HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-27, Page 22 THURSDAY, JUNK 27. 1918
there are, at Bee present time. 4,53h001 htst, and then mith that job oft our Gat to the enforcement of the Military Coipmencing the clearing season with proba,bly
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c'atilden tberneo,i; Another
alritain wants Insh recruits. she uun get
Iinpresns ot an Onlooker. view of the large contra pention against I
ssing an early ckeping bylaw. and as we IN, ACI-IESODI & S
— - -
probiem, which becomes only more com-
plicated as a settlement is delayed. If
reconunerxiation was as o
showed faith n South Africa. a faith that One of the roost satisfactory features of LAW 10 BE SUUMIT flu JULY 22. the town as a whole to pass such .a
do not think it would be in the interest of •
has been abundantly rewarded. the present political situation in the Do- law. we recommend that no action be
minion is the very gratifying change that
them by showing faith in Ireland as she OCR FRE:\ FELLOW CITIZENS
taken on the petition as originally pre- I l'S
has taken place in the public attitude of
The hna
the French population of the Province of No Action on Proposed Eh law for the lient4d t° the cuuncti °II Sit"' 3rd'"
• Qu
Tee Farmer'. Advocate. been the influences that have brought I
about this result. we must all rejoice to Suggests • Survey by the ure u
of Municipal Research-Tart/la and remitted; the/ owing to the presong
BRITISH WOMEN IN THE WAR. The Fifotectiontsi Program and part in the war. Whatever may have
According to official announcement , that we should go on arid win the war See that not on'y has all active opposi-
The consensus of opinion seems to be Street -spr intling Discussed. ' structed to insiet on immediate pas•ment •
need of funds the tax collector be in-
me committee recomme ed
onNap er street be not
- • th r ard to Canada s interest Uniform Closing of Siores-Mwror that the taxes on the hosMtal •
women and girls emptoyed in classified hands we may turn to domestic affairs write the Goderich Organ Co. that the ; 71 the biggest bargains we can offer again for many a
Service Act practically ceased, but voiun- , of all arrears of t xes; that the clerk I's',
trade% that are under the jurisdiction o
the British Board of Trade. These figures
are exclusive of wornen employed in small
ades and on the land. Domenic ser -
and ajUSt an
this view we hnd the Manufacturers Awl t*)
tirm in the belief that now is the be
to quiet down and harmony to -- •
Dere were pretent except (aunt
and Wallis.
The tax collecter reportei further col- creased $100 per annun and of the police '
on its levy; that the clerk s salary be in- ,
require straighteuing out. Opposed to enieni that was be ng fostered
proper time to build a higher tariff wall be reat°red-
'The moet regrettabie fact ce"t"
"on in order to protect , that it is becoming more and
lections of arrears of taxes.
A communication from the president of 1 The water. light and harbor commit- 4
8,30 each. to beaffective from July 1st. a.
tied that permission had been e-
ber and the racial arid relus an- was held on Friday Da
All the mein- ment on the Company's loan; that the ..
evening. Pa).- day, every price here quoted is under manufacturers IF
. toe family matters which teem are coening forward in lame num-
- The regular meeting of the town council council insists upon a substantial
Colate Institute board be paid $1000 or mill price today. Future prices will be very 1F
vents also are excluded. All hospital help- about t
h our industries never t on the part of the Government, and Western Ontario bcought to the at- given to Mr. Edward Lynn to WIC the ,
tention of the °outwit the neede of our office of the freight shed at the harbor asl
ne Red Cross and other nurses are not ealantigit:aridrinVibe;
• • "`" more evident that the trouble was very
largely due to nusmanagement and want the Italian Red Croes Seciety or u
eeohmiceh arroefir dale! eoffl
f eshment stand. he to pay at the .
counted. Taking all classes of lin i 1Strange s
women war -workers the total is consider- grow up; they are always in the infant
ably over 5,000.000. class, and whenever any free -trade breeze
omes 1 the nor'west they are tucked
Less than 200,000 women were ern- cat e into the cradle, covered v. armly
',toyed in Great Britain before the Mix and furiously rocked so the harsh winds
began and these were mostly in textil w ill not blight them in their infancy.
