The Signal, 1918-7-11, Page 3THE SIGNAL - .GODERICII ONTARIO
PATH. specialist in women's and children'
diaraws, acute, chronic and lanVOUS chwasel. eye
ear. now and throat. Partial deadpan. inmhallo
nod rheumatic coodiuona. Admit:ads removed
witfa,ot the knife. Office at residence. corner
!Seinen and St Andrew's streets. At home oak,
Mondays. Thursdays and aatUdanianY evening
by appointment.
Graduate Toronto University. Graduate
al College of Dental Suriteuer
Summer to the late Mayor Sale. Offices corner
POI a:. Godench. AU InalftlatiaonS Ly mad o
left at ItognaltAlCe be primptly at it tided to
Sterhng" Bank! Block, Hamilton Street.
Goderich. lcir phone In
Real Estate. Loans sod' Insurance.
Gate the Square, second idori hi ni Hanul
too Street. Goderich.
Pro. ate funds to loan at barest rates.,
Peotroreor. K. C.. J. L..KILLURAN
AN./ . TRU, 110.1C1t0f, notary pubis • Offices
re. At Chafes Thursday 01 each week in
e um Albert ferret occupied by Mr. Hooper.
EMke hours a as to I p.
lamed at lowest rate*.
. It. ITOR. noterm pubbc and conveyancer
-Court Howe. Go&rich tee Ism
ANela tax- earn and isolated tor n peep-
er( insured
las, Evans. lfice-Pres., Ineechwood P. Thermo
Leib. Lobs G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton, William
Shinn. R. R. No. t. Seatorth. John blenneries.
orth, Robert Ferns, Merlotti, Malcolm Mr -
Ewen. Clinton; James EValla brechread. James
Connolly. Goderlch.
Agents J. W. Yee, Goderich. Alex Leitch,
R. R. No 1, Clinton; Witham Chesney. Sealorth;
E. Hinchley. Sealorth. POIIC -holders can pie all
payments and get their car recespted at . J.
Mornah's Clothing Store. Clinton; R. H. Cutt's
Grocerg, Kuigston street. Goderich, or J. H.
Reef, General Store. Rayheid.
Gen. Count von MirbaCk
by Russian&
German Ambasisedor Was Regarded
as the Reol Ruler of Conquered
Contrary isad Desperate Act May
Isdicate That Russia le About to
Defy Teutonic Domination.
PARIS, July 9. -Gen. Count von
Mirbach, German •nabassador to
Runkle, was assamloated on Satur-
day at Moscow, accerding, to a del.
spatch received here.
pretences, two anknown men enter-
ed the private epee of Count von
discussion ensued. Then revolver
shot* were heard, followed by exPlo-
gone of hand grenades.
Tbe ambassador died almost in-
stantaneously. The assassins escaped
and have not yet been arrested.
Nikolai Lenin., Bolshevik Premier,
has sent the following to M. Joffe.
Russian Minister at Ber/in, regard-
ing the assassination of Count von
liirbach, tbe German Ambassador at
"Two unknown men entered the
German Embus/ at two o'clock thls
(Saturday) afternoon, having docu-
ments from a special committee.
They threw a bomb In Count von
severely that he died.
"Representatives of the Govern-
ment immediately visited the embas-
my and expressed indignation at the
act, which they considered al a poli-
tical manoeuvre to provoke troubb..
The Government is taking every
measure to discover the murderers
and bring them before a special
revolutionary tribunal.
"Extra measures have been taken
to protect the German embasity and
eitisena. The Government requesta
you to express to the German Gov -
eminent the Russian Government'.
indignation and convey its sympathV
to the family of the late count."
The whole quarter in Moscow
where the German Embassy Is situ-
ated was Immediately surrounded by
troops after the assassination of
Count von Mlrbach. according to a
Russian Government message receiv-
ed here by wIrelees. Severe control
has been establiahed over all person
arriving and leaving the city.
Aq envoy extraordinary will be de-
spatched to Berlin to express to the
German Government the indignation
of Russia over the criminal act.
The identity of the assassions has
not been established nor have they
been arrested, the message states.
