HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-20, Page 44 THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918
411110•10.111.41•10•0 emowarroorr
.l. If you wait until Fall you will pay •1'
-3• several dollars more. The "wise 1-
•1- ones- have been taking our advice 1'
and have been buying freely and
1 they are buying good goods., The
-1- result is we have been selling more a -1.
suits at $25.00 than at any other 1•
price. Come along Saturday or next -1-
week. We have a good selection -1-
yet, but the best are going first.
SPECIAL. - A line of Black Bib Overalls, bought a
year ago.
Special _ $1.50
Borsalino Hats 20th Century and Art Clothing
'Phone 57
4 4 -hi++++++
fa our specialty. We give careful attention to ever y detail of our t
work and feel nure we can ! mtisfy you.
and all the wedding Darty should be phoAagraphed Dy
Each }'ear such pictures increase In value and keep alive happy
TUESDAY, June loth.
Lloyd Young has said his driver to Mr.
Nicholson. ot Auburn.
Mw Edith Treleaven spent Saturday
and Sunday at the parsonage.
Mrs. Carter, of Auburn. has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Hethenn ton.
Mrs. George May has completely
renovated her house. making it look very
the most unique and interesting trips
possible in this country has just been
made by Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Thomp-
son of Oroville, Washington. Last Oct-
ober they lett the State of Washington
by auto and journeyed down the Pacific
highway through Seattle. Portland. San
Francisco to Los Angeles. Then crossing
the mountains through Arizona and New
Mexico they journeyed on to Texas and
Fine Line of Drinks for Warm
Oranges e, nionade. Raspberry
Vinegar, 1, e Juice, (:rape
Juice. L -nn ade Powder,
Wines, Etc.
(herr( ansortment n 'Chien a
Catsup. S, tuethinp
the •appetite.
A nice large tin of Apple Butter
for Sic.
Pnre Haple Syrup from the Eastern
Townships : guaranteed pure.
We have a quantity of l4oap un
hand, bought before the rise.
Spacial in 50c and $1.() lots.
Ammonia at the ()Id price -50 line
worth 10c, 10e Tine. worth 15r.
Something to make your floor shine.
A k Floor Wax (No. 1 goods)
in Y,.e. Me and 50c eines.
We have on hand nonce Red Rose
and Lipton's Teas, both black
and raised bought before the
advance and duty. Selling at
55u, now worth 70e : we save
you 15c a pound.
'Phone 4i -
then up to Chicago. preaching the Gospel
and distributing tracts as they travelled.
They had their car, a Ford. so arranged
that at night it was readily turned into
sleeping quarters. and it also had conven-
ient arrangements for cooking. From
Chicago they came on to Detroit and
they are now visiting old friends and
relatives in this community. Mrs.
Thompson is a sister of Mrs. (Capt.)
Hetherington and formerly wail a deacon-
ess in the city of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson will give art account of their
trip and an illustrated lecture on the lite
of Christ on Saturday evening in the
church, at 8.30 o'clock.
Women eau be awfully emptirytig in
surging the wounded, in making up tIt
soldiers' kits, and a thousand other ways
Many Comedian women are weak, palts
or anomie from woman'. ills. For young
girls jtut entering womanhood; for
women at the critical time; Karsisg
mothers and every woman who is "rum -
down," tired or overworked -Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pre.eription is a spe-
cial, safe and tennis help. M eau sow
be had in tablet form, proettrable at any
good drug store, or lead Dr. Piero*, Ir
valid,' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y., 1;1 waits for trial pack-
age. Branch *Mee, Bridgeburg, Oat.
Bt. Catharines, Oat. -"I have taken
Dr. Pierce's Fav-
orite Prescription
dating expeetasey
whet I felt espsei-
ally to need of a
tonic Lod it l.ens-
5ted me greatly. I
always take pleas-
ure is recommend-
ing ' Pre.eriptios'
to young mother.,
because I know it
will never fail N
J. H. Fiwo rr, 5
help them." -Mart.
Beach 8t.
Stratford, Ont.-." I do think Ile.
Pierce's Favorite Pte.eriptfon oae of the
beet med,eines I have ever know. for the
ailments of women. i had for quite s
long time boss all run down, weak .ad
nervous. I doetored, but nothing .eeamed
to give me relief until I began taking
'Favorite Prescription .' This mandato
gave me itch wonderful relief that I am
glad to recommend it to others." -Mas.
