The Signal, 1918-7-11, Page 1+...w.•-,tr-- s+..w.•-. Counter Check Books tiamia P. 44IOIiAL •gent for the dxm d COCannerCheckheck tetaarhscttirers In Caricas Rive you the fame prices as f1 you were dealing with the tiro directly. Look over your stock and if you will aced a new supply within the next month telephone No, 35. x Your Advertisement in The Signal is read by thousands of peo- ple ---provided you put enough "pep" into it to make it worth reading. etVENTY-11RETYEAR-No ars OM Burton 1auRL 66 Burton Boulefvae4 w QODEBIC ON TA RIO, - OESDA Y, JULY 11 1918 THE SIGNAL PRIN1ING CO.. LIMITED. Puat.lsusas. STERLINGRtNKI OF CANADA SAVE, Because - The road to happiness is paved with the many small additions to your savings account. WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE. -A COOK ' WARNING. and waitress for home in Amherst- I {' berg natures wages paid. Address BOX 17, RE ONTARIO WEST ,HORE RAILWAY. Aa,lerwbusg, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. frEACHER WANTED. -FOR S.S. NO. 11 1. Co hitch W wNhrp; sscaad-class pdes- sionati dupes to commence alter summer holi- days Echo* within two auks of Godencb. Ap- pltcetis.s, stating salary and experience. receaved "July 19th by JAS. JOHNSTON, R. R. No. L fj1EACHER WANTED. -FOR UNiON 1 a. 5 No 11, A.haela second-class proles - An yy person or versos, beet se any material of the tJntarw West Shure Railway tr heir presea- son are fhsvehy rotated to return tame forthwith tot he rig, t--id(way u1 the IiWegy before July and t aatify the Tn oOra. a Any person or persona Mtn. railway material in (ben possession alter the ,•j44icatton o1 the nonce are liable to prosecu(.m Dated at Dungannon (hie grx.t, of July. 191.. THOis A' -1 <; rHERS. Trustee - 22 -25 Dutw5 to commence September 2nd. DL BL1C NOTICE. .tatmg ssa�lary and etperwnu, to THOS. j :(;11PR7'Y, Sec. -Trees.. R R. No. k, Godertch. Ont. ! .21 AUCTION WANTED IMMEDIATELY -A cook and kattttine mad st Ali -swede' How pial Apply to SUPER INTENDEMT. 112 -it r pEACH£R WA TED. -FOR S. S. NO. 1 a, Colborne tow tp; second-clase proles. moil. Uut,n to alter summit holt- . A. ROBERT'S[ . R\11. and raperch. tl d A. - No. '. Gadenen . to r11EACHER WANTED. -FOR IJN1ON 1. school meow No. Aaheadd and West Wawauoah; seeond•eWs ewooal. ,Duties to c<rtwence atter the min bohda7r. Apply. tatng .alsry and eager to WM. FINNI- GAN. R. it. No 1. Sh,ppesdtoo. .11411 mEACHEN WANTED. -AOR St Q( 1 aastwn No. k, Gilhame towusht tuna toast second-class eaainal. uer to raesniies after summer hdays Apply, stat - ti salty and eaperiencr. to9A\'ID C. MOGIL. R. at. soli 1. Sheops.eton. 0.t. 1f-41 1 \ISTR ICT SALESMAN W ANTED AT • use 10 represent • The old reliable Fent- h ill Norferise,a Godeeseh and Huron county. tepfYaiaduemosata for the right man. high o° L Matpmt. texcrve trusts rye a .r'e'gal bet W 371pMR • MtR11.1 MGiON. Tw steres• 1 Y- .t GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY THE 'JI GODERICH KNITTIN(. LO. leaf FOR SALE. VOR SALE. -ONE GOOD BIG WORK JC horse. one purebred York►hne vow and one road baggy- G. M, KIDU. 1t LTRY.- BROWN LEGHORNS, pod laying strain, for oak chap- L. SI4Q, Ater. Gloucester Terrace. CARD OF THANKS. -_ -- -�...'►- 11 R. AND MRS. MICHAEL BOWLER J�J and family desire to thank the people of Conder h and Ashfield and many other friends for the helplul sympathy they have Chown in numerous ways to their recent beteavenwnt. r "A man without means roost Abandon the hope of making the future of his fancily luxuriously comfor- table. All a man kcan do under existing r•ircum• stances too safeguard his family, in to get his life insured:' -W. H. Tan. A policy in the MUTUAL LIFE makes this provision at lowest rates Robertson & Woods AGENTS An auction sale of the SHORE RAILWAY MAT the buildings, bet umbers,. Albert. scrapers. one steam toner matntat. will he held v WEDNESDAY and THL and Istk commencing at 1 o'clock or at