HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1918-6-13, Page 5EAST STREET GARAGE
The place that RENDERS as well a. advertises; SERVICE
of the right kind.
• - We advertise only what we can deliver.
East Street Garage
"Owned awl Operated by a
Practical Mia"
Artier M. Clever
1 L : t' T,r kvLTHETIC
In all countries. Ark for our 1N'YPN-
1'OR'S }►DVIeER.*l,tch will be sent tree.
lee university et.. Montilla,.
Men, Get This
Longfellow could take a worthless piece
of paper and write a poem on it worth
That's genius.
There are some men who can write a
few words on a piece of paper and make
It worth a million dollars.
That's capital.
The United States tan take an ounce
and a -quarter of gold and make it worth
twenty dollars.
Total's money.
— -r
Will Address Women's Institute.
Tuesday morning the greyhound left for
Detroit with several hundred excuratun-
inls, who will return home tonight, and
tomorrow (Friday) ntorrung the boat will
leave on the final trip to Detroit. There
is a possibility that the trip will be repeated
in September.
1'he Sigtal cannot give anything like a
full list of those who came up from
Detroit On the Greyhound, but some of
them were • Mrs. Walter Sharman, Mrs.
A. T. Harland, Mrs. Doe, Dr. A. M.
Humber, Dr. M. Nicholson, the rias
Armour, Miss Bowler, Mr. and Mrs....
J. Neville. Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mre.
ifar,T Lannan, Mrs. Finn, Mr. S. Curran
(Howell, Mi':`i, Mrs. Misner, Miss Mc-
Cartney, Mr. Roy Sharman. Mrs F.
Humber. Dr. A. Holmes. Mrs. Thos.
Lannan, Mrs. S. Stiles, the Melees Annie
and Lizzie Sullivan, Dr. Switzer. Mrs.
Bartell, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Con and
Miss Thelma ( Leamington ), Mies Erick-
On Tuesday, June lath, at 3 o'clock
there will be a public meeting of the
Women', Institute at the home of Mrs.
Swanson, when Miss Gertrude Gray. of
Toronto, will address the meeting. Every-
one made welcome. Milo Gray isa graduate
in domestic science with a wide experi-
ence inia:natltute wok. She ie a most skilful
demonstration -lecturer and her talks on
fonds and food values are practical. Inter-
esting and easily understood by those
who have not given such matters any
special study.
Robinson -Waits.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waite. of
the Bayfield road, on Wednesday. June
12. when their eldest daughter. Alice,
was united in marriage to Mr. John
Franklin Robinson of Brooklin. ()nt.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. R.
C. McDermid in the presence of a few of
the bride's nearest relatives. The bride
looked charming in a dress of brown
satin. draped with ninon trimmed with
gold beads. After a dainty luncheon the
young couple left for their new home at
Brooklin. the bride travelling in a suit of
navy broadcloth.
A mechanic can take material worth 85
and make it into watchepnngs worth
That's skill.
A fisherman can set his net and lift them
the next day and find them full of sticks
and slime.
That's fisherman's luck.
County Temperance Convention.
Huron prohibition workers are to meet
for their annual convention in Wesley
church Clinton. Tuesday, June leth.
There will be,two see/lone, morning and
afteivoon. the morning session commenc-
ing at 9 o'clock. Rev. E. G. Powell. of
London. Joeeph Gibeon. of Ingersoll, and
T. L. Hamilton. of Listowel, will give
addresses, in addition to several of the
county clergymen and laymen. lmpor-
There's a man m Pans who can take a tant items concerning the future plans of
fifty -cent piece of canvas. paint a picture the Alliance are to be discussed, and the
convention promises to be very interest -
on it and make it worth 810.000.
ing. All churches and temperance organ
That's art. mations are asked to send delegates.
A merchant can take an article costing Thomas McQueen's Watch.
severity -five cents and sell it for one Many years ago a gold watch was pre -
dollar. rented by the Liberals of Huron. Perth
That'[ business anal Bruce to the late Thomas McQueen,
and it having disappeared his grand -
A man can buy a sun for 810 or 81:,, daughter, who lives in Michigan. is atu-
itwis 10 recover it. it may have beton
but prefers paling 820 a 8'23 for it. left to the care of some person in Gale -
That's foolishness. rich or vicinity, or. as is supposed. left
with some. )ewe[ er for repairs The
There are people who will tell you that watch had .an *ascription upon it by
other clothing stores are *riling as cheap which it could be readily identified. and
at ROBINS. any person knowing anything about it is
urgently requested to communicate with
That's nerve. The Signal, in order that it may be re -
Take a right off and see fur yourself. stored to the family of the late . Ir. Mc -
*Good Program.