A. Ooewiw, 50 Brant 8t.
li fURREY: good ar new. J• R McNAB$.
it ROOSTERS. Num to the time to get rid of
male Dards and fat hens. Prices are gam. Cal
WEDNESDAY, June 19th.
Mr. Thos. Sloth ers was in Goderich
on business Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. of Luck -
now. spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Crawford.
Bert Maui and Will Redm:xd are
home from London on thirty days' leave.
Jarvis Anderson, who is one ot the bat-
talion tontso taints at London, was home
over Sunday. He says there i a great
gryweltar and Dungannon.
Mr. and pro Roy Barrie and Mrs. S.
M. Wickens and daughter Betty. of
S_bringville. motored up Saturday to T.
G. Allen's. Mrs. Wicken+ and daughter
intend retraining for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roes. Miss Daisy
Ryan and Miss Edith Stothers motored
to town Saturday evening oral
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan and daughter
Margaret spent Sunday at London.
Mr. Bert Causes', of Goderich, has en-
pged with the River Valley Creamery
Lo. to run the new truck for the sea-
Mr. Len. Anderson rep- ed at London
on Monday.
Miss Beatty. of Cannington, is visiting
at Mr. Andrew Stewart's.
Dr. Hambly, of sr Ingham. called on
Dr. Case this week.
Mr. Robert Higgins' many friends will
be pleased to learn that he has returned
home from Goderich hospital and is feel-
ing tine.
Messrs. Jackson and Harrington. of the
Sterling Bank, Goderich, visited the
branch here on Saturday.
Mr. Bert Wiggins has received
word to report at London for re-examina-
Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton is visiting at
Goderich this week.
Lieut. Harold Swann. son of a former
Methodist minister here. and Miss Ham-
lin. daughter of Mr. P. F. Hamlin, of
Kincardine, formerly of this village.called
on Dr. Case and other Dungannon friends
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens, of Lortdes-
boro'. v sited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. N. F. Whyard on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright. of Lader
boro', spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
ry Caesar's.
New telephones installed: John Web-
ster, 77 r 19 ; Wat. Hamilton. 24 r 21;
Reg. Ryan. 21 r 4: ls:+ac Currey. 21 r 8;
John Lazenby. 70 r 15.
Mr. Thos. Wiggins is raising his barn
and putting a foundation under it. John
Hutchison, of Pat Albert, is doing the
Mr. and Mn. Nicholson. of near Tor-
onto, and Mrs. Karges. of Liston -el. called
on friends in the village last week. Mrs.
Nicholson was formerly Mrs. Wellington
Oliver and Mrs. Kargee was Mi s Irene
Oliver, both formerly o. Dungannon.
Mr. W. H. Carr is attending the I. O.
O. F. Grand Lodge at Hamilton as the
representative of Dungannon Lodge.' No.
Mr. John Campbell is at Toronto at-
tending the annual .meeting of the C. O.
F. High Court.
Chas Elliott, Will Sproul. Frank Jones
and Henry Janes mace up a fishing party
that motored to Godencn yesterday to
try their luck. They made only a few
catches. while a lady sitting beside them
pulled in a good lot. They coudn't
figure out what difference it trade to the
tithes who caught them -they or the
Miss S. Mallough is home again after a
visit to Lucknow.
Mrs. J. M. Roberts. the Misses Roberts
end Mre. Geo. Woods motored out from
fGoderich today to call on (needs here.
Nat has got a 'haircut. Query -Did
Jack bring it out from Goderich for
him ?
Howard leers has taken a contract to
draw 250 cords of wood from Wm.
Stewart's to Godench for the Saults
Coal Co. He has already started on the
Miss Amber hfcKenzie is visiting at
Mr. Chamney's, D.xnnyor,ak.
Miss Robb. of Amberley. is visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Silltbs.
Some of the boys have quit, tobacco
since the pnce wen. so high. Even a hab-
it can become too expensive.
Miss Ethel Glenn. who has been assis-
tant at the Sterling Bank here for some
time. is being transferred to Toronto. and
Mis,. Ruby Allen is taking her place
Remember Registration Day next Se'-
urday. Mr. Fred Ross is assisting Reg-
istrar Bellamy in the work.
Mr. Wm. Mole has bought a house on
the 6th c0Acession of Wesr Wawanosh
and moved it about three-quarters of a
mile to the farm he recently purchased.