mills The r, port for 1917 gives 198.000
" I addition to the tariff wall to keep
gmuaorfehafftlie leads been nadiafl fp-
in Government offices, exclusive of cm% pm
!nbt in illie tor
service and kcal government. The latter dustrial:Reconstruction Association. comn-- I _,Wi,
two employed 146.000. Munition workers posed of men well known in industrial ueevit
numbered over 800.000; workers in life. This eatchman says in part : "The las _ci
chemical and engineering plants- 200.000; faor'ar mams , f atandxdroodbly tshouldt bci-ngdiciriews Zt -cialt 1r
land workers. 100,000 (with an additional must continue to be the chief sources of iby Frenc
30,000 called for this summer', and thous- , revenue. 11 15 doubtful if all the new . al there
ands as rnechanics, motor drivers, ambu- I forms of taxation that can be devised will excited T
lance drivers. street car and omnibus op-lilac:net' the
o say n. t ung .o .pensions and lie"
interesot t upon f the war debt ' b_ad,.ittfls d
erators, cab drivers, all sorts of memo' , other. heavy ear lotions. Duties reatlY believ
workers, letter -carriers, bank clerks and I ed revenue will afford as a cies! ar
• or red
office wockers of every kind. Recruiting
goes on steadily in all these lines and the
response has been to the tune of 15.000 a
The spirit af these women is wonderful,
Dif'ficult work and dangerous work is not
shunned. but ta en up cheerfully. Extra
h rs are taken as a mitter of couree.
and vs ae aggravated by persons is ho %sere Italian ally for assistanze from ehs
anxious to serve faititical dian peoPle- ' rate of $3 a month and to take care o
purposes. There is. in fact, good reason to
'believe that a section of the Conservative
,..„„ might be included with the British Reel opening and cloeing it at the proper sip
Mayor Wigle said the Italian Red Cross the waiting -room by keeping it clean and
party were 'bud in their cry lc( ( Cross in ttreannual collection in October. times; the use of the office to be at
seyiption not so much because they liked or perhaps the -Daughters of the Emrire pleasure of the council.
• it. or believed it necessary, as because *43
would make a separate collection be ore The cemetery and parks committee re- •
the hoped by advocating it tu get Sir
that time. The communication was sent p rted that the waterworks system
id Lalleltr, Al to igwak. between the to the finance committee. I at the cemetery hao been repeir& and
ne the deep sea. and so destroy A request from the Bell Telephone Co. ' eas in good operating condition. The
ncee: of success at the general for permission to place a pole on Bntan- committee recommended the granting of
whenever it should take place. ni a road east of South street was referred the request of Mr. W. H. Tremblay for
there was frothy. foolish talk to the public works committee. an exchange of lots.
demagogues and editors. just A letter from Sydney V. Kendall, of i These reports were all adopted.
s been time and again by Toronto, asked the pnvilege of -erecting 1 Councillor Story suggested the removal
onto poleicians and editors,. on the prineepal streets of the town what for the First of July celebration of the
btful whether any sensible. is known as a street directory, consisting wire fencing placed on the Square to
Conservative or Liberal of a number of pillars at street intersec- protect the grass. Reeve Laithwatte
that the French habitants Gotta bearing theiname of the street and proposed that it be removed and left
disloyal. or lacking in the names of the firma in the particular , down if the people would conduct thern-
ness to fight for their block between the intersections. He selves properly; if they didn't, put it up
would Pay la per annum for each pslar again. It was decided to have the fence
erected, and ten per cent. of the net , removed for Dominion Day at least.
profits from the advertisements. This I The matter of printing the 1918 voters'
was referred to the pubhc works coment• lists wasreferred to the finance committee
tee. sith power to at.
