HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-7-4, Page 3T F''BIGNA�.e - QQDER1CH, ONTARIO .1)•11111111111i[1)�11II1111IE1■111111111111 $ 1 is TSUt1DAV,- JULY 4, 1818 3 THE OtIi1NIl IND ONLY ieN01N8 BBW•$B 6F IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON 161312 MISHITS OJ I1NARD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL. 1VIt GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, specialist in women's and children' dresses. saute, chronic and nervous diseases. eye rose sad throat, par la drat nr•s, looby° sod rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed upby [belt crews. Germany hoe without the knife. (Mice at residence. corner r4st.00 and St. Andrew's streets. At home oance promised not to use the warships Mondays. Thursdays and SatudaY5,any evening and to return them to Russia after Err appointment. the conclusion ot peace. Foreign' Minister Tchitcherin's announcement DENTISTRY. says: "The return of part of the fleet kR. H. G. MACECNELL.-HONOR from Novo Rossyak to Sebastopol Graduate Toronto University. Graduate was agreed to on, give a guarantee the express condl- a1Colkaeof[)entalSurgeon•. successor to rhe tate Maio Sale. Ofhces caner tion that Germany queer and West street.Guderch. that the ships would not be utilized by Germany and her allies In the wit and teat they be returned to Russia after the conclusion- of a genel%l a, peace, and that the German troops t>t1HOMASGCNDRY, would not cross the line of demarc- 1 AUCTIONEER. salon, which approximately colncld- -- ed with their position at the open- (! M' Goderch All instructions by mrd o Ing Of the negotiations with the Uk- , CHAOS IN RUSSIA. Grand Duke Michael May Lead (banter-Itev olat lou. HULL WJMAN HAS GAINED TWENTY-EIGHT PJJNDS. movement of Mrs. McCann is Talk 07 Entire Neighborhood. LONDON, July 2, --German troops twenty - have occupied Tills, the capital of I My elle has attually gainedYll;A00 GRAIN MAH.... . nose aid her prices on the Chicago Board of Trade: 1 says • deloy,st f000Lnge Telegraph I he neighborhood," theCaucasus government and the eight pounds by taking la li a fall J P falcwll t Pre•. Open, High. low. Close Clwa stab rprnt made y John McCann of 197 C rs- 1 Co. report the following Ii n wonderful improvement is theto o largest city is the Caucasus district, war the remarkable despatch from oscow. Organisation Laval street, Hol. recently. Mr. McCann tea 1661k t41tj u75f, 1471[, 1 of Austro -German war prisoners In has lived in Bull all his life and is well dept • 16254 lUti 1601, 15174 148 that the. 150 161 148% 141% 15011 1 1 a[ region has been begun by known. wog, .. Germans. Duke Michael Is reported "Yes, (lir, I can say for a fact," he I Oats- tbeen in such July to have coned a mat his sty to Lod health before in seven years. She wog. •• t t he considered It his duty to run-down condition ork- r ° for about that oaf andgraduallyy Russian people. nays an Exchange a 1 ehr court do.She Grand 11 17735 43tr 1 Splendid A,3.30 ,S.9C continued, "my wile haarl . 7258 7314 71% 721j 78 D.MILLARuSON 1 *111<i1K1111111$11111****111101 1111$$ $11111♦11�1E�•111** 1 1 Lad I8% 6e% 37% 6r 68% 1 did Sh est Ia order and rljn Eie the had been in a badly P l of Jul wtxee in spite of Sept. ... 67% 6752, 66% 67 owing of Wash Materials Septra_ ..... July .. . 25. to 25.97 25.30 25.47 25.5( 1 - Special midsummer showing the est 1 Voiles, Marquisettes, Pique, Gaberdines,Beach Cloths and Repps. Belmar Voiles in rent 1s based upon the dissolution It seemed Jib 02, MARj�F.'j'$ laid patterns and foulard designs, in rose, grey, pink, cadet, green and navy, 40 1 times with sick headache. She often had Telegraph despatch from Moacow Juneun- 25.H ally opo. cw appetite. seldom ate any bre fast, and very little art an ' aline. She h of newest designs in Wash Materials,in ltrp}. E5.77 26.97 25.77 25.90 25.97 was so nervous tico d hardly sleep well, harabout July .... 