HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL • GOI)ERICH ONTARIO
The place that RENDERS as well as advertises SERVICE
of the right kind.
We advertise only what we can deliver,
Ownged sad Opera:tes by a
East Street Garage " Pratt .1
GODEWCH - - ONTARIO Arthur Y. Glover
and all the wedding party %honk! be photographed by ns.
Each year such pictures increase in value and keep alive happy
is our specialty. We give careful attention to every detail of our
work and feel sure we can satisfy you.
home 11np� the West. and Dorothy, who
came witil ha parents on their visit and
is now at Mitchell. Mrs. Davis resided in
Goderich for some years and was held in
high regard by those who enjoyed her ac-
Appreciated at Wingham,
I The Wingham papers eonunent favor-
ably upon the recent performance of the
Godench operatic company w that town.
The Times says: The concert in the
opera house on Friday evening last wasas
well attended and the play "The Lass
Limerick Town" put on by the Godench
Dramatic Company was well rendered
and was much appreciated by the large
audience. The company is made uo of
excellent entertainers. The Women's
Patriotic Society will have a nice surplus
to add to their funds. The people from
Goderich furnished the entertainment
free of charge and their kindness is very
much appreciated by our townspeople.
The Advance comments as follows:
"The Last of Limerick" was well ten-
dered by the Goderich Dramatic Co. and
was highly appreciated. The people
from Goderich furnished the entertain-
ment free of charge and as a result the
Ladies' Patriotic Society will have a nice
surplus to place in the r treasury.
-444+4++++ +4+444 4+44 t ttlt4+
L_ — _1r-_---
Goderich Girl Wedded at Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cla k announce
the marriage of their second daughter,
Pearl Allem, to Dr. Harold L. Hickey,
$Natant surgeon U. S. N. R. F.. the only
son of Dr. and Mr.. C. G. Hickey. of
Denver. Colorado. The mamage took
place at Chicago June 20th. Rev. 1Villard
11. Robinson, pasta of Englewood Pres-
byterun church. Chicago. of crating.
An Impressive Service.
The pubic service of intercession heli
on the Square on Sunday afternoon
The Good
Old Summer Time
This is holiday time.
You will need a new snit
for your vacation trip,
and you cannot do better
than come right here for
it. We have new goods
for suits and light over-
coats that we should like
to show y Ou, and we
guarantee satisfaction in
cut and workmanship.
R. J. Armstrong
!lows SIS Square. Godeeicb,
brought together a large assemblage of
all denom nations. Mayor Wigle and
Rev. R. C. McDermid, chairman of the
Godench Ministerial Association, were in
charge of the proceedings, and the order
of service was carried out as indicated
last week. The hymns were sung with
fervor, Capt. Fox leading with his cornet.
The addresses by Rev. Dr. D.ckie and
Rev. A. L G. Clarke were appropriate
and well delivered, and the service
throughout wa.<most impressive.
"Booster" Coutts in Town.,
Mr. W. G. Coutts, of Big Stone Gap,
Va.. is in town this week. He. has fol-
lowed with interest the Laard of Trade
campaign to place his native town more
prominently upon the map, and brought
with him a number of sir estione to
help along the good work. These have
been placed before a committee of the
Board for consideration and action. Mr.
Coutts believes there is a great future in
prospect for Goderich if the people of the
town will enc the opportunities that he
believes are within grasp. So persis-
tently does he keep these views before the
citizens by letter and otherwise that he is
known as "Booster" Coutts It was he
who first brought the Board of Trade into
j touch with the Town Development Co.,
under whose direction the cantpeign of
last May ems carried out. -
Sudden Usath of Mrs. Fred Davis.