It appears. according to (liege ad-
vice.. that with 'Count von Mirbacti
when he was attacked were Herr
w▪ as injured
Alex. F. Kerensky, former Premier'
of Russia, when infOrmed by the
Associated Press of the sesassinatiOn
of Gen. Count von Mirbach declared
that while be could jiot "feel Platted
at the tiraith of a human beIng." be
could ion help Wing. "it is a good
thing for Russia."
Kerensky Feemed reluctant to
believe the news. asking repeatedly,
"Are you sure" When informed that
the news seemed perfectly reliable
as it originated In Berlin, he said:
"Thia May be the beginning of the
renaissance of Russia."
"But now the Germans will sure-
ly go to tifoscow," he added, sadlY.
It was only a few days ago that
Kerensky. In a talk with the corre-
spondent expressed his opinion that
the only reason German troops had
not yet appeared In Moscow wan be-
sguee tee Ilirbeca bad not required
their ft elence there.
"Should circumstances demand
the appearance of German troops,"_
said the former Premier on this oc-
casion, "von Mirbach, the real ruler
of Russia, will surely call uPon
them. His ability to govern with-
out the help of German bayonets
has alone prevented the appearance
of German api•ed helmets in the an-
cient capital of the Muscovite Em-
PotirL. en asked about the prospects
20 000 tag"II, FuN
RON!Barrister, Memnon stryeett7 God° Go:tech.:M.- a revolution breaking out in Mos-
cow, the former Premier was non -
"One never knows what the Rus-
sian naiad will conceive or what the
Russian will execute," he said.
"But from Moscow will come the
initiative for • movement against
Voce, Piano and Organ. Puois prepared for
eatery examinations Apply at MR, P. W.
Brophe) Bros.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders esirefully attended to
at All hours, night or day.
The Saults Coal Co.
Bucemeora to MeDonagh It Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slatei
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
). &Hilts' Residence 275
W. W Satins' Residence 202
Stile IF -Boats Are Increstaing.
AMSTERDAM, July 9. - German
submarines are increasing both in
number and quality, according to a
declaration made by Vice -Admiral
von Capelle, Minister of the Navy,
in the Reichstag. He asserted that
reports of U-boat losses have been
exaggerated by the Entente allies.
He denied that the numbers sunk ex-
ceeded new censtruction, but added:
"The result 4f -the submarine war
most one day naturally decrease
when the sea traffic also decreases,
hut this can as little akter the final
result as the ciretumstances that un -
greater loss of submarines can tem -
gamely occur than normally. -
Fonder N. Y. Mayor Killed.
LAKE CHARLES, La., .1 illy 9.-
MaJor John Purr()) Mitchel. former
Mayor of New Teak City, and an offi-
cer In the Army Aviation Servlee, was
instantly killed at Gernstner Avia-
tion Field here while flying' in a
scout machine
Mitchel became • flyer for the
artny after having been defeated last
fall for re-election as Mayor of New
Tork. He had served one term
the chief executive of New York. the
youngeat mayor ever elected to that
°Mee On July 1 9 next he would hey*
been 3 9 years old.
German Ration is Cut.
AMSTERDAM, July 9 --Owing to
the late/teen of the new potato crop,
the Berlin authorities. according to
Tageblatt, announce the redue-
Hoe ef the potato ration next week
from three to one pound, and the
distrtbution of an extra 200 grammes
eif beans and peas per head.
Amer Miff
THURSDAY, June 11, 1318 3
Well-known Lumberman Is Stungasti
Results from Tsetse.
In speaking of the marvelous way in
which ranter has relieved him ut a long-
standing case -of atomach trouole, Allan
lives at 107 Echo Drive, Ottawa, said: "I
was actually surprised at the way Tanlac
took right hold of my trouble, tor I gained
twenty-seven pounds on it and am now
in better health than I have been in
Mr. Reaume was for 'Laren years em -
les. lumber exporters of Quebec, and
has -extensive acquaintance throuemt
Ontario and Quebec. He is now empkyed
as head checker for ale Peter Lyall &
Sons Construction Company in the erec-
tion of the new Parliament buildings.
