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R Tatl$DAY, JUNE 18, 1918
Wedding Gifts
Just look in our show win-
dow and get an inkling of
what is inside.
Exclusive high-graderor►
dish China, Royal
Derby, Miuten and Coalport
ale our specialties.
Sterling Silver Knives,
Forks, Spoons, etc.
Rodger's 1917 Silver Plate,
Old Colony and Cromwell
Large stock and moderate
Gdeict'--swi.>w, Cd&.' Gee -
1 Don't Pass
This Place
when you are looking for
Tailoring of the kind that
givessatisfaction. We
should. like you to step in
and see the new materials
for spring and summer.
if you have not got ac-
quainted with us yet, we
should appreciate a call.
R. J1Armstrong
$,firth Aide Square. doderich.
Wtlueles M ,-,,user-
Mr. Jacobi Elsley left tot Roc ter.
Minn., on Monday tpedaled
ra Elsie); wet spent a couple
of day* this week at Wingham.
The job of tilting the approechd at
Plummer's dam was let to Mr.Wesley
Mr.White is gangon
to London
tomorrow. where be wilt receive his final
examination by tbe pension board.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maedel and tittle
son. and Mr& Win. Maedel. of Detroit.
carne over on the Greyhound excursion
and are visiting ns. W ilhelmioa Mattel.
Among those wbo went to Detroit
Tuesday morning were James Fisher,
Wilson Million and Anderson Mugford.
The following went to Toronto last
[Thursday in connection with the farman'
deputation. �. and Mrs. Joh Long, Miss Helen
Stewart,KerAlbert Mord. James
Good, Richard
Gordon Lamb. Dan Schwarz and
Bean. Jr.
If quality amnia. use Blackstone'" de-
licate ice cream iOak or tricks for all
occasions. Phos I
Tea and Coffee
- repave special blends
of Tea and Coffee; to
offer at special prices.
Nears Alofa
increases in demand.
Why not try it ?
Chanty that begins at home covers IIx
most sins.
Won Gold Medal.
In a typewriting test held on Tuesday.
June 4, at the School of Commerce,
V Clin-
. under the supervision
of the educational
d. J. Wright. the R Typewriting
department of the Remington
and his assistant,
Miss Mario ie Ullman, a Au,
dent of the school, was successful in win-
ning the gold medal. A student to oust
this medal is required to write for ten
minutes at a net speed of fifty-five words
and not more than five errors. Mise
Ullman's net speed was sixty•four words
and her lapel had only three errors.
Several Toronto schoob have competed
for this medal. but as yet none of their
students has been successful.
Ullman is to he highly congratulatedI t on
her success. also lbs Schon
Reason Why Allied General Is
Holding Back Reserves.
Me Dsdaeee That Adversary Oss
Ody De Overthrows by lisecens.
est Offensive wad That the Blow
Wass It Is Delivered Later Le the
Rats Meet de a taock-oat Oen.
Highlands of Osdario ,
you and ally
are all famou, playground..
Modern hotel, a6w4e.ty comforts. bat
many prefer to h.- in tent or log tabri-row
choice at reason?tile
Secure your parlor or •tiepin{ car aceow-
modalion rn advanLe
Full inform,ta,n trnm mar Greegums
Ticket Agent .,r C E HOMO,.
.,•nger Agent. Toronto, Ont.
the comas d'
Town Agents Phone 8
LONDON, Jan• 11.—That beetles
eM be welt to the end *sly by the
qty which takes the oleaslve Is the
�dcant eeelaratlon made by ora.
see■, commander-its<hlef of the Al-
lies, la sa lmportast artiste eenta'I-
hated by kiss to the wetWy journal.
The Field, in widish he ilscuseas the
problems of the soldier sad the way
to victory.
"Modern warfare, to arrive at its
end sal to impose As will o■ the
,Messy," sties Gen. Foch, "recognise
*sly ons meeact-deetructl•t ef the
••gap's organised forces.
veer undertake. and prepares
this testractl•a by beide which
brings about the overthrow of the
adversary, disorganises his com-
mand. destroys his discipline. and
emulates his units as far as their
*swiss power is concerned.
Our Snit axiom must be that com-
pletely to achieve Rs object, a battle
PHA sot be purely defensive. A pure-
` ds/esslve battle, even well con-
�yOgd dors net malt to a victor
sad a vaaaulshed. It is Moiety a
game that must be begun over again.
"Prom this it to an obvious corol-
tar, that an offensive, whether start-
ed at the beginning of an sedan or
Whether It follows the defensive, can
only give results and In consequence
must always be adopted at the finish.
"To maintain our position is not
syaonymou■ with being victorloua,
aad even prepares for a defeat.
"1f we remain where we are and
do not pass to the offensive to fix
the direction of attack, to guard
against the plans of the enemy and
prevent him from carrying out the
same manoeuvre, we must undertake
to carry on and sustain numerous
combats, each with determined aim.