23 35 23 60 23.35 23.40 2a.4c The ranDuke's z 24 U7 23.9E 24 00 24.M der date of e c the people to overthrow the prase• Government. and w weak she could y ge Th Grand. ak- appeal for the the house, much less do any of her work. Sept. ... z2.9 ousting of the Bolshevik . Ooveru- like a would almost die at .� p 1 arid. t t4 Constituent Assembly, which rad Id 8 x h d Special 60c y was tolled to dem just have t g P UNIOP1 et so sick and weak she would a and hadfalleni pounds to 110. about one-half of the receipts were seen Tanlac so highly r and the market for mended that 1 finally gut a bottle forher this class of cattle was steady to 101 x and i have never y n such a wonderful lower, while the medium and coin• verrfen o e dizzy spells a woo Ida upon Russia's o give u and STOCK YARDS. inches wide. per 1 form of government, the Bolshevik go to She looked pale and sallow' TORONTO, July 2. -With a run 1 act siaulling In the disintegration of (ll oft n weight from 128 of cattle approximately 3,500 head ■ Plain colored Voiles are in great demand, an extra fine even weave, in colors 111 Russia, the manifesto declares. Amnesty for past offences will be I had h hl ecom butcher cow., a ■ of pink, blue, rose, green, black, white, 40 inches wide. 'Special 60c yard. granted all who take part in the bo 1 t the Grand Duke promises. The Bolshevik Government as revolution, 1 1 1 h tmpro t m anyone Soon after she 1 surrendered Rossysk Germany • part r- comrriencrd taking it she g p m°° cows The Bathing Season Has Arrived She has taken five bottles to of 1 Black S fleet which` other ships of the (feet were blown AUCTIONEER. os test ■t nKnalOnire will promptly attended w 1 rattle. It was only on condition that taardrrlce tckphosr such an agreement be concluded that Germany stopped the advance Of the German troops toward Novo Ross - LEGAL. R, C. HOE. ' yak." BARRISTrurkiC.IE1C. NOTARY: destroyers ofly one dthednought and Russ an BlackSea (Mice-Scenic Hear Block. Hamilton street. I fieetcompwere eereturned t10he SebGeasmApotdIn ("Wench. E Tdepbutss stand the correspondent Is reliably Red Estate. Loans sad Ittrtsraece. bean to irk up and look better. s a ' en . n u her old weight of Iib pounds, but she has above she, now weighs 135. Her appetite is spletldid (fid she's never bothered with nervous headaches or dizziness any more. She does all her housework besides taking c of five children and never complaint o eeling tired. We are both simply de- lighted over the way Tanlac has built her up and we never Gross a chance to boost it. (Jur neighbors have been astonished over the results and they all tell her she looks like a different person." Tanlac is doles in Goderich by E. R. Wigle, in Seatorth by C. Aberhart. in W Ingham by Walton NIcKibbnn, in Hensall by A. M Hemphill, in Blyth by. White City ug Store, in Wroxeter by J. N. Allen, in ndesburo' by John O. Loundsberry. in E ter by W. S. Howey, in Brucefield by P Bowey, in Dash- wood by Tieman & Ede holler. in Crediton by J. W. Orme. in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. in Sheppardton by J.H. Simpson. in Gorrie by H. V. Armstrong, and in Fordelch by H. SanADVT. the Russ an c ea fed to Novo m fro when the Ger- ,w and she has not o ly g sten hick to to choice bate t 1 1 man■ eapty �ted Sebastopol, .ala an den We are showing a nice assortment of popular priced Bathing Seita, or men, nodal tele am from Moscow. Tho actually gone ten pounds bo that, Informed. The