Kuw�a-�d�')y, �s�td seiLng ale wards (,oderbeb. Terms. -Cash as day .f • THO: F.TOTHERS, tt-2t Trustee of Ontario , •Chore Railway. ARIL) WEST A , consisting u1 ••••+1 budce at Port sad all other .rht-ol-way on the JULY 17th a, td.wsday. July 17, - rmshlo(-way to - FOR SALK 011 RENT. LOR SALE. -A TWO-STORY BRICK house containing seven rooms besides km ben ppeantry,batb,attic and beweawnt;osseine halite and furnace. Near Square and Calkgute Institute. Lot takes ,n about qua' rtp.acre land. with or - dem. fruit trees lawn etc. For quick sale. offer the whole tar 12,21.51 -part cash; balance. twins to suit purchaser. Owner intends leaving town, which is the meson for low price asked. MRS, J. H. WILLIAMS, Market sweet. 17-tf DRIYATt SALE OF RED BRICK house ►lath modern convenience,. MW household furniture. Netntonan pato and bench, pedes and dining -room suites, rugs and carpets. den, library and hall seta. 4 bedroom suites, ptl- hiws std bedding. 3 mirrors, rocking chnn, ver- andah chairs and co,ctrs, curtains. range. a1 cooking stove, washing machine- wronger. sewing machine. clocks, garden hoer. hamn,uck, dishes. and other articles too numerous to mention On sale every alternoon and evening from the 12th to the Chid of July. JAMES. T. BURDGS. Albert street. 21-1t FOR SALE. -THE TEN -ROOMED COTTAGE on Bayfield road, formerly the property of the late Mn. Gibson. Two lame ors;lstabk: town water. Apply to MRS JAS. WILSON. 21.0' FARM FOR SALE. -TWENTY-FIVE awes, in Colborne towb.hoo. seven m�bt from Goderwb. An Ideal place to live. To be sold on easy terms. Apply to THUS. GUNDRY, auctioneer, Goderlch. t-tf O RENT. -APARTMENTS OVER E R. Wliik'i drug store. Apply to PARE. MES WILSON,Nurthstreet, FOR SALE. -A NEW BRICK HOUSE with one-half Ogre d land. situated on Huron road, Godencb. Tuts s s genuine bargain. Some vacant kits can he bought adjoining Chu property. T. GUN DRY. Godsends. RENT. -OFFICE AND FIVE - ROOM dwelling in connection therewith. pqr a W.E. KELLY. OR SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE, with al) conveniences. Apply W. A. CHIS- OLiI, Trafalgar street. ea -if •a.' OR SALE. -SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 1'. all ,modern conveniences, alert good well, soft water astern, fruit nen. lawns, vegetable •roles, =able. etc. A kw minutes' walk from the care. For full particulars address bog 33, HE SIGNAL OFFICE, Godes ices Ont. U5 -t( NORTH 'HURON Reponse RATION. THE this Results as THE TOWN y1N COV NClL ee. His (Worship referred to the fatal acci- dent at the lake un the previous Sunday v The work of returns for N pitted at the H. BeHame. forrnatioa et p hushed bele*. tered before and on 8,627 females. the registration has been coin - registrar, Mr. and for the in- apt" results are Cemetery Matters Under Discussion - et 16'0d' is,is" gArrangement Made for Laying is regarded as Tarvia -Mayor Suggests Having very axnplete. In fact, it ettceeded the an Officer at the Lakefront as a expectation of the tion Board at Safeguard Against Accidents. Ottawa. who made for a certain percentage not being to attend for registration because knees, etc. How- ever, due to the dil' of the capable deputies and a moat of these were looked after tegtstration day, with the result that un be definitely stated that there are mo.e than tifty wwegisteed persons ,it the riding today. In the townships it MOM noted the pop- utatton is about equity divided betwe n tttrlM and females,. but, to the towns the (�tles s. are in the yby several hun des , this being due to.' OKI that there are awn husbands o • The teRYty' is tM standing of the various town/ships, vil4Wrs and tow Les Mak. Female. 'notal. TO ASK RECOGNITION OF BRAVE RESCUE UN JUNE 30. Ashfield a.... 7 W. Wawanosh3 E. Wawanoah Colborne-. ........... Grey Morris Howlck Turnberry. Brussels .......... Wroxeter... »... _.... 1 Gerrie. ord ich ............ . Blyrh 1)ungannon. 1 Wingham tl .951 1.