"But since there remains no doubt
that derisive attack Is the very key-
stone of a battle, all otber actions
winch make up a battle must be en-
visage*, coesldered, organized, pro-
vided with forces In the measure In.
which they will prepare. facilitate
and guarantee development of a de-
cisive attack characterized by this
masa, Its surprise, its speed, and for
which, In coosequen..e, 1t Is essential
that there shall be the maximum re-
serve force possible of troops of
manoeuvres. The reserve—that is to
say the prepared bludgeon — is or-
ganised and kept carefully Instructed
to execute the tingle act of battle
from wbfch results are expected,
namely, the decisive attack.
"Reserves must be husbanded
with the most extreme parsimony so
that the bludgeon may be strohg
enough to make the blow es violent
as possible. Let loose at the finish.
without any lurking Idea of saving
them, with a well -thought-out plan
for Atoning the battle at a point
chesen and determined, reserves are
thrown in all together In an actios
surpassing is violence and energy all
other phases of battle, an action with
proper charactertstic—surprise, mass
and speed. All our forces really par
taslpate, either by preparing It or by
carrying It out.
In this, our supreme aim. we
mud not be deceived by appearances.
Although theory fails when applied
by feeble hands and when accessories
obscure the main principle, history
and reason shows that In battle there
is a "Ingle argument which le worth
while, namely, decisive attack, which
ts`aiene capable of sunrise the de-
sired result — the overthrow of the
The Man in the Trenches
Where Will He Get ink ?
solves the problem.
.nt.sined in tin magazine of
t he 'Swan" Military- Pen with
water from his bottle will make
-Ancient ink for 150 four-page
? n(k Oomplete with ink
ljiV tablets and pocket clip •
James A. Campbell,
"Central Drug Store"
'Ilion- '11
North\St. and Square, Go«lerich
s Quality is Economy in Spring
1l and Summer Shoes
The war%has created a
shortage of good leather
as well as skilled shoe-
makers. Only by our
close relations with lead-
ing manufacturers are
we able to command for
our customers still the
highest quality at
War prices.
pop -
our snappy styles in
high and low cut foot-
wear in the most popular
In white, the prevailing summer color, we have a tar
r ange of styles at 1917 selling prices.
Hitter lefghting In Vicinity of fits
Cathedral City.
PARIS, June 11.—The moat se-
vere among the minor battles fought
seeteatly, to the Marne -Rheims re-
gion. was in the vicinity of St. Eu-
pbralse and^ Champlat, westward
from Rheims. The German,' launch-
ed • serious attack here at dawn on
Thursday morning along a four -mile
trent. They planned to pierce the
anted lines to a depth of two and
one-half mites, which would permit
them to outflank Rheims mountain
aad tkes.oapture the city. It would
at the same time seduce the salleat
Mid by the Allies, which endangers
a large part of the line. The village
Ind spur of Bligny tell into their
hands whet' they came forward In
dense waves, but the British Immr-
416tely rounjer. ttacked and took the
Mar. Simultaneously the French
counter - attacked and reached the
outskirts of Bl(gny, and on a second
attempt recaptured the village and
re-established the line. The (ler-
mans suffered most severely from ar-
tillery fire, the two divistona engag-
ed losing Malay killed and over 200
The enemy seemed somewhat dis-
heartened, replying only feebly to.,
the allied ere. Prisoners arriving at
the rear In small batches appear bo
be thoroughly exhausted a d depress-
ed by the turn affairs are taking
*yse-Lnersine Anti-Gensaa.
amirrm1tDAM. June 11. — The
mffltary dlctatorsbtp In ♦loan•-IK-
rels,'wes denoans,d In the Reichstag
Saturday by Hermann Wendel, 8o -
*$oust Deputy. He Bald tear -fifths of
the population was strongly pro -
Germain when the war began, but
that sow eondltlons were entirely
Waldstein, Prwgressly,
sorroborat,d Herr Wending state -
Louie Cid t'afsky, a V410 -known
Hetet and r laty agent 1a Throat*,
Mu enlisted Is the Jewish IAatw* for
servte. is Palestine.
the urgent seed for mere trained
sure" both daring and after the war
i'aa I.alt with at the conventloe of
the (yanedtaa National &omoelettea of
Teethed Nurses.
The Home Stretch of the
Great "Leaving Goderich
HIS big Money Saving Sale is nearing its end. Next week we will announce the
definite date of its cosing. You can depend on one thing., and that is that the
timeyou toprofit byits manysavings. The last few days it will be
is very short for
a case of clearing out all the broken lines and odd lots ; in fact, make a clean sweep
of all stocks now in the store. You can count on many a money saving bargain these
last few days of the big sale.
Come Saturday ; come Monday ; come Tuesday ; come any daynext week for
these farewell bargains. Remember that quantities are small and irst comers are
best choosers.
Ready with this list and lots more on Saturday morning,
Out Go the Suit7
There are just to Snits from our big spring stock
left to sell. We will not take them with us to Peterboro.
For a big clearance Saturday morning we put 5 or 6 of
these Suits in one lot, they are
navy and black serge. Suits that
are worth up to $23.50 each, and
give you your choice Saturday
morning for only
4 other Suits at $17.75 and $24.75 that are just as
big bargains.