num her of .hips PROUDFCOT, KILLORAN & COOKE,' blown up by their crews was much RARRISIERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIE' larger than those given over t/( the PUBLIC. ETC. I Germans. Care on the Square, second 10101 fro m Hindi ANOTHER ITALIAN SUCCESS ion Street. Goderrh. Rivals funds to loan at lowest rates. J. L.,Kttu.PAn were slow of sale and lower, being only about half finished, 1 and sold at 25e per cwt. lower.Good hers were in stron land at about steady prices, and heavyweight steers were wanted and 1 held about steady with last week's 1 prices. The mulch cows and spring - ere were In slow trade, and butcher 1 bulls about 25c lower. There was a fair inquiry for stockers and feeders , 1 at lower levels. 1 The hog trade, with 1669 bead, 1 was steady to atrolig at the advance, selling for the most part at 181l4c fed and watered. The sheep trade, with receipts of 320 sheep and lambs, was 60c strong- 1 er, with a good demand for light 1 sheep, with lambs selling steady at last week's prices. Calves, with re- 1 celpte of nearly 700 head, were eas- 1 ler and sold 25c lower. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. 1 East Buffalo. July 1. -Cattle -Receipts y/ 3000. Steady and strong. Prime eteera, INS1 377.50 to 117.85; shipping sleera, $17 to 117.25; butchers 311 to $16.75; yearlings. 113 to 317: helfers.4310 to 112.25; cowl, 1 86.50 to 312.25; bulls, $7.50 to 812; stock- ers and feeders. 17.50 to 310.50; fresh cows and springers, 860 to $145. Calves -Receipts. 1650. Strung, 110.25. Hogs -Race pts. Strong. as w' Paoo••ti t. H. J •b. Couaa. G. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIS- .�. TER. aoltc,to. notary )hlpubird '. Offices ces Ila,aultun Street. GoderiCh• tet each week. m Where. Al Chaton Thursday rice to Albert Street occupied by Mr. Hooper. Ofrebowsea.m.lob p.ea. _ CHARLES GAR�IA+. LL. B.. �j Itiloaned attlowest rates. etc.. Godlrrch. I t SEALER, BAk RIST ER, 6L- 0. ICITOSI. solani public and cons YSn er' ewe- Court House. Getter c h. ntsuuMCE. LOANS. ETC. Captured Two More strategic Moun- t() • womyn and children, in one-piece styles. Sweater Coats 1 1 Another lot of handsome novelty wool Sweater Coats to hand this week, in all 1 the newest colorings, in open -front and pullover styles. The ideal garment for sport 1 wear and wearing in the cool, evenings. Priced from $7.50 to $10.00. 1 Attractive Kimonos Moderately Priced Attractive Kimono of flowered cotton 1 crepe, trimmed with satin. Special value 1 Fancy Sox for the Little Tots Children's also white Super -quality 25c per pair. Socks in plain white, with fancy1*61ored tops. lisle thread. All sizes. $2.95. Plain colored cotton crepe Kimonos, in pink, sky and rose, satin faced. Special at $2.25. Handsome embroidered cotton crepe Kimonos, large cape collar, rose, pink 1 1 1 1 and mauve, at $4.50 each. 1 37 to 1 1 they have h 1 5000 Heavy. 1 1 Joni m and Mary were talking and,their young aunt overheard the folio ir.g con- versation: "1 am glad that t y ve sec 7 -n:17 1 '' kern .. , last good things to eat in heaven.' said -Mary I Yorker and pig $17.8 to 818• roughs 317,8u to 81 .,a; m x , yon 1 "You silly,. they don't eat at ill tip $15 to 615 25; stags, $10 to 612. ' 1 I�/tcCALL PATTERNS McCALL PATTERNS there," objected John. "1 Just yeas Sheep Ind lambs -let eiDta, 1000. 1 he d John 5larten answered ei' ht- ,l 310 t $14: Nether/. $12.50..t0 1 Steady to strong. iambs. 814 to 118.75; they o o yea Ings o ,. e will be pleased. my catechism. 'The Lord makes preset mixed Chicago. July 1.-Hogs-Seceipta, 45.000. 1 was showing it to her old gardener: "You Lei sola al 6(7.16; bulk Ot sales, 313.51 / that able parrot comes to 617 111: butchers. 