%9 Godench .....,11 1630 21!10 741 1478 30e 813 515 984 456 946 419. 1564 ' 640 1237 733 1482 470 1112 385 625 180 313 158 293 158- 288 276 497 169 316 /TOWN OF GODEI' .h, 1 NOTICE TO WA'.' R -TAKERS. Water rates are he -rafter payable quarterly in advance, on the first days of Januar., April, July ant' October of each year. • A discount of 115 pp. c., fe(teen per cent. will he allowed off fates when paid on or before the first of each quitter. 1! _-(5 c -j five yet cent. ',OOP added to Fail water rases that . ttr.;1 r„ arrears from the end oe gaprtal . The fifteen per cent. discount co July lst, 191s, payments will be awed up to and including July 15th. 1918, but only three days of grace will be allowed on all future quarterly payments. By order of the WATER AND LiGHT COMMISSION Town of Goderich. A. STRAITON, Collector. ?'2.2t D1L-11:-i -R -FORSTER, ++�� EYE. EA.R, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic end Aural HHoeptal, assistant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London. En`` 58 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 21 . Next visit to Goderich Wednesday. July 17th. 7 p. m., to Thursday, the loth. at 1 p. m LOST OR FOUND. 1 OST. -ON WEDNESDAY AFTER- ai NOON, between Hannhon street and West Strart,-a small parcel of han./Finder please leave at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. NOTICR TO COEDITORS. IgRsTO CREDITORS A ND IN TM ESTATE Or JESSIE H. CaltitION, LAVE Or ma Tower Mr GOORRIQI. ma Cotner/ o HURON, WIDOW. TitCRASRD. Notice is hereby ,given, pursuant to R. S. 0.. chapter 121, election 3e that all persons having nails* sigma tbe taiga oi sae awed legate H. Cameron. doomed, whb died on the 11th day of lune. 1917. are required to send to the underogned solicitor for the executors of the said estate. on or before the rah day of July. 1117A, full particulars of theu said claims. And further take notice that afteo said date the executrws distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which notice shall thavegbeen received, and that Use esecutore will not be fiable for the said assets to any person*, whom claim notice shaft riot have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated June 2410s, I914. CHARLES GARROW, Goderich. Ont. Solicitor foe LENA GACT and A. N. CAMERON, Esecutors. THE OF EDMUND WAIUNIR.1 IR JOHN MD. OsporalManagair The 'rental of a Safety Deposit Box represents a very low nite of Insurance on your valuable documents. You will lbed our vaults coowesissatly located sod la elbow asariaous officials. Goderich Branch --G. WILLIAMS, Manager. BYLAW NO. 10OF 1918. TWR TOWN OF GODERICH. A BYLAW GRANTING EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION TO THE NA- TIONAL SHIPBUILDING COM- PANY. LIMITED, FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS. - Wagers, The Nauostsl Sb.phutlding Company, sorest, pia bete eke �L���ar altipgnn of own o1 c ,e. rh hese •Ass 5.4 ringLe1we .late Mrd bnKk streets ooT� 8.181 was 10eMOT noses as the D..t y Plant, and has ante acquiring sad premises improved and added to them. and has for the past year been engaged in the maims - lettuce of marine enmities and .otters. AND W s at the time ..1 the purchase of said premises tt was agreed that the said Premiere should he granted exempoion from municipal taxes. except school tate,, for a period of ten bora. subject so the approval of the ratepayers one obtained to a bylaw to be sebmnted for that purpase. Ann W xaaxs' the ted Company has since ac- quired the remainder of the former Doty plant, being the premises on Morland road. formerly aeeuped by the Paget Grain Door Company, Llm,ted, and bas added largely to its equipment. --AVD Roraima 'the said Company prepoees 101 still further increase its opera' ons m the Town of j Godertch by erecting a bolter shop adjacent to its present plant on Maitland road abd has purchase,) from the Corporation of the Town o1 ('oderich