"J suffered terribly front stomach
trouble and a general run-down condition
of the system," continued Mr. Result*,
"which had been worrying me for alaout
two years. I had no appetite, and what
little I did eat always soured and made
troub:e for me. I %would bloat up so with
gas that 1 was constantly belching it up
and my stomach was painful all the time.
I would have a heavy. ntran feeling after
meals, as if trly fOod had formed hard
mass, and I never seemed to get any
nourishment from ehatl ate. My nerves
mere in such bad shape that I could not
rest well at night, but would get up in the
mornegs feeling just as miserable as when
I went to bed. I felt tired and played
out all the time. had no energy about me.
loet twenty.f€VC17 pounds and was feel-
ing just abciut all in.
"I had read so much about Tanlac that
at last 1 decided to try a. I have taken
seven bottles so far and it has not only
entirely. rebeved my stomach trouble, but
since I started taking it I have regained
all my lost weight. I nave a hem ty ap-
petite now, can eat most anything and
am troubled with indgestion or gas
on my stomach at all. My nerves are in
tine shape now, I feel stronger and better
in everY nay and t was nothing but Tan -
lac that put me on my feet again. Be
cause of the good Tanlac has done me I
have started my elle to taking it 'and I
arn sure it sill fix her up like it has me.".
Tanlac. is sold in Goderich by E. R.
Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in
Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in,
liensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City Ihug Store, in Wroneter
by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John 0.
Loundsberry. in Exeter by W. S. Howey,
in Brucetield by Peter Bowey, in Dash- !
Holmes. in Sheppardtun by J.H. Simpson.
in Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong. and in
Ford e ich by H. Sansom.
VaCations in Algonquin Pare.
Plan a vacation in Algonquin Park this
eear. That great reserve ol nearly 4,000
miles is on the very ridge of the "High -1
lands of Ontario." its altitude above sea
level averaging 1,700 feet. The lakeland I
impregnated with the life-giving fragrance
of the pine woods. The days are unusually
long. with warm balmy sunshine, and the
There are excellent heaters for those who
want to be in the wilderness, yet enjoy all
the ccmforts that good service and social
companionship can bring, these including
the nell-knoan "Highland Inn." Illus-
trated descriptive literature and all par-
ticulars may he had tri application to any
Grand Trunk agent. ,
, The Canadian Magazine for July con-
tains a good assortment of articles and
B. Jackes: "An Eskimo Patriot,'' by Lacey
Amy: "Theories of State Despotism," by
Charles Morse: "The Gray Trout of Tim-
agami." by M. Parkinson. and -Cock-a-
luk. Evenbody's Grouse," by Hamilton
al. Laing. Sir John Willison's Reminis-
cences and '•Dahabeah Days." by Helen
M. Edgar. are continued.
Orange Committee Sued.
Torrnto, July 6.-A platform or grand-
stand. erected for the Orange 12th of July
celebration in Wingham in 1917. col-
lapsed. and James Stacey died of his in-
juries. Today. at Osgoode Hall, a dam-
age action was launched by the daughter
arid eidow against the members of the
Orange demonstration committee. In-
dividual defendants include T.R. Bennett,
A. G. Smith and Elmore Mahood of
Many people in Canada have suffered
from rheumatism and kidney trouble and
have found Anuric to be the most nic-
eties:tut remedy to overcome these painful
and dangerous ailments.
The lucky people are those who have
heeded Nature's warning signal in time
t• correct their trouble with that new dis-
covery of Dr. Pierce's called "Anurie."
You should promptly heed these warning*,
some of which are dizzy spells, backache,
irregularity of the urine or the painful
twinges of rheumatism, iatiesi or lum-
bago. To delay may make possible the
dangerous forma of kidney disease, such
, asi diabetes or stone in the bladder.
( To overcome these digressing condi-
I Mose you should take plenty of exercise
Its the opea air, avoid a heavy meat dist,
drink freely of water and at path meal
I take Dr. Pieree's Anurie Tablets (double
I strength). You will, in a short time, Ind
that you are one of the Arm indorsers of
Aa-u-rie, as are many of your neighbors.
er Bridgeborg, Out., 10e for trial pkg.