816.65 to 317.10: pack• 1 ImI rr 111 111111111111111111111111111111 IK ing.'4\16.16 to 816.66: light. 816.80 to 1 $i7.IP rough, 315.75 to $16.05; pig'. 816.41 to 116\65 g'1i g6,f d bulls and hest year-old Mary with dignity. "It says in few fancy. 614.2.5: ewes, 13 to 812; 1 sheep. $13 to Biz.So. Try us with your 'phone and mail orders. You wl pease . and keeps us .' CHICAGO A �rade fully steady with Saturday's good 1 with a parrot from Ile Congo( and she tkne: closed pro: carload of /a Hcy. WVE STOCK 1 (.'ear old lady had been presented some carts as les be to nuc lower; later 1 + The store with the big stocks. 1 LONDON. July 2. -Italian troops know. Joseph, on the Asiago plateau renewed their i from Congo, and the Congo parrots are offensive Sunday and carried the Iso intelligent that they are almost human. important strategic positions of Col This bird whistles 'Hume, Sweet Home,' 1 del Rosso and Col di Chevy. o beautifully that the tears run down his Heavy attacks launched aga,nat beak... •' Yes. mum." replied Joseph. "1 Monte di Valbella by the Auwt ahs know them parrots from the Congo. 1 were repulsed by the Italians, "the used to have one• and it whist'ed 'The enemy masses being mowed down by Village Blacksmith' so beautifully' that artillery fire," according to the ooh- sparks used to fly from its blooming tail." ciao statement from headquartets. ' More than 2.000 prisoners were tak- The day was drawing to a close; judge. en by the Italians. Jurors and lawyers all were growing The Austrian W'fr Omce yesterday weary. Coun-el for the prosecution was admits the complete evacuation by cross-examining the defendants. "Ex- 'ACK1LIOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR-1^the Austrian forces ot Col del aosao actly how ear is it between the two Dl AM:ECO_Faroand rotated town pop- and .Monte dl Valbella, eDl towns he asked at Ien:'th. For some artyy insured. The Italian War Office stat time Paddy stood thinking, then. "About Ontierl- Jr. Coeaolly. Prn., Goderich P. 0 ; {btu miles as the ay flows." came the r, Evart. Vre-PresS Beechwood P.O.: Thomas said: ,answer. You mean 'as the flow cries.' e . Hays Sec.D. Fas. SeafoM P14. o. /. �� "On the Asiago plateau our troops corrected the man of law. -The judge Lhrecturs- D. F. jµcGrcgor. R. R. No. S, Sea- opened action again. The formidable ent Grath ��eehn G. Gneve• Watt wdlam Col del Rosso was carried with spirit. leaned forward ' No, he remarked ttobericoF K. • Leta. Clatter. James day, t;onnaly.Goderch' •'In the end the bravery of our Agents. J. W. Yeo; Goderich; Ales. Leitch. R.it.No. 1, Clmtoo, William LheeneY. Seatorth, troops conquered the enemy's stub - E. Ittrchler. Sealort h. Pricy -holders can pay all rad set their cards reeelpted at.RR.J.' born resistface. and the contested Rmn, R. 54o ' Sesloth. . ane.!_ farodlu Mc(:artner� R. No. S. Sea- Col di Chrlu was the theatre of s orth err liar k. Makolm Mc- bitter struggle throughout the whole a Evsm. Iieeckwood. James - positions refitalned in our hands. "About midday and in the after- noon the enemy launched two heavy attacks against Monte di Valbella, but the enemy masses. mown down by our arUllery fire, were complete- ly arrested by our infantry and forc- ed to retire. "Our airplanes daringly participat- ed in all phases of the fighting. "The losses suffered by the enemy on Saturday and"etunday are ascer- tained to have been exceptionally heavy. Eighty-five officers and 1.935 men were node prisoner. Our losses, thanks to the decisiveness of the at- tack and excellent co-operation of the artillery, were very slight. "On the remained of the front the fighting activity was normal. in the Doone Valley