for that purpose a pottidti tel the lands formerly owned by Goderach Wheel Rigs, Limited. and now owned b the Corporation of the Town of Godertch. and is about to proceed fnrthwnh with the erection and operation of said boiler shop. 8627 16067 Question 13 on le cards. "Are you willing to do 'wart (" was an- swered by 1300 rnq the urban centres who are not at �kngaged in farm- ing but who are to help out if necessary. -lite Opulence of the urban centres htly over 1800, so that the percent nearly seventy. This reflects wefj tact f - triotism of the people of North • Information on these cards has ',extracted by the registrar for the Or . of Resources Committee of T • who will make immediate use of sa The totals for the villages are as fu W Ingham 326, Br Blyth 116, Walton Wroxeter 53, Elbe! 34, rtlgrne The total number of ties ap- pointed was 116 and the number of as- sistants 2110. These and others who r,f- fered their services the registrar heartily thanks for the splendid work they did during registration week. As soon as the returns are received from Ottawa the registrar thopes to publish in the local Press a list of the workers showing the as- signed remuneration to the Red Cross fund. The registrar also thanks the people of North Huron for responding eo readily and willingly to the provisions of the Reg- stration Act. ent towns and Goderich 406. 08, Bluevale 25. , irrgannon 59. !8f Gerrie TY,y AVD W e the said Company in consider- ation of the erection by it of said new hosier shop and the cooaequent employment of addltmonal hands, as herons( ter set -firth. and the expansion of as operations ,n the Town 01 Goderich, has re- t quested the !Municipal CWncil Of the said Cor- poral ion to submit this bylaw for the approval of w the ratepayers eatetdirg the pro e r �ppton a from taxation to its present plant on Maitland w road and to the said boiler shop to be erecrtd. as well as to the plant lying between Newgate and Brock streets. L Special for Saturday. Oleomargarine -Armour'* XXX and H..1. brands, 34e. a Ib. T. LEGG. The warm days bring to mind the de- light of Edwards' ice cream. • he Corporation. agree in writing, on or before the nal passing of the bylaw, to give as consent is riling to the bantering by the Corporation of ny similar industry m the Town' of Godetich ithin the said peraud of ten years. t. Ther bylaw shall take effect oil the day' of he final passing thereof. Provisionally paired at the council clambers at he Town of Goderich the 21st day of June. A. -D. AIA. . L. KNOX. (Sgd.) E. R. WIGLE, Clerk. Mayor. large number of workmen and its operabons in the Town of Goderich are of material advantage to the ratepayers and citizens thereof. sarAdsoCoWmpany on as said undeetakinfs it is ea- pedient to grant the said exemption rorn mon'. in order to promote and aid the' opal taxation. except schoor•tales, upon the terms hereinafter eet forth. • THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OE' THE CORPORATIQfii OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH ENACTS AND a IS HEREBY ENACTED AS FOLLOWS: I. The lands. bui/dinmt. machinery and plant et and all the assessable property of the National Shipbuading Company, Limited. comprised in its premises. sitwate, PIIISTLY. upon lots 909,1110, part d of 911, 901 end the west part of lot 941, and lying between /*temple street and Brock street in the v Town of Goderich, and, smosnitv, upon part of Block 12. Concession "A.- fronting on maittand t road in the Town of Goderrch. being formerly , the plant operated by the Paget Grain Door Com- ti luny. Limited, aod. THIRDLY, the new boiler shop 22 to he erected also upon patt of Block 12. Conces. elm "A," %hall be and the same are hereby de- 5 dared to be exempt from all municipal taxes. ex. , cept school taxes, for a period of ten years from and including the year the loft year of 'w said term beme the year 1927. 