The entertainment given by the Mac-
Gillivray Mission Bard of Knox church
on Friday evening last was a pleasant
and successful event. The lecture room
of the church was well tilled, and the pro-
gram was evidently much enjoyed. Rev.
R C. McDermid acted as chairman.
Dialogues, drills and musical numbers
were given by the boys and girls, all of
whom took their parts well. The "Pans
Dolls" were very amusing. the "Diary
Maids" and the "Color Fairies" were
cute, and so was the May Song given by
four little kindergartners. Among the
other numbers were a dialogue by G. C. I.
girls, "How Aunt Polly Joined the Mis-
sionary Society," a pretty parasol drill,
a patriotic drill by twelve boys, a vocal
duet by Marguerite and Countess Lym-
burner, a recitation by Marguerite
Sproul. and a lively baby show. The
officers of the Mission Band are to be
congratulated upon the success of their
Changes at the Banks.
Mr. C. L. Jackson, who has been
manager for the Sterling Bank in Gode-
rich and district for the last three years.
is being promoted to the managership
at St. Catharines. a promotion that has
been well-earned by the good judgment
and the energy which he has shown
in looking after the Bank's interests. He
is succeeded by Mr. S. H. Harrington,
late of Almonte, wha has already taken
charge here, although Mr. Jackson will be
in town for the rest of this month.
Several other changes have recently
taken place in Godench's banking circles,
all the banks being affected. Miss Brad-
ford. who has been the efficient teller at
the Bank of Montreal, has resigned from
the staff and Miss Jessie Foster has been
promoted to the position of teller. Miss
Pearl Knox and Mr. Phil p Carey have
joined the staff as juniors.
has been
Mr. J. E. LounsburY, who
accountant at the Union Bank. reported
at London last week for military ser -
That's casnon sense._ ]
Th. greyhound Trip.
M. ROBINS, Clothier and Gents' Fur- The steamer Greyhound arrived Mon -
mistier, south tide of Square. next to the day evening from Detrett with about 400
British Exchange Hotel. passengers. double the number that made
That's me. the trip last year. Later ie the evening
it took over 1250 people out on the lake
If in need of anything in on the moos 't excursion, this number
also being in excess of the record for eev-
men's and boys' wearing ap- eral years. A new attraction this year
was the large ballroom. which was crowded
parel dont overlook this ad. dunng the trip. Excellent musk was
furnished by the Goderich Orchestra.
Our stock consists of men's
and boys' clothing, boots and
shoes, underwear, smocks and
overalls, shirts, hats, ties -
everything that men or boys re-
quire for a complete outfit. All
our goods are well tailored and
of the latest design.
Alteration free.
We both lose money if you
don't deal at
Your Eyes, Our Skill
Can pin place a value on saner
No. Then.natura'ly.you should
entrust the examination to the
most RE1.1 ABllsoptician whoa[
skill, experience and years of
prai't a can determine whether
you need glamors or a change of
tenses and j.retter'ilw the correct
glasses for your individual re.
At Your Service
We ate at your service
Tin.mithing, etc.
We know how to do it
and we have the men
to handle the work.
Prom leaf
4011 AND MFG.
main Al Mt POST moat
is Rheumatism of the faces
Uri. Acid left in the blood
tw diaurd.wed kultieys '-
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the for chcad, and
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cause is the name as In ail
Rheumatism -a. dirxderld
Kidneys. The cure is like.
i wise the sa,ne-
ITuesday afternoon, the services being
.unducted by Rev. R. J. Rues, of Auburn
and Smith's Hill. assisted by Rev. R. C.
McDermid, of Goderich. The Pallbearer*
were Messrs. Robert Mct.eart an l'Cliaries
McHardy of Goderich and Jahtes'Watsbn
and Alex. Young oI Loyal.