Eit. Catharines, Ont. -For several
year* / suffered
with gravel and
pain a. Nothing
ever helped aso
to take 'Auntie.'
and the first thing
I notieed was that
'1 \ the gravel had dis-
appeared and Me
saver made • reappearance. My general
heath has improved and I have a better
We maditien and my eyegght seism
as looser doable me. My oely regret is
that I did eel knew of Allege before."
TORONTO. July 9 --The Board of
Trade quotations for ye/Arida) were
as follows:
Manitoba Wheat (In *Uwe, Fort William.
including fe/ac Tea).
Manitoba Oats (in Store, Fort WIlilant9.
Extra No. food. Misc
No 1 feed, Mee.
American Corn (Track, Toronto).
No. 3 yellow. norninaL
N.. ranger. nomtnaL
Ontarie oats (According tit Freights Out -
No. 2 white. 53; to 54c, nominal.
°Mari. WhSat Salle. In liters Montreal).
No. 2 winter per arar 12 22
peas (Accenting to Freights Outside).
earloy (According to Freights Outside).
Buckwheat (According to Freighta Out-
Buckwheat. 91.110. nominal.
Rya (According to Freights Outside).
Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
War quality, 510.55.
Ontario Flour (In. Sags, Prempt Ship.
W•r quality, 510.65, Montreal; $10 65
Mlltfeed (Oar Lots. Delivered. Montreal
Freights. Sags Included.
Shorts, pier ton, 940.
Hay (Track, Toronto).
Mixed. per ton, $11 to 812
(Straw (Track, Toronto),
Car Iota. per ton. MI to 55.50.
Fortner.' Market.
Fall wheat -Milling, 82 14 per bushel.
Goose wheat, 113.10 to 82.12 per bushel.
Barley -Malting. 111.30 to II 35 per bush.
Oata-117c to Sic per bushel.
Rya. acoo hog t sample. nominal.
Hay-Thnothy, to 820 per ton; mix-
ed and clover, 517 $16.
J. P. likkell & CM. report the Pa/owing
Prices on (ha Chicago Board of Trade:
Opole. Mak. Low. Close. Close.
Corn -
154 1551,a 134 155% 155%
154% 153%
Pork -
Liu -d-
Ribs -
34.61 X 24.57 24.60 24.60
TORONTO, July 9. -There was a
big run of steers and, generally
speaking, the quality of the cattle of-
fering Oat the market yesterdaY Wag
very fair and Imift-e-t-than _during the
last few weeks, the good effect' of the
Mitch cows wege slow of sale, even
at the decline, and.thesevere cut was
shown in the •thochers and 'feeders,
end practically all grades of cattle
' were included In the list. The mars
ket throughout ens characterized as
'already stated by great weakness.
but later in the IlettersOon the buyers
bought freely at the decline, at three
o'clock 1750 cattle having gcfne over
the scales, according to an official
statement. The prospects for better
prices are not encouraging. but even
at the decline it looks as though the
price was high enough yet.
East Buffalo, July 8. -Cat tle-Re-
relpts. 3000. Heavy, easier; common,
steady; prime steer* 117 25 16 $17 75'
shipping steers, $16.150 to $17; butchers,
112 to $17; yearlings. $12 to $17; heifers,
1740 to 312; stockers and feeder*, $7.54
Fresh cows and aprIngers, no to 3143.
Calvu-Iteceipta, 23no. Steady; $7 to
Hogs -Receipts. 4200. atrong: heavy,
117.85 to 1118; milted yorkers 011 to 518 15.
light yorkers and pigs, 815.15 to 1113.25;
Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 1000. Lambs
rtrong, others steady; iambs. 814 to $15.50;
t callings 810 to 816.60' wethers 811 60 to
to 513.50.
