HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlt11111111111IIM1111111h111111111iG1111111111111111111111011'11 t�UNNIN�G //.f 4 e ///// /� =_ $1 11LNI -.%%GNADIKT CO.. LIMITED A. i.IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII I Il1111111lUtI111U1•IIIIIIIIIKIUJI Sanford Red Cross. The Saltford blanch :,f the Red Cross towing 1 society packed• lex the month ending I, examine applicants for class "D'• war ser - November 20. MI pairs of Pocks and to 1 vice badge: London. Window. Stratford. trench shirts. The socks were knitted by Sarnia, Guelph, Harriston, Wiarton, the ((Wow ng:- Mrs. Bown, s pars: Mn. 1 Clytham, Woodstock, Goderich, St. i;oldtho rps. 7 pairs: Mrs. Gliddon, Mae 1 t homes, Kitchener. 1. Vanstone, bliss S. Hamilton, Mrs. Cosi- Those who have been rejeied as med- nell. h pairs: Mrs. Dasa. Margaret cMan. ica11y unlit or had enlisted prior to August us, 4 pairs: Mrs. J.Bisret, Mrs , 10th. 1917, and had been mach •reed un - Mrs. urreld. Mrs Gibbs. May McManus. der paragraph 392 (31is. R. & O. for the C a'a Jones, Mar;aret Bisset, 3pa`rs: Annie army. or under naravraph s''' , .ii K. R. Buchanan. Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. J• Mc- ' & O. for the Canadian militia. are en - Lean. Edith McManus. Mrs. Graham, 1 titled to class "D'• badge, ,s.% ide 1 they Mrs. Gledhill. Mrs. S. Bisset, Annie Bis- are at present medically unlit. They set, '2 pain: Mrs. Murphy, Mrs- J. Y'al will bring proof by a medical certificate ter. Ila Curren. May CurreU, Mrs. G. of rejection if such has been given them, Bisset. ;Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. W. Mc- or by a statutory declaration or other - Lean. Mary Morris, Mrs. Baxter, Eunice a:se, that they have been rejected. Lamb. Mrs• Adams, Mrs. Lappet ... pair. ' If c isjharged they will br.ng their dis- The trench shirts %ere male by the charge certificate. following: Edith McMat:u', '4: Mrs. , Application forms may , be had at the Gliddon. Mrs. Connell. 2 each: Mrs. Lip- media al boards or on application to assis- t • Mrs. W. McLean. Mrs. Foster, Mrs. ant Adjutant -General. M. D. No. 1, •Steep, Mrs. J. Bisset. 1 each 11 ar Service Badger. London, ()Mario. War Service Badges THE SIG a AL - GODERICH, ONTARiO THE G. C. 1. HONOR ROLL. Zhe Old School is Proud of Its Record of Contribution to the War. Ata recent meeting of the Literary Society of Goderich Collegiate institute an Honor Roll, prepared by Miss Lilian Fraser, and including the names 01 former students who have enlisted for wax service, was presented to the school. There are nearly 150 names in the list, and probably there are some that have been missel. The list follows: Melville Anderson Duncan Allison Stewart Aldous William Babb Percy Beattie Bentson hell Witham Bisset ,Kenneth Boyd Riley Bradford Milton Bradwin x Sam Brimic(mnbe Edward Bryan W. Buchanan Grafton Burdette d Philip Carey x Conrad Carey - Louis Carey Robert Carey Albert Cornell Alfred Cornell Leonard Cutt Harold Currie Harry Colborne • Gwendolyn Colborne Austin Chisholm H. Campbell Cyril Carrie Benson Case Howard Case W. Cunningham d Alma Danccy Wilfrid Dancey Albert Dickson Frank Doty H. C. Dunlop Thomas Elliott G. R. Elliott W. E. Elliott John E. C. Elliott x Leo Eliot Wm. Feagan Wm. Fingland Frank Fingland x Frank Foster x Cecil Farr Donald Finlayson Alan Garrow Meredith Graham Oliver Goldthorpe Benson Guest Wilbur Guest -d R. C. Hays Otway Hayden W. Y. Hayden Kenneth Horton Roy Hunt Alex. Hutchison C. D. Hamilton Kenneth Hawkins Eric Hawkins Charles Inkster Leslie Inkster , Ernest Jordan' d Unsworth Jones Olvan Johnston Robert Jones Delbert Johnston Ford King Terence Kidd A. F. Lithgow Elwyn Long x M. P. Lane' E. N. Lewis Charles Lewitt The medical boards sitting at the fol -1 ,laces have been instructed to F REE i,allam't 1 rappers Quid* — cls iah d . Hu. MitoMw nowpaer o «what it traps to ow; is /WI of useful informa- tion. Supply Cata- !Oo--1a panes • • h'.. 