The following. addressed to the c:erk, The Mayor had a number of things to
was from the assistant Provincial Secre- , bring before the council. The weed by-
tary at Toronto: "I am directed to inform law comes into force iroieeJdut!A, but he
you that at the recent meetine of the i thought that the weeds attention
Legisiature a special committee was ap- ', at once. A motion was carried that all
pointed to cons der ameadments tu the ' burdocks and other weeds on public prop -
Assessment Act. It is expected the- the ' erty be cut down at once and that the
committee when it meets in the near , citizens be requested to cut those on
future will deal with all questions in- private property.
volved in time to report for action at the I Another motion adopted at the sugges-
next meeting of the Legislature, and in tion of the Mayor eas that the police en -
the meantime various municipal bedies in ' force the dotetag bylaw forthwith. His
the Province are being advised of the . Viexship had an idea that there were more
situation. and I have to say that if you dogs in town than theliumber of licenses
w II advise me of arty suggestion which issued would indicate.
may occur to you or the council you The Maple Leaf Chapter. I. 0. D. E.,
represent as to desirable changes in the had asked the privilege of selling canes
law same will receive due censideratiop in and other articles on the streets on the
connection w th this very important sub- 1st of July. It was decided to allow them
ject." 1 to have two stands for this purpose, the
This was relerred to the special commit- , stands to be placed under the dab:non of
tee for consideration. I the street inspector.
The following letter was received from 1 H.s Worship informed the council that
Mr Sydney M. Johnson, - engineer: a public senrice of intercessioo would be
--Whin you commence work on the 13rit- held on the Square on Sunday. June 30,
' t 4 o'clock tt eould be undenomina-
necessars 0 pr
su h inckental protection as should en- \
able us to create and maintain new indus- country.
Not being of British dement they do
tries and take full advantage of a* that
not inherit British traditions and in -
we have learned during the war of pro-
. stincts. and cannot.' therefore. be fairly
material, and requirements of oversee expected to feel the orle hereditary at-
tachment to the Britten Empire that the
cesses of manufacture. stores of raw
markets. Much that we irnported belle
majority of their English-speaking fellow -
the war we will manufacture in the tut re
citizen) do. To them 'Canada Mit their
greater country, la patrie, and if `the Govertunent
home markets and utilize our had taken a little pains to make it clear
"We're not tired!" is their motto and
the advantage ot Canada."
knowledge of the resources of Canada fur
that this ear is not being w merely for
when holidays are mentioned the reply is:i seemingly the naky of this new As- the elors, an •tish Empire.
"What will our men at the front do 0 we! sociation is adroitly set forth in the pre- but just as truly for the safete and best
ceding paragraph. and it might be well to
. carried on on Canadian sod andin Caned-
intereds of Canada as if it 'were being
go holiday -making Girls eho
tied their own shoes no stuck to any-
thing cont nuously for thirty minutes work
contentedly through a long day for weeks
and months side by side with their former
have an organization of the peop e. Lan waters. and had trea
really pay the twee and afford this reas-
(enable security. to guard the guardian. element of the pepulation with mere con-
sideration the trouble might have been al -
The president of the Manufacturers As-
eociation was recently reported as (leder- most wh°11Y averted -
his faith enc.% in the policy of protec. It is to be hoped that now that the
storm eeeme to have blown over all (lames
tltllat se
Skilled workmen have been glad (3 teach make the countrs safe for the manufac-
- •English-speaking people should always
will profit by it It is we
• • d that the French in Can -
maids or women fromethe I tion. and ht is apparently determi
these b ave and plucky women the secrets
of trade efficiency. Excavating for fac-
tories. actuallY laying the bricks and
doing the carpentering is being clone
every day in order to release men for the
"Farrnerettes- is a name which carries a
pleasant suggestion of picturesque em-
ployments, but too often a stands for such
unlovely tasks as cleaning pigsties or such
nerve-racking work as tending horses
when °ex is actually afraid of the create
tures "Make the most of yourself and
be worthy of the trust that has been
placed in you." was the British Govern-
ment's advice to applicants for service in
the Woman's Land Army. Not one of
the more than 5,000.000 women engaged
in . War work has failed to heed the
Why all this anxiety? The V‘estern r
element at Ortaisa is hardly strong ada are not aliens but fellow-ciUzens.
