saenitng their vacation under the parental roof. Mesa Ruth Shaw, of Toronto, is home forher summer vacation. Mn. L. Grey and family, of Stratford, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. P.Stewart's. Pte, Hugh Chisholm. of London, spent Sunday at his home here. AUBURN. 'OR SALE.-TIiE HARNESS SHOP in the village M Auburn, property of Private A Rollinson. For further ',Articular. apply to 1 ARTHUR. Auburn �tt WEnsiEsnAY, July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and chil dren, of Winds. are spending their holi- da)s with their parents here. Mist Cora Ferguson has arrived home to spend bet school vacation with her parents. Mr. Norman Brown, of Dashwood, came up fast week to settle up his huei- nee beim, n 6'f1.1.n ) "•, a:y ,.1 N ednes ONLY MEDICINE MADE FROM FRUIT Extraordinary Success which "Fruit -a -"res" Has Achieved One reason why "Fruit -a -elves" Is so extraordinarily successful la giving relief to those suffering with Constipation, Torpid Liver, Iwlrges- lioe, Chroxie Headaches, Neuralgia, Kidney sod Bladder Troubles, RAtuusatisue, Psie ix the Nati, Eeznwsa and other Skis Alfeetions, Is, because it is the only medicine in the world made from fruit juices. It is oomposed of the medioiaal principles found in apples, oraag•se, figs and prunes, together with the nerve tonics and antiseptics of proven repute. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 4 LIHIHRHIIIHIHIHIWWIIS1111.1111IHIU1111111HI1HHIIliIIHIIIIIIIHIHIHiIHW18 NWIII1111NNE Store 'Phone 86 THE COLBORNE STORE H`~° NEW COLLARS We have put into,stock a targe assortment of the newest collars. They come in lace, georgette and lace, and organdie and lac.. We are showing the new linen laundered Collars and Cuffs. These Collars are particularly smart and are of New York's latest design. They range iu price from 60c to $2.75. NEW GINGHAM 1 1 Ginghams are particularly good this season. We have been fortunate in securing nearly all oursorder and have somev'ery• pretty checks is this cloth, which is 27 inches wide, at 25c and 50c a yard. LADIES' UNDERWEAR We still have a complete range of ladies' and children's Underwear in both long and short sleeves.' These garments are of the best manufacture and are reasonable in price. They range in price from 15c to $1.00 a garment. day at London. Miss Annie Darr, of Stratford, spent a few days visiting her home end calling on friends, and returned to her duties on Tuesday. Rev. R. J. Ross is at Ailsa Craig for a few days this week. Mr. A. C. Jackson. of Goderich. was assisting Mr. King for a few days in re- pairing the dam. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sparks, of Port Elgin, visited her parents last week. Rev. F. S. 0' Kell preached to the Orange brethren at the evening serv- ice in the Methodist church last Sabbath. Pte. Norman .Mutch came up from London for the week -end to visit . his parents. KIPPEN. TUESDAY. July 9. Miss Gretta [vison. who has been teaching in an Indian school at Muncey, is home for the vacation. She is accom- panied by Miss McTavish. the daughter of the Methodist minister there. Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Johnston and family spent a pleasant visit with friends in Ashfield and West Huron has week. Mr. A. T. Cooper preached in the Pres- byterian church last Sunday and pre- sented a very satisfactory report of the year's work alongtemperance lines. Rev. R. G. ilson preached in the Methodist church last Sunday for the first time and all were pleased with him and his address. LANES. MONDAY, July 8.' Friends from Ingersoll vitiated at Frank Scott's recently. A baby girl came to Cyril Campbell's on the 4th of July}. Artbur Ashford, of La Sallette, Ont., visited friends around Lanes. Wilfrid Ferris reported for military service at London on Saturday and is back on leave. AV Richie reports (or military service sit Wednesday. The Irwin hay press of Lucknow is in this vicinity. • Gerald Rathwell, of Lucknow, is help- ing P. Hogan during the summer A number from around here took in the Dominion Day spoets at Goderich. LOYAL MONDAY. July S. Miss Wise is home from Port Hope for the school vacation. