HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-18, Page 2owerer•weawi ! Titvasawv, Oct. 18. 1917 THE SIGNAL - GODERICR, ONTARIO EtiK SIGNAL PRINTING Oxo.. !icon• Pvau.:saatee rug oloir&L b pablbbed ever Tburda Ora the rid 1n The dtfuel Building, Note irre►.t. Gode�ch. Outar.o rTelephone No- 3. 'Jescalrrtoe Teems -One holler and Fifty ...eat. per year ; if paid *trtctly In advance One Oohs, will be accepted; w .0 b.,cribenr in the Vetted State.. the rate to One Dollar and Fifty Conte rtriutly in advance. 8ub..ortbere who Lail til reoet.•e TRsL(rION AL retutarly by mail Hill confer a favor W• acquainting the puhtbb of the tett at fie early ad►teae po-rdbie. N hen ebwnee of addre.• i• de.ired, both old anti tat new &Mire...hoiW be elven. Remittance. may aa y bo made by bank draft. expremoney .titer. po.t-odtoe order. or reel.ter•d letter. 9ut.,rrlpti)ne maycommence at any time. A DVIRTI*INO T►Raa--Kates for diopl.y and a cage.% W ver bsemeate will be given on septi Ce : lou. Legal and other similar edverti.mente. 'e,, cents per lino for ant toren-Ion and four ^este per line for each rub.equent Inaertlnn. M•oa.0 red by a wale of solid nonpareil -twelve line. wan (nob. Huebner. nerd, of vls liner and under, Five Dollar• per year. Advertiee- meetr of Wet. Found. Strayed. Satiation. %'wcent. dkuaUone W .,.ted, Huu-e. for Sub tr Sate. etrt. e not exceeding eight I. for 84e or to one-. Twenty e ve l'en - uacb ince,, Iota : One Dollar for d' mo•ab. Filly Contefo: e.I keno) -'O sent month. l.argnr adverUMmellt. In proportion. Ao- e orncmmgnte in ordinary reading type, Ten C,nts per line. No notice 1. r than Twenty - ave Cent.t Any .l nonce. the object of which 1• the peOun arc benefit of any ludivid- n al or eroorratloO. W be ourintdered ay ads er- menl and cbar=I•d aaordingly. HTO CURRR*PONDR'T NI. -The °O -operation of t .8b.- riber, and reader. U cordially tnvit- t •'wmrd. making Tag SIONaL a weeklyrecord .11 keel.county and dtotriot dolma•. o cow mnnlooUon *Ul be attended to uoI*eo It opo - tains the nem. and addreae of the writer, not secewrl!y for publication, but ao en evldeoce of glad faith. New• Rama ebeuld reach Taw $ION*L Phos not later than W.duesdey OOOn of ewe Week. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 181917 MR. taOWMAN'S CANDIDATURE. The electors of North Huron are not deceived by the tactics that are being pursued by the Conservative party in this riding. M. Bowman is to be nominated today at a Conservative convention at W'mgham, and the attempt will be made to tie him to the union Government kite and to ask the elecors to forget his record of the past. Mr. Bowman has displayed not a single glimmer of independence during his term at Ottawa. He voted for every obnoxious measure proposed by the late Govern - men , and never from beginning to e>Md raised his voice in behalf of the people who were being robbed by profiteers and grafters. If he goes back to Ottawa he will exhibit the same lack of independ- ence and initiative. What North Huron wants at the pres- ent juncture Is a representative who will not tie himself up to any party -a man who will vote for good measures and oppose bad measures, no matter by whom they are proposed. North Huron's mem- ber in the next Parliament. whoever he may be. should represent North Huron, instead of placing his vote at the disposal of any clique or combination at Ottawa. Mr. Bowman has disqualified himself for the support of independent alectors. in fact. h s nomination at Wingham today was arranged beforehand by a small com- mittee of the Conservative party. MR MCEVJY REP -IES. To the Editor of The Signal. Dear Sir, -Allow me to comment oD your last week's editorial comments on a recent article of mine which appeared in The Goderich Star. In the first place f must congratulate you in discovering in me a streak of cunning. I had hoped that through years of-cam.)uftage, successful till now, I had it securely hidden: nobody