with didinct rights and 1 rivileges; and
enough yet to oserthrow the forces that
that Canada can never become all she
protect these infant industries. The par. that
and ought to be unlese English-
apets and barb -wire entanglements are
epeaking and French-speaking. Protestant
table. , and Replan Catholic fellow -citizens learn
still intact. The trenches are still haler:
It will be interesting to watch the ae. to live side by side and mingle together
.To bring about this dealt-
tivities of the new Reconstruction Awe- 4t1 ftarincin).•
able result the first and perhaps the most
cation. and with outposts well located to
necessary step is to be able to understand
their part. let us go on tieth the war. one another and to recognize that both
have certain rights and duties.
announce any threatening movements on
much higher. *
Knitting Varna C
Bonner -Worth and Kitchener best quality 4 -ply Pis-
gering Knitting Yarn, two of the 'highest class knitting
yarns in the world today for soldiers' sox. Very scarce and dr.
selliog in inauy places at $3.511. We have about 500 lbs., in IC
white or greys, for o.ur customers and local societies at per Si
pound ...... -$2.50
Flannelette Blankets 111;
• Sheetings
Large size, best quality Double Cotton Blankets, pink
• 72 -inch extra heavy plain Bleached Sheeting. Wotth 1E;
a CA'. at per yard 45c
or blue borders. Worth $3.50, at per pair
• Shirtings
Black and white, neat patterns, heaviest, best, for or- fit
:0 dinar). or work shirts, worth 45c, at per yard. 30c ei
Best Feather Tickings, in several select patterns. Worth fr
60c, at per yard 35c
Ceylon Flannels
36 -inch soft, heavy, neat stripe Flannelette, in pinks,
▪ blues and greys. Worth 40c, at per yard 25c
CHECK IT. li Th. Doctors and the Druggists.
, If the doctors of the Province are not
aiming at setting up a monopoly for their
What Dodd's Kidney Pills De los or. especial busine-s. then public opinion is
Biekle's Sciatica. doing them a rank injustice. That is the
idea that any person will gather after
Clifford, Ont.. June 24 (Special.' -Af ter
reading the report of their deliberations
suffering from sciatica for two years. Mr.
Chris. ai nide. sr.. a well-known and re. at the convention in Hamilton the other
spected resident of this place. declares da i •
'Premier Hearst was one of the honored
that he has found the relief he so long
guests and seemed disposed to give
"I have been ailing in all about five favorable camosition to every legislative
looked for in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
years." Mr. Binkle states. "I had back- euggestion made by the doctors. 'fhe
joints. with an patent medicines now on the market w. re
ache and stiffness in the up jor discussion. They were branded as
occasMnal atlick of rheumatism. I was
fakes eithout a single exception. It was
often dizzy. I had dark circles under my
eyes. and I had flashes of light or floating ProPo ed, in order to stop these sales,
that the Legislature pass a law making it
specks before my eves. About two years
illegal for any newspaper to adve tise
ago sciatica was added to my troubles.
them. The manufacturers of euch decoc-
I suffered with it till an advertisement
tions sere branded as liars by one speaker;
led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They
1 have the bigger tae liar. the greater his suc-
helped me more than anything
ever taken. I took six boxes in all. But ceas•
How would the doctors of the Province
----.1 I feel an attack coming on I just
- regard an agitation of the newspapers for
The Italian victory is a great event
Possibly the turning point of the ear. It
will put heart into the Entente forces and
peoples everywhere and eel have a cor-
responiingly depressing effect in Hun -
Nominations for two Provincial bye -
elections were made on Monday. lion.
feeorge S. Ilenry. the new Minister
take a couple of Dodds Kidney 1 s. a
nd of Agriculture. is opposed in East York that checks it. Dodd's Kidney Pills have
. own business? if they are sincere in their .
legislation to restrict some branch of their son as funds are provided.
by John Galbraith, an independent con• given me good satisfaction. , sondeinnatioe of all patent medicines. I The i pecial committee recommended the survey of the town of Godench. and on y
servative. In Northeast Toronto 1100.1 , e hy. then. do -they not demonstrate their renewal of the moving -picture license of the actual cost would be charged to the
town. If the council did not wish to meet
Dr. Cody. recenta appointed Minister of I AUSTRIA FACES CRISIS. .• •
sincerity by refuong to prescr.be so many Mr. L. Kenned} of the Model Theatre.