HAMILTON. -Rev. James Hamilton
last week received the unwefcente and
eficxpected news of the death of his
brother, Rev. Alex. Hamilton, Qi 1{"Cwa
tit„ Ont., Which OtiutIe Stitidenly on
Sundae right a few hours alter he had
conducted the service in the union
church (f which he was pastor. Dr.
Hamilton had been in the Presbyterian
ministry for abou, thirty-four years and
was a man held in . the highest e1
Besides his brother 'h: Mo och' tw
other brothers' #urvlve: N.
5^ of Gal.
Ck Ileg ate I rte, and Dr. W', ri thus
Toronto. The tt+uu+beta! t„,jk giltloa „n
cemetery at Maid borne, Av,nbana
Friday' last, and' was attended by Rea.
James Hamilton and airs. (Hamilton. a
Others present at the (u,ien0 were Rev.
Dr. 13a rd. of Winnipeg; Rev. John Neil
of Toronto. ex -moderator of the General
Assembly: Rev. C. -Ate Gordon (Ralph,
Connor of Winnipeg: Rev. J.L. Small,
of Hespeler, and local clergymen.
in Perth county for the vacation doing
some war work in food production. Miss
Hodge will spend the holidays at London
and Fort William. Mrs. l'rquhart will
spend her holidays at her summer home
at Killarney, Georgian Bay. Mr. A. M.
Robertson will speed his holidays as last
year in Goderich and vicinity doing his
share of garden and farm work. Mies
Durnin and Principal Hume will be read-
ing departmental examination papers at
v ice.
Miss Cassidy. from Port Perry. is the
new teller at the B nk of Commerce.
Mr. Gillies, late of the Sterling Bank
staff here, has been appointed manager
at Bayfield, succeeding Mr. J. J. Mac-
Donald, who is going into military ser-
Tne regular monthly meeting of the
Rec Cross Society took place in the jury
room of the court house on !' by 27th,
with Mrs. Colborne in the chair. A kt-
ter from the London Red Cross was read
regarding a satisfactory knitting machine,
and steps were taken to get more informa-
tion before purchasing.
The reports of committees were as fel-
lows: Sewing committee -Expenditure.
•83.t(5; shipment, 14 dressing gowns. 16
day shirts, 25 stats pyjamas, 19 stretcher
caps. value 8262.50. Yarn committees
expenditure, 815.5.52: shipment, 264 pairs
socks, value 83:30. Total value of Red
Cross shipment. 8.592.30; total value of
shipment from Godench centre, 81,579 l(!
The financial statenient was as follows:
Balance from last report. 8131.08, less
825.25 sent to war prisoners' fund -
$35.83. Receipts -Father McRae, 81;
Miss Kate Watson, 82; Mr. Coats, 825;
Mrs. Daniels 'part proceeds of quilt
raffle), $5; Mrs. Colborne (sale of rags),
25c; ward collections, $214.12 tSt.
George's 856 61, St. Andrew's 844 H,
St. David's $34.75. St. Patrick's 876.5.4);
Mrs. Andrews. 82: Mrs. Hodgens. 3.k
( postage donation) ; General Brough
Chapter, $50; Ttrs. Rothwell, 85: Walter
and Gerald Newcombe, 86, making a
total receipt for the month of $110.70.
Expenditures 8239.17, and balance avail-
able for next month 8107.3.1.
Expenditures to the following am stints
were then authorized: Tarn committee.
8125; sewing, 8125; Britannia branch,
Mies Millar tendered her resignation as
assistant secretary. This was accepted
with regret, the Society exmressing its ap-
preciation of Miss Millar's faithful and
cheerful service. On motion of Miss
Clifford and Miss Millar, Miss Edith
Miss Grace Rhynas 1• h ,m r from
Toronto fora holiday visit.
Miss Effie Stoltz. of Auburn. is visiting
her cousin. Mies Mabel Halliday.
Miss Elizabeth Kay. of Toronto. is
visiting at the home of Dr. H. 1. and Mrs.
Mrs. Davis. of Seaforth. was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (.lark, Walnut
street, over the week -end.
Mies Lizzie Vodden. of Hullett, at-
tended the wedding of her cousin. Miss
Alia Waite. on Wednesday.
Mrs. R. Y. McLean and little daughter,
of Toronto, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald.