Chicago, july 6. -Hogs -Receipts. 33,-
000. Market uneven, mostly 15c to 23c
higher; packing grades closed dull, with
advance partly lost; bulk of sales, 816.80
to $17.30; butchere. $141 95 to 517.35; pack -
Cattle -Receipts, 16,000. Market, good
to best, steady to strong, others arid
;stitcher(' generally steady; calves ateady;
stockers and feeders. slow to steady;
beef Cattle, good, choice and Virile, 814.50
to $18; COMMAP and Medium, $11.75 to
116.50; butcher stock. cows and heifers.
$8 to 814.50; canners and cutters, 57 to
88: atockers and feeders, good, choice
and fancy, 810.40 to 813; common and
medium, 38 to 51040; veal calves, good
and choice, 516 to 816.76.
Will Aid Austria.
PARIS. July 9. -Germany will send
three army corps to the aid of Aus-
tria, according to a Rome despatch
to Le Temps. These will be put un-
der the direct orders of Gen. Otto von
Below, the commander -In -chief on
the Italian front, and will be assign-
ed to the Alps sectors, it is stated.
The Trentino railways have been
put under German control and will
be used exclusively for German
it is said, also, that German
regiments will be detailed to other
points on the front to support the
A ',torten troops.
Holder Brought Down.
PARIS, July 9. - Several enemy
aerial attacks occurred on Dunkirk
Friday night, but no bombs were
dropped on the city. One of the Ger-
man airplane' was brought down by
the anti-aireraft guns.
A number of enemy machines
also flew over Boulogne and its vi-
cinity. They dropped bombs or aerial
torpedoes resulting in the wounding
of three civilians, one oil whom mut-
tered severe injuries.
Mrs Margaret Bean. one of the
Admit residents of Kitchener. for-
merly Mrs. (Rev. Jacob) Wagner,
was found dead on the Door Sunday
night, though she had both at San -
day school and church la the
The Scotch Store
is now entering on its fourteenth year of business
in Goderich. It has grown from very small be -
innings until it is today recognized as the leading
Goods Store in the town of Goderich. For
the future we intend to spare no effort to maintain and improve still further the repu-
tation of this store, and by the most careful attention to business give our customers a
service that will ensure their goodwill in the days to come.
Special July Values in all Departments
Dainty New White Voile Waists
Ten dozen of the nicest white Voile Waists we have ever shown, made up in
the daintiest styles, which are sure to merit your approval, and they are all marked at
special $1.69 each.
New Shetland Knit Sweater Coats
These Coats are most attractive They come in all the leading colors, such as
nile green, melon, mauve, copenhagen. Trimmed with large white sailor collar, cuffs
and belts. Special $6.50 each. Other styles at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 each.
Monarch Shetland Floss for Knitting Sweaters
For those who prefer to knit their own Sweater we recommend our Monarch
Floss. It comes done up in neat balls and saves you all the trouble of winding. Extra
heavy quality, in colors of nile rose, copen, maize, paddy, white and purple. 35c for
full ounce skein, or 3 for $1.00.
Our well-known Three Bee Shetland Floss in all colors. Special 17c skein.
Have you seen the new Aluminum Knitting Needles? 35c per pair.
A Special in Women's Lisle Vests
Women's Lisle Vests. extra fine
quality, cumfy cut or with short. sleeves.
Special 35c each.
Exceptional Value in Women's Hose
Women's extra quality Lisle Hose,
double heels and toes, full fashioned, in
black. white and dark brown. Special
50c per pair.
Fall shipments are commencing to arrive.
Special July Values in Cottons, Towels and Linens.
Pnra 56 s Scotch Store PHONE 56 X
(Intended for last weal
Dominion Day passed very quietly.
A good number went to Blyth. Goderich,
or Londesboro', while others remained at
Several of the farmers have started
haying and report only a fair crop. Some
report a light yield owing to damage by
early frosts.
Geo. Yungblut shipped a car of cattle,
to Toronto on Saturday.
Messrs. Brown & Johnston, of Blyth.
shipped hay from here last week.
away on his holidays. Mr. Thomas is re -1
lieving at present.
Mrs. Wm. Craig, of Flint, Mich., ia
with her parents for holidays.
Rev. R. J. Ross preached the pre -com-
munion sermon at Varna last week.
