HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-18, Page 3THE
A Fins Day, but Attendance Not So Large
as Expected.
The postponed Blyth fall fair was
held on Thursday last. It was an Ideal
day; in fact, it was too tine tor the busy
taunters to leave their work, and in
consequence there were only about 1,000
people on the grounds. For the same
reason there was not as much stock on ex-
hibit as otherwise there would have been,
but what there was was of good quality.
The races were keenly contested. and the
Highland dancing of the Martyn family,
of Godench, amused a great many. The
Blyth band furnished good music for the
The results of the horse races were as
mile heats, three in Ave, purse WO.
PATH. •pecWI.t in woman's sod ohll
���eeeeee a dlesa.es, acute, -bronIc sod eery ou.die
griets, erre. ear, nee .od throat. Partial deaf
ase, ttmbego and rheumatic condltiooa Ada
nobs nttwvel without the knife. Office at
assldesw, corner Nel.oa sod St. A mires..
feel.. At borne (Moe Moodara. Thuredays
fad Bataiday•: any el opine by •ppointmeut-
s - -
Toronto Unlvan3te. Graduate
op a 5. ogees of Dental burgeons.
eloccee.or to the late Itajor Ba10. Mass
rear Yemen aid West 'erect.
- 1 - _... AUcrwNsiiB..
M.a a. OMs $ck ♦11 WBrerUsss by .all
a left at S45r51 *face will beronoun at
mere fa. Reenter., t.Ma
pne Ilya
Royal Irundeo lMns) d -e*) .... .1 1
Hearn Brll (Colo2 4
Eva Dillard tMcMantss) 3 3
by farmers or farmers' sons, horses that
were never entered in a race before. Purse
Auburn Boy (McNalq .....-.. .
Hal Boy (Coulter) ..
Tramp Fast (C:ockerbne)
King S. ends lH,gg.ns
Starter. Dr. Blackall.
The awards of the judges in the various
departments were as follows:
Televises ele u.I *. Mock, Hamilton B,rsst.
adsd c
Baal katata Looms and Insurance.
Office on the Square, .ecood door from Ham-
Mra .Oce[. Uoderlch.
erivate food. to loan at lowest rates.
W. Pant bean, E.C. J. L. KILI.OSAN
IL J. D. Coo a
b. UAlishKON, K. U.. BARKta
solicitor. Doter, ppuublic. °Sees
ontos Street. Ooderkb, third door fr
e oars. At Chat un '1 handily of each week In
on ♦(batt btreet occupied by Mr.
Dopar. oat%bout. a a.b brio 6 p.m.
-41 ARLBa OARROW, LLB., BANRuffRuffin. atterwsy. eelIcltse. Ka. 4iodo-
Mhod to nd at lowest rate.
loitar, Notary Public asd Conveyancer.
•ef-tours House Ouderit h. Minn
t 1 1
t 2 2
4 .i 3
3 4 4
Toronto Man Gams Seventeen Pounds
on Tan Lc -•F needs Amased Liver His
General Purpose. -Brood mare, foal by
her side, Wesley Beacom; foal, Wesley Bea-
com; two year-old gelding or filly, T. H.
Agricultural. -Brood mare, foal by her
side, Wm. Taylor.
Heavy Draught.- Brood mare, having
foal by her side, Wm. Gray, W. Gneve
foal, Wm. Gray, W. Grieve; two-year
old gelding or filly. W. Grieve.
Judge- James Archibald.
CarriageOne-yearold gelding or filly,
Robert Ferris; team of mares or geldings,
R. A. Currie; single horse in harness,
T. H. Taylor.
-Roaasfela:==Brood mare, foelbarine$ide,
m. Taylor; one -year-old gelding or filly,
i n Sanderson. E. Gower; single
driver. J. Galbraith. W. Mason, T. Durn-
in; team toffmares or geldings, W. Gray,
W Judge -G. McGregor. snatnsun.
Purc Durhams.-Milch cow, R.
Harrison, Barr; two-year-old heifer, J.
Barr. J. Scott: one -year-old heifer, J.