The regular riveting of the Women's
Institute will be held in the Oddfetlows'
Hall on Monday evening. June 24th. at
. o'clock. All ladies and ttneir gentlemen
friends are invited to be present. A good
program will be provided.
The English church people had a bee
this week to reshingle their church.
Mr. Fred Roes is presitlmg at the en-
trance examinations at Kint il, and Miss
Edna Pentland. teacher of the Kintail
school. is ,performing the same duties
Messrs. Bert Treleaven. A. E. Tre-
leaven. A. Daher. Delos Disher and J. R.
McNabb attended the North Huron
Liberal meeting at Wingham on Tues-
Like to Work in an
Automobile Factory?
Positions occur In our oreenlretlon that offer
steady work. good wages and en opportunity to
learn the sutoanobile business. We want to get
M touch with enterprising young Wren er eslddlo
aged men who recognize the value of thle oppor-
tunity. Write or call In person, so that your
tame may he added to the (let of applications
with the Idea of entering our sarvbess are ease
.m a positron 1. errant.
Chatham, Ontario _
Mr. T. G. Allen has pirchaseJ the old
Hope chukh building on the boundary
about three miles out of Lucknow and in-
tends tearing it down and drawing the
material to Dungannon. He already owns
the church building formerly used by the
Methodists in Dungannon. and with the
two he intends to build on the old Mal -
lough hotel property. The folks are
wondering what sort of combination two
Methodist churches on a hotel foundation
will make. it may be Tom's way of
working out the church union idea.
`` in tis vldatt M Auburn. property of Private
A tR�o►lin,nn. For furtlwr particulars apply to
J. ARTHUR. Auburn 0041
Rev. F. S. O'Kell occupied bis pulpit
on Sabbath after en absence of two weeks.
Mitre Bertha King. at Toronto. is visit-
ing with flat uncle. Mr. Albert King. to
recuperate her health. lei•
Pte. Cha. Mills, at London. spent the
week rid with his parents here. OPEN EVENINGS
Mn. Robert Asquith does not gain in
health as her many friends wouki wish.
Mrs Wm. Robinson, who spent the a w
Dobie, has gone to Hamilton and Toronto
to vert friends before starting for tier
home at Arden, Man. While visitmg
here she made hinny friends, who an
wide her a king period of good health to
espy her declining yeas. -
Mr. Martin Dyer and Miss Zella Dyer
have returned from an enjoyable visit to
Miss Elmo Match is home spending
her holidays with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Duns
gannon, visited the letter's parents the
past week.
"THE LASS or Lluilwcx."--The Gods -
rich operatic company came over in full
strength on Monday evening and pre -
rented their play, "The Lass of Liner'
Town." to a crowded house. All t
charac errs acted their parts to the delig
of the audience, who thoroughly enjoyd)I
the evening'.. entertainment. Should. the
Godericb, yoiass poopfe returlt to uthtrn
we bespeak for an o wing
house. Alter the entertainment the com-
pany were served with a lunch supplied
by the 'adies of the Red Cross Society.
which they enjoyed very much, and then
left for their home tuwo well satisfied with
the evening's outing The proceeds of
the evening were 3208. all to be used
for patriotic purposes.
MONDAY, June 17th.
A1rs. T.Styles and daughter, of Alberta.
are visiting at Mr. John Dalton'e.
M. J. Dalton, Will and. Jack Long are
home from Assumption College, Sand -
w ich.
Miss Hattie Young. of Ridgetown, has
been visiting friends here.
Mrs. Will Dalton and Miss Gertrude
Dalton returned to their homes at De•
holt after visiting friends here for a few
Miss Annie Hanky, Mrs. Graff, Mies
C. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs W. O'Brien.
Misses Annie and Lizzie Sullivan and Mrs.
S. Styles came up on the steamer Grey -
My Limbs
Would Twitch
And Waken Ms -Unable to Bast
or Sloop, I Walked the floor
in Nervous State - When
Specialists tailed I (round
a Cure.