has ever accused me of doing anything "cunningly'. before. it is surprising how. just before elections. this sense develops for discovering a man's weak points, es- pecially in those who happen to be of a diferent political stripe. Just why you should think that 1 cou- pled the names of Dr. Gallow and E. N. Lewis("cunningly" 1 cannot imagine. ex- cept for one guess which I made soon after realm( your article. You imply in your article that because you have not \ heard any rumors in regard to Dr. Cal- low that. therefore. none have been float• ing about and that i bad rather coupled his name with that of E. N. Lewis to produce a certain effect. i can assure you that such was not the case, but here , cones my guess Dr. Gallow must be a Grit and there- fore in the estimation of the editor of The Goderich Signal. like Caesa-'s wife, above suspicion. 1 have no possible means of knowing the gentleman's political per- suasions. but i have gathered from ar- ticles which have appeared in your col- umns at different times that you are very partial to what may be termed "dyed in the wool" Grits and very bitter against Conservatives. This is the only possible reason I can think of for your surmise that the names werecoupied "cunningly." ON course if Dr. Gallon is a Grit his case couldn't need defending. as seen from our point of view. I would call your attention also to the fact that E. N. Lewis has been drawing pay according to your estimate from lkl.0tX) to 17.(100 (only 11.000 difference in your two guesses) for several years now. and this is the first time 1 have noticed in your columns any special irrita- tion in this direction. This. however. is apart from the subject. in the article to which -you referred in your editorial col- umn I stated views regardiig the disposi- tionof this world's goods. especially mone, which are held by many people, and i regret to notice :hat you have in- jected the virus of discontent into those of your readers who are in receipt of military pay by making comparisons be- tween E. N. Lewis' salary and the ppl�y of those who fill the ranks. You do thM. sir. regardless of the facts, first, that it is acknowledged that Canadian soldiers are well paid (see advertisement on page 'f: Signal. Oct. 11th: and that, second. seeds of discontent sown in this manner are likely to produce a harvest which even the Liberal party would find troublesome to handle. if by any chance it should be returned to power. Yours. etc., Dewitt McEVoe. which may not be quite so "bitter" as Mr. McEvoy would try to make out, wished to do Dr. Callow the simple jus- tice of pointing out the difference be- tween his cage and that of Mr. Lewis. Whether he is a Grit or not does not alter the facts of the cage, and Mr. Mc- Evoy does not dispute our statement of the facts. - ' Like Mr. McEvoy, we have never had an opportunity of diagnosing Dr. Gal - low's political condition. We have al- ways esteemed him as a public-spirited citizen of good judgment who wanted to do the right thing and who had some elements of self-llacrifice in his make-up. Whether such a man is more likely to be a Grit or a Tory we must leave it to Mr. McEvoy to say. We might describe'Mr. McEvoy himself in much the same lan- guage. except that in this particular in- stance we question his good judgment - and Mr. McEvoy is not by any moans a Grit. Mr. McEvoy need not be at all afraid that The Signal is bent upon arousing discontent among the poo;)le. The dis- content already exists, and if it is so syrious a matter as Mr. McEvoy sug- gests we should imagine that the proper thing to do would be to remove the causes of discontent rather than -to try to make people believe that things are not what they are. Mr. McEvoy him- self says that this is the first time he has noticed in The Signal any reference to Lt. Col. Lewis' pay, and as this reference was occasioned by ,the publication of Mr. McEvoy's article in The Star he must himself be held responsible for the dire consequer.ces which he fears mmy follow. We must confess that on one previous occasion The Signal did make a reference to the subject. which evidently escaped Mr. McEvoy's notice. We might say. for the in -formation of Mr. McEvoy and any others who are interested, that we have been repeatedly urged to "show up" Lt .