HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-20, Page 5ant. toy item, rine. K. aria d at ad e erica lam riots EAST STREET GARAGE The place that RENDERS as well as advertises SERVICE f of the right kind. / We advertise only what we can deliver. East Street Garage ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover "Owned aid Operated by a Practical Mann • THE SIGNAL GODERTCH ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS Open Air Service. In connection with the observance of Sunday, June30th, u a day fur national prayer, Mayor Wigle is making arrange- ments for an open-air service in the Court Howe Square at 4 o'clock p. m., which all citizens are invited to attend. A comrnit- tee of laymen is amsistin a the Mayor and the Ministerial Association will arrange the order of service. A large gathering of our citizens is looked fur on ttus ociasso n, DOMINION DAY zoptiti MONDAY, JULY 1st, 1918 The anniversary of Conf rattioon, will bePr observed by a Grand Demonstration in FM HORSE RAGES 750 PURSES PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION by School Children with chorus of 350 voices. AUTOMOBILE RACE FLORAL PARADE HIGHLAND DANCING BABY SHOW CHILDREN'S GAMES KILTIE BAND BASEBALL MATCH, ETC. MORNING PROGRAM TRADES AND Starting front Victoria Park, For Trades Procession : For Decorated Automobiles: For Decorated Bicycles : For Calithumpians : The ('o ennlittee reserves the right to withhold ON THE SQUARE, FREE FLORAL PROCESSION 9.30 a.m. Prizes are offered as follows :- 15t, $7; 2nd, 15: 3rd, 113. lst, int); 2nd, 118; 3rd, =5; 4th, 13.00. 1st, $3; 20, $2; 3rd, $1. 1st, 13: 2nd, 12; 3rd, al. any prize it exhibit is not considered worthy of the same. 1 Baby Show 1030 a. m.Not over 6 months of age....... -. lu, 12; 2nd,nd11 .IFrotn 0 months to 1 year Children's Gemesimmediately after the procession N BOYS. T GIRLS. PRIZER 1st 214- aid 50 yards race, 7 years and under $ .75 $ .50 S .25 50 yards race. 8 years and under .25 10.. .75 .50 100 yards race. 10 years mad 7S .50 25 under 12 100 yards race. 12 y'ean . 75 .50 .25 under 14. Boot raw. 100 yards. 12 .75 .50 .25 and under (laced shoes)._ Running broad luno, 14 rasea--, i5 .50 .25 and under.. ... ._ ...... Running high iump14 yen -5 50 3Q and under .. ........ ._ .... . Vaulting with pole, le yeah sod .75 .50 'l6 under. Three-legged race, S0 yards. 1b 1. S0 1.00 .50 years and under. Bicycle race, once mead Square, 14 years and under 1(10 y5 50 13 entries or no PRIZES 1st 2nd 3rd 50 yards race, 6 years and under $ .75 1 .50 $ .25 Boot race. ,yl yards, 6 years and under 50 yards race, 10 years and under Potato race. 50 yards, 10 years and under ................... _..... 100 yards race, 11 ynn tied .75 under 100 yards race,. 14aaa1rl- .1- .75 under Bicycle racy, once around Square. 14 years and under .75 Boot race, 100 yards, 12 years .75 and under. ' Three-legged race. 50 yards, 14 1.50 years and undo. race). No Boy or Girl Allowed to Take. More Than Three Prims. AFTERNOON PROGRAM at Agricultural Grounds di en in procession(inclululg pupils from the township reboots) wilt is MttnittPd bier to the ground.. .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .60 .50 .50 1.00 .25 .26 .2S .26 .25 50 of which further ratite will be given later. Registration Has Comrnnced. The work of registering all the people of Godarich over •wxteen years of age is no small task, and it will help consider- ably if as many as poseibk will register before Saturday. y. GReynolds Porter has has bookstore and Sheriff fine in the court house will take "registra- tions at any time this week and on Thurs- day and Friday evenings registrations may be made at Mr. Davey s former stani in Mr& Jordan's block or at the store in R. McLean's block at the corner of Montreal street and the Square. At the Harbor. At 1.:5) o'clock a prnecsl•inform tl will foat the Square and tnarch to the Agriculture) Park. Ali school ehil- HORSE RACES • 2.10 Trot or Pace Purse $350 Ni .