Barr. J. Scott; heifer calf. J. Barr, T. H.
Grades.- Milch cow, R. Harrison, JohnR
Barr; two-year-old heifer, J.
Harrison; two-year-old steer, John Scott:
one -year-old heifer, R. Harrison, John
Scott; one -year-old steer. R. Harrison, J.
Scott: heifer calf, R. Harrison. 1st and
2nd; _steer calf. John Scott, R. Harrison;
Tat steer, any breed. J. Barr; fat cow or
heifer, any breed. J. Scott 1st and 2nd;
best animal; any treed, sweepstakes. John
Barr; herd. two steers and two females,
J. Scott.
Judge -Jas. Connolly.
Shropshiredown.-Ram lamb, Wm.
Ross; pair aged ewes; Wm. Roes; pair
ahearling ewes. Wm. Rosa; pair ewe
lambs, W. Ross 1st and 2nd.
oxfords.-Shearling ram. W. J. Young:
ram lame. W. J. Young; pair ewes having
raised lambs ii 1917. W. J. Young; pair
shearling a vet,' W. J. Young.
-Judge-N. Coming.
"1 have actually gained seventeen
b taking Tanlac and my re -
1 My Brown who has been areal- No. 3 northern. 82,17 ys.
rotor/dm 1AKKIC114.
Oct. 16 Tb Board al
THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1517 3
pounds y of Trade omclal market quotations NE
envm has been a seuurrpprise to myself as tor yesterday:
weft as all who knew of my dreadful con- Manitoba neer (In
$3.2 tors. Ft. wllllarw, X OLIO 1111 111111 /1 1111 = =11111111 X 11111111111111111111 X )♦i XXX
diton," said Walter F. Brown at his reel- N♦ 1 northern. i2.235s. •
dente, 132 Yorkville street. Toronto. re- No. 1 northern, 32.2051,.
=111111■11111111■/I ONII INICI===__NON■
tent y. .
dent of Toronto all his life, was for many No. 4 wheat, $1i 12.5
isManitsba a 1 n tors, Fort Wllllam). s
years a travelling salesman an n isemployed by the Robert Simpso Comp-
any. He is a menber of the Masonic
Lodge, also of the Commercial Travellers
Aseocrauon, and is highly respected by
all w know him.
''1 I could have had Tanlac five years
ago,' continued Mr. Brown, "I could
have saved myself, not only a world of
suffering, but more than a thousand
dollars, which 1 paid out for other treat-
ment and medicines that failed to do me
any good. 1 don't reckon anyone ever
had a worse case of stomach trouble than
1 had. In fact, 1 got so bad off I was
given up to die by my family and friends.
and had lost about all hope myself of
ever gettingQ well. Even the most del-
icate and dainty dishes failed to arouse
any appetite and the least bit of food of
any kind caused me intense suffering-.
I would bloat up terribly with gas. had a
mean, agonizing pain in the pit of my
stomach and was never free from head-
ache. No matter what I ate my suffer-
ing was awful annd for over nine months at
onne time I was on a light diet. Half the
time 1 couldn't put on my boots or dress
myself, deauate ccondit on can be I didn't have the better
and my de':peunderstood when I say 1 had fallen off
from one hundred and thirty-five pounds
to only ninety-six. 1 was nothing but a
frame of skin and bones, was so ,ter^nus I
could hardly sleep and felt so irritable and
bad I didn t want anyone around me at
all. Everything was done for me it seems
that could be. A -ray photographs of my
stomach were made, st(xnach pumps used
and every treatment known, but no one
seemed to understand my case and 1 kept
e orae After spending a;ght
Y.onih-!Y.._.•-._-fat-he'e- toata-avermonths in tine hospi1 was advised to go to Mt. Sinai Hos-
pital in New York, and 1 spent three
months there but gill didn t ten rove one
bit. (..felt that 1tiS:M g- worth
living and had lost all (Lath irv+medicute�s.