- Col. Lewis, but we refrained from doing so until Mr. McEvoy's uncalled-for article in The Star seemed in our opinion to call for comrnenlin..the public interest• Mr. McEvoy may be so far detached from worldly affairs that he does not know what ordinary people are thinking about: we can tell him that if there is one thing more than another that has. disgusted people during the last three years it is the self-seeking and grafting that have been going on while the masses of the people have heen called on to make sacrifices in the cause of war. If a newspaper is not to say anything about these things. but is to let the grafters and the self-seekers have their own way without rebuke. we might as well drop our pen. EDITORIAL NOTES. Now that Canada' famous union Gov- ernment has been formed, we may expect to hoar any day that the Kaiser has thrown up his hands. There was not a pumpkin on exhibition at tl e Ripley fall fair. We are sorry for Editor Mooney if he has to go without "punkin" pie this fall. An exchange remarks: "Forty years ago snow fell on the 13th of October and remained until the following spring." Maybe so -but why remind us ? Will the union Government go ahead with the C. N. R. deal put through by the Borden Government at the last ses- sion? if it does. it can hardly expect the support of honest men. It will be noticed that Mr. McEvoy fails to give any reason for having ' eapled the names of Lt. -Col. Lewis and Dr. Gallon in his snick. The Signal, Voters will do well to await events be- fore deciding whom they will support in the coming election. This is supposed to be a free country, and no warty or clique or Government has a mortgage on any man's vote. There is not a single representative of 1 rural Ontario in the new union Cabinet. Hugh:Guthrie, as Solicitor -General. is not a member of the Cabinet. Mr. Crerar may be said to represent the grain -grow- ers of the West, and Mr Burrell. who comes from British Columbia, is a sort of fanner: otherwise the new Cabinet is without agricultural representatives. Only Fine,' Flavoury Teas are used to produce the famous 11 blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. Bt07 BAYFIELD FALL FAIR Following is the prize list of the Hay- field fall fair, held last week : HORSES OENERAL PURPOdE Brood ware, `acoomperied by foal, Chao. Rothe ell, Douglas McDougall. Foal. l'o•iglaa McDougall, B. Pierson. Gelding or fill•v. 2 years old, C. Row- son. Earl Se User. Gelling or filly, 1 year old, E. Switzer, John Batbwell. Team, J. Decker, sr., A. Elcoat. AGRICULTURAL Brood mare. acoompanlei by foal, J. Stewart, W. Logan Foal. John Sowerby, W. Logan. Gelding or filly, 2 years old, 11. Alex- ander. W. Keys. Gelding or ally. 1 year old, W. Keys. Team, C. Truemner, A. Cololosgb. HEAVY URAUO HT Brood mare. accompanied by foal. A. Colelongh, Alex. Mustard. Foal, :A. Mustard, A. Colcloogh. ROADSTERS Brood mare. accompanied by foal. J. Decker. sr., John Hay. Foal. Geo. A. Cooper. J. Decker. sr. Gelding or ally. 1 year ofd, W. Keys. Team. J. Decker, sr. Bingle roadster, W. Keys. CARRIAGE BMA_ mare, accompanied by foal. Geo: A. Cooper. Foal. Jas. Johnston, R. Smith. Gelding or ally. 1 year old, Jas. John- ston. Geo A. Cooper. Team, 16 hands or over, E. Thiel, Jno. Preeter. fleet gentleman's outfit. J. Hay. jr. Lady driver. J. Hay, sr. Judges -John Archibald. Fred Eller- Ingtou, Ju W. Baird. CATTLE ORA DE Milch cow. W. J. Stinson, W. W. Wise. Helfer. 