This 1s the kind of cure that has
set Windsor people thinking and talk-
ing about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
Tne action of this food ours is ea
radically different to the usual treat-
ments ter the nerves that everybody
wants to try It. Gradually and cer-
talr.ly it nourishes the starved nerves
back to health and visor and Out bene-
fits obtained ars ' both thorough and
Mn. M. Smithson, 27 Arthur street,
Windsor. out.. writs.. -5 was suffer -
Ing from nervous breakdown, which
was caused by • shock when Are
broke out In theoedlolning house- My
nerves were in such a state that. atter
Being to bed 1 oerh not get my nerves
quieted down eftlitiefenny to go to
sleep. • I used to ,flet up and walk
around the room, or go downstairs
Eren when I would be dropping oR
to sleep nip' limb* would twitch sad
waken me. I used to have cold. nerv-
ous, night sweat,. sometimes would
become unoonsclons and Ile that way
for quite a little white. I was aIwari
cold and it seemed Impossible fore
to get warm or keep warm. Wein
on the street I would ewe two or three
obj.cu at once. and did not want any
person to speak to me or bother me
Any tittle nolle tertta.ted and annoyed
me very much. I had consulted
Motion/SA and tried many remedied
during this time. but could not galr
relief. At last 1 tried Dr. Chue'a
Nerve Food, ind before lend could ere
that this treatment was proving 01
benefit. I am now feeling err much
better that I can go out on the stree,
•.vithout any difficulty. can go acroa
the river and go about the same Si
wuatr 1 sleep well at night. and am
reefing more like myself every day.
1 am pleased to he able to write Yoe
to ten you how much good the Merin'
Fcod has done me. It has strength•
enol and built up my whole system.
I am recommending It to everybody
g find suffering from nervousness of
any kind." A '
l Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 60 cents s
boss. a full treatment of bonito for
$2.75, at all deafer$, or Edma.nson,
Rates & Co.. Limited. Toronto. De
not be inked Into accepptting a robot''
tate. Imitations only alsappotnt
for This Week
f0luf1txlrltifkdtigf1mf1.rtlattlrufl X
Men's One-piece Bathing Suit
Navy Blue, ',niton on shoulder.
To clear at 69c.
Men's Kaki Sox
Tot leer at '25c.
Boys' Balbriggan Underwear
Sizes 26 to 32, to clear at 33c.
Men's Werking Straw Hats
To dear at 20c.
Boys' Striped Overalls
Size., 3 to I(I vears. 25c.
Come to Godericli on July lat.
winter with her daughter, Met. 119.1tam
We have in stock a number of broken lines of white and black Silk Gloves. Some sizes are
missing in each line, and as they cannot be replaced we are putting them all on sale to be cleated.
These sale gloves are better quality than the newer stock.
Ladies' Black Silk Lisle Gloves, short. Regular 75c for ,.59c a biz
Ladies' White and Black Silk Gloves. Regular 111.00 for 7$c. Regular 75c for lee. Regular
85c for fr9e.
We' kilt have a few collars that we are selling at half price. All Collars must be cleared
and they. will be on Sale at just half the regular price.
On July 1st we are putting into stock the new Fall models in 'Corsets. To make room for
the new lines the old ones must be cleared from stock. The lines now in stock are in perfect
shape and guaranteed, but we will not be able to buy any more of these numbers after July 1st.
Buy your corsets now.
No. 260 D. & A. Corset. Regular $1,75, on sale for 11.19.
No. 290 D. & A. Corset. Regular $1.50, for 91.09.
No. 220 . 1). & A. Corset. Regular $1,25, on sale at 3k.
No. 6000 D. & A Corset. Regular $6.00, on sale for S3.4O.
No. 716 Goddess front -laced Corset. Regular $3.25 for 12.29.
We have in stock a large range of fancy Ginghams for dresses, blouses and all Summer
wear. Each piece is 27 inches wide, at 2Sc. a yard.
Steel -clad Galateas, 27 inches wide, in dark and light colors, at 30e- a yard.
This cloth is exceptionally well adapted for bays' blouses and rompers.
Have you seen the sew Summer Voiles? They come in dress lengths, which means no
two dresses alike from this store. The newest designs and colorings are combined in these new
voiles. They range in price from 75c. a yard to 91.30.
Our stock of hose is large and we are in a position to till every want in hosiery, in colors,
or iu plain white or black. Ladies' Black Silk Hose from W. a pair to $2.25 a pair.
Boys' and girls' heavy and lisle hose, in all sizes, at 45c. and 50c. a pair.
hound on Monday and returned on Fn- I
Mies Mary Garvey has returned to St .