2. In the event of the total number of hands c firstly anti irecondly described premises% falling and remaining beiow fifty for period of nine coniw- ga cutive months. or in the event of the number em, n obeyed in the hoder shop to he erected falling and remaining helm. twenty for a like period. or E should said Company cease to operate its said K Arstly and secondly descrtherl premmes, or either of them. or the said boiler shop for a period of nine months, then in any of said events the ex as concerns the tales tor the year in which said we'd nl default is completed, and the full taxes for gold year. In reepect of the premise* as to nt which default has been made, shall he paystile by R *aid Company TAKE NOT1CR that the above is a true copy of a MoOosed bylaw:which has been taken into con- iderition, and which wt11 be finally pasSed by the Council of the Munictpality on the event of the Moroi of the electors being obtained thereto) fter one month from the first publication in The Gierlench Signal newspaper. the date of which publication was the 27th day of June, 1915. ANT, FURTPIRS TARR NoTICI that all leasehold- s qualified under the provisions if theiMuniolpai Act. section S. S. 3., are rem:fired ten days W- ore the day of voting to tile with me a statutory eclaration of Mialificattons, otherwise their names wall not appear on the voters' list for such AND Pilau -Mg TAXIS NOTICR that the vote of be electors col the said Town of (-indent h von be aken on the said propoeed bylaw at the following mee and placer, that is to gay. on Monday. the nd day of July. 1918, commencing at the hour 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and contsnuing unld o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by he following Deputy Returning Officers: Polling Subdivision No. 1. at Thompson's ood Shop, %intone street, by John H. Edwarde, Deputy Returning Officer, David Sproul, Poll The town council met on Friday even- ing with six members present, the absen- tees being Councillors Cooke, Davis and Wallis. A statement from the tax collector re- garding collection of arrears was referred to the finance committee. Mr. C. L. Jackson. who is leaving Guthrie!). tendered his resignation as one of the town auditors, which was accepted with an expression of the council's ap- preciation of his services. The Mayor\suggested the advisability of engaging a'', chartered accountant to audit the books at the end of the year. This was referred to the tinance commit- tee, the Reeve entering an objection to such an appointment on the ground of ex- pense. The minutes of the recent meeting in connection with Ontario West Shure Railway affairs were read and placed on file. An appeal for aid for the people of Serbia. '.1)ntenegro and Macedonia was received fru m the Canadian War Hospi- tal Fund. The president, ter. F. W. E. Burnham, of Winnipeg, wrote: •'As an eye -witness of sufferings beyond descnp- tion. and of a courage as dauntless as any that has marked the pages oflptatory.l ap- peal to you fora grant in aid of owe faith- ful allies in the Balkans. who are worthy tery in June, and to put the paths in of a 1 our efforts in their behalf." shape, but not to look after the plots ex- Thi- appeal was reierred to the finance cept for those who paid him for doing so. committee. There as a good Ileal of criticism with Ah application from Mr. Aldous, sexton regard to the cemetery, but the critics of Maitland cemetery, for an ue-rease of when they had the chance would not pay salary and also for an extra ram at the for better service. He (the Reeve) had cemetery was sent to the cemetery and got a regulation passed under which $50 parks committee. would pity kr taking care of a plot for all A notice from the county clerk of the time, but only two had paid the amount. county rate for 1914 wareceived and The Mayor suggested that (he commit - sent to the finance committee. The levy tee lay down a definite program of im- is as follows: {movement and carry out a certain pur- 171or grrleraI county purposes, s4 P4.5k4 tion u( it each year. Proven Hal war tax 1.421.60 A convention of police officers is to be Highttays rate 1,422.60 heldat Hamilton July 16. 