HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-27, Page 7• .4 TILE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO BISHOP WILLIAMS AT ST. GEORGE'S. • _ _ Admiatsters Coafirmauon and Dedicates Two Memorial Windom*. On Tuesday evening of last week before a large congregation in St. George's church Bishop Willorns administered the rite of confirmation to a class of sixteen members. His Lordship t00% his text from John 8:12—"1 am the light of the world," and Matthew .5:11- 'l e are the light of the world." He said that light has always been a great factor in the life of mm. Fir us it does three things: I. It reveals. 11 a were not for bight \ we would not tier this beautiful world and each other. , Clean to handle. Sala oy • li Il/1 i•fr z. '1.;c1,::, il a wurct of protection: moo $141111MrwIllemilimAll.amanespognes.......Nos,....„.0011...,,,a1".,,0".. Jacob Sweitser. The husband and four 1' children survive. i .. 1 Leon Jeffrey, manager of the St Joseph -el ' I brick and tile yard, has sold his 75 -re eloi ,.. • ' farm and the crop on it, on the Babylon .• I line, Hay, to Jonas Hartleib, of Dashwood. I 1 who gets immediate possession. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Poi - Everyone will 1 , lard. Hullett. on Wednesday. June 19th. ' their eldest daughter. Annie, was united in 'marriage to John F won of Hullett. admi three day — spode re them i lotev.. B. Hawkins,e ir:f Blyth. officiated. a On Wednesday. 19th inst., Wm Mc - times a 7 shining. a . Fadzean sag Ks Lee M:punsid, .1 Idaughter of the late Jamed 14cDynald. if dishes. both of Grey township, were marri:::'. at Melville church rnanse, . by A. J. Mann. Word has been received of the death of George Murray, of Warroad. Minn., which occurred May 2tith from an attack of onia The deceased was born in 1 V You know, if a thing is worth doing at all. it is worth doing well. So, for your dishes i and utensils, use Sunlight Soap. Its soft, I creamy lather ensures a shining cleanliness • that will be a delight to the eye. Sunlight so a 4• • liery 10c orteket of W ILSONS FLY PADS el II Kill MORE ;LIES THAN sg *OPTH OF ANY T (or CAT:HEH gists, Grocers and General Stores. is a with darktletts, Because IN = 1 the township of Hay, being a son of the --- • The Walker. Keys and Redmond family cased was a native of Conswall, Englend, was in hie eigbiy-ninth year. The, de- ' late Robert Murray. i reunion, an annual affair. was held this but had lived for a great many years in K year at the home of Robert Taylor, Mar- es two hundoed persons present were James Ezeter. Charles T. Correlly, of Toronto, form - V" lette, M ch . on June 12th. Among the s McClymont of Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. erly of Exeter, has through the recent \ W. L. Keys of Seaforth. I death -of his mother inherited the whole t te valued at over 521.000. The large stable at P. Ament's factory at Brussels caught hre Tuesday evening iof last week from some sparks from the factory and was destroyed with a large spreading to other bundings. automobile excursions. Owirg to other • T • • 7 a y sev The Exeter Time; is taking a holiday this week, and there will be no issue of the paper. t on ceiantity of hay, oats. etc. a °Exeter ladies have issued an invite i was insured. Hard work on the part oi to the convalescent returned soldiers of London to visit this town on one of their the fire-fighters prevented the his r from invitations that were already in the party Duncan McArthur, who died at the will not be able to con to Exeter until Fergus hospital on the 15th inst., was early inAugust formerly a well-known resident of the — _ _ township of Morris. He was born in A came to Canada when a boy. and in 1855 ' Good Appetite Scotland nearly eighty-two years ago. I rt, moved into Moms, where he until his retirement a number of years ago. He was not married, but is survived her and sisters. The Occasional Use of a Li The death of Mrs. Robert Trans. neof Tonic Will Ensure a § Centralia, occurred on Thu y, Ju of light all nature411*-Intusir.1.111 fit the advent of day. Christ is to roe sp... world what the sun is to the material world. He reveals God to us perfectly. He showed what men's destiny was meant to be and what it may be. He rose front the dead to give visible evidence of God's love fur us. It is light that enables us to know darkness; similarly it is the life of Jesus that enables us to know sin. 3. Light purifies. This function is known better in our time than formerly. The light of