•'One day while talking to my brother-
in-law he asked me why I didn't takeTanlac, and I said 'no, 1 have taken
enough stuff, nothing will do me any
good.' But he insisted until I bought a
bottle and Providence was surely guid-ing me that day, for I firmly believe that
was the move that saved my life. To
say' it is wonderful the way Tanlac has
helped me doesn't half -way express it. I'm
already feeling a thousand times better
and am on the road to health after five
years of torture. I have .already' picked
up from ninety-six to one' hundred and
thirteen pounds and am looking and
feelinng better than 1 have to years. My
appetite is fine, the gas and pain has all
disappeared from my' stomach and I can
eat most anything I want without the
slighest inconvenience. My fiends arel
simply amazed at mYimprovemertt. 1 have also told the
physicians, who did all they could for
me. what 1 am taking and they say' they
never saw such a change in a man. 1
believe Tanlac has saved my Ilfe and de-
serves more than 1 will ever be:able to say
for it. 1 will be glad to write to• anyone
who wishes to verify this statement and
tell them what Tanlac has done for me."
SCRA h C k C o.- }aim sod isolated
ton prolsrlr tssured.
('lees,•- J.-. 1 oonolly, P�Opod�cPP.O.:
Jae Esau. Vice-Res..fho®aa i4 flays Sec. -Tress., Beaforta P. O.
Directme-D. 9'..ttcGregor Seayorth ; John
Oilers M tsthrop: W MemRion, Constance:
John Reonnweis, Brodbsgeo; Geo. McCartney,
r�eeeefelth i Robert Fcnfa, Bartock ; Malcolm
glictwce, Bioses ld.
♦gent*: J. W Teo, Cod, rich ; Ales.
Leiteo. Clinton r W1iIUm Chesney, Beaforth:
Seafte U`. Policy-holers Olin pay
.ea eats and f�rtet thei o r& reealp1eedd at.
a4. J. Mrnl.b's Clothing Store, Clinton, ((aqq, rr-eery,ILinnstreet.Oodertob7. B. 1 old'•Oeoe»I Bto»_RaySeld_
OITNDtfV 000Apley to Y.O.CAY-N. Barrister Hamilton street. Oodsrleh.
gip Awn Lre.TNINo t British. Canadian and
A�NTrt810sNtraa AND j. PLOTaaa' L1A*IL
a TT : T'be Ocean AooMnnr. and Guarantee
Corporation. Limited, of London. ing.
irn*LZTT ANDOUAttANTxe tfc/NDO : The U.B.
Fidelity and Gcs -. wteeri oheeet goer of VloOSoe al. t.D vid's street.. Phone 176.
arta and &. Da
Tamworth. -Brood sow. W. J. Grieve;
boar littered in 1917, W. J. Grieve: sow
littered in 1917, W. J. Grieve.
improved Berkshire. -Sow littered in
1917. J. & F. Laidlaw.
Judge -N. Cuming.
No. 1 C.W.. 65%c.
No. 3 C.W., 33%c.
Euro No, 1 feed, 43c,
No. 1 feed, 62411c.
Amsracan Cern (Track, Toronto),No. 3 yellow -Nominal.
Ontario Oats (According to Frol1Ms Ont.
No. 1 white. 63c to 63c, nominal.
No. 3 white. 610 to 63c. nominal.
Ontario Wheat (Basis In Store, Montreal).
No 2 wintrr. per car let, $2.22.has (Basis In Store, Mentreat),
No. 1 -Nominal.
Marley (According to Freights Outside).
Malting. 8116 to 84.16
Rye (PenoWlnn) to Freights Outside).
No. 2, 51.72.
Manitoba Four (Toronto).First patents. in jute bags. $11,50.
Second patents. In lute bags, 811.
Strong bakers'. in )ute tags. $1060.
Ontario Flour (Prompt Shipment).
Winter, according to sample, $9.80,
Montreal. 59,60. Toronto.Montreal
Mintier' (Car Lots, Delivered.Freights, Bass Included).
Bran -Per ton, 135.
Shorts -Per ton. 342.