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLachlan, of Toronto. are spending the vacation at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wise. Alias Mabel Young has returned from Dublin., where she was teaching school, and is at the home of her parents,Mr. and Mrs. James Young. We hear that she has resigned her position. Rev. John Young, of Windsor, is again here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young. Mr. Wm. McPhee is keeping in line with the march of improvement by re- modeihng his barn. Mr. Thos. Shields is suppeer.ntending the work. The farmers are into the haing this week. The crop is a fair one. Pte. Tait Clark. who has been home working on the farm. reports at London again on Friday next. Rev. Dr. John Young and Mrs. Young, of Pittsburg. Pa., are spent iw a .north's holidays in the township. Mr. John Patton has purchased the old Robert Straughan farm on the 6th con- cession and will use it (or grazing. also keeping his farm here. Mr. Patton de- votes himselt largely to stock -raising, and we wish him success. in his enlarged un-, dertaking. hiss Gertrude Young is here from Tor- onto on a holiday visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young. PERSONAL MENTIUN. Mrs. Joseph Kidd has returned from visit to Muskoka. Mr. Frank Townsend, of Sudbury, i holidaying in town. Mr. Ernest Clark went to Toro nt last week to take position. Miss Maud Pinder is home from Tor onto for het vacation. Mr. Morris Swanson is home fru Torontofor a few days' holidays. Mrs. Osterhout and children are visit m ing at Chathathis week. Miss Chrissie Campbelt is home from Toronto for a holiday visit. Miss L. MacVicar is home from Wel land for the school vacation, Mrs. Peter Weir, of Stratford, was visitor in town last week. Mrs. Olive Msskell is hone fro Brooklyn. N. Y., for a holiday visit. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Martin and Miss Ruth. of Detroit, are visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Schuler, of Ntw Hamburg, are visiting relatives in tow Mr. Fred Shannon, of Ottawa, spent last week in town with his mother and sister. Miss Josie Saunders, of Toronto, is h iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Saunders. Mrs C. Stmars ha. returned from a s 0 m a m n s - a visn with Mrs. D.xttttd M c cepa near Bayfltld. Mrs D. Csmerrn is sperx:ing a few weeks eon her daughter, Mrs. Dunked at O. lutea. Mr, Cameron was tts•re over 4011.0 E YARN FOR KNITTING SOCKS Grey Fingering Yarn for socks, in four -ply and of the best makers, is here for your in- spection. Special price for Red Cross Societies. SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS All the summer Dress Materials go on sale Friday at greatly reduced prices. The cloths consist of colored voiles and organdies, beach cloths and mulls, both in plain and mixed colors. They will be marked at prices that will clear them quickly. CORSETS Just a very few Corsets left, but they will be cleared at the lowest possible price. Just odd sires in eiich lot. but we are sure to have your size in some design. T his Corset sale will ,ave you money, as the new lines have greatly advanced in price. HOSIERY S = sale Saturday 29c. 1 About five dozen boys' Hosiery in odd sizes for Saturday's selling. Regular price 35c, on amMa INIME • MIMS MIMEO GLOVES On Friday will be put on sale a number of broken lines of Silk Gloves in black and colors. They will be much below the market price and will be real bargains. J. H. COLBORNE 1 D. & A. Corsets Standard Patterns 11HIIIiHIiH111111111HIIIII111HIIIIHIIIHI8111111HIHHIIIHIH111HRIIHIRHHIII IIiHNiHIHIHHiHHIIIHHI1HpWHH11111111E Dominion bay. Mr. Edward McKeown, of Chicago spent the week -end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Kidd. Mrs. Jas. Craigie has returned home after a month's wait to her daughter. Mrs W. A. Droner, Toronto. Mr. Harold Stark, of Seaforth, was a visitor in town last week at the home o Mr. G. W. Holman. Lance -Corporal W. H. Moss, of Thorn - dale. was ■ guest for the week -end at the home of Met. John L. Aitken. Mr. Joseph Kidd spent a few days at Toledo last week visiting his sister, Mrs. T. D. Ryan. who is very ill. Sapper C. B. Kidd was up frau Mont- real for a few days on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kidd. Mrs. M. F. Kerwin, of St. Paul. Minn .. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kidd for a few days the past week. Miss Sproat. of Seaforth, spent a week in town the guest of Miss Holman, and this week Miss Holman is visiting at Sea - forth. Mrs. A. H. Johnston, of Winnipeg, is visiting her mother. Mrs. J. R. Craigie. Montreal street. and will be here during July and August. Mr, and Mrs. Jock Campbell returned to their home at Port Colborne on Satur- day after spending a week with the r relatives in town. Capt. D. A. McCarten, Mrs. McCarten and son Robert. of Winnipeg. are guests at the home of Mrs. McCarten's sister, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan. Mrs. Robert Dalton and two children, Elizabeth and Isobel, and Miss Howie, of Toronto. are spending a few weeks at Lorneside Farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Leiner and daughter Mildred, of Chicago. are guests at the home.of Mrs. Leiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wells, Mrs. C. Beck and her daughter, Miss Ella. of Toronto. are visiting in the old town and are the guests of Mrs. Harry Morris, Anglesea street. Mrs. H. H. Allen, Miss Jessie Ford,' Miss Annie Davidson and Rev. J. H. Osterhout are attending the Alma stun. ' mer school at St. Thomas this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith, of Guelph visited their relatives in town last week. Their daughter, Hester. who accompanied them. is remaining here for a further visit. Miss Martha Tiffin, Miss Rae. Mr. Pincomb and his two sons and daughter made up a party from St. Thomas that visited in town last week and also at Lucknow. Kincardine Reparter: Mrs. (Rev.) J. T. Le Gear, Miss Helen Le Gear and Mrs. Fisher, Mansfield, Ohio. arrived here last week at the LeGear cottage on the heath. J Mise Bruce, Mrs. A. B. Vail and Eliza -1 beth and Margaret, Mrs. Vail's two young ' daughters, of Washington. D. C., are vis- iliag at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Colborne. Mrs. Firth and Mrs. Brown. of London, daughters of the late inspector J.R. Miller, and Mrs. Graves and Mrs. Adams, of London. motored to Goderich Wednesday and are spending a couple of days in town at Mrs. Sinclair's, Britannia road. Among the visitors io town last week were Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hodgen and 1 their daughter, Miss Doris, of Toronto Miss Doris has been attending Havergal College and at the close of the term was awarded a prise for general proficiency. I Mia Minnie Campbell, 01 the Sarnia Collegiate institute staff. after spending a couple of weeks at her home here left on Tuesday kw Kingston, where she is tak- ing a eumrfier course at Queen's Uni- versity. Mr. Thns. Pritchard left today for Battle Creek Mich., to take a course at the School of Appy Art. Mr. Pritchard 1 has uneldubce4 Ment as an nrtist ani his Goderich friends wee expert much of him in the fled to which he has deci led to devote himself. Mr. H. Earl Elliott, of the staff of Up- ' per Canada College. who bad been visit- ing at the parental home here since the commencement of the holiday term, left • on Tuesday for Kingston to take a sum- mer course at Queen's University. Mr. Elliott is studying for the arta degree. Miss Irene Pridham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridham, has been ap- pointed to a position on the staff of the Seaforth Collegiate institute as teacher of commercial work and art. Miss Pridham has been teaching at Paris and will take her new position at the close of the sum - mw vacation. lege 1 ALL OUT -DOORS INVITES YOUR KODAK JAS. A. CAMPBELL - "Central Drug Store" PNotvc so dimesweismeh wroewTN ST ANO aeauAAS. GOOrosCH sir CONSIDERING the present national crisis and your ability, in what capacity can you serve beat ? DON'T say UNSKILLED LABOR. CANADA NEEDS SKILLED LABOR. Untrained workers are as great a HINDRANCE as untrained soldiers. A course at this School will enable you to answer this question with SATISFACTION TO YOURSELF and TO CANADA. The BUSINESS WORLD needs your SERVICES and its DOORS ARE WIDE OPEN TO YOU. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers the following Courses: Business Stenographic Secretarial Business Penmanship Civil Service And arranges Special Courses for Special Students. For further particulars apply to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal School *peas Malay, Septea.Scr 3eJ. Phone 208