the sun is the great des- troyer of all things which tend to oppoee life. Christ came to purify the world and light it up. Whatever improvement there has been in the morals of men during the last 2,000 years has come from the pun - tying power of Christ. It was this which tamed the wild nations of the earth and if there is any hope for the world today it is through this power. White light seems to be composed of only one color. but on analysis we find it to consist of seven different elements, none of them white. all blended into per - f _et harm my. The Lord says, '1 am the light of the world." In Him all the var- ious elements of mankind are united. Al) the various rac s find in Him their per 1 fect ideas There is no other m the whole history of the world of whom this can be said. People of different races, different circumstances and different ages have different ideals, yet the king, the peasant and the beggar all unite to worship Him because in Him all the per- 1 fectionsof human nature are blended in- to perfect harmony. *Ye are the light of the world." When I. Christ spoke these words He laid upon the church and upon us the responsibility of being towards mankind what He was to the world. The church is to reveal to mankind all those mysteries without which it would be dark. Today the church is behind every organization to purify the world. Its °Meet is to present the fulness of the light as it is in If v:e wish to see the fulness of fanned A Oraet Blessing. has great cleansing power, yet it never red- = I 3th. in her sixty-fifth year. The deceased surpassing purity. si being the late Thomas Hodgins. She is ;4. survived bv her seosnd husband, and by Loss of appetite during the summer Im.r a S.Aasht 5...a AM arievier ••12 IL ..4.. tralia, she had lived for the last year , people -especially women—go too long a -half. without fod, or eat sparingly because wether. All this simply means that the ssolosissosososeemorioomos .........,...................... been Killed in France. There seemed to make a sPecialt ni buted to the various or of the body. Good Apptite ani had been in poor health for sane years. dens or hurts the softest hands, being of • She was twice married. her first husband Good Health. A aih000 erwarwatoe of pries, gees wish ewer, • 13 tour children of' the first husband. f whom Mrs. Thos. Willis of Ceti - with tnonths is a common trouble, and indi- cates that the digestive system is out of andorder Lacking a healthy appetite many sts : THPUSDAY, JuNit 27, 1018 7 Moo 1=1 lesimmelopi% COOL and COMFORTABLE For the Summer sea- son we have a full line of MEN'S c Rw EAR ...... u sr rd . in Balbriggan and other make. We believe we can suit you both iu quality and in price. one • aatiAll-tiatilw•-1111- dottato-1111..niutito• U-noitto. _ Clinton Hoigarth. a son o r. a s. Word was received some( wseet ksrzavomithaj food semis to distress them, and it is no wonder that they complain of being con- - S. J. Hogarth, of Stephen tovmshiP. had - stantly ttred and unable to stand the hot and no direct word was receiv come from the food is not being distro this work free of charge. cabled to ing- In other svords the bloocril: growing thin be tome doubt about the matter. as the digestive system is not doing is proper COUNTYand DISTRICT .on had been away from home for years work and that the nutriment that should A RE YOU PREPARED .11. for the spring rains? Is your roof and eavetrough in good condition? Our wok. in that line is always satisfactory. W. R. PINDER Phone 166 Hamilton Street Massey -Harris Shop — FOR BINDERS, MOWERS ANP CULTIVATORS. DELCLIGHT PLANTS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS. GRAY AND McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. -OLD HOMESTEAD, FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Associated Kin. who hed with •h rases what is needed In actically ceriain • the light cd Christ let us hasten the a summer tonic and among all meth- s swirls of missions and thus bong nearer 11 M P. P.. Crediton. is recov Lsod and had the records watery. enng from his recent accident. u t 1 utilised to use crutches. George Buchanan, berm er. of Sud- bury, visited Zurich. his old home town, for a few days recently. He had not been there for over twelve years. Mrs M. A. Dennison. who has returned from a visit to her daughter near Regina. has disposed of her 7 -acre farm on the 14th concession o( McKelop to Mr. Ly- dtatt, of Walton. Hamilton St. Goderich John Reinkie an old resident of Tucker - McLEAN