Mf dli s -•Per ton. $45 to 546.
o censeyflou -Pef bag. $3.26,
No. 1. per ton. 512.50 to 513.50.
laxed, per ton, $10 to 312.
straw (Track. Torente).
Car lots, per ton, $7 to 87,50.
Winnipeg. Oct. 15 -All markets were
weak and en the down grade this morn-
ing, with the cffewrinf small.
The wheat
export company
wheat upon grades for whichrpric tlhave
been fixed. The offerings
cient to nit .the demand. with
In oats there was little doing.
Prices fee to 1c lower. Offerings were
small In flax with prices, from lc to Sc
lower. Barley prices were ter lower.
Oats cloyed 44c lower on all months
Fine closed 4,40 to 60 lower. The
was -lesa'k In tone. Bar)eY 0
If _to 1>•ic lower.
Oats: October. s6V4c to 4545c; Novem-
ber, 6.�1.ie to 19'4c: December, 14%0 to
63'.c: May. eller to 6634c.
Barer Ortu)'er close. 51.19: November
close, 97.18
,,lax: October. 32 �2 to 52.8*: Noeem-
her. $2.81'/, to 52.7e: December, 52.77 to
12 7314.: May. $2 M to 82.81. .
(Nisi.prices: Whrat: No. 1 northli
12 21: No. 2 northern 13.13: Nn. 3 north-
ern. 52.16: No. 4. 2 14; No. 5, ( $1.96:
NO. 6. 51.84; feed. $1.so
Rats: No p. tt' . 64%r: No. 1 C. W..
62s c: extra 2No. 1 feed.,63e: No. 1 feed.
6314;e: No. 2 feed, 61'4c.
Barley: No. 3. 11.2014: No. 4. 11.1634:
rejected ani feed. 81 1014.
Pair turkeys. Jas. Jackson: pair geese,
small breed, Jas. Jackson; pair Rouen
ducks, Jas. Jackson 1 and 2; pair ducks,
any other variety. Wm. Scott; pair Ham -
burgs, spangled. Jas. Jackson; pair Wyan-
dottes. white, J. Jackson • 1 and 2; pair
Wyandottes. silver. Jas, Jackson; pair
Leghorns. white single comb, Jas. Jack- "To all the little children i bequeath the
son, J. & F. Laidlaw: parr Leghorns, flowers. the birds, the bright sunshine and
brawn, single comb. Jas Jackson 1 and '2;
happiness, for that is theirs." read the will
pair Leghornd any other variety, James of an insane man, a maniac who had been
Jackson, 1 and 2: pair Brahman, dark,Jas• confined for years as unsound in mind.
Jackson: pair M norcas, Jas. Jackson. 1 and Yet who can call this insanity, who can
2; pair Plymouth Rocks. barred. Jas. Jack -
deny that happiness is not justly the lot
eon 1 and 2; pair black -breasted Red of the little one, whose maturing years
Game, las. Jackson, 1 and 2: pair Rhode will bring enough of sorrow and care? Here
Island Reds, Jas. Jackson 1 and 2. isa sweet and savory thought that we as
Judge -Andrew Ferguson. patriotic Canadians can consider today.
SPECIAL PRIZES. What have we bequeathed to the chil-
Dr. Milne, 15.00 for best 10 lbs. print dren of Belgium during these years of
butter, Russel Richmond, Henry Young. struggle, famine and death? What have
Blyth Women'$ Institute, for best col- we given tom tea thieir
childhood'site lives
f ult of
lection of canned and garden vegetables the happiness
(result of seed given by the Government right. The birds and the flowers are
Institute), Henry Young, Duncan there, but they are amid scenes of blood-
l and Choirmaster of Knox cPupils preper
ofPismo, Vocal and Theory.
for O*Saer vats y examtnat ion.. Studio -corner
r la road and Soots stunt. Te1phone
A V Woe. Plano R. :nd Organ BPup11aa prepared
fee rvatory aiamfnatlona. Apply at
YB•P. vv. CURftlam. Britannia road.
Brophe3 Bros.
Ise Leading
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hour. night or day.
The Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
Cbe �,onbon
Jut Mss (litems ft? her Tsar
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R.
Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in
Winghant by • j. Watton McKibben. in
Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
by White City Drug Store. in Wroxeter
by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John
O. Loundsberry,, and in Exeter by W. S.
SliowingrNew and Charming
11 X
x X
.• X
x X
P. Sickell & Co. report the follow -
Ing prices un the Chicago Board of
Trade: Prov.
Op High. Low. Clone. Close.
Corn -
May 106".; 10954 10741 „10844 1054(
Der. . 1:2% 113% 111% 112e4 111
Oat's: -
May . 5934 6041 Be 6934 8s
Dar 664 3114 67ii 5844 58%
Pork -
Jan. . 40.70 40.70 40.00 40.60 40.15
Oa tr .. 42.0013 41.10
Tan. .. 21 21 21.75 21.15 21.3rt 21.05
Sept. ... 23.3514
Oct. .... 23.77
Mho -
Jan. . 21.55 21.70 21.45 21.50 21.36
Oct. .. ..... 27.12 27.12
Laidlaw. theshed and happiness cannot come
Women's Institute, for [lest collection empty stomach. Those little ones and
of baking -oatmeal rakes, doughnuts. their widowed mothers, some of them
jelly [Rus, half dozen of eJ. also layer little ones Pollard. hundreds uponthout hunddreds withoutts. and
cake. Russel Richmond, J. J. starving -and we can well
Taylor; bull, over one year and under are hungry - writtenm
tyro, Johan Hart 1st ate_ wraw a lesson o have ls his reason of
X We are showing all that is new in popular -priced Furs that were bought many ■
X months ago, when prices were much more favorable than they are today. Now is the
best time to buy; the choicest things go first and you get the benefit of the full season'sJO
Styles in Coats
Our stock la once again ,eclat very
M Fall and Winter Coats. As the X
h 1 with comfortable
e with the latest styles in Women's and
season advances Velourliand Beaver Cloths are
becoming more popular. They come in charming styes large co
in the rich Fall shades, at
$25.00 to $35.00
Women's and Misses' Tweed Coats,
Special Showing in Separate Skirts
We are showing some most attractive
Skirts in Berges, box -pleated, high waist-
band, in black and navy super -quality
blanket cloth, from
$5.00 to $7.50
latest styles, from
Cord Velvets in A1, Shades
CordVelvets are much in demand. We
have a:rich quality Cord Velvet in all
wanted shades for women's and chil-
dren's wear. 27 inches wide. Per yard
75 cents
Furs of Distinction
TORONTO, Oct. 16. -Deliveries of
cattle at the Union Stock Yards yes-
terday, more than 6,000 bead, show-
ed a heavy Increase over any preced-
ing Monday this season, but, not-
withstanding this, and the added fact
that there were comparatively few
good to choice quality butcher cattle,
the market may be said to have held
comparatively steady.
Total receipts, as shown by the of-
ficial blackboard yesterday, were 302
cars, consisting of 6,103 cattle. 257
calves, 1,867 hogs, and 2,793 sheep
and Iambs.
X Complete Stock ch 'i`tatrnbulis Underwear for Men, Women and Children
• 11 The leading 'phone and mail order store. 11
••PHONE 56 s Scoff Store PHONE 56J'VIillar' =
■ 11
XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX■>t>XXXXXX1111=■ ■=11111111�t
Enemy Calla Men of Forty -Seven.
COPENHAGEN, Oct. 16.- Ger-
many has extended military service
to men 47 years of age, and 15 call -
Ing up those who have heretofore
escaped service on account of mili-
tary unfitness. Tbe army already iq-
cluded a large number above the
legal limit of 45 years, on the
ground that although nobody above
that age could be mobilized. yet no
requirement existed for the dis-
charge of a soldier reaching that age.
The new regulation calls to the
colors all exempts born after Sep-
tember 8, 1870.
To Pay Freight Malin Upon Fish.