Councillor T. M. Davis this morning
recaved the\Unexpected news of the
death of his' • ter -in-law. Mn. Fred
vit which at ing lad ht. MrcU esome
Fred L)aaduviisgcame from their home at Ir
ncana. Alberta, in May to visit their rela-
tives in the East. and Mrs. Davis had
been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Murray,
at Philadelphia. She returned to Mit-
chell last Thursday and was taken 01 the
following day. but apparently recovered,
and last evening when she retired she
seemed to be in her usual health. This
morning she was found dead in her bed,
hart trouble no doubt being the cause of
death. Besides her husband. who is a
member of the Provincial Legislature of Al-
berta. and who is at present *Mitchell,
she leaves four daughters: Mrs. Murray.
of Philadelphia. Pa.; Olive and Bernice, at
are not paid. The resignation Mr O. W 11 Bullard.
Who is removing to Toe.one, was fdBuullulla,
and accepted.
Don't Low Registration Caro.
Reorganizing Water and Light Business.
A reorganization of the business end of
the water and light services of the town
is being waked out. The commissionis
taking the store formerly occupied Y
W. H. Harrison, jeweller, and will put in
a stock of electric light supplies, power
utensils, etc., for sale, and may also trans-
fer to it the colkttion of light and water
rates, and make it the general headquar-
ters of the business of the water and light
commission. The new move may also en-
tail a reorganization of the staff, but as
to this it is understood the details are
At the meeting of the water and tight
oommiseion last Fnday evening a change
in the system of collection of water rates
was inaugurated. Hereafter the rates
will be payable quarterly in advance on
the 1st of January. April, July and Octo-
ber. A discount of fifteen per cent. will
be allowed to prompt payrnel t, and on
the other hand five per cent. will be
added to rates when thirty days in ar-
rears. As no advance notice has been
given of this change. fifteen days' grace
will be allowed for paymentsdue the 1st
of July this year. but in future only three
days' grace will be allowed.
The engineer has been instructed to
collect arrears of light and water rates
and to cut off the services if the arrears
Parents whochildren will rear..ti the
age of sixteen within the next month or
so must take them to the postotlice anti
have them registered at the earliest pos-
sible date.
This provision of the Registration
Act is not generally known. Par-
ents failing to have their children reg-
ister. even if they reach the age of 16
only a month or two after the present
date, may be subjected to much annoy-
ance and trouble.
The Registr•alion Act also provides that
persons who were too ill to leave their
homes before June 2'2 or were otherwise
legally prevented from calling at a reg-
istration eofing can he postoftice as with e law
by reentering r!
as they are able to do so.
The losing of a registration certificate.
through lack of proper precaution or
care, may under certain conditions, be
considered as a serious ottence and dealt
with accordingly. Anyone losing his or
her certificate must at once, not later
than the day after loss is discovered, ap-•
ply for a new certificate at the post
office. Under no conditions can anyone
fail to have in his or her possession a
certificate of registration, as the law docs
not allow anyone to supplymeals. lodg-
ing or transportation facilities to any
person not able to produce such certifi-
cate when required to d..so. the only ex-
ception being transportation by street
cars or tram cars.
The Best Is None
Too Good
We look upon eye examina-
tion mo a very important matter
-eo should you. To encore the
best you should entrust the ex-
amination to a thoroughly re-
liable optician -one who,through
years of specializing in adjusting
eye defects, is positive of fitting
them correctly.
We grind our own lenses.
�►.•. , '1 '. - ('1 111151,
AI O ?"4- AND MfG.
r ' AI /1St post COKE
"me /031f GUELPH. o..e.
Cameron --Bradford.
A pretty wedding took plate at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford
on Saturday, June 29, when their eldest
daughter, Mies Mona Pearl. was united
in marriage to Mr. John Alexander
Cameron of Toronto, Rev. Dr. Rutledge
officiating. The bride. who was given
away by her father, was gowned in
white crepe de chine. with veil and orange
blossoms. and carried a bouquet of O2he-
lia roses. Miss Margaret Ryan, of
salmon, made a charming little flower -
g art dressed in pale pink silk and carrying
a basket of sweet peas. Miss Elsie Brad-
ford, sister of the bnde, played the
Lohengrin wedding march as the bridal
couple took their places before a bank
of palms and ferns. The groom's gift to
the bride was a diamond ring set in
platinum, to the pianist a pearl brooch
and to the flowergirl a silver me -h bag.