2 years old, Chas. Rathwell 1st and and. Helfer, 1 year old. E. H. Wise R Son, W. W. Wise. . Helfer calf, Wm. Mason. J. & R. Reid. Mr. J. J. Meurer, Conservative member for South Huron in the last Parliament. was nominated for the coming election at the South Huron Conservative conven- tion held on Monday at Clinton. The speeches at the convention revel' the campaign tactics which will be pursued in behalf of Mr. Merner. The Germans of Hay and Stephen will be asked to vote for one of their own race, while in the other parts of the riding Mr. Merner will ride the union Government horse and try to attract Liberal voters to his support. We cannot see that Mr. Merner has the slightest claim to the support of any inde- pendent elector. He supported all the iniquities of the„late Government. includ- ing the C. N. R. steal. and he cannot he expected to do any better in the future On the other hand, the electors will have the opportunity of voting for a man of ability and independence, a practical farmer who believes that agriculture needs greater and better attention at Ottawa. and who will make an excellent represen- tative of a rural constituency like South Huron -namely. Mr. Thomas McMillan. London Advertiser: Whether or not they agree wifit his published views on the conscription situation, students of public affairs must realise that Sir Wilfrid Laurier's attitude may save Quebec frotrn a position far worse than anti-conscrip- tion. Qtiebec has the poser to elect sixty-five members to the House of Com- mons. As a factor bearing weight on either of the two parties in the House. such a representation would come close to Steer calf, E. H. Wise s Bon, Chas. Rath well. Steer, 2 years old. W. W. Wise, W. J. Stinson. Steer. 1 year old, J. R. Stirling, W. W. Wise. Fat cow, heifer or steer, W. J. Stin son, 1st end and. DURHAM • Much oow, E. H. Wise A Bon, 1st and and. Helfer. 2 years old. E. )$. Wise J: Son, .1. & R. Reid. \1t Helfer, 1 year old, J. A . Reid. lat and 2nd. Heifer calf, A. Elcoat, E. 13. Wise & Son. Bull calf, E. H. Wise R Sun. JERSEY Milch cow, Rich. Smith, Jas. John- ston. Judges- John J. Blggios, Cita n ; James Cowan, Seatorth. SHEEP LEICE8'rYR Shouting ram, E. H. Wise & Son, A. Elcoat. Ram lamb. W. McAllister, E. H. Wise. Boa. Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1917, 2 shears or over, E. H. Wise R Son, W. McAllister. Pair shearling ewes, W. McAllister E. H. Wised So0.__,�.Y_._.---.. ... Ewe lamb, W. McAllister, E. H. Wins & Son. Wetber Iamb, E. & R. Snowden. LINCOLN* Ram, two shears or over, Geo. Pen - hale, T M. Snowden. Ram lamb, T. M. Snowden, Geo. Pen - hale. Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1917, 2 sheers or over, Geo. Pe°bale, T. M,. 8°owde°. Pair shearling ewes, T. M. Snowden. Geo. Penbale. Ewe lamb, 1'. M. Snowden. Geo. Pen - hale. FINE WOOL. Mewling ram. Wm. Mauson. Ewe lamb, Wm. Manson. W ether lamb, Ww. Manson. A. Elcoat. Pair tat sheep. any breed, T. M. Snowden 1st and 2nd. PIGS BERKSHIRES Brood sow. having littered in 1917, E. & R. Snowden, T. M. Snowden. controlling the situating,. as did the Irish Boar. 6 months or under. T. M. Snow - party in the British House of Commons. den tat and 2nd. bec was against conscription without Bow' 6 months or ,lade,, T. M. Snow - Quebec den 1st and 2nd. a vote. and probably in any event. But YORKSHIRE. . if Sir Wilfrid Laurier had come out in Brood sow, baving Uttered W 1917, favor of conscription w,thout a vote of Geo. Kirg. the people, it is more than probable that Bow, a months or ander, (lets. Mag. the Nationalist party in Quebec- would i RF.D PtOS Aged boar,'('. M. Snowden, have been able to grasp at least sixty Broodsow, having littered to 1917, T. seats out of the sixty-five. and hold them.' M. Snowden, E. & R. Snowden. not only during the war. but for many I Boer. 6 months or under. T. M. years after the war. Quebec may be 8°owdee' Sow, 6 months or under. T. M. snow - troublesome to a certain extent at the den. present time. Ijt as a Nationalist Prov- , Best boar. any breed. T. M. Snowden. ince able to make its "balance of power" Beet row, any breed. E. & R. Snow• felt as a tremendous force in the country, den. Be.. pair bacon hogs any breed, T. it would have been far more troublesome.. M. Snowden. 