Mrs. G. L. Dyke, of Calgary has been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Doty during the past week.
Mr. Jas. Farr and daughter. Miss
Mabel, of Stratford, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Farr over Sanday.
Collegiate Notes.
The promotion examinations at the
Collegiate Institute have been in full
swing tor the pat ten days and will be
over on Friday. June 14, when school
closes for the summer vacation.
The tower school normal entrance be-
gins on Friday, with nineteen students
writing, and closes at noon on June
The junior public school graduation
begins here at 1 30 p. m. June IS.
The high school entrance begins at
1.30 June 19 and closes at 4 p. m. June
21. It is expected about sixty-five will
be writing here.
The honor and scholarship candidates
and faculty entrance begin at 9 a. m.
June 20 and finish July 5. There are six
writing on these exannnations.
The middle school normal entrance and
junior matriculation begin June 24 with
fourteen writing. and close July 3. will
Miss Dickson, commercial teacher,
spend he holidays at her home in Tor-
onto and will take the summer course in
art to qualify for an art specialist cern-
e. Miss C [Hord will be at her home
TSUIEDAY, Jux*t 13, 1918 6
TOTAL Aim?! — •11308004,0oo
National demand• make it essential that more
tattk be rafted ' u,ediately " We must go on
or go under " -tt�• avert way to go under is by
not keeping the Allied asesi a fed.
The profit of raising cattle 1a totumoue on
account of the prices now prevailing and prises
will continue high eveu after the war
Rales more cattle as a duty to the nation and
your bank account. If financial help fa required,
consult our local manager.
F..WOOLLCOMBE. - - Manager.
'.Nies Ruth Hamilton is home frau '
Rev. James and Mrs. Hamilton.
fir. A. Saunders is attend ng the rangements regarding registration were
annual meeting of the Canadian anu- then continued. It was decided to ask
facturers' Association at Montreal. I Mr. McLean and Mrs. E. Jordan for the
Mrs. J. D. Los oand Mrs. F. Ogilvie, I use of stores on the Square for regietra-
o( Dufferin avenue. London, are visiting tion booth• on June 20, 21 and 2. The
following gentlemen were appointed to act
as deputy registrars on the e ienings of
June 20 and 21: Messrs. Reeyynolds,
Nairn, H.J.A. MacEwan and (eo.iPorter.
The following ladies were appointed to se
act on June 2'2, and to cure three as-
sistants each: Mesdames Dickson, Mc-
Kim. Horton, Williams, Macdonald, fill,
Came and Griffin.
The meeting then adjourned.
Stafford Red Cross Society.
The Salt ford Red Cross Society packed
Mr. R. J. Clark, C. P. R. station agent for the month ending May 20 72 pairs of
at Buckskin. Ont.. was in town over the socks and 5 trench shirts. The socks were
week -end visiting his parents, Mr. and knitted by the following: Mrs. Bown,
11 pairs; Miss Dolly hewn, 10 pairs;
Mrs Connell. s pairs; Mrs. J. Walter,
Mrs. Goldthorpe, 6 pairs each; Mrs Mc-
Leod, 4 pairs; Miss Annie Buchanan,
Misses McManus, Mrs. S. Bisset, 3 pairs
each; Mrs. Lippet. -Mrs. Murphy, Mrs.
Baxter. Miss Annie Baxter: Mrs. Mac -
Ewan. Mrs. Gr •ham. 2 pairs each; Mrs.
R. Walter. Miss Eunice Iamb, Mrs.
Adams, Mrs. J. McLean. Mrs. Fowler,
Mrs. G. Bias t. Miss Margaret Biomet 1
pair each. The shirts were made by them
following: Mrs. Lippet, Mrs. Alla%
Miss Mary Baxter. Mi s. W. Evans,
Mrs. Currel, one each. The Sociel y
gratefully acknowledges the amount re
83.50 from members of the Colborne
Boston. Mass., on a visit to her parents.
Had Piles
For Ten Years
CWilliams was appointed assistant secre-
The regular business being finished, ar-
Z a m- B o k sada the
pain, and stop bleed-
ing. Try 1t 1
,;/f1 /wins, 50c. ins.
rimailu k
And Tried Nearly Everything Ac-
cept a Surgical Operation With-
out Obtaining Relief — Tells
How Complete Cure Wu
Mrs. McNally for ti eouple of weeks.