BROS. Semi -Reay Tailors 'Phos. n The Sqare, Goderich 11111111 11=1 11111•111111111111.0111111r, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Time Table Changes. A change sf time will be nestle on 15 that the young man of that name who eines there is no tonic can equal Dr. Wil- when all nations shail be free he rim was kilied was not the son of Mr and liam' Pink Pills Take a sho t treat- the day fromdarkness. We must not allow our Mrs. Hogarth. rnent with these pills and notice how Rev. T. J. Snowden, who is finishing food will then do you good, your strength People learn to knoo hrist and love Him out his pastoral term at Ansa Craig and will return and you will no longer corn- not from the pible or from books, but will then be superannuated. intends to in that the Isot weather tires you out. .1 read. Let us strive and resolve, then, to from their parents long before they can July. He has purchased a residence on suffered from indigestion for several set a good example, that by doing so we move to Clinton at the beginning of ht.& M. Kelly, windaar. Oat. says: Ontario street from Mrs. A. Couch. • years, and although I was constantly tak- may be lights of the world, revealing God dcripti ins they did not and PurtiYing mankind' During the se rvice two beautiful win- dows were dedicated. one to the memory of the late Judge Holt, the other to the memory of Lieut. Lionel Hynian Eliot, who d ed gallantly at Vimy rige in April. 1917. At the end of th's cere- mony the "last post" was sounded. The Bishop was assisted in the service by the rector, Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, by the former rector. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham of Brantford. and also by Rev. Canon Hill, late rector of St. Pul's, Rekina 1 he members of the class were: Ross Harrison. Victor Rows, Lionel Mack- lin. Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Craig, Mrs. 13. J. Saults, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Garrick„' Misses Laura o atom, nathleen Hays, ', Mary Sanders. Marion Lee, E-VeYn Goldthorpe, Beatrice Longnure. Augusta Hunlalvy and Isabel Foster. CLINTON. promptly your appetite returns and rur life to be one sidettbut must strive powei. to digest food improve, 'our to exhibit the ?tit ot Cluist. smith. died on Wedoisiday-of last werk• G. H. David while working in his gar - He suffered a stroke of paralysis six den one &ening last week was taken with cure me. and the remit was that I was years •aao. and since that ume had been a paralytic stroke and has since been greatly run down, and always feeling ly Finally I was advieed to try Dr. practice ly an invalid. In her forty-fourth year Mrs. John English, of Crediton, died on the 141h inst. of cancer of the stomach. She was born in Crediton, a daughter of the late School of Commerce CUNTON, ONTARIO There are opportunities for girls today in banks and other offices that were never before open to them. The best prep- aration for a position of this kind is a good business course. This School is fitting young women for just such positions, and hundreds of our graduates— both young men and young women—are earning good sal- aries 'in places that would not have been open to them without the training received here. Aim What others have done, YOU cam do As an investment, a good bus- iness course gives splendid re- turns iu the larger salaries paid to trained bookkeepers, stenog- raphers and secretaries. seriouslY dl- aflame' Pink Pills, and as 1 mon found Miss Gladys Beatty. oi Varna. has they were helping me I continued their taken a position as stenographer in the Wit until 1 was rutty cured. and am now office of S. B. Stothers, agncultural repre- able to properly digest any food I take. sentative. ' As a tonic and blood -builder 1 know of no Pte. Elmer Beacon. who was wounded medicine to equal Dr. Williams' Pink t Passehendaeler has returned hcal• Pills, and I recommend them to all in He joined the 33rd Battalion in the need of a medicine... summer of 1915. 1 The best time to begin taking Dr. Win Miss Jean Chidley has returned to Win- barns' Pink Pills is the moment you feel the nipeg after a visit of several weeks with least bit out of sorts. The sooner you do her mother. Mrs T. Jackson. so the sooner you will regain your old- time energy. You can get these pills W'INGHAM. through any ir.edicine dealer or by mail The town council is considering a prono- at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 sition from two Ingersoll men for the from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., establishing Nre of a plant for the menu- Brockville, Ont. facture of fertilizer. SEAFORTH. The Advance says: Arumor was circu- lated in Wingham on Saturday that Geo. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Moir was drowned at Port Huron. Evi- and Mrs. R. Jartott, Egmondville. on dently George was not as !sorrowful over Saturday. June 15, their eldest daughter, "the accident" as his friends were, fa be- Ivy Reita. was united in marriage to Wel- hold. to the astonishment of not a few of lington Reid Cook. of Hamilton. the mourners, he landed off the London youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur train on Saturday evening and as the Costs of Clintn The ceremony was per - This School has special ac commodation for girl students Write for particulars to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. ril)v. 20S PriPcipal ' Bi. WEEK &WALL &CLKLAND ACGMFICENT STEAMERS 3 Groat 3p •sriANossE- – -cry or EWE" - CITY 01, illtflrYALO" BUFFALO — Moy*Gt147.114ov. 1151b -- CLEVELAND Leave Illinnto Wel PAY. 0.5. Imam Ti,., Leare et.systAso 100 5.14. Crsoul Tm* Arrive Curia...o 7,015.04. 1'AL Cetoost Tone Arrive ISVMMLO 7.11 A.M. U.S. Wien Time Cisatles• Craw PAK, Pert -ie -Pay, NITA Tod Ober Itallreed tIgnhele mike lotteveCIvalsrair .ralool gemi for trallmeMoMmi egs tmr .0mm/or, Asla slur liTlasr_rent,et=rMit %prim Arrest fer t•ltte via C. & II Lino. Plow TeerWi Autaob04 TIT .111111dar. MM. liit. fee dam set eteesding 157 M. whoollos. • "%ILIA 3011"11.S. lorere smod meet woody Ileesorpr etnie lelead FARE i • 10,%,, — JUNE 23rd, 1918 Town Agents Infornwtion now in Agents' F. F. LAVIRENC$ St SONS hands. - • nose 8 hearse was not at the depot he w down street. EXETER . On Tburslav. June 13th. there passed away an old and well-known resident of Exeter in the person of John Gill. who A Fight for Life formed by Rev. George McKinley Af- ter the honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Cook will reside at Hamilton. Miss Weatherill. of the Collegiate staff, has resigned her position here to ac- cept an appointment with the Galt Busi- ness College. Miss Allin also has re- signed from the Collegiate staff here. The wedding of Sydney Gemmel! and Miss Edna Troyer took place on Satur- day, the 15th MST., at the Seaforth Pres- byterian manse. Rev. Dr. Larkin officiat- ing. A more elaborate celebration of the happy event took place on the following Tuesday evening at the N me of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell, where a large corn- pany gathered and took part in the festiv ines of the occasion. /t bas been fight or die for many of us is Ow pass asd the Nay people are those who haws suffered, but who are now well because they bawled nature's warming signal in tittle to eorrect their trouble with that wonderful new dis- covery of Dr. Pieree 's, called' ' An 12- Tit. ' ' You sbould promptly beed Mese warn- ing, some of which are dizzy, spells, baekache, irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, sorb as diabetes or stone in bladder. To overcome these distressing coali- tions take plenty of exereies in the opea ar, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink f reely of water and at each meal take Annrie (donble strength). You will, in to short time, find that you are one of tbs dem indorser* of Aussie. Hamilton, Out.—" For kidney &Amend@ 1 have ne•er known any medi- cine to equal An- uri. Whoa I started to take it I wag eery miperable with lame Niel, pains 013 the eordi of tny mot and shouldere and all over my body. The water was h g -colored and offen- sive. All of Am* eonditions left me after ono week's we of Anarie and I eonsidee it to be tbe greatest of all kid- semedicines. "—Vas. inners GNARL 70 QU.P11 St. So. Toronto, Ont.—" My husband suffered severely with pains la his baek for three or four week. Tle commenced to taks Anarie sad is three OT Pres days lie not only looked better, hat remarked tbat kis bath felt much twitter, and now be says that Ws pain bap all gone. It is with pleasure that we SIOW1InP3f1 Anuriis."