After congratulations and luncheon the
happy couple left on the afternoon
G. T. R. tram for Muskoka. where they
will spend their honeymoon before tak-
ing up their residence at Toronto. The
bride travelled in a suit of old sand
tricotine and a ieghorn hat with French
flowers. The out-of-town guests were
Mr. and Mn. Cameron and the Misses
Cameron, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 13.
J. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan and
daugEter Margaret. of Dungannon;
Mr. and Mrs. Snell and Miss Minnie, of
Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney and
Miss Clara, of Sea(orth; Mrs. Manning,
of Londesboro'; Mr. and Mrs. W. Wat-
ters, Master Billy Watters and Miss Ivy
Roberton, of London. The bride was
for several years a very capable member
of the local staff of the Bank of Montreal
and she is held in the highest esteem by
a large circle Of friends and acquain-
tances. a ,
Huron towusliip •-• Reeve Hittite,
Messrs. K. Irwin sail D. W. Bradley.
Ashtleld nopwuship - Reeve Dalton,
Deputy Beene Hackett, Councillor Rich
anteon and ex Reeve Chas. Stewart.
Mr. 1. L. Knox .etexl as secretary.
Mr. Thus. Mothers of Denotation, the
oelieial trustee of the railway, awl Mr.
p, A. Melasmsoo, barrister, of Kiucar•
tlinA, a ;e were in attendance -
Mr. Mot;_ers reported that so far 4113,-
lI. ,018.82 had haon paid over for material
soU to the PI•oisiJcial Hydro C4)41116is
si.a, and threw carloads bad since been
The trustee was given power to sell
the ties, buildings, the woolui bridge at
Port Albert, the old scrapers and all
other loose material In d emon:don with
the railway. He was also instructed to
teens a waruing to any pentons having
material belonging to The railway in
their possession to return it forthwith,
and on their failure to do so within
thirty days to take legal action. •
'there was considerable discussion as
to the witeloul or otherwise of procetd-
iAg with the appeal front Jusnce Suth-
erland's judgment in the smut against
the Toronto (,eueral Trusts (.'oi•poration
for alleged wrongful payment of 'ironies
realized from the bootie of the railway
which were guaranteed by the muuici
palities. The appeal was entered some
time ago and certain costs have
already been incurred, and the weight
of opinion was that the appeal
should be vigorously prosecuted
A motion to this effect was
adopted, Ashfield township dissenting.
Another motion adopted was with
reference to the right-of-way. This was
2 days only
July 10-11
A blazing revelation
of absolute truth. The
unholy desires of
William of Hohen-
zollern as known only
to those immediately
around him.
Two Shows
7.30 and 9 o'clock t1` beat
2 days only
July 10-11
Before the eyes of -
the audience it strips
naked the soul of
history's maddest
Two Shows
7.30 and 9 o'clock
The picture that made New York stand up and cheer like mad.
The picture that willl Theke your picture thaat set Boston loboil withde Chicago wild.
Don't let anyone tell you that "The Kaiser. the Beast of Berlin,"
is a battle picture. It is not. Yet it will make you madder
than acres of slaughter.
Two Shows ---7.30 and 9 o'clock
h the[ whoiie panne adjoin
APITAI. a tlEllarVIF- $,4001000
-TbTA L ASSET S — kfii4o00.000
The urgent and imperative demand for bugs has
opened up a ready aad profitable market for
every farmer who will raise them
Each hog you raise will bring a hanrdaome profit
quickly—the more bogs the retort you, Income,
Increase your herd now while prices are high.
To do this you may need a loan; if so, consult
our local manager; be will help you out.
F. WOO, LCOMBE, - Macager.
For$Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith as Ring
30 East Street. Opposite Knoa Church
Git'e Us a Trial
h sewrs I ��i mrla
the right-of-way Iw allowed to fence in sAt
and use the respective portions of the
right-of-way opposite their tonus, upon
entering into an agreement in writing
with the trustee to deliver up posseesioo
thereof on demand, and that the trustee
be instructed to have fences removed
covering the right-of-way where such
agreements are not executed.
