HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-20, Page 6GODERICH TOWNSHIP. ' Intended for last week) WEDNESDAY. June 12. Mn. Wm. Johnston. of Porter's HUI. is on the sick hat his i Miss Minnie Johnston, who had been i at Trowbridge for some time, returned home thiswee. � arrived at the home d Mr.young lest Fairburn, of Ne' Mr. and Mrs. Er w - market (formerly Miss Lavine 1idkxk of this township). A palflIC SOCt al was held it the horse or (A Wm. Johnston. lith Concession. last Friday and 350 9 THt7RSDAY, 3tnsit `20, 1918 • STowe s THE RED BARN, S It TH STREET 1 FOR 'BUS, IVERY AND HACK SERVICE iuses meet. alt trains. Passen- ci s called for iu auy part of the town for outgoing trains on G. T. R. or C. P. R. 'I Dmpt attention to all orders or telephone calls. Good horses Firit-clals Ai 11 R. STOWE Tefrpltone 61 Suectcwt to T. M. Davis NOTICE Owing to the scarcity of Coal, and the fact that sales have, of necessity, to be made in very small quantities, we have found it absolutely necessary to u) Ake a rule that ALL COAL BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY Mac Ewan Estate was realized. A guilt was rallied off and k:oldie Newton t1eld the luck) ticket. ST. At NSTU I(, E, (Intended for Int omen.) TUESDAY. June 11. Mr. Mason McAllister is running a new Ford car. Mr. S. Spencer, of Brooklin, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. John Thompson. Miss Ida Stuart. of London, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Mason McAllister. Mrs. John Shanahan, of Mullett, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Boyle, last week. Mrs. D. Callahan. of Whitechurch. visited Mrs. John Redmond the begin- ning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson returned to London on Saturday after a week's visit with friends here. COLBORNE. Intended for last week./ TUESDAY, June 11. Mr. A. Allan is shipping a car of hogs this week. Mr. John Feagan has purchased a new Massey -Harris binder. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robertson motored to Kincardine last Thursday. Mr. Edward Hardy bought a valuable horse from Mr. James Feagan this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Churchill, of Mc- Gaw, motored to Brussels Saturday even- ing. en ed A number of our young peoplejoy the moonlight trip on the Greyhound on Monday evening. Miss Jessie Mitchell. of Toronto. is home for a time while her another and sister are visiting at Hamilton and other points. Mr. and Mrs. John Treble, accom- panied by Messrs. Clark and Clayton of Carlow. motored to Stratford on Satur- day afternoon. The Singer Sewing SacLige Agent, has taken over the agency -of the International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street i.i vv ill 11111(11,- Farm 1 11(11 - Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing Machines A fair share of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE IDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mlaing chemical., CivilMechanical ..•I Electrical angfaeering. HOME STUDY Acta Course by corres.pp000demrr,, g•re will. one year'. .ttebdene or f.,w summer sessions. RaMmI Sed...t Navigation School Mr awl Amnia Dera.ol.« t. Aeo.I 15 G1O. Y. CHOWN, Registrar rill SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO A CRIPPL!iFOR Money ceases to talk after a miser gets a bar angle hold on it. forethought and Good Judgment Used • Travelers slow preference for Scenic Rothe; Busy Mu smit Night Trsios Nowadays. forethought.Iona p� ��n mese of public apps important part is the construction of a railroad. The Caosidian Nor. there made a happy choke is the eclectioa of its route between Toro= • to wed Ottawa:.kirtisg the shore• !toe of Late Ontario and the Bay of (luinte; over the height o1 land be tween N.psaN and Sydenham. sod through Rideau Lakes tegioa. adds sett to the daytime journey Is Sprang oe Summer. Comfortable day and night trains, stopping at principal intermediate stations, have .4• tis trots very popular. lFor Tickets, Reserwitlons. biter -r • &ture and 1nforination, iilipls to .1. W. Cralgle, Insurance. Goder- loh, or write 1x. l.. Fah -bairn, (,. t'.A., 61 KIBI St. E. Toronto. NORTHERN. Utilizing all the Heat Any furnace will burn fuel, extract the heat from it. But only a properly built and installed furnace will utilize all the heat to warm your home. McClary's Sunshine Furnace installed the McClary way is guaranteed to warm your home—foal room in it. For sale by W. R. PINDER MCClaty''s Sunshine LrxrAnti Tnrnntn Montreal Winnipeg vVataneneen 8t. John. 1:4 a Colgan Hseniitors Rdn es IHREE YEARS }{slob•• la ad Wits R►swmarlsas Una 11. Tock "FRUIT-A-TIVES". MR. ALEXANDER MUNIIO R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont. "For over three years, I was confined to bed with Rheumatism. During that•time,'1 had treatmeut from a number of doctors, and tried noarly ever) thing I saw advertised to cure 1tifeumatism, without receiving any benefit. Finally, I decided to try `Fruit -a. lives". Before I had tyd half a box, 1 noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the swelling Started to go .loan. 1 c..nlinried lakieg• !his fruit me- i.int, improving all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUNRO. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on ree,eipt of price by Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa. McDowell motored to Napier on Friday and spent the week -end with Rev. W. Mackintosh and Mrs. MackinWsh: The death of Mrs. Joynt. se., occurred on Wednesday of last week syn - new of a few days. The had reached the good old age of eighty-three years. The funeral to tiethel cemetery on Friday was largely attended. among those present being Mrs Jas. Joynt. of Bruce Mines, and Mr. W ilat n, of LEEBURN. (Intended for lam week 1 TUESDAY, June 11. Mr. Wm. McMillan, of the steamer Franz. was tonne over Sunday. Misses Anna McKenzie and Laura E. Pentland spent the week -end at their re- spective homes Misses Ruth and Winnie Shaw, of Toronto. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaw. Pte. Fred Gliddon. of St. Thomas. was a week -end visitor with his parents tilt. and Mrs. R. Gliddon. We are sorry to report that Miss Anna 1. Stewart has been laid up the past week with an attack of la grippe. The Leeburn Lights the young ladies' Bible class, held their monthly meeting at the home of their teacher. Mr. E. Shaw. Mr. Alex. G. McKenzie and party, of Ailsa Craig, were visitors at the hones of Messrs. Geurge and Harry Freeman ove- Sunday. KIPPEN. untended for last weel.l TUIOiAY, June Ilth. Mrs. Detweiler and family visit ed friends at Moorefield this week. Mrs. Chambers, of Clinton, was Ing her niece, Mrs. French, week. visit- ingThomas. of St. Thomas. wassllis re in the home of Mr. Thomas cently. ' Mr. Geo. A. Johnston, B. A., of Tor- onto, was visiting fnendin the home J of Mr. and Mrsrs.ohnston this week. spent Robert Thomson. jr., and family a day at Stratford this week with Mrs. Thomson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can Hay. Miss Margaret McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley French and Miss Esther Moore, of Cromarty, left on Tuesday of this weep for a prolonged visit in Saskatcnew•an. OBITUARY. —Mrs. Vi illeem Hart, of the 5th concession of Stanley, died rattier unexpectedly last Thursday morning. She had been ill for some time. The fun- eral on Saturday, the Stb inst., was Farggoe ly attended Mr. Geo. Taylor. who went to London for treatment a few weeks ago, died on Friday, the 7th inst. Two operations were found to be necessary and the last one proved to be too mucus for him. The funeral on Monday was largely attended. The services, in the ab- sence his by s R ReJ - Jlla Jones. were conducted t. of Bruce - field. a former minister here. The de- ceased leaves his wife and three daughters —Mrs. Pope, of B. C.; Mrs. S. Thomson, of Stanley, and Mrs. Troyer. of Hay—and four sons—Edwin, of Saskatchewan: Frank. of Michigan. and Fred and Bert, of London One daughter, Mri,. Pepper. died la t year. The late Mr. Taylor was born in Devonshire. England, seventy-four years ago and fifty years ago last March he and Mrs. Taylor were married. sailing for Canada in June. They located at Kippen n the fine farm of 1.50 acres where they had resided ever since. Mr. Taylor was a man of considerable force of character and made things go. Professor' Currelly, of Toronto University, is a nephew and the late Mr. Treble, of the same city, a hail -brother. LUCKNOW. visit- tlus Curing Skin Troubles. These Are Always Due to Bad Blood Which Must Be Enriched and Purified. So many. both men and women, suffer frau in troubles, such as eczema. blotches, pimples and irritations, that a word of advice is necessary. It is a great mistake for those suffering from troubles of this kind to smear themselves with greasy ointments. Often (hey could not do anything Worse, for the grease clogs the pores of the troubled skin and the condition becomes actually worse. When there are pimples or eruptions. or an irritating or itching rube a soothing boracic solution may help to allay the ir- ritation, but of course that does not cure the trouble. Skin complaints come from an impure condition of the blood and will continue until the blood is thoroughly purified. It is well known that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have effected the best re- sults in many forms of skin disorders and blemishes. This is due to the fact that these pills make new, rich blood, and this new blood attacks the impurities that give rise to skin troubles and disperser 'them. I)r. Williams' Pink Pills cure skin disor- ders from within the system—the only sure way. Mrs. W. Ritchie, Parkbeg, Sask., says: "Two years ago 1 was at- tacked with eczema on my hands. I tried almost everything that was advised, but as the trouble was growing worse. i consulted a doctor and took his treat- ment for some time with no better re- sults. By this time my hands were a mass of sores and i began to despair of finding a cure. A frond strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and i decided to do oro. After using two boxes i could see an improvement, and I got a further supply. 