and in the region of Gludlcarla we surprised small enemy posts, securing a few prlgoners and machine guns. In the Meugna re- gion an enemy attack wits repulsed." E enu rash's Clothing Store. Clinton; H. H. Cott s cry, Kington street. Goderxh. or J. H. • 's General Store. Bayhesd. - - 20 �l� PRIVATE FUNDSTO 11isf W. A RON9Barnder. HamilANton streetppIY l;o , derrha • MUSIC. t J. W. TAYLOR. ORGANIST and choirmaster of Knox church. Teacher Piano. Vocal and Theory. lot Conservatory examinations. Studio -corner Britannia road and South street. Telepahone No. MIL n.2m 1SABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHER OF Voce. Piano and Orpn. Pupils prepared for Cenwrvatoy examinations. Apply s(MIq,'W. CURRIES. Britannia road. Brophe3 Bros. GODERICH lie Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, or The Saults Coal Co. S000erore to MoDonaah & Gledhill EXC1.uSIVR AGENTS FOR •LE11IOI1 VALLEY THE COAT. THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also !lard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement Just received. OFFlcit: PHOIrit - - - - B. ). Santts' Residence 275 W. W /Units' Residence 202 6 � PHONE 56 ■ PHONE 56 Millar s ScotchStore calves steady: stockers 1 eteadY; demand Door, Beet 318; common 11111/ 1111111111111x 1111 IE ■ MSS 11111111111)I111111)•)E11 R choice aid prime. 116.15 to 818; common and medium. $l1.5 to 816.35. Butcher Catt Receipts. 19.000: market foe 1 sleera1�f-otet s' clo.•4 weak and 1 butchers Y;' unevenly war. meetly 16c to 25c down; 1 grassy cob's and heifers 'offered mot: k and feeders about my 1 stock -Coves and heifers. 31 to 114.50can rs, 36.75 to SS: stocker, and nfeeder . gooders end y choice and fancy. 0.5( to 313: Inferior. common and medium. St to 810.50: veal calves, good and choice, 316•.25 to $16.75. 17.000: Sheep and lambs-RecelDts. mostly 25c higher; Idaho lambs. 31x.65 tc $19: with second■ to killers at $18 to 316.40. top natives. $111.15; shorn Iambic, choice and prime, $18.66 to 119; medium and 31 ; good. 317.75 choice a$ndAprime 1115; culls, .750 to to $13: medium and good. 510 to 111.75; suavely. "he means 'as the fly crows." cull.• 34.50 to 31.7$. And they all looked at one another, feel- ing that something was wrong. Atrocities Were Falte� Two Austrian Generals Killed. AMSTERDAM, July 2. -In a de- scription of the recent fighting along the Pave during the Austrian offen- sive in Italy, Lieut. -Gen. von Ar- denne, writing in the Berlin Tage- blatt, says that the desperate Aus- trian attack on the Montello, where the line bends to the west, was undertaken with the object of draw- ing off the Italian troops from the river farther down. The writer reports that the Aua- trlan generals, Bolzano and Schinner- er, were killed during this fighting. Despondency In Hun Oapttal. AMSTERDAM, July 2. -In • de- spondent article on the present food situation In Germany the Socialist newspaper Vorwaerte of Berlin frankly points out that the general shortage is undermining tbe int de- clares, the people. Amongthem, the question of "an early end to the tragic world war has again become of urgent Importance." • ngworm on Child's Head Caused Great Distress and Spread to Neck and Ears -Cure Was Speedily Effected When Right Treatment Was Recom- mended. There is no disease of the skin more obstinate than ringworm. and the mother who writes this letter doe. so fully realizing what It will mean to other anxious mothers to know about Dr. Chase's Ointment. This remarkable cure was brought about two years ago, and as there dhas Submarine laptnrtel. PORTSMOUTH, Va.. July 2. -Cap - tuts of the German submarine which sant the American transport Presi- Adent Lincoln was announced