The meeting also passed a resolution
instructing the secretary to write the
Ontario Railway anti Municipal Beard
protesting against the Investment of the
funds now being realized trout the sale
of material with the Toronto General
Trusts Corporation,preferring that these
funds be invested in Provincial or Do-
minion of Canada bonds.
It's wrong to talk about a man behind
his back. Talk about him in front of his
KHMP.-Mr. anfMrs. Louis Seagram
have received word of the sudden death
of the latter's father. Mr. Jehm Kemp,
of t reesoil, Mich., a former reskleut of
Henaall, lint. Mr. Kemp Listed away
on Thursday, June 20th, at the age of
seventy-two years. He was a mason
and contractor by trade, but
on leaving
Hensaand moving, Michigan
years ago last Match he purchased a
farm, on which he had since resided.
He is surviirel by hie wife, three daugh-
ters—Mies Anew Kemp and Mrs. M
Heitz, of Freesoil, Mich., and Mrs. Louis
Seigwan, of Goderich-and one son, Mr.
W. Kemp, of Loudon, Ont., who mourn
the Iola of a Iovipg husband and father.
Mr. Kemp and' family eauie from Dev-
onshire, England. in )s94, and resiled
at Hensall for fourteen years. Two
sisters and a brother of the deceased
still live in England.
Rev. N. R. McLeod, of Mount Forest.
has declined the call s=tamped to him by
the C,oderich Baptist church.
The choir of Knox church had its an-
nual picnic yesterday at Mene-
setung Park. About fifty persons were
present and the outing was much en-
Special services will be conducted at
the Salvation Army citadel next Sunday
by Sergeant-Major Arthur Dean, of To-
ronto, at 11 a.w. and 7 p.m.; also on
Monday evening at 8 p.ni.
The pastor, Rtev.,J. H. Osterhont, B.D.,
w111 have charge of the services in Vic-
toria street Methodist church next Sun-
day. Morning subject: "This one thing
I do." Evening: "A Man's Value to
Society." Sunday school and Bible
class at 3 o'clOtk. Epworth Leagne
Tuesday evening at b o'clock. All wel-
For 'llus Week
Arsenate of lead for potato bugs. We
have it. L R. WICLE. druggist, Gode-
Hen's One-piece Bathing Suit
Navy blue, button on shoulder
To clear at flttic.
Men Khaki Sox
To cl
GARRICK.-There died in tl deritial
on Friday. June 29. after an illness of
six weeks, Mary Margaret Moore, be-
loved wife of Mr. James Garrick, of
town. The deceased was born at Dub-
lin, Opt., over sixty-three years ago, but
moved to Goderich at the age of twenty-
four and hal resided here ever glace.
Besides her husband there are left to
mourn her death a daughter and two
sons, Alice and Joseph, of Goderich, and
(ioerge, with the C. E. F. in England.
The funieral was held on Sunday to
Maitiand cemetery, the servitrs being
conducted by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. Tho
pallbearers were: Messrs. Rohert Mac-
Leod, George Hunt, William Farr and
John Story. A number of friends and
relatives were present from a distance,
including Mr. and Mrs. William Moore
and Mr. apt Mrs. Chas. Stamp, of Strat-
ford; Mrs. Robert Mutton. Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Mutton, Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph
Macre anti Mr. and Mrs, John Moore, of
Mitchell Mrs. Alex. Rooney, Mrs. Kate
Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore,
of Dublin, and Mr. and Mrs. H.Williams,
of Burford.
Municipalities Going Ahead in Action
Against Toronto General Trusts.
A meeting of representatives of the
niuhicipalities concerned in the affairs
of the Ontario West Shore Railway was
held at the town ball on Friday after-
noon. The representatives present were:
From Goderich - Mr. C. A. Reid
(chairman). Mayor Wigle, Reeve Laftlt-
waite, Deputy peeve Clark.
Klncardlne--Mayor Malcolm. Reeve
Henry, Councillor Coombe and Mr. .1..11.
are the only
medicine that
will cure Dia-
betes Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ease was in-
curable until
Dodd's Kidney Pills
cored it. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd'. Kidney
Fills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations—box, name and
pill, are advert ised t c do so,
but the medicine that dors
is Dodd'. Kid-ey Piller.