Mise Lavin* E$1rson, of Sault Ste.
Marie. is the goes[ of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Halliday, Bayfield road.
Mr. R. H. Cutt attended the Presby-
terian General Assembly at London
as a commissioner frau the Presbytery of
Mrs Geo. MacVicar and son Alex. have
returned from a visit to the former's
parents, ',Ir. and Mrs. N. Dietrich, at
There are reported here three cures
of chronic cases of piles. In all three
cases many treatments were tried be-
fore it Ointment le aboutrthe onld thaty rear. l cure
for this dlstreatng ailment.
Mrs.A. Oaten, 22 011klnson street,
• I Brantford. Ont., writes : "I have used
. Dr. Chase's Ointment ae a household
remedy r ever so long, and am par-
ticularly indebted to it for a cure from
Piles. i had suffered from this an-
noying trouble for tea years, and tried
neatly everything I heard of. After
The Singer Sewing Machine
Agent, has taken over the
agency of the
International Harvester .
on Hamilton Street
and will handle both lines
Farm Machinery and
Singer Sewing Machines
A fair share of -the public pat-
ronage Sili'ie,!►a pprftlllt►te(l
Mrs. William Clark, W'ainut street. •
Mrs. T. B. Thomson. her son, Lieut.
Muir Thomson, and daughter Margaret,
of Seaforth, have been visiting Mrs.
Thomson's mother, Mrs. J. .Andrews,
Newgate street.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector McFadyen, Mrs.
W. V. Major and Mrs. Lavoy, all of To-
ledo, Ohio, areests this week of Mr. A.
M. Polley and Miss Polley, arriving on
the Greyhound.
Mr. Jas. H. O'Neill. formerly of Gode-
rich. and later of Brantfo d, has taken
the position of city editor of The
Observer. the daily paper issued at Sarnia.
"Tip" is climbing.
Miss Vera Elliott underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis at Alexandra hospi-
tal on Friday, an.; although she has been
very ill her friends will be pleased
to learn that she is now on the way to
Mrs. Walter C. Fish. of Rochester,
New York. and Mrs. Guy Worthington
Ellis, of Detroit, Michigan, with her
three daughters will be guests for the
next ten days of Miss Bluett and Mr.
James Mitchell. Arthur street.
Mr. S. E. Hick returned home on Satur-
day from Kingston and will be in town
for a few weeks' holidays. Tuesday of
this week was the thirty-fifth anniversary
of Mr and Mrs Hick's wedding. and
rsing Dr. Chase's Ointment a short
while I was completely cured."
Mrs. Wm. Shantz, 166 Albert street,
Kitchener, Ont., writes : "For several
piles. Iiwtried dine did fferent remediesith fing
relief without success. 1 read In Dr.
('haze's Almanac. of the benefits other
people were receiving from Dr.
Chaee'e Ointment, so I sent to your
office for a sample box. 1 found It
gave me such relief that I went to a
drug store and purchased a full -stud
box. I have used several boxes since,
and have derived more benefit from
its use than any remedy I have ever
I Mrs. F. Cutworm, Victoria street, In-
gersoll. Ont., writes : "About two
years •nd • half ago T was suffering
from Piles. I had tried many differ-
ent remedies for title distressing
trouble, but nothing helped me. Fin-
ally I got a box of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment, end •iter using it found that 1
was eernpletety cured and have not
been bothered In this way sines. 1
ran cheerfully recommend iN Chase's
r)intment to anyone suffering es 1
Dr. Chs O renter •
15 dealer Ointment. nr sMAmaAs•n,
Rates a ('o., i.imtted. Toronto. Thera
are no rtr•la to Dr. Chase's Ointment 1 took place to the Colborne cemetery on iBOw or. Duke sad Waterlee,
sa • treatment o'er Piles.
Picture ` ames
The men on the tiring line represent
the piek of our country's youth. Many
were rejected because of physical de-
aeieney. Many times the kidney were
to blame.