• heats 2.30 Trot or Pace Purse $300 Mile heats Green Race Purse Brno Half tulle heat Entries close 2 o'clock day of race. Canadian :mat' 1 Hiles (hobble,. allowedl. Five horses t.' enter end four to start. No entrance. fees. Ten per cent. of putre deducted from winners. Money divided 511, 2ff, 15 and 10 per cent. No horse en- titled to right to change order then one of a , *omsnittcP ry But hell -mile track in Western Ontario Patriotic Choruses and Drills 1'y 3311 cl..ldren on the grandstand Highland Dancing The grain receipts during the week amount a 1100,000 btive ships arritoved;bout Steamer Duluthur, onels. SatFitu day, with 21&000 bushels of what; steamer Mariska, on Monday, with 120,000 bushels of wheat and flax; steamer Thun- der Ely, os Monday, cart ying 140,000 bushels of wheat, all for the Goderich Elevator Co.; steamer Paipoonge, on Sun- day, with 119,000 bushels of wheat, and steamer R. H. Richardson, on Tuesday, with about 2000 tons of coal for the Western Canada Flour Mills. W. C. T. LI. Elects Officers. The W. C. T. U. met on Monday. June 10, when officers were elected as follows for the year: Presic est, Mrs. J. P. Brown; vice-president, Mrs. Alex. Davidson; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Aitken; recording secretary, Miss Albin; or- ganists, Mn. (Dr.) Rutledge and Mrs. Rev.) Ostertaut; auditor. Mies Lottie The Union wishes to thank The Signal and The Star for the (siw they have given us in their papers during the trinket campaign. which has been a great success --Mrs. Alex. I)av- deon, Press. Supt. A Huronian Honored. At the recent annual meeting of the Canadian Manufacturer~ Association, held at Montreal. Mr. John S. McKin- non. of the firm of S. F. McKinnon & Co., Toronto, was elected second vice-presi- dent. Mr. McKinnon was born in Blyth, where he was for years associated with his father, the late D. 11. McKinnon, in business. The Canadian Manufacturers' Association is the strongest and most in- fluential commercial and industrial organi- zation in the Dominion, and it is no small itoles( to be electedto one of u f II highest offices, as placeslater Kinnon in line for the presidency on. Death of Elizabeth Chambers. There died earn Mise Elizabeth sh Skilled dancers. with a fleet. -class piper, have been engaged. Automobile Race A big prise is off contest i for thi rare cel an exciting sp Clinton Kiltie Band The aClinten nd thele will e a go Rand tuss usi wliien prograRn engaged during the afternoon. Baseball Match Clinton vs. Goderich TO AGRICULTURAL PARK 5 ADMISSION likes under 12, 2k. Children in Precessios, Free See Antes and Carriages 3sitiors is smilers admitted free Grand Free Open-air Concert by the Goderich Or- chestra in Court House Park. 7 to 8 o'clock. The aliPpopular opera, "The lass of Limerick Town," at Vic- toria Opera House. 8 15 o'clock. EVENIN at Toronto on Thursday. June l:l, after an illness of over two yA forth Chambers, 1 aged sixty-three. years• The deceased was a formes t of this neighbor- ' hood, having spent ne Orly all her life in ,Goderich township until her removal to Toronto about fifteen civ ree oe sisters and one brother i Buffalo, Mrs Jamas Stevenan, of Port Albert. Mrs: Wm. Mooreof Goderich. and Richard, of Goderich township. The funeral was held on Saturday to Mait- land cemetery. the services being oon- I ducted by Rev. J. E. Ford. The pall - 1 bearers were four nephews, John and William Moore, Frank and Roy Cham - Mrs. C. C. Morrison has returned to To Reduce Water Rates. town and is occupying the Turner cot- bers. At the meatiof Os water and Tight te$e near the lake. Her son Mr. Mc- irorussion ortn/sda3' evening Mayor I Kee D. Morrison. is in France with IcoWigle gave notice that at the next regular an infantry regiment from New York, mee{reg he would nave t.0 amend tbhe sec- doing his bit' to -ubdue the Hun. His tions 01 the rraterwerks bylaw regarding friends in Goderich wish him the best of , Irates and the time of collecting same. I good luck . { His.Wc ship's plan is to increase the die________,_ - -.