The ladies of Auburn and vicinity not
having had an opportunity previous to
the wedding'of Mrs. J. Arthur to give her
a "shower" assembled in force last Fri-
' day evening at her new home
' and presented her with a beautiful cut-
' glass water -set and silver sugar spoon.
These gifts were accompanied by an ad-
dress wishing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur hap-
piness in the,r new home.
The public school closed on Thursday.
The people of Auburn are sorry to part
with Miss Manning as teacher. Before she
closed the school the pupils presented her
with an adaress expressing their regret at
her departure, and also with a half-dozen
Over spoons and a silver bonbon re-
"Taken Capti\;c
COVINO down the 0030411M P7.
(lad and Algoma Central last
Winnipeg to Sault Ste. Marie 1.17.
Jack Breckenridge-tbe beaky timber
ranger for the paper company. point.
ed out to me an island 1mthe eentre
noel setting to a most thrilling en-
counter a "tenderfoot" bad with a
bull moose. Here it is as told to me
by • man with huh moose lungs -you
can separate the gold horn the dross
at your leisure: -
13e* that hunting lodge on the
Shove Usfere• a bunch of swells
troni Chfrago hung out there last fall
t•r quite a spell--eam• up to 'boot
partridge and calculated to stick
'preenad until the moose mation was
gosh, the moose mason
ope• ned &had of Hilo wall, gent,
"▪ fed up' ga mead* we the ed Sie
sutural Sempe be was mit fez
partridge ass ball sot deers M pied
elek waren set Teri
the cijar±e
*Math; bait
es he'
the folle:likril
dirt ea
it inteemitiaa ter Mr.
bawled ea aad iet alas'
reils---this wee *imply an MO
eons *a steam ahead sad flis
seat took to a tree searit1--be
just made the firer Ilmb when P
mesas searesd to rake it fore iced all
with 41 then spread -result was
Anvil Me 11 and bis alb* and
the el his pasta rat
caught IND a pestle of that eseaste.
spread --11- Haw with • mighty
Omen surds nff with bins te lake
e▪ at timid me lie thought be tumid see
On Sabbath evening Miss Mary Fine -
land addressed the congregation of Knox
church on the work she is to take up in
Korea next fall. Her many friends were
glad to hear her, and their best wishes
will follow her to her distant field of labor.
Miss Margaret Jackson has arrived
home from Toronto for the school vaca-
Mr. Ralph Gravistein spent the holi-
day at Listowel.
Mr. Norman Mutch has enlisted with -
the Engineers and donned the uniform at
London last week.
Mr. Arthur Ferguson was at ttratford
last week on business.
If a man has a poor memory he should
stick to the truth.
by Dull Moosen
triatic wed, for he had a huseh Mr
Mama was poi•g to awake a "berribie
eitaatple" of him before Ula fenta'es
la his harem on Black Illy Island -
he said be could 'Roost feel that brute
damping the Vfe mit of Igia, yet was
afraid to free himeelf for a dows•
ward dip of that woe( weuld deposit
kisa In the icy waters of Mongonee
orrs firma oily to fleti himself con
treatold ik Ha a rival ban 11160116 who
bad evidently been -Marina In MB
pardon" during the absence of the
bees of th• harem -the two started to
paw up the earth and with a wild
rear and bent hoed rhargrod each
etber with galvanic.. torero-- the con
,cusalon threes Mr. Man fifty feet into
the hazel briar; sea ?elm trier, •
watcher! the debt nf Nitre. P
said "lake It trent nu. t! at fere.v
d ▪ ad seemed beat on demorrieratIre
• "females tn ratting- that the,*
wail only ore fly In the honey!
4thitt Island Ile finally down,,1 t: e
gay "Lolharin- anti liner Ill'arni•!;91(
tee life t of him fell down errs
Molted before hla fallen foe- that
was my chanee-eald he -so .1 creee.
up behind htm w!th unsheathe,'
Minting Italfe and cut Me t!..rnat.
Bar, that gent holds the re.orit
this viert of the 'tondo for free tra.ra-
pertatIon, said Jack. as he cut al a
froth chew.