1 R 2. Sir Wilfrid Laurier understands Quebec. 1 Judges -G. C. Petty. H. Snell. He is the one man able to bring about the I FO W L salvation of his Province. and to keep the j Pair J. er Grey Dorklns, W. Pair Dark Brshmas, J. 8. Howrie. meet in its dealings with Quebec runs Pair Barred Plymouth Rocks, E. wholly to those always identified as Nz- wise R Bon, Jno. Preeter. tionalists. l Pair White Plymouth Rocks. W. union unbroken. The present Govern- i B. H. B. Battler, C. Truemner. Pair Black Spanish, J. 8. Howrie, W. B. Battler. •Palr White Leghorus. C. Truemner, lag. Pair Brown Leghorne, J. 8. Howrie, Pair tail. Spangled Homburgs, W. B. Battler, 1 & 2. Pair bik.Breibted R. Games, W. B. Battler. Pair Rhode Island Meds, C. Teuton Der. W w. Mattson. Pair Andaluslaua, J. 8. Howrie, W. B. Battler. Pair white Wyandotte*, C. Truewner, W. B. Battler. Pair Silver Wyandottes, J. 8. Howrle, C. Truemner. Pair Black Minorcan, Geo. Copeland. Pair white Crested Black 1'ulauds, W. B. Battler. 1 re 2. Pair Houdan., W. B. Battler, Wur. Mannon. Pair Buff Orpingtons. Jno. Preeter, W. B. Battler. Pair Black Langehans, J. S. Howrle. Pair Bantams, any variety, W. B. Battler Jno. Preeter. Pair Pekin Ducks, C. Trueto°er, E. & R. Snowden. Pair Rouen ducks, W. B. Battler, E. H. Wise & Son. Pair Toulouse Geese. W. B. Battler. Pair any other variety geese, E. a R. Snowden. C. Truemner. Pair Bronze Turkeys. J. R.`•I$aeUng• . 8 R. Pair any other var. turkeys, Snowden. Judge -J. H. Ortweln. Hen DAIRY 94 lbs. Salt butter, Mee. Stewart. 10 lbs. butter, in block, Mrs. Stewart, F. Kegau. S lbs. butter, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. H. Talbot. Cheese. home made. C. Truemner. Zest collection home-made wine, F. K.Bagan, Dr. Woods. Best collectlo° home-made pickles, W. A. Balkwlll, F. Kegan. Box home made candy, Geo. cope - land, E. & R, Snowden. Beat collection canned fruit, F. Kegan. A. Halliday. Honey In comb, Paul Cleave, W. Pollock & Sons. Honey in jar, Wm. Pollock & Son. Paul Cleave. Best collection of honey, Wm. olhlck & Son, Lauty Beatty. oat of home-made bread not bakers': A. Halliday, Jas. Campbell. Quart of maplesyrup, Mrs. J. Stewart, A. Halliday. Twyo bottles grape wine. Dr. Woods, 7. Keiten. r Plate of buns, J. R. Sterling, Mrs. A. E. Erwin. Plate of cookies, W. A. Balkwlll, Thos. Westlake. Apple Pte, J. R. Sterling. A. Halliday. A special prize by the T. Eaton Co.. for the best three pairs of dressed chickens. exhtblted by an Individual owner. who has not won an Eaton prize at any fair /Once 1914. Dr. Grieve. Judges -James Connolly, J. W. Booth, A. T. Scott.. CANADIAN TROOPS LEAVING THE TRENCHES FOR REST. This picture shows Canadian soldiers who have been relieved in the trenahes lea% ins them after a successful raid near Avian, which is south of Lens. The Cana• diens are mak: rig their way out along a narrow trench bets,' n high hanks overgrown with a tangle of Mathes and it sk.pes steeply up as it goes on. it will be noticed that the floor of the trench is boarded. • GRAiN AND SEEDS 1 hushel white winter wheat, Wm. McGuire, J. R. Sterling, -'1 bushel of red winter wheat. Wm. B. Battler. Geo. A. Cooper. - 1 bushel sprtng wheat. 3, R. Sterling. 1 bushel large white peat, C. Truem- I nee. 1 bushel small white pe John A. Murray. Geo. A. Cooper. • 1 bushel six rowed barley, Milne Raider. W. B. Battler. 1 bushel two -rowed barley, Kline Raider. 1 bushel white oats. C. Truemoer,, J. R. Sterling. \\ 1 bushel timothy. Ww. B. Bettlek, Geo. A. Cooper. 6 ears yellow corn, A. E. Erwin, T. M. Snowden. 6 ears dent corn, Jno. Murray. E. & R. Snowden. 5 ears sweet corn, E. h R. Saowdea. . If, Snowden. 6 ears any other variety, A. E. Enda.' Jno. Sowerby. 