1 used altogether eight boxes, by which time every trace of t he eczema had disappeared and there has been nett a single symptom of the trouble since that time. I gladly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for troubles of this kind." it should be added that Dr. Williams' PMk Pills have a beneficial effect upon the general health. They increase the appetite and energy and cure all diseases that anse freer impute blood. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 32.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr • . Donald Graham passed away on Sunday. 9th inst.. in her eightieth year, after an illness of some months. She' leaves Bou sons and three daughters. A recent v.sitor in Lucknow was Don- ald Grant, of Anglia, Sask., who spent his youth in and near Lucknow, going out to Western Canada over forty yearsago., Geo. Mtheson tett last week for Brant- ford. where he will reside. His departure neated his resignation of the office of sur intendent of the Presbyterian Sun- days school, which be.had filled for forty- thtee years. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Perth avenue Methodist church, Toronto, on Wednesday. June 12, when Bertha Marion, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray. of Indian road. Toronto. was united in marriage to Earl Lindsay, of Lucknow. Rev. Dr. J. J. Ferguson of - heated. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by her sis- ter Laura, while the groom was supported by the bride's brother Percy. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for a short trip. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay will reside in Lucknow. • s bome , in* Cheaper at Last -- n �v v You save money on your soap Buy Comfort Soap --the' bigger bar of the same old high quality—at the same price. Of course. there are no premiums now—but you're getting full value. pressed down and running ever' in Soap instead. A bigger bar now The premium-makingfactories can't get boats to ip with. buying power into getting soap • for a dag, struck off. P. M. Scott also complained of .nig improperly assmed. essed fora dog. see being the amount of business before the meeting the court of revision was then closed and the roll as revised with these changes will be the assessment roll for the present year. Council resumed and general business proceeded with. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Tenders for the construction of Patter - son's [ridge were received from A. Hill & Co., Mitchell. and A. Hill, Mount Forest. for the superstructure. and Messrs. Mow bray and Vint for the abutments. The Hackett that the roll be aceptedlas. atm. tenders of Hill of Mitchell at $1923 and I factory. and theassessopaid. Finlay were Mowbray at 38.50 per cubic yard were ac- , Stcthei oe s. theW Ashfield Soldiers' cepted.The appointment of an inspector i present on be for the concrete work was left in the Aid CMeircle askingHackett and for funds, ds,iandn n1rn wotion hands of the Reeve. The customary law for the borrowing of money to finance granted out of the expected county fund. the township along through the coming A communication from Chu. Garrow, so - season was read and passed. Accounts licitor, regarding claim for loss of horse of amounting to $209.50, including hall rent, a was Mr. on Moveed. R. lessend 13 W. rs. Hackett without premiums have either stopped manufacturing or else they So we've thrown the whole of our tremendous materials only and you now get all your money's worth in Soap—Comfort Soap, the largest seller in Canada. We can buTgood soapmaterials but we can t uy goopremiums Certsfnly that will be so until after the war. You will get the benefit i• tb. blase( Comfort bar. All Comfort wrapper! ".up... now ..t will 1. re- wea fd Semi mew in early &i 11• oar Anent Premium I Wr/M^^wfor premium flet. I$ Pipgshoye Magmas & Co., Limited. Tomato tor on the Walsh drat Next meeting of t held on Monday • June 17. FIELD, Clerk. sere ordered! council will be A. PORTER- ASHFIELD. The Ashfield township council et May 25th. All present at meeting fo court of revision of assessment roll and f gen- eral business. The minutes of April ere read and approved on motion by M Richardson and IJrackett. As there no appeals against the as-essment roll. i was moved by Messrs- Rtchard:mn and and Richardson that no action be taken. An agreement prepared by the engineer re contract of 0 Reilly drain was read and signed by the Reeve. A letter from the clerk of West Wawanosh stated that their council refused to pay any part of the Division Court fees of the clerk and bailiff. Left over for investigation. Moved by Messrs. Johnston and Richardgpri that 1 gravel to pathmasters be paid al 10c a ' yard this year. Some small accounts, amounting to about 160. in addition to the assessors salary and the grant to the 1Circle, were ordered paid. and on motion of Messrs. Hackett and Jamieson bylaw 1 No. 4, appointing the pathmasters on all !beats as formerly. except that alt work was taken oil the N. B., and that all twork on county designated roads was to ' be done as ordered by the county patrol - ti e or passe vcaM�l.YHeaacdkettthird and time and passed. Johnston moved adjournment to June .124th. at 12.30 