OTTAWA, Oct. 16.-Tbe naval de-
partment Is considering the advis-
ability of paying the transportation
trio was said to - I charges on the cheaper grades of nee
We can give them happiness -as from the Atlantic coast to the central
happiness is known in that unfortunate provinces, thereby giving dealers In
land -by giving them food. Canada is, the interior an opportunity to secure
prosperous, we can give. Have we the will I a supply of cheap fish. This action
to meet this great request of humanity.
The Belgian Relief Committee is stiltoper-
ating and its ships. which should be laden to
the gunwales, are given unmolested pass-
age to the gateway of relief. All that is
lacking is the food ^ osend. This i you
ed and needed y•
help today by Bending your contribution
to the happiness of Belgium's children
to the Belgian Relief Fund.
New Health
for Women.
The most fateful years in a woman's
life are those between forty-five and fifty.
Many of the sex'enter this period under
depressing conditions through 'overwork
or worry about •the home. or through a
condition in which the blood is weak or
watery. and so theyer eavhy,.:Amon
the commonest symptomsare
nation of the heart.
feverish flushes, pail and other
dizziness, backache, depression
well recognised disturbances of the health
which signalize that the blood requireste
attention. Women urgently need
red blood all their lives, but never more
so than in middle -life, twhen the ,nerver
are also weak and overwrought.
Now any woman can prove the prompt
help afforded to her health by renewing
and building up the hkrd. it is a test
that any ailing woman can make by tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for these
pills make rich, red blood, Which in tum
stimulate% the appetite, strengthens the
nerves and restores full mbust health.
Thousands( of women have found in Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills new health and
strength and with these a new happiness
and interest in life.
So if you suffer, avail yourse' f at once
of the splendid home treatment which I)r.
Williams Pink Pills so easily afford, and
you will be among those who rejoice in re-
gained health. These pills are solei by all
dealers in medicine, or may be had by
Wail at fib amts a hoz or six boxes for
gq.M) by writing the Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
FALL FAIR. Man n wblter or colored cottos xhlrt, Time. Cameron.
handmade, NMN. Hewmoo, Mrs. hoes• tk)llectlon of Gloxanis, F. Kegan,
Patched quilt, A. Halliday, Lr. barb., lection .
from page 2.) Grieve. CoIleeotlun Of begonias, Mrs. Ilinde,
Bougi3et of sweet peas, Mrs. A. E.
- , Rag rug or mat, Mrs. Hewson, bra. Mre, wain.
Plate large red tomatoes, A. Halliday, J' Darning, straight, biased and three Ere in, A
E. & R. Snowden.
Plate large yellow tomatoes, E. A It. or
Snowden. '1'. M. Snowden.
Plate peach tomatoes," E. & R. Snow-
den, A. E. Erwin.
Six roots salsify, A. Halliday, W. A.
Bal k w11L
Judges -O. H. David. H. Joyner.
Completing her voyage in the Seattle
trade, the steamship Turret Crown of the I vesting operations on a grand seals.
Coentwine Steamship & Barge Co. arrived I Snow with high winds, la prevail -
Fancy bath towel. Mrs. LiVinKItooe,
Mrs. Rosa
Fancy pin cushion, Mrs. Ross, Mins
Scats cushion, Thos. Cameron, Mrs.
Tea cosy, Miss Livtnjstono, Mrs. A.
E. Erwin.
Embroidered centrepiece in white,
Mime Livingstone, Mrs. hose.
Table centrepiece colored, Mrs.
Howrfe, Mise LtvingNtone.
Dresser scarf, Mrs. Howrfe, Thos.
Embroidered tray cloth, Kate Rome.
Mrs. Ilewson.
One pair day slips. Mrs. Howrfe,
Mime Lavin.
Pair embroidered pillow cases, Miss
Living*tone. Mrs. Roes
Three fancy towels, Mims Living-
stone, W. A. Bentsen'.
'fable runner. Mrs. Roam, Mrs. Lavis.
Ladies' underwear, handmade, Miss
Livingstone, Mrs. Huwrle.