Education, is opposed by William Varley. \
Famine Is tipreading Mill Ittcriolutfoo drallasi tri the city
- of these matures in their practice.? Any
is in a poe • Chapter. 1. 0. D. E.. for a tag day on to do so. His Worship thought it might
the granting of permission to the Ahmeek the expense, private citizens were ready
a Labor candidate. 1 Threatens Nation. testi y that patent medicines are exten-
sively used by the profession If these July 1st to rate funds for hospital pur• be the means of getting the town out of
. abber f he the rut it had been in for the last twenty
Addressing the Imperial Conference. at LONDON. June 2. -The military -medicines are ueelea for the *
purpose for
which the Premiers of nerely all the Brit- situation in AUI3lrill in beCOMIDI 6f wsich they are advertiseclean analysis is
1 secondary huportanee. according to all that es required to demonstrate that
George remarked upon the absence ofthe Sw14s f ict Everyone knows that no single
ish dominions are present. Mr. Lloyd
la border,tes t i n [brier:I:it overshadowedtora11ng
atode sfi)roTeadradtgidonerd.st-iilol cufzeti e7pealtcitylIddoedofvdtls,
Premier Botha of South Africa. "His , grave nternagl disorders, striknerry'
absence.- he said., "is evidence of his de- conflicts between civilians and mill -1 of an s article egered for sale is a chara:-
votion to duty." The cable doesn't say tare. The Daily Express Geneva cor- teristic of modern business methods. Be-
tio, but when Psemier Borden caught the ctleosaPtnniclaennota:aytis threw reports state ! cause a percentage of t 00 he ,articles are
significance of this remark. and remem- , rapidly. Not onasly th shouild be ccreercclenmnwteler
hbaevgpu the
et:t gstporwean-1, igecdtitclac!ileyofworetmhless e
bered how he himself had rushed through ! suddenly reduced their bread allots -1The doctors. for example, would regard it
the business of Parliament without proper 1 ranee from 180 to 90 grammes. but an injustice it they were judged as a
the railway transport has reached a body by the failures of some of the mem-
consideration. in order that he might get I
cRoisediaid resioenfniblinfogre theale solturbrtiesook ol,rif ! be i_es. oefretheir profoe
away from Canada-welL it is safe to say I milli nsasinnol dol:ars invested
he did not applaud very heartily. I . in msntifacture f tent medicines
Discussing the que lion of the teaching
of agriculture in the public schools. The
Farmer's Advocate very wisely say's: "All
public -school education should be so out-
lined as to make citizens rather than
farmers, doctors, lawyers or mechanics.
If the boy is not suited for or; cannot Events will bappen shortls w c
▪ Military Flannels
tannut street and Victoria s eeet sew
feet of the centre of Britannia street. and be present. I •
beg to recommend that ee u begin laying Lionel and he hoped *Try member of the
I /
Elgin avenue. Having made this connec- i the question of layieg tarvia on St.
tion. then tap ehe present maniple at 1,(.:eorge's Crescent. The council is to
Britannia and Vactona streets into this furrush an estimate of the cost of the 'AP
• 2 S iuches wide, best 5tia. lity for so:titers' gartnents. •
the 15 -in. tile on Victo la street. within ten ' council. as eel! as the town ifficials. would
then lay to cocusect with the manhole at A letter from Canon H II brought up
dresses, suits, etc. Worth iac, at per y,.d 60;
3 Nightgown Twill or Sheeting
beautiful quality for all purposes. Never again sold or ad- ' .
36 -inch Twill Bleached Cotton, strong, 'heavy and
.41 vertised at this price. Worth 45c, at per yd ........ .28c
by a temporary. ken. tile. and by this material. and if the property -owners on *
means divert the flow from Britannia the Crescent will pay for this the town eg
street east of Victoria by way of Elgin ' will do the work.
and thus relieve thos • in charge of the 1 The Mayor stated that as a result of his 3
trenching from the care and annoyance recent visit to Toronto (as already men- ..,a
of that water in the trench while digging tioned in The Signal l there had been sev- sa.!