Add'. Kidney Pills are
are* cent, a box at all
A Big Crowd, a Big Time and a Big
Success All Round.
The United Patnotic Society of Cagle -
h township added to an already bnl-
tant record of achievements by the splen-
didly successful effort of Thursday last,
when 'I'M Country Fair" was held at
Mrs. Curwen's beautiful place on the
Huron road. A great crowd assembled
during the evening to take in the sights
and to spend their money. For the lat-
ter there was plenty of opportunity, with
various broths for the sale of ice cream,
home-made baking, fancywork, etc., a
fortune teller's tent, a fishpond and
various other devices.
Much amusement was caused by an
ancient victoria hitched to an almost
equally ancient grey nag and driven by
a footman attired who
d the of a by-
gone day. Those
orld! inp this old-time war ut also! not
only helped
tributed much to the gayety of the occa-
sion. An auction sale of a great variety
of articles. including live stock, was con-
ducted by Mr. Thomas Gundry and
added considerably to the receipts of the
The grounds, after the sun had set,
were brilliantly illuminated by the
Delco -light, in charge of Mr. Robert Wil-
There was a musical program, in which
the Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra. Mr.
F. and Miss Lulu Lobb of Holmesville,
Mr. C,. L. Parsons, Capt. Fox. Miss Tich-
bourne, Mrs. James Reynolds and others
took part. Earlier in the evening an
opening addres was given by Canon Ihll
in his own happy and ckver manner.
Everything paw off pleasantly and
succersfulfy, and when the receipts were
counted up they made the splendid total
of 5715. There will be some expenses to
be deducted. but the net proceeds will be
over $600-a very handsome addition to
the funds at the dianosal of the U. P. S. in
its patriotic work. ',
1 he United Patrintie` Society wishes to
thank the folk,wing. M(a. Curwen and
family. (:anon Hill, Mr. Thos. Gundry,
Mr. Robe. Wilton and Mr. Robt. Tait,
Goderich Planing Mills. Mr. G. I.. Par-
sons, Capt. Fox. Mita Whitely, Mrs. Mc-
Kee, Mrs's Lulu and Mr. F. Lobb of
H"Inxsville, the country people for their
literal donations, and the workers.
r at 25c,
Boys' BalbrigsUaderwear
Sizes e; to 32,- to lean at Sac.
Men's Working Straw Hats
'1'o clear at 20c.
Boys' Striped Overalls
Si.. - .l -to 1') years. 25c.
Gene to Goderich on July 1st.
The Singer Store
We will be pleased to have
you call and iur1'v:t our epe. WI
line of goods.
Stamped Cushiooa, ('eutrem,
Scarfs. Towels, Day Slip., Car-
riage Pillows, Rompers, HaNawl
Ready -to -use Goode
Blouses, White Wear is Ladles'
and children's sues, Towelling,
Pillowslips. Bonnets, etc.
Tan Linen and Laces fr r
trimming edges sir . eatres, w.ar el
and cushions.
Highlands of Ontario
Offers you and ail the IomJy lar don .1
your role.
:we all famous playg,Dune/s.
Modern hotels $Aad rdy .'.alert,, herr
nanny heeler to love in tont 01 lot r ab.n yo.n
cP,.cr at reasonable cost.
*Cure your polo or stripes tY areC.e
mrdat,on on advance.
Full information from say a: rand Truro►
TnAtet Agent or G E Hom.nk 0,11nr1 rns-
anger Agent, "ronerto. out
P. P. LAWANCi. h F(3NS
Town Agents I'll tor A
1 1
the sun with
Vision, for a moment. those far off Forts
beyond the trackless seas -
From Arctic ice. to the torrid lands
beneath the Southern Cross--
ross--From towns tucked in the mountains. to
the busy river's mouth --
WRIGLEY'S is there!
There. because men find MADE IN CANADA
comfort and refreshment
in its continued use.
Because of its benefits
and because
The Flavour