-.vim count for advance payment from ten per I cent. to fifteen per amt- and to have the 1 collections quarterly instead of semi-an- nually. This will mean a reduction of 1 about 1500 in the charges to the people for water supply, and will still leave a portion of the surplus to be used for mak- , mg extensions and improving the plant as may be required. The following applications for electricBell, light services were passed: Thos. Bayfield road: J. W. Taylor, Elgin ave- nue; Mrs. Gordon. Keays st, eet. Author. ; ization was received from the Provincial' Power Commission for the supplying 125 additional hor sepewer to the Vies- I tern Canada Flour Mills Co., and the i engineer was instructed to install the ser -1 vice. Mr. A. S. Chrystal was engaged to , make an inspection of the three boilers at ' the powerhouse. PERSONAL MENTION. Woman's \eakness A woman's reproductive organl are in the nin.wt in- ten.e and continuous syn► pithy with her kidneys. Tbesh1ghteat disorderiuthe kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd a Kidner Pills, by re- storing thekic ystotheir perfect condilitoa, pieveut and core those fearful din- _ orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women enter.n upon the Change of Lite, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills Bates, Wolfe street. and left on Saturday to visit friends at Brantford. .Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Benmdler, and her sister, Mrs. William Birnie, of town. visited with friends at Detroit the past week, going on the steamer (lseyhourd. Mr. W. 11. Bullard, of the town water and light department. has resigned his position and leaves nest week for Tor- onto. Miss Sarah Baines. of (olio recently and Pte. E. Huller, of Clinton, returned from France. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Schoenals at Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Darby and daugh- ter Eola. of Almonte. Mich., were here last week on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron, coming from Detroit on the Greyhound Mr. James Young, of Loyal, left on Monday of last week for a sail on the Great Lakes iera few en engineer otthes with his steamer sore lame'. g W. H. Wolfe. Mr. Jas. Robinson, of Boissevain, Man., formerly of town, has been at Winnipeg for several weeks taking hose treat- ment. He has under) ane two was dans operations, and at latest reportg well. ~tasters Donald and Fred Egener, of Detroit, are spending their holidays at the home of their grandmother. Mrs. MacEwan. Mrs. Egener was here for a few day, last week, returning home on Friday. Mr. Allan Murray leaves today on his return to his home at Port Arthur after a visit of several weeks to Goderich and Detroit. He has been a subscriber to ( The Signal for thirty years and while in' town arrange f to have the paper con- tinued to his address at Port Arthur. Cowie and spend the day at "HURON'S GOLDEN GATE" Surplus Proceeds to be used for Patriotic Purposes . WM. LANE, Treas. T. H. MITCHELL, Sec'y E. R. WIGLE, Mayer, animas of Cosislese 41.41,7011413110.41111111118 • Itntregoetr, JvN1e 20, 1918 5 APITAE. • i a 4.400.00• TbTAI Ali WI' - S HOGS BRING BIG PROFITS The urgent sad isuperative demand for hogs has °period up ■ reedy and pso6tatle iwarket for every farmer who will raise them Each hog you raise will bring a beeline yrott gaickly -the more hugs the grate) your e. leeresae your herd now while prices air b4eb. To do Ibis )ou may need a loan; if .e, consult our local manager , he will bele you out. UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG. MAN air GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOILCOMBE, . - Manager. ForiGood Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 10 Eau Sire c i. OPpos,u Knox C hurt h Gitie ,'s a Trial School of Commerce CUNTON, ONTARIO There are opportunities for girls today in banks and other offices that were never before open to them. The best prep- aration. for a position of this kind is a good business course. This School is fitting young women for just such positions, and hundreds of our graduates - both yotiug sten and young women -are earning good sal- aries in places that would not have been open to them without the training received here. I Miss Grace Thomas is spending holi- days at Detroit. Mix Bowlby, of Windsor. is a guest at the hone of Rev. J. E. Ford. Mrs. Koenig, of Paris, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Carne. 