from Cameron to Victoria and thus lessen I eral iriquiries regarding the Wheel Rigs ail
the cost of that ion. the construetion ;slept.. While in the city _he had also ea
• ted the Bureau of Mumcipal Re- em
of which shoulretelow the abave. and es isi
then complete from Newgate to Nelson search. an orpnization which has taken i*
ground water between Britannia and El- 1vees: that is. it %ill investigate and report ea' 'Pussy Willow" Dress Taffetas
street. As there will be no outlet for , upon itself the 'flaking of municipal sur -
Coates' Spool Cottons
Best quality, white or black, every number, 10 to 20Q,
tic each, or per dozen 72c
White Organdy
42 -inch White Organdy Dress Muslins, in new stripe
and fancy effects, fittest quality and best value we ever of-
fered. Regular 80c, at per yard 50c
Floor Rugs
A very lar -------------------- Brussls. Tapestry and Scotch
Wool Rugs, in every SiZt, as marked to clear and
away less than we can buy them for intuit selling
Wash Skirts
50 new samples of Wash Skirts. in white and fancy
colored stripes, etc, beautifully made. Good and stylish.
Sample lot, one-third tinder value, at each ranging
$1.2.5, $1.75, $2.10, $2.511 and $3.00
gin. a pump will be necessary. and I upcm the business system of a municipal- . 36 inches wide, quality for wear guaranteed, a beauti- :
fitl finish silk and purest stock: leading shades. Worth per
would advise the purchase of a suitable ' ity, its methods of bookkeeping. and such •
ways to the corporation. I subtend an ago had a survey made by these people yard $2.25. Special sale 51.75 En
pump. which eould be werful in many things. The city of Toronto some time -
estimate of the three sections sepaeately. that had been very beneficial. and His ea
showiri total expeochture tocomplete the Worship thought their services might law
e'ith advantage be secured for Goderich. It
eewer rom Cameron street to Nelson
not allow for pipe un hand or anr credit ' lands were assessed in Goderich at $200 es W. ACHESON & SON
investiion eould be worth while It
street of $3,1•23.40. This estimate does nad been Aated, for instance, that vacant ei
for pipe to be taken out. but do al- or winch the teener asked $1.000. If .
low for old manhole covers which can be such inequalities could be corrected, the -,11
This was referred to the public works would 5150 help to standardize and simplify 10 WO* °. !We 1UPP°11**11110°,01111009101071441q14‘41t
committee, the work to be commenced as I the toe n's beokkeeping system. It wouid •
• take three class to make a"high spot"
poses, and no action in t m
petition of the Toronto city council for a years.
vote on the abelition of the Senate. The The council was in favor of the pro -
committee reported that the National IPSWal to the extent of allowing private
Shipauilding C s would now prefer to ' citizens to pay for the survey, and a
purchase the site for the new boiler -shop I motion to thrs.effect was passed.
at the Wheel Ries property and a bylaw 1, From enquines of the treasurer. who
had therefore been drawn up providing eas p esent. Mayor Wigle then estab-
tor exemption from taxation, for a period litoshedf he tweihe foactfredofeaubarylabnocemoeef afbonuectee$1e,d500ry
disbursements of about Ii5,009. His Wor-
ehip raid this made necessary two lines of
action: The collection of all arrears of
taxes. and the early striking of the rate
ea that 19IS taxes might be got in. He
. proposed a special meeting to strike the
rate, and July Sth was chosen as the
Deputy Reeve Clark said that. -aa risoPre
! tarvia was being secured this year than
It it should cover a wider area and so
Irelease the water -sprinkler for other
streets. Not because he lived °nat. hut
because of the heavy traffic along it. he
tt‘tizgredht. that Victoria street should be
Reeve Laithwatte objected. He thought
it would be too expensive.
A frontage tax was mentioned, but
Cot ncillor Wilson put in the objection
that it was not fair to the ratepayer on
the streets that were to he watered to
ask him to pay a frontage tax when he
was paying his share of the cost of put-
ting the tarvia on the Square. No de-
cision on the question was arrived
The Deputy Reeve thought the scale of
charges for water service needed revision.
lie Mentioned some inequalities that exis-
ted under the present schedule.