17 and 18, and -f7 - the Mayor thought it might be well for ,530 the to attend to and said he thought it would be a protec- tion against such accidents to have a policeman or other officer at the lakefront to offer caution when the weather condi- tions were unfavorable for boating. Young boys could not understand the danger. The same officer might also look after the safety of the children bath- ng at the beach. The special committee was asked to consider and report on the Mayor's sug- gestion. His Worship spoke of the pulmotor and thought t Government might be in- duced to ce one of these instruments atthe harbor or life-saving. They cost about 1400. The clerk is to rite to he Department of Marine at Ot regarding this. Upon the suggest i of the Mayor Live gallons of gasoline are to be given to each of the two boats that went out on Sun- day in connection with the a:ndent. The Reeve and the chairman of the public works committee were delegated to attend. the sale of the O. W. S. Railway material in the interests of the town. The Mayor stated that h. had at- tended a Boar 1 of Trade meeting that afternoon at which mention was made of the cemetery. and it was said that that place was not (rl good condition this year. Councillor Wilson. who is chairman of the cemetery and parks committee, re- sented this. He said the Board of Trade had other work to do without bothering about t cemetery; he thought the Board ade ought to get to work and do something along the lutes for which it was organized. The cemetery. he believed. hooked as well this year as it ever did, and others had expresaed the same opinion. Replying to an enquiry as to the duties of the sexton at the cemetery. Reeve Laithwaite explained that he was sup- posed to cut the grass all over (he ceme- the town's two poi' The fait item on this bill twin ttternrRJvest important gdea• county ea, the subject of sir non. J 'nr said as he understood Fite ode Rem , asked If he would care to go, A. M. POLLEY. Monday last was the e ghty-fourth al' niversary of the birthday of Mr. A. A 1 Polley, his natal day being July K. 1934. Mr. Polley is one of the boa -known men in the county, and although the years have left their mark on him his et e still brightens when you talk to ham of horse ; or po:itics. }, CAPT. DONALD M. MACKAY. C :,'' •s,•^ ,C�yyett on kg Elite% 2m CPIPAI oalethwaite stated that this tors Lieut. Donald, M. Masker. gin of Mr. road improvementrbutnothing was to 6e vention was int t'haets tidy. e and Mrs. Doriafd 11SCkat-: Britannia spent on the roads within the town. The 11a>or said very emphatically road, has been Reeve Laithweite said there was no that his suggestion was that both promoted attachedd the rank n( remedy for O. Th: countycouncil �" as assistant and i now forto the Cstapt. > policemen pour rune. The matter was as assistant arrector of ordnance. Capt. "might" make a refund of dropped. Mackay enlisted as a private at Van - moneys thus collected from towns I A motion was passed that the police- couver and has been overseas over three and village,. but the latter were ent rely at man be instructed to enforce the weed by- years, His promotion from the ranks to the mercy of the county council.law. a captaincy- is evidem_e of his soldierly The proposal was made that the town I Councillor Robertson remarked that as qualities. ask: for a rebate or induce the county to Mr. Coutts was in town jt would be a continue its improved road system good idea to ask him to get rid of the eye - through the town. sore at the wharf. Deputy Reeve Clark offered to obtain Bylaws 12, 13, 14 and is were passed. further information for the next meeting No. 12 is to