5. ; tit'. traps, -.nittu. .salt, q„a.tllahta, ,-h irb. Iml all werararr trapper.' seri worb-s' sap• , ,}Im e' at 1..w pri. e•. Neuro-- mi'', Raw RuM Oi'er latest price. anA .A. amen Information on the raw Orr m+eket. a-ri.e to Asr. addrr.' r{ci u eOmbitaw. mkFu R e ,23 HALLAM BUILDING, TORONTO. d rry Leopard ASH. Macklin Stanley Masson Herbert Mandel Roy Munro Thomas Milltan • John Millian W. McDonald Walter MacDonald Evelyn MacDonald C. K. Macpherson Ernest MarGrattan Harvey MacCluskey Ik,nald MacKay Alex. McKenzie •• Hector McKenzie Gordon McNevin Cnarles McArthur James McClinton S. L. McMordle I x Walter J. McIntosh J George MacEwan Roy Medd , x Bruce Noble Frank Orser • Heber Powe.I Ernest P. idham Wm. Proudfoot Ernest Porter Reginald Plat Melville G. Rhynas d Nelson Robinpion., Jack Roberts x Fred Robertson Howard Robertson Graham Ross WorthygRyan , d Roy Reundoes Roswell Rutherford d Allan Sinclair Thomas Salkeld Walter Saunders Howard Smith Lount Snell d Harry Shackleton Maud John G. Stothers I Alex. Straiton Watson Straiton Helen C. Strang Jack Swarts Harry Symonds A. F. Sturdy Harold Swan Paul Turnbull Charles Turnbull Archie Tom Mabel Tom Harold Taylor Austin Trotter James V'idean - Roy S. Walter Lawrence Wark Harry Wazhipgton Harold Watson Harry Watson Murray Welsh Orville White Clifford Williams Wilfrid Williams Hayden Williams E. Yee Killed in action x. Discharged d. Lauder's Popularity Contest Christmas Season -1917 Contest is now running The early start tells. Remember, every cent means a vote. $75 IN PRIZES I FREE A handsome mahogany -finished Playola Cabinet Phono- graph will be given away absolutely free to the person ob- taining the greatest number of votes in this contest, which will continue from November 17th to December 24th, inclusive All Christmas Goods now on dis- play. Special lines for Saturday. RULES OF CONTEST 1. Any person may enter this contest. 2. Contestant's name will be on every coupon. Votes counted, and bulletin in win- dow every Wednesday. 4. A vote with every lc worth put chased. in denominations 5c, 10c• 2:M and $1.00. n. Final count made December 24th at 10.4.5 p.m. by three responsible parties. Saturday Special Willard's Forkdipt Chocolates Regular 50c Saturday 33c a Ib. WATCH OUR WINDOWS EACH WEEK FOR SPECIALS FOR EXTRA VOTES. —�— EVERYTHING ON THE SQUARE The contest will be under theoisupervision of the three Bank lot Com- merce gentlemen : Mr. Geo. Williams, ; Mr. W. E. Kelly, J. P., and Mr. L. L. Knox, Town (:lerk. The key of the ballot -box will be in the exclusive possession of Mr. Kelly. J. H. Lauder, Phm. B., Goderich (Everything in this line scald under a Nyal s Quality Store stoney -back guarantee.) ARE WE HEADING FOR DISASTER ? To the Ed.tor nl The Signal. Sir,—It is time fox the electors of Can- ada - ada to think, and to thlnil...calmly a seriously. It will be five years before it will be any use. for them to think again. in last Wednesday's Globe (the lead- ing Union paper) it gives an account of a memorable meeting of the British War Cabinet and envoys from the United States Government in the historic Down- ing street residence of the British Prime Minister. And Lloyd George in address- ing the meeting called on the United States to send them 4.000.000 tons of shipping and all the food and munitions they could, but he never asked for a single man. He also said they were going to take drastic measures with the British people in regard to food. He did not say what that was to be, but as they are living on bran and shorts now we do not know what more they can do. Our noble King George V.. who does not ask his people to do anything he is not willing to do himself, has not had a loaf of hite bread on his tablto e for a long of the Isthe Government g gThat seems live on two meals a day? about all they can do. Our Canadian war lord talks glibly about sending 20,000 men overseas by the New Year. They are not asked for, and they are going to take their mouths and stomachs with them and there will have to be food sent to fill them where there are too many Mouths and stomachs for the find al- ready. t he cry from Britain is fpx1, the cry from France is food. the cry from Italy is food. From the North