in a , telegram rerelve(I hare yesterday 1 from Lieut. Edouard Victor Isaacs. U.S.N., who was taken prisoner by the Germans when the tteansport was ' seat down. Iaaaea telegraphed that he was safe In England. ^ 0 been no return of the miatrwaa..a ease there can be no doubt that the t cure is permanent. les and Persia t0 Turkey. Mrs. D. Stebbins, Grand Bend, Ont., Count Lafayette Killed. writes: "I am going to tell you of my experience with Dr. Chase's OInt- PARiS, July f. --Count Gilbert de mens. My little girl had sores come Lafayette, who was serving as a ■er- out on her hese which looked like eant 1n the French artillery, was ringworms. They were spreading ant, t tut, and I tried home treatment, but killed during the fighting in Cham - nothing helped her. I took her to the pagne Jttne 12. He 1s the third de - doctor, and he opened some of the scendant of Lafayette who has mel sores, which were as big as the yoke death in the war. of an egg. The salve he gave me to Count de Lafayette was • son of put on was very severe, and the poor the Marquis de Lafayette and a de - child would cry for an hour or more f Lafayette of American after an application. For six weeks WASHINGTON, July 2. -Further revelations by Dr. Muehlon, director ofof the Krupp Company. who Switzerland, showing that Germany falsified stories of Russian atroci- ties during the early days of the war, are summarized 1n • despatch from Berne. According to Dr. Mueb- ion, the commission of Cabinet al - cern sent to East Prussia to investi- gate returned without evidence of atrocities and with a report that the population spoke in terms of praise of the conduct of the Russian soldiers. Dr. Muehlon also is quoted as say - Ing that in August, 1914, high Ger- man officials boasted that Germany possessed the means of destroying Russia without a single battle, by in- citing revolution, and thgt the Ger- man plan also included the "libera- tion" of Finland and the Baltic coun- tries, the pretended reinstatement of Poland as a kingdom; the turning 11. E. VF:RNEDN: AT FRENCH RIVER, OXT. ver of Bessarabia to Roumania and SIX years ago an English writer it. F:. Vernede by name, spent a summer he giving of th• Caucasian terrltor- I Canada and wrote under tar otic of 1 h� Ma,r I 1 t description of (Ale uninUy, frim the Old Country Doing of An English Poet on Canada and War 1 It continued to spread all over her head, and came down to her neck and ears. She suffered terribly. At Mat eom• kind ladles told ms about Dr. Chase's Ointment, so I got a bez, and the first time I put ft en she was re- lieved of pain, and the a•cond time the swelling was all gone. Before we had flntehed the first box the sores were nearly all gone. I have told all the people around here about your t praise it too Ointment, and I cane° much. It 1s now two years since my little girl was troubled in this way. and it never came back, so you can see mho 1s completely cured. Tim are at liberty to urs this statement for the benefit of others who may be suffer- ing In a similar manner." Joseph 4renn•r• J.T.. endorsee this statement as fellows • "Tho 1s to cer- tify that 1 am personally acenainted with Kra D. Stebbins of Grand Bend. Ont., and bailey: her statement with reference to Dr. Chase's Ointment to bet true and comet.'• Dr. Chow'/ Ointment. 