authorize the borrowing of of the cosncil. I money lo pay tdhe-semiamwal interest The finance committee reported that ' charge ori the 0. W. S. Railway bonds; m arrangeents had been made with the No. 13 increases the clerk's salary by Bank of Montreal for an extension of 5100, and Nos. 14 and 15 increase the policemen's salaries by &a) each. This concluded the business before the council credit for local improvement sewer work to $7,300, also a credit of *3,750 to pay interest un the O.ttario West Shore bonds due July 1st, 1918; and that the Dom - anon Road Machine Co. had paid *3,146.82, the amount of the bonds taken up last Februa y by the town, with in- terest, The committee recommended the following distribution of the county grant for Red Cross purposes: Women's War Auxiliary. *180: Rebekah Lodge, 1100; Women's Institute, 1100; Red Cross So- ciety, 5331.30. The report was adopted. The public works committee recom• sT. PETER'S SCHOOL. Following are the results of the promo- tion examinations at St. Peter's school: From Form IV. Jun. to Form IV. Sen. - George- McKay. Jack Fellows, Philip M Douse I. From Sen. III. to Jun. IV. -Willard Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle Thanks are due the •following knitters: Mrs. Wm Johnston. 10 pairs; Mrs. Thos. Dougherty. 6 pairs; Mrs. J. B. Graham. Mrs. Eby, ; patrsearh: Mrs. Wm. Carey and alre. Sillib. 2. pairs each; Misses Marie add Ida Hawkins, 1 pair each. Thee are in addition to the list published on page 6 of The Signal this week. For Red Cross Workers. The new knitting machine for the Red Cross has been installed in the iodine trial echoed at the public library. Help - ere are needed and persons willing to run the machine may mime on Mondays. Wednesdays and r rfdayr.- If quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. ('hone '240. mended that a Monarch oil or tarvia Gravelle. Ernest Robinson, Laura leffreY. tributor be attached to the town's one• Harold Dalton, Fred Webb, Marion Grif- ar. July '2, to Fir arid Mrs William toevens, Maitland confession. horse, sprinkler by the Dominion Road fin,Willie Carney. Colborne. suit machine corata-custa.S300,-..the Coansi._ F.rom..bertss_111. to Sen. 111. -Frank DIED. pany agreeing, to lend the town a large McCarthy. Helen mccarthy. Loretta cLARIC.--In Gode, h. on Thursday. July 11. road -roller until it is sold or otherwise ' Baechler. Joseph Farr, Ernest Jeffrey. Margaret Clark. <laughter of the late John disposed of by the Company, and also to 1Gordon Ryan. cruth whatever rock is required by the From Form 11. 10 Form III. Jun.- BUCHANAN. town at cost. For the cutting wood in Honors -Aileen 13aechler, Willie Tobin. JAII:InattzLinansIlier, only daughter of M . the hush purchased from M . Chnsto- Norman Ryan. Passed -Rita Plante, pher Johnston the committee asked Marie Gravelle. Monica Mara, Eileen fur poster, to advertise for ten- McKay, Willard Geromette, George ders. The'committee reported that ar- Farr, Jack Whitty. rangements had been made for the C011- From Rom I. to Form 11. -Honors • New ADVERTISEMENTS -July I I. struction of the remainder stf the sewer on -"Milne Plante, Teddy Griffin. Card al Thanks -Mr and Mrs Michael Bovilei Victoria street and on Britannia road Passed -Esther Farr. Mary Lynn, Lorne When Yon Motor to London-Smallman from Victoria street to Cameron street. The report was adopted. In reply to an enquiry from Councillor Robertson. the Mayor stated that the de- , drews, Dorothy Heffernan, eresa lay in putting on the tarvia was because I Webb, Bessie Tobin. Clarence Lannan, of difficulty in getting the necessary ap- Teddy Baechler, Irene Jeffrey. paratos, but the public works committee had now arranged this and the tarvia would probably belaid in a week or ten Bowler. Mary Tobin, 1, incent Geromette, !want .. . • • • • • • • Madeline Jeffrey, Marvin Lannan. Parcel of Harr Lost -Leave at The Signal ()awe From Primary to