— big& 11IMT 11331, 54 8ato5 8t. W. E. Southgate. sr.. aged sixty-nine, one of the best-knowft commercial travel- lers in Canada, died at bis home here on Saturday from heart trouble and compli- cations. He was a resident of Canada for fifty years, living in Toronto for about thirty-five years after coming from Eng- land. For the past twelve months he had made his home here, being engaged in the rr.anutacture of clothing. and lat- terly returning to his tamer vocation as representative of several of the best- known AMeliCel and Canadian factories. He was a prominent Mason and Black Knight of the Orange Order and took an active interest in each of these societies. Being a fluent speaker. his services were often sought in this conection. He leaves a widow. one son, W. E. jr., who was his co-worker on the toed, and one daughter, Mrs. R. A Wilson, New York. The remainsweri taken to Toronto for interment. LOYAL. • Intended for loot ITTek.) MONDAY, June 17. Mrs. James Clark, we are glad to reprt, is imp -mons after the accident which has laid ht -r up tor so many weeks. She se now able to be taken out in the %hard in Rev. Colin G. Young, of Saskatoon, a wheel -chair. superintendent of Presbyterian missions inl Northern Sasiatchewan, has been visiting! his relatives in the township. He attended the General Assembly at London and will leave next week on his return to the West. Rev. John Young .retutned to Windsor on Friday after spending two weeks at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young. Harold McPhee came up from Detroit on the Greyhound last week to visit his uncle. Mr. W . McPhee, and other. friends. Miss Edith Glen, of Detroit, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Glen, last week. Tau Clark is home from the military camp at London on thirty days' leave. Harry Fisher has gone to London to don the khaki. We hear that David Bean, who went to London to report for military duty, is very it in the hospital there. There was a large attendance of Masons at Smihs Hill church on Sunday after- noon, the occasion being the annual church parade of Morning Star Lodge. Quite a number of members of Maitland Lodge, Godench, were out to join with the local lodge. Rev. J. Abery, of Londes- boro, a Past D. D. G. 51., addressed the brethren and gave a very able and schol- arly sermon. Mr. C. Buckley, of Gale - rich, presided at the organ. and Mr. E. Sexsmith sang a solo, "Thy Will Be Done" The whole service was very mush appreciated by the large congregation. Stand behind the biyq at the front -- but not too far behrod. OXFORDS Canadian $6 Bill Brings $682. Down in New York the other day. Mr. R. G. Long (Bob Long), president of R. G. Long and Co. Limited, Toronto, was walking along Broadway and stopped to listen to a man on the corner who was auctioning off whatever passersby gave him for the benefit of the Red Craw Mr. Long handed up a It5 Canadian note to the auctioneer and said. "See what you can get for this." A ring taken from a dead German', finger had prey reedy Nmight 11200, and when the auctioneer had a biof 5n0 for Mr. Longs Cana- dian five -dollar liote he said: "You gave me $200 for 6 dirty. lousy Corman ring. and you only offer $300 for a piece of good. real Canadian mosey. I'm ashamed of your The Canadian fivedol ler note fin- ally brought 8532. - I „ - ••'"' 1. 'gr 1111P11 -«'T4 SUM ER COUPS op*, rauci lianas stmeilk awl ea is welly but $eofes Erna/sit,' *moody 'Am dis esti and spliniM your eiremptik is prevent Mosso. soon. a IDer PUMPS 011111•M=1. JUST ARRIVED The latest creations in Ox- frds and Pumps are here. The fancy of the particular woman who takes pride in her footwear will be more than satisfied by these new creations. They are made in the finest White, Black, Mahogany Kid and Patent Leathers. White Canvas Shoes and Oxfords are. now in stock, al- so a full -line- of Tennis mud- - Outing Shoes for the Boys and Girls. —REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side Sfluare, Goderich A 'r WALKER'S A SPRING SHIPMENT OF Linoleums and ongoleum Rugs -5 • \ in different sies. Also a new stock of Rugs worth seeing. A call at the store will con- vince intending purchasers that Walker's is the place to deal. W. Walker THE FIANITURE\AN ON THE SQVAIMIL THE SIGNAL TO JANUARY tat, 1919, for 75c. sommummimmumliommillmonommilmilimimmillimmooll : The Davis Garage E: ,TREvr 10•1=1. 1 I MEM , = Gasoline 35c a gallon, from the Bowser pump that puts the Gas in Gasoline Just arrived one barrel of DRY CELLS, standard test. 40c each. Get our prices on Tires and Tube41 We handle nothing but the best in 011s. Free air always at your service. We have a complete stock of CHEVROLET CARS on hand at all times. Also a few second-hand Fords and one large Clinton Car for sale cheap. Auto Livery in connection with theCarage T. M. DAVIS SOUTH STREET Chevrolet Agency iimmunnuoutionumminonnounnimmutuitomommum