Bylaws Nos. 10 and 11 were put
through the neceseary stages. These re-
fer to the taking of the vote of the rate-
payers on the exemption from taxes o(
the National Shiphu lding Co. The polling
is to be on July 22nd and the deputy re -
1 turning otfscers are the same as at the
Out municipal election. The exemption
bylaw is published in The Signal this
witAsk. the council was itljourning. the
Mayor expressed his thanks for the bou-
quets of pansies and syringe blossom
adorning his desk and the comal table,
mhich r7r.-te-frrri the znit.l.cn cif Chief a
Police hollet ha dile.
Ole revolution. A commercial tmv. in 1115
eller who arrived direct from Vienna.' in Amenca, and millions of dollars are
said that the Austrian Empire was spent in advertising them every year. _ In
on the brink of a revolution. Resent- ; the medical code, advertising iseedrded
ment and hatred against the Oer- I as bad form. if not an actitel offence.
mans Is spreading, eepecially in Hun-! Make it illegal for the neessPaPers to sell
wiry. The revolutionary movement ; space to the manufacturers of medicine
Is not directly against the Hasisteurre I and the druggists and other dealers will
but the regime they represent, lose their trade in these artic es, but the
, bu ai will simply pass into the hands
adapt himself to farm life, his early in- may turn the face of the war in favor I of tfie doctors. Eventually every doctor
of the Allies. In epite of every pre.; Will be his own dispenser and the drug-
si ruct ion should be such that he will not I caution of the military authorities ' stores will close their doors. The public,
be at a disadvantage when he wise a I, discontent has penetrated the army, tlmke the ptesent dealers, will become the
higher education or Willie% to prepare him- i What domlnatee the whole sit uat ion victims of a monopoly.
self for the work that appeals to him. I la hunger. There le no sign of aniel- Prtmier Hearst t aid to the doctors that
loration in spite of Germany's pre. legislation will be adopted to protect both
the medical profession and the public,
after consultation with repreeentatives of
both sides. The doctors will not be slow
in making mg estions, and it is up to the
Berlin and Vienna the opinion is tin- People to watc that their own interests
salmons that the bread conflict has are not overlooked. --Pe erborough Re -
seriously endaagereit the prospects aim- May al•
o lite at rengthened Oerman-Austrlan
What is wanted ie a system that sill not I mise to send several thousand tone
continually educatelaway from the farm. of grain. It evident that even the
but any scheme destined to make rural reduced daily bread rstionscan only
children newers of !mod and drawere of be maint•ined if Germany helps. In
water fee the remainder of their days will
not meet with favor. '
The Lloyd George Government's Irish
policy has ended in a fiasco. There 1. 10
be nettle r conscription nor home rutt—
ier the present, at lead. The net result
of the Governmentet policy is the Increase
of political discontent and unrest in Ire-
land and the etrengthening of the Sinn
Fein element. The fatuity of the Gov.
ernment's dealings with Ireland is as-
tounding. Rif the prevent or for the
future, it would seem that the granting a
self government is the only solution of the
al ace Germany cannot allow these
feelings to dominate her governing
slaws am it is • matter dt life and
datth for Germany. that Austria
aboald not be allowed to throw up
the apong0 at the present SW@ Of
the oar German authorities are de -
When Mike Flaherty abandoned South
Boston for Ls nn and hired a cottage with
a bit of backyard, the first_ thing he did
was to hurry hack to the flub of the uni-
veree and purchase a monkey. "Diva a
wurrd" Ns scheme would he dischwe 10
hie old cmnies in Boston. But after-
termined to prevent an Austrian *are he let out: "'Twas like this: I
revolution by any unease at their chained the monk to a ehtice in me yard.
eommaad because they are afraid of and the coal thraing do be pain' all day
a rwrokition in Yleasa. They would foreninst, and nn iv'ry cairr do be a
much prefer serious trouble In Ger- brakeman. In one wink, begorra. 1 had
many where they ean cope with it two tons of coal in me cellar and the
by the usual Irbil inethOtle. monk never wane( hit"
When you have a job of
plumbing, you want it
welf done. A poor job
is dear at a-ny price. We
am experts in Plumbing
and can do your work the
way it ought to be done.
Kimono" meow
1.50••• 135
(4 sat in
%lets' N. est
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