p. m. T. G. AILYN, Clerk , of Ashfield. assessor's salary and balance to contras ' SEAFORTH. Mrs. Chapman left last week for Gilbert Plains, Man., where she will spend the summer. At. St. James' church, on Tue ay even- ing of last week, Margaret John Kline. both .of McKillop, were united in matrimony by Rev. Father Goetz. Susan Van Egmond, wife of John .Mc- Mullen, died June 9th at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hinchley. Seaforth. The remains were taken to her horse at Elkton, Mich.. for interment. The de- ceased was seventy-four years of age. C. L. Willis. publisher of The Stettler (Alta.) Independent, with his wife and two children were here last week visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. R. Willis. He came east to attend the annual meet- ing of the Canadian Press Association at Toronto. Word was received here last week that Lieut. Clarence Garden. son of G. F. S. Garden, of Kitchener had been killed in a flying accident in England. Lieutenant Garden nephew sof An dam and James and was Hays of this town. The marriage of Miss Susie nucleon to Allan Leroy Stone, operator at the G. T. R. station here. took place at the home of the bride's mother in Egmond- ville Monday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Mc- Lean officiated. Both bride ane truootn sted are popular, employee of the W. E. Sanford the Clothing Companyhere. They Ie ft on after- noon train for a short wedding tip to Montreal. An immense throng from town and country gathered at the station Monday evening and gave Pte. Patrick Nigh. who had been for two years a prisoner in Germany.from the train fromption as he London. A steppedpd long procession of decorated autos, headed by the Citizens band, escorted the young soldier to the balcony of the town build- ing, where addresses of welcome were presented to him by the Mayor. clergy and Col. Wilson. The customary' soldiers donated by was pinned on Pte. Nigh by A. D. Suther- land. Previous to being taken prisoner he suffered the loss of an eye and also a fractured leg in France. He enlisted with the 33rd Battalion and speaks well of the hospi- tals. treatment he ents reside in Seslorth M UNICIPAL OOUNCILS. EAST W AW AN06H. ST. HELENS. (intended fa last week., TUESDAY, June 11. Mr. Jas. Purdon drives a new Ford car. Mrs. Richard Martin and babe agent a weak with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods. Miss J. C. McDonald and Mrs. Robin- s. of W ingham. called of friends on Monday. Miss Lila Hetrick, of itcek� ham Business College, spent the with het aunt, Mrs. Rev. J. Little and Mrs. Little motored to Cann on Tuesday. Mr. Little will ol5date there at the marriage of his niece. Mu* Maud McQuillin returned from the Winghem hoepftal on Friday. We are glad to hear that there is a great im- provement in her condition. Mrs. P. Clark and Mr. s 4. Mn- M. The council met as a court of revision on May 27th, with all the members pres- ent. r'es.ent. Having each subscribed to the nec- essary declaration required the following appeals were disprnemd of: F. D. Stalket and Wm. Fear both complained of heing assessed tom high. Tbese assesame its were reduced $200 end $,9n0 respectively. John Gibbats was assessed as owner of a h. BX7, onnoemion Bell. GordonSnell. . in place of ./ wrongful, y seemed "MORE THAN SATISFACTORY" NUJOL LABORATORIES. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Je:sey) BAYONNE. NEW JERSEY. Dear Sirs: I take pleasure in advising you that the relief 1 have obtained from the use of Nujpl is far more than what is ordinarily termed r'aatufacto." For yearys before sending yet. My order for a trial bottle of Nuiol 1 habitually used destructive "pink pills" due to the fact that throush lack of proper exercise 1 was continually constipated and • sufferer from other ailments known to result only from irregular bowel -action. I have taken three bottles of Num'. and ever since 1 finished the first bottle my bowel action has been as regular as the rising sun, and my general physical condition is now as good as can be wished for. In my opinion Nujol i. • scientific cure for constipation and its countless other resultant ailments. 1 earnestly recommend it. Springfield, 111., Yours truly, January 5, 1917. (Name on application Don't dread constipation ; but don't negle:l it. It's the poisonous root of scores of serious ailments. Do`rxactly what this man did: bring back regular bowel -habits with Nujol. Nujol gives you the quick relief you want without the (east griping or reaction. Thousands know it is the safest remedy, for the body cannot absorb it. Quit using harmful pills and salts. Nujol makes you "regular as clockwork." Start using u to -day. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS There are no substitutes—there is only Nujol • Manufactured by STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) aAYONN* - NSW MUSSY mat ti NEVEM fele 1N BULK tr ysas drowns S...'t NUJOL, mod WOO for ,.ire past. to C...d1.. Selling Ammon CHABLIS CYDE & SON P.O. Boa VS. Mnatroal A heshi.t, "T8. Doss Sow, I. H. Lauder J. A. Campbell E. R. Wide H. C. Dunlop Clockwork Nu ol for constipation