1 Miss Jean Lawson has returned from a five months' trip to California. Mrs. Jas. Craigie is visiting her !daugh- ter, Mrs. W. A. i)oner, at Toronto. Miss Johnston. trf Barrie, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Tom. Mr. H. 11. Allen, of The Signal. has returned from a week's trip to Cleve- land Mrs. A. S. Chrystal is visitingKo daughter, Mrs. Wm. Archer, at rt W sham. Mr. and Mrs E. J. Tout. of Toronto, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. G. E. Colborne. Cameron Yule eft last heee hy hby olidays mer Greyhound to .pen t Almonte, Mich. Mre. G. G. Allen and two children, of Cleveland, 0., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 11 Allen. ' Mrs. Davidson and daughter. Mary I Catherine. are visiting the former's par- ents, Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Neil McKinnon and two children, of Lake Valley. Sask., are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. J. B. McKay. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stafford. of Sud- bury, spent a few days in town l week visiting Mr. Stafford's sister, Cameron. Mr. R. A. Matheson and daughter, Mrs N. C. Stanton, and Mrs. D. R au tie vis- ited at the residence of Capt. A.on last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. McConnell and two little daughters motored from Harriston on Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Miss Ada McClinton and Mr. Harry Macgregor took met in the program at a big Red Croat game[ party held Wednes- oay evening at Roxboro'. Mr. Reg. Seamen is at Hamilton for a few days to we his father. Mr. Wm. Shar- man, who is visitit• there after his stay in the hospital at °rowel. Mrt Wm. Rosen, of Detroit. wag the guest last week of her brother, Mr. Thos. REAL CHINA IP rsitlri'tliing• which people (if go.51 taste de'ight in. es e want you to tonin and enjoy looking over cur English China whether you intend having or not. Wedgwood, 31inton, Royal iA,nl- t.on and Shelly. We know you will appreeietr the low prices consider. ing war conditions. Smith's Art Store Reel Street •Phorne 1519 The Good Old Summer Time Thi' is holiday time. 1-ou will need a new wit for your vacation trip, and you cannot do better than come right here for it. We have new goods for snits and light over- coats that we should like to show yon, and we guarantee satisfaction in cut and workmanship. What others have done, YOU caw do. As an investment, a good bus- iness course gives splendid re- turns in the larger salaries paid to trained bookkeepers, stenog- raphers and secretaries. This School has special ac- commodation for girl students. Write for particulars to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. PHONE 208 Principal R. 1. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Ride fiquare. (iodericb. The Singer Store \Ve will he pleased to have you indl and Inspect t cur spar hal Ilse of golds. Stamped Cushions, ('entero, Mea.rts, 'towels, Day Mhpni, t'ae- riap;e Pillows, Bwuperr, Hate J1141 Bibs. Ready -to -use Coeds mot., Weitte Wear in ladies' and ctukl.ren's situs, l'owctliag, t'Illnwwlips, &Amnia, ate. Tan Lines wad 14.. 414 for trimming edges of ca.ot-res, s..srls and cushiun$. . MISS S. NOBLE 1• II IIInformation now in Agent+ II Town Agents Phcne 9 GRAND TRUNK s°'s CM Time Table Changes. A change of tine will le wade on JUNE 23rd, 1918 'lands. P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS WRIGL KeeP WRIGLEY'S in mind as the longest - lasting confection you can buy. Send it to the boys at the front. IMO 11.11 EOM IMO as MEI 111 War Time Economy in Sweetmeats a 5 -cent package of WRIGLEY'S will give you several days' enloyment : It's an investment In benefit as well as pleasure. for it helps teeth. breath. appetite. digestion. CHEW iT AFTER EVERY MEAL The Flavour Lasts Sealed tight-KePt right teAaa w CANADA