Embroidery, 15c
A table of wide Embroideries
suitable for flouncing$ and
trimmings. 5 In. to 7 1n. wide
and worth this Saturda price
twice over. Choice per SC
yard v
Very Wile Embroidery 23c
This /s vary wide Embroidery,
averaging from 10 tn. to 13 In.
in width. This Is a strong ser
vlceabie weight. tine weave and
pattern specially eultable for
trimming underskirts. Al
though the value of these
goods is too to 36c per yard,
we put it onsale fiatur- AQP
day morning at per yd, ((�rff!!
Raiacapes, 52 45
Half dozen Raincapem to sell,
fawn, red or blue, sllk•1ined
45 hosts. pleating A``
f i Hosiery, 47c
Ladies' - h Bilk Lisle and
Italian L$sle, in black
only. ..lege with aplieed
heels a toes. A real 47c
bargain .rpair
Ladies' Hose, 25c
These Hose cannot be bough$
today wholesale tor this price.
Black or white. spliced heels
and toes. Clearing sale 25c
Gbves, 89c
1 Ladies' "Heavy Bilk Gloves,
double linger tips
-s nds d
hhigh grade q
or black. Also high grade
Chamolsotte Gloves. f'
day morning per
We would like to empty the Raincoat ra ks pi
end of next week if we possibly can. s a
big clearing attraction we put
on sale I2 Raincoats, about
half of them good quality
parametta, the others attractive
tweeds. Regular values away
above this clearing price. Sat-
urday morning, choice of the lot
Wash Skirt Bargain
25 Wash Skirts. bought tor this
season's trade. Reppa
drills, etc. Every skirt good
style and every skirt a Satur-
day Bargain.
Skirting Repp, 31c
Fine finality White Repp.
Just the proper weight for
Wash Skirts. Neat strl
effect Saturday mornped
ingtspecial per yard...
Waists, 51.15
Theme Waists are good quality
white cotton voile, handsome
lyS embroideredmorning
Saturday morning
Waists, 51.33
There'are better quality and
finer voile with more elaborate
embroidery. Cut in several
of the season's el styles.
Saturday morning
each 4/.11.40101.
Best Quality. Large Sire.
America. Cottee Batts,
2 for 55
Best quality American Cotton
Batts, extra large size, soft
■nd fluffy. Regular 400.
Saturday morning t00 55c
to sell at 2 for eI�.
Black Underskirts, 51.50
Underskirts - made from good
quality black sateen with wide
trill. A well made serviceable5
garment. Satur-
day special
White Underskirts 51.99
These Bklrts are made from
handsome embroidery, nom
plete awithctual
duet $159
under actual valor
Saturday moralhg •
New Middies, $ 89
Middy Waists, newest idyl.`
with sash. dadepfro woodite i
quality ootton
or trimmed with some:rt 9
contrasting Dolor. A 1 89
real bargain at
Nets Ani Laces, 39c
14 1n. Cotton and Silk Nets,
plain and fancy-, also fine
quality Allover Lace. We
want to make a clean sweep of
tbe steel' and Satarda offer
this clearing lot at per
Skirtiags aal5Coatiags.
Plain and fancy wool Skirting
materials, also some specially
suitable for Coats. Molt of
them 2 aad 213 yards to 1s.
Saturday morning.
special per yard WILLIS
Trimmed Hats, $2.95
15 Trimmed Bate, black. white
and colors. Every one worth
double the price or more. Sat-
urday morning go•Q5
choice of the lot... er
3 Sewiag-lacbiae Harpies
3 Sewing Machines. gnaranteed
in first class condition. With
reasonable care will last an
ordinary family a life time. 1f
yon want a Hewing Machine.
see these. They will
Wash Goods, 23c
200 virile Wash Dress Goode,
muslin" and voiles. Plain and
fancy designs suitable for
Sdonnas or Saturday morning per 23e
Corded Velveteen, 49c
Special clearance of Corded Velveteens. Heavy cord, splendid quality for sport Coats, child -
wear, etc. Regular qoc. Saturday morning49 al per yard
a Brussels Rugs. sea% yards,
email patterns, mostly brown
shod/mi. Saturday morotttg
epeclal .
515.25, 518.25, 26.25,
Clearing prices on all Nerenas
Rugs lett 1a stock.
Owe Daly Brussels Rag
Will ds -a long narrow mom. 6
ft 9 le. % 10 ft. 6 in. Green
mixture. Regular (16.00 qual-
ity. aatarday $14
caealbei+l r
Clearing the Last of the Carpets
We would like to make a clean sweep of the Carpet Department before the end
of the
i next week. d of barrga ns to clear them ust a few nout. These left to ll, and we are S Specials give you tan idea
of the way they are going.
One handsome Axminster
Mee Sxsj yards. Two
small design. A Rog
will wear for Tsars and
worth doablethis e50
Oce only Ras Rog.' else Oft.x
Mt, Blue *ads with hoed
er rdy morn- $7.25
One Brussels Rag. bit. stn. x
Kt. One of the powder small
B°&�';B .4 1.45