1 bushel field beans, C. Truemner, Wm. B. Battler. Judges -Williams and Ford. FRI' iT 6 bnncbes of grapes. Mrs. Hewson. Collection of grapes, Mrs. Hewson, F. Kegan. Collection of apples, four of fall and six of winter, F. Kegan, Jno. Sowerby. Winter apples, 4 varieties. Jno. Sowerby, F. Kegan. Fall apples. four varieties, W. A. Balkwlll. F. Kegan. Plate of Mann apples, Thos. West- lake. Plate of Spitzenbnrg, F. Kegan. Collection of pears, Wm. McGuire, Jno. Sowerhy. Plate of fall pears, E. & R. Snowden, W. A. Balkwlll. Plate of winter pears, J. R. Storting. Wm. McGuire. Plate of 12 peaches. J. R. Sterling. Mrs. Houston. Plate of plums. W. A. Balkwill, Dr. Grieve. Plate of prunes, A. Halliday, F. Kogan. Plate of Baldwins. Jno. McClure F. Kegan. Plate of Northern Spies, F. Kegan. Jno. McClure. Plate of Yellow Crabe, F. Kegan. Plate of Red Crabs. F. Kegan. Plate of King of Tompkins, Jiro. Mc Clorek. Halliday. Plate of Greeoings, Jno. McClure Thos. Westlake. Plate of Klhcton Pippins, F. Kegan, W. A. Balkerill. Plate of 20 Ounce Pippins, F. Kegan, Jno. Sowerby. Plate of Wagner*, F. Kegan. Place of Golden Russets, C. Truem- ner Joe. McClure, Plate of Blenheim Pippins, A. Halli- day W. A. Balkwlll. Plate of Snows. F. Kegan, C. Troemser. Judges-Jno. Porter, Goderich Tp. John Cos. Porters Hill. VEGETABLES Halt bnahel early pofaapss to be named. C. Trnemaer. vV A. Balkwlll. Hall bushel late potatoes, Wm. McOnire Wm. Higgins. 6 maagolds, yellow globe, T. M. S°owdea, Wm. McGuire. 6 Intermediate marigolds. J. W. Reid, Rich Smith. A field carrots. Rich. Elliott. Milne Raider. 6 able carrots. W. A. Balk will, A. Halliday. 6 table beets, A. E. Erwin, A. A. Balk will. a beagle cabby*, Jaw. Murray. Wm. Higgins. beads cauliflowers, A. Halliday, Jno. layaway. 9 lesMltsalees, Mrs. Bovine. E. • i41mnnmuiumimnnuiin111umiuuuam am11111 W. ACHESON & SON § Reversible Floor Rugs • A number of'7teversible Union Rugs at 1-3 under present factory price. Greens and browns. Medallion patterns and neat effects, Special 24x3 yards, $fi 3x3} yards, 88 3x3 yards, $7 . 3x4 yards, $9 Fifty Brussels and Tapestry Rugs in every size. Special price. r We have exclusive sale in Goderich for this famous high-class make of Coats. Style and quality best we have ever offered. 100 Coats now in stock, Velour, Plush, Tweeds and Cheviots. Ranging from to Thirty-six inches wide French Silk Poplins, in twenty shades and colors. extremely correct for style and service for dres es and suits. Special at per yard...,$,S1 Thirty -six-inch Silk Dupbesse fad or colors, at per yitd..,. In buck $1.N W. ACHESON & SON saiimiummmiminnumimmiimmmomminommilimummllmus R. Snowden. 6 parsnips. l'aul Cleave. Jas. Comp - bell. Largest pumkin, W. A. Balkwlll, E. A R. Snowden. Largest squash, W. A. Balk will, A. Halliday. 6 field turnlpil, Jno. Murray. T. M. Showden. 3 watermelone, Jas. Campbell. Thos. Westlake. i sugar beete, H. Wye, -&-Sear-$.--A R. Snowden. 3 heads white celery, -.A. Halliotar. Dr. Grieve. 6 head% winter radish. Jno. Murray. W w. B. Battler. 2 citrons. Jno. Murray, Thos. West- lake. Peck potato onions. large English. Dr. Grieve. Jno. Murray. Peck large white onions, E. dr R. Sweden, W. A. Balkwlll. Peck large red onions, Rich. Smith; T. M. Snowden. Peek large yelloei onions. Rlcb. Smith, Jas. Campbell. \ 4 (Continued on paae a.l =::"= - AGvays the But W. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker nouse Furnishings The Store of Quality PHONCS STORE 89 RCS 187 Directory First! NV-1EN you can a telephone number from mtntwrr or when you guess at it you are apt to be wrong. 1 The mind has a trick of tran.posmg figurer -- instead of "1263 - you are quite likely to say "1673.- 1 And when you thus ask for the apron/ nsunber, you waste your own time, the opera- tor's. and the time of the person sailed through your erns. 1 Director, Arlt is a good principle. In the end it saves time and temper to Aral consult the latest issue d the telephone book. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada ti 'Cad awviea • • • was ems i mea ..