Form I. -Mar • An- Cook and Wiwtre,a Wanted -Box 173, Ambero- Polling Subdivision No 2, at Sharman's Shoe Re - days. sr Shop. East street. by Charles Murk DePtItY eturning Officer; Reg. Sharman, Poll Clerk. It. was moved by. Councillor Story. seconded by Councillor Robertson, that the c:erk communicate with the Humane Society or the Carnegie fund trustees and state that this council recommends that some recognition be made of the heroic act of Mr. Mac MacDonald in goiffe to the rescue of Mr. 1. klettratd, whose canoe had capsized iff Lake Huron on Sunday, June 30th, and in bringing him safely to shore, and also for his efforts in endeavor- ing to luate the other occupant of the canoe, who unfortunately was drowned. This was carried unanimously, the Mayor expressing his hearty approval of the motion. Councillor Robertson said there was complaint of the condition of the gravel - pit at the end of Wolfe street. Sergeant Moore•explained what the works department intended to do with the pit. and the matter was referred to the public works committee. Mayor Wigle stated that the G. C. I. board would like permission to put in a baseball diamond and a tennis court at the fair grounds, the expense to be Wale by the board. ReferrM to public. works Polling Subdivision No. S, at Town Hall. by . C. Belcher, Deputy Returning Offwer; William nos, Poll Ckrk Polling Subdivision No 4, at Stothers' Wood Shots Victoria street, by Huron A. Trafford, Deputy Returning Officer; William Stothers. Poll Polling Sobdiviston No. 8. at P. Walton's ore, West street. by Oswald Sturdy', Deputy eturning Officer; Harold Blecketone, Poll upon the gaol ante Or any one or more of thent The etyt tion hereby granted shall centre being conve to or operated by any company, t firm or individual other than the seid The Na - the Municipal Council in tt• discretion gives its sPProval to the exemption twong extended to said R company, firm or individual 4. The food Company shall at any tfrne at the Al requerd of Ow Clerk of the Municipal Corporation S furnish • stew? declination se to the number I Ore, West street. by G.M.Elliott,Deputy Retuni- ng Officer, Wm Tait. Poll Clerk. Potting Subdivision No. 7, at J. W Priddle's esideoce. corner William and Cayley streets. by Doliald McKay, Deputy Returning Officer; obert Tait, Poll Clerk. On Saturday the 20th day of July, 191e. the sow of the said Town will littered at the council hamhers at the amid Town at 10 o'clock in the orenoon. to appornt person" to attend •t the of hands empin from time to time in its yeti- ss oos plants foe t purpose of ascertaining whether so the condition' of this below are hong a:remind ni with- Prw The Clerk of the Council nt the said Town of Coderich will attend at his office in the Tovnt !all. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol Tuesday. the 211ed day of July. 191A. to III Ill no the number of et for and monist the Said progmeed bylaw. I Clerk oars praline places aforessid, and et the final mming up of the sores by the Clerk. on hehal f the persona intermted in and promoting or ap- ing the passing of the said proposed bylaws re - 8 The, elemption herehy granted shall like- wise cone end &termitic if the sent The National to time during the said perwwl of <en years g l ve ite Consent 15 writing to any proposed grant • the Corporation of the Town rti Cwsderith. YoS soy boner or sid to any 'igniter industry, and the said Company shall, if required by the C.ouncil of burg 1 Cottage he Sole- Mrclac Wilson • • Special -T. Legg . BANK OF -MONTREAL ESTABLISHED ovER 100 YEARS Branch Bank At Petawawa Camp. For the greater convenience of officers and men, a branch of the Bank of Montreal is now established at Petawawa Camp, Military Pay Cheques milled without charge. Money Orders issued oa all points In Canada. Savings Aecounts opened, and a general banking business transacted. A. W. STRICKLAND, Manager, Goderich Branch