6e chite a box. an dealers er Edmansen, Dates & Co., Limited. Toronto. Se ~Wien* of the dreirest who trim to fa you Into accepting a eybetltnt•. )omiwuu u: e of tae halo/feat view, that has yet seen the light. Vern#t:e had married a Canadian girl and had a sympathy for things Canadian. whit led num to appret late rather than criticise the. New World which he fatind sin (thing between Atiat:tic and Pa- cific. Although by nn means of fighting temperament. he enlisi' 1 In the Public: School Battalion of the Royal itusfilt:rs on the outbreak t1 the war, gaining a commission in the Rifle Brigade early in 15I1 A number of Poemi 1,0111 his -pen attracted much attention in the Column + of the "London s Times - i yes anti other publications -one of whirr). entitled To Canada." ted on this gide, "Canada. nimbi. is not thy fate most fair'. is there a land men know (alar than thee? scendant o ay Where la heaven half so vast? Where blows a lovelier air? revolutionary fame. What are thy sons doing here oer the sea? Last month Count Gilbert was dewent back - corated with the French War Crossi to the tri fr'stes only to xbeautifII mortatil lly wounded ., an attack lonhlla rinrourt Wood to April. 1917. Like Rupert Brooke and'41.tn Seeger, end the !ming Canadian poet. Pernard Freeman Trotter. R. E. Vernede reached hag highest powers of expression under the Intense emotion :f "The Great Adventure," and his venett were easely read by lover. of fire poetry. Edmund Gonne, __ r rheas "afar for distinguished service in the operations on March 14. The citation said he had remained for six hours In the open in an advanced observa- tion post in order to discover and report on minnenwerfers, which were the great English critic. vnlunteers.1 tr e 1 ••rine being used by the Germans against ctontatatn some ntardiulyn in=l:tired line eiicn of hoch has n rashly been Issued opening in to his t]fe French. % ive: "Wt.at testi 1 brine to volt, wife of mine. %vhen 1 tome bark from the war? A ribbon your dear brown hair to twine? A shawl from a Berlin store? Say rh.11 I choose Von some Prnselan hock When he Chiang we o.rwhelm? Shall I tiring you a Potsdam goblet hack And the crest frosts a Princes helm? 6 Little you'd care what 1 NIA at your fret, gibbon or crest er shawl - What 11 I bring von nothing, sweet. Sinn maybe t ome home St e11? Al. but milt know, Reeve Heart, you'll know 'Iwo :hinge l'Il have kept 10 send: Illee hennnr for ablrh yea bade me go And my lose -my love to the eel. Provincial Rights Again. CALGARY, July 2. -An Important decision regarding the granting of divorce In this province was handed down from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Alberta, four judges being of the opinion that the courts here have the power to grant Idivorce, with Lord Chief Justice Ber- yl. dissenting. The judges who con- curred In this ruling were: Justice Stuart, Justice Beck. Justice Hynd- man and Justice Simmons. The Salvetiopp Army Hostel for Soldiers at IClniston was opened. Ilk PATENTS in all countries. Ask t -r our INVEX- TOR'SAUvI?ER.wtachwla be sent MARION & M %JIION. 364 University at., Montrial. • n Spring Term from April 2nd CENTRA(. STRATFORD. ONT.. Commercial lite offers the great opportuni- ties. Recent lady graduates of this school are earning as high as soon per annum. The list application we received for an office man with some experience offered initial sal- ary of 61.0181 per annum. Students may enter our classes at any time. Graduates placed in positions. Commercial. Shocihand and Telegraphy Depart meals. Get our free c:.; tlettue. W J. Ei.t.ioTr. D. A. MIt'LACHLAN, Ptesidcnt, Principal. AT YOUR SERVICE II 11 Full Line of Electrical Goods IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BEDROOM HEATERS VIBRATORS FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES WIRE YOUR HOME i)ON"1' WAiT-'PHONE TAIT and let hits tell you what it will cost, }inti"'•ROBT. TAIT Nhojl 191 ti'.Phone 593 TUE e'I.t:0THlt I.AN 8' Electric Snppliew of all kinds always on hand. Weet street -•-*ext tai Poet Office f)r r