Michael's hospital. where she is in train-
ing. alter spending two weeks at her home
M and M -s. W. J. Foreharrand Mrs.
M. Deveraux. of Writ Wawanosh, spent
Sunday at Mr. Brickley's.
MONDAY. June 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shackleton gent
Sunday evening at the home of Mr. David
Mr. Cecil Blake is spending his vacation
at his home here.
We are glad to report that Mr. Robert
Higgins is home from Goderich hoepitat.
where he underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis. and is recovering as quickly as
could be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cartwright and family
motored from Clinton on Sunday last and
visited friends here.
Miss Clara Culbert. of Lucknow, is
spending a few days with her brother
Mr. Aubrey Higgins and Miss Mary
Curran were Dungannon visitors on Sun-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sherwood visited at
the home of Wm. McDonald, of Kinloss,
last week.
Don't forget the lawn social to be held
on John Menary's lawn on Friday, June
21st. A good supper will le served and
an excellent program is being prepared.
At mission 35c, children 20c.
being a delegate at the annual convention
of the C. 0.F ... Miss Minnie Johnston
was called home on Monday last from
Trowbridge, owing to the illness of her
mother Harvey and Lillian Potter
I spent Sunday at Wingham Mr. A.
Sloan and wife. of Wingham, and Captain
Sloan and wife spent Sunday at John
Torrance Mrs. Robertson, of De-
troit, is visiting in the neighborhood.
The annual Rally Day 'minces were
held in Benmiller church on Sunday
morning; The church was web filled and
a very interesting program of songs. re-
citations. etc., was presented by the chil-
Edward .Millian and Ernest Holtz-
hausen reported at London for re examin-
ation this week. The former was raised
from class D 1 to class A 2.
Good progress is being made in building
the bridge which was washed out by the
spring freshet. The end of the week
should see the cement work well under
Rev. P. S. Banes attended the temper-
ance convention at Clinton on Tuesday.
Owing to war conditions and the fact
that there are other attractions that day
the Colborne municipal -'telephone system
will not hold the annual First of July
picnic this year.
Well Satisfied with
Baby's Own Tablets.
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she will use
nothing else. Experience teaches her
that the Tablets are the very best medi-
cine she can give her baby. They are a
gentle laxative: mild but thorough in ac-
tion and never fail to banish constipation,
colic, colds or any other of the many min-
or ailments of childhood. Concerning
them Mrs. J. Bte. Charest, St. Leon,
Que., writes: "My baby cried contin-
ually and nothing seemed to help her till
1 began using Baby's Own Tablets. These
Tablets anon set her right and now 1
would not be without them." The Tab-
lets are sill by- medicine dealers or by
mail at 215 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Nnrgs.- Peter McDougall and family
and Mrs. Sem. Emerson are visiting et
Kincardine this week Mins F.dmuns-
tort, of Holn esville, spent Sunday at
Charles McPhail*. Mr. Ivienn and
daughter and Mrs Robert =lie) and
win, 01 Kippen, visited at ! Mc-
Phail'• rho v last Mr, il. W.
(totter is spending k few days at Toronto, in -
TUESDAY, Jori 18.
Don't forget Reg atration Day on Sat-
Mr. Shaw, of Bluevale, occupied the
pulpit in Calvin church on Sunday.
Miss Florence Cunningham. of Walker-
ton. spent the week -end with her awid.
Mrs. John Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray are atli y
this week visiting Irierde at Wingllsfiq
Bel:note and Riversdale.
Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. B. Naylor.
Mrs. George Webb and Mrs. R. 1C.
Miller attended the annual auldet
meeting of the Women's Institute hold at
Dungannon on Monday.
Mw Gertrude Gray. of Toronto. ad-
dressed the Women's lastitute in the gall
last Thursday. She is a graduate, in
domestic science, with a wide experience
in Institute work.
We are glad to report that Mr. Harry
Macey( is improving after his serious
business of war is a grim, hard task that
all must share. But there must be periods
(11 of relaxation to cheer the mind and re-
new strength and courage. Clean, whole-
some drama and comedy drama, we believe, is
what the public wants and needs. Our program
for the coming week is an excellent one.
to °OU2
Monday and Tuesday
June 24 and 25
- -and her eyes
- and her smile
in the story of the bride
with the bright idea
Little Wife"
A Goldwyn Picture
Aednesday and Thursday, June 26th and 27th