street Meth- st pulpit the question was asked last ht: What good would it do to have ten in ions of men at the front, if they had nP g ns or m initions or food? Gentle reader, answer as a person of Comm )n A POWERFUL- AID When you feel sluggish and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declin- ing strength anal your system positively needs the special nutritive food -tonic in ASHFIELD FARMERS COMPLAIN. Perms Are Being Denuded of Men by Military Tribunals. At a large. representative and enthus- iastic meeting of farmers he:d at Kintail Wednesday evening of last week the fol- lowing resolutions were carried unani- mously by a standing vote. and copies were ordered to be forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of War and the press: "The farmers representing a large por- tion of the township of Ashtield, in the county of Huron. beg to direct your at; tention to the manner in which some of our local _tribunals are interpreting the Mili- tary Service Act: 'Having regard to your recent speech (i. e., Hon. Mr. Crerar'sl betide the Live Stock Breeders' conference held at Ottawa, in which you declared that men necessary fol production would in no case be taken from the farms; having regard to the acute shortage of farm labor, which the farmers in this district have to con- tend with, viz.. during the last harvest hundreds of acres of crop was allowed to rot on the ground in this neighborhood be- cause of the lack of men. and, added to this shortage of labor. account should be taken of the fact that we are from twelve to eighteen miles from a railroad station. "And further. remembering the re- peated calls for greater and still greater production on the farms, which is absolu- tely necessary to win the war. "We protest against the decisions of some of our tical tribunals in granting full exemption to one class of man as long as theyremain farmers, while another por- tion of men in the same district equally productive and essential to further production are placed in mental suspense and anxiety for from six weeks to six months. thus keeping such men in unneces- sary and unwarranted anxiety. to the in- direct decrease of efficient service on the farm. "We anew declare our loyalty to the purpose of winning the war. and phase our willingness to do our full share in any Iservice to which we may be called, hut again declare our united protest against the method of suspended time decisions adopted by one of the tribunals. and we further request that applicants who have been refused exemption or placed on time exemption be granted a further hearing at another ttihunal. "John N. MacKenzie, Chairman of Meeting. H. MacLean, Secretary of Meet - scorrs BJII1LSIDN to replenish your blood power, enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity of good health. Scott's Email- sion supplies Nature with the correct building -food which is better than any drugs, pills or alcoholic mixtures. 4.41 a Bow., Torwio. Unt. 17-111 tag. "Lucknow, R. R. No. 3." NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found it absolutely necessary to make a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY Mac Ewan Estate TnunsDAY, Nov. .2f/..1017 11 amp i= ass amirmir all Garments for Winter We are ready for the Winter trade with full stocks of Winter Suits Overcoats Sweater Coats Caps Underwear, etc. Customers will find good values in all of these lines. It is poor policy to pay your good money for goods of 'inferior quality, and you will not be asked to do it in this store. Come in and let us show you how; we; can fit you out for the Winter. McLEAN BROS. f� The Semi -Ready Tailors The Square Goderich a aji 111111111.11111101. SIM =1 MID 111111111111111119 sense, and what will your answer be.' In the same number of th • Union paper (The Globe) it, travelling corres- pondent, "Amik," tells of ti00 acres in the tine , township of- Darlington. near Toronto, that did not produce a pound of grain tbis year. There was a field of hay still in cock, a field of kwheat still uncut. a .field of withhay a swaths cut round it