Beat up.to-date collection of ladies'
work, Mrs. Howrfe, Mims Lay's.
would be similar to that taken with
regard to the Pacific coast and,
while effecting a saving to the con-
sumer, would also tend to eliminate
waste of these fish which now occurs
owing to the lack of market for
Winter on italian Front.
UDINE, Italy, Oct. I6. -Winter
has prematurely, but definitely, set
In throughout the battle -front, pre -
c nered. Kate Item. Mrm. Ross.I Judge -
cane wade comforter, Dr. Grieve,
F. Kogan.' y Pencil bra
Kitchen apton, Mrs. llewson, litre rs, Koss•
Livingstone. ''�rayo0 dna! , Mies Levis, Kate
Fancy apron, Mrs. Hewson, °Mrs. ho.l(
'Lowrie. Waterrnlos psi nee• Mims, ha..in,
Pair woollen socks for 'soldiers, F. Yrs. How -rte.
Kegan. Mrs. Tome.
I 011 punting, Mrs. liowric, llrs.
Pair woollen tuitteos, Mts.How inn, Ross.
Mrs. Stewart. Kensington painting, Kate hogs, Mrs.
Collection of six fancy handkerchiefs, hoer
:eo. Stewart.
36154 Liviogntoue,
at Seattle the other day with a cargo o
copper from the Grandy Bay smelter.
After to
Wind diw, here she he will be drydocked for
inspection and then delivered torepresrnt-
ative% of French shipping interests who Tbe torrents here are so swollen that
have purchased the vessel. The Turret they often are impossible of conga.
Crown is to be sent to the east coast and
will be operated on the Atlantic by her I The itallsn troops are enduring
terrible hardships, but are ready to
new owners. The Turret h sailed face any eventuality•
the lake* several seasons. SShe hes made
big earnings since she left for salt water
lag along the Trenttao, while the
Isonzo and Carso lines are inundated
by rainfalls until the valley* have
been transformed into lakes of mud
much like the Flanders battle -front.
Joy Riding Ceases.
LONDON. Oct. 1t. -A drastic new
The girl who is popular with the men order will go into effect on Novem-
is apt to he unpopular with other girls. her 1st, which 1a adequately sum -
is the first messed In the headline In the Times.
A girl's idea of s ringleader I wkleh says: "No petrol for pleasure.
man to arrive with a solitaire. Drastic new order. Actions to Pre -
Nothing pleases the average girl more vent *vaginas." New order includes
than to he mistaken for an actress. I all motor spirits. also liquid sub-
(kraaion*t1Ylthe world loves a toyer, but Itituto&
wire often it sympathises with him.
Ylas Livingstonti, Mru. Huwrte. Pen inklt�tetch, Mime
Irf*h crochet lace, Mies Llviagmttlne, LivM14 and one.
vis. Mina
Mrs. Ross'
Crochet table math, Mrs. IIowrle. I Painting on mlalt satli or
MISS Livingstone. MIs- Hew*en. �.
Mrs. iso*"' Best mnat'nhot of ',llayfleld o ty.
Cr_cMwork in cotton, miles Living Geo Greenslade. W. A, Bslkwil
Yard of crochet stone. Mra. ruchet lace in cotton, .lira Burnt work. W. A. lialkwUJ,, 3I1
11. Talbot. Misty Living*tone. Liv
Yard of crochet lace In wool, A. Ilan` Plate, touene and cancer \sitltabpe for
service, F. Kogan, Dr. •(
11day, Kate Koss• Hand inter' Chios. th
Fillet crochet, Mies Livingstone, Mrs. i Mime d pre Mra. china.
Knitted or crochet women's sweater, Judger -Mrs. J. E. StanburV.
Mrs. (toes, ;Hiss Livingstone. Grant.
Tatting, Milts Livingstone. Mrs. Roam. MANCFACTItREri
Crochet yoke for nightgown or corset ' Ret mingle harness, Thos. Camey!
cover, W. A. Baikwili, T. Cameron.
Crocheted basket in white, Mr*.
Houston, A. Halliday. llr.