If we wish to prevent old age coming
on too soon, or if we want to increase
our chances for • long life, Dr. Pieree
of the Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y
say that you sboshl drink plenty of
water daily between meals. Thea pro -
congratulations on the happy occasioneure at a drug store, Anurie (double
were received from triose of their friends) strength). This "An-u-rie" drives the
1 the significance of the uric ►cid out and eurea baekaebe and
If ww wish to keep our kidneys in the
beet condition • diet of milk and vegr
tables, with only little meat once a day
now driving a is the most suitable. Drink plenty of
om was 100 fonrl Erase water, take Anuric three threes a
s with a gas- day for a month.
set to come to I rad Dr. Pierce ](k fee trial[banthias
pkg. Ar
nrirmany times more potent
eliminates oris acid as hot water melts
Mr. Frank Elliott was at Clinton on sugar. A short trial will •eoseinee you.
Wednesday attending the So th Huron 1 Preston, Ont."I em phased to es.
Orange meeting as the reps ative of raw my esperienee with Annrie. i have
L. O. L No. 152. The (kangem of this jeep tronbled with rheumatism in right
district will celebrate at Hensel on the limb and hand for eererel years, aaa
12th of July. and the Goderich n are lately in left shoulder. The only wa7
planning to make the trip by autos 1 I could lie was on sty bock. I
had great dif6eulty to sit down
OBITUARY. and more to get rap. lately i lead
-- - a very severe pain is my beck. 1 leave
Mt -A lifelong resident tlt
Colborne township has passed away in
person of John Annand McHardy, of the
9th concession. Mr. McHardy had been
in failing health for crime time andahout and ahoulder has stopped entirety ad to
two weeks before his death contracted right h it is ver Might sad geetis
pneumonia, which resulted fatally on leas all the time. 17 ran sew sit we lb
Sunday afternoonat the residence of his is any position 1 wiab wltbost Monis-
brother-in law. Mr. A. Green, Saltford fort OT pain. 1 rweornmended the Asad('
Mr. McHardybornor
was in Colborne Feb- Tablet, to two parties ud they loth
ruary 10th. 154.1. and was thus in his shim dseided improvemeet. 1 eertabily
seventy-sixth year. He was not married will reeomesd teem to any ewe trembled
and Was the last surviving member of an wick Ike kidneys; there is seeking warty
old and reaptcted tinnily. The funeral en good; I tried them all." -ds
who were aware
Mr. Thos. Gundry
Ford car. We thnught
of a horse to make fri
machine. but they all
e:PM .•.yr
....._ -- -,
ir••••••••••••••-••••••••• "1..T
>re1 1
a, a Singer Store
Moulding; to suit all kinds of
picture; are to be formol here.
Circassian Walnut, Mahog-
any, Antique Gold, Bright Gold,
Silver, Grey, Mission Oak and
Bring n; your picture-' to be
frained .
Smith's Art Store
Wen De. Pierre's Golden Medieal DM -
silvery several times with the meet astir
�aetery te,ults, so I concluded to give kh
,sir Tablet* a trial. The pain in blab
East Street 'Phone 198
We will he f:leaand to have
you call and iuMpeiet Our spt-ci
hue of g a.
' w tetampea Cnshloaa, 1'intr, e,
Scarfs, Towels, Day Snipe,Car-
riage i'illows, thumpers, H atsu'st
Ready -to -use Goods
Bhiiuees, White Ws er iu tatttgh'
and children.» Mizen, Towclliug,
1'itlowslipn, Bonnets, etc.
Tan Linen and La. est foe
trimming edges of oeutree scarlet
and cunhiOns.
Look, Mother! if tongue Ie coated.
cl little bowels with "Cali-
fornla Syrup of Flys."
?Mothers tan rest easy after giving
"California syrup of Flys," beoauee hs
a few hours all the clogged -rap waste.
emir bile and fermenting fermenting food gristly
Imoves oat of the bowels, and yon kava
a well, playful ehiW again.
(Sick children needn't be r*,axed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it bandy Le -
muss obey knew its adios -on the 3t4s-
aeh, liver and bowels is prompt and sure
Ask your druggist for a lottto of
"California Syrup of Figs," which eoe-
tains direction.; for babies. childr'il et
t all ages and for grown ups.
"Give it to me.
rplease. Grand-
••Why Bobby. if
YOu wait a bit
6f it you'll
have it to en -
Joy longer!"
"Poo -poo! That'4
no argument with
'cause the flavour
WO. anyway!"
Sealed tight—kept right
In Goads
After every meal