and left `there. not a foot of stock turned in to eate� it—and all because no help td took aftit. At a public meeting at Kintail the Ashfield farfttkrs toW of the same State of affairs and, otested- to the Minister of Agri- cultu against -denuding the country of the needed. Are we committing national icide, and are the country districts of tario to become in reahty a "No Mane•land?" The childless rio---Barden, Foster and Rowell—have not a son among them. but they aretaksnb other men's aims and throwing them into the trenches. A man 1 that has no son to se to the front must • have a lot of gall and i b 'otho r man's son to ga. Rowell. was Doty forty-six years of age when the war started and if he has such a terrible de- sire tt help he should have stayed and helpwhen he was over there. But it's a good deal safer to be spouting off hot air in Ontario. Lloyd George is again calling for ships today, not mon: but our war lord says he will t stop at 100.0110 nor 200. '000; he will 300,000 if he can The only man that can save the country from. disruption' and under' Whom the nation will march unitedly and triumphantly is the knight of the "white plume." who e pure and noble life is as white as his hair. COMMON SENSE. Goderich, Nov. 20. GRANDMA USED SR6E TEA TO DARKEN HAIR She prized Sulphur with it to Restore Color, Mose, Youthfulness. Common garden sage brewed into • heavy tea with sulphur added, will tut* gray, streaked and faded hair beaatifullyl dark and luxuriant. Just a few applies - time, will prose • revelation if yoisr hair is fading. streaked or gray. Mixing tba gage Tell and Sulphur recipe at Some,' hough, is troublesome. An easier way 1* hp get, a 50 -vent bottle of Wyetlt', Prager and Su bur Compound at anydnig store all read Inc use. 'I his is te oldins* recipe inn rimed by the addition of other hirredierits- kite wi y, gray. failed halt is nee ►inial, we all sire to retain our youth- ful appearance andattraetiveneme. By darkening your .air with Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Com red, no one ran tell, because it does it naturally, 50 evenly. You just Jainism a age el se(1 bntsh with it and draw the" through your Lair, 1 taking out small st-aiid at a time. by morningall gray hairs ti re di.appeated, sad, ater auotber uppli alioa or two, your hair ',ovum( s beautifully dunk, glossy, soft and his uris01. This preparation is •del igl.tfu l toiler, re•yuiaite and ip not intended for the • ore, mitigation yr preyentioo of d1scaw. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Too Busy. An Italian, having applied for citizen- ship. was being examined in naturaliza- tion court. "Who is the president of the United States?" -Mr. Wills." "Who is vi.•e-president?" "Mr. Marsh.' "If the president should die, who then wogld president?' r.. Marsh. i' id you he president?' "No." „Why?., ".Mister. you 'scum, *me. 1 vera busy I troika da mine." --Everybody's Magazine.. A conskterate wife will not insiet upon her husband's doing more than two-thirds of the housework. in BOOKKEEPING, STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL, YORK. ETC. EFFICIENCY is the motto of this School and it is the aim to fit students for positions in which they will do credit to themselves an(i command good salaries. Girls may room in the School. For particulars write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Poona 208 Principal • A Definite Object For sixty-five years Ye Olde Firme has had one definite object always in view—that has been to make the eintznuut & o. IJiatno the World's Best Plano. Those who know this piano best—artists, critics, owners --say that the object has been attained. j;1111(.; F. Timms( _ I J uair Pr;ticr GODF RIC H • Call and %re cat in aur flew o• NH•••••••••••••••• •••••e••o.••..N.NHN•N•NH Flash Light! I have just receive.} a large sisssort- ment of the celebrated Hessco Flashlights 1 imp with the big lens) Jnst what you need on a dark night in the basement, around the barn, or in fact anywhere that itiis ilangerons to light matches. Store 'Phone 82 Robt. 'Tait • House 'Phone 193