Knitted or crochet bedspread,
J. W. Tippet. .
Set douhle harness, Thom. Cameron,
1. W. Tippett.
Skein twisted yarn. M. Rader.
Grieve, F. Kegan. Skein of woollen yarn, 10 knots or
Crochet work in wool. Mts. Roam, i over, al. (fader.
Miss hivingetone. Beet quart Jar soft soap. F. Kegan,
Collection of various laces, Kate home, `Mrm. ]toss. .
Minn Livingstone.
Rest :) bars hard moap. Mrs. Ross, F.
Shade.* embroidery, Mr*. Houston, I Kevan.
Judges -James Counoll,y, J. W.
The mostwerful single influence in
ppeao a
greater production, and consequently
in greater earning power, is the energy
of the worker.
To work his or her hest, the worker
mast be in possession of perfect health.
So many who start the day's work with
full vigor, tire as the day's work goes
on and are forced to make frequen t
stops to relieve an aching back.
This backache in not due to the work,
but to defective kidney action, and will
disappear if tieatment with Gin Pills is
teeorted to. '
We hive a number of testimonials on
file from sten who have had to give up
work on account of backache, rlienmo-
tism, and the various ills that follow
poor Kidneyaction. (:in Pills enabled
theq ae peope to resume steady work
attain, with the vigor of youth and all
the happiness of unfettered activity.
We will gla,Ily send a free trial of Gin
Pills to all who feel the need of this
tested remedy, or we urge you to hey
from your dealer on the strict under-
standing that your money will be
returned by us if (:in Pills fail 10 benefit
your particular case, accepting your
wool nn this matter. Gin Pills are 50c.
a ern or S boxes for SEM, Write foe
sample to National Drag & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, or to
the U.S. address*, Na.Dru-Co Inc., 202
Main 8t., Buffalo N.Y. salt
M1NB t . Mins
Eyelet embroidery. Mrs. Ross,
Roman cut work, Mrs. Howrfe. Tho*.
Punch work, Mrs. Levi*, Mia* Living-
Etching on cotton cr linen, Mra.
Ross, Mrs. A. E. Erwin. lira.
Mod nib. crone stitch, airs. Ross.
Braiding. Mr*. A. E. Erwin, Mrs.
Drawn work. Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
Luncheon cloth, Mime Livingstone,
Kate Roam.
Child'm dream, hand made, Mrs.
Roes, Mtsa Livingstone.
Bedroom 'dippern, Mime Livingston.
Mian Lavlm.
Judge* -Mrs. J. Connolly, Mrs. A. T.
Cooper, Sam C. Houmton.
Smith, A. T. Scott.
A special prize by William Berry, of
Brues'field, for one year old colt sired
by the Percheron Stallion index, Cha*.
Rath well.
A epreaa1 prise by William Berry.
of Rrucellr'ltl. for foal mired by she
i'erchcrnn Stallion Index, Jobn Stewart
int and 2nd.
A epeeist prize by Hobert Murdock.
of Rrucefleld, for foal sired by Kiri
O'Clay, Alex. Mustard. John itathwell.
A speck) iwlye by Robert Penhale, of
Rayfleld, for best foals aired by the
Percheron Stallion Tetinus, Wnm.
Logan. Douglas McDougal, Ben Pierson.
Bouquet of flowers, large. Mrs. Ilew-
goo, Mrs. Blade.
Bouquet of flower*, small, Mrs. Ilinde,
Mr*. Itewito'n•
Collection of dahlias, Mrs. Ilinde.
Mra. Hewaoo.
(;olleotinn of panties, Mot. Hinde,
Mn. F. Kegan.
Collection of geraniums, F. Kegan.
Mrs. Hewson.
Collection of Amine plants, Mra. Hew -
Collection of gladiolus', Mrs. Hewson,
A. Halliday.
Collection of fuechlaa, Yrs. fiewmon,
F. Kegan•
Collection of foliage plants, Mra•
Made, Thom Cameron. Mrs. Howson, I,
CgUs016on of asters,
.,,q: t", .'.4'